May 24, 2015 PENTECOST Serving San Dimas and La Verne and surrounding communities Staffed by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Father Rich and all of us here at Holy Name of Mary would like to CONGRATULATE Candy Kuzmickas for receiving the TEACHER OF THE YEAR Award! PENTECOST Page 2 My dear sisters and brothers, As the church in this place, we affirm this is God’s world, we are God’s people loved extravagantly, Holy Name is the area where the scene of human struggles are played out. When we come face to face with the challenge of selfgiving, when we are asked to go the extra mile, to take the risk of reaching out to another, to offer forgiveness to the heart that rejects… Response: Spirit of God, fill us with the energy of your love. When our world seems bleak, when we walk with sadness written on our soul, when we have days in which everything goes wrong…Response: Spirit of God, deepen in us the energy of your peace. On those days when we hurry too much, during those times when our anger flares because our agendas aren’t met, when we stop giving people our understanding and acceptance…Response: Spirit of God, draw us toward the energy of your patience. When someone needs a simple gesture of thoughtfulness, when a look of love is all another asks from us, when a good word could take the sting out of the gossip of foes…Response: Spirit of God, create in us the energy of your kindness. As we face the shadow of our inner world or peer into the darkness of our outer world, as we struggle to believe in our own gifts and blessings…Response: Spirit of God, strengthen in us the energy of your goodness. In those difficult times when fear threatens to drown our trust in you, during those experiences of growth when we are tempted to doubt all the ways we have known you… Response: Spirit of God, renew in us the energy of trusting in you. When harshness or abruptness dominates our moods when we feel challenged by the power of another, when we use the things of this good earth…Response: Spirit of God, bless us with the energy of your gentleness. As we walk on the edges of life and death, as we struggle with the disciplines of spiritual growth, as we yearn to be faithful amid the many changes of inner and outer growth…Response: Spirit of God, move us with the energy of your guidance. We acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit making each of us receptive so that we will as individuals, families, and parish follow your love movement with our lives. May we continue to be transformed to renew the fire of the earth beginning at home. Thank you for the life you breathe into me. With love renewed, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. May 24, 2015 MisHail queridos hermanos Elizabeth full yofhermanas, grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit en Richard este lugar and , afirmamos es el mundo ofComo youriglesia womb, Bruce. que No,este I didn't get itde Dios ,itque el pueblo dethe Diosname amado wrong is asomos prayer in which ofextravagantemente all mothers can , El interjected. Santo Nombre el área donde la escena de las be AsdeI Maria have es grown older and our world luchas humanas se echan afuera . moves faster I have experienced the title of mother or any other title must be earned. It is what you do and how Cuando encontramos cara a cara el reto de itentrega, you do it,nos what you say and how you con chose to say that cuando Years se nos ago pide someone hacer un esfuerzo counts. told me adicional, when youa correr forget el riesgoyou de came llegar from a otros, perdón al corazón where thenofrecer all your problems start. Ique nownos rechaza... know and believe (even though it took me a long time) I Respuesta: Espíritu llenános de or la energía deearth. tu amor. am not defined firstdeofDios, all by anyone thing on I Cuando nuestro mundo parece sombrío, cuando caminamos con la tristeza escrita en nuestra alma, cuando tenemos días en los que todo sale mal ... Respuesta: Espíritu de Dios, profundiza en nosotros la energía de tu paz. En esos días cuando nos apuramos mucho, en esos momentos cuando estallamos en llamaradas de ira porque nuestras agendas no se cumplen, cuando dejamos de darle a la gente entendimiento y aceptación... Respuesta: Espíritu de Dios atráenos hacia la energía de tu paciencia. Cuando alguien necesita un simple gesto de consideración, cuando una mirada de amor es todo lo que otro nos pide, cuando una buena palabra podría sacar la picadura de los chismes de los enemigos... Respuesta: Espíritu de Dios, crea en nosotros la energía de tu bondad. Cuando nos enfrentamos a la sombra de nuestro mundo interior o a escudriñar en la oscuridad de nuestro mundo exterior, mientras luchamos por creer en nuestros propios dones y bendiciones... Respuesta: Espíritu de Dios, fortalece en nosotros la energía de tu bondad. En esos momentos difíciles cuando el miedo amenaza con MY confianza MOTHER’S en YELLOW ahogar nuestra ti, enJACKET esas experiencias de crecimiento cuando somos tentados a dudar de todas las maneras que le hemos Respuesta: Whenconocido... my mother died Espíritu de Dios, renueva en nosotros and la energía de confiar we divvied up en ti. few belongings, Cuando la dureza oher aspereza domina nuestro estado de ánimo I took her yellow cuando nos sentimos retados por jacket. el poder de otro, cuando usamos lasNow cosasondedays esta when buenaI’m tierra... Respuesta: missing her Espíritu de Dios bendícenos con la energía de tu dulzura. or feeling lonesome misunderstood, Cuando caminamosoren los bordes de la vida y la muerte, mientras luchamos con lasfor disciplinas de crecimiento espiritual, I reach that jacket. asi como anhelamos a ser fieles en medio de los muchos I slip my arms into the sleeves, cambios de crecimiento interno y externo... pull the zipper up, Respuesta: Espíritu de Dios, muevénos con la energía de tu orientación. plop the hood over my head Reconocemos la hands presencia delthe Espíritu Santopockets. que nos hace a and put my into two deep cada uno de nosotros receptivos a que podamos como Then I close my eyes individuos, familias, y parroquia seguir su movimiento de and just stand there amor con nuestras vidas. Que continúemos siendo for renovar a minute or two, transformadores, para el fuego en la tierra comenzando swathed and comforted en casa. Gracias por laby vida que respiraenduring dentro de love. mí. a mother’s Con amor renovado, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. May 24, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH Page 3 TEACHER OF THE YEAR! As a beacon of light, Mrs. K has stood firm in her faith for thirty-five years at Holy Name of Mary School; by living and modeling the Gospel and pouring her heart into lives of her students, teachers and parents. She began by teaching third grade, and then taught fifth and seventh grade for 14 years before becoming principal. She has been principal for twenty-one years; supporting us, building relationships, leading us, teaching us by example and making our school a better place. Her past students fondly remember her as loving, caring, supportive as well as firm. Many people can be called graceful for how they sing, walk or dance; but for Mrs. K she is not only graceful for how she does things, but for the beauty she gives to the lives around her. Whether she is dancing with the kindergarteners, dressing up as a nun for Halloween, or listening to Elvis Presley, she delights in the little joys around her. As teachers, her clickityclackity heels and jingling keys were a precursor of her arriving at our classroom. She would stop and spend time for the lesson and listen to the students who were now sitting nice and straight in their seats answering the questions politely. She would often finish her visit on a positive and uplifting note, which encouraged us as educators. We all knew that the only thing that could draw her away from us was her passion, some say obsession, for “Dancing with the Stars!” Mrs. K. we want to see you dancing and enjoying every aspect of your retirement; because you will always score a 10 from us! Sat. Sun. 5:00 WM Beverly Hiner, Int. Braden Buenconsejo 8:00 WM Maryann Low, Clifford Viernes, Maureen Gentile, Anastasia Fox, James Rodriguez, Marcus Agacid 10:00 C Cesar Camarena, William Tobin, Maryann Magbitang, Cherrylyn Harrell, Carmen Tempongk, Jose Ortega, Matilde (Dolores) Veloz, Fidencio Veloz 12:30 D Int. Felicitas & Aurelio Valenciano, Joe Calderon, Carolina Aguilar de Cruz, Martin & Maria Zaragoza 5:00 D Salvador Caire, Maureen Gentile, Int. Andrea Sulaiman Mon. 8:30 WM William O’Brien, Anna Rovira, Int. Cesar & Ofelia Perez, Int. Aida Ladores, Benedicto Bolisay, Wilfredo Abesamis Tue. 8:30 D Elizabeth Coppack, May Merope Magsino, Roland Hazard, Shirley Bernard Wed. 8:30 C Maureen Gentile, Int. Obonganwan Umanah, Pete Widman, Robert Mejia, Galdino Perez, Maria Gomez 6:30 D People of the Parish Thu. 8:30 PD Darrel Knight, Int. Enedina Ambriz Fri. 8:30 D Bobby Hooper, James Rodriguez Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 5:00—R, Sun. 8 & 10—D, 12:30—R and 5:00—WM Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy R=John Roche VP: visiting priest *Schedule subject to change Rest In Peace Carmela Lojo, Dutch Bader Daniel Corona, Frank Corbo Frank Villa, Robert Cincoski Pastoral Office May Schedule Monday May 25th—CLOSED Horario pastoral de oficina mayo el lunes, 25 de mayo la oficina estará A MEMORIAL DAY REMEMBRANCE In the quiet sanctuaries of our own hearts, let each of us name and call on the One whose power over us is great and gentle, firm and forgiving, holy and healing… You who created us, who sustains us, who call us to live in peace, hear our prayer this day. Hear our prayer for all who have died, whose hearts and hopes are known to you alone… Hear our prayer for those who put the welfare of others ahead of their own and give us hearts as generous as theirs… Hear our prayer for those who gave their lives in the service of others, and accept the gift of their sacrifice… Help us to shape and make a world where we will lay down the arms of war and turn our swords into ploughshares for a harvest of justice and peace… Comfort those who grieve the loss of their loved ones and let your healing be the hope in our hearts… Hear our prayer this day and in your mercy answer us in the name of all that is holy. Amen. The peace of God be with you. PENTECOST Page 4 Parish Office MAKE A NOTE IN YOUR CALENDAR (909) 599-1243 Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC., Ext. 114 / [email protected] Dn. Marv and Sharon Estey Ext. 177 Dn. Mario and Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Dn. Jose and Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Dn Al and Rita Austin, RCIA Ext. 110 Pat Joyce, Director of Administration Ext. 112 / [email protected] Janice de Hart, Admin. Asst. to the Pastor Ext. 111 / [email protected] Michele Cote, Admin. Asst., Ext. 199/ [email protected] Deborah Lamborghini, Parish Secretary. Ext. 110 / [email protected] Receptionist, Ext. 110 / [email protected] Lani Galvan, Coordinator of Liturgy and Ministry Ext. 136 / [email protected] Brenda Luna, Grief Support Minister Ext. 137 / [email protected] Dolores Gomez, Director of Music Ext. 135 / [email protected] Charlie Martinez, Director of Pastoral Ministry / Ext. 140 [email protected] Geoff Pulido, Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Ext. 234 [email protected] Melanie Bailey, Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Ext. 232 / [email protected] Erika Montenegro, Admin. Asst (Rel Ed) / Ext. 280 / [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Conference Ext. 138 Holy Name of Mary School Candice Kuzmickas, School Principal [email protected] (909) 542-0449 Ext. 226 Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey Serving Senior Living Communities: Emeritus, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement To submit an article for the parish bulletin you must email it to [email protected] by Monday, no later than 3PM. Holy Name of Mary Mass Schedule Saturday: First Saturday 8:30 AM and 5 PM in English Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM in English and 12:30 PM en Español Weekdays: Monday — Friday: 8:30 AM in English Wednesday 6:30PM en Español First Friday: Adoration until 6 PM Confessions: 3:30 pm Saturday in English 7:00 pm 4th Wednesday of the month en Español Parish Office 909-599-1243 Fax: 909-599-4230 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, 91773 Parish Office hours: Monday—Friday 9AM to 5PM Saturday 9AM to 12PM Sunday 9AM to 2:30PM Website: Email: [email protected] May 24, 2015 Due to the SS.CC. Provincial Retreat Msgr. Peter O’Reilly will be here for the 8:30 a.m. morning masses on June 1—4 There will be a Communion Service on Friday, June 5, at 8:30 a.m. (no morning mass). There will be a Spanish Communion Service on Wednesday, June 3, at 6:30 p.m. (no evening mass) Please keep all of our priests in your prayers! From the Director of Administration…… Hall Progress Construction of the new hall remains on schedule and on budget. The interior spaces have seen much progress in the last several weeks; the major roofing, plumbing, electrical, heating / air conditioning, systems are nearing completion and the dry wall, tile, painting, doors and windows are moving right behind them. The major exterior structure is almost complete and exterior plastering has begun. The Religious Education Center is also at the same level of completion and will be a great resource for Religious Education and many other parish ministries. The furniture, audio visual systems, the custom stained glass windows, the engrave bricks, and many other finishing touches have been ordered and are on schedule to arrive soon. After many years of dedicated dreaming, planning, designing, and fundraising we are just weeks away from completion and the dedication of our new hall. How will the new bricks and mortar serve our important ministries and programs? How will we all utilize the new structures to spread the good news? Financial Stewardship: Thank you for your generosity to Holy Name of Mary Parish! May 24, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH Page 5 As you know, the Catholic Church has a long and well-respected history of scholarship, however, the number of choices available to can feel daunting. In recognition of students looking to nourish both mind and spirit, we've curated a list of the top Catholic colleges and universities in the country. For those requiring a more flexibility, we've separately identified the top schools offering online programs. We invite you to view the list of the Top Catholic Colleges: -colleges/ Join St. Lucy's Benedictine Guild for their Wednesday, May 27, 2015 field trip to the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition at the California Science Center. The bus trip and entrance to the exhibit including the IMAX film is $45.oo. For additional information and reservations call Mary Ellen Melei: 909-262-2428. Guadalupana Society / Pechanga Casino Join us for a fun day at the Pechanga Casino in Temecula, Saturday, June 13th. Bus will depart from Holy Name of Mary Parish at 10:00 a.m., and will return to the church around 6:00 pm.; $20 per person. For reservations and info call Carmen Val Verde, 909-973-0335. Payment must be made at the time of reservation. Reservations/ cancelations should be made no later than by May 29th. Last minute cancelations will not be reimbursed. Evento Guadalupano. Acompañenos a divertirnos al Casino Pechanga de Temecula el sabado 13 de juno de 10:00 a.m. Boletos $20 por persona con Carmen Val Verde. No se haran reservaciones sin pago anticipado. Ultima fecha para reservar/cancelar su espacio sera a mas tardar el dia 29 de mayo. No Habra reembolso por cancelaciones de ultimo minute. Gracias. (Please note: all trips are subject to cancelation) NO Adoration and Liturgy of the Hour this Monday , Memorial Day, May 25th. We’ll resume Tuesday, May 26th. May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. McKinley Children’s Center Foster & Adoption Agency is actively seeking individuals who are willing to play an important part in enhancing the lives of children and youth in foster care. If you have ever considered opening your heart and home to a child in need by becoming a foster/ adoptive parent, we can help you make your wishes come true! For more information, please visit McKinley Children’s Center information table next weekend May 30 and 31 after every mass. Mayo es el mes Nacional de Concientización sobre cuidado de Foster. La agencia de Padres de Crianza y Padres adoptivos de Mckinley Children’s Center está buscando a personas que están dispuestas a desempeñar un papel importante en la mejora de las vidas de los niños y jóvenes en cuidado de crianza. Si usted ha pensado abrir su corazón y su hogar a un niño necesitado al convertirse en un padre de crianza temporal o padre adoptivo, nosotros le podemos ayudar a realizar su sueño! Para mas información, por favor hable con representates de McKinlely Children’s Center el próximo fin de semana después de la misa. PENTECOST Page 6 SHIELD MEN’S GROUP is busy becoming even more active and exciting! New, younger leadership centers around Ed Hill, who has great ideas for expanding Shield experiences. Next week Al Cruz will lead a continuing discussion about our roles as men in God’s plan for our families and our Church. Readings at mass continue to come from Luke’s Acts of the Apostles during this Easter/Pentecost Season, and as we realize how the beginning Church grew from the enthusiasm of those newly converted, we know we can do the same. Fellowship, friendship, frank discussions and learning new things – the men of Shield would love to have YOU stop in any Tuesday evening at 7 PM to see how and why we have grown as men of promise. See you there! St. Joseph's Ministry Meeting May 28th at 10:30am Guadalupe Rm. in the parish office. Anyone interested in next years adventures is welcome. Our biggest interest is the St. Joseph's Table. Now that our Sacred Heart Hall will be complete we will be making new plans for this wonderful day. Hope to see you! Elaine Swab 626-335-6619 May 24, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY SUMMER SCHOOL Called to live the love of Jesus, we are COMMITTED to the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in every child’s heart and mind. (Mission Statement) …let’s continue the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in your child’s heart and mind. Who: Subjects: Dates & Days: Time: Tuition: Grades K– 8 in the Fall 2015* Reading, Writing/Grammar, Math July 1st – July 31st ; Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $350 *Enrollment is limited to the first 15 students at each level. Applications are available in the school office or on the hospitality cart HNM School is accepting enrollment for grade 1 for the Fall 2015. Please contact Candice Kuzmickas at 909-542-0449 ext 226. Sacred Heart Conference th Fri., June 12 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm & Sat. June 13th 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Holy Name of Mary Church, Featuring: Alan Aames, Mary Vogrinc, Fr. Michael Barry, This year’s annual conference honoring the Sacred Heart of Jesus features Alan Aames, who has appeared on EWTN and has been invited by priests and bishops all over the world to share his testimony of the change that God worked in his life. His conversion and subsequent ministry of healing and evangelism have taken him across the globe. On Friday evening, Fr. Michael Barry, will give a teaching on the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Home. It will conclude with a mass and enthronement ceremony. Participants who wish to enthrone their home are encouraged to bring an image or statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mary Vogrinc is a Catholic Lay Evangelist who uses scripture, humor, and heart-warming testimonies to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. With five boys of their own, two of whom are adopted, Mary and her husband Brian were foster parents for nineteen years and have shared their home with 54 foster children. You do not want to miss meeting Mary as she shares her incredible story. Registration is $35 and for those who register by June 5, 2015, lunch is included. Sponsored by the Sacred Hearts Secular Branch. For more info: Niela 951-258-4475; Stephany 909-260-2033; Jacki 760-221-3255 or Holy Name of Mary Church 909-599-1243 May 24, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH Page 7 HNM’s Summer Camp Program June 17 – July 31, 2015 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Grade K–8 Daily and Weekly rates available. Holy Name of Mary is holding our FIRST EVER School Blood Drive! The students need YOUR help in making this happen. Thursday, June 4th, 2015 10:00 A.M. to 4:15 P.M. HNM's School Library Please schedule an appointment by logging onto and enter sponsor code maryschool You can also sign up in school office or contact Laura Abraham at 909-632-4693 Bring ID--Walk-ins Welcome! Thank you for your participation! National Suicide Prevention Lifeline YOU ARE NOT ALONE.1-800-273-TALK (8255) ¿Quiere sentir paz? Hermoso retiro para sentir la sanación y el amor de Cristo se llevara a cabo el 12,13 y 14 de Junio, de 2015 en el Centro de Retiros de San Jose en Rosemead. El Retiro de Renovación Espiritual (Adult Spiritual Renewal) empezara el viernes a las 7:00 de la tarde. La dirección es 8301 Arroyo Blvd. en Rosemead. Para la aplicación y más información, comuníquese con Fred o Cristina Dominguez al 626 915- 2885 o al 626 485 0590 o Freda Arevalo al 323 422-2307. Catholic Summer Camp Applications Now Accepted! “Love God, Love Others” That's the motto of the Circle V Ranch Camp, Located in Santa Barbara County's Beautiful Santa Ynez Valley. There are seven sessions to choose from each with its own theme-so hurry to ensure your first pick and enroll your kids ages (7-14). The camp is run by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and offers Mass per session. Camp costs $425 per camper. Financial assistance is available, so please don't let the cost keep your child from enjoying the Circle V experience. For more information call Bob Fleming at 909-599-1243 Ext. 138. Bob will return your call as soon as possible. Registration forms can be found on our website: or at the parish or school offices. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: Volunteers needed! Looking for volunteers with a heart for children and the Word of God! Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word program meets on Sundays during the 10 am Mass. Children are dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word in order to hear and discuss the readings at their level in a school classroom. Each session is conducted by wonderful catechists sharing their love of the Lord and scripture. Please contact Melanie Bailey at [email protected] or 599-1243 x232 to find out more about how you can help. QUEEN OF PEACE ROSARY GROUP You are invited to join us on Thursday evenings for prayer and Mass. We meet in the Damien Chapel at 6:45 pm; Mass begins at 7:30 pm. June 4, 2015 Fr. Michael Barry, (6:15pm) (Healing Mass/Sec Br. Formation) “Courage To Be A Man” Conference for men and teens, will be held at St. Joseph Campus of the Sacred Heart Retreat House on Saturday, June 6. Nationally known speakers, Fr. Larry Richards and Justin Fatica will be in Los Angeles on this one day for a powerful presentation on God powered spirituality for today’s men. You won’t want to miss this dynamic duo. Call 626-289-1353, ext. 200 for registration and details. Family discounts for father/son. SAVE THE DATE EVEREST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 August 3-7, 2015* from 9 am – 12:15 pm each day Mark your calendars for our 6th annual Holy Name of Mary VBS in our NEW parish hall! Watch for more information to come on volunteering and registering for this fun, Bible-focused summer camp. * Dates subject to change if hall construction is not complete. Page 8 PENTECOST Please Pray for the sick and the suffering: Maribel Ortega, Christine Padilla, Aida Ortiz, Mary Pace, Jason Brunmeir, Jr., Justin Ortega, Susie Ortega, Alberto Medina, Braden Buenconsejo, Filicitas Garcia, Ray Hernandez, Ronald Ortega, Luz Macias, Maria J. Calderon, Consuelo Arroyo, Maria Guerrero, Bubalo Family, Jean Wintrose, Enrique Haro, Gary Wilson, Carolyn Frias, Leia Franco, Dolores Termini, Anthony and Antionette Preciado, Gerry Caccamo, Rene Casillas, Faviola Jimenez, Tom Marshall, Sean Regan, Sandra Maloney, Maryanne Monagle, Margaret Boyle, George Estey, Fel Bautista, Judy Peña, Anissa Michelle, Dorothy Avelar, Calixto de Guzman, Talya Meldy, Bill McLaughlin, Bob Charles, Keith Broome, Sam, Matthew & Noah Beauchamp, Cale Smith, Laura Cowen, Paul Mazzarini, Ana Buenrostro, Amberly Vasquez, Jack Nobrega, Linda Duran, Elisa Perez, David Gonzales, Sandra Cavanaugh, Kathleen Rodriguez Semer, Edna Bambarger, Rosemary Andreu, Darrel Knight, Marion Storte, Alvino Luna, Gabriel Murillo, Allen Galle, Rose Swalwell, Marion Storte, Ana Maria Graciamo, Yadira McCleary, Raquel Rojas, Henry Lopez, Martha Martinez, Irma Mejia, Susan Lopez, Cynthia Carrillo, Mason Graven, Jessica & Patrick Han, Mary Constantino, Jose Reyes, Luis Castellanos, Amelia Iniquez, Maria Madrigal, Geremias Landeros, Marbella Romero, Susan Diaz, Josefina Saucedo, Ray Gonzalez, Jr., Jaime Castano, Isaac Martinez, Lucila Martinez, Manuel Hinojosa, Alma Patricia Mendoza, Angie Lotzano, Demetrio Garcia, Jesus Adrian Salazar, Jose Vargas, Claire St. Pierre, Joanne Do, Bart Welsh, Pandora Russell, Angelina Ramirez, Tracy Vasquez, Jeffrey Vasquez, Teresa Burragan, Enrique Cardenas, Eduardo Arista, Cecilia Parra, Pandora Russell, Marion Storte, Jack Graham, Nina Ramirez, Alex Zumansur, Javier Romero, Pati Mendoza, Nick Lopez, Madeline Gentile, Tom Quiroz, Lolita Vazques, Corinne Zamora, Cliff Brittel, Evelyn Runde, Gabriel Zuniga, Jackie Jarillo, Virginia Hernandez, Michael D’amico, Nalzira Borges, Jonathan Mendoza, Fely Benavides, Louie Benavides, Henry Lee, Vince Sayre, Jill Graham, Florencia Garcia, Eloisa Mejia, Kimberly Edwards, Daniel Quezada, Dorothy Chrostek, Patricia Fuller, Marilyn Italiano, Charles Delgado, Judy Murdock, Linda Damato, Esperanza Rosales, Adan Ortiz, Brianna Cervantes, Dee Dee Boyd, Steve Torti, Will Corcoran, Victoria Llanos, Ernestina Toro, Hugo Contreras, Maria De Jesus Romero, Maria Lepe Valasquez, Petra (Nene) Irlandez, Barbara Yehle-Hertz, Molly Hillary, Tracy Vasquez, Robert Coppack, Margie Sanchez, Chit Santos, Paul and Sandra Massarini, Jessy Arellano, Gianny Lucarelli, Cathy Candelaria, Norm Lavallee, Lorraine Atilano, Juan Lopez, Yolanda Jara, Jennifer Caballero, Dorothy Duhaime, Julio & Mary Lou Escobedo, Patty Mendoza, Herlinda Benavides, Carmela Caro, Sherri & Larry Creamer, William Snyder, Carlatta Roberts, Vicki Barstow, Lucita Reyes, Lester Grant, Angelica Lopez, Brandon Love, Jackie Inocencio, Stephanie Grosso, Helen Tice, Ricardo Verdin, John Gonnella, Mandy Grace Lowa, Kevin Gardner, Joshua Padilla, Maria Ayala, Melinda Zamora, Patricia Carter, Katherine De Leon, Terry Jackson, Milagros Ruiz, Evelyn C. Martinez, Ron Constantino, Armando & Sandra Rodriguez, Lorenzo Enriquez, Rosa M. Lanza, Elena Wessel, Ron Belmarch, Sr., Marcellino Vera, Frannie Martin, Tom Caballero, Kenny Sawyer, Randy Gregory, Lynn Martinez, Valerie Castro, Reena Shah, John Jones, Teresa Siegel, Sandy Snyder, Joshua Nilo, Jose Gonzalez, and Sonya de Hart. Host a Student from Japan Kobe Women’s University August 5-21, 2015 For more information please contact Pitzer College 909-621-8308 Christina Quintana-Savage Host Family Coordinator May 24, 2015 This Week’s Schedule MONDAY, May 25—8th Week In Ordinary Time 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 7:00 Alcoholic Anonymous 7:00 Bible Institute—Spanish TUESDAY, May 26—St. Philip Neri 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 10:00 Tuesday Rosary Group 10:00 St. Vincent de Paul 6:00 Lectors Practice—Spanish 7:00 Finance Council 7:00 Lectors Practice—English 7:00 PTG Board 7:00 SHIELD Men’s Ministry WEDNESDAY, May 27—St. Augustine of Canterbury 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:00 HNM School Booster Club 6:30 Mass—Spanish 7:00 Reconciliation—Spanish 7:00 Centering Prayer 7:00 Pastoral Council 7:00 Adult Faith Formation—Spanish 7:00 R.C.I.A. 7:00 Mavavillas de Jesús THURSDAY, May 28 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 10:30 St. Joseph Ministry 6:30 HNM School 6th Grade 7:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00 College Young Adult Group 7:30 Children Choir Rehearsal—Spanish FRIDAY, May 29 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:30 Post First Communion Celebration 7:00 Mavavillas de Jesús SATURDAY, May 30—Blessed Virgin Mary 6:00 Adoration 8:30 Communion Service 3:30 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass SUNDAY, May 31—The Most Holy Trinity 8:00 Mass 10:00 Mass 12:30 Mass—Spanish 5:00 Mass Chapel CH Chapel OLG S5 CH Chapel CH Chapel Chapel OLG OLG MC CH CH Chapel CH Chapel CH Chapel Pavilion CH CH Parish Office OLG J6 S7 S8 CH Chapel CH Chapel OLG J5, LIB OLG Chapel CH CH Chapel CH Chapel CH, Pavilion Chapel, S6, S8 CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH We ask that you please park Responsibly If you are parked illegally in a handicap parking spot, or in a fire lane you will be cited and / or towed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department. Thank you Ramona Convent Summer Session For Girls and Boys in grades 6 - 12 June 22 - July 17 Algebra, English, Reading, Arts, Theatre, Dance, Red Cross Babysitter training, Study Skills, and more 626-282-4151 A Prayer For Pentecost The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control… Galatians 5:22-23 Have you heard about your parish credit union? Parishioners are eligible to join United Catholics Federal Credit Union. We are a full service credit union that offers a variety of services which include on-line banking, home loans, car loans and personal lines of credit. Auto loan rates are as low as 1.49 %*APR Thinking of remodeling your home? We offer Home Improvement loans as low as 2.99% (*call us for current rates). Let United Catholics Federal Credit Union be there for you in meeting your financial needs. Call United Catholics FCU (626)974-444- or Apply online and start saving today! *Annual Percentage Rate *Loan rates and terms may vary depending on the applicant’s individual credit history, type of loan and/or participation discounts. Rates may change without notice. All loans are subject to approval. We are an Equal Housing Lender. Kids need to know how to protect themselves at home We consider our homes to be safe places for our children. But being home alone can pose risks for children. Here are a few tips to teach kids that will help keep them safe when you are not with them at home: 1. Never answer the door if alone. 2. Do not invite anyone in the house without the permission of a parent or babysitter. 3. Write important phone numbers on a list in case of an emergency. For more tips visit: 2015 Summer Camps Staffed by the Sacred Heart Sisters, these camps offer an enjoyable camping experience in a wholesome Christian atmosphere and a delightful loving spirit. FAMILY CAMP: June 18-21 or June 25-28 GIRLS’ CAMP: July 12-18 or July 26-August 1 For information call 909-866-5696 or - Events page Spaces are limited. Donations are needed to help sponsor a child or family to camp. Please help! Contributions can be sent to: SACRED HEART RETREAT CAMP P.O. Box 1795, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 Surprising One, coming in ways I least expect, open me to your dynamic presence. Awaken Me, Surprising One! Perceptive Guide, always available to direct my ways, advise me in self-discipline and decision-making. Awaken Me, Perceptive Guide! Freedom Bringer, asking for my willingness to surrender, help me to let go, to let in, to let be. Awaken Me, Freedom Bringer! Source of Power, providing stamina and strength for my soul, support me when I am weak and vulnerable. Awaken Me, Source of Power! Arousing One, stirring up what is dead or stale; urge my stagnant, sleeping gifts into life. Awaken Me, Arousing One! Divine Transformer, encouraging continued growth, grant me both patience and acceptance. Awaken Me, Divine Transformer! Peacemaker, offering forgiveness and understanding, encourage me to communicate with love. Awaken Me, Peacemaker! Bearer of Love, never-ending font of charity and compassion, may I share my goodness generously. Awaken Me, Bearer of Love!
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