April 12, 2015 2nd Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Holy Name of Mary Parish Serving San Dimas and La Verne and surrounding communities Staffed by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary From his sacrifice flows mercy without end for all who come to the altar, whatever the hour, when, by grace, they hear their Lord calling them. Page 2 2nd Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy My dear sisters and brothers, Thank you for breathing life into our Easter celebrations just by being present. Thanks for your generous donations and especially thanks for the ways you were able to recognize the Risen Christ in each person and welcomed them. Pastor Jerry Jones tells about a Christian man and wife who lost their son in a tragic accident on Good Friday. The boy’s funeral was Easter Sunday. During the memorial service the father got up and shared with the family and friends that Easter had taken on a new importance, “Until you stare death eye to eye,” he began crying, “Easter is just a word. It’s a nice day with bunny rabbits and eggs… but when someone so precious to you dies, Easter becomes everything… an anchor in a fierce storm… a rock on which to stand… a hope that raises you above despair and keeps you going.” Early in the movie Blood Diamond, a Mende village is plundered by a group of Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels. Many people, including women and children, are murdered. The young boys of the village are taken, to be trained to fight with the rebels. This group includes Dia, son of fisherman Solomon Vandy. Solomon’s life is spared, but he is separated from his family and is enslaved to work in the diamond fields under the command of Captain Poison. Eventually, Solomon finds his son. But Dia refuses to acknowledge him because he’s been brainwashed by the rebels. Dia points a gun at Solomon’s head. But Solomon begins to talk to Dia: “Dia, what are you doing? Dia! Look at me, look at me. What are you doing? You are Dia Vandy, of the proud Mende tribe. You are a good boy who loves soccer and school. Your mother loves you so much. She waits by the fire making plantains, and red palm oil stew with your sister N’Yanda and the new baby. The cows wait for you. And Babu, the wild dog who minds no one but you. I know they made you do bad things, but you are not a bad boy. I am your father who loves you. And you will come home with me and be my son again.” With tears streaking his young face, Dia lowers his gun and falls into his father’s embrace. He is home. Like Dia, we cannot undo these “bad things.” But we can allow ourselves to fall into the embrace of Grace. That falling allows us to be truly at home, all right inside our own skin, and fully alive to the present moment. For all of us like Dia we eventually fall into the embrace of the Father. We walk away from the tomb and tell others. Our healing comes in proclaiming, in struggling to find words that will become a path way out of our wounds. Abba Poemen says “Teach your mouth to say what is in your heart.” May we continue to speak not from our wounds but from the grace that flows from them, allowing ourselves to fall into the embrace of the Father and each other. Stay Risen and lets help each other when we don’t know how. With my love and affection, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. April 12, 2015 Mis queridas hermanos y hermanas, Gracias por dar vida a nuestras celebraciones de Pascua, tan sólo con estar presente. Gracias por sus generosas donaciones y especialmente por las maneras en que fueron capaces de reconocer a Cristo resucitado en cada persona y les dieron la bienvenida. Pastor Jerry Jones habla de un hombre cristiano y de su esposa que perdieron a su hijo en un trágico accidente el Viernes Santo. El funeral del joven fue el Domingo de Pascua. Durante la ceremonia el padre se levantó y compartió con la familia y amigos que la Pascua había tomado una nueva importancia, "hasta que tu miras a los ojos de la muerte", comenzó a llorar, "Pascua es sólo una palabra. Es un buen día con conejitos y huevos... pero cuando alguien tan valioso para ti muere, Pascua... llega a ser todo, un ancla en una feroz tormenta... una roca sobre la cual te puedes parar... una esperanza que te eleva por encima la desesperación y te mantiene yendo ". Temprano en la película diamante de sangre, un pueblo de Mende es saqueado por un grupo de rebeldes del frente revolucionario de Unido (FRU). Muchas personas, incluyendo mujeres y niños, son asesinados. Los chicos de la aldea se los llevan, para ser entrenados para luchar con los rebeldes. Este grupo incluye Dia, hijo del pescador Solomon Vandy. La vida de Salomón es perdonada, pero él es separado de su familia y está esclavizado para trabajar en los campos de diamantes bajo el mando del capitán veneno. Finalmente, Salomón encuentra a su hijo. Pero Dia se niega a reconocerlo porque él le han lavado el cerebro los rebeldes. Dia apunta a cabeza de Salomón. Pero Salomón comienza a hablar al Dia: "Dia, ¿qué estás haciendo? Dia! Mírame, mírame a mí. ¿Qué estás haciendo? Eres Dia Vandy, de la orgullosa tribu Mende. Eres un buen chico que ama el fútbol y la escuela. Tu madre te ama mucho. Ella espera cerca de el fuego haciendo los plátanos en aceite de palma roja cocida con tu hermana N'Yanda y el nuevo bebé. Las vacas te esperan. Y Babu, el perro salvaje que no obedece a nadie más que a tí. Sé que te hicieron hacer cosas malas, pero no eres un chico malo. Yo soy tu padre que te ama. Y vendrás conmigo a casa y volveräs a mi hijo. " Con lágrimas en su rostro el joven, Dia baja su arma y corre abrazar a su padre. Esta en casa. Como Dia, no podemos deshacer estas "cosas malas". Pero nosotros podemos dejarnos caer en el abrazo de la gracia. Esta caída nos permite estar verdaderamente en casa, bien dentro de nuestra propia piel y completamente vivo hasta el momento presente. Para todos nosotros como Dia finalmente caeremos en el abrazo del padre. Caminanos lejos de la tumba y dile a otros. La sanación viene en proclamar, en luchar por encontrar palabras que se convertirán en una salida a de nuestras heridas. Abba Poemen dice "Enseña a tu boca a decir lo que hay en tu corazón". Continuemos hablando no de nuestras heridas, sino de la gracia que fluye de ellas, dejémos caer en el abrazo del padre y el uno al otro. Permanece resucitado y permite la ayuda de unos a otros cuando no sabemos cómo. Con mi amor y afecto, P. Rich, SS.CC. April 12, 2015 Sat. Sun. HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH 5:00 C 8:00 10:00 12:30 5:00 Mon. Tue. 8:30 8:30 Wed. 8:30 Thu. 6:30 8:30 Fri. 8:30 David Bell, Robert Barone, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Rivera, George Caldera, Joseph Marquez, Joe Calderon, Margaret Arballo, Int. Jim Drolet, Maria D. Gomez WM Rosina LaBue, Joesph LaBue, Josephine Nocero C Anthony Iolel, Louie Zara, Sofi Haberstroh, Leonard Velasquez, Anne Dobbins D Guadalupana Society, Benjamin Sanchez, Int. Ashley Olvera, Int. Anthony & Antoinette Preciado D Armando Mora, Robert Mounts, Jr. Judith Mounts, Sergio Avila WM Mauricio Rivera, Joseph & Assunta Nocero, Juan Gomez D Int. Ifeyinwa Nwodo, Danilo Calderon, Frank and Marie Coscarelli, John Nocero C Angela Gutierrez, Fr. Pascal Nocero, Leonarda Canles, Int. Lupe De Leon, Int. Jose Ruiz D Int. Perla Garcia, Int. Ashley Olvera PD Int. Isaac Martinez, Int. Laura Rankins, Charles Coscarelli, Julia Coscarelli D Luling Lacuna, Maria Ortega, Brian Christopher Coppack, Pablo Ballo, Felipa Ruiz, Margarito Mata Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 5:00—R, Sun. 8 & 10—D, 12:30—R and 5:00—C Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy R=John Roche VP: visiting priest *Schedule subject to change Rest In Peace Joey Soriano Ema Rose Holguin Ligaya Quinto Carolyn Jansen Leticia Rudio Maria D. Gomez Holy Name of Mary School is proud to announce that we will be hosting our sister school Immaculate Conception, on April 24, 2015. The entire student body, Pre-K to 8th grade will ride in buses to HNM School and visit the classrooms, attend Mass together, and as a special treat, the festival rides will be available for the students of both schools. If you are able to sponsor or help with the cost of buses, operation of festival rides, or lunch for our special day with Immaculate Conception students, please call Principal Candice Kuzmickas at 909-542-0449 ext. 226. Thank you! Parish Office Page 3 (909) 599-1243 Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC., Ext. 114 / [email protected] Dn. Marv and Sharon Estey Ext. 177 Dn. Mario and Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Dn. Jose and Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Dn Al and Rita Austin, RCIA Ext. 110 Pat Joyce, Director of Administration Ext. 112 / [email protected] Janice de Hart, Admin. Asst. to the Pastor Ext. 111 / [email protected] Michele Cote, Admin. Asst., Ext. 199/ [email protected] Deborah Lamborghini, Parish Secretary. Ext. 110 / [email protected] Receptionist, Ext. 110 / [email protected] Lani Galvan, Coordinator of Liturgy and Ministry Ext. 136 / [email protected] Brenda Luna, Grief Support Minister Ext. 137 / [email protected] Dolores Gomez, Director of Music Ext. 135 / [email protected] Charlie Martinez, Director of Pastoral Ministry / Ext. 140 [email protected] Geoff Pulido, Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Ext. 234 [email protected] Melanie Bailey, Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Ext. 232 / [email protected] Erika Montenegro, Admin. Asst (Rel Ed) / Ext. 280 / [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Conference Ext. 138 Holy Name of Mary School Candice Kuzmickas, School Principal [email protected] (909) 542-0449 Ext. 226 Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey Serving Senior Living Communities: Emeritus, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement To submit an article for the parish bulletin you must email it to [email protected] by Monday, no later than 3PM. Holy Name of Mary Mass Schedule Saturday: First Saturday 8:30 AM and 5 PM in English Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM in English and 12:30 PM en Español Weekdays: Monday — Friday: 8:30 AM in English Wednesday 6:30PM en Español First Friday: Adoration until 6 PM Confessions: 3:30 pm Saturday in English 7:00 pm 4th Wednesday of the month en Español Parish Office 909-599-1243 Fax: 909-599-4230 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, 91773 Parish Office hours: Monday—Friday 9AM to 5PM Saturday 9AM to 12PM Sunday 9AM to 2:30PM Website: HNMparish.org Email: [email protected] Page 4 2nd Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy April 12, 2015 From the Director of Administration…… “The community of believers was of one heart and one mind.” For those who practice stewardship as a way of life every passage from Holy Scripture contains a stewardship message. However, today’s readings are particularly special in that regard. The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles speaks to the sense of unity and teamwork of the early Church. Our own parishes may reflect this idea that we are one, and that we have a common purpose. One of the great misconceptions of this particular scriptural passage is that it reflects what we might term a “sense of Communism.” However, as we as Catholics and stewards reflect upon this, we must understand a basic difference. Communism says “What you think is yours is really mine.” Our faith, our community, and our good stewards say, “What may seem to be mine is really yours.” “No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own.” This is the stewardship understanding that, first and foremost, everything comes from, is gifted by, and is possessed by God, not by us. In addition, stewards understand that all their gifts are to be shared with others. The key to this entire passage is, nonetheless, that the early Christians regarded people as more important than things. As difficult as this may be for us, that is to what we are called, as well. Financial Stewardship: Thank you for your generosity to Holy Name of Mary Parish! MOMS (Ministry of Moms Sharing) "Train a child in the way they should go so when they are old they will not depart from it."--Proverbs 22:6 Schedule Change: Due to Spring Break, MOMS will be meeting the third Wednesday of this month, April 15, 2015 at 9:30 am in the day chapel to discuss chapter 9 of Imitating Mary by Marge Fenelon. Books aren't required and your presence is always welcome. If you are interested in more information, please contact either Rachel Keller at 909-630-3742/ [email protected] or Janene Frank at 909-802-4024/[email protected] HOLY NAME OF MARY SUMMER SCHOOL Called to live the love of Jesus, we are COMMITTED to the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in every child’s heart and mind. (Mission Statement) …let’s continue the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in your child’s heart and mind. Who: Subjects: Dates & Days: Time: Tuition: Grades K– 8 in the Fall 2015* Reading, Writing/Grammar, Math July 1st – July 31st ; Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $350 *Enrollment is limited to the first 15 students at each level. Applications are available in the school office or on the hospitality cart Did You Know? April is Child Abuse Prevention Month April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. It is most appropriate that Child Abuse Prevention Month is held during the Easter season. There is no better time than Easter to celebrate the protection of our most valuable gift from God – our children. For information on how you can become more informed and involved in keeping our children safe, and to learn more about the 2015 pamphlet, “Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse,” please go to: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/protecting/safeguard/ WEDDING MUSIC Presented by Dolores Gomez Monday, April 20 at 7PM in the church All couples who are getting married between the months of May 2015 through October 2015, are invited to attend a wedding music listening get-together. This will be your opportunity to listen to beautiful music appropriate for the Sacrament of Marriage and choose the songs that you want for your wedding. SACRED HEART RETREAT CAMP 2015 Summer Camps Staffed by the Sacred Heart Sisters, these camps offer an enjoyable camping experience in a wholesome Christian atmosphere and a delightful loving spirit. FAMILY CAMP: June 18-21 or June 25-28 GIRLS’ CAMP: July 12-18 or July 26-August 1 For information call 909-866-5696 or www.sacredheartretreatcamp.com - Events page — Spaces are limited. Donations are needed to help sponsor a child or family to camp. Please help! Contributions can be sent to: P.O. Box 1795, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 April 12, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH Leave a Lasting Legacy at Holy Name of Mary We want to provide an opportunity for parishioners to make a special intention to memorialize or commemorate family and loved ones, and to honor the Religious who have served our parish for over 50 years. The design of our new hall includes a beautiful garden and patio between the hall and the church. This is a perfect space to leave a lasting legacy. Bricks engraved with your intention will become part of the patio. There are a limited number of bricks available, so please use the enclosed flyer to place your order by May 15. If your have any questions, you can contact Michele Cote at 909 599-1243 ext. 199 or [email protected]. Art and Environment Corner Our church is in bloom…Christ resurrected from the dead, alive in our hearts and in our community. The flowers around our church were each handmade and constructed by 10 volunteers and hung up by a team of 20 people. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who gave so much time to making our Church beautiful and the Easter Season spectacular. Thank you to all who helped me transform the church during Holy Week, you enhanced our parishioners spiritual journey with each dramatic change. I am deeply grateful to all of you… I have several paper flowers available for you if you would like one, gold and orange, please email me at [email protected] or call at ext.137 if you would like one. Join us for our Parish Book Discussions Four Thursdays only April 23 - May 14, 2015 7:00 – 8:00pm Holy Name of Mary School’s Faculty Lounge For more information, call Tom or Mary Ann Nolan (626) 259-3854 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline YOU ARE NOT ALONE.1-800-273-TALK (8255) Page 5 Calling all Couples! Married, Engaged, Long-Term … are you restless, tired, not seeing eye to eye? Are you just beginning a lifetime together? Have you settled into a comfortable, longstanding relationship? Are you experiencing challenges such as health issues, children issues, or just plain “bored” issues? Well, have we got a “date night” for you! Join us as we grow and strengthen our relationships together each 2nd Monday of the month to support one another in a fun and safe environment, to share our stories, and to develop friendships in this common journey of our catholic lives. Grab your partner and meet us in the church to learn more about this ministry. If you are married, engaged, or in a long-term relationship, we’ll see you there! Our next gathering is on Monday, April 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Questions? Call Lani at ext. 136 or Charlie at ext. 140. We’d like to welcome and invite any man from the parish to check out the Shield Men’s Group. We meet weekly at 7 PM Tuesdays, in the Day Chapel. Every night is different and varied, but always interesting and a heck of a lot of fun. Any age from 18 to 118 – we need all the viewpoints we can get! Shield hopes to be a place where guys can grow in spirituality, or to help others; to be a welcoming place for confidential and candid sharing; to find new friends and good fellowship from within the parish; to nurture personal confidence and responsibility for family values; to become more aware of good morality and ethics; to have a place to unwind from the chaos of our daily grind; to find a more peaceful way to live, with better faith and healthier ways to deal with the world we live in. Yep, pretty lofty goals, but we’re working on ways to grow, well – just better! Drop in – check us out, or feel free to call for more info. Jerry Stephens 909 702 6694, Mike Noonan 626 833-8194 We ask that you please park Responsibly If you are parked illegally in a handicap parking spot, or in a fire lane you will be cited and / or towed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department. Thank you Page 6 2nd Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy April 12, 2015 April 12, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH 2015 HNM COMMUNITY FESTIVAL IS HERE AGAIN COME SHOW OFF YOUR TALENTS April 25th at 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Page 7 MARRIED COUPLES. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will give you the “gardening tools” you need to help your marriage grow and blossom. Please take that step and register for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on May 15-17, 2015 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Arcadia. For more information call David & Teri Muse at (626) 644-1775 or register online at www.sacramentallove.org. HNM’s Summer Camp Program Please join us and Sign up by sending an email to Maurice Cote at [email protected] or just call 951-897-5171 and a registration form will be sent to you. You must enter before April, 20-15 so we can place you on schedule. Place is limited so don’t hesitate. HOLY NAME OF MARY ANNUAL FAMILY FESTIVAL WE NEED YOU!! ¡¡TE NECESITAMOS!! APRIL / ABRIL 24, 25 & 26 IT IS ALMOST HERE! PLEASE VISIT US AT… YA CASI ESTA AQUÍ!! VISITANOS EN NUESTRO SITIO WEB… www.hnmfestival.org FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT….. PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNICATE CON: RITA CRUZ GALLEGOS AL (626) 456-2378 / [email protected] THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! ¡MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS POR TU APOYO! SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, MAY 9TH, 2PM. BISHOP AMAT 5TH ANNUAL ALUMNI FOOTBALL GAME WILL BE HELD AT KIEFER STADIUM! Please tell your classmates, teammates and friends. Contact the Alumni Office at (626)962-2495, ext. 7456 to RSVP and play in the game. There will be an Alumni Social after the game. Admission is free! Early Morning Adoration Weekday Mornings 6:00 a.m.— 8:30 a.m. Sign-up Sheet in the Narthex of the Church. Liturgy of the Hour is Monday – Saturday after our Adoration Exposition June 17 – July 31, 2015 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Grade K–8 Daily and Weekly rates available. Registration forms can be found on our website: www.hnmschool.org or at the parish or school offices. QUEEN OF PEACE ROSARY GROUP You are invited to join us on Thursday evenings for prayer and Mass. We meet in the Damien Chapel at 6:45 pm; Mass begins at 7:30 pm. April 23rd — Fr. Bill Moore, SS.CC. SAVE THE DATE EVEREST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 August 3-7, 2015* from 9 am – 12:15 pm each day Mark your calendars for our 6th annual Holy Name of Mary VBS in our NEW parish hall! Watch for more information to come on volunteering and registering for this fun, Bible-focused summer camp. * Dates subject to change if hall construction is not complete. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: Volunteers needed! Looking for volunteers with a heart for children and the Word of God! Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word program meets on Sundays during the 10 am Mass. Children are dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word in order to hear and discuss the readings at their level in a school classroom. Each session is conducted by wonderful catechists sharing their love of the Lord and scripture. Please contact Melanie Bailey at [email protected] or 599-1243 x232 to find out more about how you can help. Page 8 2nd Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Please Pray for the sick and the suffering: Leia Franco, Dolores Termine, Anthony and Antionette Preciado, Gerry Caccamo, Rene Casillas, Faviola Jimenez, Tom Marshal, Sean Regan, Sandra Maloney, Maryanne Monagle, Margaret Boyle, George Estey, Fel Bautista, Judy Peña, Anissa Michelle, Dorothy Avelar, Calixto de Guzman, Talya Meldy, Bill McLaughlin, Bob Charles, Keith Broome, Sam, Matthew & Noah Beauchamp, Cale Smith, Laura Cowen, Paul Mazzarini, Ana Buenrostro, Amberly Vasquez, Jack Nobrega, Robert Mejia, Linda Duran, Elisa Perez, David Gonzales, Sandra Cavanaugh, Kathleen Rodriguez Semer, Edna Bambarger, Rosemary Andreu, Darrel Knight, Marion Storte, Ana Maria Graciano, Bob Garcia, Alvino Luna, Gabriel Murillo, Allen Galle, Rose Swalwell, Marion Storte, Ana Maria Graciamo, Yadira McCleary, Raquel Rojas, Henry Lopez, Martha Martinez, Irma Mejia, Tom Marshall, Susan Lopez, Cynthia Carrillo, Mason Graven, Jessica & Patrick Han, Mary Constantino, Jose Reyes, Claudia Hernandez-Franco, Luis Castellanos, Amelia Iniquez, Maria Madrigal, Geremias Landeros, Marbella Romero, Susan Diaz, Josefina Saucedo, Ray Gonzalez, Jr., Jaime Castano, Jessica Han, Isaac Martinez, Lucila Martinez, Manuel Hinojosa, Alma Patricia Mendoza, Angie Lotzano, Demetrio Garcia, Jesus Adrian Salazar, Josefina Saucedo, Jose Vargas, Claire St. Pierre, Joanne Do, Bart Welsh, Pandora Russell, Angelina Ramirez, Tracy Vasquez, Jeffrey Vasquez, Teresa Burragan, Enrique Cardenas, Eduardo Arista, Cecilia Parra, Bart Welsh, Pandora Russell, Angelina Ramirez, Tracy Vasquez, Jeffrey Vasquez, Marion Storte, Jack Graham, Nina Ramirez, Alex Zumansur, Javier Romero, Pati Mendoza, Nick Lopez, Madeline Gentile, Tom Quiroz, Lolita Vazques, Corinne Zamora, Cliff Brittel, Evelyn Runde, Gabriel Zuniga, Jackie Jarillo, Virginia Hernandez, Michael D’amico, Nalzira Borges, Jonathan Mendoza, Fely Benavides, Louie Benavides, Terry Jackson, Henry Lee, Vince Sayre, Jill Graham, Florencia Garcia, Eloisa Mejia, Kimberly Edwards, Daniel Quezada, Dorothy Chrostek, Patricia Fuller, Marilyn Italiano, Charles Delgado, Judy Murdock, Linda Damato, Esperanza Rosales, Adan Ortiz, Harold Teunisse, Brianna Cervantes, Dee Dee Boyd, Steve Torti, Will Corcoran, Victoria Llanos, Rios Family, Ernestina Toro, Hugo Contreras, Maria De Jesus Romero, Maria Lepe Valasquez, Petra (Nene) Irlandez, Barbara Yehle-Hertz, Molly Hillary, Tracy Vasquez, Robert Coppack, Margie Sanchez, Chit Santos, Paul and Sandra Massarini, Jessy Arellano, Gianny Lucarelli, Cathy Candelaria, Norm Lavallee, Lorraine Atilano, Juan Lopez, Yolanda Jara, Jennifer Caballero, Dorothy Duhaime, Julio & Mary Lou Escobedo, Patty Mendoza, Herlinda Benavides, Carmela Caro, Sherri & Larry Creamer, William Snyder, Carlatta Roberts, Vicki Barstow, Lucita Reyes, Lester Grant, Angelica Lopez, Brandon Love, Jackie Inocencio, Stephanie Grosso, Helen Tice, Baby Breger Gasparo Anton, Ricardo Verdin, John Gonnella, Mandy Grace Lowa, Kevin Gardner, Joshua Padilla, Cash Anthony Scalfaro, Maria Ayala, Melinda Zamora, Patricia Carter, Katherine De Leon, Terry Jackson, Milagros Ruiz, Evelyn C. Martinez, Ron Constantino, Armando & Sandra Rodriguez, Lorenzo Enriquez, Rosa M. Lanza, Elena Wessel, Ron Belmarch, Sr., Marcellino Vera, Frannie Martin, Tom Caballero, Kenny Sawyer, Randy Gregory, Lynn Martinez, Valerie Castro, Reena Shah, John Jones, Teresa Siegel, Sandy Snyder, Joshua Nilo, Jose Gonzalez, Sonya de Hart and Rusty Spotti Mark your calendar Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 7:00 PM Holy Name of Mary Church HEAR: ANDREW BACEVICH Author, End of American Dominance and What it Means for National Defense Retired colonel and a Vietnam War veteran who spent twenty-three years in the US Army. Currently is Professor of History and International Relations at Boston University. He also taught at West Point and Johns Hopkins University. More Info: [email protected] or 909-917-6081 Website: agendaforapropheticfaith.info April 12, 2015 This Week’s Schedule MONDAY, Apr 13—St. Martin 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:30 Hall Use Planning Committee 7:00 Marriage Ministry 7:00 Eucharist Minister Training—Spanish 7:00 Bible Institute—Spanish 7:00 Alcoholic Anonymous TUESDAY, Apr 14 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 10:00 Tuesday Rosary Group 6:00 Lectors Practice—Spanish 6:00 HNM School Booster Club 6:00 SHIELD Men’s Ministry Steering Committee 7:00 Choir Rehearsal Adult—English 7:00 St. Vincent De Paul Society 7:00 HNM School Board 7:00 SHIELD Men’s Ministry WEDNESDAY, Apr 15 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 9:30 Mom’s Prayer Group 6:30 Mass—Spanish 6:30 PTG Board 7:00 Adult Confirmation—English 7:00 Adult Faith Formation—Spanish 7:00 Barbara’s Blankets 7:00 R.C.I.A. 7:00 Mavavillas de Jesús THURSDAY, Apr 16 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:00 VIRTUS Training 6:00 Building and Grounds Committee 7:00 Children Choir Rehearsal—Spanish 7:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00 Adult Spanish Confirmation 7:00 Social Justice Meeting FRIDAY, Apr 17 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 7:00 Guadalupana Society 7:00 Maravillas de Jesus SATURDAY, Apr 18 6:00 Adoration 8:30 Communion Service 3:30 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass SUNDAY, Apr 19—3rd Sunday of Easter 8:00 Mass 10:00 Mass 12:30 Mass—Spanish 5:00 Mass CH Chapel CH Chapel MC CH OLG S5 J5 CH Chapel CH Chapel Chapel CH LIB MC CH J5 OLG Chapel CH Chapel CH Chapel Chapel CH J5 Chapel J6 OLG S7 S8 CH Chapel CH Chapel J5 MC CH OLG S8 Workroom/copier CH Chapel CH Chapel J5 Chapel, S6, S8 CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH NOTE: Please refer to your Religious Education Calendar for your child’s class schedule. A Heartfelt Thanks to All! Dear Friends, There are few words we can say that would convey the gratitude we feel for all those hearts and hands that stepped up and in to help with all of our Holy Week and Easter liturgies … we could not have done it without you. This is what makes us a family. We work together, we pray together, and we play together … and we’re pretty good at all of those things. There are so many different aspects of putting together the liturgies, from the beautiful environment (changed almost daily last week!), to the voices that lead us in prayerful song, to every single person who participated in any way, to our amazing priests who serve us so lovingly … I could go on and on, taking up pages and pages of all the areas and people that need to be thanked. You are in our hearts and prayers and we are so thankful for you being part of our family here at HNM. Because of you, we served over 10,000 people during the Easter celebrations. Because of you, we are God’s hands and feet in our little part of the world. And, because of you, the Easter light shines bright here at Holy Name of Mary. Thank you all and God bless. May your Easter Season be filled with the Risen Lord everywhere you look. With much gratitude, Lani, Brenda & Charlie 3 de mayo,
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