February 22, 2015 1st Sunday of Lent Holy Name of Mary Parish Serving San Dimas and La Verne and surrounding communities Staffed by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary TOGETHER IN MISSION Today is Together in Mission Sunday, where we celebrate the ripple effect of our giving and affirm our parish commitment to “live the love of Jesus”. The annual Together in Mission appeal is love in action as it allows us to share our gifts with the poorest parishes and schools in our community. This important diocesanwide program helps fund 80 poor parishes and 63 schools where children, like our own, embrace shared values of growing in Christ and developing to their full potential. Our contributions ensure children all across the diocese have access to Faith Formation programs as alive and love filled as our programs here at Holy Name. All contributions to Together In Mission are donor restricted and feed directly to the parishes and schools requiring financial assistance. While other dioceses are closing schools and churches, Together In Mission allows us to ensure that parishes remain open and growing! Today, we ask you to consider making a meaningful, sacrificial commitment to Together In Mission and to pledge your financial support. Strengthened by your continued generosity, giving to those you may never see, people will look on us as Disciples of Jesus and say “see how they loved one another”. Page 2 Holy Name of Mary Parish February 22, 2015 My dear sisters and brothers, Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas, I am grateful that Charlie Martinez can remind us that it is only TOGETHER that we are in mission. This year if we choose to fast may it be like Cardinal Tagle of the Philippines said – fast 2 feed. Agradezco mucho de que Charlie Martínez nos recuerde de que estando sólo JUNTOS es que estamos en misión. Este año si elegimos a ayunar qeu sea como el cardenal Tagle de Filipinas dijo – Ayunar para alimentar. Our age of affluence strives to avoid pain and discomfort at all costs. We begin this season of Lent by asking ourselves what meaning the cross has for an age of affluence? I have come to understand the fundamental message of the cross is not suffering but that we ourselves would love so much that we would be prepared to suffer with and even for someone because of love. It is not the physical death of Jesus which is redemption but the love of Jesus for us unto death that is Christianity in this day and age is a new way to inject love into the messiness of our crosses. En esta época de prosperidad nos esforzamos por evitar el dolor y las molestias a toda costa. Empezamos esta temporada de Cuaresma por preguntarnos: qué significado tiene tiene la cruz para esta era de prosperidad? He llegado a entender que el mensaje fundamental de la cruz no es estar sufriendo, sino que nosotros mismos amemos tanto que estaríamos dispuestos a sufrir con, e incluso para alguien por amor. No es la muerte física de Jesús, la que es la redención, sino el amor de Jesús hacia nosotros hasta la muerte lo que es el cristianismo en este día y la era es una nueva manera de inyectar amor en el desorden de nuestras cruces. O God, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the Great Shepherd of the sheep, we pray: Oh Dios, que resucitó de entre los muertos a nuestro Señor Jesús, el gran Pastor de las ovejas, te pedimos: For those whose crucifixions continue with no Easter in sight – Tortured prisoners; abused children; battered women; stricken families of the disappeared; homeless poor; imperiled refugees; victims of discrimination and oppression; victims of war Por aquellos cuyas crucifixiones continuan sin Pascua a la vista Prisioneros torturados; niños víctimas de abusos; mujeres maltratadas; familias afectadas por los desaparecidos; pobres sin techo; refugiados en peligro; víctimas de la discriminación y la opresión; víctimas de la guerra Take your people to the world’s crosses to take people down. Toma tu pueblo de las cruces del mundo para poner a la gente abajo de ella. We pray for those who continue the crucifixions with no light in sight – Because they think people deserve what they dish out; because they are just obeying orders; because they are just doing their jobs; because they are getting rid of troublemakers; because they are defending national security; because they are protecting sacred values as they define them. Oramos por aquellos que continúan las crucifixiones sin luz a la vista Porque piensan que las gentes se merecen lo que infligen; porque están obedeciendo órdenes; porque simplemente están haciendo su trabajo; porque se están deshaciendo de alborotadores; porque están defendiendo la seguridad nacional; porque están protegiendo los valores sagrados, a como ellos los entienden. Take us people to the world’s hurters to free them from their own bondage. Saca a tu pueblo del mundo dominante para liberarlos de su propia esclavitud. We pray for those who languish in tombs with no light in sight – Tombs of their own depression and despair; tombs of their own ignorance and misconception; tombs of their own narrowness and provincialism; tombs of their own isolation and accommodation; tombs of their own prejudice and bitterness Oramos por aquellos que languidecen en las tumbas sin luz a la vista Tumbas de su propia depresión y la desesperación; tumbas de su propia ignorancia y malentendido; tumbas de su propia estrechez y provincialismo; tumbas de su propio aislamiento y alojamiento; tumbas de sus propios prejuicios y la amargura We adore you O Christ and praise you because by your Holy Cross you continue to redeem the world. With a renewed desire to help you carry your cross, with love, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. Te adoramos oh Cristo y te bendecimos, porque por tu santa Cruz continúas redimiento al mundo. Con un renovado deseo de ayudarle a llevar su cruz, con amor, Padre Rich, SS.CC. 1st Sunday of Lent February 22, 2015 Sat. 5:00 WM Leonor Herdocia, Jose Ocampo, Int. Eunice Umanah, Betty Rosen, Felix “Phil” Masucci, Ambrosio Singson, Int. Gabriel Ojeda, Faustino & Carmen Salado Sun. 8:00 D Gloria Castro, Guadalupe Maria Pedroza, Allen Gralle, Int Rose Swalwell 10:00 D Margie Castro, Generoso Acosta, Martin Chino Vazquez, Int. Vera Jimenez, Catalina Montez, Joseph Johnson, Int Amparo & Waldo Santos 12:30 R Int. Dolores Wise 5:00 C Domenica Ciolino, Angelina Macri, Emma Bernal, Maria Silvio, Alfredo Yson, Sr., Frances Ambrosini Mon. 8:30 WM Greg Windisch, Gustavo Mora, Miniong Ordonez, Wally Velasquez Tue. 8:30 D Diego Mora, Ken Cassidy, Joe Calderon, Mike & Alice Morales, Int. Luis Gopar Wed. 8:30 C Marie Morente, Joe Scalife 6:30 R People of the Parish Thu. 8:30 PD Martin Vasquez, Elizabeth Langdon, Enrique Carrillo Fri. 8:30 D Anselma Abapo, Guillerma Romano, Int. Obonganwan Umanah Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 5:00—D, Sun. 8—C &10—WM, 12:30 & 5:00—D Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy R=John Roche VP: visiting priest *Schedule subject to change Rest In Peace John VanTillburg Leonardo Santos Page 3 The Alaskan Fishing Boat has Returned... The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Wild Alaskan Salmon supper during Lent on Friday, Feb 20th at Damien High School Gym. Tickets $15 Adults, $6 Children age 12 and under. Tickets are available after all the masses this weekend or you can get your tickets during the week from the Parish Office. For more information please contact Ron Hale at (909) 593-1268. You are cordially invited to attend the 25th Annual Benefit in honor of The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Friday, March 20, 2015 At Candlelight Pavilion 455 West Foothill Blvd., Claremont, 91711 Champagne reception 5:30 p.m. Dinner, Raffle & Dancing to live music by The Ravelers Donation $125 per person Approximately 75% is tax deductible You can also purchase your tickets online at www.ssccusawest.org MOMS (Ministry of Moms Sharing) gathers together the second Wednesday of the month for prayer and fellowship at 9:30 in the day chapel. For more information, please contact either Rachel Keller at 909630-3742 or Janene Frank at 909-802-4024. San Gabriel Valley Magnificat is hosting a prayer brunch with guest speaker Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC. on Saturday, March 14, 2015, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., (registration @ 9:30) at the Via Verde County Club, San Dimas, CA. Magnificat is a ministry whose objective is to help foster growth in holiness and to live out the mystery of Mary's visit to Elizabeth in our lives. Registration fee: $25 by March 7th, $29 after. Registration forms will be in the entrance of the church. For more information, contact Clara Luera at (626) 963-5532. Please Pray For the sick and the suffering: George Estey, Alvino Luna, Gabriel Murillo, Allen Galle, Rose Swalwell, Marion Storte, Ana Maria Graciamo, Vincent Hefner, Yadira McCleary, Raquel Rojas, Henry Lopez, Martha Martinez, Irma Mejia, Tom Marshall, Susan Lopez, Cynthia Carrillo, Mason Graven, Jessica & Patrick Han, Mary Constantino, Jose Reyes, Claudia Hernandez-Franco, Luis Castellanos, Amelia Iniquez, Maria Madrigal, Geremias Landeros, Marbella Romero, Susan Diaz, Josefina Saucedo, Ray Gonzalez, Jr., Ema Rose Olguin, Jaime Castano, Jessica Han, Lucy Pablo, Isaac Martinez, Lucila Martinez, Manuel Hinojosa, Alma Patricia Mendoza, Angie Lotzano, Demetrio Garcia, Jesus Adrian Salazar, Josefina Saucedo, Jose Vargas, Claire St. Pierre, Joanne Do, Bart Welsh, Pandora Russell, Angelina Ramirez, Tracy Vasquez, Jeffrey Vasquez, Ana Buenrostro, Teresa Burragan, Enrique Cardenas, Eduardo Arista, Cecilia Parra, Alejandro Jimenez, Bart Welsh, Pandora Russell, Angelina Ramirez, Rocky Bashaw, Tracy Vasquez, Jeffrey Vasquez, Ana Buenrostro, Marion Storte, Jack Graham, Nina Ramirez, Alex Zumansur, Javier Romero, Pati Mendoza, Nick Lopez, Joey Soriano, Madeline Gentile, Tom Quiroz, Teresita Ayala, Lolita Vazques, Corinne Zamora, Cliff Brittel, Evelyn Runde, Gabriel Zuniga, Jackie Jarillo, Rudy Kraus, Virginia Hernandez, Michael D’amico, Nalzira Borges, Jonathan Mendoza, Fely Benavides, Louie Benavides, Terry Jackson, Henry Lee, Vince Sayre, Jill Graham, Florencia Garcia, Elouisa Mejia, Kimberly Edwards, Daniel Quezada, Dorothy Chrostek, Patricia Fuller, Marilyn Italiano, Charles Delgado, Judy Murdock, Linda Damato, Esperanza Rosales, Adan Ortiz, Harold Teunisse, Robert Mejia, Brianna Cervantes, Dee Dee Boyd, Steve Torti, Will Corcoran, Victoria Llanos, Rios Family, Ernestina Toro, Hugo Contreras, Maria De Jesus Romero, Maria Lepe Valasquez, Petra (Nene) Irlandez, Barbara Yehle-Hertz, Molly Hillary, Tracy Vasquez, Robert Coppack, Alejandro Jimenez, Margie Sanchez, Chit Santos, Paul and Sandra Massarini, Jessy Arellano, Gianny Lucarelli, Cathy Candelaria, Norm Lavallee, Lorraine Atilano, Juan Lopez, Yolanda Jara, Jennifer Caballero, Dorothy Duhaime, Julio & Mary Lou Escobedo, Patty Mendoza, Herlinda Benavides, Carmela Caro, Sherri & Larry Creamer, William Snyder, Carlatta Roberts, Vicki Barstow, Lucita Reyes, Dorothy Avelar, Lester Grant, Angelica Lopez, Brandon Love, Jackie Inocencio, Stephanie Grosso, Helen Tice, Baby Breger Gasparo Anton, Ricardo Verdin, John Gonnella, Mandy Grace Lowa, Kevin Gardner, Joshua Padilla, Cash Anthony Scalfaro, Maria Ayala, Melinda Zamora, Patricia Carter, Katherine De Leon, Terry Jackson, Milagros Ruiz, Evelyn C. Martinez, Ron Constantino, Armando & Sandra Rodriguez, Rose Atwan, Lorenzo Enriquez, Marcia Anne Feucht, Rosa M. Lanza, Elena Wessel, Ron Belmarch, Sr., Marcellino Vera, Frannie Martin, Tom Caballero, Kenny Sawyer, Randy Gregory, Lynn Martinez, Valerie Castro, Reena Shah, John Jones, Lucille Dennis, Teresa Siegel, Sandy Snyder, Joshua Nilo, Jose Gonzalez, Sonya de Hart and Rusty Spotti Holy Name of Mary Parish Page 4 From the Director of Administration…… It is no surprise that water literally runs through all the readings on this First Sunday of Lent — from the flood waters experienced by Noah in Genesis, to St. Peter comparing Baptism to this flood, to Jesus venturing into the desert for 40 days immediately after His Baptism, as reported by St. Mark. There are more than 700 references to water in Holy Scripture, but as we begin our Lenten journeys, our concentration needs to be on our own Baptism and our personal Baptismal call. Stewardship has been defined as our response to that Baptismal call through discipleship and service. Just as Jesus entered the desert for 40 days, we are doing the same during Lent. Defining our Baptismal call is part of what we should be striving to do at this time. Baptism calls us to a sense of mission. Another key word in today’s scripture is “covenant.” The reading from Genesis speaks to God’s covenant with us, His people. A covenant, nevertheless, is a two-way street. God has blessed us with the Holy Spirit and the Lord has promised us everlasting life if we fulfill His desires. It is time for us to discover how we are going to live out our covenant with God. Financial Stewardship: Thank you for your generosity to Holy Name of Mary Parish! February 22, 2015 Juntos en Misión Todas las parroquias participan en la campaña de cada año. La Iglesia es usolo cuerpo, cuyos miembros se necesitan unos a otros. Cada uno depende de los dones de oración de todos. Todos dependen de cada uno. Así que todos dependen de ti. Debido a que tu das, la gente tiene un lugar donde pueden adorar y servir; nuestros estudiantes tienen un ambiente seguro en el que aprender y prosperar. Tus regalos dan la posibilidad de dar a su vez, al mejorar la vida en muchos barrios. Usted es el único que puede proporcionar a las parroquias con los recursos necesarios para los sacramentos, educación, esperanza, inspiración, familias más fuertes y mejor liderazgo. Si tu recibiste tu compromiso de Juntos en Mission en el correo, por favor llénala mandala por correo, o tráela contigo a la Misa. Dios te bendiga por tu disposición a amar a tu prójimo de esta manera. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline YOU ARE NOT ALONE.1-800-273-TALK (8255) “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou HURRY! HURRY! Attention HNM MINISTRIES Would you like to be a part of? LENT Soup N Stations We have only a few spots open if you would like to serve at our Friday Night Lenten Soup N Stations. You can team up with other ministries to serve soup OR stations or both. Please contact Jan Martindale via email: [email protected] to coordinate your night! St. Joseph's Ministry for the Needy St. Joseph's Table March 15th We are proud to announce that our ministry this month has donated a check in the amount of $510.00 to Holy Name of Mary to purchase a new vestment for our priests. Our ministry has decided to once again stay with sweet's and breads, due to the lack of our facilities at this time, hopefully next year with our new parish hall we will be able to provide a full meal. We also would like to ask you, to start thinking of something you might want to donate for our tables, again it can be homemade or store bought, we truly will appreciate any donation ie., cookies, cake, pies, breads etc. (we will happily accept all NON-ITALIAN foods too!) Our purpose is to provide some financial help to people in our parish who are experiencing hard times. Thank you. Elaine swab 626-335-6619 [email protected] February 22, 2015 1st Sunday of Lent Page 5 SACRED HEARTS PRIESTS PILGRIMAGES The Best of Ireland - Pilgrimage with Fr. Michael Maher from July 5-July 15 Turkey and Greece with Greek Islands Cruise - Pilgrimage with Fr. Michael Barry from July 30-August 11 England, Holland, Belgium,France & Italy - Pilgrimage with Fr. Pat O'Hagan from August 19-September. 3 Spain, Lourdes, Morocco and Fatima - Pilgrimage with Fr. Mike Gilsenan from October 19-November 1 Egypt, Jordan and Holy Land -Pilgrimage with Fr. Michael Barry from November 8-22 Mexico including Guadalajara and Acapulco - from December 7-15 For more information, contact Faye Wong at 720-1167 or email [email protected]. Pilgrimage flyers available at the foyer of the church. HNM PARISHIONER IN NEED OF A KIDNEY My name is Eileen Mullen I have a hereditary disease called polycystic kidneys. I am at stage 5 renal failure in need of a transplant. I can only accept a kidney from a person with an O positive or O negative blood type. I have 4 siblings that are unable to donate due to cancer or they are not the correct blood type. I have one daughter who is not the correct blood type, my parents are deceased and I am single. If you would like to help please contact UCLA Kidney Transplant (310) 267-6907. Your blood type must be O. If you don’t know your blood type you can contact American Red Cross (800) 733-2767 to obtain your type with a blood donation. Or contact your personal physician to obtain your blood type from your records. Page 6 Holy Name of Mary Parish The CARA Ministries team wishes all of our CARA Sisters a blessed and happy new year. Our eyes shift to a different season now as we are preparing our Lenten retreat. We invite you to come be refreshed by the waters of life!! On March 7th we will be in mid Lent. It is the perfect time to Come Apart and Rest Awhile to quench your parched thirst as you travel through the Lenten Desert!! Have a conversation at the well and be surprised by what you hear. We are honored to spend the day with you! March 7th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. St. Paul's Pomona 242 East Alvarado St. Pomona CA 91767 Contact CARA Ministries if you have any questions 909-973-6012 BARBARA’S BLANKETS Thank you to everyone who has been involved in one way or another. Our ministry is growing and it is very exciting! This week’s meeting is Wed. Feb. 25 7-9pm in the school library. No sewing required. Just bring good scissors, be ready to tie knots and enjoy some great conversation and laughter! Donations of cash or JOANN gift cards to purchase fabric are joyfully accepted. For more information please e-mail Corinne Pantaleo at: [email protected] or leave her a message at the parish office ext. 136 or 140. Thank you & May God bless you. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” ― Mother Teresa Early Morning Adoration Weekday Mornings 6:00 a.m.— 8:30 a.m. Sign-up Sheet in the Narthex of the Church. HNM School’s hot lunch program is in need of volunteers on Mondays, Tuesdays, and every other Thursday from 12-1:00 p.m. Must be fingerprinted and VIRTUS trained. If you can help us on any of these days, please contact Teresa Sauvageau (Mrs. S.) at 909-542-0449 ext. 239. Thanks very much! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL is sponsoring “BUNDLE SUNDAY” on March 1ST. Please bring usable CLEAN clothing, linens and small household items to the truck in the parking lot between 8 AM— 1:00 PM. Bring nothing ahead of time, and please do not leave anything at the church. For donations of furniture and large appliances call for home pick-up at (323) 224-6280 or (800) 97HELP1. February 22, 2015 QUEEN OF PEACE ROSARY GROUP You are invited to join us on Thursday evenings for prayer and Mass. We meet in the Damien Chapel at 6:45 pm; Mass begins at 7:30 pm. February 26 — Praise and Worship Damien High School’s annual Day-At-TheRaces is coming and we invite all to join us for a great event to support our Spartans! Join us at Santa Anita Race Track on March 7 from 11 am to 5pm. You'll enjoy food, fun, racing, a hat contest and raffle baskets. Tickets are $75 per person. Show your support to our local Catholic High School through sponsorship and advertising in our program. Contact Cheryl Bouch at [email protected] with questions. This is an adult only event. El grupo de Oración “Maravillas de Jesus” Evangelización Católica Carismatica de HNM los invita al Retiro de Iniciación 2015 con el Lema “ESTE ES MI HIJO, EL AMADO, ESCUCHENLO!” Marcos 9:7 Sabado 28 de Febrero de 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m y Domingo 1ero de Marzo de 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. En el “old gym” de Damien High School 2280 Damien Ave. La Verne, CA 91750 Para reservar tu boleto llama a Rosita Carrillo (909) 238-7079 ó Edith y Luciano Gopar (626) 617-7740 Responde con un “Sí” a este llamado del Señor y decidete a vivir un fin de semana en espíritu de alegría, amor y paz! From February 18 through March 29, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood Pomona, and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: Steve Perez at [email protected]. Get more information and sign up for vigil hours at www.40daysforlife.com/pomona. 1st Sunday of Lent February 22, 2015 Join us on FRIDAYS as we journey together through soup & stations February 27th March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th & Good Friday* April 3rd 6:00 to 7:00 pm Soup in the Pavilion 7:00 to 7:30 pm Stations in the church Suggested Almsgiving is $5 per family, To be donated to the St. Vincent De Paul Society *Good Friday Soup @ 5:30 & Live Stations @6:30 Prayer-Fasting-Almsgiving These evenings are hosted by our HNM Ministries. Page 7 SE LLEGO LA TEMPORADA NUEVAMENTE… ¡NECESITAMOS VOLUNTARIOS! ¡¡VENGA UNO….VENGAN TODOS!! ¡¡NUESTRO FESTIVAL YA SE APROXIMA!! ABRIL 24, 25 & 26 TENEMOS ALGO PARA TODOS PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN, POR FAVOR COMUNICATE CON: RITA CRUZ GALLEGOS AL (626) 456-2378 / [email protected] ¡MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS POR TU APOYO! IT IS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN.......WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Come One….Come All! Our Festival is fast approaching!! APRIL 24, 25 & 26 We have something for everyone! :) For more information on volunteer opportunities, please call or email: RITA CRUZ GALLEGOS (626) 456-2378 / [email protected] THANK YOU Page 8 Holy Name of Mary Parish Parish Office (909) 599-1243 February 22, 2015 SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC., Ext. 114 / [email protected] Dn. Marv and Sharon Estey Ext. 177 Dn. Mario and Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Dn. Jose and Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Dn Al and Rita Austin, RCIA Ext. 110 Pat Joyce, Director of Administration Ext. 112 / [email protected] Janice de Hart, Admin. Asst. to the Pastor Ext. 111 / [email protected] Michele Cote, Admin. Asst., Ext. 199/ [email protected] Deborah Lamborghini, Parish Secretary. Ext. 110 / [email protected] Receptionist, Ext. 110 / [email protected] Lani Galvan, Coordinator of Liturgy and Ministry Ext. 136 / [email protected] Brenda Luna, Grief Support Minister Ext. 137 / [email protected] Dolores Gomez, Director of Music Ext. 135 / [email protected] Charlie Martinez, Director of Pastoral Ministry / Ext. 140 [email protected] Geoff Pulido, Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Ext. 234 [email protected] Melanie Bailey, Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Ext. 232 / [email protected] Erika Montenegro, Admin. Asst (Rel Ed) / Ext. 280 / [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Conference Ext. 138 Holy Name of Mary School Candice Kuzmickas, School Principal [email protected] (909)542-0449 Ext. 226 Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey Serving Senior Living Communities: Emeritus, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement To submit an article for the parish bulletin you must email it to [email protected] by Monday, no later than 3PM. Holy Name of Mary Mass Schedule Saturday: First Saturday 8:30 AM and 5 PM in English Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM in English and 12:30 PM en Español Weekdays: Monday — Friday: 8:30 AM in English Wednesday 6:30PM en Español First Friday: Adoration until 6 PM Confessions: 3:30 pm Saturday in English 7:00 pm 4th Wednesday of the month en Español Parish Office 909-599-1243 Fax: 909-599-4230 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, 91773 Parish Office hours: Monday—Friday 9AM to 5PM Saturday 9AM to 12PM Sunday 9AM to 2:30PM Website: HNMparish.org Email: [email protected] MONDAY, Feb 23—St. Polycarp 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:30 Finance Council 7:00 Alcoholic Anonymous TUESDAY, Feb 24 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 10:00 Tuesday Rosary Group 10:00 St. Vincent de Paul 6:00 Lectors Practice—Spanish 7:00 PTG Board 7:00 SHIELD Men’s Ministry WEDNESDAY, Feb 25 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 2:30 HNM School Stations of the Cross 6:30 Mass—Spanish 7:00 Reconciliation—Spanish 7:00 Pastoral Council 7:00 Centering Prayer 7:00 Barbara’s Blankets 7:00 Adult Confirmation—English 7:00 Adult Faith Formation—Spanish 7:00 R.C.I.A. 7:00 Mavavillas de Jesús THURSDAY, Feb 26 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 VIRTUS 6:00 PTG Board 7:00 College Young Adult Group 7:00 Adult Confirmation—Spanish 7:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00 Children’s Choir Rehearsal—Spanish FRIDAY, Feb 27 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:00 Lenten Soup 7:00 Mavavillas de Jesús 7:00 Cursillo 7:00 Stations of the Cross SATURDAY, Feb 28 6:00 Adoration 8:30 Communion Service 10:00 Baptisms—English 3:30 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass CH Chapel CH Chapel MC J5 CH Chapel CH Chapel OLG CH CH Chapel CH Chapel CH Chapel CH CH CH OLG MC LIB Chapel J6 S7 S8 CH Chapel CH Chapel Chapel / OLG J5 Pavilion Chapel J8 OLG CH CH Chapel CH Chapel Pavilion Chapel, S6, S8 J5 CH CH CH CH CH CH NOTE: Please refer to your Religious Education Calendar for your child’s class schedule. The Raising of the Steel Beams for the Roof On February 16, 2015, the positioning of the large steel roof beams for the new hall was begun. This phase in construction is an important indicator for the remainder of the project. The beams will indicate the height and shape of the roof and add to the development of our visual image of the hall. The beams join and complement the exterior walls that we have watched being built, the hall will now move closer to forming an enclosed structure. It is an exciting time for the parish as the construction continues towards the planned completion in July. Watching the placement of the beams leads to thoughts of how they will shelter those who use the hall for generations to come. We can imagine the many diverse functions and prayers that will be held and said under this roof. We, the present parishioners, have a special warm feeling about the progress of construction. Each brick, each trowel of mortar and each reinforcement bar we have seen take its position brings to mind the years it has taken to reach this point. The efforts have been special and they are creating a very special place. Memories of all types will occur in the hall that will have very special meaning for the participants. The highest point of the building will soon be reached. An unspoken feeling of achievement is evident in each parishioner’s heart as they observe the physical product of their long and often difficult efforts.
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