St. Francis Catholic Church 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Fax: 972-227-2882 Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM (Spanish) 7:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Spanish) 12:15 PM Daily Mass Schedule Mon. Communion Service @ 8:00 AM Wed. 6:30 PM Tues, Thurs, & Fri 8:00 AM HOLY DAYS—Call office for Mass times. Visitors: We happily welcome you to St. Francis! To register please stop by the office. Visitantes: ¡San Francisco les da coordialmente la bienvenida! Para registrase en la parroquia, visite nuestra oficina parroquial. Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM and Wednesday 5-6 PM or by appointment. Confesiones: Sabados de 3:30 pm a 4:30 pm, miercoles 5:00 pm a 6:00 pm o por medio de una cita. Weddings: Must contact the Pastor six months prior to desired date. Preparation classes are required before the marriage. Contact office for regulations and any rental information. Bodas: Llamar a la oficina seis meses antes para fijar la fecha. Se requieren clases de preparacion. Llamar para los requisites o alquilar el Salon Parroquial. Baptisms: First & Third Saturday in English at 11 am. Registered member six months prior to scheduling baptismal date. Parents and Godparents must attend preparation class. Godparents if married, must be according to the laws of the Catholic Church. Baptismal Class second Saturday of the month in January, March, May, July, September & November @ 10:00 AM. Bautismos: Primer y tercer sábado en inglés a las 11 am; Segundo y cuarto sabado en espanol a las 11 am. Registrado como miembro de la Parroquia seis meses antes de planificar fecha de Bautismo. Padres y padrinos tienen que asistir a clase de preparacion. Padrinos, si con casados, tiene que ser de acuerdo a las leyes de la Iglesia Catolica. Las clases pre-bautismales son el Segundo sabado de cada mes en enero, marzo, mayo, julio, septiembre y noviembre a las 10:00 am. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 26, 2015 Day Sat Date 07/25 Sun 07/26 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 07/27 07/28 07/29 07/30 07/31 Time 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:15 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am 6:30 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am Intentions †Mary Alice Fehmel, and Mary Anne Fehmel, offered by Paul Fehmel 25th Wedding Anniversary intentions of Jose Martin y Martha Alicia Rodriguez †Mary Alice Fehmel, and Mary Anne Fehmel, offered by Paul Fehmel †Mary Alice Fehmel, and Mary Anne Fehmel, offered by Paul Fehmel †Francisca Albarran, offered by family Segura Albarran †Syril Sparrow, offered by Debra Sparrow For the People Communion Service For the dignity of all human life from Conception to natural death For all married couples For all those discerning a vocation to the Priesthood For Persecuted Christians in the world Weekly need for Operational expenses $8400 Sunday Offering 07/19 $7259.00 Church in Africa 07/19 $1627.00 Sun 07/26 2:00 pm Mon 07/27 7:00 pm Tues 07/28 7:00 pm Wed 07/29 7:00 pm Thurs Fri 07/30 07/31 10:30 am 10:30 am 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Deacon Carpio reception-PH CRHP Women-CL Jóvenes Instrumentos-CL Ch. Spanish choir-CH Dela Mano con Jesus-CL Walking in Faith-CL Sun Span Choir-CH Men CRHP-CL Youth Group-PH English Choir-CH SVDP meeting-PH Food Pantry-PH Sat. Sp. Choir-CH Renovación Parroquial Sunday TV Mass for the homebound has moved to KTXD channel 47 at 7:00 a.m. Visit: Readings for the Week of July 26, 2015 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Eph 4:1-6/Jn 6:1-15 Monday: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34/Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28/Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Ex 34:29-35/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Thursday: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38/Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37 Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Lv 25:1, 8-17/Mt 14:1-12 Next Sunday: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15/Eph 4:17, 20-24/Jn 6:24-35 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Thanks for your response for the Altar Society Caps of Love program. As of this bulletin publication, we have reached our goal and will no longer be collecting them. ****************************************************************** Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. †Bennie Kennedy, Husband of Mary Kennedy May he rest in peace. Sanctuary Candle burns the week of July 26-August 1, 2015 In Memory of †Princesita Ocampo Sister of Ester Gary Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Offered by, John & Ester Gary July 26, 2015—Building Fund August 2, 2015—St. Vincent de Paul August 9, 2015—Building Fund 2 | St. Francis Altar Servers Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 25-Jul 26-Jul Aryel C, Alex V Brian T, Jordan 1-Aug 2-Aug Sajel P, Alexa C Brian T, Jordan 8-Aug 9-Aug Alex V, Alexa C Brian T, Jordan 15-Aug 16-Aug Alex V, Luis V Brian T, Jordan Commentators Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 25-Jul 26-Jul Paul F Veronica L 1-Aug 2-Aug Sherry G. Salomon B 8-Aug 9-Aug Louise V Juanita B 15-Aug 16-Aug Paul F Alfonso R Lectors Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM-SP 25-Jul 26-Jul Sherry G Ines P, Maria P 1-Aug 2-Aug Ben R. 8-Aug 9-Aug Joe T, Louise V 15-Aug 16-Aug Jim G, Paul F 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM Carlos R, Victoria F Isabelle K, Faith C Pablo R, Emily Evan R, Jose R Isabel G, Andrew T Carolina S, Josue Victoria U, Carlos R Joanna & Lillian H Adriana P, Roxanna Victoria F, Evan R Andrew T, Isabelle K Josue, Pablo R 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM Rowland U Carol A Antonio R Jerry S Teresa H Veronica L Sara R Mary L Alfonso R Rowland U Wendy A Federico T 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM-SP Ben R, Rodney & Irene C Daniela B, Catalina R Rowland U Carol A & Wendy A Adolfo R, Venancia N Jerry S Eddie I & Cassie P Jose T, Guadalupe L Sara R Jim M & Simona L Estela A, Beatriz P Herlinda T, Manuel F A na C, Edelmira A Patricia T, Veronica R Extraordinary Ministers of Communion July 25 @ 5 pm July 25 @ 7 pm Mary B-c, Sherry G, Jose R, Adela B, Rafael B, Ernesto Deacon F August 1 @ 5 pm Cathy C-c, Paul F, Deacon August 8 @ 5 pm August 1 @ 7 pm July 26 @ 8 am July 26 @ 10 am July 26 @ 12:15 pm Sara & Cliff R-c, Deacon Brenda H-c, Cathy H, Jackie M, Jim M, Ajibola O, Peter O, Cassie P, Teresa W, Deacon Octavio R, Josefina B, Venancia N, 3 Volunteers, Adolfo & Angela R August 2 @ 8 am August 2 @ 10 am August 2 @ 12:15 pm Adela B, Rafael B, Jose R, Candido Debra S-c, Richard B, Deacon Pauline & Alfred S-c, Wendy A, Cora C, Irenee C, Maria E, Priscilla G, Gaye H, S Deacon August 8 @ 7 pm August 9 @ 8 am Sherry -c, Virginia G, Jose M, Lupita M, Maxi P, Maria P Evan R-c, Zolange B, Deacon Deacon August 15 @ 5 pm Robin T-c, Barb Y, Deacon August 15 @ 7 pm August 16 @ 8 am August 9 @ 10 am Josefina B, Ana C, Doroteo C, Barbara C, Hipolito C, Iris C, Manuel F, Lucy H. August 9 @ 12:15 pm Gaye H-c, Mary L, Pauline H, Brenda H, Venancia N, Lourdes P, Adolfo R, Angela Cathy H, Jackie M, Jum M, Ajibola O, R, Octavio R, Silvia Q, Silvia V, Ofelia V. Deacon August 16 @ 10 am Rafael B, Jose R, Candido S, Adela Yolanda D-c, Jerry D, Deacon Peter O-C, Cassie P, Pauline & Alfred S, Teresa W, Wendy A, Cora C, Irene C, B. Deacon August 16 @ 12:15 pm Ana C, Dototeo C, Barbara C, Hipolito C, Iris C, Manuel F, Lucy H, Josefina B. Please keep the sick members of our Parish family in your prayers: Guadalupe Gonzalez, Tom Annello, Doris Brancato, Mary Nell Mazoch, Mary Neu, Adrian Zapata, William, Mayo, Ernestina Zapata, Juan Zapata, Kimberly Yenco-Hammond, Lois Love, Angelina Nuno, Mariela Ortiz, Casey McDaniel, Angel Benson, Christian A. Garcia, Al Aldinger, Eliseo Martinez, Monica Smith, Frank Reyes, Richard Brumley, Hattie Brown, Ester Estremos, Randy Norman, Miguel Quiñonez, Richard Salas, Mark Seidemann, Carolyn Gangluff, Enemencio Jaso, Mary Sparkman, Simona Garza, and all those who are not listed and still are in need of our prayers. If you have a person to add on this prayer list, please call the office at 972-227-4124. You can also write the names of your sick loved ones in the notebook on the stand in the Narthex. Lancaster, TX Page 3 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ August 21-23: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is a life-changing opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help those suffering from abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help the soul of the suffering find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope! For more information and to register, contact [email protected] or the Abortion AfterCare-Healing helpline 214-544-CARE (2273) in English, or [email protected] or 972-679-4760 in Spanish. For information about a retreat for men only, visit or contact 469-416-2101 or [email protected]. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. The parish of St. Francis thanks you for remembering to make your Sunday offering in advance while you are on vacation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The website now has the ability to accept credit and debit card offerings on a one time and/or recurring basis. Thank you for your donations. The Knights of Columbus will be pre-selling tickets for their 2nd annual Knights of Columbus Music and Dance Contest at Ojeda’s restaurant on Friday, August 7, 2015 from 6:30 to 10:00 pm. A $20 ticket includes reservation, food and raffle drawing. The Guadalupe Radio Network invites you to its 7th Annual Summer Speaker Series event on Thursday, July 30th at the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas. The keynote speaker will be popular priest and author, Father Michael Gaitley, MIC who will speak on ‘Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy.’ Father Gaitley is the author of the popular Marian Consecration book called ’33 Days to Morning Glory’ as well as several other books. His talk will focus on the connection between Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy as we prepare for the Church’s ‘Year of Mercy.’ Tickets are $50 each if purchased in advance and includes a catered dinner from i Fratelli restaurant, wine and other beverages as well as a chance to win some very nice raffle prizes. To purchase your tickets or for more information please visit or call Dave Palmer at 972-757-2990. RCIA 2015-2016. Adults 18 and older that are lacking sacraments and would to participate in the RCIA formation program, please call the parish office to schedule an appointment for an interview and start the registration process. Classes will start in September. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RICA 2015-2016. Adultos mayores de 18 años que les falten sacramentos y les gustaría participar del programa de formación RICA, por favor de llamar a la oficina Parroquial para hacer una cita para una entrevista e iniciar el proceso de inscripción. Las clases empezarán en Septiembre. Farewell and Thank you Deacon Victor Carpio! On Sunday, July 26, 2015, after the 12:15 pm Mass, the parish of St. Francis and members of Renovación Parroquial will host a farewell lunch for Deacon Victor Carpio, as he moves forward for his new assignment. We thank you Deacon Victor for the many ways your involvement has enriched this parish and wish you only the best in the future. We will miss you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ El domingo 26 de julio, 2015, después de la Misa de 12:15 pm, la Comunidad de San Francisco de Asís y los miembros de Renovación Parroquial ofrecerán una comida de despedida para el Diacono Victor Carpio, ya que ha sido asignado a una nueva parroquia. Le damos las gracias Diácono Victor por su entrega incondicional al servicio y enriquecimiento de esta parroquia, bendiciones y nuestros mejores deseos para usted y su familia y nunca olvide que está siempre será su casa. ¡Dios lo bendiga! Are you a Certified Electrician, or a Certified Plumber? If you are either a certified Electrician or Plumber and reside within the Parish boundaries, please call the parish office at 972-227-4124 so we can retain your information on file, and then, when the need arises for a repair in your field either in the Church, Parish Center or Rectory, we preferably have a Parishioner fix the problem, as opposed to a non parishioner. ¿Es usted un Electricista o Plomero Certificado? Si usted es un electricista o plomero certificado y vive dentro de los límites parroquiales o está registrado en nuestra parroquia, por favor de comunicarse a la oficina al (972) 227-4124. Estamos creando una base de datos con los nombres de proveedores de estos servicios y en caso de que hubiera la necesidad de hacer alguna reparación en la Iglesia, Centro Parroquial o en la Rectoría poderlos contactar y darles el trabajo de reparación a ustedes en vez de a alguien que no es un feligrés de esta parroquia. The Dallas Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Annual Assembly will host its Annual Assembly on Satur day, November 14, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, Parish Center. For information, please contact Mary Hintz: 972-255-6540 / [email protected] or Marcy Reese: 903-268-3356/ [email protected]. Registration fee: $25, non-refundable, includes continental breakfast and catered lunch. ** No registrations at the door (after Nov. 5 call above numbers please.) ** 4 | St. Francis A Note from Fr. Manny Dear St. Francis Family, We reflect this weekend the miracle of the multiplication of the five loaves and two fish by Jesus to feed a crowd of more than five thousand men. (Jn 6:1-15) I do believe that this miracle was not just a one time event. It did not end with the feeding of five thousand people who followed Jesus with various needs. In this imperfect world we live, we cannot deny the fact that each of us has its own needs and concerns to attend to, and if we cannot find solutions to them by ourselves, we usually bring them up to God for help. This is the kind of need the people had for Jesus and He did not give the solution alone. He knew He could do it alone but He challenged His disciples to become part and parcel of the solution “Give them something to eat.” (Mk 6:37), (Lk. 9:13), (Mt. 14:16) The same challenging words, Jesus is giving us who claim to be Christians. The world has so many needs that we have to be sensitive in giving our time, talents, and resources to become part of God’s ministry of presence to His people who are searching for Him. May we become active instruments of God in bringing His love, concern, and care for His needy people. Mahatma Gandhi said: “The world has enough for everyone’s need but not enough for everyone’s greed.” Yours in the ministry, Fr. Manny Querida familia de San Francisco: Este fin de semana reflexionamos el milagro de Jesús de la multiplicación de los cinco panes y dos pescados para alimentar la multitud de más de cinco mil hombres. (Jn 6:1-5) Creo que este milagro no fue sólo un evento único. No terminó con la alimentación a las cinco mil personas que seguían a Jesús con diversas necesidades. En este mundo imperfecto en que vivimos, no podemos negar el hecho de que cada uno de nosotros tiene sus propias necesidades y preocupaciones que atender, y si no podemos encontrar soluciones a ello por nosotros mismos, usualmente le pedimos ayuda a Dios. Este es el tipo de necesidad que la gente tenía de Jesús y Él no les dio solo la solución. Jesús sabía que podía hacer su trabajo solo, pero desafío a sus discípulos para que fueran parte integral de la solución, “Denles algo de comer.” (Mc 6:37), (Lc 9:13), (Mt 14:16) Jesús nos habla con las mismas palabras desafiantes a nosotros que decimos ser cristianos. El mundo tiene tantas necesidades que tenemos que ser sensibles al dar nuestro tiempo, talentos y recursos para formar parte en el ministerio para que los que están buscando a Dios puedan sentir su presencia. Que nos convirtamos en instrumentos activos de Dios para llevar su amor, preocupación y cuidado de su pueblo necesitado. Mahatma Gandhi dijo: "El mundo tiene lo suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades de todos, pero no lo suficiente como para satisfacer la avaricia de algunos." Suyo en el ministerio, Padre Manny Inaugural Remembrance Mass for Children: Inaugural Remembrance Mass for children lost near the dawn of life will be held on August 15th, at 10:00 a.m., at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, 2215 Ross Ave, Dallas 75201. The bilingual mass for the diocese will be celebrated by Fr. Rudy Garcia with concelebrants Msgr. Greg Kelly and Fr. Wilmer Daza, with music by the Cathedral Children’s Choir. A special blessing will be offered for parents of children lost before birth by miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion, as well as parents of children lost for any other reason after birth. Parents will also be invited to participate in a white rose procession and to add their child (children) to a Book of Remembrance to be held in prayer by the Sisters of Life. (Participation in any aspect of the event is voluntary.) For more information, contact Susan Platt, 214-392-7545 or [email protected]. Save the Date! The second annual diocesan Silver and Gold Mass is scheduled for Saturday, August 29th, at 2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Bishop Farrell will celebrate this Mass and couples who have been married 25 (1990), 50 (1965) and 50+ years should plan to attend. A festive reception will follow the mass. Registration is important and detailed registration information will be forthcoming. Please call Delia Garcia at the diocese 214-379-2878 to place names on the pre-registration list. Pre-registration couples will be contacted as registration time approaches. Religious Education Classes are on break for the summer. Classes will resume the week after Labor Day. The first Sunday class will be Sunday, September 13th. The first Wednesday class will be Wednesday, September 16th. All students must be registered for classes before attending. Registration is now closed as all currently available space has been filled. Openings may become available three weeks after classes resume in September. If registered students do not attend, then space will become available. Only families already registered with the parish for at least six months will be considered. Fees for the upcoming year are due by September 30, 2015. Fees may be paid with cash or check made payable to St. Francis. A new option to pay with credit card will be coming on the website. Keep in touch with the latest RE news by reading the Sunday bulletin and by logging on to our website: Online Learning—The Diocese of Dallas has a partnership with the University of Dayton’s Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF). VLCFF offers courses in English and Spanish. The online classes are designed for adult learners. Dallas adults pay the reduced rate of $40 for 5 week classes and $30 for 3 week seminars. Dallas catechetical formation credit is awarded if the course corresponds to a Continuing Catechetical Formation (CCF) courses. See the Learning Community for Faith Formation for English and Spanish online offerings at There is also a direct link on the diocesan website, Lancaster, TX |5
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