XÑ|Ñ{tÇç Éy à{x _ÉÜw 3 January 2016 Holy Trinity Church is a multiethnic community reflective of her Catholic tradition, united in one holy, catholic, and apostolic faith. Together we desire to adore the Triune God with the same reverence and devotion as did our Blessed Mother and all the saints. We invite all Catholics who have moved into the Hackensack~ Teaneck area to join us in worship and register as a member of our parish. We invite those interested in becoming Catholic to visit and join us in our faith and worship. Hackensack~Teaneck, New Jersey [ÉÄç gÜ|Ç|àç V{âÜv{ The Roman Catholic Parish of PASTORAL STAFF Masses~Misas Saturday Evening (anticipated) 5:00 PM; 6:30 PM (español) Sunday 7:00 AM; 8:15 AM (español) 10:00 AM; 11:15 AM 12:30 PM 4 PM (Tagalog-2nd Sunday) 6:30 PM (español) Holy Days: Please consult bulletin Monday-Friday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 12:10 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM, 12:10 PM Penance & Reconciliation Saturdays: 4:00 – 4:45 PM or by appointment Baptism: Please call to arrange for your child’s baptism soon. Por favor llame para registrarse a su niño para el bautismo con anticipación. Sacraments of Christian Initiation: Adults (12 yrs. and older) desiring to be baptized, confirmed or become a Catholic please speak to any priest or Mr. Julian Garcia. Rev. Paul J. Prevosto, pastor [email protected] Rev. Mayhel Velasquez [email protected] Rev. Jose Pablo Muralles [email protected] Rev. Doroteo Layosa [email protected] transitional deacon Rev. Mr. Francisco Mendonça, Mr. Julian Garcia, CRE [email protected] Miss Viviana Villa, business manager [email protected] TRUSTEES Mr. George Croonquist, Trustee Mr. Lawrence Peele, Trustee CONTACTS Telephone: 201-343-5170 FAX: 201-343-5067 Parish email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.holytrinity1861.org OFFICE HOURS Monday & Thursday: 9:00 AM till 8:00 PM Tuesday & Wednesday: 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM Saturday: 1:00 PM till 6:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM till 1:00 PM CEMETERY OFFICE: 201-342-2096 St. Joseph’s Cemetery located on Hackensack Avenue offers graves, cremation niches, and mausoleums. Planning ahead saves the family much worry and anxiety. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Anointing of the Sick: Please call for a priest to celebrate this Sacrament of healing Tuesday: and forgiveness for someone who Wednesday: is seriously ill. Do not wait until Thursday: the sick person is unconscious. Sacrament of Matrimony: Friday: All Catholics should seek to Saturday: have their marriage blessed by the Sunday: Church so as to live in God’s good grace. Contact a priest a year prior to the intended date of marriage to ensure proper preparation for this Sacrament. 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY V M E 5:00 PM Lucia & Cosimo Piparra 6:30 PM Maximo Macias SUNDAY January 3—T E L 7:00 AM People of the Parish 8:15 AM Manuel y Dolores Valencia 10:00 AM Julio Antonio Barroso 11:15 AM Rosini Lida 12:30 PM Mary & Nicholas Gentile 6:30 PM Pablo y Sarita Luzuriaga MONDAY January 4—Elizabeth Ann Seton, religious 7:00 AM Rev. Peter Lennon 8:00 AM Brian Coyle 12:10 PM Intentions of Sr. Emily Walsh TUESDAY January 5—John Neumann, bishop 7:00 AM Rev. George Macho 8:00 AM Intentions of the Smith & Schlecter Families 12:10 PM Dec’d of The Smith and Schlecter Families WEDNESDAY January 6—Andre Bessette, religious 7:00 AM Bishop Thomas Donato 8:00 AM Tom Connolly 12:10 PM Thomas Noto THURSDAY January 7—Raymond of Penyafort, priest 7:00 AM Msgr. Augustin Park 8:00 AM Sr. Helen Dillon 12:10 PM Cathleen Heffernan FRIDAY January 8 7:00 AM Intentions of Thomas McDonough, Jr. 8:00 AM Beth Sievers 12:10 PM Mary Rogers SATURDAY January 9 8:00 AM Maria Sisti & Family 12:10 PM Margaret Walsh A M S 5:00 PM Ron Pezzillo 6:30 PM Cecilia Guzman SUNDAY January 10—T B L 7:00 AM Kevin M. O’Halloran 8:15 AM Jesús y Bacilicia Fernández 10:00 AM Gideon Rivers—23rd Anniversary 11:15 AM Mary & Nicholas Gentile 12:30 PM Brian Coyle 4:00 PM People of the Parish 6:30 PM Daniel Gallego Ruiz Our Parish Community prays for the sick: Mary Badaracco, Frank Bartik, Evelyn DiDomenic, Ann Enrico, Phyllis Maher, Martin McCormack, Jose & Dorothy Nogueras, Phyliss Westlake, Margaret Williams, Carol Yaner /Sharon Breheny, Dante Murray, Michelle Murray, Ann Marquez, Dr. Kailas, //Stefany Villamizar, Mercedes Carela, Sue Ludmer ///Cheryl Kirschbaum, Sarah Morris, Randolf Yaner //// Christian Coronel, Jean Moran, Fernando Rodriguez Please pray for our Faithful Departed & their loved ones: Catherine Grandinetti, Enid Nevers Prayer for Our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen. Wisdom of the Saints Hope always draws the soul from the beauty that is seen to what is beyond, always kindles the desire for the hidden through what is perceived. — St. Gregory of Nyssa Live in faith and hope, though it be in darkness, for in this darkness God protects the soul. Cast your care upon God for you are His and He will not forget you. Do not think that He is leaving you alone, for that would be to wrong Him. —St. John of the Cross Hope, O my soul, hope. You know neither the day nor the hour. Watch carefully, for everything passes quickly, even though your impatience makes doubtful what is certain, and turns a very short time into a long one. —St. Teresa of Avila. Donald Hill Seton Hall Scholarship Any parishioner going to Seton Hall is eligible for a grant to attend Seton Hall University. If you are attending or plan to attend please come to the rectory and get an application. Fr. Paul Make a Gift through an IRA Charitable Rollover The IRA Charitable Rollover has been extended through 2015 and was passed permanently into law. This law will allow individuals 70½ or older to move up to $100,000 from their IRAs directly to qualified charities such as Holy Trinity Church, without having to pay income taxes on the donated money. For more info about how you can benefit from an IRA charitable rollover, please contact the Planned Giving Office at the Archdiocese of Newark. You can reach Theresa Lynch at (973) 497-4042 or by e-mail [email protected] MEETINGS Finance Council Jan 07 7:30 Rectory Knights of Columbus Jan 11 8:00 Council Chambers Spiritual Renewal Jan 18 7:30 Rectory Human Concerns Jan 11 7:30 Convent Liturgy Committee Jan 25 7:30 Rectory St. Vincent de Paul TBA 7:00 Convent Pastoral Council Jan 21 7:30 Parish Hall Amor de Dios Lunes 7:00 Parish Hall Rosario Lunes 7:00 Chapel CCC Viernes 7:30 Parish Hall HT Prayer Group Fridays 7:30 30 Maple Bible Study Jan 20 7:30 Parish Hall Fil-Am: Officers TBA 6:30 Marcelino’s Fil-Am Ministry TBA 1:30 Parish Hall STEWARDSHIP Collection for December 20, 20115: $9280.00 Last Sunday’s Collection/Colecta de Domingo Pasado:$TBA Christmas Collection: TBA A.D. 2016—A Year of Mercy The Year of Our Lord (Anno Domini) 2016 promises to be an opportunity to be Christ to others. On the social and political scene we are looking forward to a new president, a new archbishop of Newark, the Olympic Games in Rio, and World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland of which many of our young people will attend. Also our Holiness the Pope has declared this year as a Year of Mercy. It is a time to r ecognize and r eceive God's mer cy and forgiveness and an opportunity to be his instrument of Mercy in a world that suffers under personal sin, the crimes of evil men and women, and the violent forces of nature and decay. The Church has always promoted the teaching and exercise of the Works of Mercy by which we do God's will. They are: The seven corporal works of mercy: 1. Feed the hungry. 2. Give drink to the thirsty. 3. Clothe the naked. 4. Give hospitality to pilgrims, foreigners, strangers, and the homeless. 5. Visit the sick. 6. Visit the imprisoned. 7. Bury the dead, and The seven spiritual works of mercy: 1. Counsel the doubtful. 2. Instruct the ignorant. 3. Admonish sinners. 4. Forgive offenses. 5. Comfort the afflicted. 6. Bear wrongs patiently. 7. Pray for the living and the dead. These are some of my hopes for the coming year. Let us pray for our new President; that he/she be fearless against our enemies, compassionate toward those in need, resolute in leading the nation to respect life "from the womb to the tomb", and honest in his administration of our government. Let us pray for our new Archbishop Hebda who will replace Archbishop Myers upon his retirement this summer. May he be a fine model of Christian virtue, a fearless defender of faith & morals, an unwavering steward of God's Mercy, and a gentle shepherd to the Church of Newark. Let us pray also for Archbishop Myers that he be blessed and continue to minister as a priest of God most high. Let us pray for the youth at World Youth Day in Krakow, especially our youth group members led on this pilgrimage by Fr. Jose, and for the many youth who cannot go, that they discover a faith in Jesus Christ that will transform them into lovers of God and haters of sin. Let us pray for peace and the defeat of ISIS and all groups of hate. May they have a conversion of heart and know the love of Jesus in their hearts. Let us pray for families. That they be reconciled, that fathers return to the home and mothers nurture their children, and that together they profess the faith to their progeny. Let us pray for the return of Holy Matrimony among our young couples, that they live chastely and remain in their love for one another. Finally let us pray for our parish, that we continue to grow in numbers and increase in the conviction of our faith. These prayers are my hopes for this coming year. I hope you can join me in praying for a world in such great need of God's mercy, love and forgiveness. Pax Christi, Fr. Paul Sanctity of Life Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Rachel’s Vineyard retreat for those who have experienced an abortion is May 13-15 or Sept 9-11, 2016. Call Cheryl Riley at 973-497-4350 for more info. The Death Penalty The Pro-Life Movement is best known for supporting the right of unborn babies to be born. Pro-lifers are almost as well known for their support of the rights of older, handicapped or terminally ill persons to continue living until natural death. These same defenders of the sacredness of human life are not as well known for their opposition to the death penalty. Can they be consistent to their principles regarding the sacredness of human life and still accept the right of the state to punish condemned criminals with the death penalty? Let's take a look at the philosophy which undergirds the Right to Life Movement. Pro- lifers begin with the truth that all human life is sacred since it is created by God. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." They reason: "Once a human egg is fertilized and begins to grow, it has the same identical DNA it will have for life. It is already a tiny human individual! It's individuality, its human growth will continue to develop - just as a baby does after birth but is already a human individual person, endowed by God with the same inalienable right to life that all human beings possess. Since the right to life is given by God, no one may voluntarily destroy that human life. 'In God's hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.' (Job 12:10) This same belief is enshrined in the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill'." When it comes to the question of elderly, handicapped or terminally-ill persons, Pro-lifers again invoke the principle of the sacredness of human life. They argue that while all possible means may be used to relieve pain and to promote the comfort of a human individual even if as a secondary effect, that life may be shortened - no attempt may be made to deliberately end that life. The emphasis here is on the intention of the person who is caring for the patient. It may be summed up in the phrase, "to heal and to cure - not to kill." If the use of a drug given to relieve pain will have the secondary effect of shortening the life of the patient - so be it. But if the intention is to kill the person, this would be wrong. How about the death penalty? How does this fit in with the Pro-life principles stated above? It is necessary again to recall the overriding principle of right to lifers! The God-given right to life of each human individual, and the corresponding duty to protect, cherish and defend that human life. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states "The murder of a human being is gravely contrary to the dignity of the person and the holiness of the Creator." (2320) Does this mean that an individual can never kill another? Here right to lifers would hold, that just as we must respect the right to life of other human beings - so we must respect and defend our own right to life. They would hold that when we are unjustly attacked, we may defend our life but only as a last resort. We should try to protect our life by running away, by calling for help. But as a last resort, we may injure our attacker - even fatally, if this is the only way to defend our own life. Why? Because we are interested in protecting and saving our own life. The fatal injury is a way of doing this. We try not to do more damage than we have to, but if the only way we can defend our life results in the death of our attacker - so be it. We intend to defend ourselves, not to KILL. The killing is a sad secondary effect of our right to defend our own life. This same principle to defend our own life, also applies to the defense of our family members, or of other innocent persons who are unjustly being attacked by others. Carrying this same principle one step further - Can we apply it to our society if it is being unjustly attacked? Always, we must try to avoid taking the life of another, but as a last resort, if the only way we can defend ourselves or our fellow citizens against an unjust attack results in the death of others, we accept this as an unfortunate effect of defending our own lives. NOW - How about the death penalty? How would these right to life principles apply? Let us take the case of a criminal who has been justly judged guilty of a heinous crime - of murder, for example. Does he have a human life? Yes. Must we respect that life? Yes. Are we being presently attacked by this criminal so that our own life is threatened? No. Do we have a right to defend ourselves against possible future attacks by this criminal? Yes. If the only way we could defend ourselves were to KILL this person might this be considered self-defense? Possibly. But with the alternative of life long incarceration, without parole - are we not able to defend our lives? Is it really necessary to kill this criminal in order to defend ourselves? The answer, it would seem to me, is almost NEVER, if we are to abide in the principles of respect for the human life of others. Source: Archdiocese of Newark http://rcan.org/death-penalty SPIRITUAL LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY LA VIDA ESPIRITUAL EN LA COMUNIDAD C ,P U Full Time Secretarial Position Available Holy Trinity Prayer Group - charismatic prayer every Friday at 7:30 PM at 30 Maple Adoration - every first Friday from 12:30 to 10:00 PM Bible Study—Select Wednesdays at 7:30 PM in the Parish Hall— Jan 20 & 27 Holy Trinity Church in Fort Lee is looking for a full time secretary. Must be professional, organized, proficient in Microsoft Word, etc.. Email resume to [email protected] or fax to 201-947-1217. For additional info call Susan at201-947-1216. Siblings of Siblings with Disabilities The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children – Being the sibling of someone with a profound disability asks much of the sibling. Though they feel great love for their brother or sister, much is also expected. They typically need to grow up more quickly from additional responsibilities and often their parents' attention is more widely cast with the additional needs in raising an individual with a profound disability. There will be a gathering for teen and young adult aged siblings: Wednesday January 6 at 7:30 PM in the St. John the Evangelist Parish Life Center , 15 Nor th Washington Avenue, Bergenfield. This event is sponsored by Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities. RSVP to Anne Masters 973-639 -6536 or [email protected] Questions: [email protected] or Nancy Nasr at 973-8510797 Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace An Interfaith Prayer Service for Peace will be held at St. Peter the Apostle church in River Edge on Sunday, January 10th at 5:00 p.m. Let us pray together for peace and justice in our world. Rev. Camilo Cruz will be homilist. Light refreshments to follow. Please join us. which provides partial tuition scholarships for low income students in grades K-12 to attend Catholic schools – will hold its 13th annual High School Basketball Festival on Jan 9 &10 at Kean University in Union. The teams playing include; , Seton Hall Prep, St. Mary’s, Bergen Catholic, Paramus Catholic, St. Joseph’s Regional. For game schedule, times & info on ordering tickets, please visit www.sfichoops.com or call (973) 497-4279. Atlantic City Trip Take a day off and go to AC. On Monday, January 18th for only $29.00 Call Regina for a reservation at 201-487-9147. Come and visit NEW YORK ENCOUNTER, a cultural festival witnessing to faith in the public square. The Encounter will take place Jan 15-17, 2016 at the Metropolitan Pavilion on 215 West 18th Street (btw 6th & 7th Ave). FREE of charge. Sat., Jan 16, 2016 @ 6 pm: Setting Out on the Long Path of Renewal. A reflection on Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si. Speakers: SEAN CARDINAL O’MALLEY & Jeffery SACHS, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Sun., Jan 17, 2016 @ 4 pm: “Your Love is Better than Life” Eyewitness accounts on the life of Christians in the Middle East by Abp. Abel NONA, exiled Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, Iraq, Fr. Pier PIZZABALLA, Custos of the Holy Land, and a refugee family in Erbil, Kurdistan (video) For the full program: www.newyorkencounter.org or call (212) 253-5777 A Pilgrimage to Fatima & Lourdes To mark the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Appearance to 3 shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal we will be traveling via TAP Airlines to Portugal, Spain and France June 1—10, 2016 Where: Fatima, Portugal; Avila, Spain; Lourdes, France and more. Details to follow. Book the dates. Movie Nite The Nativity Story Betrothed to much-older Joseph (Oscar Isaac), Mary (Keisha Castle-Hughes) must remain a maiden for one year, but she subsequently receives a visit from the angel Gabriel, who tells her of her destiny. When Joseph and now-heavily pregnant Mary journey to Bethlehem for the Roman census, they face a threat from King Herod, whose obsession with an ancient prophecy endangers soon-to-be-born Jesus. Friday, January 8 Christmas Season concludes with the Baptism of the Lord on January 10. Epiphany Play Starring our Children Today—January 3 at 4:00 Bring the Children, a must see A visit by the Three Kings tops off the event. Maran atha The Lord has come 7:30 PM Parish Hall Christmas isn’t over yet. While the stores are planning for St. Valentine’s Day, we in the Church still rejoice in the feast of Christ’s birth. The Epiphany of Our Lord The word Epiphany means manifestation, and it has passed into general acceptance throughout the universal Church, from the fact that Jesus Christ manifested to the eyes of men His divine mission on this day first of all, when a miraculous star revealed His birth to the kings of the East. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy that a star would arise from Jacob. (Numbers 24:17) It was understood by these Wise Men that this star was announcing the Saviour-King, destined to be born of the Jews. And they, in spite of the difficulties and dangers of a long and tedious journey through deserts and mountains almost impassable, hastened at once to Bethlehem to adore Him. And there they offered Him mystical presents, as to the King of kings, to the God of heaven and earth, and to a Man whose human nature made Him mortal and subject to sufferings. The second manifestation commemorated by this feast day occurred when He came forth from the waters of the Jordan after having received Baptism from the hands of Saint John, and the Holy Ghost descended on Him in the visible form of a dove. A voice from heaven was heard, saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. The third manifestation which the Church's liturgy recalls to us is that of the divine power of Jesus when, at the marriage-feast of Cana, by the first of His miracles He changed water into wine. And at the sight of this prodigy His disciples believed in His Divinity. These three great events, concurring to the same end, the Church has wished to celebrate in one and the same festival. Reflection. Admire the almighty power of this little Child, who from His cradle makes known His coming to the shepherds and magi — to the shepherds by means of His Angel, to the magi by a star in the East. Admire the docility of these kings. Jesus is born: behold them at His feet! Let us be little, let us efface ourselves, and the divine strength will be granted to us. Let us be docile and quick in following divine inspirations, and we shall then become wise by the wisdom of God, powerful by His almighty power. © Editions Magnificat. Help Wanted—Receptionist El grupo Unidos por el Amor de Dios y la parroquia Holy Trinity invita a todos al Gran Concierto: “Hemos visto una estrella y venimos a adorar al Rey de reyes” Cuando: Domingo, Enero 10, 2016 La Hora: 12:00pm en la escuela Costo: $5.00 (incluye almuerzo) Todos son bienvenidos Epifanía del Señor, Los Tres Santos Reyes El origen oriental de esta solemnidad se encuentra en el mismo nombre: "Epifanía", es decir, revelación, manifestación; los latinos usaban la denominación "festivitas declarationis" o "apparitio", con el significado principal de revelación de la divinidad de Cristo al mundo pagano con la adoración de los magos, a los judíos con el bautismo en el Jordán, y a los discípulos con el milagro en las bodas de Caná. Sin tratar de hacer una reconstrucción histórica, podemos considerar el episodio de los magos como lo hicieron los Padres de la Iglesia: símbolo y manifestación de la llamada a la salvación de los pueblos paganos. Los magos fueron la explícita declaración de que el Evangelio había que predicarlo a todos los pueblos. Para la Iglesia oriental tiene grande importancia el bautismo de Cristo, la "fiesta de las luces", como dice San Gregorio Nacianceno, incluso como contraposición a una fiesta pagana del "sol invictus". En realidad, tanto en Oriente como en Occidente la Epifanía tiene el carácter de una solemnidad ideológica: se celebra la manifestación de Dios a los hombres por medio de su Hijo, esto es, la primera fase de la Redención. Cristo se manifiesta a los paganos, a los judíos, a los apóstoles: tres momentos sucesivos de la relación entre Dios y el hombre. Dios habla a los paganos por medio del mundo visible: el resplandor del sol, la armonía de los astros, la luz de las estrellas en el firmamento (los magos descubrieron en el cielo la señal divina) son portadores de una cierta presencia de Dios. Partiendo de la naturaleza, los paganos pueden "hacer las obras de la ley", porque, como decía San Pablo a los habitantes de Listra, el "Dios vivo, que ha hecho el cielo, la tierra, el mar y todo lo que hay en ellos... en las pasadas generaciones ha permitido que todas las naciones siguiesen sus caminos. Sin embargo, no ha cesado jamás de dar testimonio sobre sí mismo, haciendo el bien, mandándoos desde el cielo lluvias y estaciones fructíferas, y llenando vuestros corazones de alimento y de felicidad" (Hch 14, 15-17). Ahora "en estos días (Dios) nos ha hablado por el Hijo, a quien ha constituido heredero de todas las cosas, por quien hizo también el universo" (Hb 1, 2). Los muchos mediadores de la manifestación de la divinidad encuentran su término en la persona de Jesús de Nazaret, en el que resplandece la gloria de Dios. Por eso nosotros podemos hoy expresar la humilde, temerosa, pero plena y alegre profesión de nuestra fe, de nuestra esperanza, de nuestro amor. © Editions Magnificat. The pastor is looking for a receptionist who is fluent in both English and Spanish. This a part time position (15 hours) paying $10/hour. Duties include but are not limited to: answering the phone, answering the door, smiling, data entry, familiarity with Word, Excel and comfortable with the PC, light office work. Discreteness is of utmost importance. A pleasant and sunny disposition is necessary. The receptionist is the first person a parishioner or guest meets upon entering the rectory office. To apply please call Viviana at 201-343-5170. Position begins in January. Viñedo de Raquel Rachel’s Vineyard (Viñedo de Raquel) es un retiro para la sanación para quien ha experimentado el aborto. (en español) Enero 8-10, 2016. Llame Cheryl a 973497-4350 por mas información. Noche de Cine La Historia de la Navideña Historia de una joven llamada María y del designio divino que cambió para siempre su vida y la historia de la humanidad. Relata su vida en Nazaret, su compromiso con su esposo José, la visita del Ángel Gabriel, un embarazo milagroso y el arduo camino al que ella y José tuvieron que hacer frente desde Nazaret hasta Belén para dar a luz al hijo de Dios. 8 de Enero a las 7:30 PM Salón Parroquial La Navidad no se terminó para nosotros. Las tiendas han quitado las decoraciones, pero el Niño vive. Como católicos, todavía celebramos la natividad de Jesucristo. Traigan a los muchachos para ver esta película maravillosa. Ven y Ora con Nosotros Hora Santa Santa - Todos los viernes a las 6:30 PM en la iglesia Adoración - El primer viernes de la mes desde las 12:30 hasta las 10:00 PM en la capilla CCC - Una hora de reflexión de la Biblia cada viernes a las 7:30 PM en Salón Parroquial Amor de Dios - Grupo de Oración todos los lunes a las 7:00 Como Reportar Abuso El Arquidiócesis toma seriamente cualquier y todas alegaciones de mala conducta sexual por miembros del clero, Religiosos y personal laico del Arquidiócesis. Animamos a cualquier persona que tiene conocimiento de un acto de mala conducta sexual de informarnos inmediatamente para que podamos tomar la acción apropiada para proteger a otros y proveer apoyo a las victimas de abuso sexual. Individuos que quieren reportar una alegación de mala conducta sexual pueden llamar la Oficina Arquidiocesana de Protección de Niños y Jovenes al (201) 407-3256 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Trinity Church #007418 34 Maple Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 TELEPHONE 201 343-5170 CONTACT PERSON Fr. Paul Prevosto EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2013 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 8 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday 12:00 L S F El Sacramento de Reconciliación: El sábado a las 4-4:45 PM o por cita. El Sacramento del Bautismo: Por favor llame par a r egistrarse a su niño para el bautismo con anticipación. Los Sacramentos de Iniciación: Adultos (aquellos tienen 12 años o más) que buscan el bautismo o confirmación debe preguntar acerca de RCIA o Catequesis de Adultos con el Padre. El Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos: Por favor llame a sacerdote a celebrar este sacramento de sanación y perdón para alguien que está enfermo gravemente. Favor de no esperar hasta que el enfermo este inconsciente. El Sacramento del Matrimonio: Las par ejas deben contactar a un sacerdote con un año de anterioridad a la fecha deseada del matrimonio. Es un pecado grave no casarse sin el Sacramento o la permisión del obispo. SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION January 3, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Por favor, no aparcar en frente de la escuela. Es ilegal y causa mucha congestión, mientras que las clases de religión están en sesión. La anchura de la calle no puede dar cabida a los coches aparcados a ambos lados de la calle y los padres dejar o recoger a sus hijos. También en caso de una emergencia en la escuela, personal de emergencia no tendrá acceso fácil e inmediato. Por favor, no hay estacionamiento en frente de la escuela. Tenemos amplio estacionamiento de nuestro propio y hay varios estacionamientos disponibles alrededor o cerca de la iglesia. REGISTRARSE COMO FELIGRÉS Ventajas del Registro 1. Elegibilidad para ser un padrino o madrina 2. Las tarifas de feligrés para bodas y funerales 3. Prueba de residencia para la inmigración y una recomendación positiva del párroco que Ud. contribuye a la sociedad y la iglesia. 4. Recibir los sobres para que pueda contribuir al bienestar de su parroquia.
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