Saint Brendan Catholic Church All Saints Shallotte, North Carolina

Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
All Saints
November 1, 2015
WELCOME to our new Parishioners and Neighbors!
Camille Yandeau
Eugene & Joan Plachecki
Ross & Irene Tierno
Barbara Patterson
Reflections on the Readings
Every year the Church recalls the example, witness,
and prayer of the holy women and men who have been
identified by the Church as Saints. These saints are
more than just role models, they are family members
with whom we continue to share relation, in a bond of
prayer, called the Communion of Saints.
Every year when we celebrate this day, the Gospel we
proclaim recalls for us Jesus’ teaching about
happiness, the Beatitudes. We quickly note in this
reading that none of those Jesus names as “blessed’
or “happy” are expected… the poor in spirit, the meek
the persecuted. Jesus’ blueprint for happiness reflects
little of what the world might call happiness.
What does Jesus mean when he uses the word
“blessed”? This word sometimes translated as “happy”
or “fortunate” or “favored”. In other words Jesus is
saying that divine favor is upon those who are poor,
who mourn, who are persecuted. This might have been
welcome and surprising news to the crowds who heard
Jesus that day.
The Beatitudes can be understood as a framework for
Christian living. Because of this, it is natural that we
proclaim this Gospel on the Feast of All Saints. Saints
are people who lived the spirit of the Beatitudes as
Jesus lived. On this day, we too are challenged to
model our lives on the spirit and promises of the
Parish Council Meeting Nov. 11 at 6pm in the Library.
Carolina Shores
Linda Sackie
Sunset Beach
Pat Glennon
William & Eileen Stammetti
Bruce & Christine Peck
Eileen & Louis Fratto, Jr.
Carlos & Celia Lourenco
Newly Baptized Children at St. Brendan
Steven Avellaneda
Kaycie Arreeonda
Ashley Vasquez
Tiffany Sebastian
Mauricio Pineda
The Giving Tree - Christmas and the Three
Kings Day will be here before we know it.
Just like last year, there will be a tree in the
Gathering Space with tags for gifts for
children of our Faith Formation classes.
Please bring UNWRAPPED gifts between
$20 and $25 to the Church Library on or
before December 13th. Select a tag and attach it to
the gift. You are always so generous and we truly
appreciate it. The smiles on children’s faces when
they receive the gifts tell it all! Thank you
Thanks to your generosity the collection for
the Christians in the Holy Land was
And the Loaves and Fishes Collection was
Thanks to you all for your generous
donation to both of these great ministries!
There will be a training class for all who signed up for
Eucharistic Ministry following the 9am Mass on
Tuesday, Nov. 10, see Pat McLaughlin after Mass.
If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital,
nursing home/assisted living facility, etc. you or your
family must contact the nearest church.
Brunswick – St. Brendan
New Hanover – Chaplain’s Office
Dosher – Sacred Heart
Grand Strand – St. Andrew
Loris – St. James
Sea Coast - Star of the Sea
Ocean Isle Beach
Tony & Sandra Esparza
William & Frances Wylie
Vincent & Karen Barilla
Amount Saved due to early
payments on the mortgage:
Building Loan as of this month
our total debt is $770,644.29
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Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Masses for the Week
10/31 5pm
† Edwin Stiehle
11/01 8am
† Margaret Korpon
St. Brendan Parishioners
† Ann & John Ingraham
† Gene Zuccarelli
† Barbara Viviano
11/05 9am
† Ronald Graziano
† Patricia Matrick
11/07 5pm
† Frank & Margaret Whittle
† Joseph & Catherine Storella
11/08 8am
† Judith A. Coufal
Eucharist Service
St. Brendan Parishioners
† Bill Johnston
Next Week’s Reading
November 8, 2015
32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time
1 Kings 17:10-16
Hebrews 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44
All Saints
November 1, 2015
Please pray for Our Family and Friends
Ayisha Marawi Hohl
Joe Konen
Carmen Barros
Glenn Petrucci
Dan Stennett
Annie Labagh
Richard Riley
Rod Fagert
Ethel McDonald
Christopher Hylton
Sean Neumann
The Sullivan Family
Daniel Mulcahy
Meg Willmann
Emma Broughton
Delores Kozel
Joan Auray
Adele Hordan
Vera M. Powell
Kim Barros
Cira Cole
Fr. William Lascelles
Krystal Churchwell
Mary Carmody
Mary Ann Molini
Amanda Plumner
Lisa Ober
Melissa Zobel
Tammy Street
Rose Davignon
Pat Wagner
Jennifer McMillan
Lindsay Wilharm
Didia Brady
Olivia Dunn
Chuck Gibson
Bill Taylor
Gene Cox
Majorie Repoza
John Mulitz
Dottie Henndricks
Marie Tyler
Shawn Watkins
Noah Semanko
Marie Tyler
Carolena Nickles
Bette Hofmann
Dom Di Maio
Chris Oliver
Paul Whitehouse
Stella Kielb
Jason Del Pezzo
Michael Maggiore
Solomon Goulet
Brandon Snyder
Jane Krieger
Jean Mulcahy
Mary McManus
Larry Poitras
Louise Norton
Tommy Pephel
Caz Zukowski
Gina Sullivan
Aaron Alonso
Maria Cistulli
Tom Hutchin
Crystal Basil
Mary Elizabeth Zink
Diane Ovadek
George Carpenter
Bernice Fox
Hazel Zacofsky
Clement McDonald
Teresa Ann Costin
Judy Unterberger
Vicky Lewis
Jennifer Bryant
Joan Gilbert
Bonnie Bryan
Mary Ann Comiskey
Charlotte Sweeney
Tony Kane
Denise Kassel
Heidi Averill
Ann Mandt
Katie Brown
Evan Ciovacco
Alice Minneci
LCPL Brendan Churchwell
Gina De Cotiis
Andrew Taylor
Lynn Maglione Gregor
Liam Orlando
Louise Troy
Carmel Kealy
Joseph Leslie
The Malone Family
Ray Delotell
Alexa, Curtis & Evan Paton
Keira Rose Flynn
Carolyn Arney
Ron Sarko
Frank Massa
Stanley Zukowski
Tip Heffner
Donna Maria Kaminskas
Linda Kickham
Helen Fairman
Keri Chavez
Karen Long
Sr. Carol Beairsto Rgs.
Carol & Lauren Caldera
Dianne Fentress
Paul Lixon
Vicky Lewis
Dee Goodrich
JoAnn Behr
Ronald Young
Constance (Pat) Evans
Mary Pouliot
Karen Cohan
Tom Waldron
Betty Hess
Karen Nittoli
Barbara Wengernuk
Althea Grace
Jeff Stephens
Elaine Eberhardt
Joanne Alstranner
Tony & Melina Villate
Please pray for our Parishioners
Communion for the Sick & Homebound
contact Pat McLaughlin at 910-287-5479 if
you know someone who would like to receive
Communion at home.
Attention New Parishioners!
Welcome to St. Brendan Catholic Church. If you
are new to the area, we would like you to choose
St. Brendan as your Parish Family.
Registration forms are on the Stewardship Desk
in the Gathering Space. Please complete the
form and place in the collection basket or mail:
St. Brendan Catholic Church
P.O. Box 2984 Shallotte, N.C. 28459
Gary LaRouech
Cathleen Newman
Mary Lou Matthews
Luis Salas
George Salchert
Barbara Napfel
Debbie Chase
Adele Treible
Mike Bishko
Raymond Kidd
Jennifer Seeley
Elizabeth Walsh
Chris Stephens
Jackie Fennel
Theresa Whaley
Jim Cech
Ed Manz
Pat Pragel
Peggy Tinnell
Jennifer Cole
Joan Gilbert
Jim Lynch
Austin Sammon
Tom Gilmartin
Staci Matthews
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Dolores Wenstrup
Mary Jane Brust
Pat Thatcher
Philip & Annice Granville
Robert Santoro
Robert Manfred
Donna Leonard
Windy Herring
Lynn Olenchalk
Katlyne Thompson
Gerald Lutz
Jean Rosen
Gloria Hillenburg
Josephine Chebat
Bill Cawthra
Tom Gaven
Ed Kobierowski
Carl Shirdon
Sue Yudysky
Rich Harding
Connie Woodard
Adrianne Ferrier
John A. Murphy
Maria Knapik
Kathy Semanko
Joe and Betty Zegan
Charles Bradner
David Bodette
Deborah Lessner
George & Dorthy Mulcahy
Josephine Paterson Bill Anstock
Charles Witzel
George Scheidle
David & Kelly Garrett Donald Woods
Joe Lowry
Madeline Mahony
Carol Galovich
Mike & Rita McLean
Walter Skawinski
Ralph Kuhnel
Rev. Bruno Swiatocha Anna Zeng
Salvatore Dinolfo
Tom Chase
Clifford Rolls
Jim Yeager
Rudy Cilento
Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
All Saints
November 1, 2015
Parish Community
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
K of C Call Richard Rismiller 579-1155.
Check their web site:
11/09 Business Meeting
11/16 4th Degree
Our Lady of LaSalette Assembly will be serving a
Roast Pork Dinner on Saturday November 7th
following 5pm Mass. Proceeds will be used to transport
disabled Service men and women home for the
Christmas Holidays. The dinner will consist of roast
Pork, mashed potatoes, vegetables, salad and our
fresh baked bread and dessert. Cost of the dinner is
$13/plate. Dine in or take-out is available. For more
information contact Ray Gromadski 910-842-97430.
The Knights of Columbus, Council
9039 will be sponsoring a blood drive
for the American Red Cross on
Tuesday, November 10th from 10am to 2pm in
Brendan Hall. To schedule an appointment, visit the
Red Cross site and search
by sponsor code: KofC#9039 or call the Red Cross at
254-GIVE (4483).
The Columbiettes will be holding a BAKE
SALE during the Craft Fair Nov. 14&15. All
Proceeds go to Loaves and Fishes. If you
would like to contribute baked goods or for
more info contact [email protected]
Calling all Crafters - This year our craft
show will be held on November 14 &15,
just in time for the Holiday Shopping. If
you are interested in renting a space call
Marie Frost at 910-575-7638 or e-mail at
[email protected] for more info.
Loaves and Fishes needs help - Help
wanted picking up food from Little River
Food Lion on Saturday or Sunday morning
once a month. Please call Dave Rosenfeld
at 910-579-2704.
Holidays can be extremely stressful for everyone and
more so for those who have lost a loved one. St.
Brendan’s is offering a special time with Jean Pelletier,
a trained bereavement counselor, to help during this
difficult time. We hope you will be able to attend.
RSVP: Sister Rosanne- [email protected] or 910616-2105
VFW Auxiliary Fall Card Party November
3rd from 11am till 3pm at Ryans Steak.
Tickets are $15.00. For information call
Rose at 755-0126 or Floss at 575-7630.
Join Fr. Roch Drozdzik, Pastor of Transfiguration of
Jesus Parish in Wallace, NC on his tour. Departure on
June 6 and Return on June 18, 2016. The itinerary
includes: Gdansk, Warsaw, Krakow, Wieliczka,
Wadowice, Aushwitz and Zakopane.
(11 nights),
Breakfast and Dinner, First Class Motor Coach and
Group Site Seeing. Contact Fr. Roche at 919-9060464.
Our Gift Shop is in need of volunteers to work one
mass per month, especially the Saturday 5pm mass.
Please contact Kathy Cloutier at 843-280-9836 for
Creative Spirit - Knitting and Crocheting Ministry
Words can not express the heartfelt love shown to us
by “Creative Spirit”. Each year these precious ladies
work to share their talent, prayers and love with our
needy, homeless and at-risk youth. I wish everyone
could just see the many smiles they bring to these little
lives, and the hugs are priceless. One lady told me she
knelt down poor but stood up a lady when she put on
her new hat and scarf. Wow! Isn’t it amazing how God
works through us all. God bless all you incredible
women for giving so freely of yourselves.
Donna & Gary Phelps
Building Hope Ministries
St. Stanislaus Church 18th Annual Polish Festival
on Saturday, November 7 from 11am to 5pm in Castle
Hayne, NC. Genuine Polish Food, Beer, The Chardon
Polka Band and Polish souvenirs for sale. For the
young folks lots of games and activities. Festival goers
are invited to try their luck on the raffle, the grand prize
is $1,500 cash with a second prize of $750. and a third
prize of $250. There is something for everyone!
Angel Tree Christmas! It’s the time to help out
again. When Mom or Dad are in prison, it’s the
children who do hard time. You can give the
child of a prisoner the joy of receiving a gift and
hearing the Gospel message by your donation. We
have taken 100 children in this program to help this
year. Your $25 gift cards help the teenager have a gift
and they get a letter from the parent in prison. Call the
office 754-8544 and let us know that you want to help.
Building Hope Ministries thanks you!!
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All Saints
November 1, 2015
Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
St Brendan the Navigator
Activities Calendar
3 Faith’s Journey
9:30 - 11:30
Choir Practice 6:308:30
Searchers of Scripture
K of C 4th Degree
17 Faith’s Journey
9:30 - 11:30
Choir Practice 6:308:30
Searchers of Scripture
Searchers of Scripture
Contemp. Practice 4-6
Parish Council Mtg.
Healing Prayer 9:30
24 Faith’s Journey
9:30 - 11:30
Choir Practice 6:308:30
10 Faith’s Journey
9:30 - 11:30
Choir Practice 6:308:30
Searchers of Scripture
Healing Prayer 9:30
K of C Bus. Mtg.
Singles Group
Questions? Call 754-8544 or email
[email protected]
8am Choir
Being Mortal
29 11:15 Choir
Special Thanks to our
Sponsor or the week
Ocean Isle Collision
Support the businesses
that support our bulletin!
7 Choir 5pm
6 First Friday
Creative Spirit
Rosary of the
Unborn 8:10
Centering Prayer
Creative Spirit
Peace Prayers 9;30
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer
Office Closed
Creative Spirit
Peace Prayers 9;30
Thanksgiving Mass
Office Closed
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Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
All Saints
November 1, 2015
Boletin Hispano
primera categoría de los “pobres en espíritu” y la última
categoría de los “perseguidos por causa de la justicia”
reciben la misma promesa del Reino de los Cielos. Y la
reciben desde ahora, en el presente, pues Jesús dice
“¡de ellos es el Reino!” El Reino ya está presente en su
vida. La comunidad cristiana debe ser una muestra de
este Reino, un lugar donde el Reino empieza a tomar
forma desde ahora.
FORMACION DE FE Padre Ricardo, párroco
Hna. M. Teresa coordinadora (910-200-9209)
Mateo presenta la Nueva Ley en cinco grandes
Sermones dispersos en el evangelio: a) el Sermón del
Monte (Mt 5,1 a 7,29); b) el Sermón de la Misión (Mt
10,1-42); c) El Sermón de las Parábolas (Mt 13,1-52);
d) el Sermón de la Comunidad (Mt 18,1-35); e) El
Sermón del Futuro del Reino (Mt 24,1 a 25,46). Las
partes narrativas, intercaladas entre los cinco
Sermones, describen la práctica de Jesús y muestran
como él observaba la nueva Ley y la encarnaba en su
Mateo 5,1-2: El solemne anuncio de la Nueva Ley. De
acuerdo con el contexto del evangelio de Mateo, en el
momento en que Jesús pronunció el Sermón del
Monte, había apenas cuatro discípulos con él (cf. Mt
4,18-22). Poca gente. Pero una multitud inmensa le
seguía (Mt 4,25).Al igual que Moisés, Jesús sube al
Monte y, mirando a la multitud, proclama la Nueva Ley.
Es significativa la manera solemne como Mateo
introduce la proclamación de la Nueva Ley: “Viendo la
muchedumbre, subió al monte, se sentó, y sus
discípulos se le acercaron. Y, tomando la palabra, les
enseñaba diciendo: “Bienaventurados los pobres de
espíritu, porque de ellos es el Reino de los Cielos.” Las
ocho Bienaventuranzas forman una solemne apertura
del “Sermón de la Montaña”. En ellas Jesús define
quien puede ser considerado bienaventurado, quien
puede entrar en el Reino. Son ochos categorías de
personas, ocho puertas para entrar en el Reino, para
la Comunidad. ¡No hay otras entradas! Quien quiere
entrar en el Reino tendrá que identificarse por lo
menos con una de estas categorías.
Mateo 5,3: Bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu.
Jesús reconoce la riqueza y el valor de los pobres.
El nuevo proyecto de vida. Cada vez que en la Biblia
se intenta renovar la Alianza, se empieza
estableciendo el derecho de los pobres y de los
excluidos. Sin esto, ¡la Alianza no se rehace! Así
hacían los profetas, así hace Jesús. En las
bienaventuranzas, anuncia al pueblo el nuevo proyecto
de Dios que acoge a los pobres y a los excluidos.
Denuncia el sistema que ha excluido a los pobres y
que persigue a los que luchan por la justicia. La
Para saber acerca de preguntas sobre
inmigración llamen a la Madre
Rosanne al teléfono 910-616-2105.
La Madre atiende todos los domingos
después de la misa de las 9:30 de la mañana en las
oficinas del Centro Pastoral.
Los bautismos son noviembre 7 y
diciembre 5. La plática para estos
dos bautismos será el día 25 de
Las citas para el
bautismo se harán dos meses
antes de la fecha del bautismo.
Todos los niños que tengan 7 y
más anos deben de leer el
CREDO delante del padre, que es la esencia de
nuestra fe católica. Además deben de afirmar
vocalmente su deseo de bautizarse en la iglesia
católica. El bautismo se administrara a los niños que
sus padres son miembros asiduos de nuestra iglesia y
están registrados. Si los padres no asisten a San
Brendan y no están registrados deberán bautizar a sus
niños en la iglesia donde les corresponde.
Las clases para los niños de la
Formación en la Fe son los primeros
domingo de cada mes. Las clases de
la Primera Comunión de niños son el
tercer domingo de mes. Estos niños
deben de asistir a clase el primer y
tercer domingo.
Las clases de
Confirmación son los miércoles cada 15 días. Este
miércoles 28 de Octubre se dará la clase de
Confirmación a las 6:30 de la tarde. Las clases de
adultos para la Primera Comunión son todos los
domingos después de la misa de las 9:30 de la
mañana. Estas clases son obligatorias. La comunión
se hará el día de la Virgen de Guadalupe..
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