Page 2 St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church OCTOBER 26—NOVEMBER 1, 2015 The Mass intention book is located in the Parish Administration Office. Intentions for person(s) may be entered once per month. Please PRINT CLEARLY! (Letra de imprenta) Intentions may have to be moved if it is necessary to change the Mass Schedule. Monday, October 26: 12Noon: Neena Cortinas Mel De Los Santos Alvin Reinders †Nicolas Garcia Moreno †Erika Y. Cabral Tuesday, October 27: 8AM: Communion Service Wednesday, October 28: 6PM: †Rachel Perez †Gilbert Ramirez Thursday, October 29: 8AM: Vicente Molina Friday, October 30: 8AM: †Gonzalez Family Melissa Dixon Julio Peña Saturday, October 31: 6PM: †Michael Milner Christina Flores Steven Riojas Antonio Gonzalez George Lopez Sunday, November 1: 8AM,10AM (Spanish), 10AM (St. Catherine), 12Noon, 6pm Mass Living & deceased mbrs of St. MM Altar Society †Val Ledwig †Zaragpza Cadena †Mike B. Gonzaba †Edmund & Barbara Dziuk †Albert & Larry Jarzombek †Elias & Vincent Dziuk †Hedy & Henry Hugan Jr. †Charles Anderson Mike D & Tita Rangel Betty Fielden READINGS FOR WEEK OF OCT 26—NOV 1, 2015 Monday: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a October 25, 2015 SUNDAY COFFEE (FREE OF CHARGE) There will not be a coffee today. However, join us after the 8:00 AM mass in the school cafeteria on November 1. Hosted by: Oct. 25, No Coffee Nov. 1, St. MM Men’s Club Nov. 8, St. MM Altar Society REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD We’ve all done it—passed street people without seeming to see, hear, or smell them sitting on the sidewalk begging. I usually encounter them when I’m dressed up to go to the theater or on vacation in a strange city. I’m slightly out of my comfort zone. I might catch sight of their shoeless feet or sunglasses or hear the thin request, “Spare change?” Immediately my guard goes up and I pretend not to notice their existence, let alone their need. Chances are they aren’t really blind anyway and they’d probably just spend the money on liquor. The star of today’s Gospel is a panhandler. Bartimaeus is blind, yes, but he is probably also homeless and filthy, a real nuisance to respectable citizens. Even so, it is Bartimaeus who recognizes Jesus as the Messiah, places all his faith in him, throws aside everything he has (his cloak), begs him for mercy, receives new vision, and follows Jesus on the way to suffering and death in Jerusalem. How desperate will we have to get before we can do the same? —Virginia Stillwell Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Thank you to everyone who participated and came out to join in fellowship at the Annual St. Margaret Mary Feast Day Potluck. WELCOME! We extend a warm welcome to anyone new to our parish family and all visitors who celebrate with us throughout the year. If you would like to join our parish, pick up a registration form in the parish office during office hours or in the back of the church. WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY Adrian and Adriana Balderrama FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR PARISHIONERS PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE SCHEDULE OF PRIESTS CELEBRATING MASS NEXT WEEKEND. Sat Oct 31: Sat Oct 31: Sun Nov 1: Spanish Mass St. Catherine St. M.M. St .M.M. Confessions 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12 NOON 6:00 PM Fr. Franz Schorp Fr. Franz Schorp Fr. Bill McNamara Fr. Paul Schloemer Fr. Alton Carr Fr. Paul Schloemer Fr. Paul Schloemer Thank You Fr. Jimmy thanks everyone for all their good wishes and prayers. He was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and he is now at home with homecare, slowly recuperating and resting. Please continue to pray for his speedy recovery. REMEMBER TURN YOUR CLOCK BACK ONE HOUR ON NOVEMBER 1, 2015 . Mass & Anointing of the Sick Friday, November 6th @ 12:15 PM in church October 25, 2015 Parish News Page 3 All Saints & All Souls Day And Altar of the Dead A Remembrance Book for our beloved departed is in front of the altar. Everyone may write-in the names of their departed family members to be remembered throughout the month of November. Sunday, November 1st, All Saints Day, is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have our regular Sunday Mass schedule. Monday, November 2nd is All Soul’s Day. In addition to our regular 12 noon mass, we will have a Mass of Remembrance at 6:00 PM for those who have died during this past year. All families of the parish who have lost loved ones during this past year are invited to participate. As in past years, soon we will have the Altar of the Dead on the Fair Ave. side. We are again requesting parishioners to bring photos of loved ones who have passed away and place them on the altar. Please put your name and phone number on the back of your photos. The altar will remain there until late November. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE MEETING All making the journey to the Holy Land are requested to attend a meeting on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in our Activity Center. REMINDER When you make a donation to the church, not using tithing envelopes with your account number, please remember to include your name and address on the envelope you are using. If you receive tithing envelopes in the mail please do not forget to use them. SAVE THE DATE 3rd ANNUAL MEN’S CLUB CHRISTMAS DANCE DECEMBER 5, 2015 DINNER AND DRINKS TICKETS AVAILABLE SOON. DO NOT MISS OUT! Page 4 Parish News GEVERS HALL If anyone is interested in booking Gevers Hall for baby showers, birthday parties, etc., please contact the church office at 532-6309. ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR CONTINUES. PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE AT 210-534-6137. October 25, 2015 Congratulations to the following parishioners who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday October 29, 2015. Darlene Marie Talamantez David Edward Gomez Esmeralda Garcia Joshua Abraham Gonzales Maria de Lourdes Ponce Melissa Monique Guerra Rogelio Aguilar Stephanie Ann Saenz WILL YOU SHARE? Deacon José and Margie Almanza go to Eagle Pass every month to take donations to share with Catholic parishes in Mexico. If you have rosaries, medals, Spanish holy cards and other new, or gently used, Catholic items that you do not use, please share them with our brothers and sisters in Christ. One priest in Mexico goes to ten (10) Mission Churches every Sunday. He likes to give holy reminders to his people. There is a marked box in the back of the Church, on the south side, to donate your shared items. God bless! SAVE THE DATE! EXPRESS YOUR SUPPORT FOR OUR SCHOOL!! ARCHDIOCESE OF SAN ANTONIO ASSEMBLY 2015 ENCOUNTERING CHRIST SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2015 @ ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY—7AM—10PM Alumni, former students and friends are invited to join the committee in planning the 8th Annual Scholarship & Educational Excellence Dinner & Dance (SEED) event scheduled for March 5, 2016 at the Activity Center. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Consider joining us. VIGIL MASS † FAITH FORMATION † RECONCILIATION † CONCERT Clergy, religious and laity from across the archdiocese will assemble with Archbishop Gustavo as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. For more information contact Griselda Gonzales at 210-73-1653 October 25, 2015 Parish News Page 5 ST. MARGARET MARY CYO BASKETBALL REGISTRATION AGES 3 -13 MUST LIVE IN SMM PARISH AREA, ATTEND SMM SCHOOL, OR BE A REGISTERED SMM PARISHIONER (SOME EXCEPTIONS CAN APPLY) Tuesday (6:00pm – 7:30pm) October 27th, 2015 @ SMM Activity Center Thursday (6:00pm – 7:30pm) October 29th, 2015 @ SMM Activity Center $85.00 REGISTRATION (Plus Mandatory Fundraiser) PROOF OF RESIDENCY & BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS REQUIRED AT TIME OF REGISTRATION FOR MORE INFORMATION EMAIL [email protected] Mark Your Calendar! Catholic Men’s Conference San Antonio, TX Saturday, February 13, 2016 New Norris Conference Center 618 NW LOOP 410, Suite 207 Don’t miss out, register now Call (210) 521-3377 for more information. Do You Stand for Life? Please come out for a night to celebrate and support life. Register for your FREE tickets at to attend our annual fundraiser dinner to benefit A Woman’s Haven Pregnancy Crisis Center on Thursday, November 5th at Holy Trinity Catholic Church Banquet Hall. Please join us for a great evening of Love, Laughter and yes, some Tears as we come together united in our desire to help pregnant women and their unborn babies in crisis. SPANISH BIBLE STUDY St Margaret Mary has a Bible study in Spanish on Mondays at the Activity Center from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. In the next few weeks, we will be exploring the book of Exodus, what it meant to the people of Israel and what it means to us. Everyone welcome. Bring your Bible if you have one. For questions or comments, contact Hugo Sapien at 210 922 1849 or email: [email protected]. Be there! SPANISH PRAYER GROUP St. Anthony of Padua invites you to pray for your ALTAR FLOWERS If you would like to make a donation for an altar flowers arrangement in memory of a loved one or any other occasion, please contact Lupe Gutierrez at 827-0672. whole family. Is a member of your family sick, have problems? Are you sad? Join us in praise and prayer because only Jesus can help you. Meetings every Tuesday from 7 to 9 PM at St. Catherine Chapel, 2202 Hicks St. For more information, call Cristina at (210) 268-5466. Page 6 Parish News MAY WE INCLUDE IN OUR PRAYERS Arnie Francis Ralph Montalvo Phillip Ledwig Mike Barragan Neena Cortinas Marisela Garza Rosa Bueno Phillip Maldonado Ignacio Garcia Jennifer Cavazos Albert Gallegos Ignacio Garcia Margarita Gonzales Kathy Bendele Tony Rodriguez Francisca Borrego George Antuna Richard Lawson Annie Mikulka Fr. Jimmy Drennan Jean Phillips Juanita Maldonado Oralia M. Boehmer Sylvia Castillo Ricardo Hernandez Margie Almanza Minnie Reyna Clara Jackson Fr. Jim Fischler Leo Verdeja Lydia Salas George Perez Delvin Olinick Jessica Cummings Lydia Trevino Adriana Velez Mary L. Esquivel John Tucker, III Socorro Aguilar Raymond Cortez Adriana Velez Andriana Gallegos Larry R. Cortez Fred Casanova Dora Gonzales Ana Garansuay Paul Ramirez David Gomez Petra Aguirre Flo & Elmer Keller Felix & Julia Gamez Mason Leibham Isiah Diaz Nancy Guerra Jean Phillips Raul Ramirez James Edward Markham Herlinda Herrera Desiree Vega & Family M/M Santana Velasquez John Michael Michael Gamez Msgr. Larry Stuebben Edna Guerrero Veronica Delgado Anita Aguilar Jeanette Blue Lydia Trevino Bea Zigmond Cathy Zigmond Baby Ellie Keen Noehemi Gonzales Mary Jane Juarez Darward Cannon Family O’Leary & Janie Cortez Erica April Gutierrez Beth Gallegos Barbara Poirrier Johnny & Vi Wagenfehr Michael A. Casanova Clara Jackson Elia Cardenas Ruben Garza Alejos/Belinda Flores Fam. Sally Anes Hamp Atkinson Note: Names remain on the prayer list for two weeks. If you or your loved one need to remain for a longer time, please contact the church office, 532-6309. We extend sympathy to and hold in our prayers the family of our parishioners who died: Robert Sanchez, Trinidad Sanchez and Virginia Marie Kruciak (a longtime parishioner buried out of St. Ann’s in La Vernia) SHIELD OF ROSES: This ministry prays for the October 18, 2015 2015 Upcoming Events Tuesday, 11/3/15 SEED Mtg 6:30pm Thursday, 11/5/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm Thursday, 11/12/15 ACTS Core Mtg 6:30 pm Tuesday, 12/1/15 SEED Committee Social 6:30pm Saturday, 12/5/15 Men’s Club Christmas Dinner Dance Thursday, 12/10/15 ACTS Core Mtg 6:30 pm 2016 Upcoming Events Tuesday, 1/7/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thurs-Sun. 2/4-7/16 Men’s Spanish Retreat Thursday, 2/11/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thursday, 3/10/16 ACTS Core Mtg Saturday, 3/5/16 SEED Dinner Dance Thursday, 4/14/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thursday, 5/12/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thurs-Sun, 5/19-22/16 Women English Retreat Thursday, 6/9/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thurs-Sun, 7/21-24/16 Teen ACTS Retreat 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm FUNERAL MINISTRY “God gave us eternal life. What are we prepared to give Him?” The Funeral Ministry needs you. Volunteers prepare the church at least one hour before the funeral. Sample duties include: ¡ unlocking church doors; ¡ turning on church lights, air conditioner or heater; ¡ Lighting altar candles; ¡ Assisting funeral guests, funeral directors, celebrants and deacons. If you are 18 years of age, a registered member of St. Margaret Mary, and are interested in this ministry, please call Grace Luna at (210) 970-1233 or email at [email protected]. reparation of sins of abortion on Saturdays, from 1011am in the Adoration Chapel of St. MM Church. Express your Love & Support your Parish ENTHRONEMENT OF THE SACRED HEART Memorial ads are available for your Church Bulletin. For all the details call your Church Office or your bulletin provider Howard Merritt at (210) 310-6932. A team of lay ministers and a deacon will visit your home. Prayers are said with the purpose of consecrating your home and your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For more information, contact Robert or Delia Zarate at 648-0567. LEGION OF MARY: Looking for new members. If interested call 592-7527 or 419-1922. Meetings are held on Thursdays, 5:30PM at Gevers Hall. Please support our advertisers, because of them, our bulletins are printed free of charge. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SCOUTING IN CUB SCOUT PACK-177 AND BOY SCOUT TROOP 177 OF ST. MARGARET MARY Tiger Scouts —1st –4th Grade Cub Scouts —5th Grade Boy Scouts —11 years to 18 years Contact: Cubs—Mrs. Dorothy Graschel (210) 872-6761 Boy Scouts—Mr. Manuel Gradillas (210) 532-2763 October 25, 2015 Parish News Antorcha Guadalupana 2015 México—New York City Queremos invitarlos a que sean parte de la historica Carrera Antorcha Guadalupana 2015: México—New York. La carrera comenzó el 20 de Sept. 2015 en la Basilica de Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe en México City. Su destino es la Catedral de San Patricio en New York City el 12 de diciembre, 2015. Llegará aquí a San Antonio el 3 de noviembre, 2015; procedente de Beeville, Texas. La parroquia anfitriona este año sera la iglesia de San Patricio, 1114 Willow St. Llegará más o menos a las 6pm; habrá misa a las 7 pm. Ayudenos a corer y a participar en está corrida y así darle la bienvenida a Ntra. Santa Madre, a Juan Diego y la Antorcha Guadalupana. Necesitamos corredores, oraciones y cualquier apoyo que nos puedan ofrecer. Bendiciones. Más información: Gerardo Vargas: (210) 279-7352 José A. Cedillo: (956) 212-4532 EXPOSICION Y ORACIONES SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Page 7 DÍA DE LOS SANTOS Y DÍA DE LOS MUERTOS Y ALTARCITO DE LOS MUERTOS 1º de noviembre: El Día de los Santos, es día de Obligación. Tendremos las misas regulares de domingo. Habrá un cuaderno para escribir los nombres de sus seres queridos en el altar para el Día de todo los Santos y Día de los Muertos. 2 de noviembre: Día de los Muertos, además de misa de mediódia tendremos una misa especial a las 6:00pm para las familias de nuestra parroquía que tengan personas que han fallecido esté año. Como en años pasados, tendremos el Altarcito de los Muertos colocado a lado de la calle Fair. Estamos pidiendo a los feligréses que traigan sus fotografías de sus seres queridos que han fallecido para ponerlos en el altar. Favor de poner su nombre y número de teléfono detrás de la fotografía. Las fotografías necesitan ser levantadas para fines de noviembre. MISA Y UNICIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS VIERNES, 6 DE NOVIEMBRE 2015 EN LA IGLESIA A LAS 12:15 PM AL Oraciones al Santisimo, Rosario, misterios luminosos, Oraciones de la Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia, Oracion de la noche, Bendicion con El Santisimo Sacramento. Todos los jueves de 7:00 a 8:00 pm en la Capilla de Adoracion. Acompañenos, los esperamos, todos son bienvenidos. Este servicio es todo en español. Para más informes, favor de llamar al Diacono Almanza al 210-887-0620. ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL En Santa Margarita María nos reunimos para estudiar la Biblia en Español los lunes de 7:00 a 8:30 pm en el Centro de Actividades (Activity Center). Durante las siguientes semanas estaremos explorando el libro de Éxodo, lo que significó para el pueblo de Israel y lo que significa para nosotros. Todos bienvenidos. Traigan su Biblia si la tienen. Para preguntas o comentarios, dirigirse a Hugo Sapién al 210 922 1849 o a [email protected]. Los esperamos! GRUPO DE ORACIÒN EN ESPAÑOL San Antonio de Padua le invita a orar por toda su Familia. Nos reunimos cada martes de 7 a 9 de la noche en la capilla de Santa Catarina en el 2202 de la calle Hicks. Para más información llame a Cristina al 210 268 5466. La Sociedad Guadalupana Desea invitar a nuestra comunidad de Santa Margarita María a ofrecerle a la Santísima Virgen de Guadalupe un rosario por cada una de las 46 estrellas que hay en su manto. Se inicia su rezo el día 28 de octubre, para terminar el 12 de Diciembre. Las 46 estrellas del manto de la Virgen son las constelaciones del solsticio, del invierno de la aparición de la Virgen de Guadalupe en 1531. Para más información se pueden comunicarse con la Sra. Treviño al (210) 559-4228 Gracias!! PUEDES COMPARTIR? Los feligreses Diacono Jose y Margie Almanza van a la frontera Texas/Mexico en Eagle Pass, una vez por mes para llevar ropa, comida y articulos de casa para la gente necesitada en Mexico. Hay un sacerdote de Progreso Coah. que lleva estas necesidades a los necesitados, cuando visita 10 ejidos y ranchitos los domingos a dar misa y este sacerdote nos pide articulos religiosos como, rosarios, tarjetas santas o cualquier otro articulo religioso para regalarles a las gentes que el visita. En la entrada de la iglesia esta un recipiente para que depositen articulos que desean regalar. Preguntas sobre este anuncio, favor de llamar al Diacono Jose Almanza (210) 887-0620. El cambio de hora será el dia 1º de noviembre, gire su reloj atrás una hora.
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