St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Mail to P.O. Box 860, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 ~ Located at 501 Fair Oaks Avenue, Arroyo Grande, CA (805) 489-2680 Fax (805) 489-1316 WWW.STPATSAG.ORG Monday-Friday/lunes a viernes 9:00 am-Noon/Medio-día ~ 1:00 pm-5:00 pm ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ADVENT/CHRISTMAS 2015 SCHEDULE Sundays of advent Regular Mass Schedule Nov. 28-29 Dec. 5-6 Dec. 12-13 Dec. 10-20 1st Sunday of Advent 2nd Sunday of Advent 3rd Sunday of Advent 4th Sunday of Advent Communal reconciliation Bilingual Service CLERGY Rev. James Henry Pastor Pro-Tempore Rev. José Aurelio Ortiz-Matiz Parochial Vicar/ Vicario (habla español) (#11) (#32) Monday, December 14th There will be several priests available in both English & Español Additional Individual Reconciliation Schedule December 22nd, 23rd, & 24th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm MISSION STATEMENT As a Christ—centered family, rich in tradition and cultures, we are called to live God’s Word by welcoming, loving and serving all people as we joyfully witness, worship and grow in our Catholic Faith. DECLARACIÓN DE NUESTRA MISIÓN Como una familia centrada en Cristo, rica en tradición y culturas, estamos llamados a vivir la palabra de Dios acogiendo, amando y sirviendo a toda la gente al tiempo que celebramos con alegría, damos testimonio y crecemos en nuestra fe católica. Immaculate Conception Tuesday, December 8th 7:00 am English 9:00am English 5:30pm English 7:00pm Español ENGLISH MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm DAILY MASS 7:00 am Tuesday 5:30 pm Wednesday 7:00 am Thursday 7:00 am Friday 7:00 am Sábado 7:00 pm San Patricio Domingo 9:00 am Oceano Domingo 12:15 pm San Patricio Martes 7:30 am San Patricio Miércoles 6:30 pm Oceano Jueves 6:30 pm San Patricio Viernes 6:30 pm Oceano Mañanitas Misa en Espanol Procesión Misa en Español Christmas Day ~ Friday, December 25th 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:15pm MISAS DE FIN DE SEMANA Y SEMANALES 4:00am 5:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 4:00pm Church (Youth Band) 4:00pm Hall (Cantor/piano) 6:00pm Church (Youth Band) 7:30pm Iglesia ~ Misa en En Español (Coro Hispano) 9:30pm Church (Choir) 7:30 am, 9:00am, 10:30am & 6:00pm Monday Saturday, December 12th Christmas Eve Thursday, December 24th WEEKEND & WEEKDAY Sunday OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION Church OCEANO Church Iglesia (Cantor/Piano) Misa en Español (Cantor/piano Misa en Español No 6pm Mass New Year’s Eve ~ Thursday, December 31st 7:00 am Chapel Daily Mass 5:30 pm Church Vigil Mass for Mary, Holy Mother of God (SP) 7:00 pm Iglesia Misa de Vispera de Año Nuevo New Years Day, Friday, January 1st, 2016 9:00am (SP) 7:00pm Church Iglesia English Mass Misa en Español (Coro Hispano) Second Sunday of Advent ~ December 6, 2015 Segundo Domingo de Adviento 6 de Diciembre de 2015 PUT ON JOY Juan comenzó a recorrer toda la comarca, predicando un bautismo de penitencia 12/7 MONDAY LUNES 7:00 AM OCEANO (SP) 12/8 TUESDAY MARTES IGLESIA DE SAN PATRICIO (SP) 12/9 WEDNESDAY MIERCOLES IGLESIA DE SAN PATRICIO (SP) 12/10 THURSDAY JUEVES 12/11 FRIDAY VIERNES † BILL MOFFET BY ANNA 6:30 PM PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY & THEIR FAMILIES 7:00 AM ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 9:00 AM † JOAN GAUGUSH BY HER FRIEND 5:30 PM 7:00 PM † DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE MC INERNEY FAMILY SP. INT. PERRY FIFE † ANTONIA REYES DE ESTHER LEÓN 7:00 AM † MARY ANN MIRANDA BY FRANK J. MIRANDA & FAMILY 6:30 PM 7:00 AM IGLESIA DE SAN PATRICIO (SP) Today, Baruch speaks of the splendor that lies ahead for the city of Jerusalem and for all of us, regardless of where home is for us. Throw off strife, he tells us, and put on joy. Like a favorite old sweatshirt, joy fits, and how warm it keeps us, even when the winds blow cold. Paul knows of this joy as he pens his letter to the Philippians, praying that they may grow in their ability to discern what is righteous and good. And Luke speaks to us of John, who was foretold by Isaiah and who sings a similar song—“Prepare the way of the Lord,” for salvation is at hand. A man ahead of his time, Baruch spent his days joyfully awaiting a distant glory. On this Second Sunday of Advent, Paul and John know that this glory is upon us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SP. INT. THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. PATRICK’S IN THANKSGIVING BY RITA ROSSI 6:30 PM 7:00 AM SP. INT. SR. CAROL CARTER & SR. JEANNE ROLLINS BY JANE BAKER 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM MAÑANITAS A LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE MISA/VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE † ANTONIA REYES DE ESTHER LEÓN IGLESIA DE SAN PATRICIO (SP) 12/12 SATURDAY SAN PATRICIO (SP) SABADO SAN PATRICIO (SP) ENGLISH MASS SAN PATRICIO (SP) MISA / VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE † ANTONIA REYES DE ESTHER LEÓN RECONCILIATION IN ENGLISH: SATURDAY FROM 3:30 PM TO 4:30 PM OR BY APPOINTMENT CONFESIONES EN ESPAÑOL: SABADO A LAS 5:30 PM EN LA CAPILLA OR POR CITA 7:30 AM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION FRIDAY ~ 12:30 TO 5:30 PM IN THE CHAPEL HE is waiting for you THE ROSARY IS PRAYED IN THE CHAPEL EVERY SATURDAY AT 4:15 PM (before 5 pm Mass) † LUIS SISON BY IRENE DE OCAMPO 9:00 AM 9:00 AM LIVING & DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 10:30 AM † JOHN SUCHILL BY DREW & SHARON BRANDY 12:15 PM 6:00 PM † JOAN GAUGUSH BY THE CARPENTIER FAMILY REPORTE DE LA COLECTA DEL DOMINGO SUNDAY OFFERINGS November 29, 2015 $11,826.50 Electronic Donations : $1,111.05 11/22 - 2nd Collection: $1,612.00 Catholic Campaign for Human Development Needed to meet weekly budget: El presupuesto de cada semana es de: $15,069.00 Bishop’s Appeal report: Pledged: $72,895.50 Paid: 69,805.34 Thank you to all the parishioners who participated in the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal. God bless you! +Pray for the following who have asked for our prayers: +Orar por la sanación y bienestar de los enfermos y aquellos que necesiten nuestras oraciones: Irene Delaney Joy Emard Graciela Castillo Victor Flores Gildardo Castañeda Anthony Napalitano Eileen LaCasse Sr. Carol Carter Sr. Jeanne Rollins Raquel Smith Gary Goering Tracy Valencia Margaret Jesmok Rob Widing Stevie Hall Carol Freitas Sasha Loe Stan Dressick Merlene Olivia Doko Lorraine Spargo Baby Allie Carlos Diaz III Angela Morales Carla Silva Richard Nance Jean Lee Evelyn Mendoza Carolyn Moffett Sharon Reed Bonnie Valentina Cerón Sheila Delaney Linda Renfrow Mary Blevins David Calvillo Bernadette Martinho Pray for the souls of the recently departed and their families and friends who are grieving: Orar por nuestros hermanos que fallecieron recientemente y sus familias y amigos que están sufriendo: † Judy Elaine Fleury † Harriet Donald † K.C. Hubbard † Asuncion L. Rodriguez † Jesse Santana † Jeffrey McDonald † Barry Smith † Damian Reyes † Virginia Cowen † Baby Jose Miguel † Baby Fernanda Escamilla † Hermenegildo Ruiz † Joan Gaugush † Mike Sargent † Mary Stillson † Patrick Farley † William George Kapp † Magdalena Kapp † Santiago Moreno † Tom Dolan † Steven Folden † Rosario Bastardo “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them; and may the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen” LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Sube a la altura, Jerusalén; contempla a tus hijos gozosos porque Dios se acordó de ellos. Un Dios misericordioso y justo guía a Israel con alegría (Baruc 5:1-9). Salmo — Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor (Salmo 126 [125]). Segunda Lectura — Que su amor siga creciendo más y más y se traduzca en un mayor conocimiento y discernimiento de lo que vale la pena para que lleguen irreprochables al día de Cristo (Filipenses 1:4-6, 8-11). Evangelio — Juan proclama un bautismo de arrepentimiento para el perdón de los pecados. Todos podrán ver la salvación de Dios (Lucas 3:1-6) Salmo responsorial: Leccionario I © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9-14; Lc 5:17-26 Martes: Gén 3:9-15, 20; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Jueves: Is 41:13-20; Sal 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Sábado: Zac 2:14-17 o Ap 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lc 1:26-38 o Lc 1:39-47, o cualquier lectura del Común de la Santísima María Virgen Domingo: Sof 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Fil 4:4-7; Lc 3:10-18 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Stand on the heights, Jerusalem; see your children rejoicing that they are remembered by God. A merciful and just God leads Israel in joy (Baruch 5:1-9). Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126). Second Reading — May your love increase in knowledge to discern what is valuable that you may be blameless for the day of Christ (Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11). Gospel — John proclaims a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. All flesh shall see the salvation of God (Luke 3:1-6). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9-14; Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Is 41:13-20; Ps 145:1, 9-13ab; Mt 11:11-15 Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47, or any readings from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, nos. 707-712 Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a; Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 Each year St. Patrick’s Outreach provides gifts for children to go with the Christmas food baskets for approximately 400 families. Paper gift tag ornaments decorate the Giving Tree located in the entryway of the church. Please take a tag and bring your wrapped gift to the church or office by Dec. 14. A suggestion for the 10-12 age group is a $20-25 gift card from Wal-Mart or K-Mart. Gift card should be placed in a small gift bag with the ornament tag attached. Thank for your generosity. St. Patrick School December 4th-6th from 9am to 7pm at St. Patrick School 900 W. Branch ~ Arroyo Grande, CA SAVE THE DATE The St. Patrick School community invites you to our Mass celebration on December 8th — 1:30 P.M. Feast of the Immaculate Conception MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET December 12th @ 11am—Fair Oaks Theatre Admission = Food Item or Unwrapped Toy for St. Patrick’s Outreach See page 7 Martha Ministry Potluck Christmas Luncheon December 9th ~ 11:00am-2:00pm ~Parish Hall All members and interested potential members are welcome. Brief meeting and fellowship. RSVP ~ Peg Hensley – 489-9328 or Dee Lenhard– 481-2942 High School Youth Group is accepting gentlyused clothing and new hotel-sized toiletries for their Christmas Clothing Drive. Please bring items to the Youth Center or the Parish Office before December 13th. Thank you! We’re only mid-way through the Heifer International Fundraiser. We are continuing to accept your generous (tax deductable) donations through the end of December. You may still drop a check into the collection basket. Or stop by the St. Pat’s office during business hours. When you stop by, please ask to see if there are still cards available for when you give a donation in the name of a loved one. You may write the check payable to Heifer International or the Jr. High Youth Ministry (and note it’s for Heifer Int’l). Thank you in advance for your generosity! Together we can make a difference. Be an Angel… St. Patrick's Church Outreach 2015 Christmas Basket Project The Project: Each year, since 1983, St. Patrick’s Outreach Ministry has provided food to families in need of a holiday dinner. You are invited to participate and make a difference in the life of a family in need this Christmas. We are planning to distribute 400 Christmas baskets to families selected from within the Five Cities and Nipomo areas. Each participating family will also receive toys for the young children. Deadline for non-perishable food items is Wednesday, Dec. 16th ! to someone this Christmas! WE STILL NEED THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Canned Pumpkin Canned Gravy Cranberry Sauce Frozen Turkeys Peanut Butter Jelly Frozen Turkeys should not be dropped off at the hall until Saturday, December 19th between 8:30—9:00am and YES, we still could use your financial donations to purchase items that have not been donated. Thank you for your generosity. Volunteer Coordinator: Anne Bachman, [email protected] or 489-7485. VÍSTETE DE GOZO Hoy Baruc nos habla del esplendor que se acerca para la ciudad de Jerusalén y para todos nosotros, sea donde fuere nuestro hogar. Despójate de conflictos, nos dice, y vístete de gozo. Como una vieja cobija favorita, el gozo nos queda a la medida, y qué bien nos mantiene calientes, por muy frío que sople el viento. Pablo sabe de ese gozo cuando escribe su carta a los filipenses, orando para que crezcan en su habilidad de discernir lo que es bueno y justo. Y Lucas nos habla de Juan, el que fue anunciado por Isaías y que canta una canción parecida: “Preparen el camino del Señor” pues la salvación está al llegar. Hombre adelantado a su época, Baruc se pasó la vida alegremente esperando una gloria lejana. En este segundo Domingo de Adviento, Pablo y Juan saben que esta gloria se acerca. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Jueves 3 de Diciembre: Comenzando con la Peregrinación desde la escuela Harloe hasta la Iglesia de San Patricio, a las 6:30pm. Rosario y Misa. Seguido por convivencia. Viernes 4 de Diciembre: San Francisco de Asís en Océano, a las 6:30pm. Rosario y Misa. Sabado 5 de Diciembre: San Patricio, a las 6:30pm. Rosario y Misa. Domingo 6 de Diciembre: San Francisco de Asís en Océano, a las 6:30pm. Rosario y Misa. Lunes 7 de Diciembre: San Francisco de Asís en Océano, a las 6:30pm. Rosario y Misa. Martes 8 de Diciembre: En San Patricio a las 7:00pm. Rosario y Misa. Miércoles 9 de Diciembre: En San Patricio a las 6:30pm. Rosario y Misa. Jueves 10 de Diciembre: En San Patricio a las 6:30pm. Rosario y Misa. Viernes 11 de Diciembre: En San Patricio a las 6:30pm. Seguido por acompañamiento a Ntra. Sra. De de Guadalupe hasta las 10:00pm. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Las Mañanitas En 1726, Juan de la Cruz (1542-1591) fue En el Día de Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe 12 de canonizado por el Papa Benito XIII. Nació en la región Diciembre tendremos las mañanitas en San de Castilla en España, este doctor de la Iglesia junto con Patricio en Arroyo Grande a las 4:00am seguido Teresa de Ávila fue reformador de la Orden Carmelita. por la Santa Misa a las 5:00am. Después Muchas órdenes religiosas del siglo XV sufrieron tendremos una convivencia en el salón grandes decadencias. Por eso mientras los Protestantes Parroquial. se separaban de la Iglesia, los religiosos descalzos, En La Tarde recoletos y observantes buscaban reformar órdenes Todo comenzará a las 6:30pm. Rosario durante la religiosas, como la Orden de la Bienaventurada Virgen procesión desde la escuela Harloe y la Misa María del Monte Carmelo, uniéndose siempre más a la llegando a la Iglesia, Iglesia Romana. Favor de vestir a sus niños/as con trajes típicos. Para los reformadores católicos quedarse en la Iglesia no fue fácil, ¡sin embargo se quedaron! Aunque sus reformas fueron apoyadas por los Papas, muchos de ellos como Juan de la Cruz tuvieron que aguantar muchas oposiciones y persecuciones para lograr sus La Navidad es un tiempo especial y reformas. Estas reformas ardían con el deseo de amar mas para los niños/as. El Árbol De bien a Cristo Jesús y a su cuerpo que es la Iglesia. Obsequios, decorado con En sus poesías, Juan de la Cruz muestra la fuerza de ornamentos de papel con el nombre esta llama de amor vivo a pesar de la oscuridad de la y edad del pequeño/a. Esta en la noche que no lo deja encontrar al amante (Dios). entrada de la Iglesia. Favor de —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Esta semana necesitamos lo siguiente en la alacena: Macarron con queso, cereal y papel higiénico. Gracias También agradecemos que nos donen frutas y verduras de sus casas, pueden dejarlas en la oficina. llevarse un ornamento, y regresarlo pegado en el regalo envuelto para que le traiga alegría a un niño/a. Los regalos serán distribuidos junto con las 400 canastas de Navidad el 19 de Diciembre. Favor de traer su regalo para el 14 de Diciembre. Gracias por ser tan generoso. Si tiene preguntas o quiere ayudar con este proyecto, llame a Outreach al 489-2680, Ex.31. WELCOME OUR NEW CANDIDATES AND CATECHUMEN David King I’m 54 years old and have been happily married for 21 years to the love of my life, Peggy. I am a general manager of truck dealership in Santa Maria. I enjoy camping, riding my motorcycle and spending as much time as possible with family. We have 4 children; 2 boys and 2 girls. We have 3 grandsons with 2 more grandsons on the way. I was born and raised Catholic but never finished my Sacraments. It’s been very heavy on my heart to complete them so I can share in the body and blood of Jesus and be able to renew my marriage in the Catholic Church. Jenny Zuniga I was born and raised in Arroyo Grande and now live in San Luis Obispo. Together, my husband Eppy and I have 9 children. Six of them live close by. As a family we love the outdoors. We like to hike, camp, ride bikes, garden and do home projects. Eppy and I are both retired and enjoying life. We also love spending time with our grandkids. When I met my husband, Eppy, a little over 3 years ago, we started attending Mass together. We plan to be married in the church as soon as we can when I am baptized. He is definitely my inspiration to be Catholic. It felt right the very first time I attended Mass with him at the Old Mission San Luis Obispo. Tiffanie Page I lived in Fresno, California my whole life, until about a year and a half ago when I moved to Arroyo Grande to be near my fiancé. I do not have any children yet, just a Boston Terrier named Winston. My fiancé's mom, Debrah Alarcon has the most caring and giving heart I have ever witnessed. I can only hope to one day be half the woman she is. Patricia Rorrer I am married to Doug Olson. We live and work locally installing flooring here in Arroyo Grande. Our hobbies are star gazing, (showing kids the moon through a big telescope), gardening, hiking, camping, and cooking outside. Helping out our neighbors and friends when we can when they need something. Doug and I moved here from Hayward California in 2002. Doug has been busy lately installing floors and taking care of me. This year I was diagnosed with cancer, quit smoking, and that’s when I felt that I needed to thank the Lord for his healing and help to make sure I did not smoke again. I was told by a force greater than I to straighten out may life with the Lord. My husband and his family are Catholic and I think that it’s time for me as well to become Catholic. I feel God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit told me to come to St. Patrick’s for this. So I would say that God influenced me. Doug’s grandmother, Kay, cried when I told her that I was converting to Catholic from Baptist. She is another reason I feel God told me to come to St. Patrick’s. She is 94 now and I hope that she and I will get to share the Eucharist together the next time I see her. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona. I think that would be a great gift for her. “COME FOLLOW ME” HAVE YOU HEARD JESUS ASK YOU THIS ? *Are you a non-Catholic interested in the Catholic faith.. *Are you an adult baptized Catholic who has not received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation… If you answer “YES”, NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN THE INQUIRY PHASE OF THIS JOURNEY OF FAITH. The R. C. I. A. Team invites you to join us as we discuss Church Doctrine, Beliefs and Practices in readiness to receive the Sacraments of Initiation if you are UNBAPTIZED: Baptism ~ Confirmation ~ Eucharist If you are already BAPTIZED you will receive the Sacraments for Full Communion: Confirmation and Eucharist This is the time to explore what God has in store for you. Please call Jerri Fife for information ~ 459.2535 Thanks to the generosity of the parish and Council 1375 of the Knights of Columbus, the rehabbing of the first half of the kneelers (277) in the church are finished. The work will continue into next year to finish the rest of the kneelers and then into the chapel. This has been a nine month long process so far but, by the support of all, it is getting done. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus Kneeler Committee (Francisco Bocaranda, Rick Tellez, Ray Marsolek) and Knights of Columbus Council 1375 the work will progress until finished. Join the fun! Pismo Beach/5-Cities Flower Donation by The Ciarrocchi Family In Memory of †Lester Prisk Repose of the Soul Admission = Food Item or Unwrapped Toy for St. Patrick’s Outreach Christmas Basket Program Come have your photo taken with Santa and his elves! It’s time to get affordable health insurance... Covered California Open Enrollment starts now! As of 2014, most people are required to have health insurance or, more precisely, “minimum essential coverage” otherwise they may face a tax penalty. Many families and individuals are eligible for sliding-scale financial help that can reduce health care costs. Don’t miss the opportunity to provide a healthy future for your family. Covered California open enrollment will run from Nov. 1st, 2015 to Jan. 31st 2016. Certified Enrollment Councilors for the Covered California Health Care Program are available through Catholic Charities Diocese of Monterey. Counselors are able to determine eligibility and assist with applications. For more information about the program, local outreach events in your parish, or to schedule an appointment please call our office. San Luis Obispo: (805) 541-9110. 890 AM Television, Radio, Internet, News CENTRAL COAST TEEN SEARCH Flower Donation by Joan Dralle In Memory of †Preston Dralle & †Norm London SAVE THE DATE! Family Afternoon at the GREAT AMERICAN MELODRAMA Fundraiser for Scholarships for Teens Sunday, December 20th ~Tickets: $25 Contact Kathy Brown 748-8984 CENTERING PRAYER Sitting and resting in the Presence of God….My heart opens in thanks for His Love of me an ALL Creation. You are invited to come and join our Centering Prayers in the quiet of our Parish Chapel every TUESDAY. Actual times for each period of prayer: CENTERING PRAYER….from 10:00am to 10:20am in the Chapel. LECTIO DIVINA…(A reading from the Word of God) from 10:30 am to approximately 11:15am in Meeting Room #3. BROCHURES, in the vestibule of our Church, describe each method of praying and its contemplative history along with contact information. WELCOME We thank you for celebrating the Holy Eucharist with us this weekend. If you are new to the area and are considering St. Patrick’s Church as your parish family, please contact the office or email the registration form that you will find on our website: WWW.STPATSAG.ORG St. Patrick’s Outreach Invites You to our Gala Celebration “Harvest of Giving” Saturday, February 20, 2016 Please join us for our 23rd Annual Gala Help raise funds for local families in need Where: San Luis Obispo Country Club Last year was sold out...reserve your table for 8 to 10 of your friends now! Ticket Sales, table reservations and/or volunteer information [email protected]
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