OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm (520) 458-2925 MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 9:00am & 12:05pm Saturday: 9:00am and 5:00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am 12:00pm (Spanish) 5:00pm- Life Teen GOOD SHEPHERD MISSION (Route 82, 9/10 mile west of Mustang Corner) Mass: Saturday 6:30pm Confession: Before Mass CLERGY Fr. Gregory P. Adolf - Pastor Fr. Marco A. Basulto Fr. Rob Neske Deacon George Gaun Deacon John Klein Deacon Joe Kushner Deacon Lauro Teran MINISTRY Sr. Joellen Kohlmann Director Religious Education Dcn. John Klein Adult Christian Initiation Rebecca Williams Music Director Richard Rivera Youth Ministry Life Teen, Edge STAFF Lucy Leon Executive Assistant Kathleen Callender Finance Manager Lupita Teran Administrative Assistant Mike Morales Maintenance Technician II Ben Horner Custodian/Groundskeeper Michael Prostka Custodian/Groundskeeper St Andrew the Apostle Roman Catholic Church 800 Taylor Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 “I will make you fishers of men” CLASSES Adult Christian Initiation: E-mail:[email protected] If you are interested in learning more about our Catholic Faith and/or becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish Office. Religious Education: E-mail: [email protected] Faith formation prepares students Pre-K-12 for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation. This is a comprehensive program in which students will continue to learn about our practices and beliefs as Roman Catholics. Teen Sacraments: E-mail:[email protected] If your teenager is in need of Confirmation or any other sacrament please contact Richard at the office. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMS Reconciliation: Daily before all Masses Saturday from 3:15pm to 5:00pm Sunday at 4:30 to 5:00pm Anytime by appointment. Baptism: Parents requesting baptism for their children are required to: *Pre-register at the Parish Office. *Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate. *Parents and Godparents are required to attend one baptism preparation class held on the first Tuesday of the month in English, last Tuesday of the month in Spanish. Marriage: Please make arrangements at the Parish Office six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick: Administered on the 1st Friday of each month at the 9:00am and 12:05pm Masses or as needed by calling the Parish Office. This week at St. Andrew’s Parish Monday, February 15 OFFICE CLOSED 9:00am-- Mass 10:00am-- E. Apostles of Divine Mercy, LR 12:00pm-- A.A, R.5 12:05pm-- Mass 5:00pm-- St. Vincent de Paul Meeting, R. 3 6:00pm-- Level 1 certification, R. 5 7:00pm-- Confirmation Class, R. 4,7 Tuesday, February 16 9:00am-- Mass 9:45am-- Bible Study, R. 7 10:00am-- Library open until Noon 12:05pm-- Mass 5:00pm-- CCD, Grades 6-8, R. 3,4 5:00pm-- Youth Choir, MR 6:00pm-- Charismatic Prayer Group, DMC 6:00pm-- Divine Mercy Chaplet, G.S. 6:30pm-- The Edge, R. 6 Wednesday, February 17 9:00am-- Mass 10:00am-- Legion of Mary, R. 3 10:00am-- Mass @ Life Care Center 12:00pm-- A.A., R. 5 12:05pm-- Mass 5:00pm-- 1st Communion, R. 9, 10 5:30pm-- Renewal in the Holy Spirit, R. 5 5:30pm-- Teen Band, MR 6:00pm-- Our Lady of Perpetual Help, DM 6:00pm-- Cursillo, R. 1 6:30pm-- Adult Life Teen Choir, MR 6:30pm-- Venture Crew 464, R. 3 Thursday, February 18 9:00am-- Mass 9:30am-- Cursillo, R. 5 12:00pm-- ALANON, R. 5 12:00pm-- Mass 5:00pm-- 1st Communion, R. 9, 10 5:30pm-- 10AM Choir, MR 6:00pm-- Rosary Makers, R. 5 6:00pm-- Holy Hour, DMC 6:00pm-- White Army, R. 4 7:00pm-- Boy Scouts, R. 6 7:00pm-- Grupo Carismatico, R. 3 Friday, February 19 8:00am-- Mass 12:00pm-- A.A., R. 5 12:00pm-- Mass 4:30pm-- Spanish Choir, MR. 6:00pm-- Adult Singles, R. 6,7 7:00pm-- N.A. R.5 Saturday, February 20 9:00am-- Mass 9:00am-- Pack 464, R. 6,7 3:30pm-- Confessions 5:00pm-- Mass 6:30pm-- Mass @ Good Shepherd Mission 7:30pm-- N. A. R.5 Sunday, February 21 8:00am-- Mass 8:00am-- St. Joseph’s Youth Camp Coffee/Bake Sale, K 8:15am-- CCD Classes 9:00am-- Library open until Noon 10:00am-- Mass 11:30am-- RCIA, R. 7 12:00pm-- Mass (Spanish) 3:00pm-- Life Teen, R. 6,7 5:00pm-- Youth Mass Welcome to St. Andrew the Apostle Parish E-mail us at: [email protected] With open hearts we welcome all who have come to the house of the Lord. If you are new to the parish please take time to stop by the office and register. Once registered, this implies that you will participate with our faith community at Sunday Liturgy and return to the Lord by sharing your time, talent and treasure with His Church. First Sunday of Lent February 14, 2016 The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. -- Romans 10:8 DID YOU KNOW. . . that there is such a thing as “Communion manners”? These are similar to “table manners”, but concerning our participating in the Table of the Lord – the Eucharist! It is important to respect those who are sharing the Eucharistic banquet with you. Please do not distract them during this “encounter” with the Lord! IF for any reason you need to leave during Mass, please do not re-enter while the Assembly is kneeling – just wait and pray in the Gathering Room for the very few minutes until we all stand again – during that time of movement, you will not distract or disturb others! There should be no movement into or out of the church during the parts of the Mass when all are kneeling. When receiving Holy Communion, please prepare to receive BEFORE you reach the Eucharist Minister, Deacon or Priest – that is, when the person in front of you is actually receiving, make your bow or acknowledgement of the Lord’s Presence, and then step forward with your hands already open (one on top of the other, forming a “table” with your hands – at the level of your heart, so that your hands become an ‘extension’ of your heart) and ready to receive. If you are receiving the Blessed Sacrament on your tongue, make your bow when the person in front of you is actually receiving, and step forward with hands folded, head tipped slightly back and tongue slightly extended. When the Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister says, “The Body of Christ”, always respond clearly, “AMEN!” and receive. Please DO NOT BOW as the Body (or Precious Blood) is being extended toward you – the bow or acknowledgement is done before you step up to receive. Please DO NOT ‘pop’ your hands open to receive as the Body of Christ is being extended to you. You probably know whether you want to receive the Blessed Sacrament on your tongue or in your hands before you leave the pew – please do not suddenly open your hands when the Body of Christ is being given to you. Please respect the silence (or the Communion hymn) by not talking to those around you after receiving. St. Teresa of Avila said that the few moments after receiving our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament are among the holiest and most precious moments of the Mass, because our Lord is there within you, saying “Here I am. What do you want Me to do for you?” This time immediately after receiving is very personal – please respect that time for yourself and for those around you. We all need reminders from time to time, to “mind our manners.” It has to do with respect for those around us and reverence for the Lord. Without reverence and respect, much of the dignity (and beauty) of our lives erodes away! THIS PAST WEEK, we received $14,652.00 in Gifts/Pledges to our Parish Goal of $128,000 for the Annual Catholic Appeal! If you have not yet made your gift or pledge, please do so today! ANY gift of ANY amount is greatly appreciated – please consider your response today and join with all of your fellow Catholics in supporting the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal!! BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE Articles for the bulletin must be in the parish office before Noon on Tuesday. Thank you for your cooperation. Bulletin e-mail address: [email protected] Please come say a prayer daily with us on our facebook page. Visit us on facebook at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Sierra MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY You may memorialize a loved one in our Prayer Garden by purchasing a brick and having it engraved with their name. The cost is only $200 and it will be placed in our beautiful Prayer Garden. Call Kate at the parish office for more information at 458-2925. Online Giving is available at St. Andrew’s Parish! For additional information, or to sign up, visit our website at: Join us for a Bible Study Series - Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings - on “Encounters with Christ” - following the lead of Pope Francis, who constantly challenges us to look for and expect “encounters” with the Lord in our daily lives. The Scripture text is provided for each class! No previous experience of Bible Study is necessary! Join us on Tuesday mornings from 9:45 -11:00AM, and on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30PM! MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, February 13 9:00AM +Robert Arthur Wandell (Ellen & Shona Frame) Carmelite Community (Secular Order) 5:00PM +Richard Quiles(Family) +Zach Helms (Castillo-Lopez Family) 6:30PM +Robert Woodroof (K of C Council 4584) Shirley Sandies(Friend) Sunday, February 14 8:00AM Communities of St. Andrew & Good Shepherd Mission 10:00AM Mary Castro (Wolf Family) +Bobbie Brown Blackmon (Cruz Family) 12:00PM +Louis Martin(Family) +Matilde Cruz(Family) 5:00PM +Jerry Granity (LaVera Granity) +John De Lorenzo Jr. (Lena Bojko) +Carmen Moreno (Family) Monday, February 15 9:00 AM Dorothy Nelson (Wayne & Johanne Bowling) Kyle Kjolsrud (Doris Kasprak) 12:00 PM +Leonard Nimoy (Terry Fattal) Herlinda Aguilar (Family) Tuesday, February 16 9:00 AM +Joyce Hughes(1st Anniversary) +Marie Mrkosky (Pat & Jerry) 12:00 PM +Rod Taylor(Terry Fattal) +Michael Raine(Marian Travis) Wednesday, February 17 9:00 AM Michael & Paula Kjolsrud (Doris Kasprak) +Elizabeth Murdock (Helen Vance) 12:00 PM +Yong Ernst (Charles Ernst) +Guillermina Ruiz (Family) Thursday, February 18 9:00AM +Mackey & O’Connor Families (Gert Mackey) Kim May (Family) 12:00PM +Jayne Meadows (Terry Fattal) +Robert Woodroof (K of C Council 4584) Friday, February 19 9:00AM +Arthur Travis (Marian Travis) +Kenneth Krieger (Margaret Dalmer) 12:00PM +Soto & Ruiz Families (Wolf Family) +Robert Aguilar (Family) Saturday, February 20 9:00AM Jessica Sperry (Helen Jarvis) In Thanksgiving (Ofelia Vance) 5:00PM +Bill Porter (Pat Henrickson) +Pedro Cruz(Family) 6:30PM Communities of St. Andrew & Good Shepherd Mission Sunday, February 21 8:00AM +Alex Stockmal (Christ Family) +Bobbie Brown Blackmon (Cruz Family) +Patricia Anne Wheeler (Hagen Family) 10:00AM +Susan Ivanich(Family) Paulina Gonzalez (Leon Family) 12:00PM +Monica Frias (Javier Quezada) +Marco A. Lopez (Dcn. Lauro & Lupita Teran) 5:00PM +Matilde Cruz(Family) +Luis Andre Cruz (Family) The Blue Votive Light is in honor of the Blessed Mother and the repose of the soul of Doris Kjorlie † The Red Votive Light is in honor of the Blessed Sacrament and the repose of the soul of Marvin George † The Divine Mercy Chapel Votive Light is for the repose of the soul of Jeff Pino Weekly Collection February 7, 2016 St. Andrew’s $14,455.00 Good Shepherd $378.00 Social Concerns $1,794.77 Good Shepherd $126.11 St. Vincent de Paul in February $6,921.11 Ash Wednesday St. Andrew’s $5,214.55 Good Shepherd Mission $395.00 Thank you for your continued generosity! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9, 13-14; Phil 3:17 -- 4:1 [3:20 -- 4:1]; Lk 9:28b-36 This total represents 170 Donors or 7% parishioner participation Nurses Notes- Middle Age Spread As you age, you may notice you have less muscle and energy and more fat. Carrying that extra weight around could be harming your health. To add to it, there is so much information about diet and exercise available, that it can become very confusing when you try to come up with a plan to take care of yourself. But diet and exercise are the key to avoiding weight gain as you get older. As you move through your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond, there are some steps you can take to help fight the flab that can come with age. As you age, your metabolism changes. Your body burns fewer calories (energy makers) and starts breaking down foods in a different way. You may begin to lose lean muscle. If you are not exercising more and adjusting your diet to go along with these inevitable changes, the pounds will begin to add up. What was once middle-age spread can soon become middle-age sprawl! The biggest culprit behind middle-age spread is the “couch-potato” lifestyle. If you overeat and lead an inactive lifestyle you can actually speed up the age-related changes in metabolism that your body goes through. One key player in age-related changes is a chemical called leptin. Leptin is a chemical in the brain that helps tell your body to stop eating. As you get older, the leptin signals don’t work as well so you might continue to feel hungry even right after you’ve eaten. If you are obese, leptin becomes even less effective. Whenever you eat, there is a reward. You get the taste of the food and you feel good. When you are normal weight, you may satisfy your cravings by having a small amount of whatever food you are craving. But, as the years and pounds add up, you may need to eat more of what you crave to get the same pleasant sensation. Another factor to take into consideration is that both aging and obesity change the way your body processes glucose – the sugar your body makes from food and uses for energy. These changes can lead to diabetes. Diabetes raises your risk for heart disease, blindness, amputations, and other conditions. Obesity increases the risk and lowers the age of onset for many diseases of aging. Over time, even our brains are affected. Recent studies have linked long-standing diabetes and obesity with changes in brain cells that can make them more vulnerable to aging. As you reach your 50s and beyond, you will probably need fewer calories in your diet otherwise, the more calories you eat, the more active you must become to burn those calories. You still need to maintain proper nutrition so be sure that what you do eat is healthy. By eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean sources of protein and dairy products; by choosing foods that are low in added sugars and solid fats; and by limiting your salt intake, you can be sure you are supporting a diet that is healthy. Poor health has been linked to, not only people who weigh too much, but to people who weigh too little as well – especially in older people. Along with diet, exercise and moving are important as well. You shouldn’t use the excuse “I’m too old to exercise”. It doesn’t matter what your age is, you need to add physical activity to your daily routine. Be sure to talk to your health care provider about safe ways to adjust your activity levels as you get older. If you have a certain health condition – such as arthritis or a recent surgery – ask for tips to help you exercise safely. By working with your health care provider, you can choose activities that are best for you and your condition. Exercise and physical activity fall into four basic categories—endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility. Most people tend to focus on one activity or type of exercise and think they're doing enough. Each type is different, though. Doing them all will give you more benefits. Mixing it up also helps to reduce boredom and cut your risk of injury. Some activities fit into more than one category. For example, many endurance activities also build strength. Strength exercises also help improve balance. Endurance exercise examples are those that increase your breathing and heart rate such as fast walking, yard work or dancing. Strength exercises make your muscles stronger such as lifting weights, using a resistance band, or using your own body weight (such as pushing up against a wall or partially raising yourself out of a chair). Balance exercises help prevent falls which is a common problem in older adults. Many lower-body strength exercises also will improve your balance such as standing on one foot, heel to toe walk or Tai Chi. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay limber. Being flexible gives you more freedom of movement for other exercises as well as for your everyday activities. Some examples are shoulder and upper arm stretching, calf stretch or yoga. By focusing on eating healthy and doing physical activity you can avoid the middle-age spread and the health problems that can come with it. Blessings to All, Your Parish Nurse, Connie Sayers CATHOLIC QUIZ – This week’s Question: “What is a ‘Red Letter day’?” The answer to last week’s Question: “What is the ‘Eucharistic Fast’?” Fasting before receiving Holy Communion has been from ancient times. It was prescribed by the Councils of Carthage (A.D. 254) and Antioch (A.D. 268) and became universal practice by the Fifth Century. Prior to 1953 the Faithful fasted from midnight on, (including from water and medicine!). In 1953 and again in 1957, Pope Pius XII reduced the time to three hours from solid food and alcoholic drink (from before Mass for the priest and from before Communion for the laity); non-alcoholic drink, one hour; water was no longer included in the fast. In 1964, Pope Paul VI further reduced the fast to one hour, including all food and drink, allowing water and medicine any time. In 1973 the fast was reduced to fifteen minutes for the elderly and sick, including those attending them if one hour would be too difficult. (If you would like to be as smart as the “Quiz Master” – pick up a copy of the Catholic Source Book, available in the Parish Office, for only $25!) Please join us for Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent, at 5:30pm in the Church, followed by Fish Fry at the Columbian Association Hall. Acompanenos al Viacrucis en Espanol todos los Viernes de Cuaresma a las 6:30pm en la Iglesia. El Viacrucis en Ingles iniciara a las 5:30pm seguido por la cena de pescado en el Salon de los Caballeros de Colon. All Cursillistas and anyone interested in Cursillo are cordially invited to attend Grand Ultreya Saturday February 20, 2016 Keynote Speaker: Bishop Gerald Kicanas Ultreya will begin with Mass 5:30pm Cathedral 192 S. Stone Ave Potluck We hope to see you there! For questions contact Nivas Beltran(928) 210-5477 40 Days of Giving This Lent, bring canned food or monetary donations to the St Andrew’s Church on each Friday in Lent, anytime during the day, to be collected after the Stations of the Cross. Unite our sacrifice with the sacrifice of Jesus in the desert. Collections of food will be shared amongst the Parish Food Pantry and St Vincent de Paul Society Food Bank; monetary collections will go to St Vincent de Paul Society food program. Ash Wednesday collection goes to the San Solano Franciscan Missions on the Tohono O'odahm Reservation Good Friday collection goes to the Holy Land Custody. Thank you for your generosity! Celebrate the Year of Mercy! Keep Families Strong! Primer Domingo de Cuaresma Líbranos, Señor Dios de la salvación, que condujiste a tu pueblo rescatado hasta una tierra de leche y miel, alimenta a tu Iglesia durante su ayuno cuaresmal y rescátala de los lazos de la muerte. Sácanos del desierto de la tentación y líbranos del mal cuando invoquemos tu nombre. Que busquemos refugio en ti, Dios todopoderoso, para que, libres de toda angustia, podamos participar de la promesa pascual. Concédenos ser valientes cuando confrontemos el miedo y llénanos de fe cuando nos asalten las dudas. Que nuestro corazón irradie siempre la alegría de Jesucristo y se mantenga firme ante toda tentación. Por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén. Domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016 Las tentaciones Lecturas del día: Deuteronomio 26:4 – 10; Salmo 91:1 – 2, 10 – 11, 12 – 13, 14 – 15; Romanos 10:8 – 13; Lucas 4:1 – 13. ¿Qué viene a su mente cuando piensa en el desierto? Lo imaginamos como un lugar árido y lleno de peligros. Al salir de Egipto, los hebreos caminaron durante cuarenta años en el desierto, con frecuentes caídas en su fe y resistiéndose a la gracia de Dios. Las tentaciones nos deslumbran porque son atractivas y fáciles. Siempre que cedemos a tentaciones insanas nos aislamos del amor de Dios y nos consumimos en deseos egoístas. El evangelio de hoy nos cuenta que el Espíritu Santo condujo a Jesús al desierto para ser tentado por el diablo. Pensando en las respuestas de Jesús al diablo, aprendemos que, al encarar la tentación, él permaneció obediente a Dios. Jesús debió discernir la voluntad de Dios para aumentar su cercanía al Padre mediante la oración y el ayuno. Esta Cuaresma, démonos tiempo para adentrarnos en el desierto, sabiendo que el Espíritu Santo nos ayudará a cobrar conciencia de nuestra fragilidad y a escuchar cuidadosamente la voz de Dios, para responder a su invitación. Sería de mucha ayuda destinar un momento cada día a escribir en un diario sobre las cosas, ideas y personas que a usted le tientan a apartarse de Dios y de su vocación a ser testigo fiel. No siempre es fácil nombrar las tentaciones, pero como a los israelitas, Dios nos conduce a la Tierra Prometida para que participemos de su abundancia. Jesús es el camino a la verdad y a la libertad. ¿Qué es lo que él le está pidiendo? La semana en casa Lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016 Comportarse En dos versos de la primera lectura de hoy, se nos dan dos reglas para las relaciones humanas. Primera, que debemos ser santos como Dios y, segunda, que debemos amar a nuestro prójimo. Quizá lo hayamos escuchado muchas veces, pero si seguimos esas normas, nuestras vidas se arraigarán en Dios. ¿Cómo puede usted reconciliarse con Dios, consigo mismo y con sus prójimos? Lecturas del día: Levítico 19:1 – 2, 11 – 18; Salmo 19:8, 9, 10, 15; Mateo 25:31 – 46. Martes, 16 de febrero de 2016 La palabra Como la lluvia que nutre la tierra, la palabra de Dios alimenta nuestro corazón y nos despierta a divulgar la Buena Nueva. Jesús, la Palabra hecha carne, vino a la tierra a revelar el Reino. Al escuchar la Palabra, ¿se siente inspirado a realizar la voluntad de Dios? Piense por un momento en cómo animar a un amigo. Lecturas del día: Isaías 55:10 –11; Salmo 34:4 – 5, 6 – 7, 16 – 17, 18 – 19; Mateo 6:7 – 15. Miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016 Arrepentimiento ¿Somos una generación perversa? Jesús usa palabras muy fuertes al dirigirse a los que buscan una prueba de su autoridad espiritual. Quieren una señal, como lo fue Jonás para Nínive. El profeta llamó a la ciudad al arrepentimiento para evitar el castigo por sus pecados. El papel del enviado divino es ése: invitar a la gente a una buena relación. Mediante la Encarnación, Dios mismo se da a conocer en Jesús, señal definitiva de su amor por nosotros. Debemos arrepentirnos y volver a Dios con un corazón contrito, para adentrarnos en la plenitud de la vida. La tarde de hoy, encienda una vela y ore pausadamente el salmo del día. Lecturas del día: Jonás 3:1–10; Salmo 51:3–4, 12–13, 18–19; Lucas 11:29–32. Jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016 Súplica La oración de la reina Esther, en la primera lectura, reconoce el pecado de la nación pero invoca la fidelidad de Dios. Ella le suplica que los rescate ahora de los enemigos. El evangelio nos recuerda que Jesús nos salva de nuestros enemigos, nuestros pecados. Debemos buscar la misericordia de Dios y, como el salmista, dar gracias y alabar al Señor por atender nuestras oraciones y librarnos de nuestra fragilidad. Al acercarnos a la segunda semana de Cuaresma, piense usted en unirse a algún grupo de reflexión bíblica. Lecturas del día: Esther C:12, 14 – 16, 23 – 25; Salmo 138:1 – 2ab, 2cde – 3, 7c – 8; Mateo 7:7 – 12. Viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016 Alejarse El profeta Ezequiel es muy directo al decirle al pueblo que abandonen el pecado. Si dejan de lado su maldad y siguen la Ley tendrán vida. Debemos esforzarnos por una vida virtuosa unidos a Cristo. Si Cristo no es el centro de nuestra vida, el pecado nos dominará y nos llevará a relaciones destructivas. De elegir caminar sin Cristo, nos volvemos reos de juicio. ¿Dónde necesita usted reconciliarse? Prepárese y acérquese al sacramento de la reconciliación durante esta Cuaresma. Lecturas del día: Ezequiel 18:21 – 28; Salmo 130:1 – 2, 3 – 4, 5 – 7a, 7bc – 8; Mateo 5:20 – 26. Sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016 Amar Dios nos creó con amor y por amor. En el evangelio, Jesús nos invita a dar testimonio de este amor. Él nos impulsa a amar a nuestro prójimo y a nuestros enemigos. ¿Conoce usted a su prójimo? ¿Cómo puede usted amarlo? Pero también piense en sus enemigos. ¿Cómo puede usted amarlos? Dios nos ha llenado de amor para poder darlo. Medite en las formas como puede compartir su amor. Lecturas del día: Deuteronomio 26:16 – 19; Salmo 119:1 – 2, 4 – 5, 7 – 8; Mateo 5:43 – 48. © 2016 Liturgy Training Publications. 1-800-933-1800. Texto de Timothy A. Johnston. Traducción de Ricardo López. Ilustración de Steve Musgrave. Texto bíblico conforme a La Biblia de nuestro pueblo. Biblia del peregrino (2011), con el debido permiso. Aprobación canónica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago, 4 de septiembre de 2015. Recursos reproducibles para Cuaresma–Triduo Pascual–Pascua 2016 JOURNEY OF FAITH CORNER February 13-14, 2016 LENTEN REFLECTIONS … First Sunday of Lent The Desert Luke 4:1-13 “Jesus knows what it is like to be in the desert and to want God’s help. He had his own desert experience, being tempted by the devil, feeling alone and isolated, and needing strength and faith. It happened to the Hebrews, it happened to Jesus, and it happens to us. Desert experiences can be retreats for us if we use them as a way to get closer to God.” By: Sr. Joellen Kohlmann DRE Feb. 15, 2016 – Monday of the First Week of Lent “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” Mt. 25:40 Consider donating clothes or food to those in need. Feb. 16, 2016 – Tuesday of the First Week of Lent “This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,…” Mt. 6:9-10 Pray as Jesus taught us. Pray the Lord’s Prayer. Feb. 17, 2016 – Wednesday of the First Week of Lent “…at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something greater than Jonah here.” Lk 11:32 Pray for priests and deacons. “The path to a closer relationship with our Creator is the faith journey of every human being. The Holy Spirit is every human being’s instigator of that journey and its guide. Even though Jesus is fully divine, Jesus is also fully human.” He was led by the Spirit just as we are. Have you ever felt as if you were alone and isolated? Did you ever do “the right thing” and end up alone and isolated? In Touch With the Word - Lent…by Lisa Marie Calderone-Stewart pgs.8687. Feb. 18, 2016 – Thursday of the First Week of Lent “If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.” Mt 7:11 Ask for what you need in prayer. Feb. 19, 2016 – Friday of the First Week of Lent “…go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Mt 5:24 Do an act of kindness for someone who has hurt you. Feb. 20, 2016 – Saturday of the First Week of Lent “But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you…” Mt 5:28 Pray for the conversion of terrorists and persecuters. JOURNEY OF FAITH CORNER February 13-14, 2016 By: Sr. Joellen Kohlmann DRE Prayer Intentions for February Universal: Care for Creation That we may take good care of creation – a gift freely given – cultivating and protecting it for future generations. Evangelization: Asia That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. FAITH FORMATION NEWS… Sacrament Retreat – Saturday, March 5, Sunday 9:00 – Noon Tuesday 10:00 – Noon Thursday 10:00 – Noon Folk Saints of the Borderlands: Victims, Bandits & Healers By James S. Griffith 9:00 AM Mass – 2:00 PM For all preparing for their first Communion and Reconciliation….Parents welcome Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturday, April 9th following the 9:00 AM Mass First Communion Parent Meetings – either Wed., March 2nd or Thu. March 3rd or Sun. March 6th Meeting is held while your child is in class. Altar Server Training Saturday, Feb. 27th Following the 9:00 am Mass Interested? Call Sr. Joellen Pray the Rosary Daily To end terrorism and bring peace and mercy to our world! “When you can go into a store that sells religious articles along the U.S./Mexico border and purchase a prayer card addressed to the spirit of Pancho Villa, you know something interesting is going on. In this extraordinary exploration of folk spirituality, (the author) introduces us to some unforgettable saintsin-the-making (or not).” Book Cover UPCOMING PARISH ENTERTAINMENT OPPORTUNITIES at KINO HALL COCHISE COUNTY YOUTH ORCHESTRA FUNDRAISER “Melody of Melodies” – professional musicians from the area will perform and raffle tickets available. Proceeds support the orchestra’s education programs DATE: SATURDAY, FEB 27 PLACE/TIME: KINO HALL, 7PM COST: $5 PER PERSON (available at Farmer’s Market, or the door if space is available CONTACT: [email protected] for more information SILVER LAKE CHORALE The Chorale is a mixed men and women’s choir, from Silver Lake College of the Holy Family, located in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The college is sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity (Sr. Joellen’s order!) DATE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 PLACE/TIME: KINO HALL, 7PM COST: NO COST – FREEWILL OFFERING WILL BE TAKEN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: CONTACT SR. JOELLEN, 458-2925 (Sister will be requesting home hospitality for 14 singers and other adults for one night) RACHEL’S VINEYARD FUNDRAISER DINNER WITH MUSIC Rachel’s Vineyard sponsors retreats and counseling for individuals (men and women) dealing with the aftermath of abortion. DATE: SATURDAY, MAR 19 PLACE/TIME: KINO HALL, 6 PM COST: $20 PER PERSON ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND TICKETS: CONTACT GAIL PHELPS, 520-234-0208 To all friends and fellow parishioners, thank you for the Masses, phone calls, cards, flowers, food, and all the expressions of sympathy for the passing of our dear mother/mother-in-law, Maly Terán. We especially want to thank Fr. Greg and Fr. Marco, and all our friends who were with us during the funeral Mass in Douglas. You are all in our hearts and prayers. Thank you! **** Queridos amigos y parroquianos, gracias por las Misas, llamadas, tarjetas, flores, comida y cada muestra de condolencia que recibimos por el fallecimiento de nuestra querida mamá y suegra, Maly Terán. Agradecemos especialmente al Padre Greg, Padre Marco y a todos nuestros amigos quienes nos acompañaron durante la Misa del funeral en Douglas. Rogamos a Dios por ustedes. ¡Muchas gracias! ~Deacon Lauro and Lupita Dixieland Devotionals Featuring: Sierra Vista Community Band Come join in the spiritual singing and Dixieland music at Faith Presbyterian Church! Thursday, February 25, 2016 Thursday, March 31, 2016 Thursday, April 28, 2016 6:30 p.m. Free Will Offering to benefit: - VICaP - Sierra Vista Community Band - Peach’s Pantry g pin tap t f so foo nd ed u t i r so spi ful joy the d! s e is an th dB ’t m ng to n n a i Do iel ing Dix ds e n a th Please join us at: Faith Presbyterian Church 2053 E. Choctaw Drive Sierra Vista, AZ Located on Choctaw Drive off Route 92 South Ph: 378-9400 “GOD’S VALENTINE” John 3:16 “For God so loVed the world, That He gAve His onLy BegottEn SoN That whosever Believeth In Him Should Not perish, But have Everlasting life.” The Parish Office will be closed on Monday in celebration of Presidents Day. Singer & Evangelist JohnnyRowlett Nominated for Christian Country Music's Vocalist of the year, Nominated for Christian Country Evangelist of the year and his single “The Truth Is” is #1 song in the nation for January 2016. Join us Sunday, February 21, 2016 10 AM at Shiloh. Also at Intentional Living a Community-wide Men’s Conference featuring: Christian Country Music Artist and Evangelist: Johnny Rowlett February 19th 6pm-9pm Families Welcomed February, 20th 8am-12pm Men & Young Men Only at Community Baptist Church & Outreach Center, 1000 E. Wilcox Dr. Holy Trinity Monastery 458 South St. Francis Way St David, AZ 85630 Mile marker 302.5 Monday- Saturday 9:00-11:30 am. 2:00-4:00pm Sunday Hours 11:30-1:00pm We have a variety of Lent books. Beautiful gift ideas. If need we can special order and ship to you any items. MINISTRY DIRECTORY Adoration: John Bucher 227-5888 Altar Servers: Ralph Wildermuth 266-2479 Altar Society: Dora Diaz 458-3560 America Heritage Girls: Sue Ann P. 255-8442 ALANON: Rebecca 459-5079 Alcoholics Anonymous: Warren 559-8592 Annulments: Deacon Joe Kushner 458-2925 Audio/Visual: Rick Young 458-2925 Bereavement Group: Ann Dickson 458-2925 Building Committee: Bill Polakowski 458-2925 Bulletin: Lucy Leon 458-2925 Carmelite Community: Gil Castro 458-9374 Charismatic Prayer Group: Gail Phelps 378-9343 Grupo Carismatico, Adultos (Mayoya) 226-5281 Christian Formation: Sr. Joellen Kohlmann 236-4998 Christian Initiation: Dcn. John Klein 266-1330 Cursillo, Tony Moreno 249-1295 English Cursillo Movement: Tony Moreno 249-1295 E. Apostles of Divine Mercy:Gil Castro 458-9374 Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Lauro Teran 458-2925 Familia Santo Rosario: Francisco/Olga Felix378-2682 Fil-Am Club: Dorothy Carampatan 227-9471 Finance/Parish Council: Bill Polakowski 459-2653 Funeral Reception: Bea Reese 458-3962 Home/Hospital Communion: Lucy Leon 458-2925 Hospitality Ministers: Lupita Teran 458-2925 Jail Ministry: Lupita Teran 458-2925 Kino Hall: Maryann Hockstad 456-5555 Knights of Columbus: Charlie Pisani 227-4841 Ladies of St. Andrew’s: Fran Cassidy 803-0298 Lectors: Deacon Lauro Teran 458-2925 Legion of Mary: Catharina Glover 459-7203 Library: Katiri Neske 335-6485 Life Teen Choir: Ron Rivera 266-3125 Ministry Schedule: Hector & Perlie Natal 456-0272 Moms of Mercy: Kristin Valenzuela 803-6827 Music Director: Rebecca Williams 459-5079 Marriage Prep: Deacon Joe Kushner 458-2925 Novena Prayer Group: Rexie DeVries 378-0230 Pack 464: Tracy Teas 220-9675 Troop 464: Charly Valdez 508-8164 Parish Office 458-2925 Parish Nurse: Connie Sayers 456-7351 Prayer Line: Office Staff 458-2925 Quinceaneras: Lupita Teran 458-2925 Rosary Making Group: Maria Evans 458-2925 Scouting Counselor Deacon George 458-2748 Social Concerns: Linda Klein 803-0956 Stephen Ministry: Connie Sayers 456-7351 St. Joseph’s Youth Camp: Imelda Castillo 459-8965 St. Paul’s Street Evangelization 702-271-1142 St. Vincent de Paul Society: Marge Conroy 458-0500 St. Vincent Food Bank: Stan Garner 458-0500 VICaP: Marilyn L’Heureux 459-8146 Youth Ministry: Richard Rivera 458-2925 Youth Choir: Rebecca Williams 459-5079 Web Ministry:Rick Young 458-2925 White Army: Maria Acuna 378-2319 A)Luis A. Amaya, Armando Asahan Jr., Alfred Arellaga, Aguilar Samantha, James R. Andersen, Vicente Alonzo, Mario Alonzo, John Amarillas, Emmanuel Amarante B) Andrew Brasil, Anthony Benson, Sahib Buksh, William Ballesteros, Christian Barrett, Spencer Barnett, Aaron Beckman, Louis Becerra, Mark Bennett, Domiciano Bernardo C) Lamar Crounse, Steven Carpenter II, Nicholas Callender, Madison Callender, Ariel Campas, Ruth Cruz, Michael Chasse, Victor Castillo, Anthony Cummins, Luis Christian Cuevas, Robert Chauncey, Ricky Cardenas, Jeremy Campas, Francisco Contreras, Nicole Chevalier, Chris Campas, Luis Castro, Brian Cline D) Andrew Didakovich, Kelvin Dukes, Josh Diringer, Richard Delgado Jr., Carmichael Dumlao, Michael Denman, James Diaz, Neil Dutt, Adam Dutt, Aaron Delay, Dan Duarte Jr., Tyler Dodd, Lupe Denogean E) Anthony Esquer, Nicole Escobar, Brandon W. Esclito F) Paige Felix, Michael Foster, Dominic Fredricks, Angel Felix, Ronald Fruchey, Matthew Farkas, Billy Friend, Jordan Francis, Joe Flores, Richard Farley G) Billy Grant, Emilio Gonzalez, Brian Greszler, Sean Gearty, Ian Gunn, James Gilbertson, Jacob Guerrero, Rusty Godsel, Johnny Garcia, H) Owen Hawkins, Mario Hineman, Jose Hernandez, Gary Hogman, Thomas Herrera, Deon Harris, Rob Hedglen, John Paul Hester, Mike Hessock I) Rudy Ignacio, Roxane Ireland, Jeremy Ireland J) Jowan Jacobs K) Ruth Kelly, Fadji Kumapley, Austin Korhov, John M. Kostur L)Forrest Lapp, Richard Lara, Cody Larimer, Brendan Libby, Mark Lesak, Scott Lesak, Miguel A. Lopez, Michael Langness, Garrett Lehr M)Norbert R. Mendiola, Randy Murillo, Ryan Meares, Frank Martinez, Anita Lee Mann, Norbert Ryan Mendiola Christine McDonald, Edward Monarez, Anthony Montarvo, John Martinez, Kelly Meltebeck, Ramon Machado, Donald Moorman, Emiliano Martinez, Alejandra Machado, Salvador Monge, Scott Montgomery, Sean Malarchik, Michael J. Manning N)Breanna Nevitt O) Pablo Otero, P) Christopher Perry, Carmen Paglio, Lewis Piper, Donald Paul Q) Eduardo Quiroz, Zach Quintana R) Antonio Razo, Tashawnna Reddick, Felix Rivera, Andy Rodabaugh, Brian & Neil Rice, Jesus Renteria, Jamey Roy S) Jeff Scheel, PJ Spier, Desmond Slattery, Richard Souza, Clifford Souza, Andres Silva, Jose Maria Soto, James Serna, Brian Stansbury, Ken Segarra, Ryan Santos, Michael Schamach, Charles Stokes, Mario Manuel Saenz, Christopher Alan Stewart T) Edward Taylor England James Taylor, Timothy Tebo, Darron Timbrook V) Jose L. Villicana, Adrian R. Villicana, Charles Kevin Vance, Gianne Carlo Vance, Brandon Van Horn W) Rex Walters Sr., Eric Walter, Alex Watson, Mike & Glen Warren, William Whitley Y) Vicente Young Jr., Georgette Young, George C. Yakush. Baptism Requirements Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism for their children will be required to: • Pre-register at the Parish Office during regular business hours. • Bring the child’s birth certificate. • Attend one Preparing for Baptism class with the Godparents. Classes are offered on the First Tuesday of every month in English & the last Tuesday of every month in Spanish. Both classes are held in the Church from 7:00-8:30pm. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 458-2925. Hatfield Funeral Home Inc. CLEANING CO. • Residential • Commercial • 24 Hr. Flood Service Serving Southeastern Arizona Families Since 1967 830 S. Hwy. 92 458-5120 Monty’s Motors Inc. affordable home care for your loved ones Complete Auto Service, Repairs Original Owners since 1956 520-396-9024 458-2061 Locally Owned & Operated 520-458-9361 La Casita Mexican Restaurant & Cantina Your hosts, Phil & Anita Garcia, Parishioners Take Out • Catering Open: Monday-Thursday 11am-9pm Banquet Room • Reservations Fri & Sat 11am-9:30pm • Sunday 11am-8pm 465 FRY BLVD. • (520) 458-2376 • Proud supporters of St. Andrews Parish since 1989 601 Fry Blvd., SV Parishioners WE WELCOME YOU TO JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH - with Mariachi 11am-2pm LIGHTNING LUNCH BUFFET - for only $8.88 GIVING BACK! If you bring this flyer with you have 15% of your bill donated back to St. Andrew the Apostle Your ad could Complete Auto Service • BFGoodrich be in this Michelin Uniroyal • Continental space! 3350 E. Fry Blvd. 458-7380 JENSEN’S Sierra Vista Mortuary L.L.C. Foothills Memorial Crematory 378-4895 5515 S. Hwy. 92 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 517137 St Andrew the Apostle Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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