December 6, 2015 Second Sunday in Advent Parish Office: 773.486.4300 Parish Fax: 773.252.5346 School Office: 773.486.1334 School Fax: 773.486.1782 2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647 nt ve Ad Re c on ci lia tio n Se rv ice ~ De ce mb er 9th 7pm Masses: Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: by Appointment Second Sunday in Advent December 6, 2015 Wayne’s World The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us Dear Friends, I’m reading a book called The Holy Year of Mercy: A Faith Sharing Guide. It provides great spiritual food for thought. Probably the best part of the book is the appendix. The Papal Bull of Indiction for the Year of Mercy, written on the 11th of April this year by the pope himself challenges, comforts, encourages and inspires. You can find the Bull on the Vatican website, in whatever language you choose to read. The English version is letters/documents/papa-francesco_bolla_20150411_misericordiaevultus.html. I encourage you to read it - and apply it to your life. Allow me to highlight one or two sections. One of the greatest things God has done for us, one of the reasons fo which I am joyful, is the love and grace God gives us is his mercy. This year, from this Tuesday until the feast of Christ the King in November 2016, we celebrate a Jubilee Year of Mercy. God’s Mercy can indeed bring us joy and can indeed change – only when we recognize our need for mercy and when we desire change. Looking around us, from Paris to California, we see violence and unrest. I read somewhere that there have been more than 90,000 people killed by gun violence since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting three years ago this week. We do need God’s mercy. The Pope writes, “Mercy is the very foundation of the Church’s life. All of her pastoral activity should be caught up in the tenderness she makes present to believers; nothing in her preaching and in her witness to the world can be lacking in mercy. The Church’s very credibility is seen in how she shows merciful and compassionate love.The Church “has an endless desire to show mercy”. Perhaps we have long since forgotten how to show and live the way of mercy.” He gives concrete ways to live mercy. “It is my burning desire that, during this Jubilee, the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It will be a way to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty. And let us enter more deeply into the heart of the Gospel where the poor have a special experience of God’s mercy. Jesus introduces us to these works of mercy in his preaching so that we can know whether or not we are living as his disciples. Let us rediscover these corporal works of mercy: to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead. And let us not forget the spiritual works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead.” Lets enter confidently the Year of Mercy. See you Tuesday! What does it take for us to understand our own need for God’s mercy – as individuals and as a community? Recently I was visiting a friend who reluctantly allowed himself to be anointed. He has been ill for quite some time and has been resistant to the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Some people still equate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick with “Last Rites,” or “Extrimunction.” This gentleman thought that receiving the Sacrament was an admission that he was dying. I spent some time with him during our visit, explaining the Sacrament and its benefits. One of the benefits of the anointing of the sick is the forgiveness of sins. I used the expression that in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, God forgives our sins and “we have a clean slate.” My friend responded, “My slate has been clean for years.” Mine hasn’t. I fall and need God’s mercy. When we realize and honestly admit that we are sinners, that sometimes darkness overcomes us, that God has power over sin and darkness, and we actually turn to God for mercy, God will forgive us. God can make our slates clean. We celebrate that during the Year of Mercy. And we are starting that celebration here at Saint John Berchmans the day after the Holy Year begins. Peace, On Wednesday, December 9, Saint John Berchmans will celebrate as a community the Mercy of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We will gather as a community to admit our need for God’s Mercy, experience that Mercy and commit to become that Mercy in the world. I hope that as we begin this Jubilee year we all “become merciful like the Father” as our Pope has asked us to become. Our Mission: Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place. 2 December 6 2015 Second Sunday in Advent Join Us As We Celebrate Mary SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Parish Announcements Tuesday, December 8th, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please join us as we celebrate with Masses at 7:00am, 8:30am and bilingually at 7:00pm. This major feast honors the Blessed Virgin, who was conceived without sin in preparation to bear God himself. The Immaculate Conception is a Holy Day of Obligation. SJB GIVING TREE Please return the unwrapped, labeled gift(s) for the SJB giving tree to Church next weekend, as the gifts will be presented during the offertory of the Mass. Thank you for sharing Christ’s love this Christmas season and for helping to make the holidays brighter for our students and their families! OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MASS AT SJB Saturday, December 12th, is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mañanitas will be prayed at 5:00am, followed by coffee and pastries in the church hall. Mass will celebrated at 7:00pm, with a celebration to follow. Additionally, the novena in preparation for this Feast will begin on Thursday, December 3rd at and continue each evening. Please visit our website at www. or call the parish office for exact times. RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS Whether we realize it or not, we are all beneficiaries of the tremendous contributions made by women and men religious to the Church and to the world. This annual collection, taken on the weekend of December 12th and 13th, is an opportunity to honor and thank retired Catholic sisters, brothers and religious-order priests for their generous service to our Church and our world. Thank you for your support of this appeal. Sunday, December 14th 4:30-6:30pm Advent Parish Potluck DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS All are welcome to help decorate the Church on Saturday, December 19th. We will begin putting up Christmas decorations at 10:30am. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S MASSES We will begin our celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord at 4:00pm on Christmas Eve with a Children’s Mass. At 11:30pm we will begin with Choral Carols, which will lead into our bilingual Midnight Mass. Masses on Christmas morning, will be celebrated at 8:15am and 9:45am in English and at 11:30am in Spanish. The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God will be celebrated beginning with the 5:00pm on Thursday, December 31st. Masses on Friday, January 1st will be in English at 9:45am and at 11:30am in Spanish Advent Reconciliation Service SAVE THE DATE! On Saturday, January 9th, after the 5pm Mass, you can head down to the Church Hall with the whole family for salad, pasta, and meatballs! Tickets may be purchased in the rectory during office hours, or after any of the weekend Masses. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for children, and beer, wine, and pop may be purchased throughout the evening. Don’t miss this chance to get to know the members of our parish at one of our most popular events of the year! Prepare for the coming of our Lord! Join us Wednesday, December 9th at 7:00pm for our bilingual Advent Reconciliation Service. Advent is a joyful season, but it is also a penitential season, the perfect time to examine our consciences and receive the Sacrament of Penance in preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Interested in helping out on January 9th? Great! Contact Rochelle Brophy for more details on how to get involved. 3 Second Sunday in Advent December 6, 2015 Wayne’s World El Señor Ha Hecho Grandes Cosas Por Nosotros Queridos Amigos, Estoy leyendo un libro llamado The Holy Year of Mercy: A Faith Sharing Guide. Proporciona gran reflexión espiritual. Probablemente la mejor parte del libro es el apéndice. El Documento Papal de Convocación del Año de Misericordia, escrito el 11 de abril de este año por el mismo Papa desafía, conforta, alienta e inspira. Ustedes pueden encontrar el Documento en el sitio web del Vaticano, en el idioma que ustedes elijan para leer. La versión en Inglés es papa-francesco_bolla_20150411_misericordiae-vultus.html. Les animo a leerlo - y aplicarlo a su vida. Permítanme destacar una o dos secciones. Una de las cosas más grandes que Dios ha hecho por nosotros, una de las razones por la cual estoy alegre, es el amor y la gracia que Dios nos da en su misericordia. Este año, a partir de este martes hasta la fiesta de Cristo Rey en noviembre de 2016, celebramos un Año Jubilar Misericordia. La misericordia de Dios verdaderamente nos puede traer alegría y de hecho nos puede cambiar – solamente cuando reconocemos nuestra necesidad de la misericordia y cuando deseamos cambiar. Observando a nuestro alrededor, desde París hasta California, vemos la violencia y los disturbios. Leí en alguna parte que ha habido más de 90.000 personas asesinadas por la violencia armada desde el rodaje de la Escuela Primaria Sandy Hook hace tres años esta semana. Necesitamos la misericordia de Dios. El Papa escribe: “La misericordia es la viga maestra que sostiene la vida de la Iglesia. Todo en su acción pastoral debería estar revestido por la ternura con la que se dirige a los creyentes; nada en su anuncio y en su testimonio hacia el mundo puede carecer de misericordia. La credibilidad de la Iglesia pasa a través del camino del amor misericordioso y compasivo. La Iglesia vive un deseo inagotable de brindar misericordia”.Tal vez por mucho tiempo nos hemos olvidado de indicar y de andar por la vía de la misericordia. Por una parte, la tentación de pretender siempre y solamente justicia ha hecho olvidar que ella es el primer paso, necesario e indispensable; la Iglesia no obstante necesita ir más lejos para alcanzar una meta más alta y más significativa.” El ofrece maneras concretas para obrar con misericordia. “Es mi vivo deseo que el pueblo cristiano reflexione durante el Jubileo sobre las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales. Será un modo para despertar nuestra conciencia, muchas veces aletargada ante el drama de la pobreza, y para entrar todavía más en el corazón del Evangelio, donde los pobres son los privilegiados de la misericordia divina. La predicación de Jesús nos presenta estas obras de misericordia para que podamos darnos cuenta si vivimos o no como discípulos suyos. Redescubramos las obras de misericordia corporales: dar de comer al hambriento, dar de beber al sediento, vestir al desnudo, acoger al forastero, asistir los enfermos, visitar a los presos, enterrar a los muertos. Y no olvidemos las obras de misericordia espirituales: dar consejo al que lo necesita, enseñar al que no sabe, corregir al que yerra, consolar al triste, perdonar las ofensas, soportar con paciencia las personas molestas, rogar a Dios por los vivos y por los difuntos.” Entremos confiados al Año de Misericordia. ¡Los veo el martes! ¿Qué se necesita para que podamos entender nuestra propia necesidad de la misericordia de Dios - como individuos y como comunidad? Recientemente estuve visitando a un amigo que a regañadientes permitió ser ungido. Ha estado enfermo desde hace bastante tiempo y se resistía al Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. Algunas personas todavía relacionan el Sacramento de la Unción de los enfermos con “Los Últimos Oleos”, Este señor creía que al recibir el Sacramento era una admisión de que se estaba muriendo. Pasé algún tiempo con él durante nuestra visita, explicándole el Sacramento y sus beneficios. Uno de los beneficios de la unción de los enfermos es el perdón de los pecados. He utilizado la expresión que en el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos, Dios perdona nuestros pecados y “tenemos un borrón y cuenta nueva.” Mi amigo respondió:” Mi pizarra ha estado limpia desde hace años.” La mía no. Caigo y necesito la misericordia de Dios. Cuando nos damos cuenta y honestamente admitimos que somos pecadores, cuando a veces la oscuridad nos supera, Dios tiene poder sobre el pecado y la oscuridad, y si realmente buscamos a Dios por su misericordia, Dios nos perdonará. Dios puede hacer que nuestras pizarras estén limpias. Celebramos eso durante el Año de Misericordia.Y estamos empezando esa celebración aquí en San Juan Berchmans el día después de que comience el Año Santo. Paz, El miércoles, 9 de diciembre de San Juan Berchmans celebrará como comunidad la Misericordia de Dios en el sacramento de la Reconciliación. Nos reuniremos como una comunidad para admitir nuestra necesidad de la misericordia de Dios, a experimentar esa Misericordia y comprometernos a convertirnos en esa Misericordia en el mundo. Espero que al comenzar este año jubilar que todos “seamos misericordiosos como el Padre” como nuestro Papa nos ha pedido que lo seamos. Nuestra Misión: “Arraigada en Cristo y tocada por Su amor y misericordia, la comunidad de San Juan Berchmans encuentra unidad en su diversidad, proclama por medio de la palabra, Sacramento y servicio, que el Reino de Dios esta cerca y declara que todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.” 4 December 6 2015 Second Sunday in Advent Únase a Nosotros para Celebrar a María SOLEMNIDAD DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN El martes, 8 de diciembre, es la solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María. Por favor, únase a nosotros para celebrar con Misas a las 7:00am, 8:30am y bilingüe a las 7:00pm. Esta importante fiesta honra a la Santísima Virgen, que fue concebida sin pecado, en preparación para dar nacimiento al mismo Dios. La Inmaculada Concepción es un día de precepto. Anuncios Parroquiales ÁRBOL DE DAR DE SJB Por favor devuelva el regalo del Árbol de Dar de SJB a la Iglesia, sin envolver, con la etiqueta(s) el próximo fin de semana, ya que todos los regalos serán presentados durante el ofertorio de la Misa. ¡Gracias por compartir el amor de Cristo en esta temporada de Navidad y por ayudar a hacer que los días de fiestas sean más brillantes para nuestros estudiantes y sus familias! MISA PARA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE El sábado, 12 de diciembre, es la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Celebraremos con las Mañanitas a las 5:00am, a continuación tendremos café y pan en el salón parroquial. La Misa será celebrada a las 7:00pm, con una celebración a seguir. Además, la novena para esta fiesta comenzará el jueves, 3 de diciembre y continúa cada noche. Por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en o llame a la oficina de la parroquia para los horarios exactos. FONDO DE JUBILACIÓN DE RELIGIOSOS Si nos damos cuenta o no, todos somos los beneficiarios de las enormes contribuciones hechas por las mujeres y los hombres religiosos a la iglesia y al mundo. Esta colecta anual, adquirida en el fin de semana del 12 y 13 de diciembre, es una oportunidad para honrar y agradecer a las hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes católicos jubilados de la orden religiosa por su generoso servicio a nuestra iglesia y a nuestro mundo. Gracias por su ayuda a esta súplica. El Domingo 6 de Diciembre 4:30-6:30pm ¡Comida Para Compartir en Adviento! DECORACIÓN DE NAVIDAD Todos son bienvenidos para ayudar a adornar la iglesia el sábado 19 de diciembre. Comenzaremos a colocar las decoraciones de Navidad en 10:30am. MISAS DE NAVIDAD Y AÑO NUEVO Comenzaremos nuestra celebración de la Natividad de Nuestro Señor a las 4:00pm en la víspera de la Navidad con la Misa de Niños. A las 11:30pm comenzaremos con los villancicos, y a continuación celebraremos la Misa Bilingüe de Medianoche. Las Misas de la mañana de Navidad, serán celebradas a las 8:15am y 9:45am en inglés y a las 11:30am en español. La solemnidad de Maria, Madre de Dios será celebrada a las 5:00pm el jueves 31 de diciembre. Las Misas del viernes 1 de enero serán a las 9:45am en ingles y a las 11:30am en español. ¡GUARDE LA FECHA! ¡El sábado 9 de enero, después de la Misa de 5:00pm, puede bajar al salón parroquial con toda la familia para disfrutar de ensalada, pasta y albóndigas! Los boletos de entradas se pueden comprar en la rectoría durante horas de oficina, o después de cualquier Misa del fin de semana. Los boletos cuestan $ 8 para adultos y $ 6 para niños, también puede adquirir cerveza, vino, y refresco durante toda la noche. ¡No se pierda esta oportunidad de conocer a los miembros de nuestra parroquia en uno de nuestros eventos más populares del año! Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento ¡Prepárese para la venida de Nuestro Señor! Acompáñenos el miércoles 9 de diciembre a las 7:00pm para nuestro Servicio Bilingüe de Reconciliación de Adviento. Adviento es un tiempo alegre, pero también es un tiempo de penitencia, el momento perfecto de examinar nuestras conciencias y recibir el sacramento de penitencia como preparación para celebrar el nacimiento de Jesucristo. ¿Está usted interesado en ayudar el 9 de enero? ¡Genial! Póngase en contacto con Rochelle Brophy para más detalles sobre cómo participar. 5 Second Sunday in Advent December 6, 2015 School News Saint John Berchmans School Open House December 10, 2015 ~ 8:30am At Saint John Berchmans, we enrich our students’ lives through our challenging curriculum; values based education, and diverse learning environment. Saint John Berchmans School, an integral component of Saint John Berchmans Parish, encompasses all facets of Christian living in its education of the whole child; spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, cultural, and physical. We create an environment that encourages the learning potential of every student through a well-rounded curriculum including music, art, technology, physical education, reading and math classes. We build a sense of self-esteem, confidence and love of learning. We value and respect the culture and academic diversity of the school community. We respect the dignity of each child as a practicing member of the family of God, celebrating prayer and liturgical experiences, and encompassing moral values into their everyday life. Our common goal is the development of the whole person. This is accomplished through an atmosphere of love and support provided for by the teachers, parents, and students working together. We invite you to learn more about a Saint John Berchmans education by joining us for coffee and conversation at our Open House or by calling the Admissions office for an individual appointment or tour. During the Open House you will: Learn about our programs and vision from the Principal, talk with parents and students and tour the schools and observe classes. Please call ahead for your reservation, 773.486.1334. Private appointments and tours available upon request. Saint John Berchmans Gives Thanks! A special thank you to Claudia and her amazing team for creating such a the beautiful environment on on Thanksgiving and every day! 6 - December 6 2015 Second Sunday in Advent Stewardship Report 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal Debt Reduction Program “Your Gift Gives Twice November 29, 2015 As we continue through the Advent season, we continue to wait. We wait with joyous anticipation and we wait in hopefulness. It takes patience and it takes faith. Mary is a perfect example of this trust in God. Mary waited with great hope for the coming of our Savior. During this 2nd week of Advent we have two great opportunities to honor Mary, our perfect example of patience and faith. We celebrate both the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conceptions and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mary said “yes” when God asked her to do His will, and now we are hoping that you will say “yes” when we ask that you join us in our final push to eliminate our debt. We are truly grateful for all the support we have received so far, but we need you! Please help by supporting our Legacy Campaign. Mass Collection Online giving at 3,396.59 2,764.48 Total Sunday Collection 6,161.07 Our weekly goal Surplus/(Shortfall) from weekly goal 7,947.00 (1,785.93) 2015-16 Fiscal Year to Date (From 7/1/15) Our goal to date Collected year to date Surplus/(Shortfall) year to date 167,115.38 146,004.25 (21,111.13) 3.00 Children’s Envelopes Thank you ~ Gracias A medida que continuamos con la temporada de Adviento, seguimos esperando. Esperamos con una feliz anticipación y permanecemos con esperanza. Se necesita paciencia y se necesita fe. Maria es un ejemplo perfecto de esta confianza en Dios. Maria esperó con gran esperanza la venida de nuestro Salvador. Durante esta segunda semana de Adviento tenemos dos grandes oportunidades de honrar a Maria, nuestro ejemplo perfecto de paciencia y fe. Celebramos ambos, la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción y la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Prayer of Pope Francis for the Jubilee of Mercy Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of God!” Maria dijo “sí” cuando Dios le pidió hacer Su voluntad, y ahora nosotros estamos esperando que usted diga “sí” cuando le pedimos que se una a nosotros en nuestra empujón final para eliminar nuestra deuda. ¡Estamos muy agradecidos por todo el apoyo que hemos recibido hasta ahora, pero aun le necesitamos! Por favor ayude apoyando nuestra Campaña de Legado. La Campaña Católica Anual para 2015 Programa de Reducción de Deuda “Su Regalo Da Dos Veces” You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified. You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. ONLINE GIVING TO SJB Save the hassle of envelopes, checks, and Sunday memory lapses by giving to Saint John Berchmans online! Log on to GiveCentral to set up an account, and your weekly offering will be deducted directly from your checking or savings account. Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. DONACIONES EN EL INTERNET A SJB Ahorre la molestia de los sobres, cheques y lapsos de memoria haciendo su donación semanal a San Juan Berchmans por medio del internet. Inicie sesión en GiveCentral para crear su cuenta y ofrenda semanal. Se deducirá directamente de su cuenta corriente o cuenta de ahorros. We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. 7 Second Sunday in Advent December 6, 2015 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel! Calendar of Prayer and Fellowship for Advent Please Pray FOR THE SICK AND INFIRM OF OUR COMMUNITY For the health of Teresa Angulo, Mark Baker, Ivan Bermudez, Katarzyna Bielarz, Jim Browne, Florence Brzezinski, Frank Buttitta, Antonia Calderon, Gary Calmes, Mike Cokins, Adriana Collado, Nan Condit, Jean Condon, Brian DeLeon, Danny Doyle, Anna Duski, Edwin Duvall, Evan Flores, Margaret Gielnewski, Ruth E. Gomez, Maureen Gramling, Dennis Hanson, Colin Hayes, Lois Hinkens, Bertha Jiminez, Jane Jones, Michael D. Jones, Helen Kadar, Mary Ann Kosiba, Hector Lorenzo, Alice Maestrazi, Olivia Maxon, Ewing Metoyer, Kay Meyer, Humberto Moya, William Northey, Katie O’Connor, Sr. Margaret Ormond, Norine Ortega, Debra Parsons, Genevieve Podraza, Rita Rattin, Fr. Paul Reicher, Jorge Rojas, Maria E. Rosario, Anastacio Salgado, Margarita Sanchez, Glydden Santiago, Celeste Schwilck, Gwen Skeoch, M. E. Shober, Joseph Slocki, Will Sullivan, Aurora Tapia, Jorge Tapia, Marina Tinajero, Gladys Torres, Maria Torres, Sylvia Torres and Lucille Wozny Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 3-December 11 (visit for times) Advent Potluck Sunday, December 6 @ 4:30pm The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Tuesday, December 8 Masses at 7am, 8:30am & 7pm (bilingual) Advent Reconciliation Service Wednesday, December 9 @ 7pm The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Saturday, December 12 @ 7pm (bilingual) (Mañanitas will be prayed at 5am) SJB STAFF CONTACTS PASTOR: Fr. Wayne F. Watts, [email protected] RESIDENT: Fr. Paul Reicher, [email protected] PASTOR EMERITUS: Fr. William Gubbins Welcome to Our Family of Faith! DEACONS: Jorge Cabrera (773) 625.2581, [email protected] Guillermo (Willie) Mendizabal, (773) 276.5502, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: Joseph P. D’Arco, [email protected] During the month of November, Saint John Berchmans welcomed, through the Sacrament of Baptism, eight new members to our ever-growing DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP AND LITURGY: Jennifer Cortez, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION AND EDUCATION: Shelagh Donoghue, [email protected] family of faith. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Jean Tuohy, [email protected] Amalia de Amor, daughter of Jesus and Kandy Miranda Bisbee, son of Jason Muse and Chelsea Blasko-Muse SPANISH CHOIR DIRECTOR: Carlos Ortiz, [email protected] Owen Miles and Henry Steward, sons of Adam and Jennifer Meza PARISH SECRETARY: Guille McMahon, [email protected] Patrick Harney, son of Thomas and Ellen Hotchkiss PRINCIPAL: Peggy Roketenetz, [email protected] Samuel Leigh, son of Leigh and Simone Unger Merryn Elizabeth, daughter of James and Christine Toohey ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL: Patricia Danielak, [email protected] Jacqueline Louise, daughter of Robert and Heather Connealy DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS: Amanda Sullivan, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF EVENTS: Rochelle Brophy, [email protected] Congratulations! SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Judy Ciukowski, [email protected] 8 December 6 2015 Second Sunday in Advent SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT SATURDAY, December 5 5:00pm IN THANKSGIVING TO THE SACRED HEART Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Deacon: Jorge Cabrera Commentator: Art DeLeon Lector: Ed Pennington EMHC: Susan Ciapciak, Cathy Whinna Servers: E. Ham, C. Reynolds, A. Rios SUNDAY, December 6 8:15am +MARY A. BRAVATA Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Commentator: John Swinford Lector: Aidan Swinford EMHC: David Dvorak, Raghda Fakhoury, Anna Wozny-Ramirez Altar Servers: L. Santiago, N. Swinford WEDNESDAY, December 9 – Advent Weekday [Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin] 7:00am ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts THURSDAY, December 10 – Advent Weekday 7:00am THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher FRIDAY, December 11 – Advent Weekday 8:30am +WINNIE DUFFY, PATRICIA ABDALAH (BIRTHDAY) Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT SATURDAY, December 12 5:00pm +MARY ELLEN WALSH Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Commentator: Lucie Cleary Lector: Ed Pennington EMHC: Martha DeLeon, Bozena Slocki Servers: A. Bagazinski, M. Bagazinski, E. Ham 9:45am +JOSE G. BENAVIDES, +CAROLINA BENAVIDES +PETER FINLEY DUNNE Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Lucie Cleary Lectors: Kathleen Burnett, Martha Ibarra EMHC: Joe Glunz, Pedro Guerrero, Fabiola Guerrero Altar Servers: G. Garza, O. Garza, E. Glunz FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE [Patroness of the Americas] 7:00pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Oficiante: Pd.Wayne F.Watts Diáconos: Jorge Cabrera y Guillermo Mendizabal Comentarista/Peticiones: Maria Mendizabal Lectores: Socorro Torres, Esther Castro MESC:Wanda Reyes, Estela Izaguirre, Mario y Maria Gudino Monaguillos: M. Cerrillo, A. Hernandez, D. Hernandez, I. Ibarra 11:30am +JULIO QUIÑONEZ, LAS ALMAS DEL PURGATORIO Oficiante: Pd.Wayne F.Watts Diácono/Homilista: Guillermo Mendizabal Comentarista/Peticiones: Maria Mendizabal Lectores: Maria Gudino,Veronica Medina MESC: Rosaura Diaz, Rosa Rodriguez, Gabby Uruchima, Ivette Gudino Monaguillos: A. Hernandez, D. Hernandez, I. Ibarra SUNDAY, December 13 8:15am +TESSA KAY WILHELM,+ANTON AND MARIE HENCIK Presider: Fr. Kevin Birmingham Commentator: Sarah Fakhoury Lector: Anna Wozny-Ramirez EMHC: Krystyna Bielarz, Kevin and Monique VanRenterghem Altar Servers: M. Harrison, L. Santiago [Confirmation Rite of Enrollment] 6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts EMHC: Gary Aistrup, Roberta Anelli, Mark Dombrowski Altar Servers: R. Guerra, S. Reyes,Y. Sanchez-Peña 9:45am +NANCY J., NANCY M. AND MARY A. BRAVATA Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts Commentator: Jill McClusky Lector: Jeff McClusky EMHC: Jeremy O’Keefe, Rosa Ramirez, Noreen Russo Altar Servers: M. Montes, M. Montes, A. Moulton MONDAY, December 7 – Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 7:00am +BENJAMIN “MIKE” REIDY Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY [Patronal Feast Day of the United States of America] TUESDAY, December 8 7:00am THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts 8:30am +JOSE G. BENAVIDES Presider: Fr.Wayne F.Watts 11:30am +JULIO QUIÑONEZ, LAS ALMAS DEL PURGATORIO Oficiante: Pd. Paul Reicher Diácono: Jorge Cabrera Comentarista/Peticiones: Esther Uruchima Lectores: Alice Vila, Manuel Cerrillo MESC: Ninfa Rangel, Maria Acevedo, Armando y Maria E. Salgado Monaguillos: D. Rodriguez, D. Uruchima, J. Uruchima 7:00pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Deacon: Jorge Cabrera Lectors:Wilmer Ramirez, John Swinford EMHC: Nancy Krause Altar Servers: N. Swinford, D. Uruchima, J. Uruchima 6:30pm THE PEOPLE OF SAINT JOHN BERCHMANS Presider: Fr. Paul Reicher Commentator: Kathleen Kania Lector: Luis Cuevas EMHC: Carlos Fernandez, Mary Jane Fernandez, Orlando Guerra Altar Servers: J. Guerra, A. Pitcock, H. Pitcock 9 BOULEVARD BIKES JANE KAMINSKI SIMERS CASEY LASKOWSKI & SONS Expert Sales & Service Wills, Trusts, and Decedents’ Estates Pre-Arrangements Available 2535 N. Kedzie 1354 West Wabansia Chicago, Illinois USA 773-235-9109 The General Logan Square invites you to check out our NEW Weekend Brunch Menu! Weekend Brunch 11am - 3pm Dining Drinks ✸ Carryout ✸ Private Events ✸ ATTORNEY AT LAW FUNERAL HOME 2729 N. Francisco Tel: 773-342-4020 4 Parking Lots - Suburban Locations Available Parishioner of St. John Berchmans (773) 777-6300 4540-50 W. Diversey Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 773-289-3800 Dine In • Carry Out An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 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