St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church

St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church
“Welcoming community, committed to fostering a deeper love of Jesus through faith, family, and service to others.”
Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston
Established 1978
November 29, 2015
First Sunday in Advent
To you, Oh Lord, I lift my soul (Psalm 25)
302 South Magnolia Blvd.
Magnolia, Texas 77355-8535
Office: 281-356-2000 Fax: 281-789-4243
Celebration of the Eucharist
Monday - Word & Sacrament Service,
8:00 am
Tuesday - Friday - Mass, 8:00 am
Saturday Mass - 5:00 pm, English
Sunday Masses - English 8:00 & 10:30am
Spanish 1:00 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mon - Thurs - 8:30 am - 9:30 am
Friday - 8:30 am - noon
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00a – 5:00p
(Parish offices closed Nov. 26 & 27)
Reconciliation: Tues.—Fri. 8:30 - 9:30a
Saturdays 3:30 – 4:30p
Baptisms: Contact the parish office
Matrimony: 6 months in advance
Anointing of the Sick: 8am Mass 1st Fri.
of each month or call the parish office
First Eucharist & Confirmation:
Call the Parish CCE office
Parish Staff
Fr. Christopher Nguyen
Sidney “Butch” Prewitt
Rafael Millet
Parish Manager
Tom Mayhew
Parish DRE
Marlene Grauvogl
Dir. Youth Ministry
Sylvia Perez
Music Director
Peter Ramirez
Marita Karger
Parish Secretary
Mary Ann Ford
Assistant Secretary Sandra Medrano
Pastoral Council
[email protected]
Marcy Herbeck
Gus Rodriguez
Brenda Hoppe
Jim Scott
Raul Martinez
Kathy White
Jim Yates
Finance Council
Glynn Trahan
Patrick Hedderman
Arts & Environment
Deborah Okopinski
Catholic Daughters
Yolanda Garcia
Mary Ann Zanoff
Friends of St. Francis
Kim Herben
Anna Stepanek
Grupo de Oración
Jobo Aguirre
Mónica Velázquez
Maria Cuellar
Knights of Columbus
Steven Bureau
Legion of Mary
Ignacio Villanueva
Men's Club
Bobby Holub
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Gerardo & Anabel Garza
Catherine Smith
Respect Life
Danica R. Vassigh
St. Vincent de Paul
Steve Dinnell
Stewardship Committee
Kathleen Oates
Ushers / Greeters
Tom Mayhew
Jeremiah could see it coming—the kingship of Jesus
and the restoration of Jerusalem. But was anybody
listening? Is anybody listening now? It must have been
tough being a prophet, but Jeremiah was persistent in his
message because he knew that it needed to be heard.
Also persistent in his message is Paul as he encourages the Thessalonians—and all of us—to live in accordance with the kingship that Jeremiah foretold. He
encourages us to conduct ourselves in ways of holiness
so that we may be well prepared for the king’s coming.
Finally, Jesus himself tells us to be ever diligent so that
we may gain favor before our God and King.
Jeremiah could see the kingship of Jesus coming. As
we begin the season of Advent, Paul and Jesus tell us not
only how to prepare for the Kingdom, but how to live it
day to day.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
There are three distinct comings of the Lord of
which I know, His coming to humankind, His coming into humankind, and His coming against humankind.
—St. Bernard: Third Sermon for Advent
Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22
Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17;
Lk 10:21-24
Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37
Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a;
Mt 7:21, 24-27
Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31
Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6;
Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8
Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11;
Lk 3:1-6
First Sunday of Advent
St. Andrew
World AIDS Day
Thursday: St. Francis Xavier
St. John of Damascus; First Friday
First Saturday
November 30—December 6
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
7:45 pm
8:00 am
10:30 am
8:00 am
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:30 am
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Word & Sacrament Service
Sonia Fontenot +
Michael Krider +
In Thanksgiving to St. Jude by
M.A. Galindo
Sylvia Perez (Liv)
Grete & Franz Hermann +
Joan Hedderman +
Luis Spaugh +
Frank Diehl +
Parishioners of St. Matthias
Agustina Resendis +
Carlos Valverde +
Deceased + Living (liv)
Please contact the parish office to request a Mass Intention.
Also, if you would like to furnish flowers for the altar for a special
occasion or in memory of someone, please contact the parish office.
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament is held
Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
and Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
I am here, come visit Me
Friday, December 4, 8:00 a.m. Mass
If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Anointing, please
sit in the front pews of the Church so Father Chris will know
you would like to receive the sacrament. If you know of any
family members or friends who might like to receive this sacrament, please invite them to come to Mass.
Luz Sutton, Edwina Kaminski, Cindy Stroberg, Barbara Schempf, Joan
Hardee, Mike Bahm, Bridgette Gober, McKenzie Fluet, Mark Woodard,
Nathan Woodard, Mary Roberts, Barbara Moore, Cindie Leathy, Charles
Weathers, Mary Ann Gay, Dorothy Pavlock, Tom Pierett, Andrea
Corolla Phillips, Jim Jacobs, Mary Cipolla, Hedwig Mosley, Maggie
Mosley, Kimberly Copeland, Buddy Harrison, Mary Sacchieri, Lina &
Roger Dehoyas, Norah Ortega, Marlene Gondek, Frank D. Krider, Jr.,
Greg Stepanek, Dottie Derden, Marie Parson, George & Vivian Nolan,
Carolyn & Bob Foster
Names on the prayer list will be removed after 2
months. If you want a name to continue longer,
please contact the parish office.
If a family member, a neighbor or someone you know from our parish
is homebound and is in need of Holy Communion and/or prayer,
please notify the office so that arrangements can be made for home or
hospital visits. You may also call for assistance in leading rosaries for
your deceased loved ones 's funeral.
The collection totals for November 29
will be in the December 6th bulletin.
Second collection next week - St. Vincent de Paul
Black Bag
To receive a statement for 2015 showing your contributions to St. Matthias,
please use your Offertory envelopes or write your envelope number/parish ID
number on your check. Envelopes can be requested through the parish office.
Our deep gratitude to parishioners and guests for their
support to the ongoing work of Christ at St. Matthias.
Prayer Intention Book
A Book for Prayer Intentions is located in the corner of the
Narthex. You are invited to write the names on anyone you
know that is need of prayer. This can be an intention for the
healing of someone who is sick, for someone looking for a job,
those struggling with their marriage, or for any other problem
they may be facing. The book will be there all year round and
the those entered will be remembered in our Masses.
That all who suffer loneliness may
experience the closeness of God and
the support of others”.
His intention for evangelization is:
“That young seminarians and religious may have wise and
well-formed mentors”.
Thursday, December 3, 7:00 p.m. in the Church
Come join your fellow parishioners to pray the
Patriotic Rosary for our country. Bring
your family, your friends, and your rosary.
The last date for Altar Server training December 19, 10am.
The training session is primarily optional, BUT… all
servers are required to attend at least one of the sessions.
If you have already attended a session, servers are welcome to attend extra sessions if they feel they could benefit from some extra practice. For more information contact
Pat Hedderman, 281-259-2214.
As we begin Advent we are called to "wait" in
joyful anticipation for the grace of Christmas to
once again bless our lives. Wherever you live in
our parish, there are poor families within walking
distance of your home. When in need, they ring
the rectory bell. They are in effect ringing your
Monthly needed items...canned sweet potatoes, cornbread
dressing in a box, sugar, flour
Please be sure and sign-up in the Narthex for your
family's opportunity to share in this St. Matthias
community project. Let's all support an increase in
vocations to religious life through our prayers.
Two positions opening up on the Pastoral Council for 3 year
terms beginning in January 2016. The role of the Pastoral
Council is to assist Fr. Chris in decisions impacting our parish.
Pastoral Council members represent all parishioners and serve
as their voice in discussions within the council. Members are
registered parishioners, 18 years of age or older, and are practicing Catholics who are in good standing with the Church.
If you are interested in discerning to become a member of
the Pastoral Council, or to nominate someone else, please fill
out a Pastoral Council Nominee Form available in the Narthex
or at the parish office. Completed forms may be deposited in
the “Pastoral Council Nominations“ drop box located in the
Narthex, turned in at the Parish Office, or scanned and e-mailed
to [email protected]. DEADLINE to submit
nominations is Friday, December 18, 2015.
If you have questions, please send a note and your phone
number to [email protected] and a council member will give you a call.
All parishioners are welcome to attend Discernment Day on
Saturday, January 16, 2016 from 9:00am to about 11:00am.
Parishioners are invited to join with the Hispanic
community to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of
Guadalupe on Saturday, December 12.
5:00 a.m. – Mañanitas and Matachines dance in
the Church, followed with breakfast in
the parish hall.
5:00 p.m. – Matachines dance at Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Prayer Garden
6:00 p.m. – Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe
6:40 p.m. – Procession from the Prayer Garden to the Church
7:00 p.m. – Mass, Spanish
After Mass we will continue our celebration with dinner and
Matachines dancing in the parish hall.
When our parking lots are crowded, it can be tempting to
park in places that are not marked as parking spots. This creates
safety risks where an accident can occur or someone could get
hurt (especially children). To help keep parishioners safe,
please always park in a marked spot (including use of the back
lot). When all spots are taken, orderly parking on the grass
around the back lots and the soccer field is a good alternative.
Please DO NOT park on either side of the
driveway that runs from the St. Vincent de Paul
building to the exit at FM 1774. When we have
cars parked on both sides of this drive, it only
allows for 1 lane of traffic. It also creates potential
for someone to step out between parked cars into oncoming
traffic. Cars parked near the FM1774 exit block the exit lanes
and exiting drivers cannot see oncoming traffic clearly.
Also, please do not enter off of FM1774 using the exit drive.
This can also increase the potential of an accident.
Thanks for your understanding and help in keeping everyone safe in our lots.
2016 Bazaar News
Hard to believe but the 2016 bazaar only 5 months
away. Please block Sunday, May 1, on your calendars so you won't miss this fun parish event.
Our first bazaar committee meeting will be Thursday,
Dec 3, at 7pm in the St. Philip room (9/11). We have a number of open positions where we need more help on the planning
committee. It's a great way to get involved in the parish, have
some fun, and meet a lot of good people. If you are interested,
please contact the parish office at 281-356-2000 or just come to
the meeting on Dec 3.
During the Christmas season, it's a great time to take
advantage of sales to buy items to donate to the bazaar auction
for next year. When you are out shopping, please consider picking up sports themed items or other good deals to donate for the
next years auction. Some ideas:
- All Things Texans, Rockets, Astros (and maybe even
- Baskets of local college items
- Electronics, Toys, Movies, Yard equipment, bikes, etc.
The donated items should be delivered to the parish office.
If you drop your item(s) off before the end of the year, we'll
send you a donation letter for use on your taxes this year. If you
have any questions, call Debbie Stachowiak at 281-356-3615.
Thanks for your Support!!!!
Thursday, December 3, 10:30am
All senior parishioners of the parish are invited to
join with the Goldenrods for Mass followed by their
Christmas party in the parish hall. The meal will be catered.
For more information, contact Anna at 281-723-1533
Order Your Holiday Briskets prepared
by your Knights of Columbus Council
Only pre-sale briskets will be guaranteed. Pick up an
order form from the narthex or go to: and download the form. Order
form must be received no later than Sunday, December 6.
Briskets will be ready for pickup after all Masses on Sunday,
December 13. All proceeds from our Holiday Brisket Sale support the charities we sponsor, including our scholarship fund.
Sun., Nov. 29
Mon., Nov. 30
Tues., Dec. 1
8:00 am
8:30 am
10:00 am
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Wed., Dec. 2
Thurs., Dec. 3
Fri., Dec. 4
LAY MINISTERS - December 5/6
5:00 p.m.
Mass Coordinator: J. Rayne
Acolytes: M. Zanoff, S. Zanoff, S. Skweres
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon/Inst. Acolyte, M. Olszweski, A. McHugh,
B. James, C. Yoast, K. Lieber, L. Derden
Lectors: P. Yost, C. Yost
L. Herzog, J. Yoars
Greeters: J. Scott, Volunteer
Rosary: A. McHugh
Sat., Dec. 5
8:00 a.m.
Mass Coordinator: M. Sullivan
Acolytes: C. Brown, K. Brown, N. Brown
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon/Inst. Acolyte, A. Meyers, P. Taake,
S. Sorrells, C. Cardenas, L. Cardenas, P. Hummel,
M. Sullivan, J. Okopinski
E. Jauma, R. Jauma
D. Smith, EJ Smith, B. Holland, R. Holub
Greeters: D. Smith, EJ Smith
S. Smith
Sun., Dec. 6
10:30 a.m.
Mass Coordinator: R. Grauvogl
Acolytes: J. McCaleb, P. McCaleb, W. Polombo
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon/ Inst. Acolyte, D. Trahan, I. Villanueva,
S. Broerman, M. Lloyd, M. Atkinson,
C. McCorquodale, R Grauvogl
Lectors: K. Koslan, G. Trahan
Ushers: R. Grauvogl, R. McCorquodale, J. Oates, G. McDaniels
Greeters: C. McCorquodale, G. McDaniels
Rosary: K. Oates
All Masses KCs taking orders for BBQ briskets
No Elementary CCE
8:00 am Mass, English, KCs & CDA Corporate Communion Sunday
8:00 am RCIA, St Mary Rm (13/14)
10:30 am Mass
11:30 am Reflection on the Liturgy, St Mary Rm (13/14)
11:30 am Mary Apparitions Rehearsal, Pavilion
1:00 pm Mass, Spanish
2:15 pm English Class, St Mary Rm (13/14)
8:00 am Word & Sacrament Service
8:30 am Adoration
6:30 pm Boy Scouts, St Francis Xavier Rm (5), St Catherine Laboure Rm (7), St Philip Neri Rm (11)
7:00 pm Spanish Prayer Group, Parish Hall, St Therese of
Lisieux Rm (8)
7:00 pm English Class, St Mary Rm (13/14)
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
4:40 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:45 pm
8:00 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
8:00 am
8:30 am
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
All Masses
All Masses
8:00 am
8:00 am
9:05 am
10:30 am
11:30 am
11:30 am
11:35 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:15 pm
2:30 pm
Adoration & Confessions
Legion of Mary, St Mary Rm (13/14)
English Prayer Group, St. Mary Rm (13/14)
Spanish Prayer Group Leaders Meeting, St Francis of Assisi Rm (6) St Therese of Lisieux Rm(8)
Family Movement Prep. Class #6, St Josemarie
Escriva Rm (2)
RCIA, St Philip Neri Rm (11),
Basic Faith Formation, Parish Hall, St. Mary Rm
Adoration & Confessions
Total Consecration, English, St Mary Rm (13/14)
Minions, St. Mary Rm. (13/14)
TEEN Meal, Parish Hall
Adoration & Confessions
Goldenrods Mass, Christmas Party, Parish hall
Guadalupanos Rosary, Church
Patriotic Rosary, Church
English Class, St Mary Rm (13/14)
Bazaar Meeting, St Philip Neri Rm. (11)
Matachines Practice, Pavilion
Mass, Sacrament of Anointing
Adoration & Confession
Quinceanera, Church
Hispanic Prayer Group, Parish hall, St Thomas
Aquinas Rm (10)
Guadalupanos Meeting, St Mary Rm. (13/14
Guadalupanos Novena, Church
English Baptisms, Church
Recognition Mass, Church
Reception, Parish hall
KCs Christmas Party, Parish hall
Mass, English
KCs taking orders for BBQ briskets
Crafters for Christ Fundraiser
Guadalupanos Novena, Church
KCs taking orders for BBQ briskets
Crafters for Christ Fundraiser
RCIA, St Mary Rm (13/14)
Elementary CCE
Reflection on the Liturgy, St Mary Rm (13/14)
Mary Apparitions Rehearsal, Pavilion
Elementary CCE
Guadalupanos Novena, Church
Mass, Spanish
English Class, St Jerome Rm (17)
Youth/Family Mass, followed by
Confirmation Classes, Parish Hall, St Mary Rm
(13/14), St Philip Neri Rm (11)
Marlene Grauvogl at 281-356-2000 x 14
E-mail: [email protected]
Sylvia Perez at 281- 356-2000 x 12
E-mail: [email protected]
Classes will resume Wednesday, Dec 2, and Sunday, Dec 6.
Elementary Faith Formation meet on Sundays…
Session 1 – 9:05 – 10:20 a.m.
Session 2 – 11:35-12:50 p.m.
Wednesday T.E.E.N. 6:30 p.m.-8:45 p.m.
Food and fellowship. This is an important
and necessary time of the night. The students have time to break bread together and
6:30-7:05 – PROCLAIM – This is the main teaching of
the night. It is important that they are present
for that.
7:10-7:35 – Small group discussion – opportunity for
discussions with teens.
7:45–8:45 – Mass – Parents are encouraged to join their
students for Mass. CCE is NOT over until
8:45. If there is a problem with your student
staying for Mass, please call the RE office.
ATTENDANCE - The students can pick their nametags up in
the hallway outside the parish hall. At 6:30
the nametags and sign in sheets will be picked
up and they can check in at the parish hall
doorway with the adult standing there.
6-6:30 -
Are you planning to come to the 4:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Mass? If so, would you like
your child to be part of the annual Nativity
play? We are in need of participants, parts
are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. The rehearsal date and time will be announced at a later
date. You will need to come to rehearsal in order to participate in the Nativity Play on Christmas Eve.
Please stop by the RE office or call to be part of the play.
Also adults are needed to help children get dressed, help at
practice, make costumes, etc.
There are still First Communion pictures that have not yet
been picked up. If your child made communion this past
spring, please drop by the RE office to pick up your pictures.
“Within the family each member is accepted, respected and
honored precisely because he or she is a person; and if any family
member is in greater need, the care which he or she receives is all
the more intense and attentive."
— Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, no. 92
© 1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
All Parishioners Are Welcome!
Family Youth Mass will be held once a month, every
second Sunday of the month. Candidates, Parents,
Guardians, and Sponsors are required to attend Mass, then
Confirmation Class as part of their Confirmation Formation.
The Family Youth Masses 2015-2016
December 06, 2015
January10, 2016
February 14, 2016
March 6, 2016
April 10, 2016
May 15, 2016
Confirmation pictures are ready for you to pick up.
Please come by the RE office for your pictures.
Please remember we will have Mass then class. You must
attend Mass this is a part of your class. Candidates, Parents, and
Sponsors must attend. Please don’t forget to bring your baptismal certificates and parent, sponsor forms as well.
Light into the world is The Advent Wreath, a venerable European tradition, can be a way to involve
even very little children in learning about Christian
preparation - not only for celebrating Our Lord's
birth, but to make our hearts truly ready to receive
The wreath's symbolism of the advent (coming) of clear. The gradual lighting of the four candles, one on each Sunday of the Advent
season, combined with the liturgical colors of the candles (purple is
the penitential color used during Advent and Lent; rose is a liturgical
color used only on Gaudete Sunday in Advent and Laetare Sunday
in Lent) help to symbolize not only our expectation and hope in Our
Savior's first coming into the world, but also in his Second Coming
as Judge at the end of the world.
Fr. Frank Jones Council 11866
All Catholic students in grades 8, 9, 10, 11, and
12, are invited to participate in the 2015 Knights
of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest.
Students are encouraged to write a 500 to 750 word essay on
the theme of “The Importance of Religious Freedom. See parish bulletin board(s) for more information. For entry forms
contact: Joe Okopinski @ 281-356-2628. Entry forms will also
be available in the RE Office. Essays are due by today
Sunday, November 29, 2015.
Minions-4-Christ, St. Matthias’ youngest youth
group, has begun again!! Our meetings for the
Year 2015 are as follows: Dec. 2, and Dec. 16.
All meetings are from 4:40 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
All new members from 1st through 6th grade are welcome.
For more information, please contact Denise McCaleb, 512-228
Declaración de la Misión Parroquial
“Una comunidad acogedora, comprometida a fomentar un amor más profundo por Jesús, por medio de la Fé, la familia y el servicio a los demás.”
Jeremías lo veía venir –el reinado de Jesús y la restauración
de Jerusalén. Pero, ¿había alguien que le escuchara? ¿Alguien
escucha ahora? Ser profeta tenía que haber sido muy difícil,
pero Jeremías era persistente en su mensaje, porque sabía lo
necesario que era escucharlo.
Persistente en su mensaje también es Pablo, animando a los
tesalonicenses –y a todos nosotros– a vivir de acuerdo al reino
que Jeremías anunció. Nos motiva a comportarnos en el camino
de santidad para que estemos bien preparados para la llegada
del rey. Finalmente, Jesús mismo nos dice que estemos siempre
atentos para lograr el agrado de nuestro Dios y Rey.
1ra. Lectura: Aurora Guevara
2da. Lectura: Isabel Ramírez
Ministros: Á. Ramírez 1b, M. Torres 1c, J. Sayón 2b, A. Sayón 2c,
A. Rodríguez 3b, M. Rodríguez 3c, G. Espino 4c,
A. Navarro 5c, M. Guevara 6c
Monaguillos: G. García, Á. García, V.Grimaldo, I. Oviedo
Ujieres: A. Avalos, C. Vargas, J. Adame, R. Benítez
Ofertorio: Amado y Angélica Alvarado
Hospitalidad: Leticia Silva y Isidro Vargas
Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a la familia: Amado y Angélica Alvarado
Coordinador de la Misa: Carlos Hernández
Intención de la Misa de Hoy: Janet Miranda +
Jeremías podía ver que se acercaba el reinado de Jesús. Al
comenzar el tiempo de Adviento, Pablo y Jesús nos enseñan no
sólo cómo prepararnos para el Reino, sino cómo vivirlo día a
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Intenciones de Oración del Papa
para el mes de Noviembre de 2015
La intención general del Apostolado: “Para que
nos abramos al encuentro personal y al diálogo con
todos, tambien con quienes piensan distinto de
Su intención evangelizadora es: ''Para que los pastores de la Iglesia,
con profundo amor por su rebaño, acompañen su camino y animen
su esperanza ''.
Servicio de Penitencia de Adviento
Miércoles, 9 de Diciembre
Puntualmente a las 7pm
Varios sacerdotes estarán disponible para asistir
al Padre Chris con nuestro servicio de Penitencia de Adviento.
Recordatorio - Seguridad en el Estacionamiento
Cuando nuestros estacionamientos están llenos, puede ser tentador de estacionarnos en
lugares que no están marcados como lugar de estacionamiento. Esto puede crear riesgos
de seguridad, donde podría ocurrir un accidente o alguien podría salir lastimado
(especialmente los niños). Para ayudar a mantener los feligreses seguro, favor siempre
estaciónese en un lugar donde este marcado (incluyendo el estacionamiento de atrás).
Cuando todos los estacionamientos están lleno, en orden estaciónese en el pasto, y en el
campo de soccer es una buena alternativa.
Por favor NO se estacionen en ambos lados de la calle que viene
desde el edificio de San Vicente de Paul a la salida a FM 1774. Cuando
los coches se estacionan a ambos lados de la salida, esto sólo permite un carril de tráfico. También crea posibilidad a que alguien dar un
paso entre los coches estacionados en el tráfico que viene. Los automóviles estacionados cerca de la salida de FM 1774 bloquean los carriles de salida y los
conductores que salen no pueden ver claramente el tráfico en sentido contrario.
Gracias por su comprensión y ayuda en mantener la seguridad de todos en nuestros
Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción
de la Santísima Virgen María
Martes, 8 de Diciembre de 2015
8:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. (Inglés)
8:00 p.m. (Español)
**Día de Precepto**
Celebración de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Sábado, 12 de Diciembre de 2015
Estamos a 2 semana para la gran celebración de nuestra
Reina de México y Patrona de las Américas. El grupo
Guadalupano invita a toda la comunidad parroquial de
San Matías a participar de esta gran celebración en
honor de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
5:00am - 7:00am – Mañanitas y Danza de Matachines
(desayuno en el Salón Parroquial)
5:00pm – Danza de Matachines en el Jardín de Oración de nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe
6:00pm – Apariciones de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en el
Jardín de Oración
6:40pm – Procesión del Jardín de Oración a la Iglesia
7:00pm – Misa en Honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Después de Misa, continuaremos nuestra celebración con cena y
danza de matachines en el salón parroquial
***El grupo Guadalupano estará rezando el Novenario en honor a
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe empezando el día 3 de diciembre
hasta el 11 de diciembre a las 6:00 pm - - todos están invitados a que
los acompañen – Los días 4, 7 y 11 empezara a las 7:00 pm. *** El
domingo 6 de diciembre se rezara a las 12 del mediodía antes de la
misa de la 1pm. ¡Los esperamos!
Noticias del Bazar 2016
Ya es hora de empezar a planificar el bazar para el 2016,
que se celebrará el Domingo, 01 de mayo (alrededor de 6
meses). Nuestra primera junta del comité de bazar será Jueves, 03 de
diciembre, a las 7pm en el salón San Felipe (rm 9/11). Siempre estamos
buscando nuevos miembros para el comité y que tenemos un número de
posiciones abiertas en las que necesitamos ayuda. Por favor recuerde la
homilía del Diácono Rafael el 8 de noviembre acerca de cómo todos hemos
sido bendecidos con dones de Dios y que, a veces, se necesita involucrarse
para entender mejor lo que los talentos que tenemos. Unirse a nuestro
maravillos comité de bazar es una gran manera de involucrarse en la parroquia y conocer a mucha gente buena. Si usted está interesado, por favor
póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial al 281-356-2000 o simplemente venga a la reunión el 03 de diciembre.
Durante la temporada Navideña, es un buen momento para tomar ventaja
de las ventas para comprar artículos para donar a la subasta del bazar para
el próximo año. Cuando usted está de compras, por favor, considere pasar
por algunos artículos de deportes u otras buenas ofertas.
Algunas ideas:
- Todas las cosas de Texans, Rockets, Astros (y tal vez incluso Cowbosy)
- Canastas de artículos universitairios locales
- Electronicos, Juguetes, Películas, equipamiento para yardas, bicicletas,
Los artículos donados deben ser entregados a la oficina parroquial. Si usted
deja su/s artículo/s antes de final de año, le enviaremos una carta de
donación para su uso en sus impuestos este año. Si usted tiene alguna
pregunta, llame a Debbie Stachowiak al 281-356-3615.
Boletín de Mayordomía - Reflexion
1er domingo de Adviento: 29 de noviembre
Para que reforcemos nuestra relación con Jesús por medio del sacramento de la Reconciliación.
"Cuando comiencen a suceder estas cosas, cobren ánimo y levanten
la cabeza, porque se acerca su redención." (Lucas 21:28)
Celebramos el Adviento cada año en preparación para el nacimiento
de Jesús, Su primera llegada, mientras esperamos por su segunda
llegada. En este tiempo de Adviento, use el sacramento de la Reconciliación para fortalecer su relación con Jesús. Nunca es tarde.
Oficina de Educación Religiosa
Marlene Grauvogl al 281-356-2000 ext. 14
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Formación de Fe - Primaria se reúnen los domingos (PreK - 5º grado)
Sesión 1 – 9:05 – 10:20 am en Inglés
Sesión 2 – 11:35 – 12:50pm en Español
Formación de Fe los Miercoles (T.E.E.N) 6:30pm-8:45pm. (6º - 12º)
Alimentos será servido de 6:00pm a 6:30pm. Se anima a los estudiantes a unirse a sus compañeros en el salón parroquial para compañerismo. Terminariamos cada noche con misa. Los padres son bienvenidos y se les anima a unirse a su estudiante para la Misa.
¿Esta pensando en venir a la misa de Noche Buena a
las 4pm? Si es así, ¿le gustaría que su hijo/a sea
parte de la obra Nativideña? Estamos en necesidad
de participantes, partes son asignan por orden de
llegada, . La fecha y el horario del ensayo se anunciara más adelante.
Usted tendrá que venir a los ensayos con el fin de participar en la
obra Nativideña en la víspera de Navidad.
Por favor pase por la oficina de educación religiosa o llame para ser
parte del desfile (obra). También, necesitamos adultos para ayudar a
los niños vestirse, ayudar en el ensayo, hacer disfraces, etc.
Todavia tenemos varios fotografías de la primera comunión que no
han sido recogidos. Por favor pase por la oficina de educación religiosa para recogerlos.
Oficina de Ministerio Juvenil
Sylvia Perez al 281-356-2000 ext. 12
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Las fotos de Confirmación están aquí, usted puede pasar a
recogerlas en la oficina del ministerio de jóvenes. Comuniquese
con Ms. Sylvia o Mrs. Malene al 281-356-2000.
Misa Familiar - Domingos a las 2:30pm
¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Misa Familiar de Jóvenes se lleva a cabo una vez al mes.
Nuestra próxima clase de confirmación será el 6 de diciembre,
a las 2:30pm. Los candidatos, padres, o guardian, y padrinos
deben asistir a Misa, y después a Clase de Formación de
Confirmación. La Misa es parte de la preparación de Confirmación.
Misa Familiar de Jóvenes 2015-2016
Diciembre 06, 2015
Marzo 6, 2016
Enero 10, 2016
Abril 10, 2016
Febrero 14, 2016
Mayo 15, 2016
Por favor no olvide de traer el acta de bautizo del candidato y padres,
también no olviden de entregar el formulario de patrocinador.
Primer Domingo de Adviento
La Corona de Adviento, un venerable tradición
europea, puede ser una manera de involucrar aún
muy pequeños los niños en el aprendizaje acerca de
la preparación cristiana - no sólo para celebrar el
nacimiento de Nuestro Señor, pero para hacer que nuestros corazones verdaderamente este listo para recibirlo.
El simbolismo de la corona de Adviento (venida) la Luz en el mundo
es claro. La iluminación gradual de las cuatro velas, una en cada domingo de la temporada de Adviento, combinado con los colores litúrgicos de las velas (morado es el color penitencial usado durante el
Adviento y la Cuaresma; rosa es un color litúrgico usado sólo en
Gaudete domingo de Adviento y Laetare domingo de Cuaresma)
ayuda para simbolizar no sólo nuestra expectativa y la esperanza en la
primera venida de nuestro Salvador en el mundo, sino también en su
segunda venida como Juez en el fin del mundo.