Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church The Baptism of The Lord December 27th, 2015 January 10th, 2016 Luke 3, 15-16. 21-22 Juan declaró: “Va a venir el que es más poderoso que yo; El los bautizará en el Espíritu Santo y en el fuego” DID YOU KNOW THAT SABIAS QUE ... John said: “One mightier than I is coming; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire”. M AS S SC HED UL E / H OR AR IO DE M I SA Traditionally, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord was celebrated on January 13, the octave day of Epiphany. In the current liturgical calendar, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the Sunday after January 6. However, in countries such as the United States where the celebration of Epiphany is transferred to Sunday, sometimes the two feasts will fall on the same day. In those years, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the following day (Monday). Tradicionalmente, la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor era celebrada el 13 de enero, el octavo día después de la Epifanía. En este año litúrgico, celebramos el Bautismo del Señor el domingo después del 6 de enero. Pero en países como en los Estados Unidos donde la Epifanía es transferida al domingo, a veces estas dos Fiestas coinciden en el mismo día, en cuyo caso el Bautismo del Señor se celebra el siguiente día (lunes). 796 West 48th Street - San Bernardino, CA 92407 Ph (909) 882-2931 Fax (909) 883-4851 Saturday Sunday 4:30 pm Vig il Mass 8:00 am, 1 0:00 am 12:00 pm Español 4:30 pm Youth Mass Tuesday 6:30 pm Wednesd ay 8:15 am Thu rsday 8:15 am Friday 8:15 am First Friday 8:15 am Sacred Heart & Santo Nino Devo tio ns CatholicpageKids inside www.olasanbernardino.org The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. Titus 3:5 Date El Bautismo del Señor 10 de enero de 2016 Lo hizo mediante el bautismo, que nos regenera y nos renueva, por la acción del Espíritu Santo. Tito 3:5 Mass Time Mass Intention Requested By Saturday 1/9/16 4:30 PM Mass for the People Sunday 1/10/16 8:00 AM Mass for the People 10:00 AM Andres and Balbina Mart nez-Rest in P. Rangel Family 12:00 PM Almas del Purgatorio-Special Intention Hidde Pantoja Monday 1/11/16 6:30 PM None Tuesday Wednesda 1/12/16 6:30 PM None 1/13/016 8:15 PM Bill and Pat Grace-Special Intention 1/14/16 8:15 AM None Friday 1/15/16 9:00 AM None Saturday 1/16/16 4:30 PM William Morrissey-Rest in Peace y Thursday TODAY'S READINGS First Reading Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the Lord upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11. Psalm The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Psalm 104. Second Reading Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit; he went out healing and doing good (Acts 10:34-38) or Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 . Gospel A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased. (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22). Dorothy Hoel Gail Flathers S. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura Miren a mi siervo, en quien tengo mis complacencias (Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7) o Isaías 40:1-5, 9-11. Salmo Te alabamos, Señor (Salmo 29 [28]) o Salmo 104 (103). Segunda lectura Dios ungió con el Espíritu Santo a Jesús de Nazaret (Hch 10:34-38) o Tito 2:11-14; 3:4-7. Evangelio Después del bautismo de Jesús, el cielo se abrió (Lucas 3:15-16, 21-22). 12/28/2015-1/3/2016 Mail In 01/02/16 Saturday 01/03/16 Sunday Sacrament of Confession, Benediction and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday9:00 am-10:30 am GRAND TOTAL Sacramento de Confesión, Veneración y Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento Sábado9:00 am-10:30 am Perpetual Light of Christ January 3rd-16th David Hoel Rest in Peace Requested by: Dorothy Hoel 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 4:30 PM $0.00 $3,004.47 $2,264.10 $3,509.18 $721.09 $999.87 $10,498.71 FOOD & FELLOWSHIP 01/10 School 01/17 Boy Scouts 01/24 RCIA/RICA LIVING THE YEAR OF MERCY Corporal Works of Mercy: Give Drink to the Thirsty By : Lee Sena As Pope Francis said in his encyclical Laudato Si, “...access to safe drinkable water is a basic and universal human right, since it is essential to human survival and, as such, is a condition for the exercise of other human rights. Our world has a grave social debt towards the poor who lack access to drinking water, because they are denied the right to a life consistent with their inalienable dignity.” World-wide over one billion people use drinking-water from a contaminated source. More than 3.4 million people die each year from water-related diseases according to World Health Organization Media Centre Fact sheet N* 391.( Drinking Water, July 2015) It is estimated that a child dies of such diseases every 21 seconds. These alarming statistics leave us wondering, “What can we do?”. As an individual there isn't a lot I can do, but joining with others we can make a difference. • We can donate to organizations that help to improve water sources throughout the world such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF. • We can make monetary or food donations to our OLA pantry, Mary's Table or other local food banks and soup kitchens. • Through our role as voters we can support clean water policies. • In our own homes we can make the effort to conserve water. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California gives many helpful tips for saving water. Here are a few. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 9986 INVITES YOU TO: Join us for 2016 Walk for Life West Coast Bus Trip to San Francisco, California !!! We depart form St. James the Less Catholic Church in Perris, CA with pick up location in the Inland Empire (Moreno Valley, Fontana & Duarte) Cost $75 per seat Departure date: Friday 1/22/2016 Walk for Life: Saturday 1/23/2016 Return date: 1/24/2016 Hotel accomodations can be made through the trip coordinator. Limited seats are available. For more information please contact Pro-Life director Jose Gomez (951) 943-7799 Evenings are best (no text) [email protected] We, the faith community of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, humbly proclaim with our beloved Virgin Mary, that we are the servants of the Lord. Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we value and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and strive Wash only full loads of laundry and in the dish washer to be of loving support to one another. We are Fix household leaks promptly committed to the sacramental life and Traditions of Spend only 5 minutes in the shower the Church through worship, prayer, study, and Turn off the water while brushing your teeth service. We seek to become true evangelists by Buy water saving devices like high-efficiency toilets continuing to nourish and strengthen our Roman and clothes washers Water your lawn 1 or 2 days a week instead of 5 days a Catholic Faith. week 7. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean driveways and sidewalks Nosotros, la comunidad de fe de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, proclamamos humildemente con nuestra amada Virgen María, que somos siervos del Señor. Enraizados en el Evangelio de Jesucristo, valoramos y celebramos la diversidad de nuestras culturas y nos esforzamos amorosamente a darnos apoyo el uno al otro. Por medio del culto, la oración, el es tudio y el s ervicio, estamos comprometidos a la vida sacramental y a las tradiciones de la Iglesia. Buscamos ser verdaderos evangelizadores nutriendo y fortaleciendo nuestra fe Católica Romana. Did you miss last year's OneLife LA? You won't want to miss this year! On January 23, 2016, join Archbishop Gomez and tens of thousa nds in downtown Los Angeles for the s econd annual OneLife LA, an event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Beginning at 12:00 at La Placita/ Olvera St., we will walk to Grand Park for a familyfriendly day of inspiring speakers, live music, entertainment, food trucks, and exhibits from community organizations serving those in need. The Requiem Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral will follow at 5pm. Book parish buses now! Get t-s hirts, postcards, posters, buttons, and everything you need to promote OneLife LA in y our parish a nd school a t OneLifeLA.org. Don't mis s out! ¿Se pe rdió el evento UnaV ida LA el año pasado? ¡No puede perdé rselo este año! El 2 3 de e nero 20 16, únete al Arzobispo Góm ez y de cenas de miles de personas en el ce ntro de Los Ángeles pa ra el segundo evento anual Una V ida LA, un evento que celebra la belleza y la dignidad de cada se r humano desde la concepción hasta la m uerte natural. Comenzando al m ediodía en La Placita/Olvera St., cam inarem os hacia Grand Pa rk para un día fam iliar donde habrán confe rencistas, música en vivo, e ntretenimiento, camione s de comida , y puestos de organiza cione s com unita rias que s irve n a pe rs ona s ne ce sitadas . Concluirem os con la Misa de “Réquie m para los No Nacidos” e n la catedral a las 5PM. Reserva buses y cons igue camisetas, carteles, flye rs, botones, y todo lo necesario para prom over UnaV ida LA en tu parroquia y escuela en la página UnaV idaLA.org ¡No te lo pierdas! Pasta Fest "Mark your calendars!! Our school PTG and Booster Club are pleased to announce that the taste-tempting Pasta Fest will take place in the Parish Hall on January 23 rd from 5:30 till 7:30pm!! What a great way to ring in the New Year!! Chief chef Phil Colella and his crew of experts are ready and waiting to feed you! T ickets are on sale in the school office and after all the Sunday morning Masses beginning in January. The cost is just 5:30-7:30 PM $5.00 per plate, and you get scrumptious salad, pasta with a delicious marinara sauce, meatballs and sausage, rolls, and a drink. We're even having a dessert raffle on the same evening to satisfy everyone's sweet tooth!! What a deal! Please join us as we share an evening of food and fun! January 23rd PARISH HALL Fraternidad Católica Cristi ana de Mujeres Invi ta... a toda mujer a que nos acompañe para compartir y crecer en nuestra fe como mujeres unidas en Cristo a través del estudio dela Biblia, otra literatura espirit ual y mucho más. Est e año estaremos est udiando “Los Salmos” .. GRAND RAFFLE / RIFA You may purchase your tickets after Mass, or stop by the Parish Office. The cost per ticket is $10. The drawing will be held Sunday March 20th, 2016. . Gánate un carro Chevrolet último modelo. El boleto de la rifa solo cuesta $10. Puedes comprar tus boletos después de cada Misa o en la Oficina Parroquial. Nos reuniremos .. . cada martes del mes en el Salón Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de 10 AM a 12 PM. Rezamos el Rosario las que gust en llegar temprano y acompañarnos a las 9:30 AM. Cada segundo martes del mes visitamos a los enfermos. ¡Bendiciones a t odas! .. .¡Las esperamos! Para más informaci ón l lamar a; Sofía Jimenez (909) 728-3198 o Cri stina Vazquez (909) 886-4762 Prayer Request Ellen Molina, Lee Walker, P am O’C amb , Mar ihn a M on ro e , E g o r Li si zi n, Ken Sousa, Cathy Mess, Lou P a p p a s , L ee C h es ne y, Luz Garcia, Efrain Castro, Luis Angel Castro, Ruben Castro, Deangelo Rocha, Gabriel Tisnado, Cel Good, Luz Camas, Jamie & Jess Marquez, Martha Pinedo, Den is e P er az a , Glo ri a G u t te r r i ez , A l ej a n d r a Campos, Diana Gillen, Julie Swan-Paez, Kathy Bartley, Ma deleine Ba rtley, Lee Chesney, Juan Salas, Maria Luis a P eña , Gua da lu pe Orozco, Luisa Vissony, Justin Te eter, De b bi e A l be rt. Catholic Kids his Week's Events Date Sunday 1/10/16 Time Event Location Morning Masses Parish Hall Kitchen Side 6:00-9:00AM School High School Religiuos Education (Conf. 1st3rd Yr.) Cleaning of Parish Hall 5:30-6:45PM RCIA/RICA For Children School 7:00-8:30PM Boy Scouts Parish Hall Stage Side 7:00-9:00PM Al-Anon OLA School Library 7:00-9:00PM SSA Mercy Ministry Center 2:30-4:00PM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Luke 3, 15-16. 21-22 Thursday Friday John answered them all, saying, "I am baptizing you with ______________, but _________mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his _____________. He will baptize you with the ________Spirit and __________." Saturday 1/11/16 1/12/016 1/13/16 1/14/16 1/15/16 1/16/16 9:00-1:00PM FCCW Parish Hall Stage Side AYM 4 Christ Core Team MTG. Parish Hall Kitchen Side 6:00-7:30PM Fun Fair Mtg. Classrooms 8 7:00-8:30PM AYM Para Cristo Youth Night Parish Hall Stage Side 6:00-9:00AM 5:15-6:30PM Parish Hall 5:30-6:30PM Cleaning of Parish Hall Religious Education For Children with Special Needs, K-4 Grades and Family Faith Formation For Parents Choir Practice-Mrs. Pam 7:00-9:00PM RCIA/RICA 7:00-8:30PM 7:00-8:15PM OLA School Church Parish Hall Kitchen & Stage Side Classroom 8 6:30-9:00PM ESL Classes Religious Education For Children 5th-8th Grades and Family Faith Formation For Parents El Coro Practica 6:30-8:00PM AYM 4 Christ Youth Night 7:00-9:00PM Catholics Returning Home Clasroom 7 6:30-9:00PM Coro de Ni os Parish Hall Kitchen Side 7:00-9:00PM St. Pats Rehersal Classroom 8 7:30-9:30PM Grupo de Oraci n Amor y F Church 6:00-9:00AM Cleaning of Parish Hall Sacrament Of Confession/Exposition Of The Blessed Sacrament Santo Nino Mass Parish Hall Morning Masses Boy Scouts Parish Hall Kitchen Side 1:30-2:30PM Grupo Coordinador Hispano High School Religiuos Education (Conf. 1st3rd Yr.) Kathleen Choir Rehearsal MMC 4:30-5:30PM 1/17/16 Parish Hall 6:30-10:00PM 9:00-10:30AM Sunday Rooms 6, 7 & 8 2:30-4:00PM 5:30-6:30PM OLA School Church Parish Hall Side Church Church Rooms 6, 7 & 8 Church SANTORAL Choose the correct words below and fill in the blanks above. ONE - HOLY - SANDALS - FIRE - WATER And so we also receive the Holy Spirit through our baptism as Jesus did. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday:The Baptism of the Lord Monday:First Week in Ordinary Time Wednesday :St. Hilary Saturday:Blessed Virgin Mary Domingo:El Bautismo del Señor Lunes:Primera Semana del Tiempo Ordinario Miércoles :San Hilario Sábado :Santa María Virgen Corner Adult Faith FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD: CALL TO MISSION Ministry Center Office Hours Horario de la Oficina Ministerial PARISH OFFICE STAFF © Cla re Colella Within these few days we have heard the Scriptures proclaim the birth of Jesus, a celebration of the holy family, the manifestation of this child as the King of all nations and now, the manifestation of Jesus as the Son of God at the time of his baptism by John in the Jordan River. This event, recounted in all four Gospels, is significant as the first key step in the public life and mission of Jesus. This feast also gives us an occasion to be aware of our own Baptism and for our catechumens, keenly aware of the baptism for which they are preparing! Baptism is the beginning of something new and different a deeper and sacramental way of being a child of God, a member of a faith community, a person who is spiritually newborn, fresh and sinless in the eyes of God! How grace-filled the event is that experience of sacrament! We may not have heard the voice of God coming from a cloud, nor seen the appearance of a dove. But when we live out our faith actively within the wider community, we have experienced the joy of sharing in the fullness of the celebration of the liturgy and Eucharist as members of this People of God and disciples and apostles continuing the Mission of Jesus Christ. For Jesus, this event of his Baptism was the beginning of the time of the teaching, preaching, forgiving and healing mission of his public life. It was a transition for the Jewish community of that time, from the time of prophets to the time of the Messiah. It was the beginning of the call of the disciples who became” The Twelve” who became part of the inner circle of disciples. As we reflect on our Baptism, perhaps the key questions are: do we know the date and place of our baptism into the Church? What difference has it made in our lives that we have been called to be disciples? Apostles? Where, when and how do we most clearly hear the Word of God and follow it? This feast also closes the liturgical Christmas season and prepares us for the season of Ordinary Time, the teaching and public life of Jesus as recounted in the Gospels. It is our gift of faith that leads us to remember each day of the year that God is with us, and that we are called to be the manifestation of God's love to all. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS: 7:00 9:00 - PARISH HALL January 13: Introduction to the Sacraments; Baptism January 20: Sacraments of Init. Confirmation and Eucharist Sacraments of Vocation: Marriage and Holy Orders Sunday / Domingo: 10am to 12pm Monday through Friday: 9am to 3pm Saturday / Sabado: closed / cerrado —————————— Baptisms and Baptism Preparation Bautizos y Preparacion 909-882-2931 —————————— Administrator Rev. Henry Sseriiso882-2931 x29 [email protected] Deacons Dan O’Camb882-2931 [email protected] Mark Weber882-2931 [email protected] R.C.I.A. & Adult Confirmation Clare Colella882-2931 x34 [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry Confirmation and Music Kathleen Estrella882-2931 x16 [email protected] OLA School Sue Long Principal (909) 881-2416 [email protected] School Secretary Rina McNamara (909) 881-2416 President Delila Vasquez (909) 234-6960 [email protected] After School Day Care (909) 881-2417 OLA School Email & Website [email protected] www.olabruins.org Marriages / Bodas Arrangements require a six month period of preparation. Please call the Ministry Center Office. / Reservaciones seis meses de anticipación Coordinator of Religious Education Maria Rivera-Mena882-2931 x22 [email protected] Bookkeeper Quinceañeras Susan Doyle882-8931 x15 or x28 The scheduling for Quinceañeras should be made at [email protected] least one year in advance. / Reservación - por lo Parish Secretary menos un año de anticipación Ana Gurule882-2931 [email protected] Parish Office Reception Lucia Godoy882-2931 x10 Sisters of Mercy882-2931 x18 Pastoral Council [email protected] Funerals / Funerales Please call the Parish Ministry Center Office. / Favor de llamar a la Oficina Ministerial Wills/Bequests - Testamentos/Legados Please call the Diocese. / Por favor llamar a la diócesis (909) 475-5300 Visiti ng of the Sick/Home Blessi ngs If you’d like our priest t o visit and anoint a si ck family m emb er, or to bles s your home, please cont act the Parish Office. He will call t o arrange a date and t ime. Visitas a los Enfermos y Bendición a los Hogares Si gusta que nuest ro sacerdote vaya a dar la unción a u n famil iar enfermo, o a bendecir su hogar, por favor llame a l a oficina parroquial. El sacerdote se comun icará con usted para acordar la fecha y la hora. E-mail Bulletin Submissions to: [email protected]
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