Corpus Christi Parish at Holy Rosary Church Lawrence, MA Fourth Sunday of Advent Cuarto Domingo de Adviento Corpus Christi Parish SACRAMENTS AT THE PARISH: At Holy Rosary Church SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Pastor invites any person who is going to the hospital to receive this Sacrament. Also invited to receive the Sacrament are those who are ill or elderly who cannot come to Church. Please contact the rectory to arrange for the celebration. El SACRAMENTO DE LA UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS. Lo puede recibir toda persona anciana, o que esté enferma. Por favor contacte al sacerdote. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Engaged couples wishing to be married at Corpus Christi should contact the parish to speak with the Pastor or Deacon at least six months prior to the planned wedding. Las parejas que deseen contraer MATRIMONIO deben hablar con el Párroco o el Diacono por lo menos seis meses antes de la boda. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (Infant) The sacrament of baptism is celebrated the last Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Upper church. Parents wishing to register their child for baptism are asked to contact the rectory and to speak with a member of the pastoral staff to arrange the date. The instruction class, to which all parents and godparents are invited, is held in the rectory on the Sunday before the baptism at 2:00 PM. LOS BAUTIZOS para bebes hasta niños de 6 años de edad, se celebran el último Domingo de cada mes. Llame a la rectoría y hable con alguien del equipo pastoral. Los Padres y los padrinos deben asistir a una charla obligatoria el domingo anterior de la celebración del bautismo a las 3:00 p.m. en la rectoría. (Established November 1, 2004) PARISH OFFICE 35 Essex Street, Lawrence, MA 01840 978-685-1711 Fax: 978-691-5927 Office hours: Mon-Fri. 9:00am-4:00pm PARISH CENTER 34 Common Street, Lawrence, MA 978-687-9047 Mass Schedule Daily 12:05 p.m. (English) Except Thursdays 7:00 pm Spanish Mass on Thursdays-Lower Church Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. (English) 10:30 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish Mass) Saturday 3:00-3:45 p.m. and by appointment. EL SACRAMENTO DE CONFESIÓN El sábado a las 3:00-3:45 p.m. o por cita. EXPOSITON OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Holy Days Every Friday 9:00a.m – 7:00p.m. in the Lower Church 12:05 pm (English) (Upper Church) 7:00 pm (English) (Upper Church) ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO Todos los viernes de 9:00a.m – 7:00p.m. en la Iglesia de abajo. OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL DEVOTIONS Holidays 9:00a.m. (Lower Church) Ethnic Masses Lithuanian Mass 10:30 a.m. – Sun., Jan. 3rd in the lower church. Italian- English Mass 9:00 a.m. -Bilingual Massthe 3rd Sunday of the month in the upper church. Portuguese Mass: Sun., Jan. 10th at 11:30 AM in the lower church. Polish Mass: Sat., January 9, 2016 at 6:15 PM. The Upper Church of Corpus Christi Parish is handicapped accessible. There is a ramp entrance through the parking lot. Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Every Friday at 11:45 a.m. in the Lower Church DEVOCIÓN A LA VIRGEN DEL BUEN CONSUELO Todos los viernes a las 11:45a.m. en la Iglesia de abajo. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) For adults who are either (a) non-baptized; (b) baptized in another Faith; or (c) baptized Catholics who received no formal religious training and never received Eucharist or Confirmation, and who are interested in becoming Catholic or are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. Please contact the Rectory. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Para los adultos quienes están (a) no bautizados, (b) bautizados en otra fe, ó (c) Católicos bautizados quienes no han recibido una educación formal religiosa y nunca recibieron la Eucaristía o la Confirmación, y quienes estén interesados en ser Católicos o esté buscando la Comunión plena con la Iglesia Católica. Por favor llame a la Rectoría. December 20, 2015 Page 1 Fourth Sunday of Advent Cuarto Domingo de Adviento Mass Intentions Saturday, December 19th 4:00 Philip Gangi, Sr., Philip Gangi, Jr., Domenic Gangi, Fiorenzo Sacchetti (Anniv.), Carmina Sacchetti, Tec. Sgt. Peter Romano (Anniv.), Antonio & Lena Marino, Joseph & Rose DeAngelo & Frank A. Marino, William & Rita Matthes & Rita & Ernest Terrio, Paul Jaeger (Anniv.), Joan Morgan, John & Josephine Freni, John Dadducci, Antonio & Mary Ferrara (Christmas rem.), Jeanne Bolis (Christmas rem.), James Vittorioso (Christmas rem.), Grace & Rita Salvetti, Christine Ferguson (Birthday), Gabriel “Ned” Leone, Giuseppina & Serafino Polizzotti, Francis Laudani (5th Anniv.), John Martineau, Manuel Machado Sunday, December 20th Fourth Sunday of Advent 9:00 Ita./Eng. Mass-Mary Licciardi 10:30 Deacon Gerard & Marguerite Gagné, Eva Mazzotta (Birthday), Arthur & Marie Dube, Edward E. Dube, Alfio & Venera DiPaola, John Martineau, Deshaies & Russell families 12:00 Spanish Mass-Rafael y Anacleto Parra Monday, December 21st, St. Peter Canisius 12:05 Armando & Amedeo Iannalfo Tuesday, December 22nd 12:05 Caterina (Scola) Galluzzo Wednesday, December 23rd, St. Joh of Kanty 12:05 Antonio Mollica Thursday, December 24th The Vigil of the Nativity 3:15 pm Christmas Concert-Upper Church Concert 4:00 pm Family Liturgy- For all the parishioners -English 10:15 pm Christmas Concert-Upper Church Concert 11:00pm Christmas Mass- For all the parishioners- English Friday, December 25th THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS) No Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am For all the parishioners –English Mass 10:30 am For all the parishioners –English Mass 12:00 am For all the parishioners-Spanish Mass Saturday, December 26th, St. Stephen 12:05 M/M Pasquale DeCunto & family 4:00 Nancy R. Petralia, Joseph & Josephine Benanti, Angelo & Viola LoPiano, Sam & Kenneth LoPiano, Erminio & Consiglia Giarrusso, Andrew & Angelo Giarrusso, Phyllis (Giarrusso) Torto, Vincent Bruzzese (14th Anniv.), Nellie Grasso (37th Anniv.), John Martineau, Irene Bara 5:00 Anointing of the sick 6:00 pm Latin Mass Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA Sunday, December 27th The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 9:00 Mary Signa, Peter Signa, Frank Geraci & dec’d Gerarci, Signa & Armoroso families 10:30 Josephine Abate & Grace Musumeci, Rosa & João Ataide & Maria de Jesus Machado, Candida Jesus & Manuel Silva, Grace Rita Salvetti, Josephine & Frank Catania (Anniv.), John Martineau 12:00 Spanish Mass2:00 Baptisms-English-Upper church 3:00 Baptisms-Spanish- Upper church Sanctuary Lamp Upper Church- Vincent Bruzzese (14th Anniv.) Lower Church- Albert Blasovitch The altar bread and wine for our Masses this weekend has been donated in loving memory of Joseph & Sandy Giuffrida by their family. Sunday, December 20th 10:15–11:45am Religious Ed Classes Grades K-5–PC 2:00 Baptism Instruction Class-English-SRMR 3:00 Baptism Instruction Class-Spanish-SRMR Monday, December 21st 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal – SRMR Tuesday, December 22nd 12:45pm Legion of Mary Meeting (English) – SRMR Thursday, December 24th No Charismatic Group Prayer Service 3:15 10:15 Christmas Concert-Upper Church Concert Christmas Concert-Upper Concert Church Friday, December 25th RECTORY CLOSED No Eucharistic Adoration Saturday, December 26th 10:00am Legion of Mary Meeting (Spanish)-SRMR Sunday, December 27th No Religious Education Classes 2:00 Baptisms-English-Upper church 3:00 Baptisms-Spanish- Upper church December 20, 2015 Page 2 Fourth Sunday of Advent Cuarto Domingo de Adviento From your Pastor WITH GRATITUDE TO OUR VOLUNTEERS There is a 2016 diary/calendar for you in the upper church sacristy. 2016 CALENDARS The 2016 religious calendars are available at the exits of the upper church, courtesy of the Cataudella Funeral Home of Methuen. Fr. Mawn Parish Financial Report Weekend Collection: December 13, 13, 2015 2015 Weekly Goal 208 Envelopes Money not in envelopes $6,500.00 $4,100.00 $ 572.00 $4,672.00 Goal +/ (-) Immaculate Conception (-$1,828.00) $1,072.00 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Classes are held at the parish center on Sundays as scheduled from 10:15 am to 11:45 am. Sessions consist of catechetical instruction, creative activities, as well as sacrament preparation at all ages. Registration may be done at the Parish Center on your child’s first class day. Registration however, is on-going throughout the year. For questions or concerns, you may call the Director of Religious Education, Mary Crow, at 978-504-9308, or call Ivette Chakar at the rectory at 978-685-1711.She will assist you in English or Spanish. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHEDULE DECEMBER Dec. 20 Grades K-5 Dec. 27 No Classes Thank you for your faithful support Remember Your Parish in Your will On Dec. 26th to Jan. 2nd the 12:05 Mass will be celebrated in the Upper Church. Each year the diocesan-wide Christmas collection is for our priests. Remember the priests who have made a meaningful impact in your life, and consider honoring them with a donation that show them you care. Your gift will have a significant impact on the health, wellbeing, and retirement needs of the priests who have devoted their lives to serving us and our Church. On behalf of the priests who will benefit from your generosity this Christmas, we thank you for your generous and prayerful support. The parish office will close at Noon on December 24th and be closed all day on Friday, Dec.25th for the “Christmas Day”. The Blessed Wafers for the Lithuanian and Polish Christmas celebration are available in the Parish office for a free will donation. Any questions please contact David Boucher 978-337-3737. Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA WISHES FOR A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF THE CORPUS CHRISTI FAMILY FROM ALL OF THE STAFF AT THE PARISH! PARISH CALENDAR & MASS BOOK: THE BOOK FOR SCHEDULING MASSES FOR 2016 IS OPEN. IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE ALL OF THE FAMILIES AND THEIR REQUESTS, EACH FAMILY WILL BE ALLOWED NO MORE THAN FOUR MASSES (two single intention & two multiple Mass) UNTIL AFTER THE FIRST OF THE YEAR. PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST MORE FOR OUR DEMANDS ARE SIMPLY MORE THAN THE AVAILABLE TIMES. PLEASE NOTICE THAT WE DO NOT BOOK MASSES DURING THE WEEKEND. December 20, 2015 Page 3 Fourth Sunday of Advent Cuarto Domingo de Adviento AWAY FOR THE WINTER! In the event that you will be away for a good portion of the winter, please notify the Rectory Office so that we may discontinue mailing your envelopes. Tell us how long you will be away and we will resume mailings upon your return. If you would like to keep up with what’s going on in the Parish, we would be happy to send the bulletin to your winter address. NO EUCHARISTIC ADORATION THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25TH & NEXT FRIDAY, JANUARY 1ST. The Eucharist Adoration will be resuming on Friday, January 8, 2016. The Sympathies of the Parish Community are extended to the family and friends of those whose funerals were held recently. Please remember them in your prayers. Christmas Concert at Corpus Christi There will be a prelude Christmas concert before the Christmas Eve and the 11 o’clock Masses Thursday, December 24th. The choir will first present a few songs in Italian, Portuguese, Polish, French and Spanish for the first 10 minutes of the concert, then the congregation is asked to join the choir in singing seasonal Christmas carols to commemorate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. The concert will start at 3:15 p.m. on Christmas Eve, followed by the 4:00 p.m. Mass. Late at night the concert starts at 10:15 p.m. followed by the 11 o’clock Mass. Be sure to get there early for the concert, bring your singing voices to proclaim to the world our joy in celebrating this momentous occasion. Holy Name Society says a double Thank You! On Sunday, November 29, 2015, the Holy Name Society held its annual Christmas Party for exceptional people. This year we had approximately 148 people who shared a meal and were delighted with a visit from Santa. The Society would like to thank all the people who made the party possible: the culinary staff headed by John Vellardita, the musicians of the Russ McQueen band, and all the volunteers who assisted in serving the meal and preparations. A special thanks is given to all those who made donations towards the operational expenses. The Holy Name Society would also like to thank all the people who made our Christmas Raffle a success by purchasing tickets. Special thanks to Connie Pickles for assembling the baskets and to the Pickles and Benanti families for donating them. The winner of the Christmas basket is Ralph Brosco and the winner of the New Year’s basket is Catalen Almonte. Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA ST. RITA SODALITY GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS 2015 HOLIDAY LOTTERY CALENDAR 30 CHANCES TO WIN!!! - $1125 IN PRIZES!!! ALL PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN & WINNERS NOTIFIED ON 1/9/2016 - $10.00 ST. RITA BANGLE BRACELET - $20.00 MAY BE PURCHASED AT CORPUS CHRISTI OFFICE DURING OFFICE HOURS OR CONTACT MARY LOU NICHOLS @ 978-685-7164. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS We will be collecting your financial contributions for CHRISTMAS FLOWERS as usual. There is an envelope in your December pack for this. If you do not wish to use the envelope or do not receive one and wish to contribute, then complete the bottom of this page, and put it together with your donation in an envelope marked Christmas Flowers, Attn. Mary Giarrusso or Rose Maria Redman. You may drop it in the collection basket or bring it to the Rectory. Thank you so much for your continued support. Mary Giarrusso & Rose Maria Redman In Memory of: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Donated by:_____________________________ __________________________________________ Tel.#_____________________________________ Please, Please, Please Print!!! December 20, 2015 Page 4 Fourth Sunday of Advent Cuarto Domingo de Adviento La oficina parroquial cerrará a mediodía el 24 de diciembre y estará cerrada todo el día el viernes 25 de diciembre por el “Día de la Navidad”. Let’s celebrate Christmas together! together! MASS SCHEDULE December 24, 2015 2015 Christmas Eve 3:15 p.m. Christmas Concert-Upper Church Concert 4:00p.m. Family Liturgy-English 10:15 p.m. Christmas Concert-Upper Church Concert 11:00p.m. Christmas Mass- English 9:00a.m. 10:30a.m. 12:00p.m. TOME NOTA Del 26 de diciembre al 2 de enero la misa de las 12:05pm será celebrada en la Iglesia de arriba. CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Las clases se llevan a cabo en el Centro Parroquial de 10:30AM - 12:00 PM HORARIO DE CLASES DEL MES DE DICIEMBRE 20 Diciembre- Grados K-5 27 Diciembre- No hay clases-Vacaciones December 25, 2015 2015 Christmas Day Mass- English Mass- English Mass-Spanish Next Saturday, December 26th, immediately after the 4:00 PM Mass on the last Saturday of the month we will have the anointing of the sick. Those who want to be anointed should sit in the front benches. NOTICIAS DE LA PARROQUIA En todas nuestras Misas de Noche Buena y Navidad, nuestra única colecta será para apoyar a la jubilación, la asistencia médica, y las necesidades financieras de los sacerdotes de la Archidiócesis de Boston. Cada uno de nosotros puede recordar cariñosamente a esos sacerdotes que han Bautizado a su niño(s), que han atestiguado su matrimonio, o que llevo la unción de enfermos a un ser querido que estaba moribundo. Pedimos que usted dé generosamente a nombre de los sacerdotes que han dedicado sus vidas a Dios y al buen trabajo de la Archidiócesis de Boston. A nombre de todos nuestros sacerdotes, gracias por adelantado por su generosidad. FLORES DE NAVIDAD ¡Celebremos Juntos la Navidad! HORARIO DE LAS MISAS 24 de diciembre, 2015 Misa Vespertina de la Vigilia del 24 de diciembre 4:00p.m. Liturgia Familiar-Ingles 11:00p.m. Misa de Navidad- Ingles 25 de Diciembre, 2015, La Natividad del Señor Misas del Día 9:00a.m. Misa - Ingles 10:30a.m. Misa - Ingles 12:00p.m. Misa-Español ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO El viernes 25 de diciembre y 1ero de enero no habrá Adoración al Santísimo. La Adoración al Santísimo se reanudara el viernes 8 de enero. Corpus Christi Parish, Lawrence, MA Estamos colectando sus contribuciones financieras para las FLORES DE NAVIDAD como de costumbre. Hay un sobre en su paquete de diciembre para esto. Si usted no desea utilizar el sobre o no recibió uno y desear contribuir, entonces complete la parte inferior de esta página, y póngala junto con su donación en un sobre que diga Flores de Navidad, Atención: Mary Giarrusso o Rose Maria Redman. Usted puede ponerlo en la canasta de la colecta o puede traerlo o enviarlo por correo a la rectoría. Muchas Gracias por su continua ayuda. Mary Giarrusso y Rose Maria Redman ¡Por favor escriba con letra de molde! En Memoria de: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Donado por: ______________________ # Tel. ___________________________ December 20, 2015 Page 5 Meet Fr. Vin − The Gift of Family As the pastor of three parishes in Dorchester and Mattapan, Fr. Vin’s responsibilities are extraordinary. While his daily work is a source of great joy, it’s the love and devotion of a special sister named Connie that restores his spirit. When Fr. Vin’s parents passed away, he and his sister Eileen became the sole guardians of their disabled sister. For Fr. Vin, being a brother and a priest for Connie is an immense blessing. The unconditional love that he receives from Connie—especially at the end of a busy day— continues to fill his heart with gratitude. Fr. Vin selflessly dedicates his life in service to others. This Christmas, show your gratitude with a gift that cares for Fr. Vin and the health and well-being of all the priests who faithfully serve our Archdiocese of Boston. Text the word PRIEST to 56512 or make a gift through your parish collection at Christmas Mass. Thank you for your generous support of the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust. Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests “A priest, whoever he may be, is always another Christ.” -Saint Josemaría Escrivá To submit your special intentions to be remembered by our senior priests during the celebration of Holy Mass at Regina Cleri each week, please visit To watch a short video on Fr. Vin and Connie, visit Ann B. Gravel Monument Sales • Cemetery Lettering C realtor 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 508-982-7814 [email protected] Colizzi (978) 851-9103 Where Quality Service countS Memorials, Inc. . Residential . Commercial . Leases . Rentals 3C Garden Rd. Plaistow, NH 603-382-4545 Licensed in MA & NH 978-674-7035 217 Merrimack St., Methuen Rosaries from Flowers “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 Earn Your Bachelor’s Degree from Regis at Northern Essex Community College in Lawrence n Nursing n Support your priests this Christmas. Text PRIEST to 56512 Msg. and data rates may apply. Public Health Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Learn More: 781.768.7330 [email protected] Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests The Catholic Cemetery Association O ur ministry includes assisting families before a death occurs. Call today for your free pre-planning kit including: our free booklet, money saving certificate, information on payment plans and specific information on Sacred Heart Cemetery in Andover. Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Support the well-being of our Boston priests. Text PRIEST to 56512 or visit us at Shouldn’t your family be protected? Call Today . 339-226-1271 Msg. & data rates may apply FREE ITOWANT YOU ADVERTISE HERE KIDS Meal With the Purchase of an Adult Entree. One Kids Meal per coupon per visit. Toppings extra. Copies not accepted. Tax not included. No cash value. Expires 12/31/2015. 617-779-3770 For more information Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SAUGUS 900 Broadway Saugus, MA 01906 NORTH ANDOVER 550 Turnpike St North Andover, MA 01845 METHUEN 436 Broadway Methuen, MA 01844 READING 50 Walkers Brook Dr Reading, MA 01867 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3771 We serve over 100 Parishes and have available space in those bulletins to serve you better. Pilot Bulletins Corpus Christi Parish at Holy Rosary Church in Lawrence, MA
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