December 21/25, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent / The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC CHURCH 6300 McKenna Drive, Mobile, Alabama 36608 Email: [email protected] ! Website: TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office: 342-1852 • Fax 342-6313 School Office: 342-5474, ext. 1 • Fax 380-0325 Rel. Ed. Office: 342-5474, ext. 7 • Fax 380-0325 Full-Day Care: 342-2424 • Fax 343-3119 Youth Ministry: 342-1852 • Fax 342-6313 PASTORAL STAFF Very Rev. James F. Zoghby, V.F., Pastor Rev. John S. Boudreaux, Associate Pastor Deacon Arthur W. Robbins, Deacon Sr. Donna Cooper, R.S.M., Visitation Chaplain Mrs. Linda M. Hawkins, Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Joan T. McMullen, School Principal Mrs. Diane M. Stoyka, Parish Catechetical Leader Mrs. Judi B. Ankiewicz, R.C.I.A. Coordinator Mrs. Colleen DeVoe, Youth Ministry Co-Director Mrs. Brenda Martens, Youth Ministry Co-Director Mr. Matthew F. Purvis, Music Director Mr. C. Russell Kirkpatrick, Gym Manager TO REGISTER AS A MEMBER OF THE PARISH Please fill out a Census Form. Census Forms are available in the church vestibule and parish office. COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS & SERVICES For rental information and kitchen services, please call the parish office at 342-1852 or 342-1420. SUNDAY MASSES Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Saturday Morning: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. WEEKDAY MASSES 6:30 a.m.: Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m.: Monday through Saturday SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 5:00 p.m. and by request, particularly after the 6:30 & 8:15 a.m. weekday Masses. BAPTISM, MARRIAGE, ANOINTING OF SICK Please call the parish office (342-1852) or information and scheduling baptism, marriage, anointing of sick. ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (R.C.I.A.) Please see published schedule for specific dates and times, or call the parish office (342-1852). SUNDAY SCHOOL (C.C.D.) Grades K–12, Sundays during school year, 10:05-10:55 a.m. in school bldgs. SCHOOL, SACS-accredited for Grades 3K through 8. For info & registration, please call the school office. CHILD CARE CENTER, for 6-week to 2-yr. olds. For info & registration, please call 342-2424. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT / THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS) Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL O p e n Ho u s e Sunday, Jan. 11: From 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., representatives will welcome visitors for tours of the school and campus. Personal Tours at other times can be arranged by calling the school office, 342-5474, ext. 1. Christmas Day, Dec. 25 7:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. No 6:30 a.m. Mass on Wednesday, Dec. 24. The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord: Mary, Holy Mother of God ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (R.C.I.A.) Presented by Fr. James F. Zoghby Continuing education for Catholic and other adults who would like to learn more about and/or join the Catholic Church. Meetings are in the Adult Ed. Room in the Community Center, W ednesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Holy Day Mass Schedule Classes will resume Wednesday, Jan. 7. Wed., Dec. 31: 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass Thurs.., Jan. 1: 10:00 a.m. Mass Wednesdays, Jan. 7-28: A series of 4 classes on LITURGY (the prayer life of the Church) and MORALITY (living the Christian life). LITURGY: The prayer life of the Church: The difference between liturgy (Mass, Sacraments, Official Prayer [Liturgy of the Hours]) and popular devotions (rosary, stations of the cross, novenas, etc.); a historical overview of the development of both the liturgy and popular devotions. Apparitions. Religious articles, aids to prayer and contemplation. Last Rites and the Sacrament of the Sick. Communion in the hand or on the tongue? Changes in the Mass. Holy water, making the sign of the cross, genuflecting. What’s different about Confession today? Communal reconciliation services. MORALITY: Living the Christian life. Making moral decisions. Conscience & Church teaching. Marriage Annulments. Controversies. Information on moral issues in Catholic publications. Spiritual growth of the Church and its members. The Parish Office will be closed Dec. 24, 25, 26 and Dec. 31 & Jan. 1. Calendars for 2015 The 2015 church calendars are available in the vestibule. Extend a personal invitation . . . If you know someone who has left the Catholic Church or someone who may want information or who may have questions about the Catholic Church ... Extend a personal invitation to them to call 342-1852 to speak with one of the priests who will be more than happy to take time to answer questions and provide information. Also extend a personal invitation to them to come to one of the Masses, or to come to our Adult Religious Education Classes. Or extend a personal invitation to fellow Catholics to learn more about their Catholic Faith in our continuing Adult Education program, or to phone or make an appointment with one of the priests to discuss any question, or request information. Your personal invitation could make all the difference in the world. Starting Wednesday, Feb. 25: The overview series of 6 classes will run through April 1 including Introduction, Bible, Church, Liturgy, Morality, Concluding Session. SUNDAY SCHOOL Christmas Holidays / No Classes: Dec. 21 through Jan. 11. Info: at [email protected] or 342-5474, ext. 7. CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL Classes resume Monday, Jan. 5. Partners in Education – Recognition This Sunday, Dec. 21 3rd Sunday 5:30 p.m. Mass During the school year (Sept. to May), we have an extra Sunday Mass the 3rd Sunday of each month. High School students serve. Receive Emails from the Parish Please send your email to [email protected]. Students & staff member recognized at the Nov. 11h School Mass for outstanding performance in the prior month, and the businesses that recognized them: Kinsey Pennington, 2nd Grade — Knights of Columbus Colin Dalton, 5th Grade — Professional Estimating Services Rachel Brooks, 7th Grade — Mobile Memorial Gardens Angela Pitts, Teacher — Payne Environmental Services To join the Partners in Education group, call School Principal Joan McMullen, 342-5474, ext. 1, or Richard March, 401-0466. CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH, MOBILE, ALABAMA DECEMBER 21/25, 2014 A Christmas Baby Shower Special Thanks to for newborn babies to two-year olds for 2B Choices for Women Crisis Pregnancy Center Mobile’s Assistant Chief of Police Joseph Kennedy and Lt. David Mercurio, MPD Diapers of all sizes, especially sizes 3, 4 and 5, are needed. Also needed: Items, such as baby wipes, shampoo, wash, powder, oil and bottles. Please no food or formula. Thanks to all who have been donating year-round at Corpus Christi. 2B greatly appreciates your donations to help babies and women. Please place donations in the designated box in the vestibule through all Sundays of January. High School Youth Sunday, Dec. 21: All high school students are invited to join the Corpus Christi High School Youth Ministry for the 5:30 p.m. Mass, followed by our annual potluck and $1 dirty Santa party. No dollar at this meeting — just your $1 gift for the Dirty Santa. Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, Food, Clothing donations put in the designated places in the vestibule are distributed by our St. Vincent de Paul Society. “In-Need” Drop Box next to the food pantry box in the vestibule. Fill out a card, and deposit it in the locked drop box. Your info will be held in strict confidence and a member of our society will contact you. Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul by attending a meeting. Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wed., 6:30 p.m., Com. Ctr. Conf. Rm. (2nd Flr.) To obtain assistance, call 432-5173 and leave name & phone no. Widowed Persons’ Support Group For information call parishioner Glen Porter at 666-8977. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Meeting: 2nd Tues., Jan. 13, at 7 p.m., at the Parish House. Contact: Grand Knight, Cosmo Comiskey, 508-0547. Attention: All Altar Servers! Scheduling Forms are available in the vestibule. Each server must select only ONE Mass time. Servers will always be able to substitute at any Mass time, but they must select only one Mass time to be scheduled for. High School servers are asked to complete one of the Altar Server scheduling forms in the vestibule. Grade School servers’ parents are asked to complete the Altar Server scheduling forms for their children. Scheduling will begin in January! Help keep YOUR CHURCH neat! When leaving your pew after Mass, please take the song sheets, bulletins, and other materials with you! This will be very helpful to volunteers who tidy up the church after Mass. Thank You! Corpus Christi is especially grateful to parishioners, Assistant Chief Joe Kennedy and Lt. David Mercurio of the Mobile Police Dept. for their generosity in providing security, gratis, during the Christmas Eve Masses, patrolling Corpus Christi's parking lots. Wednesday Night Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Banquet Hall $9.00 for Adults ! $4.00 for Children (Age 12 & under) Dec. 24-31: No Wednesday Night Dinners [Christmas Holidays). Must RSVP no later than TUESDAY EVENING Return an RSVP Card, or call 342-1852 or email [email protected] Men of St. Joseph Tuesdays, 7 to 8 a.m. in the Family Room Also Wednesdays, 7-8 p.m. in the Parish House All men are welcome to meet for prayer, reading the Gospel, and discussion. Info: Damian Bell, 639-2522 or 367-4486 or [email protected]. Wed Evening Info: Walter Bracewell, 599-1650 or [email protected] Women of Mary Wednesdays, 7 to 8 p.m. Room 3 (2nd Floor of the Community Center) All women are welcome to meet for prayer, reading the Gospel, and discussion. Info: Sr. Deborah Kennedy, R.S.M., 753-4872. Tuesday Women’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. in the Adult Ed. Room Introduction to the Bible, Overview of the New Testament and a Study of the Gospel of John Info: Judi Ankiewicz, 344-0321 or leave a message at parish office Thursday Women’s Bible Study SYMBOLON video series presenting the Catholic Faith. Info: Joanne Donaghey at 251-554-6753 or [email protected] or Penny Claiborne at 904-868-0063 or [email protected] or visit and, High School Confirmation Schedules 10th Graders (Class of 2017) Jan. 31, 2015: 10 am-4:30 pm Visitation Monastery retreat. Lessons 2,3,4. 9th Graders (Class of 2018) Feb. 8, 2015: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Spirit Day. Lessons 5 & 7. Info: Email [email protected] or call 342-5474, ext. 7. Please support the advertisers on the back of the bulletin Their ads enable us to have our bulletins printed at no cost to the parish. Ads are purchased through Diocesan Publications. For info contact them at 1-800-292-9111 or CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH, MOBILE, ALABAMA Having problems with your toddler? Want to learn how to manage problematic behaviors? Want to learn how to parent better? Circle of Security DECEMBER 21/25, 2014 Thank You and God Bless You God bless all who tithe and contribute to support God's work here, and those who make a special bequest in their will for Corpus Christi. Tax-Saving Tip: A direct donation of appreciated shares of stock will benefit not only the church but also the donor: The church receives the shares, and the donor saves by not having to pay the capital gains tax, and by being able to deduct the full amount of the value of the stock to reduce his/her income tax. For info, or to transfer shares of stock to Corpus Christi Church, contact your stockbroker, or call Selena Hemphill at Morgan Stanley at 470-1084 or 800-624-7814. Teaching Parents To Attend To The Child’s Needs Offering Envelopes FREE 8-Week Course If you wish to use Offering Envelopes, just notify the parish office (342-1852). An initial set will be sent to you right away, and then, every two months, you will receive a two-month’s supply of envelopes. presented by Madeleine Blancher, M.D. Pediatrician Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 14 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. In The Parish House Registration Required. To register, call the parish office: 342-1852. Class Size Limited. AA — Alanon — OA — CODA AA: Sun., 7 p.m., and Wed., 7 p.m., Cougar Den. Alanon: Sun., 7 p.m., and Wed., 7 p.m., Arts & Sciences Bldg. OA: Sat., 9 a.m., Arts & Sciences Bldg. CODA: Tues., 6:45 p.m., Arts & Sciences Bldg. Online Giving With Online Giving make a one-time contribution or set up a recurring automatic withdrawal from a checking or saving or credit card account: Use a computer, tablet or smartphone to go to; click “Church”; then click the green Online Giving icon on the side left of the church’s homepage. Follow the instructions to contribute to the tithing or building fund or special collections. For assistance, call 1-800-3482886, ext 4, or the parish office, 342-1852. Welcome, New Parishioners Bryant & Keri Jones and their sons, Brighton and Ian Kirstie Skinner BAPTIZED IN CHRIST Aaron Anthony Harris (son of Nicholas Adam Harris & Amber Michelle McCollough-Harris) Flowers The flowers before the altar this weekend are placed in memory of George A. Fadalla Given by his family. Flowers The flowers before the pulpit this weekend are placed in honor of Andre Colletti’s 19th Birthday Given by the Colletti family. FIRST COLLECTION TODAY for tithing offerings. SECOND COLLECTION TODAY for Christmas Flowers. DEC. 8TH IMMACULATE CONCEPTION HOLY DAY: $1,409.26 RETIRED RELIGIOUS COLLECTION & ONLINE: $3,821.45 DEC. 14TH BUILDING FUND DONATIONS & ONLINE: $777.50 DEC. 14TH TITHING COLLECTION & ONLINE: $25,886.26 Merry Christmas! The Christian Community of Corpus Christi Catholic Church rejoices that we have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas with all who are gathered here. If you’re not a Catholic and would like more information about the Catholic Church, please call 3421852 to speak with one of the priests. If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church because of past hurts or difficulties, please call one of the priests (342-1852) to talk it over. Returning to the Church and the sacraments of God’s love may be far easier than you think. We give thanks to God this Christmas for everyone at Corpus Christi Parish and for the opportunity to serve you. We thank God for all who materially and spiritually nourish the Body of Christ here at Corpus Christi as we continue to grow as the Body of Christ. May God bless you, your loved ones and all the world with the peace only God can give. Merry Christmas! Gratefully in Christ, Fr. James F. Zoghby Fr. John S. Boudreaux Dn. Arthur W. Robbins 1. God’s love for us is gratuitous, free. Sometimes we are given the impression that God loves us because we perform good deeds, because we live a good moral life. The Scriptures tell us that such is not the case. “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us; not because of any righteous deeds we had done, but because of his mercy.” Titus 3:4-5 The Gift of Christmas L~O~V~E Dear Padre, Can you give me a simple explanation of the real meaning of Christmas? Aimee Dear Aimee The feast of Christmas is a feast of love! It commemorates the birth of Jesus: Emmanuel, God-withus, the Word of God made flesh. Its surpassing message captures our hearts: See how much God loved us! “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we have seen his glory: the glory of an only Son coming from the Father, filled with enduring love” (Jn 1:14). Nothing is more important for us to grasp than how much God loves us. It makes all the difference in our lives. The awareness of God’s love warms us when our hearts are cold and dreary, strengthens us when we are weak and wavering, holds us up when we feel like falling down. We cannot be faithful disciples of Jesus unless we recognize God’s love for us. When we do recognize it, we can become saints! The Qualities of God’s Love When we speak of God and his love, we speak of great mysteries. Even though we cannot understand everything about God and his dealings with us, we CAN understand some things. 2. God’s love for us is unconditional. Conditional love is partial love. “I love you because you are smart or beautiful or humorous.” The implication is that I won’t love you if you somehow become dumb or ugly or grumpy. It is not so with God. Not even sin can make God stop loving you, although sin may stop you from responding to God’s love. As someone put it: “God says, I want to love you. That is all. I just want to love you. If you choose to leave me, I will not stop you. I will leave you free, but I will always love you. There may be a time when you will put something between our love for each other. There may be that time in your life when you separate yourself from my love, but never believe that you have lost my love. You can refuse, but you can never lose my love.” 3. God’s love for us is everlasting. In a tender analogy, easily appreciated by almost everyone, the Scriptures compare God’s love for us to the love a mother has for her child. “Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even should she forget, I will never forget you (Is 49:15). St. Paul writes that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor powers, nor height nor depth nor any other creature, will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 The way we think about God, the image we have of him, is very important for our moral life. If we think of God in a negative way, then our response to him will be minimal and joyless. If we believe that God’s love and goodness are dependent on our own good actions, then we will easily doubt his love and goodness. If, on the other hand, we really believe in God’s free, unconditional, and everlasting love for us, then we will be eager and willing to live a life of love in response. The Padre, Fr. Dan Lowery, C.SS.R. Every Child Asks For Our Love We draw near this night to the child of Bethlehem to the God who for our sake chose to become a child. In every child we see something of the Child of Bethlehem. Every child asks for our love. This night, then, let us think especially of those children who are denied the love of their parents. Let us think of those street children who do not have the blessing of a family home, of those children who are forced to become soldiers and made instruments of violence, instead of messengers of reconciliation and peace. Let us think of those children who are victims of the industry of pornography and every other appalling form of abuse, and thus are traumatized in the depths of their soul. The Child of Bethlehem summons us once again to do everything in our power to put an end to the suffering of these children; to do everything possible to make the light of Bethlehem touch the heart of every man and woman. Pope Benedict XVI Pope Francis: Christmas is the encounter with Jesus. God has always sought out his people, led them, looked after them and promised to be always close to them. The Book of Deuteronomy says that God walks with us - he takes us by the hand like a father does with his child. This is a beautiful thing. Christmas is God’s meeting with his people. Christmas speaks of tenderness and hope. When God meets us he tells us two things. The first thing he says is: have hope. God always opens doors, he never closes them. He is the father who opens doors for us. The second thing he says is: don’t be afraid of tenderness. I will be God’s own Joy to the World to all I meet this Christmas season. I will be God’s own Joy to the World to the family I love and live with. I will be God’s own Joy to the World to the strangers I meet this wondrous season. I will be God’s own Joy to the World to the church where I gather this blessed season. I will be God’s own Joy to the World. When Christians forget about hope and tenderness they become a cold Church, that loses its sense of direction and is held back by ideologies and worldly attitudes, whereas God’s simplicity tells you: go forward, I am a Father who caresses you. I become fearful when Christians lose hope and the ability to embrace and extend a loving caress to others. Maybe this is why I often speak about children and the elderly, about the most defenseless. Throughout my life as a priest, in parishes, I have always sought to transmit this tenderness, particularly to children and the elderly. It does me good and it makes me think of the tenderness God has towards us. Back in 2000, in Bethlehem, Pope John Paul II said that God became a child who was entirely dependent on the care of a father and mother. This is why Christmas gives us so much joy. We don’t feel alone anymore. God has come down to be with us. Blessed art thou, O Christmas Christ, Dear Brothers & Sisters, Christmas is a feast of joyful hope, for God has become one with us in the person of his Son, true God and true man. He showed his love for us by becoming part of our world, with all its conflicts, its suffering and its poverty. Jesus is truly “Emmanuel”: “God among us.” Jesus is God with us. This is the great gift which he brings: a divine love which heals and transforms our hearts, overcoming all uncertainty and pessimism. Our joyful contemplation of the mystery of Christmas should make us realize that, as God has become one of us, we too are called to become like God: humble, close to others, especially the poor, and ever attentive to their needs. This Christmas, let us ask Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, to help us see in our neighbor the face of Jesus, God made man. May we be in this world a ray of that light which shone forth from Bethlehem, bringing the joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women. The birth of Jesus brings us the good news that we are loved immensely and individually by God – and God not only helps us to know this love for each of us, but also give communicates this love to us. If Jesus has become one of us, then whatever we do for our brother or sister, we do for him. Jesus himself reminds us: he who has fed, welcomed, visited, loved one of the smallest and poorest of people, has done it for the Son of God. that thy cradle was so low that shepherds, poorest and simplest of earthly folk, could yet kneel beside it, and look level-eyed into the face of God. A Prayer Used in Uganda, Africa Today our Savior is born: let us rejoice! Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life. The fear of death has been swallowed up; life brings us joy with the promise of eternal happiness. No one is shut out from this joy: all share the same reason for rejoicing. Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no person free from sin, came to free us all. Let the saint rejoice, seeing the victory at hand. Let the sinner be glad, receiving the offer of forgiveness. Let the pagan take courage, now summoned to life. St. Pope Leo the Great Let us seek to be like Christ, because Christ became like us. Let us seek to become gods through him since he himself, through us, became a man. He took the worst upon himself to make us a gift of the best. St. Gregory of Nazianzen “By the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.”
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