ST. JOAN OF ARC Message from Father Nelson: Dear brothers and sisters, How wonderful is the love of Christ that not only endured physical pain, but also emotional and psychological pain by experiencing what we experience, namely, disappointments, frustrations, betrayals, misunderstandings, being used, etc. God really took human form to be able to understand those pains that are far beyond just physical pain. Because He truly suffered even greater pains than us, He understands us and has left us his Body and Blood to strengthen our hearts, and minds, to let us know that He is with us, and that He has conquered death. Indeed, in Jesus we all are victorious. Dear friends, allow God to transform you. He is challenging you not only to be good, and give what you think is enough. He is calling you to a complete self-giving. Why? Because that is what He did in Jesus His only begotten Son for love of you. The Week Ahead Saturday, November 7th 8-6pm St. Paul Cathedral Youth retreat (ARC) 9:30-11:30am CCD ( First Communion) Hall 3pm Ghanaian Music Ministry– BWR 6-8pm Ghanaian Choir Sunday, November 8th 8:30-9:55am CCD ( English) 10:30-11:45 CCD (Español) Baptism Party (ARC) Monday, November 9th 5-7pm Food Pantry 7:00pm Building Committee meeting (Hall) Tuesday, November 10th 5-7pm Food Pantry 6:30pm Bienvenida Juan XX111(Hall) 7pm Clases de Biblia (BWR) Wednesday, November 11th Office closed Food Pantry (Closed) 7:30am-3:30pm Day Care training (ARC) 6:00pm Basketball( ARC) 7:00pm Ghanaian Prayer Group (Church) 6:30pm Bible Study (Hall) Friday, November 13th 6-8pm Asamblea de oración Diocesana 6:30pm Spanish Choir rehearsal Saturday, November 14th 8am-5pm Brazilian Community Retreat (ARC) 9:30-11:30am CCD ( First Communion) Hall 3pm Ghanaian Music Ministry– BWR 6-8pm Ghanaian Choir 1- 951 NOVEMBER 8TH , 2015 4:30pm 8am 10am 12pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 8am 10am 12pm 5:30pm Saturday, November 7th Evelyn Carlson 25th anniv. by Denise & Paul Carlson Sunday, November 8th Bea Weagle by family Yvonne Le Clair by Dolores Felicita Baez 15th aniversario por Nereida Marquez Thomas O’Dou by Papagni Family Tuesday, November 10th Por todas las damas difuntas del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Sunday, November 15th Eva Rourke 4th anniv. by family Geovani Vega 11 month anniv by Martha ONLY MASSES WITH PARTICULAR INTENTIONS ARE LISTED HERE. IF THE DATE IS NOT LISTED THE INTENTION IS OPEN; PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE TO SCHEDULE AN INTENTION FOR A PARTICULAR MASS VIGIL CANDLE For Leo Ginga by Dolores STARTING THIS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11 AT 6:30 PM AT THE HALL OF THE CHURCH. WE ARE SELLING THE HARPER COLLINS STUDY BIBLE ON THAT DAY. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living. ” (Mark 12:43-44) Jesus gets right to the point – we are all called to give money to support the mission of the Church, regardless of our circumstance. No gift is too small or insignificant! Giving money to support the mission of our local parish is a matter of our faith, just like praying and participating in parish ministries. When you make a financial offering, is it from your “first fruits” or from what is “left over”? THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP Give to God from what He has given us 1 Chronicles 29:12-16 12 Wealth and riches come from you, you are ruler of all, in your hand lie strength and power, and you bestow greatness and might on whomsoever you please. 13 So now, our God, we give thanks to you and praise your majestic name, 14 for who am I and what is my people, for us to be able to volunteer offerings like this? - since everything has come from you and we have given you only what you bestowed in the first place, 15 and we are guests before you, and passing visitors as were all our ancestors, our days on earth fleeting as a shadow and without hope. 16 Yahweh our God, all this wealth, which we have provided to build a house for your holy name, has come from you and all belongs to you. TIME & talent My parish needs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Leader and volunteers for the Coffee Team. Leader and volunteers for Ushers. Leader and volunteers for the Bereavement Committee. Leader and volunteers for the Welcoming and Information Team. Volunteers for the Food Pantry. Singers for the English Choir (the more the better). Singers and musicians for the Youth Choir (Even though it is bilingual, you don’t have to speak Spanish, some of the existing members don’t speak Spanish at all) 3 teams (English speakers, Hispanics, and Ghanaians), to keep the Church clean, shining like a star for the King of Glory: Jesus. Leader and volunteers for a Kid’s Zone (this is not baby sitting, toddlers and children up to 4 will learn to pray, and to worship the Lord). This Ministry will be done at 10:00am Mass if we get the leader and volunteers to do it. Give to God what belongs to God: YOU, YOUR TIME AND YOUR BLESSINGS If you have any Talent or specific Knowledge, or you work for an institution that could benefit our parishioners, please let Fr. Nelson know your idea. Working in conjunction with your Parish, the mercy of God could reach many, even beyond our limits. 2- 951 TREASURE Lk 12:21 “So it is when someone stores up treasure for himself instead of becoming rich in the sight of God”. Sacrificial Offering October 31st to November 1st Stewardship $ 3,458 All Souls $127 All Saints $656 Total $ 4,241 Capital Campaign Others: CCD Concert: Raffle: $ 486 $30 $75 $109 At the Main Office or at any sale in our Parish you can also pay with a Debit or Credit Card for your donations or fees, except Diocesan procedures. prayer shawl meeting: Nov. 18th at 6:30 (BWR) Thanksgiving Basket Donations The Society Of St. Vincent de Paul will be distributing the makings for approximately 150 complete turkey dinners to members of our community on Tuesday, November 24th. We would be grateful for any donations that members of St. Joan of Arc Parish may be able to make. We are in need of frozen turkeys, bags of potatoes, onions and carrots. For more information, please call Karen Lyons at (508)735-2316. ST. JOAN OF ARC Ghanaian Community at St. Joan of Arc Ghanaian Mass: Sundays at 2pm Ghanaian Prayer Group: Wednesdays at 7pm (Church) Ghanaian Music Ministry: Saturdays at 3pm (BWR) Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays at 6-8pm Ghanaian Youth Group: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR) Men’s & Women’s Groups: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR/Hall) Baptismal Instruction: by appointment with Anthony Boateng Raffle for a basket of personal products and a hammock Tickets: $2 each or 3 for $5.00 Please call the rectory at 508-852-3232 The drawing will be Sunday November 22, 2015 UMASS Memorial Ronald McDonald Care Mobile Once again we will have the clinic in our parking lot on Monday, November 30th From 9am– 2pm The Clinic provides preventive medical and dental services to people without health or dental insurance. Physical exams for children, adolescents and adults, sports physicals, immunizations, lab tests, blood pressure tests, health education, vision referrals, hearing tests and care for serious or ongoing illnesses. To make an appointment please call Nardy Vega: Office (508) 334-0460, Mobile: 1-(508) 341-9416 Lincoln St. Saints Basketball League Registrations : Nov 8,15,22, 29 Cost $30 Contact person: John Rodriguez 508 414- 2079 Now you can pay at the office with your credit card . 3- 951 WORCESTER CHRISTMAS PARTY JOLGORIO NAVIDEñO December 19th 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (ARC) Special guest Group: Son Boricua & José Castillo who plays “Cuatro”, national instrument of Puerto Rico. Donation: $25 Traditional Meal included Please buy your ticket before December 19 to reserve your seat. For more information call the rectory 508852-3232 Sponsored by our spanish CHORUS Mensajeros de la luz To raise money to the ARC! Caramel Custard Cost: $8 choose from vanilla or Pumpkin Pick up day: November 22 Order forms in our bulletin board. Sponsored by Daughter of Mary Group “Pasteles” for sale Cost: $22 dozen Order forms in the back of the church or calling the rectory . Sponsored by Santo Nombre To raise money to the ARC! Our lady of Loreto Parish Novemberfest Saturday, November 21, 2015 33 Massasoit Rd. Worcester, MA. 01604 Time: 1:30pm– 5:30pm Blessed Sacrament Crafts Fair Saturday November 14th From 9am-3pm 551 Pleasant St., Phelan Center Christmas Festival At St. Christopher Church, Worcester St. Chr istopher Chur ch, 950 West Boylston St., Worcester (next to Stop & Shop) will host its CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m For more information, call St. Christopher Church at (508) 853-1492. 32 DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Misa En Español: Domingos a las 12:00 PM Martes a las 6:30pm Nuevo Horario: Primer Martes de cada mes Adoración Al Santisimo: 5:15-6:15 y Todos los Jueves a las 5:00pm Confesiones: sabados a las 3:15-4:15pm Misa de Sanación Bilingue todos los tercer sabado del mes a las 10am. Venta de pasteles auspiciado por el Grupo del Santo Nombre Estaremos tomando ordenes comenzando este Domingo. $ 22 docena a beneficio del ARCA. Venta de flanes Estaremos tomando ordenes todos los domingos hasta el 22 de Noviembre que se etregaran los flanes. Sabores de Calabaza y vainilla Precio: $ 8. A beneficio de las Hijas de Maria Jolgorio navideño 19 DE DICIEMBRE 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Invitados Especiales: 32o domingo de tiempo ordinario " Les asegur o que esta viuda pobre ha echado en el tesoro más que todos los demás. Éstos dieron de lo que les sobraba; pero ella, de su pobreza, echó todo lo que tenía, todo su sustento." (Marcos 12:43-44) Jesús va directo al grano - somos llamados a dar dinero para apoyar la misión de la Iglesia, sin importar nuestras circunstancias. ¡Ninguna donación es muy pequeña o insignificante! El dar dinero para apoyar la misión de nuestras parroquias locales es parte de la fe, así como orar y participar en los ministerios de la parroquia. Cuando hace una ofrenda monetaria, ¿viene de sus "primeros frutos" o viene de lo que "sobra"? ESTUDIO BIBLICO INICIA EL MARTES 10 DE NOVIEMBRE A LAS 7:00PM EN EL HALL. SE VENDERA LA BIBLIA DE JERUSALEN A LA ENTRADA. Umass memorial Ronald Mc Donald Noviembre 30th Hora: 9-2pm Servicios gratuitos: medico y dental para personas con y sin seguro medico. Vacunas, examen fisico y mas. Para hacer una Cita, favor de llamar a Nardy Vega: oficina(508) 334-0460, celular: 1-(508) 341-9416 Lugar: estacionamiento de nuestra Iglesia Registraciones para la Liga de baloncesto Comenzando Noviembre 8, 15, 22, 29 Precio: $30 Para mas informacion: llamar a John Rodriguez Pagos pueden hacerse en la oficina con tarjeta de credito tendremos a Son Boricua y nuestro cuatrista Puertorriqueno Jose Castillo. Donación $25 incluye Comida tipica. (Un precioso regalo de navidad) Pueden pagar en la oficina con tarjeta ) Reservaciones: antes del 19 de Diciembre llamando a la rectoría al 508-852-3232 Dinero recaudado a beneficio del ARC Auspiciado por el Coro Mensajeros de la luz 4-Iglesia: 951 Santa Juana de Arco Rifa de Una Canasta de productos personales y Una Hamaca Tickets a $2.00 o 3 for $5.00 Si decea comprar or colaborar en vender tickets comunicarse con: Wilfredo De la Cruz o Jessica al: 774-242-5564 Wilfredo o Gladis Beltrán al: 508-509-0813 La Rifa será el Domingo 22 de Noviembre, 2015 A beneficio de nuestra parroquia.
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