ESTABLISHED 1956 ESTABLISHED 1960 As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor. 370 SW 3rd St. Boca Raton FL 33432 561.392.0007 561.392.0074 Fax • • • Msgr. Michael D. McGraw Pastor Fr. Tom Lafreniere Parochial Vicar Fr. Wesler Hilaire Parochial Vicar Deacon Bill Watzek • • • Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi Assisting Fr. Norman Schwartz Assisting Msgr. Steven Bosso Assisting Fr. Michael Driscoll Assisting Deacon Michael Zatarga Deacon Sam J. Barbaro • • • • Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30am to 6:00pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:00pm in the Gift Shop 561.393.0006 • School Office Hours 561.392.7974 561.368.6671 Fax Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm • Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Holidays: Only one Mass at 9:00am Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon The Easter season is over and we return to the liturgical season we call Ordinary Time. Ordinary does not mean dull or boring. Rather it is the orderly counted weeks of time outside of the other seasons where we hear in depth the wonderful teachings of the Gospel. There is nothing dull about Ordinary Time! And we can see that in the two opening Sundays of Ordinary Time after Easter. This Sunday and next Sunday we celebrate two beautiful solemnities, special days that call our attention to central mysteries of our faith. Today, on the first Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. This feast invites us to consider what we believe about God, who has revealed himself to us in the Trinity—one God in three persons. The Gospel we hear today from John is situated near the end of Jesus’ long discourse at the Last Supper. In the early part of this discourse, as we saw last week on Pentecost, Jesus assures the disciples that the Paraclete will be with them after he leaves. In the section we hear today, he focuses more on the shape of the future, which will include Jesus’ victory over the world that they will share in. The disciples of Jesus cannot know the future. They can only know that, whatever shape the future takes, they will not have to face it alone. They have the Spirit of Truth, who will continue to provide the teaching of Jesus in the future. Hearing this message on Trinity Sunday reinforces our understanding of the unity shared by the members of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the idea of one God in three persons remains a mystery, we have the assurance that, as Jesus and the Father share all, Jesus and the Spirit share all. God’s love for us shines forth from that relationship between the three Persons. This love God has for us is not as we often understand love, something romantic and emotional. It is selfless love. Love that puts others first. God is the model of selfless love. There was no need for God to create our planet or the creatures that inhabit it; it was an act of selfless love. There was also no need for God to send his only Son to save us. That too was an act of selfless love. As we draw closer to God and the mystery of the Trinity, we learn about God’s love. God has lavished us with love in the persons of the Son and the Spirit, who in turn nurture in us the desire to do the same. When we open ourselves to be filled with an awareness of the divine life within us, we participate in the endless spiral of love that leads to eternal life. Whenever we share selfless love in our family, we are sharing in the life of the Trinity. Sister Vivian Gonzalez Confessions Saturday: 3:15 - 4pm & 5:30 - 6:15pm MAY 22, 2016 YOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DOWNTOWN RATON MAYBOCA 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 1 MAY 22 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 23, 2016 We extend a warm WELCOME to all newcomers and visitors! If you are a new member of our St. Joan of Arc Parish Family or are visiting us for the first time, be sure to stop-by our Parish Office. There, a member of our parish leadership team will be happy to inform you about our parish life, ministries, organizations, and service opportunities. We look forward to meeting you! Our Sunday Liturgy is the very heart of life here at St. Joan of Arc, the source and summit of all we do. We gather in prayer, in service, to praise, and to give thanks. We are pleased that you have come to St. Joan of Arc and hope that you will soon call this faith community your home. All are welcome at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church & School! Last week the following families registered in our Parish: Jennie & Chris Dennison Ms Debra Hancock Mr. Wordie Whidden Mr. Stefano DeFraia & Mrs. Monique Troncone Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jantzen Ms Valentina Garcia Ms Maury Roan Ruiz Ms Acucena Silva Mrs. Carolina Ferrufino & Mr. Sebastian Fabro Mr. & Mrs. James Zupancic Ms Lynn Brook MONDAY – May 23 6:45am Joan Locigno by The Doren Family Ana Antonia Jimenez by Deyanira de la Cruz 8:15am St. Padre Pio by Teresa Viglietti Elcie Leon by Dr. Emilie St. Simon Razafikely TUESDAY – May 24 6:45am Women of Grace by Sarah Laehmann The Luczyszyn Family by Michael Luczyszyn 8:15am Daniel Julian Valderrama Maquilón by Liliana Rubint Elcie Leon by Dr. Emilie St. Simon Razafikely Charlie Denihan by Robert Tully & Family WEDNESDAY – May 25 6:45am Vivie Pierre & Family by Deacon Bill Watzek Mr. Laval Brown by Walter & Doris Johnson 8:15am Elcie Leon by Dr. Emilie St. Simon Razafikely Andrew Duarte by Cristina Lovera THURSDAY, MAY 26 5:30PM in the main church St. Joan of Arc School invites you to attend the graduation liturgy for our 8th Grade students. This Thursday, May 26 at 5:30pm in the main church. Please come and prayerfully support our graduates and their families on this special day. THURSDAY – May 26 6:45am Josephine Liguori by Laura Liguori Kett Lyne Deriphonse by Self 8:15am Josephine Liguori by Laura Liguori Elcie Leon by Dr. Emilie St. Simon Razafikely FRIDAY – May 27 6:45am Esperanza Paz-Soldan by The Reisler Family Mario Prioriello by Platero, Maio & Mair Families 8:15am Marjorie Margolis by Jennie Guastella & Shirley Hennessey Rita Palomo by The Palomo Family SATURDAY – May 28 8:15am Deacon Bill & Laura Watzek by Laura Liguori Tita Alfaro Bodewig by Claudia Pardo 4:30pm Jacqueline Newman by Veronica Risko Cliff Ducey by Babara Jackson 6:30pm Camilo Rodriguez by Doris Amaya The Victims of the Earthquake in Ecuador by The Currizo-Abreu Family SUNDAY – May 29 7:30am Msgr. John McMahon 50th Jubilee by Mack & Denise Johnson Nicolosa Padron by Fabiana & Juan Carlos Gavilan 9:15am Anne Louise Mathieu by The Lopker Family Nicolasa Padron by Fabiana & Juan Carlos Gavilan 10:45am Joanne Harpster by The Family Helen Brede by The Higgins Family 12:15pm Sr. Ellen Murphy by Msgr. Michael McGraw Bob Councilman by Pauline & Family 5:00pm Vita DiGaetano by Frances Lofria Carl Jackson by The Godoy Family BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY Please email Bulletin material to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion. 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22 PASTOR’S MESSAGE GRADUATION IN THIS GREAT YEAR OF MERCY On Thursday, May 26, we will be celebrating Mass for our eighth graders on the occasion of their graduation from Saint Joan of Arc School. This is a great celebration of faith and perseverance. Our eighth graders, some of whom have been at our school from their kindergarten years, have spent a significant part of their young lives within the sheltering and nurturing environment of our Catholic school. They have learned through the study of their faith how much they are beloved by God and of their inestimable worth and dignity. They have, furthermore, been challenged to be generous and compassionate to others especially those most in need. During this Year of Mercy, they have had many opportunities to express mercy, forgiveness, and friendship in ways that make a difference for the good in families and school. I am amazed at the degree to which they have made these virtues a part of their approach to others and to life. In addition to moral growth, they have learned over the years to use their God-given gifts of reason and thought. Their study of Math, science, English, arts and music, technology, sports and all of the other subjects has helped them to be prepared for secondary school. Catholic education is all about the education and formation of the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Saint Joan of Arc is a winner in all categories. I hear from principals and teachers in our neighborhood high schools that they can easily spot a Saint Joan of Arc graduate. It is not by their clothes, gadgets or material possessions but rather by their holistic development of body, mind and spirit. We are proud of our graduates and grateful to their parents for their sacrifices and good examples. Christian family life today has to cope with a lot of challenges and to be disciplined and value centered. At Saint Joan of Arc School, parents and students have learned to value spiritual realities and to embrace love and service to God and neighbor as most important priorities. At graduation, we will give praise and thanks to God for our eighth graders and join in hope and anticipation of the impact for good in our world that they will accomplish. In addition to our parents, I wish to give special thanks to our Principal Mrs. Caroline Roberts, her Advisory Council and to all of our dedicated faculty, staff and benefactors for their critical roles in helping our graduates reach this important milestone. - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw MAY 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 3 WEEKLY TREASURE The Weekly Offertory Collection for 14/15 totaled $19,502. 609 envelope users contributed $15,650. and non envelope users contributed $3,852. The Catholic Communications & Catholic University Collection totaled $3,135. PARISH DIRECTORY ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appointment only BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 (English) Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7pm. 561-392-0007 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 CATHOLIC CHARITIES COUNSELING CENTER Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW, 561-215-0208 COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP DIRECTOR Wendy Horton, 561-952 2838 Special Projects: Diane Salerno 561-952-2848 FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY Sr. Vivian Gonzalez / Director Rosa Davidson / Admin. Asst. 561-952-2872 FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-952-2852 FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR Patricia Suau, 561-952-2806 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Chinchilla, 561-952-2858 USHERS MINISTRY Javier Palomo, 561-445-1782 4 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22 MULTICULTURAL MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-859-4666 HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Wesler Hilaire, 561-392-0007 Ext. 2824 MUSIC MINISTRY Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 Director of Liturgical Music PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 PHYSICAL PLANT DIRECTOR Paul Micelli, 561-392-0007 ext. 2850 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mrs. Caroline Roberts, 561-392-7974 FOOD DRIVE The Knights of Columbus will be distributing collection bags at the end of all Masses on Saturday, May 21 & Sunday, May 22. Donations will be collected before Mass the following week on Saturday, May 28 & Sunday, May 29. RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Laura Watzek, 561-393-0006 Hours: Mon. - Wed. 7:30am to 4:30pm Closed Thursdays Fri. 7:30am to 3:30pm Sat. 9am to 5:30pm Sun. 9am to 1:30pm SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen, Sr. Josephine, Sr. Kathleen 561-392-7974 WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 6 Months notice required for marriages ASSISTANCE NEEDED FOR THE ALTAR SOCIETY Assistance needed for the Altar Society. Would you like to assist with maintaining altar linens for the church and chapel? Your rotation in assisting could be once every 6-8 weeks. Parents a great way to earn service hours. Detailed instructions will be provided. Please contact Laura Watzek for details. Phone: 561.393.0006 FROM THE SJA FAMILY LIFE MINISTRIES DIRECTOR BOYS AND GIRLS SCOUTS OF ST JOAN OF ARC This weekend, during our 12:15 PM Liturgy, we will recognize all the boys and girls in St Joan of Arc Scouting that finished the requirements for Catholic Committee on Scouting Religious Awards 2015-2016. A big thank you go towards all the leaders and parents that selflessly and with love have taken the time to educate, lead and plan wonderful events that have brought the families together in service, fun and prayer. Throughout the year the troops have completed service projects, assisted with Parish events, represented St Joan of Arc in the Boca Christmas Parade, helped in food collections and beautified community places with Eagle Scout Projects. They are a vital part of our St Joan of Arc community, and we take this time to thank them and bless them. God is Love: Dottie Hoyt, Neisy Nunez-Counselors Catherine Cavanaugh, Madelyn Ruff, Layla Oldham, Alyssa VanPelt, Hanna Hawkinson, Harlow Bertanzetti, Kaitlyn Sullivan, Siena Crippa, Sophia Velez, Catherine Guariglia, Jacqueline Guariglia, Gianna Stazzone Mother Mary: Dottie Hoyt, Counselor Dallis Cahorshak, Julianna Carlin, Abigail Dlugos, Rory Porter, Ariana Zuloaga My Promise My Faith: Dottie Hoyt, Counselor Emma Ahnell, Angelina Aponte, Olivia Bahtayir, Dallis Cahorshak, Julianna Carlin, Summer Chiericozzi, Isabella DeVarona, Abigail Dlugos, Julia Emmerich, Jordan Marciniak, Brenda Mariano, Peyton Owens, Rory Porter, Ellie Press, Vanessa Qumsieh, Sophia Robbins, Eiva Tinney, Isabella Turner, Ariana Zuloaga Cadette 3 My Promise My Faith: Beth Hartigan, Counselor Mary Kate Barlow, Megan Blade, Maia Carasa, Courtney Clare, Michaella Collins, Aislinn Cruz, Stephanie De Varona, Cassie DesVerges, Jenna Handal, Elena Hartigan, Sarah Hasrouny, Rachel Janke, Alex Longa, Brooke McDonald, Adriana Metzger, Alicia Metzger, Lexi Queen, Eva Raynor, Mariana Rodriguez, Emily Walker I live My Faith: Sierra Aceves, Counselor Paola Rodriguez, Alejandra Rodriguez Queen of the Rosary: Dottie Hoyt, Counselor Annabella Dlugos Our Lady: Beth Hartigan, Counselor Megan Blade, Marianna Rodriguez, Aislinn Cruz, Elena Hartigan Light of Christ: Maria Fimiani, Counselor Luke Mair, Mathew Lopez, Max Fuchs, Caden Hatami, Alexander Panzeri, Zaid Pode Parvuli Dei: Mary Pasquarella, Counselor Thomas “Rocco” Pasquarella, Patton Rodriguez, Bryce Bertanzetti Bishop: Donna Henderson, Counselor Thomas Ternus, Javier Rodriguez, John Gawlinski, Nicolas Herbert, Brady Aceves Ad Altaire Dei: Ramona Joachim & Neisy Nunez, Counselors Miles Smith, Brandon Nunez Wendy Harris-Aceves Religious Scout Scholarship, St. Joan of Arc School Brady Aceves We will also like to congratulate three young men who after having completed the requirements and having been examined by an Eagle Scout Board of Review have been found worthy of the rank of Eagle Scouts : Grey Johnson, Kenneth Rondino and Anthony Serena. Also our congratulations go to Girl Scouts Cate Moriarty and Mercy Johnson on receiving the Silver Awards for Enrichment Projects that they completed at community spaces. We wish all of you a lifetime of success. We dedicate this 2015-2016 year to Wendy Aceves. Her love and passion for this Religious Awards program and for scouting overall is a beautiful testimony to all. Wendy touched many with her contagious faith and caring personality. She planted many seeds of kindness and spirituality which came to fruition in the time of her passing and after. In her honor, the Wendy Harris-Aceves Religious Scout Scholarship has been established. The first recipient will be her son, Brady Aceves. “Dear Lord Jesus, we ask you to continue to bless Wendy’s family and families of all those who mourn the loss of a loved one, each and every day. Please send the inner peace, strength and courage needed to get through until we are reunited with Wendy and our loved ones in heaven, once again. Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” Tessie O’Dea SJA Family Life Ministries Director MAY 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 5 FAITH FORMATION & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SR. VIVIAN GONZALEZ Director of Faith Formation (561) 952-2870 [email protected] ROSA DAVIDSON, Administrative Assistant (561) 952-2872 • [email protected] PLEASE NOTE NEW HOURS Religious Education SUMMER Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm Friday: 9am - 2pm Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: By Appointment PRE-BAPTISMAL PREPARATION SCHEDULE The following dates are scheduled for the Pre-Baptismal classes for 2016-2017 Classes are given on the 1st Thursday of every month. Please call the main office to register before attending. Classes are in Conference Room A from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. 2016 Jun. 2 Jul. 7 IMPORTANT NOTE TO PARENTS WITH CHILDREN IN 1ST GRADE AND 7TH GRADE IN PUBLIC OR NON-CATHOLIC PRIVATE SCHOOL The sacramental preparation for First Communion and Confirmation is a mandatory two year program. If your child will start the 1st grade (First Communion Year 1) or 7th (Confirmation Year 1) grade in August 2016 NOW is the time to register them for the Sacramental Preparation. REGISTRATIONS ARE ALREADY OPEN FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 2016-2017 Don’t wait till the last minute to register your children to continue their Faith Formation. Catechism classes are open for PK-4 to 9th Grade. High School Students who need their sacramental preparation should register also. NO CHILDREN’S LITURGY FOR THE SUMMER TIME We will take a break from the Children’s Liturgy of the 10:45am and the 12:15pm masses until we start Religious Education again in September. INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? Do you want to receive Baptism, Communion, or Confirmation? Adults desiring to explore the Catholic Faith, or are wondering how to become Catholic are invited to obtain more information on the RCIA process for 2016-2017 by emailing Sr. Vivian at [email protected] or calling Rosa 561-952-2872 to make an appointment for an interview with Sr. Vivian. We are already taking registrations for next year’s RCIA classes. Classes will begin in late August 2016. CONFIRMATION CLASSES FOR ADULTS TO RECEIVE CONFIRMATION WHEN THE BISHOP COMES IN OCTOBER, 2016. Who can participate in this program- Any practicing catholic adult 18 and over who only needs the Sacrament of Confirmation and has no impediment through marriage situations or any other reason. Adults missing the sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation or Communion and Confirmation will need to attend the RCIA classes. Teenagers under 18 years of age must attend the Religious Education Confirmation Program This preparation period will start on September 1, 2016 Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm. For more information or to register call Rosa 561-952-2870 or email [email protected] or [email protected] 6 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22 SISTER ELLEN’S BLESSING AND IRISH FAREWELL PARTY MAY 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 7 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22 CCW INSTALLATION MASS & DINNER From Right To Left: Co-Presidents, Diana Castro-Herbert & Michelle Monte-Blaschitz; VP Events, Beth Hartigan; Treasurer, Lisa Olearczyk; Recording Secretary, Amy Robbins; VP membership, Cassie Krajewski; Corresponding Secretary, Miriam Gaynor. Absent: Carine Porfiri, Irene Mack SOMETHING NEW FOR STUDENTS SPIRITUAL WEEKEND RETREAT For Individuals with Physical Disabilities June 3rd-5th AIM is a Catholic, Spiritual Retreat Weekend for Individuals with Physical Disabilities age 18 and above who require various types of physical assistance—held in a loving, joyful, accessible, and accommodative environment. Do you know someone who is going to Florida Atlantic University? Be sure to let them know that they are invited to visit the new Catholic Newman Center on the campus in Boca Raton. Come meet our FOCUS missionaries, join a Bible Study, come to a party/social, join us in a competitive sport or attend a weekday or Sunday evening Mass. With over 200 members, come meet morally grounded young adults who take their future and their faith seriously! Visit us on facebook: Catholic Newman Club FAU VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED AND ALSO WELCOME! For more information contact Margarita Castellon 954-821-6077 | [email protected]) or Paul Paschke 561-392-2476 | [email protected] MAY 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 9 Farewell Father Tom! Welcome Father Dominic! We would like to congratulate Fr. Tom Lafreniere as he has been appointed Pastor at Saint Paul of the Cross Catholic Church in North Palm Beach. We thank him for his devoted ministry at SJA and wish him many blessings at his new appointment beginning in July! We are very happy to welcome Fr. Dominic Toan Tran. Fr. Dominic has been appointed Parochial Vicar at our church and he will begin his ministry at SJA in July 2016. Currently, Fr. Dominic is Parochial Vicar at St. Juliana Catholic Church in West Palm Beach. Previously, Fr. Dominic was Msgr. McGraw’s student at St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary and he remembers him as a very nice and hard working student. Fr. Dominic will be a great asset to our St. Joan of Arc Pastoral Team! Welcome to our SJA Parish Family! We will have a farewell reception in Mercy Center on Sunday, June 26 after the 12:15pm Mass. All are invited to attend. NOVENA OF MASSES for Father’s Day JUNE 19 - 27, 2016 If it were right and fitting to pay tribute to all Mothers, equally it is right and fitting to pay tribute to all Fathers. And we should do this not just on their assigned feast days but preferably as long as they live as a sign of our love and gratitude for all they have done in our lives. “When Israel was a child, I loved him... I taught Ephraim to walk... It was I who healed them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love... and I bent down to feed them.” HOSEA 11:1-4 According to common practices, it is still the necktie that is the top priority gift followed by wrist watches, wallets, electronic devices, and sports-related items. Yes, no doubt, these gifts are truly fine and appreciable but there is still a better gift: A NOVENA OF MASSES thus ensuring them of eternal riches where no moth could destroy nor thieves could steal. Your generous offering of a special remembrance in prayer and Holy Mass on the occasion of Father’s Day will serve to show our appreciation and support to our Dads. Please pick up an envelope at the church credenzas, fill them in and place in the novena box located in the church, in the collection basket, or bring them to the Parish Office May St. Joseph, foster Father of Jesus, bless and protect our beloved Fathers. Thank You for your generosity. 10 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22 Journeying Forward TO THE HEART OF OUR FUTURE CONSTRUCTION UPDATES You can help us reach our goal! Make a Pledge. The following work is being done on MERCY CENTER: 1. Install Elevator hoist beam and ladder 5. Stage curtain supports were installed 2. Steel Stage deck will be prepared and takes 12 days to complete. 6. Continue HVAC duct work rough 3. Install North Stairs 8. 1st Floor Restroom plumbing rough 4. Framing for drywall on second floor has begun and will take 21 days 9. Fire Sprinkler piping rough Join us as our Parish Family makes history - PLEDGE TODAY! 7. Install roof drain piping Check our website at under Development for photos and continued construction updates. To learn more about the Journey Forward Pastoral Campaign and how you can get involved contact the Campaign Office at (561) 952-2838 or email the Development Director: [email protected] SUMMER FASHION WORKSHOP FOR GIRLS AGES 11-15 e f i L or f e l y t S A unique three day workshop designed to promote self confidence and dignity by teaching about body shapes, color and patterns that enhance girls individual beauty. SERVICE HOURS AVAILABLE June 7, 6pm: Parent information night June 8-10, 9am-5pm: Camp June 10, 6pm: Runway fashion show Hosted by St. Joan of Arc Youth Ministry Sponsored by Catholic Charities Birthline/Lifeline For registration information please e-mail Cecilia Chinchilla at: [email protected] MAY 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 11 ESTABLISHED IN 1960 BELIEVE IN YOUR FAITH • BELIEVE IN YOUR CHILDREN U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS STREAM And LEgo RoboTicS HydRoponicS & AERoponicS pLAnT gRowTH TEcHnoLogy • TEcH cLub • digiTAL cLASS • MATH 24 gAMES cLub • FAMiLy SciEncE LAb nigHTS • SpAniSH in ALL gRAdES • SpAniSH FoR HERiTAgE SpEAkERS • SpAniSH, FREncH, & And iTALiAn cLubS • bALLET • iRiSH STEp dAncE • cHoREogRApHy Hip Hop • MAxScHoLAR onLinE REAding • dRAMA • cHESS cLub • bAnd • VioLin • book cLubS • EnEwSLETTER • youTH ToASTMASTERS • dEbATE • coMpuTER coding • FiELd TRipS • ARTEoLogy And cRAFTS • pAinTERS’ pALETTE • cREATiVE cuLinARy cLub • FASHion dESign • STudy & oRgAnizATionAL SkiLLS • VidEo TELEViSion pRoducTion • 3d pRinTing • • SJA SPORTS TEAMS boys teams • TRAVEL FLAg FooTbALL gR. 7-8 • inTRAMuRAL FooTbALL gR. • SoccER gR. 5-8 • bASkETbALL gR. 5-8 • cRoSS counTRy gR. 4-8 • bASEbALL gR. 6-8 • TEnniS gR. 5-8 • goLF gR. 5-8 5-8 Once again... Congratulations to our St. Joan of Arc Alumni!! 19 Valedictorians or Salutatorians have been St. Joan of Arc School Alumni at local high schools in the past 10 years, reaffirming that St. Joan of Arc is a foundation for the future! Congratulations: Haley Madison Scaggs • 2016 Valedictorian at Cardinal Gibbons High School Eric Heinlein • 2016 Valedictorian at Saint John Paul II Academy Amparo Pareja • 2016 Salutatorian at Saint John Paul II Academy High academic standards Christ-centered community of faith • Emphasis on social justice and service • Technology skills essential in the 21st Century • 30+ clubs including academics, sports and fine arts • 1:1 Digital learning environment 1st–8th Grade with take home iPads in middle school State-of-the-art Sports Arena Brand new all-weather Gazebo with lunch service • Extended care available daily in a safe and secure campus • Fully accredited with state-certified staff • Pre-Kindergarten 3 – 8th Grade • Pre-Kindergarten 4 tuition discount available • Accepting Step Up for Students scholarship participants • • • • girls teams • VoLLEybALL gR. 5-8 5-8 • cHEERLEAding gR. 5-8 • FLAg FooTbALL gR. 5-8 • SoccER gR. 5-8 • cRoSS counTRy gR. 4-8 • SoFTbALL gR. 5-8 • TEnniS gR. 5-8 • goLF gR. 5-8 • bASkETbALL gR. 12 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22 For inFormation, please call mrs. Debora braDley 561.392.7974 • [email protected] 501 sW 3rD avenue, boca raton, Fl 33432 PRAY FOR THE SICK Amumazgui, Nicholas Anasaii, Violet Arcau, Georgina Babione Jr., Robert Barone, Lydia Bauchman, Maureen Benedeti, Carlos Benicy, Alexander Bertalan, Fred Bertalan, Olga Bobbitt, Joann Bollella, Ann Bondi, Barbara Boronat, Consuelo Brown, Nancy Bruzzo, Tamara Buffone, Peter Bugueiro, Maritza Butch, Laurie Cacace, Vincent Ciarletta, Dylan Cline, Ashley Conoghan, Patrick Corr, Stephen Cozme, Valeria Cushing, Dorothy Dague, William Deacon Darbyshire, Colin Dattolicco, Josefina De Alva, Elena López De La Quintana, Carmen De La Torre, Eugenia DeMuth, David Dent, Karen Descanio, Laura Draper, Teddy Farrell, Amanda Fisher, Grace Fishter, Robert Fran Fritas, Marcel Galindo, Erika Gardner, Marie Garvey, Claire Greenwald, Carol Gesner, Carmela Golden, Dorothy Goldstein, Carlotta Gonsalves, Pat Gould, Jennifer Grimont, Tim Hamilton, Bob Harris, Cameron Heitz, Judy Hershberger, Paul Hill, Ceri Hill, Kristen Hill Marissa Hoch, Richard Hollerbach, Nancy Huntley, Diane Jacobs, Katherine James, Maria Johnson, Jane Kabbas, Diane Karam, Dean Keegan, Bill Kenny, Pauline Kersan, Kim Kildus, Margot Kilpatrick, Rain Kolesar, Donald Krajewski, Christine Kuchina, John Kurtz, Matthew Largia, Elda Laudato, Frances Linzer, Rylee Loesch, Dolores Lopez, Carlos Lugo, Miguel Lupo, Ana Lynch, Elizabeth Lynn, Adele Macher, Peca Margolis, Robert Mariette McKenzie, Jessica McPhillips, Daminica Merizalde, Manolito Miret, Emilio Mochler, Marie Mochler, Michael Morrow, Marjorie Muir, James Munro, Brian Murphy, Sr. Immaculata Nebel, Lee Ann Nofe, Dianne Ordonez, Nelly Petho, Ellen Petito, Joseph Picinich, Antonio Pfistner, Paul Portelli, Enza Power, Theresia Quillard, Millie Redner, Jabriel Richards, Craig Robert, Barbara Roberts, Robyn Saffran, Dorothy Salcedo, Maria San Martin, Gloria Searle, Linda S. Segler, Charly Springs, Steve St. Germaine, Robert A. St. Juste, Ena Therese St. Juste, Margie Stevens, Caroline Thorson, Kim Uchitelle, Frydel Urquiaga, Lilia Valleti, Fran Vetto, Regina Vetto, Robert Williamson, Spencer Word, Charlotte Yee, James Zuckerman, Janette Steve Dennison (requesting a kidney donor 561-998-7768) ALTAR BREAD Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. BAPTIZED Anna Lee Hoke VOCATION CHALICE May 22 - 10:45am - The Davidson Family TO LEAVE A LEGACY FOR ST. JOAN OF ARC STEP 1 Gather your information about your assets, including retirement funds, bank accounts and real property. STEP 2 Choose the type of bequest you’d like to make. 1. Unrestricted bequest. This is a donation to be used for St. Joan of Arc general funds. This donation would be used where it is most needed. 2. Restricted bequest. This donation specifies how the money is to be used. (This could be restricted to go into the endowment, a specific ministry, or the building fund.) OVERSEAS IN THE US ARMED FORCES: Staff. Sgt. Douglas, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp. Would you like to donate flowers to decorate the altar on the weekend masses? If you would like to donate flowers to decorate our altar, please call Patty Delaney, (561)952-2868 or email her at [email protected] This week’s altar flowers donated by: DUCH DESIGNS 141 NW 20th St., Suite B7 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Please call Patricia, (561) 405-6856 Cell: (516) 444-2072 10% discount offered to SJA parishioners A bequest can be made in a number of ways: • A specific dollar amount. • Specific assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible property. • Retirement account assets, consisting of any benefits remaining in your retirement plan. • A residuary bequest, St. Joan of Arc receives all or a percentage of your estate after all other obligations are met. • An existing will or trust can be easily amended to include a gift to St. Joan of Arc without rewriting the entire document. Your attorney can prepare a simple document, called a codicil, which adds a new bequest while reaffirming the terms of your will. Similarly, an attorney can prepare an amendment to a revocable trust to add St. Joan of Arc. STEP 3 Meet with your estate planning attorney. If you need to create a will or just update your existing document, you’ll want to get advice from your estate planning attorney. An attorney can advise you as to the best way to structure your will in order to take care of your loved ones first and then your charitable interests while assuring the best tax benefits. As a charitable, not-for-profit all bequests to St. Joan of Arc are fully deductible for estate tax purposes. STEP 4 Contact us. We acknowledge and welcome donors into our Arc Angel Society. Members are invited to special member events and receive special mailings. (We also recognize and respect the wishes of anyone that wishes to remain anonymous.) Please contact Wendy Horton in the Development Office at (561) 952-2838 or [email protected]. MAY 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 13 AROUND OUR DIOCESE Step Up For Students has opened its enrollment for the 2016-2017 PLSA Step Up Scholarships! Visit for more information on how to apply. Events at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center 2016 1300 US Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL. Phone: 561.626.1300 | Website: Day of Reflection: “Reflections on Laudato Si - Part 1” Reservations Required. Date: June 1 Time:10:00am - 2:30pm Cost: $30 Presenter: Deacon John Clarke Annual Young Adults Retreat (18-30 years old): led by Passionists & Peer leaders with the Diocese of Palm Beach Registration and Deposit are required. Date: June 8-10 Cost: $195 Centering Prayer Intensive Silent Retreat: led by Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI Registration and Deposit are required. Date: June 17-23 Cost: $560 Contact: Basha Perez 407.869.0781 for registration Save the Date: Family Day at the Rapids Date: August 20 Time: 9am - 7pmLocation: Rapids Water Park, Riviera Beach. Family Fun Day - Connecting Family, Fun and Faith - returns in August! The Diocese of Palm Beach invites all of our faith family to join us at Rapids Water Park in Riviera Beach. This Family Fun Day is fun for everyone, especially for the whole family! Website: Contact: Cathy Loh at 561.775.9557 or [email protected] Third African National Eucharistic Congress Date: August 5-7 Location: The Catholic University of America, Edward J. Pryzbyla University center, 620 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20064 Website:!ANEC_1 Contact: Sr. Joanna Okereke, HHCJ, 202-541-3359 | [email protected] Yolanda Taylor-Burwell, 202-541-3152 | [email protected] Rev. Henry Atem, 706-256-1781 | [email protected] Christ Child Society Of Boca Raton Layette Program We provide impoverished mothers with essentials for their newborn infants. Items include diapers, blankets, onesies and information on the Shaken Baby Syndrome. New members always welcomed. Contact: Agnes at [email protected] | 561.289.2371 Day of Reflection: “Reflections on Laudato Si - Part 2” Reservations Required Date: July 6 Time: 10:00am-2:30pm Cost: $30 Presenter: Deacon John Clarke Annual Young Adults Retreat (18-30 years old) Registration and Deposit Required Date: July 6 Time: 10:00am-2:30pm Cost: $195 Led by: Passionists and Peer leaders with the Diocese of Palm Beach To Encounter Christ (TEC) Young Adult Retreat Reservations are required. Dates: May 28 – May 29 Time: 10:30 AM Cost: $120 Location: Cursillos de Cristianidad, Miami Sonshine TEC (To Encounter Christ) is a Catholic retreat ministry focused upon young adults of the Archdiocese of Miami and the Diocese of Palm Beach. This young adult weekend retreat is for all young adults married and single ages 18 - 29. Phone: 561.376.5543 Annual Memorial Day Mass & Military Tribute This Mass is offered for all of those who have died in service to our country and for all of those who have served in the military. A light reception will follow. A limited amount of seating will be provided so you are invited to bring your own chair if desired. Date: May 30 Time: 10:00am-12:00pm Website: Location: Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery, Royal Palm Beach Contact: 561.793.0711 | [email protected] Save the Date to “Tee Off” in June Mark your calendars for Catholic Charities Samaritan Center’s 10th Annual Bernard & Betty Egan Memorial Golf Classic presented by the Bernard Egan Foundation. Date: June 4 Rain Date: June 11 Time: Registration begins at 7:30am. Memorial Golf Classic starts at 8:30am. Location: Grand Harbor Golf Club, Vero Beach Contact: Renee Bireley, Program Administrator 772-770-3039 | [email protected] 14 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22 Thank You for Supporting Communication in the Church Thank you for your generosity in last week’s collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. Because of your support, millions of faithful will have the opportunity to deepen their faith through daily resources on television, radio, social media, podcasts, and print media. Part of your donations stay in our diocese to our local communications needs. The Diocese of Palm Beach thanks you for your support of our evangelization efforts. To learn more about the important work supported by this collection, please visit Bereavement Ministry “HARVESTING OUR TEARS” “COSECHANDO NUESTRAS LAGRIMAS” A unique program (including music for meditation) for a structured eight-week bereavement process which draws on the richness of the scripture, prayer, sacrament, theology...imagery, ritual, wisdom and tradition of the Catholic faith. También en español. For more information call Constanza 561- 392- 0007 or 561-850-4666. Protection of Children and Young People The Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach is committed to the safety and protection of all children and vulnerable adults in its care. Victims of abuse are encouraged to contact the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator to begin necessary emotional, psychological and spiritual healing. The Diocese of Palm Beach Victim Assistance Coordinator, Ms. Theresa Fretterd, can be reached at 561-801-0999. For more information on Diocesan policies and procedures for reporting abuse as well as to view the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please go to and click on Offices/Safe Environments. MINISTERIO MULTICULTURAL Misa en español todos los Sábados a las 6:30pm. Confesiones todos los Sábados a las 5:30pm en la capilla. DIRECTOR MINISTERIO: Constanza Preble 561-392-0007 [email protected] Padre Wesler Hilaire capellán del Ministerio Multicultural, habla inglés, español, francés y creole. Atiende todas las necesidades pastorales de la comunidad Multicultural. Para consulta llame a 561-392-0007. [email protected] 21 DE MAYO MEDITEMOS CON MARÍA CADA DÍA DE ESTA SEMANA SOLEMNIDAD DE LA SANTÍSIMA TRINIDAD SAN JUAN 16,12-15 21. Sabado PURIFICACIÓN DE MARÍA María se puso en fila con las otras madres que llevaban a su hijo al sacerdote de turno, el cual lo levantaba en brazos, ofreciéndolo al Señor. Simeón el justo, reconoce en el niño a Jesús al esperado de Porque fue el Espíritu Santo quien se lo comunicó. 22. Domingo UN GRAN DOLOR Simeón, expresa con el cántico su alegría, predice que el niño está puesto para salvación o ruina de los pueblos, ninguno es más amado y odiado que Jesús. Después Simeón habla a María, prediciéndole que una espada la traspasará el alma. No nos equivoquemos; la santidad es fruto del combate, un combate entre el odio y el amor por Jesús. Junto a Simeón está la anciana Ana que puede abrazar a Jesús. De ella se dice que rezaba día y noche. ¿Y nosotros? 23. EN LA ESCUELA DE MARÍA Lunes El Evangelio nos dice que María meditaba en su corazón las palabras de Jesús, todo lo que sucedía a Jesús. Esta es una clara invitación a imitarla, a tener a Jesús siempre presente en el corazón, en la mente. Santa Teresa de Jesús dice: “Haz un cuarto de hora de meditación al día y yo te prometo el paraíso: “Mira a Aquel que te está mirando”. 24. JESÚS, PERDIDO.EN.EL TEMPLO Martes Jesús tiene 12 años.” Dónde estará Jesús?”: “Míralo”. Jesús está en el templo. Allí debemos ir nosotros, especialmente después de haberlo perdido por el pecado. No perdamos tiempo, acerquémonos a la confesión. Con la ayuda de María encontraremos a Jesús en el fondo de nuestro templo espiritual. 25. LAS LÁGRIMAS DE MARÍA Miércoles Perder a Jesús, ¡qué desgracia! Pero hay una cosa más triste: no sentir el inmenso vacío que deja en nuestra alma. Es necesario comportarse como María y José. Es lo único que hay que hacer: buscarlo con las lágrimas en los ojos; encontrarlo con una buena confesión. 26. PUERTA DEL CIELO Jueves Las bienaventuranzas del Evangelio son ocho. San Buenaventura añadía otra: “Bienaventurados los que se abandonan a las manos de la Virgen”. A la Virgen se la define también como puerta del cielo. Cuando llega un infiel le abre la puerta para que entre: “Si quieres encontrar a Jesús con seguridad, búscalo entre los brazos de María”. 27. REINA DE LA VERDADERA ALEGRÍA Viernes La palabra Evangelio significa precisamente: “Anuncio de alegría”. La Virgen, yendo a casa de Isabel inunda aquella casa de alegría. Hasta el niño que tenía en su seno salta de alegría. El pecado siempre está unido a la tristeza mientras la santidad es siempre alegría. Es la fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad: un día dedicado a contemplar el misterio de Dios que nos ama infinitamente, que nos acompaña siempre y que nos llama a vivir como familia suya, experimentando su amor, su paz y su unidad. Abramos hoy el corazón al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo. Aceptemos hoy su invitación a formar con nosotros una comunidad de fe, de esperanza y de caridad. «-¡Dios es mi Padre! -Si lo meditas, no saldrás de esta consoladora consideración. »-¡Jesús es mi Amigo entrañable! que me quiere con toda la divina locura de su Corazón »-¡El Espíritu Santo es mi Consolador!, que me guía en el andar de todo mi camino» Piénsalo bien. -Tú eres de Dios..., y Dios es tuyo» MAY 22 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 15 ACTIVIDADES EN ESPAÑOL INTENCIONES DEL PAPA FRANCISCO PARA MAYO: •Bautismos Sábado 18 de Junio al mediodía llamar al 561-392-0007 para información. • Clases de Catecismo para adultos: información con Constanza • Clase Pre Bautismal Martes 21 de Junio a las 7:00pm • WOG en Español Los Lunes de 10:00am a 12:30pm en la casa el “Ark.” • Grupo de oración Todos los Jueves a las 7:00pm en la Casa Hispana. • Rosario Padre Pio Todos los Jueves a las 9:00am en el “Ark.” ‘Para que en todos los países del mundo las mujeres sean honradas y respetadas y sea valorizado su imprescindible aporte social.” ‘Para que se difunda en las familias, comunidades y grupos, la práctica de rezar el santo Rosario por la evangelización y por la paz”. LOS SACRAMENTOS PRESENTES EN CADA MOMENTO DE LA VIDA • Clases sobre los Sacramentos: Jueves a las 10:00am en el Ark • Rosario por las vocaciones Sacerdotales los Miércoles en la Capilla a las 9:30am • Clases de Inglés. Todos los Miércoles en la Casa Hispana Llamar al 561-289-7846 para información. • Ciudadanía 954 -818-5032. • Clases de Biblia Padre Oscar Alonso 7:00pm en la Casa Hispana Próxima clase: Martes 31 de mayo ULTIMA Clase hasta agosto. “Gracias San José de Cupertino, patrono de los estudiantes, por los favores recibidos en mis estudios y los de mis compañeros. Si estas teniendo dificultades en tus estudios, pide la intercesión de San José de Cupertino” Olga Pargas Para recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio communicate con Rosario Gonzales (561) 952 – 2854 Optar por el matrimonio expresa la decisión real y efectiva de convertir dos caminos en un único camino, pase lo que pase y a pesar de cualquier desafío. Por la seriedad que tiene este compromiso público de amor, no puede ser una decisión apresurada, pero por esa misma razón tampoco se la puede postergar indefinidamente. Comprometerse con otro de un modo exclusivo y definitivo siempre tiene una cuota de riesgo y de osada apuesta. El rechazo de asumir este compromiso es egoísta, interesado, mezquino, no acaba de reconocer los derechos del otro y no termina de presentarlo a la sociedad como digno de ser amado incondicionalmente. Por otro lado, quienes están verdaderamente enamorados tienden a manifestar a los otros su amor. El amor concretizado en un matrimonio contraído ante los demás, con todos los compromisos que se derivan de esta institucionalización, es manifestación y resguardo de un «sí» que se da sin reservas y sin restricciones. Ese sí es decirle al otro que siempre podrá confiar, que no será abandonado cuando pierda atractivo, cuando haya dificultades o cuando se ofrezcan nuevas opciones de placer o de intereses egoístas. SS Francisco (Amoris Laetitiae) Atención mamas! Para chicas de 11 a 15 años. Taller de Moda. (Style for Life) Aprende como elegir tu atuendo de acuerdo a tu personalidad y estilo. Junio 8 a 10 de 9am a 5pm. En Saint Joan of Arc. Para registrarte envia un e mail a Cecilia Chinchilla a [email protected] o llama a Constanza al 561-859-4666. DEFENDIENDO LA VIDA. Rezamos el rosario en frente de Planned Parenthood: 8177 Glades Road Boca Raton, los sabados de 9 a 2 considera participar por una hora. LECTORES DE MAYO: 21 Nora Acevedo Anibal Lozada 28 Sandra Castro Luis Cortes MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE MAYO: 21 Georgina Gracia, Benito Fernandez, Rebeca Vera, Luis Chavez, Aurora Cortez, Josefina Bolla, Benito Fernandez 28 Nelcy Sua, Carmen Bruckner, Rachel Licciardino, Nelcy Sua, Maria de los Angeles, Sara Esquivel, Jeannette y Fernando Cordova Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristía y Grupo de Oración : Fernando Cordova 561-573-0194. Proclamadores de la Palabra: Rosis Suarez 561-665-1725 • Liturgia de la Palabra para los niños: Cynthia Lara 561-716-4334. Ujieres y monaguillos Constanza 561-859-4666. 16 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • MAY 22
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