Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23, 2015 Joshua confronts the tribes of Israel: Will you desert your covenant with Yahweh? The desertion of disciples is a prelude to the paschal mystery. With Peter, however, let us profess our faith in the Lord, who gave Himself up for us all. Next Week’s Readings Dt 4:1-2, 6-8 Ps 15:2-5 Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Parish Staff Pastor ~ Rev. Ron Nelson Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Edgar Rivera Pastoral Associate ~ Deacon Tom Altenhofen Deacon ~ Deacon Hans Mueller Business Manager ~ Laura Olguin Director of Outreach Ministry ~ Lilly Hagen Director of Music ~ David Phillips Director of Religious Ed. ~ Julie Rutledge-Sanchez Parish Secretary ~ Sally Ross Sacramental Registrar ~ Margaret Fleming LifeTeen Coordinator ~ Leslie Jones Lead Custodian ~ James DuChateau Assistant Custodian ~ Joe Crandall Mass Schedule Monday – Friday ~ 6:55 am & 12:15 pm Saturday ~ 8:00 am Sunday Vigil (Saturday evening) ~ 5:30 pm Sunday ~ 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm LifeTeen National Holidays ~ 9:00 am Confessions 11:00 – noon ~ Wednesday & Friday 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm ~ Saturday Dear Friends in Christ, Hello, and thank you so much for welcoming me into the community here at St. Mary’s. My name is Deacon Hans Mueller, and I will be serving here throughout the coming year. I’d like to share a little bit about myself as I begin this year of ministry and learning. I was born and raised in a wonderful Catholic family in Salem, Oregon. I am the third of eight children, and I was homeschooled up until high school. I attended North Salem High School, and then went to college at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, where I received my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. In 2005 I joined Reach Youth Ministry as a volunteer retreat leader, and I spent two wonderful years travelling to parishes and giving retreats for mid-high and high school teens. I then took a job as a full time Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Anne’s in Grants Pass (where I first worked with Fr. Ron). At the end of my second year at St. Anne’s, while helping out with two back-to-back week-long retreats, I felt God calling me to enter the seminary. I spent one more year in Grants Pass while I worked through the application process, and in the fall of 2010 I entered the seminary. I spent the following two years at Mount Angel Seminary, praying, being formed, and studying philosophy. Archbishop Vlazny then asked me to go to Rome for my theological studies, and I have been there for the past three years, living at the North American College and studying at the Gregorian University. And that brings us to the present, and I look forward to spending this coming year at St. Mary’s and learning about your community and your faith journeys. In Christ, Dcn. Hans Mueller Mass Intentions August 24 – August 30, 2015 Daily Morning Masses M ~ Jane Baumgart † T ~ Intentions of Connie Schultz W ~ Intentions of Dan Halstead T ~ Margaret Leary † F ~ Dolores Valenzuela † S ~ Intentions of Ron & Mary Jo Schmaedick Daily Afternoon Masses M ~ Merry Klum † T ~ Lope Suan † W ~ Intentions of Denny & Jan O’Donnell T ~ Blanca Pereira † F ~ Carmen Teresa Alvarado † Sunday Masses 5:30 pm Vigil ~ For Parishioners 7:30 ~ Deceased from St. Francis Class of 1965 † 9:00 ~ Ann Makyadath † 11:00 ~ Karen Pitcher † 1:00 ~ Intentions of Tiago Banales Buenrostro 5:30 LifeTeen ~ Intentions of Juan Pelayo & Analaura Banales In Our Prayers Let us remember: Servers August 24 – August 30, 2015 6:55 am Mon. – Fri. ~ Victor Nnoli 8:00 am Sat. ~ Victor Nnoli 12:15 pm Mon. – Fri. ~ Vicki Kelly Sunday, August 30 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Skyla Chamard, Dean Tracer 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ Becket Nelson, Kelly Schombert, TJ Schombert 11:00 am ~ Tarrin Campbell, Quinn O’Connell, Henry Schramm 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Andy Fudge, Briana Howe, Michael Rochon Lectors August 24 – August 30, 2015 6:55 am Mon. - Fri. ~ Julie Copley 8:00 am Sat. ~ Julie Copley 12:15 pm Mon. – Fri. ~ Laura Paxton Sunday, August 30 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Joe Hoffman, Mary Ellen York 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ Julie Armbrust, Mike Cary 11:00 am ~ Cynthia Fellez, Sally Ross 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Scott Russi Laudato Si’ On Care for Our Common Home Saturday, September 19, 2015 3:00 – 4:00 pm St. Mary Catholic Church Parish Center, Eugene Join a discussion on the encyclical from our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and how we can care for our common home and the “least of these”, who are most harmed by environmental degradation. You can find the encyclical at: …all who were baptized, including, Abraham Chinedu Nnoli …all those who are ill, including, Mary Brady, Ken Doggett, Ron Downing, Rick Dunham, Guadalupe Gomez Leyva, Jerry Gordon, Dan Halstead, Eleanor Hollis, Bruce Hollister, Paul Joyce, William Keller, Morris Kielty, Jim Kinsman, Louise Koenig, Gayle Lapp, Mike McGraw, Jordan Jacob Rios Gomez, Maria Rios Gomez, Scarlet Rudy Craig, Connie Schultz, Jack Steimer, Jim Teague, Sandra Tracy and John Wong …all those who have died, including, Darrell Dwyer, John Quirk, Mary Basta, James Lance, Walter Rhett Darby, Bill Hofmann and John Criqui Catholic Community Services Help & Hope Tours Have you wanted to know more about the work of CCS? Attend a Help & Hope Tour! You’ll be informed and inspired, but we promise you won’t be asked for money. The next tour is Thursday, August 27, 2015. Please contact Sue Paiement at 541-345-3628, ext. 313 or email [email protected] to reserve your space. Perpetual Adoration No Coverage Monday 2-3 am Thursday 3-4 am Wednesday 4-5 am Saturday 10-11 am “Every threat to the family is a threat to society itself. The future passes through the family. So protect your families! Protect your families! See in them your country’s greatest treasure and nourish them always by prayer and the grace of the sacraments.” ~ Pope Francis, during a January 16 speech to families in Manila, Philippines ~ Eugene Catholic Young Adults All adults, ages 21-39, come and participate in the mystery of the Holy Trinity and discover a God of love. Join us for our next meeting at ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH – Matthew classroom Thursday, September 3, 6:45 pm For more information contact: [email protected] Christmas Flowers or 541-270-9329. This Christmas, the church will again be adorned with many poinsettias and wreaths. If you would to sponsor St. Vincent delikePaul Christmas flowers, please pick up an envelope at the entrance Turn that unneeded vehicle, RV, boat or motorcycle into of practical the Church. your envelope in Bring the collection or helpReturn for someone in need. it to St. basket Vinnie’s to Car the Church office before December 22. Be sure to clearly Lot at 1175 Hwy 99N, Eugene, or call 541-607-4541 for fill aout thepick frontup. of the envelope name and repairs, circle theand “in free We’ll clean itwith up,the make minor memory (deceased)” or “honor (living)”. Thededuction. names will The be get the best possible priceoffor your tax listed in the bulletin at the endand of the month. Suggested proceeds will sustain jobs support St. Vincent de Paul’s donation: $25 charitable outreach. Help local kids start school with the basic supplies they need and backpacks for carrying them. Collection barrels and suggested lists will be available at SVdP stores and other partnering locations. Monetary donations are welcome and can be sent to: School Supply Drive, c/o SVdP, PO Box 24608, Eugene, OR 97402. Thanks for helping kids. “First 1000 Days” Campaign A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative The 1000 days from conception through a child’s second birthday are the most crucial for a child’s development. These 1000 days are our best opportunity to shape a healthier, more prosperous future for the child. All children. Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy (Day 161) “Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to care with particular love and concern are unborn children, the most defenseless and innocent among us.” Pope Francis WEEKLY COLLECTION August 16, 2015 Offertory $14,281.99 Parish Pay 1,965.00 Misc. Income 956.94 Total $17,203.93 Budget $21,000.00 Give to God what is right—not what is left. RCIA SPONSORS Would you like to be considered for the privilege of walking with a candidate through the RCIA process? Being a sponsor is an important and integral part of this process. A sponsor puts a human face on the Church, in other words, it allows the candidate to have a lay person’s perspective of what it means to be Catholic. Qualifications do not include being a theologian but requires only a warm hearted person to relate his/her love of Christ and His Church with a candidate journeying to the Easter Sacraments. For further information or to sign up please contact Geri Heideman, the new RCIA Sponsor Coordinator at 541-517-2779, or Deacon Tom at 541-342-1139. Breath of Hope Project Aurora is sponsoring Breath of Hope, a two-day educational conference on post-abortion trauma and recovery in both Eugene and Grants Pass. It is presented by Dr. Theresa Burke, author and founder of Rachel’s Vineyard abortion healing retreats. The Eugene conference is cosponsored by St. Mary Catholic Church and will be on September 11 and 12, 2015 at St. Mary’s Parish center. The Grants Pass conference will be held on September 14 and 15 at the Taprock Event Center. For full details and to register go to Project Aurora’s website: or call Project Aurora at 541-9422861. Free Ultrasound at 1st Way We are looking for women 6-16 weeks of pregnancy who want a free ultrasound. Our nurses and technicians will receive specialized training during the week of September 14 to 18, 2015. If you are interested in receiving a free ultrasound during that week we need you to come for one hour, between 9:00 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Please call our office at 541- 687- 8651 to indicate the day and time that you can come. You will receive diapers for your baby. You can also contact us at [email protected] Gospel of Life/Pro-Life Ministry The Gospel of Life/Pro-Life Ministry is in great need of committee members who would help our ministry to be more active in the pro-life movement and pray to end abortion. Please contact Mary Ellen York at 541-868-5347. Meetings are every third Friday at 4:00 pm in the Luke classroom of the Parish Center. Good Friday Evening Fish Dinner The Knights of Columbus will begin serving soup at 4:30 pm The Jericho Walk Join us for a ½ hour of Pro-Life support as we process around Planned Parenthood in Glenwood. This fourth of 8 monthly walks is scheduled for Saturday, August 29, 2015, at 1:00 pm. Each additional walk will be on the last Saturday of each month. The concept is taken from the Old Covenant era when the Israelites processed with the Ark of the Covenant around the city of Jericho. We will process with the new Ark of the Covenant who is our Blessed Mother. For more information contact Doris at 541-520-6787 or [email protected]. What is one action we can take this week that will brighten someone’s day and share God’s love? Eugene Mission A Wellness Shelter for the Homeless MISSION WORK DAYS Saturday, September 12, 2015 Saturday, October 3, 2015 Saturday, November 14, 2015 Saturday, December 5, 2015 Bring your co-workers, your family, your college group or just yourself and help us improve our facilities. Projects will include gardening, orchard box assembly, warehouse overhaul, and a multitude of painting, building and maintenance projects and more. We CANNOT get these improvements done without a volume of willing hands and backs, so please sign up and come on down! Please call to sign up. Shifts can vary in length depending on your availability, but most projects will happen between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Delivery drivers Kitchen Barber Donation Processing Ladies Boutique Men’s guest services, Facilities & Special Projects Life Change Mentors Contact Tabitha Eck, at 541-344-3251 ex. 160 or complete a volunteer application at . EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK “REBUILT” By Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran Forward by Cardinal Timothy Dolan Rebuilt is simply the story of a parish written from the perspective of a parish priest and a lay minister. Fr. Michael White, whom I have known for many years, and his Pastoral Associate, Tom Corcoran, write with remarkable honesty and humor, telling us about what happened to them. Through trial and error, success and failure, and with some unexpected experiences along the way, they learned a lot about parish life. Most of all, they learned to fall in love with their parish. From beginning to end, the authors provide valuable and useful approaches that are easily transferable to other parish settings. It is a rich resource for pastors, pastoral staffers, and parishioners alike. But more than that, this is a book that takes the New Evangelization seriously and points the way forward for others to do the same. The authors clearly have great room in their hearts for Catholics who no longer practice their faith. This is a group that is growing in our country—a sad fact that demands our attention and deserves our very best efforts to reverse the trend and bring them home. We need an evangelization strategy that is intentionally focused on former Catholics, at the parish level. Moving forward, such a strategy will more and more become the critical and key question in parish life. This book shapes an answer to that question, and it works. Because of that, Rebuilt is one of the most important books for parish ministry in our generation. We will provide continual excerpts from this book in our weekly bulletin when space allows. Please feel free to comment on the material via our parish email: [email protected] Favorite Business? Please let your favorite business owners know that advertising in the church bulletin is affordable, reliable and helps to provide the bulletin at no charge to the church. Whether it be your favorite local business or your own business, our church bulletin is a great place to advertise. For more information, call Catholic Printery: 1-800-867-0660 With your help, we can keep our bulletin free of charge. Worldwide Marriage Encounter It has been said that the greatest gift you can give your children is a father and mother very much in love with each other. Polish up this gift and put a bow on it at a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. You deserve the best and your children need to see you reaching for it. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply online at: for the August 28-30 weekend at the Our Lady of Peace Retreat House in Beaverton, Oregon. Women’s Silent Retreat September 25-27, 2015 Our Lady of Peace Retreat in Beaverton is hosting a Women’s Silent Retreat with Fr. John Boyle. Please come! The retreat theme is “ ‘For You my soul is thirsting, O God, my God’; Yearning to see God.” The weekend begins with dinner on Friday evening and concludes after brunch on Sunday. $150 for the weekend. For inquiries or to register, please phone the retreat house at 503-649-7127 or email [email protected] or St. Benedict’s Women’s Retreat Praying with the Doctors of our Church September 18-20, 2015 Presenter: Barbara Anderson, Pastoral Associate at St. Mary’s in Corvallis Call for the registration form (541-822-3572) or register online at Single room - $100…shared room - $90 for the weekend $30 deposit Cursillo in Christianity Cursillo is a Spanish word for ‘short course’. You will hear inspiring witness talks from laymen/women and two priests. With daily Mass and prayer, you will experience joyful Catholic fellowship and a deeper understanding of our Faith. Jesus invites you to come on a retreat called “Cursillo in Christianity” at St. Rita’s Retreat Center (Gold Hill, near Medford). Men’s Weekend – October 15-18, 2015 Women’s Weekend – October 22-25, 2015 For information and application go to: or call Liz MacMillan, 541-476-2382 or email: Mary Griffin – [email protected] Fr. Karl Schray – [email protected] Página en Español, PÁGINA Agosto EN ESPA23, 2015 Información en Español llame a la oficina Lunes, Martes y Viernes de 9:00 am 12:00 pm La Iglesia Católica y el Plan de Dios para Ti Hablando con Dios y sus Santos (Parte 34) ¿Te Está Garantizado el Cielo? La Biblia deja claro que los cristianos tienen una seguridad moral de salvación (Dios permanecerá fiel a su palabra y otorgará la salvación a los que tienen fe en Cristo y le son obedientes (1 Jn 4:19-24), pero la Biblia no enseña que los cristianos tienen una garantía del cielo. No puede haber una garantía absoluta de salvación. Al escribir a los cristianos Pablo dijo: “Mira, la benignidad y la severidad de Dios; la severidad ciertamente para con los que cayeron, pero la benignidad para contigo, si permaneces en esa benignidad; pues de otra manera tú también serás excluído.” (Ro 11:22, Mt 18:21-35, 1 Co 15:1-2, 2 P2:20-21). Observa que Pablo incluye una condición importante “si permaneces en la benignidad.” Él está diciendo que los cristianos pueden perder su salvación al desecharla. Él advierte: “Así que, el que piensa estar firme, mire que no caiga” (1 Co 10:12) Campaña “Primeros 1000 Días” Cultura de Iniciativa Católica de Vida Donde todos son acogidos y amados por la misericordia (día 161) “Entre los más vulnerables para quienes la Iglesia quiere cuidar con especial amor y preocupación son los niños no nacidos, los más indefensos e inocentes entre nosotros." Papa Francisco Júntese a la búsqueda De conocer a Jesucristo y su Santa Iglesia Adultos entre las edades 21-39, vengan y participen en el misterio de la Santa Trinidad y un Dios bondadoso. Comenzando el 3 de septiembre, nos juntaremos cada Semana a las 6:45 pm en la iglesia de St. Mary. Para consultas, contactar a [email protected] o 541-270-9329 Ultrasonido Gratis ofrece 1st Way Estamos buscando mujeres de 6 a 16 semanas de embarazo que quisieran un ultrasonido gratis. Nuestras enfermeras y técnicos recibirán un entrenamiento especializado durante la semana del 14 al 18 de septiembre 2015. Si estás interesada en recibir un ultrasonido gratis durante esa semana te necesitamos solamente una hora, entre las 9:00 am y 12:00 pm y la 1:00 y 4:00 pm. Favor de llamar a nuestra oficina al 541 687 8651 para indicar el día y la hora que puedes venir. Si participas recibirás pañales para tu bebé. También puedes comunicarte a [email protected] Fe Familiar Preguntas para Compartir † 21 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario † Juan 6: 60-69 Hoy en el Evangelio Jesús dice: “Mi carne es verdadera comida y mi sangre verdadera bebida” Al oír esto muchos discípulos se escandalizaron y decían “ ¿Quién puede admitir eso?” Al oírlo Jesús les dice: “¿Esto les escandaliza? ¿Qué tal que el Hijo del Hombre subiera donde estaba antes? El Espíritu es quien da la vida, la carne para nada aprovecha, las palabras que les he dicho son espíritu y vida y a pesar de esto, algunos no creen” Entonces muchos de sus discípulos volvieron a su forma de vida anterior y ya no acompañaron a Jesús. ¿Qué significa para ti cuando Jesús dice que su carne y sangre son verdadera comida y bebida? ¿Cómo te ayuda a ti recibir la verdadera comida y bebida de la que Jesús habla? Confesiones en Español Miércoles 26 de Agosto 11:00 am a 12:00 pm.. Viernes 28 de Agosto 11:00 am a 12:00 pm Sábado 29 de Agosto 4:00 a 5:00 y 7:00 a 8:00 pm La Caminata de Jericó Acompáñanos a la ½ hora de Apoyo a Pro-Vida en la caminata alrededor de Planned Parenthood en Glenwood. Esta es la cuarto caminata de 8 mensuales será el 29 de agosto a la 1:00pm. Cada caminata se llevara a cabo el último sábado de cada siguiente mes. La idea se tomo del pacto de Alianza en la Ciudad de Jericó. Vamos a procesar con el Arca de la Alianza, que es Nuestra Santa Madre. Para más detalles email o llamar a Doris Simpkins 541- 520-6787 [email protected] PLANIFICACION NATURAL DE LA FAMILIA (PNF) Las principales religiones incluyendo la Iglesia Católica, aceptan el uso de la Planificación Natural de la Familia(PNF), por parejas casadas cuando hay una razón justificada para posponer un embarazo. La Iglesia Católica enseña claramente que el uso de anticonceptivos es inmoral (también así lo enseñan los judíos, ortodoxos y protestantes). Además diferentes anticonceptivos como la píldora, implantes, inyecciones y el DIU, pueden causar abortos tempranos, es decir, pueden impedir que el bebe recién concebido se implante en el útero de su mamá. La Liga de Pareja a Pareja es una organización de voluntarios, fundada en 1971, dedicada a promover y enseñar sobre la PNF. Esto lo hacen mediante la capacitación profesional de parejas de esposos que comparten con otras parejas su conocimiento y experiencias personales con el Método Sintotérmico, la Paternidad Responsable y Lactancia. Requisitos para el Curso: ~ La pareja tiene que asistir al curso, desde la primera clase (sin excepción). ~ El curso tiene un costo de $55.00 (incluye el material de estudio) más una donación de $15.00, por pareja. ~ El curso consta de 3 clases y serán las siguientes fechas: Sábado, Septiembre 19 @ 5:00pm - 8:00pm Sábado, Septiembre 26 @ 5:00pm - 8:00pm Sábado, Octubre 24 @ 5:00pm - 8:00pm Lugar: Iglesia Católica Santa María de Eugene (St. Luke room) Para mas información por favor contactar a : Aracely y Edward Gonzalez (541)206-4849/2064892. Sunday, August 23 Monday, August 24 ST. BARTHOLOMEW 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ La Esperanza Music Practice Thursday, August 27 Friday, August 28 Saturday, August 29 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass Tuesday, August 25 Wednesday, August 26 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice Sunday, August 30 ST. MONICA 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 7:00 ~ Esperanza Prayer Group 7:30 ~ LifeTeen Band Practice ST. AUGUSTINE 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Holy Hour THE PASSION OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 8:00 † Mass 4:00 ~ Reconciliation 5:30 † Vigil Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 ~ Reconciliation TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME KC Breakfast 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass Monday, August 31 Tuesday, September 1 Wednesday, September 2 Thursday, September 3 Sunday, September 6 Monday, September 7 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:55 † Mass 9:15 ~ DJM 12:15 † Communion Service 5:30 ~ St. Mary Conf./SVdP 6:30 ~ La Esperanza Music Practice 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice Staff Retreat Parish Office Closed Friday, September 4 6:55 † Mass 10:00 ~ Prayer Shawl Meeting 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ La Esperanza Saturday, September 5 8:00 † Mass 9:00 ~ DJM 4:00 ~ Reconciliation 5:30 † Vigil Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 ~ Reconciliation TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Esperanza Breakfast 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass 11:00 † Mass 12:00 ~ English Baptisms 1:00 † Misa 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass ST. GREGORY THE GREAT 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Stations of the Cross (for Victims of Abortion) 7:00 ~ Esperanza Prayer Group 7:30 ~ LifeTeen Band Practice 9:00 † Mass Labor Day Parish Office Closed
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