Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church | Weekly Bulletin October 11th ,2015 917 Morris Ave. Bronx NY 10451 Tel: 718-293-0984 Fax: 718-293-7325 [email protected] Parish Service Hours Office: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Weekday Mass Schedule: Monday-Friday: 1:00 PM (English) Thursday: 7:30 PM (Español) Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday-5:30 PM (English) 7:30 PM (Español) Sunday – 9:30 AM (English) 11: 00 AM (Español) Ministries Eucharistic– Claudina García Altar Server – Carmen Alcántara Lectors – Music – Mary Sin, Coro de Brito, Angélica Rivera And Celsus Okany. Youth – Mildred López Usher – Juan Reyes SERVED BY: Rev. Nestorio Agirembabazi, AJ Pastor Rev. Deacon Felipe Sin Sr. Maria Pagan, OBT Religious Educator Ms. Frances Acosta, OFS Principal Julie Sierra, Pastoral Council Chair Person Ms. Eva Moallem Coper Parish Secretary Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church | Weekly Bulletin JUBILEE CELEBRATION: On Sunday October 18th 2015 we will celebrate the silver jubilee of Fr. Nestorio Agirembabazi’s ordination to the priesthood. Holy Mass will be celebrated at St. Angela Merici Church at 3:00 pm. A PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND AND ITALY: A pilgrimage to the holy land and Italy has been scheduled to take place from May 1st 2016 to May 14th 2016. The total cost including the airline ticket is $ 3989.00. It will be a great holy trip with the spiritual direction of Fr. Nestorio Agirembabazi, A.J. our pastor who will be traveling with us. For more information please contact us at 718-293-0984 or Mariluz Morel at 646-529-4831. COLUMBUS DAY MASS: On Monday, October 12, 2015 there will be a celebration of Columbus Day Mass sponsored by the Italian Apostolate of the Archdiocese of New York. Where: St. Patrick's Cathedral 5th Avenue and 50th Street New York, NY 10022. Time: 9:30 am. Cost: FREE. For tickets please email- [email protected]. For more information please call: Fr. Robert Aufieri at: 212-3711000.Please call Leticia Nunez at 631-507-7496 or the Rectory at 718-293-0984. PARISH CHRISTMAS RAFFLE: Tickets for our parish annual Christmas raffle are already being sold in the back of the church and outside by some designated members of our church. While this is a fundraising activity for maintaining our church, it is also a great opportunity for any of our parishioners to win those valuable prizes. God bless! THE HOLY ROSARY IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER: October is a special month for every baptized Christian to pray the Rosary with devotion. Let parents and guardians help their children in this regard. However, every Devotion Group in our Parish will be assigned a day in the coming month of October on which they will be responsible for leading the Rosary in the Church. THANKSGIVING DAY: On Thursday November 26th we will celebrate our thanksgiving day. We will have a bilingual vigil Mass on Wednesday November 25th at 7:30 pm and a bilingual mass on Thanksgiving Day in the morning at 9:30 AM. There will be no evening Mass on that day. Whoever wishes to donate some dry or canned food for those in need of Thanksgiving Day food can start bringing it to the parish rectory. We will appreciate if you will bring only that food which is not expired. October 11th , 2015 ENGLISH CLASSES : St. Angela Merici Church is planning to offer opportunities to those who are interested in learning to speak and write in English as a second language on Saturdays beginning from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at a minimum donation of $50.00. Time for three months. Place: St. Angela Merici Convent basement. Registration is under way here at the parish. For further information please call Miss Lisbeth Reyna at 1-917-660-0971 or call 1-718-293-0984 or Email [email protected], 2014 – 2015 PARISH FINANCIAL ANNUAL REPORT : This past weekend, members of our Parish Finance Committee presented us a report of the parish finances both Income and Expenditure. We are able to run smoothly because of your constant support in the weekly collection, fund raising activities, pilgrimages, holiday collections and donations from individuals who sponsor items like altar wine, liturgical candles, communion bread, bulletin Adverts, Annual Dinner, etc. As your Pastor, I wish to thank each one of you for your thoughtfulness and generosity towards our parish. I encourage you to continue in that spirit. May God keep blessing you. Amen. THE OFFICE OF THE BRONX DISTRICT ATTORNEY: The Office of the Bronx District Attorney In collaboration with Community Board 12, NYPD and the Family Justice Center is offering a FREE informative workshop on DOMISTICE VIOLENCE on Tuesday, October 13, 20015 starting from – 8:00 p.m. at Community Board 12, Carriage House 4101 White Plains Road, Bronx, New York 10466. To RSVP please contact Raeshawn Horry, Program Coordinator at 718-838-7461 or 590-2272 or email: [email protected] PARISH YOUTH COORDINATORS: Mildred Lopez Youth Coordinator and Fabio Sanchez New Assistant St. Angela Youths Coordinator wish to invite all interested Youths to join them form a parish Youth Group. For more information please call 646-546-8310 or 646-457-6810 or Rectory,718-293-0984. ALL SOULS DAY: Monday November 2nd 2015 is a special day for all souls in purgatory. All souls day is a feast of the Roman Catholic Church on which the church on earth prays for the souls of the faithful departed still suffering in purgatory. It is our Christian duty to offer prayers for friends and loved ones who have passed away. Envelopes for all soul’s day commemoration are provided in the back 2 Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church of the church. Masses is at 1:00 P.M in English and 7:30 pm in Spanish. October 11th , 2015 Jesus tells him, observing the commandments is essential to walking the path of salvation—but it can only get us so far. HAPPY HOLLOW 2015: We are inviting all the children of Saint Angela Merici for a Happy Hollow Party scheduled on Oct. 31, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Please come with your Costume of Angels, Saints and Heroes. There will be a prize for the Best Costume. The entrance fee is $5:00. The Wisdom of God is not precepts, but a person—Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Wisdom whose Spirit was granted to Solomon in today’s First Reading. Jesus is the Word of God spoken of in today’s Epistle. And Jesus, as He reveals himself to the rich man today, is God. VETERANS DAY: On the Veterans Day, Wednesday November 11th 2015, we will have a bilingual mass at 9:30 AM. We shall not have our daily 1:00pm English Mass on that day. SISTERS OF LIFE: Sisters of Life wish to invite individuals who have suffered an abortion to experience God love and mercy. Please call the Sisters of Life : 866-575-0075 or email : woman can go to [email protected] while men can call Theresa Bonpartis at Lumina 877-586-4621 or email [email protected] MARIA REGINA HIGH SCHOOL : Maria Regina High School is Hosting Fall Open House Sunday, October 25, 2015 starting at 1:00 – 4:00pm. They are located at 500 West Hartsdale Avenue, N.Y. 10530. All current 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls and their families are encouraged to attend. Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools 9TACHS) preparation Program is available at Maria Regina High School through Eduscape Associates. Three Hour Boot Camp – November 3, 2015, this is open to all 7th and 8th Grade students. A fee of $150.00 includes study materials. To register online, visit or call Gayle Marchia at Eduscape Associates tel: 914-941-4148 Mobile/Text 914886-5043 or email [email protected] In Jesus we encounter Wisdom, the living and effective Word of God. As He does with the rich man today, He looks upon each of us with love. That look of love, that loving gaze, is a personal invitation—to give up everything to follow Him. Nothing is concealed from His gaze, as we hear in the Epistle. In His fiery eyes, the thoughts of our hearts are exposed, and each of us must render an account of our lives. We must have the attitude of Solomon, preferring Wisdom to all else, loving Him more than even life itself. This preference, this love, requires a leap of faith. We will be persecuted for this faith, Jesus tells His disciples today. But we must trust in His promise—that all good things will come to us in His company. What, then, are the “many possessions” that keep us from giving ourselves totally to God? What are we clinging to—material things, comfort zones, relation *********************************************** PEREGRINACIÓN A TIERRA SANTA E ITALIA: Una SUNDAY REFLECTION: The rich young man in today’s Gospel wanted to know what we all want to know—how to live in this life so that we might live forever in the world to come. He sought what today’s Psalm calls “wisdom of heart.” He learns that the wisdom he seeks is not a program of works to be performed, or behaviors to be avoided. As 3 peregrinación a la Tierra Santa e Italia se ha programado para el 1 al 14 de mayo de 2016. Será un gran viaje con la dirección espiritual del Padre Nestorio Agirembabazi nuestro pastor que va a viajar con nosotros. Precio total de esta viaje es $ 3,989.00. El Que quiera hacer esta santa peregrinación puede por favor llamar a la Rectoria : 718293-0984 o Mariluz Morel al 646-529-4831. 25 ANIVERSARIO DE SACERDOCIO DEL PADRE NESTORIO: El domingo 18 de Octubre 2015 vamos a celebrar las bodas de plata de la ordenación de P. Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church | Weekly Bulletin Nestorio Agirembabazi al sacerdocio. La Santa Misa será celebrada en la Iglesia Santa Ángela Merici a las 3:00 pm. RIFA NAVIDENA: Los boletos para la Rifa Navideña anual de nuestra parroquia ya se están vendiendo en la parte posterior de la iglesia y fuera por algunos miembros designados de nuestra iglesia. Esta es una actividad para recaudar fondos para el mantenimiento de nuestra iglesia, también es una gran oportunidad para cualquiera de nuestros feligreses ganar esos valiosos premios. ¡Dios bendiga! DIA DE COLUMBUS: El Lunes, 12 de Octubre 2015, habrá una celebración del Día de la Raza Misa patrocinada por el Apostolado Italiana de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva York. Dónde: Catedral de San Patricio quinta Avenida y la calle 50 de Nueva York, NY 10022. Hora: 09:30 am. Gratis. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a: P. Robert Aufieri en: 212-371-1000. correo electrónico [email protected]. October 11th , 2015 No habrá Misa de la 1:00pm ni a las 7:30pm, como de costumbre ese día. Quien quiera donar algo de comida seca o enlatada para las personas que necesitan alimentos para la cena Acción de Gracias puede comenzar a atraerlos a la casa parroquial . Apreciaremos si usted solo trae la comida que no este vencida. exponer las reliquias de los santos para la veneración en la iglesia. Tendremos todas nuestras misas de los Sábados a DÍA DE LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS: El Lunes 02 de noviembre 2015 es un día especial para todas las almas del purgatorio. Esta es una fiesta de la Iglesia Católica Romana en la que la iglesia en la tierra reza por las almas de los fieles difuntos que siguen sufriendo en el purgatorio. Es nuestro deber cristiano el ofrecer oraciones por los amigos y seres queridos que han fallecido. Los sobres para poner sus intensiones para la conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos se encuentran en la parte posterior de la iglesia .La misas será 1:00 P.M en Ingles y 7:30 P.M en Español. DÍA DE LOS VETERANOS: En el Día de los Veteranos, JUVENTUD DE LA PARROQUIA: La coordinadora Mildred López y su nuevo asistente Fabio Sánchez de los jóvenes de Santa Ángela Merici desean invitar a todos los jóvenes interesados a unirse a ellos a formar un grupo juvenil de la parroquia. Para más información por favor llame al 646-546-8310 o 646457-6810 , rectoría 718-293-0984. ROSARIO DURANTE EL MES DE OCTUBRE: Octubre es un mes especial para cada católico bautizado rezar el rosario con devoción. Los padres y tutores deben ayudar a sus hijos en este sentido. Cada grupo devocional en nuestra parroquia se le asignará un día especial en este mes de octubre para coordinar el rezo del Santo Rosario en la iglesia. DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS : El jueves 26 de Noviembre vamos a celebrar el día de acción de gracias . Tendremos una misa bilingüe el miércoles 25 de noviembre a las 7:30 pm y una misa bilingüe en el Día de Acción de Gracias en la mañana a las 9:30 AM. Miércoles 11 noviembre de 2015, tendremos una Misa bilingüe a las 9:30 AM. No tendremos la misa diaria en Ingles de la 1:00pm ese día. Happy Hollow 2015: Todos los niños de Santa Ángela Merici están invitados a una fiesta de Hollow programada el 31 de Octubre 2015 a las 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Por favor venga con su disfraz de Ángeles, Santos y Héroes. Habrá un premio para el mejor disfraz. La entrada es 5:00 dólares. REFLEXION DEL DOMINGO: Como determinar cuanto necesito para mi mismo y los que dependen de mi? Es una pregunta para prudencia y sabiduría. En el evangelio un hombre reconoce a Jesús como representante de sabiduría. Entonces hace la gran pregunta, "Que debo hacer para heredar la vida eterna?" Jesús da una respuesta sencilla y directa, "Ya sabes los mandamientos." En realidad todos los sabemos. Aun la persona que no los ha memorizado, los sabe: No mates, no cometas adulterio, no robes, no levantes falso 4 October 11th , 2015 Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church testimonio, no seas injusto, honra a tu padre y a tu madre. Los mandamientos son tan comunes - y por ser honesto, tan exigentes - que con ganas saltamos a la segunda parte. Anda, vende todo lo que tienes, dáselo a los pobres... Parece una salida fácil. Si doy a los pobres quizás mis pecados sexuales no contaran tanto. Cuando crecía me acuerdo que los predicadores se nos aseguraron que el verdadero pobre practica desapego. Esa interpretación tiene una historia venerable pero puede conducir a la auto-decepción. El año pasado una señorita (por la fama de su papas) fue dada un trabajo de $600,000 anualmente. En una entrevisto declaro que en "un nivel fundamental" no le importa el dinero. Pensé en personas en mi parroquia - y especialmente en el Perú que les gustaría tener una migajas de su mesa. *************************************************** Ramona Rodríguez Ana Ramos Víctor Ingles Lucia Olga Dora Rodríguez Alicia Bones Carmen Vázquez Milagros Rivera No estoy proponiendo guerra de clases. Quiero que los ricos tanto como los pobres tengan vida eterna. Si deseas vida eterna, guardes los mandamientos. El sobre no robar significa que si tienes suficiente para tus necesidades básicas todo lo demás pertenece a los pobres. Si digo, "el dinero no me importa," pero agarro a mi propiedad y reservas financieras que realmente no necesito, estoy robando. Y como determino cuanto necesito para mi mismo y los que dependen de me? Es una pregunta para prudencia y sabiduría. Has realmente rezado sobre esa pregunta? Oracion, gratitud, enfoque. Amen. 11 Sun./Dom. 9:30 AM Graciela Roman- RIP 11:00 AM Francisco Suarez - RIP 12 Mon/Lun. 5 1:00 PM Shaoul Moallem - RIP 13 Tues./Mar. 1:00 PM William Diaz - RIP 14 Wed./Miér. 1:00 PM Porfiria Pacheco - RIP 15 Thurs./Jue. 1:00 PM 7:30 PM Secundino Falcon -RIP Moises Garcia -RIP 16 Fri./Vier. 1:00 PM Margarita Fleming- RIP 17 Sat./Sab. Henry Roullard - RIP Margarita Fleming- RIP 5:30 PM 7:30 PM Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church | Weekly Bulletin October 11th , 2015 SACRAMENTS: Last Sunday’s Offertory Collection Colecta Del Domingo Pasado: $ 3,896.00 Second Collection: Segunda Colecta $ 548.00 GRUPOS DE LA PARROQUIA: SOCIEDAD DEL SAGRADO CORAZON: Se reúnen el primer domingo del mes : Encargada: Marcela Pusey MINISTERIO DEL ROSARIO: Rezan el Rosario cada Lunes en diferentes casas : Encargados: Fior y Maximo Inoa GRUPO DE ORACION: Se reúnen todos los Viernes BAPTISM: This sacrament is celebrated on the last Sunday of each month. Parents should call the Rectory for appointment to register. CONFESSIONS: The sacrament of reconciliation takes place every Saturday from 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM. One can as well arrange for a confession during the week by calling a priest for an appointment. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: One can call the rectory and speak to a priest. Please let us also know of those parishioners who are homebound. Communion is often brought to the sick and to the homebound by priests, deacon and our Eucharistic Ministers. MATRIMONY: Couples must make arrangements at least six months before their wedding date. Please call the Rectory for an appointment with a Priest. 7:30pm. Encargado: Hilda Arias COMITÉ GUADALUPANO: Cada Viernes rezan el Rosario por las casas: Mayte Sierra MOVIMIENTO MATRIMONIAL CATOLICO: Tiene RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: Religious Education Program Classes Schedule: Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays of each week. Call to the rectory for more information or contact Sr. Maria Pagan, Director. su reunión mensual en las casas de los miembros: Coordinadores: Máximo y Marcia Correa HIJAS DE MARIA: Se reúnen los Domingos terceros del mes a las 12:00pm :Encargada: Maria Hungria CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD: Ultreya todos los Domingos a las 9:00am : vocal: Ignacio Veras Welcome to our parish/ Bienvenido a nuestra parroquia Registration form/ Formulario de Registracion Name/Nombre:______________________________ GRUPO DE JOVENES: Se reúnen los viernes a las Address/ Direccion:____________________________ 7:30pm : Encargada: Mildred Lopez. Apt:______________City:______________________ LEGION DE MARIA: Se reúnen los Jueves a las Zip code _______________Tel:_________________ 6:00pm: Encargada: Mariluz Morel 6 October 11th , 2015 Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church FREE DELIVERY 917-771-9511 347-918-9287 890 Morris Ave. Bronx, NY PONGA SU ANUNCIO AQUI GERARD FARMACY 903 Gerard Ave. Bronx , NY 10452 Phone: 718- 293- 2285 Fax: 718-293- 2287 DISCOUNT ON HEALTH & BEAUTY SUPPLIES ------------------Store---Hours FREE Mon-Fri 9:am-7pm GLOCOUSE Sat 9:am-5pm PONGA SU ANUNCIO AQUI We Accept Most Insurance Plans Fax – Copy- Free Blood Pressure Testing Free Pick-Up and Delivery Free Prescription Transfers MACHINE WITH PURCHASE OF STRIPS Independent Beauty Consultant PONGA SU ANUNCIO AQUI 790 Concourse Vlg W. #22C, BronX, 10451 Tel:718-681-6291 / Cell: 646-345-7127 [email protected] Beauty Salon and Barber Shop Cortes y Tintes * Hair cut & Color Peinados* Hair Styles Extensiones * Extension Desrizado* Relaxer Cejas * Eyes Brows Uñas Acrilicas*Manicure and Pedicure 7 Saint Angela Merici Catholic Church | Weekly Bulletin October 11th , 2015 1781 Jerome Ave. Bronx NY 10453 718-293-9090 Y 23 170 St. Bronx NY 10452 Income Tax . Immigration services Pay Roll . Translations and Other Services. Elite Bookings 1781 Jerome Ave. Bronx NY 10453 Tel: 347-820-7003 Follow us on [email protected] Instagram:_Elite_events Twiter: _Elite_events_ Facebook: Elite Events Zoila Canales COMPRAMOS CARROS VIEJOS Y CHATARRAS Senior National Manager 1010 Sherman ave. Suite 4G Bronx, NY 10456 Tel:718-293-6919 / 718-781-1898 Email:[email protected] 2080 Jerome Ave.entre 181 St. & Burnside, Bronx NY 10453 347-353-7527 “We give good money for your Junk car”. Prestige Beauty Salon and Nails PLACE YOUR ADD HERE DISNALDA 904 Morris Ave. Bronx NY 10451 Tel:718-401-1110 980 Morris Ave. Bronx NY 10456 *Todo tipo de seguros *Para choferes nuevos 20 Semanas de $40.00 *Curso defensivo *Operando con tableta, celular y radio *Tenemos la licencia de SHL-borough taxi 8
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