10 Things Parents Can Do To Help Students Succeed 1. Build relationships with your student's teachers: find out what each teacher expects of your student and how you can help your student prepare to meet those expectations. 2. Read: reading is the foundation for all learning. Help your student’s reading by creating a quiet space to read and to study. Ask questions about what your student has read and take time to read a sample of your student’s assigned texts. 3. Practice writing at home and read your student’s writing: Letters, journal entries, e-mail messages, and grocery lists are all writing opportunities. Show that writing is an effective form of communication and that you write for a variety of purposes. 4. Make math part of everyday life: Cooking, gardening, paying bills, and even shopping are all good ways to help your student understand and use mathematics skills. Show that there may be many ways to get to the right answer and encourage your student to explain his or her method. 5. Ask your student to explain his or her thinking: ask questions. Students should be able to explain their reasoning, how they came up with the right answer, and why they chose one answer over another. Three basic questions from daily conversations can help your student shift into deeper thinking: • What makes you think that? • What sources (evidence) support your thinking? • Can you justify your conclusion based on your evidence? 6. Expect that homework will be done and use ParentVUE: keep track of your student’s homework assignments and regularly look at his or her completed work. Many teachers put the information on their blog. Go to http://www.canbyhs.canby.k12.or.us/entries/category/206 to get started on ParentVUE or for the link to view your student’s grades, schedule, attendance and teacher’s emails. Principal Johnson sends out a parent listserv almost every week – a good resource for what is going on at Canby High School. Find out how you can stay informed about what your student is working on so that you can help at home. 7. Career Center/ASPIRE Program/Academic Counselors: Encourage your student to visit the Career Center frequently. In the Career Center students find important information about college visits, career days, scholarships, internships and other experiences that can assist them to prepare for life after high school. CHS also has a thriving ASPIRE mentoring program that matches trained and supportive adult volunteer mentors with students to develop a plan to help them meet their education goals beyond high school. Do you have a question about your student’s academics? Our academic counselors are always available to answer questions! 8. Encourage group study: open your home to your student's friends for informal study sessions. Promote outside formal study groups through church or school organizations or other groups. Study groups will be especially important as your student becomes older and more independent. The study habits your student learns now will carry over into college and beyond. 9. Spend time at school: the best way to know what goes on in your student's school is to spend time there. If you're a working parent, this isn't easy, and you may not be able to do it very often. But "once in awhile" is better than "never." Parents can support students by attending plays, concerts, athletic events, and parent/teacher conferences (to name a few!). Encourage your student to get involved! 10. Take advantage of CHS’s resources: We have two tutor centers at CHS. For math help, students can go to the Math Center and for English language arts help they can go to the Language Arts Lab. Both are open before, during and after school. The library/media center is open until 5:00pm most days Contactos importantes Queremos apoyar a usted y a sus estudiantes. No dude en ponerse en contacto con la gente de abajo si usted tiene algunas preguntas, comentarios o preocupaciones. Nombre Pat Johnson Kimie Carroll Mark Martens John Ogden Andrew Young Kelly Nace Daren Gilbert Trevor Lockwood Holly Thompson Jamie Netter Karlie Richardson Función Teléfono Administración Director 503.263.7201 Directora Asociado de Currículo e 503.263.7203 Instrucción y estudiantes del 9no Grado. Director Asociado de Atletismo 503.263.720 Director Asociado de Actividades y 503.263.7202 Servicios Especiales. Consejería Consejero Académico para los 503.263.7200 estudiantes cuyo apellido es de A-G x5348 Consejera Académico para los 503.263.7200 estudiantes cuyo apellido es de H-O x5347 Consejera Académico para los 503.263.7200 estudiantes cuyo apellido es de P-Z x5346 Especialista de Intervención y 503.263.7200 Prevención x5343 Coordinadora YTP y Consejera de 503.263.7200 Intervención 9no Grado x5022 Centro de Carreras Centro de Carreras y Coordinadora de 503.263.7218 ASPIRE Secretaria del Centro de Carreras 503.263.7200 x5020 Correo Electrónico [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Portions of this document are from Merrillville Community Schools, Merrillville, Indiana
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