Welcome to ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario August 2, 2015 St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church presents… The ALPHA Course The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, low key, friendly and fun environment. Alpha is a 12-week course consisting of a series or talks covering topics such as “Who is Jesus?” And “Why and How do I pray?” After each talk, small groups are formed for time of discussion. Our Next Session will start on: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas We are a Community of Believers in Jesus, the Christ, called to impact Family, Neighborhood and Society with the Gospel so that People's lives are filled with Hope. Monday, August 3 through Saturday August 8: 7:00 a.m. Daily Mass (Church) Tuesday, August 4: 6:30 p.m. Evening Mass (Church) Saturday, August 8: 7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Sacrament of Penance Vigil Mass (English) Vigil Mass (Spanish) Sunday, August 9: 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Mass Mass Mass Mass (Spanish) Mass Friday (7:00 a.m.) — Saturday (7:00 a.m.): 24-Hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Priests Administrator: Father Michael Miller Parochial Vicar: Father Emmanuel Ukaegbu- Onuoha In-Residence Priest: Father Eugene Eburuche In-Residence Priest: Father Declan Fogarty, O.S.A. Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday: 8-5:00 p.m. Friday: 8-12:00 p.m. (Open during lunch!) 12686 Central Avenue, Chino, California 91710-3508 www.smmchino.org Parish Office — (909) 591-7400 Parish School — (909) 591-8419 Page Two St. Margaret Mary Parish August 2, 2015 Wednesday, August 5: 7:00 a.m. † Jose Manrique † Irving Thomas Saturday, August 1: 7:00 a.m. † Mary Madrid Cortez 4:00 p.m. † Pierre Larteguy † Maria Larteguy 6:00 p.m. Sp. Int. Luz Stella Rubiano † Jorge Pereira Sunday, August 2: 7:30 a.m. † Natalie Woodward 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. † Leah MacDonald † Anita & John Venegas † Juvenal Ormande Da Rocha † Manuel and Carmelia Sousa Sp. Int. People of the Parish Sp. Int. Luz Stella Rubiano † Natividad Martinez Osornio Monday, August 3: 7:00 a.m. † Irene Carlo † Phillip Perez Tuesday, August 4: 7:00 a.m. † Phylis Sullivan Sp. Int. Henry Zoetemelk Jr. Thursday, August 6: 7:00 a.m. † Irene Carlo Sp. Int. Maria and Bill Greenwald Friday August 7 : 7:00 a.m. † John and Ruth Silva Sp. Int. Laurie Worden Saturday, August 8: 7:00 a.m. † Pat Riley Bookout 4:00 p.m. † Frank and Henry Cardoza † Al Acosta 6:00 p.m. † Ivo Rocha † Alfredo Perez Patino Sunday, August 9: 7:30 a.m. † Natalie Woodward 9:00 a.m. † Pedro & Cleotas Ramos † Peter Ramos & Irene Nava 11:00 a.m. † Samantha Romero † Ronnie G. Alvarez 1:00 p.m. Sp. Int. People of the Parish † Amparo Martinez 5:00 p.m. † Luz Bazulto TODAY'S READINGS / LECTURAS DE HOY. First Reading — The people of Israel receive bread from heaven in response to their grumbling (Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15). Psalm — The Lord gave them bread from heaven (Psalm 78). Second Reading — Put on the new self that has been created in God’s way (Ephesians 4:17, 20-24). Gospel — I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger (John 6:24-35). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. Thank you from the Portuguese Prayer Group and the Rosary Makers for making the bake sale a Success. READINGS FOR THE WEEK / LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81:12-17; Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51:3-7, 12-13; Mt 14:22-36 or Mt 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25 — 14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23; Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 Friday: Dt 4:32-40; Ps 77:12-16, 21; Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dt 6:4-13; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; Mt 17:14-20 Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34:2-9; Eph 4:30 — 5:2; Jn 6:41-51 Page Three St. Margaret Mary Parish August 2, 2015 A Note from the Administrator... Dear friends, All last May I tried to comfort and encourage our parish staff by saying over and over, “summer’s close. Hang in there. Things will slow down.” Well, summer came … and things got more hectic --- but it was with wonderful things. Isaiah’s Rock (with wonderful Pastors Char and David King, their children, grandchildren and a host of volunteers) used our parish hall as a home base for distribution of food for the needy. It was such a blessing to have them here, and I was proud of the parishioners from St. Margaret Mary who helped them as volunteers!!! New chairs, new tables, refinished floors, souped up airconditioners, new carpet … and Lord knows what else … is coming to Sacred Heart hall (including the library) and Catechetical offices. A special thanks to Paulette Burandt and her husband, our wonderful Knights of Columbus … and so many others for keeping this huge process in motion. I guess there will be time to rest when we die … and until then; God gives us enough “time-outs” to keep us going. God bless you … and sincere thanks to all who have given part of their busy summer to help our parish thrive. Peace, All Good! F. Mike We had our third annual Vacation Bible School for kids. Anyone within two miles of here could hear children having the best time. Sixty volunteers, under the leadership of Vince and Gena Polito, gave love and service and Jesus to 170 children (up from 120 last year, and 80 the year before). Estimados amigos: Hace poco, en el mes de mayo les repetía continuamente al personal de la rectoría, palabras de consuelo y de estímulo ---el verano está a la vuelta de la esquina así que aguántense que después de la tempestad vendrá la calma. El verano llegó…así como también todo el ajetreo. Sin embargo, después de todo ésto pasaron cosas maravillosas. “Isaiah’s Rock” (en conjunto con los Pastores Char y David King, sus hijos, nietos, y un sinfín de voluntarios) utilizaron nuestro salón parroquial como base de la distribución de comida para los necesitados. Fue una gran bendición tenerlos aquí. Así también, me llenó de orgullo el ver que feligreses (de Santa Margarita María) se integraron a ser voluntarios para esta noble causa! También tuvimos por tercera vez las Vacaciones de Biblia para los Niños bajo la tutela de Vince y Gena Polito; con 60 voluntarios que brindaron amor, servicio y compartieron las enseñanzas de Jesús a 170 niños; eso comparado a 120 niños que tuvimos el año pasado y de 80 niños el primer año. ¡Pienso que cualquiera que estuvo en las proximidades de hasta casi dos millas de aquí pudieron escuchar el bullicio de todos esos niños! Tendremos sillas y mesas nuevas, alfombras nuevas, pisos restaurados, el arreglo del sistema del aire acondicionado, y sabe Dios que más pasará en los salones del Centro del Sagrado Corazón e incluyendo la biblioteca y las instalaciones de ¡Paz y bien! Padre Mike las oficinas de catequesis (educación religiosa). Para lo cual agradezco enormemente a Paulette Burandt y su esposo como también a nuestros queridos Caballeros de Colón y a muchos otros más que han sido partícipe de este proyecto en marcha. Ya después de todo este ajetreo me imagino que tendremos bastante tiempo de descanso ya cuando nos llegue la hora de pasar a mejor vida; pero hasta entonces Dios nos dá suficiente tiempo de descanso para nosotros seguir en la lucha diaria. Que Dios los bendiga y reitero mi agradecimiento sincero para todos los que hayan sido parte de todo este trabajo este verano y para el bienestar y el progreso de nuestra parroquia. Page Four St. Margaret Mary August 2, 2015 2015 Diocesan Development Fund Campaign Goal set by Diocese: Meta establecida por la Diócesis: Sunday’s Collection $73,400.00 Parish Pledge Totals / Total de Promesas a partir del 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 25\26, 2015 Envelope Loose Checks & Cash As of July 27 , 2015 $10,233.24 $3,049.61 Amount Pledged/Prometido Total: $122,740.00 Received/Recibido: 72,777.02 Donors/Donantes: 419 Parish School Staff Parish School (909) 591-8419 Waylynn Senn (Principal)………………([email protected]) Laura Bruce (Office Mgr.)……………….([email protected]) Monica Silva (Secretary)…………...([email protected]) www.smms-chino.org. Diocese of San Bernardino (sbdiocese.org) …..…909-475-5300 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops…………….. usccb.org Parish Staff Father Michael Miller (Administrator)……………………...………….ext. 225 Richie Garcia (Pastoral Care)………………...………………..……...ext. 226 [email protected] [email protected] Nancy Haynes (Asst. to Pastoral Administrator)……………..…..…ext. 222 Father Declan Fogarty (In Residence) [email protected] Paulette Burandt (Asst. to Religious Education)………………….... ext. 230 Father Emmanuel Ukaegbu-Onuoha (Parochial Vicar)…………….ext. 224 [email protected] [email protected] Luis Caballero (Parish Liturgist)………………………………….... Marianne Hacker (Pastoral Administrator)……………………….… ext. 223 [email protected] [email protected] Gabriela Gilbert (Coordinator of Volunteers)……………………….. ext. 221 Nancy Keegan (Director of Religious Education)……………..…….ext. 231 [email protected] Stephen Brown (Bulletin Editor)………….………………………….... [email protected] Joe Chiuppi (Director of Confirmation/Youth Minister)……………..ext. 232 [email protected] [email protected] LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Master of Ceremony EMHC (English) EMHC (Spanish) Lectors (English) Lectors (Spanish) Ushers/Hospitality (English) Ushers/Hospitality (Spanish) Altar Servers (English/Spanish) Music Director Javier and Ana Alcala…… …………….....(909) 248-3403 Peggy Campbell...…………………….…..(909) 947-2574 Mary Monroy ………………………………(909) 994-6653 Javier and Nancy White…………..……….(909) 217-2144 Elvia Aguilar ……….………………………(909) 927-2882 David and Rita Wettengel…………...…....(909) 627-4138 Armando & Sandra Zavalet……………...(909) 247-4611 Andrew González…………………………(909) 638-4828 Scott Hacker ………………………...........(714) 749-1550 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Service Ministries and Prayer Parish Organization Homebound — Germaine Lanathoua.... ............ ………….909-627-9357 Altar Ministry —- Josephine Almirantearena…........... ……….909-627-9017 Art & Environment Ministry —- Laurie Worden ......................909-591-8820 Women’s Fellowship/Bible Reflection—Teresa Farr…. ……909-627-6054 Pro-Life Ministry — Debbie Cruz………….………………..…..909-235-9602 Grupo de Oracion — Jose Luis Isidro.…...…………….….…...909-994-6144 Legion of Mary — Terry Medina…………….......................909-627-1478 Cursillo — David Montoya....……..………….………………909-627-0760 Men’s Bible Study — Jesse Isom …………………… …….….909-627-3765 Library Ministry— Angie Alvo....……..…….……….………909-627-1912 Filipino Ministry — Adel Rellora ……….....................................909-315-9812 Knights of Columbus — Armando Hernandez…………..…....909-573-7580 Men’s ACTS Retreat—Richard Soto………………………. .. ...909-463-8095 Women’s ACTS Retreat—Melinda Ramirez………….…...909-346-5088 Wedding Coordinator—Ana Alcala…………………….…..323-209-7474 Table of Plenty (Food Pantry)- Luis Calvo Jr……………..909-248-5665 Rosary Makers — Ed Gomez…………………………….....951-285-3529 Portuguese Prayer Group —Rose Avila…………………..909-591-7651 2000 Hail Mary— Rose Avila………………………..……….909-591-7651 Quinceanera’s — Blanca Lindley…………………..……….909-952-8962 Page Five St. Margaret Mary August 2, 2015 Singing should always be a joyous activity. The “Ministry of Choir” is one means by which joy is expressed through singing. When singing during celebration of the Mass, we are reminded of the saying, by St. Francis of Assisi, “One who sings… prays twice.” The members of each choir at St. Margaret Mary Church seek to celebrate the liturgy in a manner that promotes participation by all with joy and reverence. The mission of St Margaret Mary Catholic Church choirs is to enrich, inspire, motivate, and engage the community in hymns and sacred songs in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations. The 11:00 AM Choir is presently recruiting for Choir Members – Vocalists and Musicians. If you have a passion for singing and/or playing an instrument and you feel that you are being called to share your gifts with the congregation of St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church…please take the time to contact ALPHA IS COMING. The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, low key, friendly and fun environment. Alpha is a 12-week course consisting of a series or talks covering topics such as “Who is Jesus?” And “Why and How do I pray?” After each talk, small groups are formed for time of discussion. MASS ANNOUNCEMENTS Starting August 4th, it will be at 6:30pm Also, on August 4th at the 6:30pm Mass, Fr. Hilarion will be celebrating the Mass and his 42nd Anniversary as a priest. Thank you for your support and prayers! I hope all is well. I am currently in training and I love it all. Our new missionaries arrive August 20th. Please pray for them. Know that I am constantly praying for all of you at our parish and youth ministry!!! God bless, Christina Serna There will be a reception outside after Mass. LOST AND FOUND (Check with the ushers) OBJETOS PERDIDOS (consulte con los ujieres) Page Six St. Margaret Mary August 2, 2015 LEADERSHIP TRAINING Join us as we discover what it means to be a Christian leader in the 21st century. All high school aged teens welcome. Dates: August 3,10 YOUTH NIGHTS Sunday’s from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm Are you looking for some fun? Do you want to grow in your faith? Then this is the night for you! We BBQ, swim, go bowling and learn about our faith all at the same time. Dates: August 2, 9, 16 SPORTS NIGHTS Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Join us for some fun in the field. We play all sports and everyone is welcome, even if you don’t play sports. Dates: August 5, 12 Page Seven St. Margaret Mary August 2, 2015 RCIA AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION The RCIA program is the “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults” Hope to see you there. ALL ARE WELCOME RICA está diseñado para adultos que, después de escuchar el misterio de Cristo proclamado, consciente y libremente buscan al Dios vivo y entran en el camino de la fe y la conversión así como el Espíritu Santo abre sus corazones. Con la ayuda de Dios se fortalecerán espiritualmente durante su preparación y en el momento apropiado, recibirán los sacramentos fructíferamente. The RCIA is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully. For more information, please call Nancy Keegan in the Faith Formation Office. (909) 591-7400 X231. El programa de RICA es el «Rito de Iniciación Cristiano de Adultos» Esperamos verte allí. TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS O simplemente para aprender más acerca de su fe, por favor llame a Nancy Keegan en la Oficina de Formación de Fe. (909)591-7400 X231. Religious Education Registration begins July 6, 2015 Registro de Educación Religiosa comienza el 6 de julio 2015 The Faith Formation Program will begin accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year on July 6, 2015. El Programa de Formación en la Fe comenzará a aceptar inscripciones para el año escolar 2015-2016 el 6 de julio de 2015. Our office hours for registration are Monday through Thursday, 8:00am – 5:00pm (closed on Fridays.) Registration will close when classes are full, no later than September 10, 2015. Nuestro horario de oficina para la inscripciones es de lunes a jueves, de 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (cerrado los viernes). Las inscripciones se cierran cuando las clases están llenas, a más tardar el 10 de septiembre 2015. Tuition is due at time of Registration 1 child $100.00 2 or more children $150.00 Sacrament records are required for new families and registration will not be complete until we receive them. For more information, please call the Faith Formation office at (909)591-7400, extension 230 or 231 La matrícula se da al momento de la inscripción 1 niño/a $100.00 2 o más hijos/as $150.00 Se requieren registros sacramentales para las nuevas familias y el registro no será completo hasta que los recibamos. Para obtener más información, por favor llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe al (909) 591-7400, extensión 230 o 231 St. Margaret Mary Women’s Fellowship invites all adult women to join us for this fall’s bible study Jesus Changes Women by Helene Ashker There are many different kinds of Christians – some are vibrant and growing, others are barely surviving. The good news is that God desires growth for all of His children and has provided everything we need to grow in Him. Jesus Changes Women examines the various elements of spiritual growth and helps women discover how to grow strong in their faith. By looking at the lives of biblical women like Deborah, Mary, Hannah, and others you’ll learn to: root yourself in God’s love, center your life on Christ, nourish your faith with Scripture, enjoy fellowship and much more. If you want your faith to grow and blossom, this Bible study will help you learn what it means to become more like Jesus in today’s world. Registration will take place after all Masses, September 5th & 6th. We will begin 6:30 pm, Thursday, September 17 in the McGinn-Johnson Parish hall. The fee is $15 and covers the cost of your book and materials you will receive during the study. You do not need to be a member of St. Margaret Mary Church to participate. If you have any questions or need more information please feel free to contact Genevieve Crean at 909-627-6992 or Teresa Farr at 909-627-6054. How does the Church define “Circumcision”? A term that means “a cutting around”. God commanded Abraham and his male descendants to be circumcised as the sign of His covenant with them. Though circumcision was practiced at times by the Samaritans, Arabians, and Egyptians for hygienic reasons, among the Hebrews it was always considered as something religious, as a commandment coming directly from God. The infant Jesus was circumcised in accordance with the Jewish ritual. This occurred eight days after his birth and marks one of the few incidents of His childhood that is recorded in the Scriptures (Luke: 2: 21). Circumcision is replaced by Baptism for the followers of Christ in the New Testament (Acts: 15: 1-12). See the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph # 527 for further information. If you have a question, comment or suggestion please contact: Tony Mandala at [email protected] or the Parish Office. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Margaret Mary Church #513922 12686 Central Avenue Chino, CA 91710 TELEPHONE 909 591-7400 CONTACT PERSON Stephen Brown EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 2:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION August 2, 2015 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Place yo ur message here. For maxim um impact, use two or thre e sente nces.
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