St. Francis Catholic Church 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Fax: 972-227-2882 Office Hours Mon—Fri: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Closed for Lunch 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM (Spanish) 7:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Spanish) 12:15 PM Daily Mass Schedule Mon. Communion Service @ 8:00 AM Wed. 6:30 PM Tues, Thurs, & Fri 8:00 AM HOLY DAYS—Call office for Mass times. Rev. Manuel Sabando, Administrator Emergency only Cell 214-934-3228 Deacon Sergio Carranza(214) 515-2239 Deacon Lawrence P. Seidemann, III 214-546-3598 Sara Raines, Business Manager 972-227-7080 [email protected] Gabriela Vela, Secretary [email protected] Nora Goodreau, Organist 972-345-0914 Sherry Granello, Religious Education 972-227-0770 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul assistance Hotline # at: 972-218-6605 Food Pantry—10:30 am to noon on Friday Visitors: We happily welcome you to St. Francis! To register please stop by the office. Visitantes: ¡San Francisco les da coordialmente la bienvenida! Para registrase en la parroquia, visite nuestra oficina parroquial. Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM and Wednesday 5-6 PM or by appointment. Confesiones: Sabados de 3:30 pm a 4:30 pm, miercoles 5:00 pm a 6:00 pm o por medio de una cita. Weddings: Must contact the Pastor six months prior to desired date. Preparation classes are required before the marriage. Contact office for regulations and any rental information. Bodas: Llamar a la oficina seis meses antes para fijar la fecha. Se requieren clases de preparacion. Llamar para los requisitos o alquilar el Salon Parroquial. Baptisms: First & Third Saturday in English at 10 am. Second & Fourth Saturday in Spanish at 10 am. Registered member six months prior to scheduling baptismal date. Parents and Godparents must attend preparation class. Godparents if married, must be according to the laws of the Catholic Church. Beginning in 2016, Baptismal Class second Saturday of the month in February, April, June, August, & October @ 10:00 AM. Bautismos: Primer y tercer sabado en ingles a las 10 am; Segundo y cuarto sabado en espanol a las 10 am. Registrado como miembro de la Parroquia seis meses antes de planificar fecha de Bautismo. Padres y padrinos tienen que asistir a clase de preparacion. Padrinos, si con casados, tiene que ser de acuerdo a las leyes de la Iglesia Catolica. Las clases prebautismales son el primer sabado de cada mes en febrero, abril, junio, agosto, octubre a las 4:00 pm. Baptism of the Lord ***January 10, 2016 Day Sat Date 01/09 Time 5:00 pm Sun 01/10 7:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:15 pm Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 01/11 01/12 01/13 01/14 01/15 8:00 am 8:00 am 6:30 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am Intentions B-day intentions of Creed Parrott, offered by Nana & Papa Lopez Anniv. Remembrance of †Joyce Berges, offered by St. Francis of Assisi staff †Severo Acosta, & †Leonor Galvan, offered by Santiago Acosta B-day intentions of Emmaline Parrott, offered by Nana & Papa Lopez B-day remembrance of †Catine & †Coney Hewitt, †Doris L Poole, †& Alfred J Carr, Sr. & Anniv. Remembrance of Syril Sparrow, offered by Debra Sparrow †Ambroz & †Marija Sipic, offered by Ivan & Ljubica Brekalo †Maria Delgado, offered by Marguerite Delgado For the People †Severo Acosta, & †Leonor Galvan, offered by Santiago Acosta †Jesus Jose Soto, offered by Micaela Berumen †Rafael Sanchez, offered by Alejandro & Elizabeth Esparza †Olga Lidia Reyes, offered by Family Vela †Nelson Guadalupe Oviedo, offered by Lucia Cerda Communion Service Communion Service Communion Service Communion Service Communion Service Weekly need for Operational expenses $8400 Christmas Day $3591.00 Sunday Offering 12/27 Building Fund 12/27 Solemnity Of Mary 01/01 Sunday Offering 01/03 Trujillo, Honduras 01/03 Sun 01/10 8:30 am Mon 01/11 2:30 pm 7:00 pm Tues 01/12 7:00 pm Wed 01/13 7:00 pm Thurs Fri 01/14 01/15 7:00 pm 10:30 am 7:00 pm Sat 01/16 10:00 am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 12/25 $3719.00 $3025.00 $ 905.00 $9807.00 $1438.00 RE Classes Breakfast--K of C Sp. EM training-CH Ch. Spanish choir-CH Dela Mano con Jesus-CL Walking in Faith-CL RE Class-CL Men CRHP-CL Sun. Sp. Choir-CH Meeting with Confirmation Students and Parents-PH RE Class-CL English Choir-CH Youth Group-CL CRHP Women-CL Food Pantry-PH Renovación Parroquial-PH Ultreya-CL English Baptisms-CH RCIA English-CL RICA-Spanish-CL 2nd Collection January 10, 2016—St. Vincent de Paul January 17, 2016—Building Fund Readings for the Week of January 10, 2016 Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11, Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7, Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-19/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-19/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-7/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11 Observances for the Week of January 10, 2016 Sunday: Baptism of the Lord Monday: First Week in Ordinary Time begins Wednesday: Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ©LPi Rosary & Perpetual Novena—Join us in honoring Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal every Sunday after the 10AM Mass in the Chapel by Our Lady’s Altar. Divine Mercy Chaplet—Please join us in the Chapel every Sunday after the 8:00 AM Mass. Also Friday at 3:00 PM after the Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon her. †Doris Brancato, Mother of Phyllis And Deacon Lawrence Seidemann May She rest in peace. 2 | St. Francis Altar Servers Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 9-Jan 10-Jan Alex & Luis V, Sajel P Brian, Eric 16-Jan 17-Jan Alexa & Ariel C Brian, Eric 23-Jan 24-Jan Sajel P, Alexa & Ariel C Brian, Eric 30-Jan 31-Jan Alex & Luis V, Sajel P Brian, Eric Commentators Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 9-Jan 10-Jan Sara G. Edelmira A 16-Jan 17-Jan Paul F Herlinda T 23-Jan 24-Jan Sherry G Alfonso R 30-Jan 31-Jan Louise V Veronica R Lectors Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM-SP 9-Jan 10-Jan Jim G Mari C, Veronica L 16-Jan 17-Jan Javier V 23-Jan 24-Jan Ben R. 30-Jan 31-Jan Paul F 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM Jose R, Carlos R, Victoria U Lilian H, Adi, Joanna H Jordan, Carolina, Michelle Victoria U, Evan R, Jose R Joanna H, Andrew, Skyler Michelle, Rodolfo, Adi Jose R, Carlos R, Victoria U Skyler, Lilian H, Adi Adi R, Emily, Jordan Victoria U, Evan R, Jose R Adi, Joanna H, Andrew Jordan, Carolina, Michelle 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM Sara R Carol A Mari C Oscar S Cathy H Silvia Q Rowland U Teresa H Manuel F Bari R Mary L Ariana O 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM-SP Bari R Irene & Rodney C. Josefina B, Lucy H Teresa M Cassie P, Eddie I Beatriz P, Estela A Jerry S Wendy A & Carol A Veronica L, Ofelia V Sara R Simona L, Jim M Catalina R, Daniela B Veronica R, Venancia N Silvia V, Ines P Juanita B, Silvia Q Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Jan 9 @ 5 pm Jan 9 @ 7 pm Sherry G-c, Virginia G, Rafael B, Jose R, Candido S, Deacon Adela B Jan 10 @ 8 am Jan 10 @ 10 am Jan 10 @ 12:15 pm Andy M-c, Debra S, Deacon Cora C-c, Wendy A, Irene C, Maria E, Gaye H, Pauline H, Mary L, Cathy H, Deacon Lourdes P, Adolfo R, Angela R, Octavio R, Silvia Q, Silvia V, Ofelia V, Venancia N. Jan 17 @ 10 am Jan 17 @ 12:15 pm Jan 16 @ 5 pm Jan 16 @ 7 pm Jan 17 @ 8 am Robin T- c, Barb Y, Deacon Jose R, Candido S, Adela B, Rafael B. Sara & Cliff R, Deacon Jan 23 @ 5 pm Jan 23 @ 7 pm Jan 24 @ 8 am Paul F-c, Cathy C, Deacon Jackie M-c, Jim M, Ajibola O, Peter O, Cassie Doroteo C, Barbara C, Hipolito C, Iris C, MaP, Pauline S, Lilian H, Teresa H, Deacon nuel F, Lucy H, Josefina B, Ana C. Jan 24 @ 10 am Jan 24 @ 12:15 pm Lupita M, Maxi P, Maria P, Debra S-c, Evan Reyna Jr, Irene C-c, Cora C, Mary L, Gaye H, Pauline H, Adolfo R, Angela R, Octavio R, Silvia Q, Silvia Jose M. Deacon Brenda H, Jackie M, Jim M, Deacon V, Ofelia V, Venancia N, Lourdes P. Jan 30 @ 5 pm Jan 30 @ 7 pm Jan 31 @ 8 am Jan 31 @ 10 am Jan 31 @ 12:15 pm Mary B-c, Sherry G, Deacon Rafael B, Jose R, Candido S, Adela B Cliff R-c, Richard B, Deacon Ajibola O-c, Peter O, Cassie P, Pauline S, Lilian H, Teresa H, Cora C, Irene C, Deacon Ana C, Doroteo C, Barbara C, Hipolito C, Manuel F, Lucy H, Josefina B, Volunteer Please keep the sick members of our Parish family in your prayers: Somer Leonard, Yolanda Session, Mary Skov, Nicolas Garcia, Marquis Morris, Don Nnanen, Ivan Brekalo, Deacon Dennis Bryant, Pilar Pineda, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Tom Annello, Mary Neu, Adrian Zapata, William Mayo, Juan Zapata, Angelina Nuno, Mariela Ortiz, Casey McDaniel, Angel Benson, Christian A. Garcia, Al Aldinger, Monica Smith, Frank Reyes, Richard Brumley, Hattie Brown, Ester Estremos, Randy Norman, Miguel Quiñonez, Richard Salas, Mark Seidemann, Carolyn Gangluff, Enemencio Jaso, Mary Sparkman, and all those who are not listed and still are in need of our prayers. If you have a person to add on this prayer list, please call the office at 972-227-4124. You can also write the names of your sick loved ones in the notebook on the stand in the Narthex. Lancaster, TX Page 3 Atención se les avisa a todos los ministros de eucaristía que habrá una reunión mandatoria este domingo 10 de enero a las 2:30 pm en el salón Santa Clara, esperamos su puntual asistencia. 2015 ALTAR SOCIETY BAZAAR WINNERS The ladies of the Altar Society want to thank everyone who supported our Annual Christmas Bazaar by purchasing raffle tickets, baked goods, etc., bidding on the silent auction gifts and shopping with the participating vendors. This is our once a year fund raiser and with your help, we raised over $7,600. We so appreciate your participation in attending and helping to make this project a success. The winners of the raffle prizes were: 1st – St. Francis Statue – Marge Tillotson 2nd – Crocheted Framed Wall Hanging – Cheryl Martin 3rd – Cornucopia table piece – Monica May 4th – Nativity Set – Linda Teague th 5 – Wine & Cheese Basket – Suzanne Williams 6th – Surprise Gift – Shirley Martin Dotty Germino, President – 2013-2015 “Oh What A Night!” Save the date for January 23, 2016 for Bishop’s Gala! The 18th Annual Bishop‘s Gala benefiting Catholic Charities of Dallas will feature Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons! This year‘s gala will be chaired by the Founding Angels of Charity with Jere W. Thompson as Honorary Chair. The event will be at the Hilton Anatole on January 23, 2016. Underwriting is available. The cost of the event is $325/ticket, with all proceeds going to poverty-centered programming. Don‘t forget raffle tickets! One ticket for $50 or three for $100! Winner will choose one of three trips: • Seven Night Alaskan Cruise for Two • US Open Golf- Premium Trophy Club- Package for Four • 2016 Tony Award Show- Mezzanine SeatsPackage for Four For more information and to buy tickets, please visit or call 214-520-6590, Ext. 1105. Sanctuary Candle burns the week of January 10-16, 2016 In memory of †Catine & †Coney Hewitt, †Doris Louise Pool, & †Alfred John Carr, Sr. and †Syril Sparrow Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them May they rest in peace. Offered by, Debra Sparrow 4 | St. Francis Sunday TV Mass for the homebound has moved to KTXD channel 47 at 7:00 a.m. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him 1st Anniversary Remembrance of †Nick Storti Grandson of Jim & Sue Moorman May he be in the arms of the angels and surrounded by peace and love. We miss him every day but will always have his beautiful smile in our hearts. May he rest in peace. Offered by Grandparents, Jim & Sue Moorman A Note from Fr. Manny Dear St Francis Family, Today, we solemnly celebrate the feast of the Baptism of Jesus. Until last week, we celebrated the infant Jesus. From today, we celebrate the adult Jesus. This celebration marks the transition from our liturgical season of Christmas to ordinary time. Jesus was true to his name "Emmanuel" The God who is with us that aside from assuming our human flesh through His human birth, he humbly lined up with the sinners to be baptized by John in the Jordan River. Jesus did it, to show His unity and solidarity with the fallen human race. He was so determined to save His people by letting His presence be felt concretely by the way He cared, loved and forgave sinners as part of His mission in leading back the sinful humanity to His Father. At our baptism, we were marked with oil as a sign that we were consecrated to God and anointed by the Holy Spirit. We are all anointed to join with Christ and share in His threefold mission as a PROPHET to witness, stand and speak for God. As PRIEST to mediate or bridge between God and man in the way we bring and lead our own children close to God, As KING not so much of ruling or commanding but as servant who takes care of his subjects. As baptized Christians, we bring not only the name of Christ but we bring Him to others in word and in deed. May our life witnessing faith make a difference in to others especially this year of Mercy as we share the mission of Jesus to let the mercy and love of God be known and felt by those who have gone away from their faith in God. Yours in His ministry. Fr. Manny ‗ Querida familia de San Francisco, Hoy, celebramos solemnemente la fiesta del bautizo de Jesús. Hasta ayer, celebrábamos al niño Jesús. Desde hoy celebramos al Jesús adulto. Esta celebración marca la transición desde nuestra temporada litúrgica de Navidad al Tiempo Ordinario. Jesús fue fiel a su nombre "Emmanuel" El Dios que está con nosotros, aparte de asumir nuestra forma humana a través de Su nacimiento, hasta humildemente formarse junto con los pecadores para ser bautizado por Juan "el Bautista" en el Rio Jordán. Jesús lo hizo para mostrar Su unidad y solidaridad con la raza humana condenada a morir. Estaba tan decidido a salvar a su pueblo dejando sentir su presencia en concreto por la manera en que Él se preocupó, amó y perdonó a los pecadores como parte de su misión en la que conduce de nuevo a la humanidad pecadora a Su Padre. En nuestro bautismo, fuimos marcados con aceite como señal que estamos consagrados a Dios y ungidos por el Espíritu Santo. Todos hemos sido ungidos para unirnos a Cristo y compartir en su triple misión como PROFETA para ser testigo, mantenerse y hablar por Dios. Como SACERDOTE para mediar o crear una unión entre Dios y el hombre en la manera que traemos y dirigimos a nuestros hijos para que estén cerca de Dios, que como REY no tanto ejecutando poder o mandando sino como siervo que cuida a sus súbditos. Como cristianos bautizados, no solo llevamos el nombre de Cristo sino que también le llevamos a Él a los demás en la palabra y en los hechos. Que mediante nuestra vida de fe podamos hacer la diferencia en los demás especialmente en el Año de la Misericordia cuando compartimos la misión de Jesús de permitir que la misericordia y el amor de Dios sean conocidos y sentidos por los que se han alejado de su fe en Dios. Suyo en el Ministerio de Dios, Padre Manny On Saturday, January 16,2016, North Texas will mark the 43rd anniversary of Roe v Wade, legalizing abortion in America and leading to the death of over 56 million unborn children. Join Bishops Kevin Farrell, Michael Olson and Douglas Deshotel with thousands of people of faith to speak LIFE to this present darkness. Come for all or some of the events... just be sure to come! The day will begin the Roe Memorial Rosaries at Southwestern and Planned Parenthood abortion facilities from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. followed by the following events at KBH Convention Center in downtown Dallas: 11:30 a.m. Concert for Life-Vince Lujan with Manuel Bravo: Jesus Team A 12:30 p.m. Rose Procession 1:00 p.m. Roe Memorial Mass 3:00 p.m. North Texas March for Life and Rally-one of the speakers will be Jewels Green, a former abortion worker turned human rights advocate. For more information, visit Try Prayer! It Works! 2016 Contest—Holy Cross Family Ministries is again sponsoring Try Prayer! It Works! Contest. This year‘s theme is ―Who is my mother? Who are my brothers and sisters?‖ Scripture teaches us that we connect with Jesus by doing the will of God. We must listen carefully for his direction and then do what is asked of us. Do you hear what God is saying? Are you ready to follow his will? Let Mary inspire your creativity in the form of artwork, a poem or an essay to demonstrate your feelings about how you are a part of the family of God. Students in Grades 1st-12 are eligible to enter. Entries will be judged on content, ability to capture and interpret the theme, artistic and technical proficiency, and adherence to rules. Entries may be in English or Spanish. Each entry must be accompanied by an official entry form (available online and in the RE Office). Art: Any medium but no larger than 8 1/2‖ x 11‖. Poetry: On 8 1/2‖ x 11‖ paper with a minimum of 10 lines and a maximum of 30 lines. Essay: Put essay of 50 to 100 words on 8 1/2‖ x 11‖ paper. Entries are due by February 1, 2016. Prizes are $100 for each 1st Place Winner For more information, call 800-299-PRAY or visit Good Luck! RE Class Reminders: Parents must pick up their children in the building. For the safety of all, children will not be allowed to leave the building without a parent. Parents may NOT leave their students unattended in the building. Students must be picked up at the end of the class time. If an emergency occurs and the student cannot be picked up on time, call the RE Office at 972-227-0770. Lancaster, TX |5
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