St. Francis Catholic Church 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Fax: 972-227-2882 Office Hours Mon—Fri: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Closed for Lunch 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM (Spanish) 7:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (Spanish) 12:15 PM Daily Mass Schedule Mon. Communion Service @ 8:00 AM Wed. 6:30 PM Tues, Thurs, & Fri 8:00 AM HOLY DAYS—Call office for Mass times. Rev. Manuel Sabando, Administrator Emergency only Cell 214-934-3228 Deacon Sergio Carranza(214) 515-2239 Deacon Lawrence P. Seidemann, III 214-546-3598 Sara Raines, Business Manager 972-227-7080 [email protected] Gabriela Vela, Secretary [email protected] Nora Goodreau, Organist 972-345-0914 Sherry Granello, Religious Education 972-227-0770 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul assistance Hotline # at: 972-218-6605 Food Pantry—10:30 am to noon on Friday Visitors: We happily welcome you to St. Francis! To register please stop by the office. Visitantes: ¡San Francisco les da coordialmente la bienvenida! Para registrase en la parroquia, visite nuestra oficina parroquial. Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM and Wednesday 5-6 PM or by appointment. Confesiones: Sabados de 3:30 pm a 4:30 pm, miercoles 5:00 pm a 6:00 pm o por medio de una cita. Weddings: Must contact the Pastor six months prior to desired date. Preparation classes are required before the marriage. Contact office for regulations and any rental information. Bodas: Llamar a la oficina seis meses antes para fijar la fecha. Se requieren clases de preparacion. Llamar para los requisitos o alquilar el Salon Parroquial. Baptisms: First & Third Saturday in English at 10 am. Second & Fourth Saturday in Spanish at 10 am. Registered member six months prior to scheduling baptismal date. Parents and Godparents must attend preparation class. Godparents if married, must be according to the laws of the Catholic Church. Beginning in 2016, Baptismal Class second Saturday of the month in February, April, June, August, & October @ 10:00 AM. Bautismos: Primer y tercer sabado en ingles a las 10 am; Segundo y cuarto sabado en espanol a las 10 am. Registrado como miembro de la Parroquia seis meses antes de planificar fecha de Bautismo. Padres y padrinos tienen que asistir a clase de preparacion. Padrinos, si con casados, tiene que ser de acuerdo a las leyes de la Iglesia Catolica. Las clases prebautismales son el primer sabado de cada mes en febrero, abril, junio, agosto, octubre a las 4:00 pm. 4th Sunday of Lent — March 6, 2016 Day Sat Date 03/05 Time 5:00 pm 7:00 pm Sun 03/06 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:15 pm Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 Sunday Offering Building Fund 8:00 am 8:00 am 6:30 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am Intentions B-day intentions of Mary Brown, offered by Mary Brown †Bob Yenco, offered by Barb Yenco †Martha Hunt, offered by Mary Brown †Jerry Prasifka, offered by Debbie Champion †Al Aldinger, offered by Louise Vitale B-day intentions of Atziri Patino, offered by Atziri Patino y Hermanos †Rafael Perez, offered by Atziri Patino & Hermanos †Ireneo Gomez, & †Victor Garcia, offered by Family Garcia For the People Healing prayers for Ljubica Brekalo, offered by Ljubica Brekalo †Charles Taylor, offered by Hernandez family †Bennie Kennedy, Sr, offered by Mary Kennedy, Keesha Benson, and Bennie Kennedy, Jr. & family †Animas del Purgatorio, offered by Rafael Berumen †Nelson Guadalupe Oviedo, offered by Lucia Cerda Communion Service Healing prayers for Ljubica Brekalo, offered by Ljubica Brekalo †Robert Wayne Boyd, offered by Deacon Larry Seidemann Healing prayers for Ljubica Brekalo, offered by Ljubica Brekalo Healing prayers for Ljubica Brekalo, offered by Ljubica Brekalo Weekly need for Operational expenses $8400 02/28 $8264.00 02/28 $3834.00 Sun 03/06 8:30 am Mon 03/07 7:00 pm Tues 03/08 7:00 pm Wed 03/09 10:00 am 7:00 pm Thurs 03/10 10:00 am 7:00 pm Fri 03/11 10:30 am 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Sat 03/05 8:00 am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm RE Classes Breakfast--KC’s Altar Server Training-CH Knights of Columbus Dela Mano con Jesus-CL Walking in Faith-CL Reconciliation Service-CH No RE Class-CL Men CRHP-CL Apologetics class-CL RE Class-CL English Choir-CH Youth Group-PH St. Vincent de Paul mtg-CL CRHP Women-CL Following Jesus’ steps-CL Food Pantry-PH K. C.’s Fish Fry Stations –Ren. Par.-CH Renovación Parroquial-CH Ultreya-CL Seminario-CL Youth Day Retreat-PH RCIA English-CL RICA-Spanish-CL Altar Server training is on Monday March 7, 2016 @ 7 pm. Practice for Holy Week is planned, so please be there. 2 | St. Francis Readings for the Week of March 6, 2016 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12/Ps 34:2-7/2 Cor 5:17-21/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Monday: Is 65:17-21/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12/Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9/Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15/Ps 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18/Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14/Ps 106:19-23/Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22/Ps 34:17-21, 23/Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20/Ps 7:2-3, 9-12/Jn 7:40-53 Next Sunday: Is 43:16-21/Ps 126:1-6/Phil 3:8-14/Jn 8:1-11 Observances for the Week of March 6, 2016 Sunday: 4th Sunday of Lent Monday: Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs Tuesday: John of God, Religious Wednesday: Frances of Rome, Religious Friday: Day of Abstinence Next Sunday: 5th Sunday of Lent ©Liturgical Publications Inc Remember to set your clocks forward 1 hour before going to sleep on Saturday March 12, 2016 for Daylight Savings Time. CRHP fellowship meeting on Monday March 14 at 7 pm in the St. Claire of Assisi Hall. 2nd Collection March 6, 2016—Catholic Relief Services March 13, 2016—St. Vincent de Paul March 20, 2016—Easter Flowers Altar Servers Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 5-Mar 6-Mar Alexa & Ariel C Brian, Eric 12-Mar 13-Mar Sajel P, & Alexa Brian, Eric 19-Mar 20-Mar Alex & Luis V Brian, Eric 24-Mar 25-Mar Holy Thursday @ 7 pm Good Friday after Stations Lillian & Joanna H Commentators Date 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 5-Mar 6-Mar Sherry G Veronica R 12-Mar 13-Mar Louise V Herlinda T 19-Mar 20-Mar Volunteer Maria P 24-Mar 25-Mar Holy Thursday Good Friday Volunteers Volunteers 5:00 PM 7:00 PM-SP 5-Mar 6-Mar Ben R. Juanita B, Maria P 12-Mar 13-Mar Paul F 19-Mar 20-Mar Ben R. 24-Mar 25-Mar Holy Thursday Good Friday Lectors Date 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM Jose R, Carlos R, Victoria U Andrew T, Skyler, Lillian H Adi R, Emily, Jordan Victoria U, Evan R, Jose R Joanna H, Andrew, Skyler Jordan, Carolina, Michelle Jose R, Carlos R, Victoria U Skyler, Lilian H, Adi Michelle, Rodolfo, Adi 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM Bari R Teresa H Federico T Teresa M Mary L Mari C Jerry S Volunteer Lucy H 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:15 PM-SP Sara R Wendy A, Carol A Iris C, Manuel F Oscar S Simona L, Jim M Beatriz P, Veronica L Rowland U Pauline H, Mary L Federico T, Adolfo R Venancia N, Silvia Q Manuel F, Alfonso R Carol A Volunteer Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Mar 5 @ 5 pm Mar 5 @ 7 pm Mar 6 @ 8 am Mary B-c, Cathy C, Deacon Maxi P, Maria P, Jose M, Lupita M. Andy M, Artie L, Deacon Mar 12 @ 5 pm Mar 12 @ 7 pm Mar 13 @ 8 am Virginia G-c, Sherry G, Deacon Rafael B, Jose R, Candido S, Adela B Mar 19 @ 5 pm Mar 19 @ 7 pm Robin T- c, Barb Y, Deacon Lupita M, Maxi P, Maria P, Jose M. 24-Mar Holy Thursday Mar 6 @ 10 am Mar 6 @ 12:15 pm Cora C-c, Irene C, Maria E, Gaye H, Adolfo R, Angela R, Octavio R, Silvia Q, Pauline H, Mary L, Cathy H, Jackie M, Silvia V, Ofelia V, Venancia N, Lourdes P. Deacon Mar 13 @ 10 am Mar 13 @ 12:15 pm Debra S-C, Yolanda D, Deacon Ajibola O-c, Peter O, Cassie P, Paul- Ana C, Doroteo C, Barbara C, Hipolito & ine S, Lilian H, Teresa H, Cora C, Irene Iris C, Manuel F, Lucy H, Josefina B C, Deacon Mar 20 @ 8 am Mar 20 @ 10 am Mar 20 @ 12:15 pm Evan R. Jr-c, Richard B, Deacon Marie E-c, Priscilla G, Gaye H, Pauline Lourdes P, Adolfo R, Angela R, Octavio R, H, Mary L, Cathy H, Jackie M, Jim M, Silvia Q, Silvia V, Ofelia V, Venancia N. Deacon 25-Mar Teresa H Good Friday Teresa H Please keep the sick members of our Parish family in your prayers: Marge Tillotson, Betty Anthony, Yamil Ramirez, Luis Maldonado, Loyda Ramirez, Carrie Porter, Salvador Peña, K C Pena, Priscilla Barron, Somer Leonard, Yolanda Session, Mary Skov, Nicolas Garcia, Marquis Morris, Diana Gonzales, Pilar Pineda, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Emily Gandarilla, Mary Neu, Adrian Zapata, William Mayo, Juan Zapata, Angelina Nuno, Angel Benson, Christian A. Garcia, Monica Smith, Frank Reyes, Richard Brumley, Cora Carder, Ester Estremos, Randy Norman, Miguel Quiñonez, Richard Salas, Mark Seidemann, Carolyn Gangluff, Enemencio Jaso, Mary Sparkman, and all those who are not listed and still are in need of our prayers. If you have a person to add on this prayer list, please call the office at 972 -227-4124. You can also write the names of your sick loved ones in the notebook on the stand in the Narthex. Lancaster, TX Page 3 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FISH FRY Friday nights during Lent come join us for GOOD FOOD, GOOD TIMES and FELLOWSHIP KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 12484 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH Parish Center Hall Dates/Time: March 11, & 18. Dinner 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM. Menu: Fried Fish, Home Made Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, and Hushpuppies, Tea, Coffee and Dessert or a Baked Fish Platter with, Mixed Vegetables, Cole Slaw or Potato Salad and Hush-pup pies, Tea, Coffee and Dessert. COST: $8.00 per adult, $4.00 per child under 12 years of age. The dinner is open to anyone who wants to attend. So Come one, come all; bring your family, friends and neighbors to join us for Good Food, Fun Times and Great Fellowship. We will also host a 50-50 Pot with the drawing being at 6:50 PM to choose the winner. Winner does not have to be present at the time of the drawing. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ in English, March 11-13: Rachel’s Vineyard™ is a life-changing opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifically to help those suffering from an abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. For more information and to register, contact [email protected] or the Healing after Abortion helpline 214-544-CARE (2273). For information about a retreat for men only, visit All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. Parish Wide Lenten Reconciliation Service is scheduled for Tuesday March 8 beginning at 7 pm. There will be a total of 8 Priests to hear confessions. Bilingual Stations of the Cross Fridays during Lent at 6:00 pm Rosary & Perpetual Novena—Join us in honoring Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal every Sunday after the 10AM Mass in the Chapel by Our Lady’s Altar. Divine Mercy Chaplet—Please join us in the Chapel every Sunday after the 8:00 AM Mass. Also Friday at 3:00 PM after the Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction. Free Tax Help at Catholic Charities of Dallas until April 15 Catholic Charities of Dallas is a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program site! This free tax help is for qualifying tax payers, who made less than $53,000 in 2015. You do not have to be a U.S. citizen to receive this assistance. VITA is open on Monday through Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at 9461 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75243 in Conference Room B. For more information on VITA sites, visit or call 1-844-382-1040. Ayuda con Taxes gratis en Caridades Católicas de Dallas, finalizando el 15 de Abril Caridades Católicas de Dallas es un participante del programa de Asistencia con Income Tax por parte de voluntarios (VITA). Esta ayuda es para contribuyentes de impuestos que ganaron menos de $53,000 en el año 2015. No es necesario ser ciudadano estadounidense para recibir esta ayuda.VITA está abierto de Lunes a Jueves de 2:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. y el sábado de 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m., en el 9461 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX. 75243 en el salón de conferencias B. Para más información sobre VITA y los sitios participantes, visite o llame al 1-844-382-1040. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Angels of Charity Luncheon – Compassion in Action The 15th Annual Angels of Charity Mass and Spring Luncheon will be held Tuesday, April 26, beginning with Mass at 10:30 at the Cathedral. The event continues across the street at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center with lunch, drawings, the Angel of the Year presentation to Vicky Lattner and an inspirational program. Dr. Alessandra Comini, a University Distinguished Professor of Art History Emerita at SMU, author and lecturer, is this year’s vibrant speaker. Underwriting opportunities and reservations are available at or by calling 214-520-6590, Ext. 1105. Volunteers for all ministries are needed for the Holy Thursday Mass on March 24, Veneration of the Cross on March 25, and at the Easter Vigil on March 26 at 8:30 pm. Sign up sheets are available in the Narthex. Beginning ExperienceAre you, or is someone you know, struggling after the loss of a marriage partner? The Beginning Experience is a peer ministry for widowed, separated, or divorced individuals. It is a weekend program to help move from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning of hope for the future. Rooted in the Catholic tradition, this ministry is open to men and women of all faiths. The next weekend retreat will be held April 22-24, 2016 at the Catholic Conference and Formation Center in Dallas. To register please call or text our voicemail number at (682) 233-3946, or e-mail the DFW Beginning Experience Team at [email protected]. Additional information can be found at 4 | St. Francis A Note from Fr. Manny Dear St. Francis Family, Once again the “rose” colored vestment is worn by the priest during this weekend Masses. This color liturgically means “REJOICING”. Remember during the season of Advent, it is worn during the third Sunday of Advent known as “Gaudete Sunday”, a day to rejoice in anticipating the birth of our Lord Jesus, and this weekend the fourth Sunday of Lent known as “Laetare Sunday”, a day to rejoice and be glad in anticipation of the Resurrection of Jesus from death. With the joy the gospel brings about the parable of the prodigal son and a loving father, (Lk 15:1-, 11-32). We inherit the joy and Mercy God has for us despite our unworthiness. Jesus expressed through this parable the incredible love God has for us who come back with a repentant heart. His love, mercy and forgiveness are always bigger than our sins, and this is the very message of the “Jubilee Year of Mercy” that Pope Francis proclaimed, to let everyone feel the tremendous love and mercy of God in searching for those who are lost and have gone far away from His love. In response to His love, may we become God’s instrument in mirroring His love for others. Through St. Francis, Fr. Manny Querida familia de San Francisco: Una vez más el sacerdote usa la vestimenta de color “rosado” durante las misas de este fin de semana. Este color litúrgico significa “REGOCIJO.” Recuerden que, durante el tiempo de Adviento, este color se usa durante el tercer domingo de Adviento y se conoce como “Domingo Gaudete”, un día de regocijo a la anticipación del nacimiento de Jesús, y este cuarto fin de semana de Cuaresma se conoce como “Domingo Laetare”, un día de regocijo y alegría a la anticipación de la resurrección de Jesús de la muerte. El Evangelio de hoy nos trae alegría con la parábola del hijo prodigo y el padre amoroso, (Lc. 15:1-11, 32). Heredamos la alegría y misericordia que Dios tiene para nosotros a pesar de nuestra indignidad. Jesús expresó a través de esta parábola el increíble amor que Dios tiene para nosotros cuando regresamos a Él con un corazón arrepentido. Su amor, misericordia y perdón son siempre más grandes que nuestros pecados y este es precisamente el mensaje de este “Año Jubilar de la Misericordia” que el Papa Francisco proclamó para que todos sientan el tremendo amor y la misericordia de Dios en busca de aquellos que están perdidos y se han alejado de Su amor. En respuesta del amor de Dios, que seamos instrumentos de Dios y en el reflejo de Su amor por los demás. A través de San Francisco, Padre Manny Pre Registration for Religious Education Classes—Currently enrolled students with a good attendance record and current parish registration AND all students entering First Grade in August 2016 are eligible to pre register for next year’s classes (2016-17) beginning March 1st. Currently enrolled students will receive a re enrollment form at the end of February. If the student will be returning next year, please return the form to the teacher before the end of March to ensure a spot in a class next year. Please update any changes to address, email or telephone. Registration will be open to all new students beginning Sunday, April 3rd from 9 a.m.– 1:00 p.m., all Tuesdays and Thursdays in April from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. And all Sundays in April from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Marc Chagall: Intersecting Traditions Exhibit at the University of Dallas: Featuring over 50 original works, Marc Chagall: Intersecting Traditions is a series of hand water colored etchings depicting scenes from the Old Testament. As a modern, Jewish artist, Chagall developed a unique visual vocabulary that synthesized elements from diverse cultural and artistic traditions. Because he approached the Old Testament narratives as a set of stories and recurring themes to be broadly interpreted, Marc Chagall was able to produce a deeply human and personal body of work that remains relevant today. Beatrice and Patrick Haggerty gifted the complete portfolio of prints to the Haggerty Museum at Marquette University, Mr. Haggerty’s alma mater, in 1980. We are grateful to their son Patrick Haggerty and the Haggerty Family Foundation for the generous support in making this exhibition possible. Open from February 29-April 29, 2016, from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. For information about field trips for students of all ages and to make reservations call 972-721-5087 or email [email protected]. A Woman’s Day of Reflection: The Dallas Council of Diocesan Women is hosting A Woman’s Day of Reflection on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 from 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Grand Salon. The topic is “Being a Woman of God.” The presenter is Sheri Wohlfert, a veteran motivational humorist. Registration is $30 by April 25, $35 after April 25. All registrations are due by April 30th. Fee includes continental breakfast and lunch. For more information, contact Marcy Reese at 903-238-3356 or email [email protected]. St. Andrew Dinner: The Office of Vocations will be hosting a St. Andrew Dinner for high school age men on Monday, March 14, 2016. The dinner will be at St. Cecilia Catholic Church, 1801 W. Davis Street in Dallas. The evening will begin with Mass at 6:00 p.m. with dinner to follow at 6:30 p.m. The evening should end around 8:00 p.m. Pastors and parish ministers are asked to encourage any young men who have expressed an interest in a priestly vocation to attend this dinner. The young men can RSVP directly at or at the RE Office at 972227-0770. Please contact the Office of Vocations at 214-537-9856 or [email protected] with any questions. Lancaster, TX |5
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