SEPTEMBER 27, 2015 ~ TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTIEMBRE 27, 2015 ~ XXVI DOMINGO ORDINARIO MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK NEXT WEEK MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, September 26th 5:00 p.m. Ir ene Bor ba & +Lois Riddel 7:00 p.m. +Hilar io & +Guadalupe Lopez SATURDAY, October 3rd 5:00 p.m. +Ver a DePass & +Lois Riddel 7:00 p.m. +J osefa Rodr iguez & +Rommel Var gas SUNDAY, September 27th 8:00 a.m. Mar y Louise Cavaletto, & +Alicia Doyd 9:30 a.m. +Pascual Sanchez y Por Todos los Difuntos 11:15 a.m. +Fr ank Hollibaugh (Bir thday) 1:30 p.m. +J esus Lopez y +Pascual Dur an SUNDAY, October 4th 8:00 a.m. Mar y Louise Cavaletto, Rylan McComb & +Joe Canales 9:30 a.m. +J ulian Dur an y +Rommel Var gas 11:15 a.m. The Felecci Family, +Antonio Lopes & +Frank Hollibaugh 1:30 p.m. +Nastacia Rodriguez MONDAY: For the 3 Kings, Cecilia Bower s & +Marcelino Ortiz TUESDAY: J esus Malver de, +Celestino Lopez & +Miguel Soltero WEDNESDAY: +J uan Flor es & +Ar aceli THURSDAY: Jesus A. Manr iquez & +Mateo Reyes FRIDAY: +Luis Lopez AC– FR. ALBERTO CABRERA JS – FR. JASON SIMAS ES– FR. ENRIQUE SANTOS SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Saint Wenceslaus, martyr; Saint Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, martyrs Tuesday: Saints Michael, Gabriel and Rafael, Archangels Wednesday: Saint Jerome Thursday: Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Friday: The Holy Guardian Angels Sunday: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time SANTOS Y FIESTAS DE GUARDAR Domingo: XXVI Domingo Ordinario Lunes: San Wenceslao, mártir; San Lorenzo Ruiz y Compañeros, martires Martes: Los Santos Arcangeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael Miércoles: San Jeronimo Jueves: Santa Teresa del Niño Jesus Viernes: Los Santos Angeles Custodios Domingo: XXVII Domingo Ordinario Facebook Search: “joseph parish nipomo” COLLECTION AMOUNT NEEDED EACH WEEK CANTIDAD DE COLECTA NECESARIA POR SEMANA $7,859.00 WEEKLY COLLECTION ~ COLECTA SEMANAL $6,656.00 Thank you for your generosity ~ Muchas gracias! TODAY’S GOSPEL Mark 9:30-37 “‘There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speaks ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us.’” EVANGELIO DE HOY Marcos 9:38-43. 45. 47-48 “‘No hay ninguno que haga milagros en mi nombre, que luego sea capaz de hablar mal de mi. Todo aquel que no esta contra nosotros, esta a nuestro favor.’” The ARISE small faith communities will begin Season 3 on the week of October 12th and will meet for 6 weeks. There is a sign up box in the back of the church for anyone who has never been in a group, but would like to join. We have 10 groups who meet mornings, afternoons or evenings, so there is probably a time when you could fin in this great way to deepen your faith AND meet other parishioners. If you are already in a group, you will automatically stay in that group unless you tell us otherwise. If you have questions, please call Deacon Greg or Vickie Dutra at 929-1235. SECOND COLLECTION RESULTS Last weekend, thanks to your generous donations, we were able to raise $2,046.50 to help offset some of the expenses for the education of Seminarians studying in our Diocese who otherwise might not be able to afford it. ATTENTION ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS– THE NEWMAN CATHOLIC CENTER IS HERE FOR YOU!!! The Newman Catholic Center welcomes, supports, and challenges Cal Poly and Cuesta College students in their Christian spiritual growth and development. We are a Roman Catholic campus ministry under the direction of the Diocese of Monterey and the Marist Fathers and Brothers. Sunday College Mass is at 6p.m. and the weekday Mass is Monday-Thursday at 11:10a.m. All the Masses are celebrated at Our Lady of Mercy Chapel at the Newman Center. Some of the activities and ministries we offer are: bible study, liturgical ministries, retreats, People’s Kitchen, Men’s Group, Women’s Group, Socials, Monthly Vespers/ Adoration and much more. Come and be part of our dynamic community! Saturday~ October 3 ~2015 MISSION PLAZA, SAN LUIS OBISPO 8a.m.– Rosary & Mass at Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, ProCathedral with the Most Reverend Richard J. Garcia D.D., Bishop of Monterey 10a.m.– All Faith Morning Praise & Worship in the Ampitheater at Mission Plaza 10:30a.m.– PRO-LIFE RALLY at Mission Plaza 11:30a.m.– 7th Annual Walk for Life (16 blocks thru downtown SLO) 12:30p.m.– Life Ministries Faire & Tri-Tip Sandwich Bar-B-Q (Mitchell Park– 1445 Santa Rosa St., Pro-Life Outreach Information) More information on Pro-Life Workshops & Friday Evening Banquet benefitting Life Legal Defense foundation at: Sponsored by the Diocese of Monterey Respect Life Office and local Knights of Columbus Councils. Event Coordinator:805-466-1952/ You Are Invited To Join Fr. Joshua Clifton on Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Petra, Jordon MAY 3-14, 2016 Walk where Jesus walked and be enriched and spiritually blessed as we visit many of the places where Our Lord preached and the Apostles followed. Jerusalem-Bethlehem-Capernaum-Caesarea-CanaNazareth- Tiberias- private Boat Ride on the Sea of Galilee- Masada- Dead Sea. Also included is the red-rose city of Petra, Jordon. Join us in this “Opportunity of a Lifetime”. Only $3295 ppdo + $695 taxes/fees from SFO. Total $3990 ppdo Includes SFO air, First Class 4* Hotels, ALL Breakfasts & Dinners, ALL Sightseeing with Admissions, Special Masses at the beautiful Basilicas. Space is limited… Call Adeline Today!!! (800) 580-7040 Upcoming Events/ Proximos Eventos... 9/25/15—9/27/15– Hispanic Couple’s Retreat (Parish Hall)/ Retiro de Parejas en Español (Salón Parroquial) 9/26/15—9/27/15– Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time/ XXVI Domingo Ordinario 10/2/15– CORE MEETING (Hall)/ JUNTA CORE (Salón32x Parroquial) 10/3/15—10/4/15– Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time/ XXVII Domingo Ordinario 10/8/15—10/11/15– Spanish Evangelization Retreat (Women)/ Retiro de Evangelización en Español (Mujeres) 10/10/15—10/11/15– Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time/ XXVIII Domingo Ordinario 10/15/15– Food Pantry Give Away (4:00-5:00 p.m.) / Entrega de Comida de Despensa (4:00-5:00 p.m.) Padres y tutores les pedimos que por favor no pierdan de vista a sus niños cuando están en la Iglesia. No permitan que los niños vayan solos al baño o el auto. Los niños necesitan la supervisión de sus padres o de otro adulto siempre cuando asisten a un evento en la Iglesia. Los niños nunca de- PLANIFICACION NATURAL: Parejas Casadas, les gustaría que hubiera un método NATURAL, SALUDABLE, y EFECTIVO para lograr o posponer un embarazo? Bueno, si lo hay… LA PLANIFICACION NATURAL DE LA FAMILIA es un método científico, con bases solidas (99% efectivo), el cual se vale de la observación de señales y síntomas que se producen naturalmente durante las fases de fertilidad e infertilidad de la mujer. Esta además aprobado por la Iglesia. Para mayor información visite la pagina web de la Liga de Pareja a Pareja:, o llame a Hilda Cabal al (530)340-1464. Rosario de la Divina Misericordia Los invitamos a rezar el rosario de la Divina Misericordia todos los Jueves a las 3p.m. para pedirle a Dios por todas nuestras necesidades, especialmente por la lluvia. Todos están invitados. RESULTADOS DE LA SEGUNDA COLECTA El pasado fin de semana, gracias a sus generosas donaciones, pudimos recaudar $2,046.50 para ayudar a contrarrestar algunos de los gastos para la educación de los seminaristas que estudian en nuestra Diócesis que de otro modo quizás no podrían costear sus estudios. Sábado, 3 de Octubre, 2015: Misión de San Luis 8a.m.– Rosario y Misa en la Misión de San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, Pro Catedral con nuestro mas reverendo Obispo Ricardo J. García, D.D. de la Diócesis de Monterey 10a.m.– Alabanzas y adoración de la Fe en el Anfiteatro de la Plaza de la Misión 10:30a.m.– Punto de Reunión Pro-Vida (Plaza de la Misión: 989 Chorro St.) 11:30a.m.– Inicio de la 7a Caminata por la Vida 12:30p.m.– Feria de ministerios por la vida (parque Mitchell1445 Santa Rosa St.) Para mas detalles y una lista de otros eventos que se llevaran a cabo durante ese fin de semana de Pro-Vida de la Costa Central, visítenos Para mas información, favor de contactar: Coordinadora del Evento al 805-466-1952 o envié su email al: [email protected] “God most High, your servant Junipero Serra brought the gospel of Christ to the peoples of Mexico and California and firmly established the Church among them. By his intercession, and through the example of his apostolic zeal, inspire us to be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. AMEN.” ~Please Join Us in Celebrating the Canonization of Junipero Serra~ Diocese of Monterey: Saint Serra Canonization Celebrations* 1. Saturday, October 24, 2015: Carmel Mission Basilica, Carmel– Mass at 3p.m. followed by reception. 2. Saturday, October 31, 2015: Mission San Antonio, Jolon– Mass at 1p.m. followed by reception. 3. Sunday, November 1, 2015: Holy Cross Church, Santa Cruz– Mass at 10:30a.m. followed by reception. 4. Sunday, November 1, 2015: Old Mission, San Luis Obispo– Mass at 11:30a.m. 5. Sunday, November 1, 2015: Our Lady of Solitude, Soledad– Procession and Prayer Service with Native Peoples at 3p.m. 6. Saturday, November 7, 2015: Old Mission, San Miguel– Mass at 5p.m. followed by reception. 7. Monday, December 21, 2015: Old Mission, San Juan Bautista– Winter Solstice Celebration and Native Peoples’ Dance at 6:30a.m. *Dates and event times subject to change; please contact individual event locations for any further updates. Coming Soon! 24th Annual Catholic Scout Retreat Natural Family Planning Married couples, don’t you wish there was a NATURAL, HEALTHY, & EFFECTIVE way to avoid or achieve pregnancy? All Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Campfire Girls, American Heritage Girls, and their leaders are encouraged to attend this fun and inspiring weekend at the Veterans Memorial Park in Sylmar. Only $25 per person includes a John Paul II Patch, retreat neckerchief, finger Rosary and a unique opportunity to participate in Benediction under the stars. Don’t miss out! Well there is… NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING! NFP is a soundly-based (99% effective), scientific method which focuses on the systematic observation and recording of natural events– the signs of fertility and infertility, through charting. It is Churchapproved. Details and registration forms can be found at Los Padres Council Contact: Zea Bauer at [email protected]. For more details, visit the Couple to Couple League’s website at:, or call Celine Souza at 805-929-0115. DISCERNMENT DAY: Have you ever wondered what life is like as a nun? Are you drawn to a life of prayer and have a deep desire for love and service? The Dominican Nuns of Corpus Christi Monastery located at 215 Oak Grove Avenue in Menlo Park, CA will host a Discernment Day for single Catholic women ages 18 -40 on October 3rd, or for more information contact Sister Joseph Marie O.P. at [email protected] or visit our website at: The day begins with Mass at 8:00am followed by Divine Office, Adoration, Rosary, Conferences and Vocation Stories given by our Dominican nuns and friars.
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