DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX July 12, 2015 The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/ Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/ Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Am 7:12-15 __________ Eph 1:3-14 ______ Mk 6:7-13 (104) The prophet hears what God proclaims (Ps) and is called to speak in Gods name (1). The Twelve hear the message of Jesus and are sent forth to preach the good news (3). In him have we been chosen to be full of love (2). Jer 23:1-6 __________ Eph 2:13-18 ______ Mk 6:7-13 (107) Jesus, our shepherd, nourishes and strengthens us (3), guiding us in right paths (Ps). He is the righteous shoot of David (1), the peace between Jews and Gentiles, between God and all humanity (2). SATURDAY, July 18, 2015 SATURDAY, July 11, 2015 This weekend Deacons are Preaching / Predicaran los Diáconos esta Semana 5:00 PM Reynaldo Biting (Healing) …………….….………. 7:00 PM Gente de la Parroquia ……..………...…………….. Fr. JJ/RP Fr. RP Priests are preaching this weekend /Los sacerdotes predicaran este Domingo 5:00 PM Bob Alms + ...………………………....….…………. 7:00 PM Isabel Carpio (Thanksgiving) …...………..………... SUNDAY, July 19, 2015 SUNDAY, July 12, 2015 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Okonkwo Family (SI) ……………...………………... Raymond Valladares + …………………….………. Benito Martínez + …...…………………...………... Leovarda Valdez (SI) …...………...……….……...… Filipino Mass (Delfina Laquian +) ……………..... Ella Guimapang (Healing) .……………..…………. Gregaria Romero + …………...…..……………….. July 13, Monday Ex 1:8-14 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Church SP July 14, Tuesday Ex 2:1-15a 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Capilla SP July 15, Wednesday Ex 3:1-6, 9-12 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Chapel EN 7:00 PM Church SP July 16, Thursday Ex 3:13-20 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Iglesia SP July 17, Friday 8:00 AM Church EN 6:15 PM Church EN 7:00 PM Church EN July 18, Saturday Mt 10:34—11:1 Saint Kateri Tekawitha, Virgin (15) Mt 11:20-24 8:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 7:30 AM AM PM PM PM PM PM Kene, Toby & Husband (SI) ………………….……... Sergio Villa + ….………………………….…………. Pueblo de Dios ………..……………...…………….... Leovarda Valdez (SI) ………………..………….…… Misa Ágape (Amador, Petra, Amador Jr. Benavidez +++) Mowie Abalos (Birthday) …………...……....…...…. Mireya Lugo-Martínez (Birthday) ….…………….... Pss III (389) Camilla Bazan (Thanksgiving) ……..…..… Fr. ET Okonkwo Family (SI) ………………..….... Fr. ET Carmen Chavarin (Accion de Gracias) .…... Fr. MS Pss III (390) Saint Bonaventure, Bishop, Doctor (15) Mt 11:25-27 Saturday, July 4, and Sunday, July 5, 2015 5:00 PM 125 7:00 PM 156 Pss III (391) Jesus Austria + ………………………….…. Fr. ET Okonkwo Family (SI) …..…………………. Fr. ET Almas del Purgatorio …...………...…....….. Fr. JJ Our Lady of Mount Carmel (15) Mt 11:28-30 Pss III (392) Jesus Austria + …….…..………….……….. Jesús Austria + …….……………...……….. Maria Diaz Santana + ……………………... Fr. JJ Fr. ET Fr. ET Weekday (15) Pss III (393) Mt 12:1-8 Fermina Patlan + ….….……………...……..…. Kene, Toby Okonkwo (SI) …………..…..... D. Victor Carpio (Birthday) ...…………….. Blessed Virgin Mary (15) Fr. ET Fr. MS Fr. ET Mt 12:14-21 Pss III (394) Okonkwo Family (SI) ....……...…………… Fr. ET Looking Forward In August the Divine Mercy family will receive two new ministers. August 5 -Father Jacinto “Jet” Garcia will be our new Parochial Vicar. Padre Jacinto "Jet" García será nuestro nuevo Sacerdote, en remplazo del Padre Okoli. August 1—Deacon Jorge Castillo comes as our new Deacon On this date we also say thank you to Deacon Mario Sanchez as his ministry moves to St. Pius X. Diacono Jorge Castillo viene como nuestro nuevo Diacono. Fr. ET Fr. ET Fr. ET Fr. ET Fr. ET Fr. MS Fr. MS ATTENDANCE: 8:00 AM ….…..…….....177 10:00 AM …..…..…….....430 12:00 PM…...…………...889 2:00 PM………………..790 4:00 PM………………..068 6:00 PM………………..256 7:30 PM………………..397 Okonkwo Family (Thanksgiving) ..……….. Fr. ET Tessie & Jessie Dizon (Thanksgiving) ….... Fr. MS Gregoria Romero + ....……….…………….. Fr. ET Ex 12:37-42 8:00 AM Church EN Fr. ET Fr. RP Fr. RP Fr. RP Fr. ET Fr. RP Fr. ET Saint Henry (15) Ex 11:10--12:14 Fr. JJ Fr. JJ TOTAL .…………………..…...3,288 Regular Collection: Building Fund: $ 13,100.43 $ 6,377.45 Total of Collections : $ 19,477.88 Please make out checks in Black or Blue ink only. Favor de escribir cheques con tinta negra o azul solamente. Loan Balance: $ 793, 218.08 FATHER JACINTO “JET” GARCIA Father Jacinto Garcia joins Divine Mercy as our newest Parochial Vicar on August 1, 2015. Father Jet was born in the Philippines to Raul and Sonia Garcia. He attended elementary and high school in the Philippines, as well as college at Holy Rosary Minor Seminary and theology at Holy Rosary Major Seminary. His religious upbringing was heavily influenced by his grandparents and attributes his strong foundation in faith to their influence. Since ordination he has served as pastor at many parishes in the Philippines and parochial vicar at two parishes in the Diocese of Dallas, St. John Nepomucen in Ennis, and St. Rita in Dallas. He then served in the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia as the parochial vicar of the Peninsula Cluster Parishes. Then as Pastor of the cluster churches of Portsmouth, Virginia, Church of the Resurrection, Portsmouth; St. Paul, Portsmouth; Church of the Holy Angels, Portsmouth; and St. Mary, Chesapeake, Virginia. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / DECIMOQUINTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO SUNDAY, July 12 8:00 9:45 4:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 AM AM PM PM PM PM NO Toddlers Sunday School Sunday Concessions - Cenaculo de la Divina Misericordia Ablaze Meeting / Lesson (Nazareth) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Filipino Fellowship (SFH) Shut In Meeting (Leviticus) MONDAY, July 13 5:30 5:45 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Sport Group—Chelsea (Fields) Devotion to Saint Joseph (Church) LCSE SFH) Cenaculos de la DM (Capernaum) Coro de Jovenes (Exodus) Confessions (Church) English Intercessory (Altar Room) TUESDAY, July 14 5:30 5:45 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Sport Groups– U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Anthony (Church) Renovacion– Alianza Juvenil (Celula) Practica de Lectores del PREP (Church) K o C Meeting (Emmaus) English Choir Practice (Genesis) Practica de Coro de Niños (Exodus) WEDNESDAY, July 15 5:30 6:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Holy Rosary and Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Church) Youth Group (SFH) Jovenes de Renovacion (Bethany) Practica de Lectores (Leviticus) Confessions (Church) Men’s Group Meeting (Emmaus) Practica de Ministro de Extraordinarios Eucaristía (Iglesia) Pastoreo de Renovación (Exodus) THURSDAY, July 16 10:00 5:30 5:45 7:30 7:30 AM PM PM PM PM Cenaculo DM (Nazareth) Sport Groups –Chelsea, U-90, Inter and Dynamos (Fields) Devotion to Saint Jude (Church) Ministerio Jesed (Iglesia) Practica del Coro Shalom (Pentateuch) FRIDAY, July 17 1:00 5:45 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM Cardio Screening (SFH) Sacred Heart Devotion (Church) DM Cenacle (Emmaus) Cenaculo de la DM (Exodus, Leviticus) Praise, Worship & Healing (Church) Junta de Guadalupanos (Emmaus) SATURDAY, July 18 8:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 1:00 3:30 5:00 7:30 AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM Cardio Screening (SFH) Clases de Bautizo (Capernaum) Bible Classes (Bethany) DM Cenacle (Bethany) Cenaculo DM (Leviticus) Confessions (Church) Renovacion– Familiar (Bethany) Junta de Pro Vida (Exodus) SUNDAY, July 19 8:00 9:45 4:00 5:00 5:00 7:00 AM AM PM PM PM PM NO Toddlers Sunday School Sunday Concessions - Shalom Ablaze Meeting / Lesson (Nazareth) Coro del PREP (Capernaum) Concesiones del PREP (SFH) Junta de Facilitadores del PREP (SFH) Meets Monday evenings 7:30 to 9 pm in Saint Faustina Hall. The next session on July 6. We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly,* as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25) “LIVE CHRIST SHARE CHRIST” A response to the ‘Call of the New Evangelization’ Of the Catholic Church Please support our Sunday Concessions Concessions for this Sunday July 12, Concessions by the Cenaculo Divina Misericordia, and Sunday July 19, Concessions by Shalom. Please continue supporting our Sunday Concessions and help our church. Anointing of the Sick If you or a member of your family are in the hospital, and need a priest URGENTLY, please contact the hospital’s Pastoral Care Department or the Catholic Hospital Chaplain to call a minister or priest. Otherwise call the Church office for one of our priests to visit your loved one in the hospital. Also call to schedule a Lay Eucharistic Minister to visit and give communion to your sick loved one at home on a regular basis. Please call the parish office during office hours for any emergency. Or call the parish office number after office hours to obtain our emergency numbers. Please use church after hours emergency numbers for urgent pastoral needs only. Unción de Enfermos Si por alguna razón usted o algún miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el hospital, y necesitan ver a un sacerdote inmediatamente, le pedimos que notifique al departamento de Cuidado Pastoral o el Capellán del Hospital. También pueden hablar a la oficina de la parroquia si gusta que uno de los sacerdotes vaya a visitar a sus enfermos en el Hospital. Después de las horas de trabajo, llamen al numero de la iglesia para obtener el numero de emergencia de la parroquia por cualquier necesidad urgente. Favor de usar estos números solo para EMERGENCIAS! Hay ministros de Eucaristía asignados para visitar y dar comunión a los enfermos en las casas. Solo llamen a la oficina para que uno de ellos visite a sus enfermos en los hogares. MESSAGE FROM JESUS “Encourage souls to place great trust in My fathomless mercy. Let the weak, sinful soul have no fear to approach Me, for even if it had more sins that there are grains of sand in the world, all would be drowned in the unmeasurable depths of My mercy.” ( from the 1695) Servants of the Divine Mercy DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC CHURCH MESQUITE, TX SCAP Prayer Leaders / CDAS Líderes de la Oración PARISH RENEWAL COMMUNITIES For Next Weekend / Próximo Fin de Semana Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time / Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Mass July 18 and July 19, 2015 Prayer Leaders Sat. 5:00 PM Jose and Sylvia Baiz Sun. 8:00 AM Orly and Lena Euperio Sun. 10:00 AM Reckson and Marietta Enero Sun. 6:00 PM Cecilia Caffey and Tessie Dizon Sab. 7:00 PM Carlos and Mary Patino Dom. 12:00PM Carlos y Alejandra Egure Francisco y Lili García 2nd Dom. 2:00 PM Pedro y Mercedes Esquivel Víctor Tinoco y Nelly Corral 2nd Dom. 7:30 PM Antonio y Leticia Hernández COMUNIDADES CRISTIANAS DEL PREP 18 de Julio y 19 de Julio de, 2015 Dom. 12:00 PM Dom. 2:00 PM Dom. 7:30 PM Lectores/Comentaristas Monaguillos t. 1. C. Flor Chavira 2. 1. Carlos Pezzini t. Liturgia de las Horas Liturgy of the Hours 2. Graciela Pezzini 1. Iniciando la Semana del C. María Esquivel 2. 1. José Ocaña t. For the week beginning July 12, 2015 Pss III 2. Raquel Ocaña 1. C. José Martínez 2. 1. Juan Martínez t. 2. Francisco Morillo 1. C. Juan Valero 2. 12 de Julio, 2015 Pss III Oramos Lunes-Viernes a las 5:30am y 6:15pm Sun. 10:00 AM Sun. 6:00 PM Lectors/Commentators Liturgy prayed 6:00 am weekdays 7:00 am Sundays and weekdays The following devotions are being prayed before the evening mass each day following the Holy Rosary. We invite everyone to participate. July 18 and July 19, 2015 Sun. 8:00 AM A todas la Comunidades se les anima que sigan asistiendo a sus enseñanzas de cada semana. Favor de llamar a sus dirigentes para que les proporcionen un calendario de actividades del mes de Julio 2015. 2. Celia Ovalle Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat. 5:00 PM El Nuevo Seminario de Renovación Parroquial ya debe llamar a sus dirigentes para que les den nuevas instrucciones. Se les anima a todos los Hermanos que continúen con sus enseñanzas. 1. Maricruz Bustos Altar Ministers for Next Weekend Mass Remember the next CFC-FFL Agape Mass is Sunday August 2, 2015. All Covenant Communities are welcome to attend. The next regular Holy Hour and overnight adoration held every first Friday of the month will be August 7. Decimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Misa The First teaching for the new Covenant community, the combined New Jerusalem and Love and Mercy communities, will be July 21 in the Emmaus room. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in the next Holy Hour with healing on July 17. Ministros del Altar para el Próximo Fin de Semana Sab. 7:00 PM July 12, 2015 Altar Servers Monday-for St. Joseph at 5:45 PM Tuesdays-St. Anthony of Padua at 5:45 PM Wednesday– Our Lady of Perpetual Help 5:30PM Thursdays-St. Jude at 5:45 PM Fridays—Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 5:45 PM 1. Olive Padilla 1. 2. Steven Clark 2. C. Mel Velasquez 3. 1. Roger Fulton 1. 2. Alice Ramirez 2. C. Margaret Adobaw 3. 1. Michael Asuquo 1. God bless and heal all our sick. May He strengthen them in their weakness, and may He bear with them their infirmities. Amen 2. Lory Buzon 2. Fr. Ernie C. Lena Euperio 3. 1. Belén Martinez 1. 2. Rigo Castillo 2. C. Cynthia Chaparro 3. Prayers for the Sick / Oraciones Por los Enfermos Let us pray for all the sick in our Parish and for their families who are caring for them presently, Oremos por los enfermos de nuestra parroquia, en especial por /especially Phelana Foster, Lupita Galindo, Dulce Silva, Martha García, Raquel Martínez, Andrew Foster, Felipe Ayala, Jen Smith, Johnny Divin, Vanessa Martínez, Isabel Ortega, Evangeline Cashel, and Guadalupe Luis. Prayers for the Deceased / Oraciones Por los Difuntos Let us also pray for those who recently passed away, También oremos por las personas que recientemente han fallecido, especialmente Ray Casaras. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / DECIMOQUINTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Men’s Study Group Meets Wednesdays in the Emmaus Room 7:30 pm Deacon Bill is continuing the series on Catholicism. It will include a DVD presentation by Father Robert Barron followed by discussion. No book is required for this teaching. All men and gentlemen guests 18 years or older are invited to attend. Please plan to attend and bring a friend. The dates and topics are as follows: 7-8-15 – Fellowship come and see. The Divine Mercy Men’s Group will be taking a summer break at the completion of the current teaching series. The Men’s Group will reconvene in September. Members of this group are encouraged to engage others with the things they have learned. Bring new members with you when we start up in September. Carnival Raffle Winners Joe Sanchez—Truck Maria Hernandez—Television Dennia Thompson—Freezer Congratulations to the Winners Rachel’s Corner “I went in to confession for the first time in 30 years. And I can’t believe it! I just can’t believe it! He absolved me from my sins! I was so surprised! Can you believe it? I am free!” -Testimonial from a Retreat Let Him free you from what has kept you from being fully alive. Join us on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat. Abortion AfterCare-Healing / The Rachel Ministries 214-544-CARE • [email protected] www.racheldallas.org Rincón de Raquel “Me confesé por primera vez en 30 años ¡Y no lo puedo creer! ¡No lo puedo creer! ¡Me dio la absolución de mis pecados! ¡Estaba tan sorprendida! ¿Lo puede creer? ¡Esto libre!” Testimonio de Retiro Sunday July 11 and 12 Father Roberto Perez from Cross International will be sharing his ministry with us at Divine Mercy. El Sábado 11 y Domingo 12 de Julio, el Padre Roberto Pérez de Cross International estará compartiendo su ministerio con nosotros aquí en La Divina Misericordia. Mount Saint Michael School An education unique among Catholic schools: Come Discover Mount St. Michael Catholic School in Dallas. 1st-8th grade Classical Academy and 3K-5K Montessori Preschool. Highlights: Daily Mass, Monthly Confession & Adoration, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Curriculum, Theology of the Body, Small Classes, Latin and Formal Logic, History, Literature and Primary Sources, and more, visit www.msmcatholic.org. For additional information or to schedule a visit, please contact: Blanca Saenz: 214-337-0244 or [email protected] Deje que el Señor lo libere de lo que le ha prevenido vivir la vida plenamente. Venga con nosotros a un Retiro del Viñedo de Raquel™. Sanación Después del Aborto / Los Ministerios de Raquel 972-679-4760 • [email protected] www.racheldallas.org Mass of Remembrance A bilingual Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated by Father Rudy Garcia with Msgr. Greg Kelly and Fr. Wilmer Daza with special music by the Cathedral Children's Choir. Saturday, August 15, 2015* 10:00 AM Mass Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe 2215 Ross Ave, Dallas A special blessing will be offered for parents of children lost before birth through miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion, or after birth for any reason. Parents will also be invited to participate in a white rose procession and to add their child(ren) to a Book of Remembrance to be held in prayer by the Sisters of Life. (Participation in any aspect of the event is voluntary.) For more information, contact Susan Platt 214-392-7545 or [email protected]. FOOD FOR THOUGHT As it expands, goodness takes root and develops. If we wish to lead a dignified and fulfilling life, we have to reach out to others and seek their good. —Pope Francis Evangelization must always be directly connected to the Lord Jesus Christ. "There is no true evangelization if the name, the teaching, the life, the promises, the Kingdom and the mystery of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God are not proclaimed." —USCCB "Each generation is converted by the saint who contradicts it most." —G.K. Chesterton "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." —Blessed Mother Teresa "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!" —St. Catherine of Siena "Life with Christ ia a wonderful adventure." —St. Pope John Paul II Evangelizing those who are not family members is easier, Armstrong noted, but the general principles are the same— share your faith as the opportunity arises, but don’t be “pushy,” “know-it-all,” or “holier than thou.” —Dave Armstrong DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD CATHOLIC MESQUITE, TX The Vocation Chalice To reduce confusion—it has been decided that the Vocation Chalice will be sent and returned to the Sunday 8:00 AM mass only. This devotion is still open to all members of the parish. July 12, 2015 DIVINE MERCY OF OUR LORD VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL La Cáliz de Vocaciones Para reducir la confusión, se ha decidido que el Cáliz de Vocaciones será entregado y devuelto únicamente en la misa 2:00 PM cada domingo. Esta devoción sigue abierta a todos los miembros de la parroquia. CAMPING Remember Take time for our monthly Holy Hours. He gave us eternity. Won’t you give him one hour. The next regularly scheduled Holy Hour is: August 7, 2015 IN THE th GARDEN OF EDEN th July 13 - 17 , 2015 9:00am – 3:00pm Day 1: Setting Up Camp Bible Story: STORY OF CREATION Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31 Day 2: Lighting the Fire Bible Story: LIGHT OF THE WORLD Scripture: John 8:12; 3:19-21 Day 3: Finding our Way Bible Story: 10 COMMANDMENTS Scripture: Exodus 20:1-17 Day 4: Gone Fishing Bible Story: CALL OF SIMON THE FISHERMAN Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 Day 5: Packing for Home Bible Story: ASCENSION OF JESUS Scripture: Mark 16:19-20 & Luke 24:50-53 Things to Know Drop off & Pick up Morning - 8:15am to 8:45am Afternoon – 3pm to 3:30pm $25 to cover activity cost $5.00 extra cost for any children left past 3:30pm Sack lunch with child’s name on it PLAIN White shirt for Art activity Grades- 1st thru 5th Outdoor Activities Thursday and Friday – water activities extra clothes towel sunscreen water shoes or sandals
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