Our Lady Of Guadalupe Catholic Church La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 8400 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor, CA 95492 Rev. Michaelraj Philominsamy, Pastor. April 10th, 2016 Third Sunday of Easter Mass Schedule Horario de Misas Monday /Lunes Communion service/ Servicio de Comunión 9:00 a.m. Tuesday –Friday Martes –Viernes 9:00 a.m. Bilingual/ Bilingüe Saturday /Sabado 5:00 p.m. English 7:00 p.m. Spanish Sunday /Domingo 9:00 a. m. English/Ingles 12:30 p.m Spanish/Español Confession / Confesiones 9:30 a.m. Tues – Fri./ martes-viernes 4:30 p.m. Saturday /Sabado 12 noon Sunday /Domingo CONTACT US/CONTATANOS Tel: 707 837-8962 Fax: 707 837-9157 Email: [email protected] Website– Pagina Webwww.olgwindsor.org Parish Office Hours/ Horario de oficina: Mon & Fri./Lunes y Viernes 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tues.– Th./ Martes a Jueves 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed Sat., Sun. and holidays/ Cerrado el Sábados, Domingo y días festivos 10 de Abril 2016 Tercer Domingo de Pascua Saturday/Sabado April 9 de Abril 5:00 p.m. Pray for the soul of Victor Bertucceli 7:00 p.m. Pray for Erika and Juan for their 25th anniversary. Pray for Joe Rosas may he find his way to God. Sunday/ Domingo April 10 de Abril 12:30 am Pray for Joe Rosas may he find his way to God. Reporte Financiero Semanal Weekly Financial Repor April 2/3 1st collection/ 1er colecta: $ 5,049.00 2nd collection/ 2da colecta: $ 1,423.50 Parish Ministries Total: $ 6, 472.50 Next weeks collection Spec. Parish Maint Proj. Scripture Reading Las lecturas bíblicas April 10 de Abril Third Sunday of Easter Tercer Domingo de Pascua “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven.” Throughout history, self-interest and barely disguised personal ambition have often been wrapped in a veneer of traditional religious language. Let us be ever mindful that, as we cry out for freedom and change, we are motivated by the call of the Gospel, not by selfishness or political ambition. “The Church is called above all to be a credible witness to mercy, professing it and living it as the core of the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Pope Francis 1st Reading/ 1o Lectura: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 2nd Reading/2o Lectura: Revelation 5:11-14 Gospel/Evangelio: John 21:1-19 Thank you for participating in our Lenten service project of “comfort bags” for the homeless. We assembled and distributed over 60 bags to the homeless last week with socks, soap, washcloths and other goodies in them. To provide you with the opportunity to continue this service throughout the year, we are going to continue preparing bags and have them available in the church office. If you wish to participate you can pick one of these bags in the office and have it available to hand out when you see a needy person. May we together let everyone know they are important. Thank you Gracias por participar en nuestro proyecto de servicio de Cuaresma de "bolsas de confort" para los mas necesitados. Hemos reunido y distribuido más de 60 bolsas para las personas sin hogar la semana pasada con los calcetines, jabón, toallas y otros objetos valiosos para ellos. Se le dará la oportunidad de continuar con este servicio durante todo el año, vamos a continuar con la preparación bolsas y tenerlos disponibles en la oficina de la iglesia. Si usted desea participar puede recoger una de estas bolsas en la oficina y tenerlo disponible para cuando vea a una persona necesitada. Juntos demostremos que todos somos importantes. Gracias "La Iglesia está llamada, sobre todo, ser un testigo creíble a la misericordia, haciendo profesión y de vivirla como el núcleo de la revelación de Jesucristo." Papa Francisco 3 Calendar of Ministry Meetings April 11, 2016 to April 17, 2016 Monday/ Lunes -4:00 pm Bingo– hall -6:00 pm Healing Ministry-Sacristy -6:30 pm Eng. Confirmation Rehearsal-church -6:30 pm Madonna Meeting-room A/B -7:00 pm Peace and Justice-room C Tuesday-Martes -2 pm Confirmation mass-church -7:30 pm Confirmation mass-church Wednesday/ Miercoles -9:45 am GEORGE SEEBER’S DISCUSSION GRP - C -6 pm Spanish CCD– all rooms & Sacristy -7:45 pm Spa. CCD teachers mtg.-room C -7:00 pm El buen Pastor Choir-church Thursday/ Jueves -9:45 am Caryl D’s Scripture Grp.-room C -4:30 pm CCD-all rooms, backstage & sacristy -4:30 pm 1st Communion prep-hall -4:30 pm Prayer Service-church Friday/ Viernes -9:45 am GEORGE SEEBERS DISCUSSION GRP - C -10 am Prayer Shawl rooms A and B -6 pm Spanish Kids Choir– room C -7 pm Spanish Young Adults Group-Y Saturday/Sabado -7:30 am Xvera & RCIA– room Y -8 am Tax Prep-room A/B Sunday/ Domingo -7:30 am Xvera & RCIA-room Y -10:30 am RCIA– Fr. Angelito -1:30 pm Couples in Perseverance-A/B -6 pm Youth Group– rooms Y & C We invite you to celebrate Mothers Day in a friendly and safe environment. Sunday May 8th from 3 pm to 10 pm at Mary Agatha Furth Center. Enjoy a delicious Mexican food, Mariachi music and live music to dance. The food will be served from 4 to 6 pm. Come and join us. $30 per person and $240.00 for a table of 8. This is an event promoted by the Couples in Perseverance from our parish. Buy your tickets in the office or after 12:30 Sunday mass. Te invitamos a celebrar el Dia de las Madres en un ambiente agradable y seguro. El Domingo 8 de Mayo 3-10 pm en el salon Mary Agatha Furth Center de nuestra iglesia. Disfrute de una deliciosa comida mexicana, musica de Mariachi y musica en vivo para bailar con la famosa banda de Cesar Herrera y su Empresa. ( finalista del show tengo talent mucho talento; encuentralo en youtube) La comida se sirvira a partir de las 4 a 6 pm. Ven y unete a nosotros. $30 por persona y $240.00 para una mesa de 8. Compra tus boletos en la oficina o despues de las 12:30 la misa del domingo. 4 Scripture Insights Today, 3rd Sunday of Easter, we contemplate another apparition of Christ Resurrected, this time after evangelist Joan's most impressive chapter twenty first, all of it full of sacramental references, totally alive for the Christian community of that first generation, the same one that collected the evangelical testimony of the very Apostles. After the Easter events, the Apostles seemed to go back to their usual chores, as if they had forgotten the Master had transformed them into “fishers of men”. A mistake the Evangelist willingly admits when he says that —despite having tried their best— «they caught nothing that night» (Jn 21:3). It was the disciples' night. All the same, the appearance, at dawn, of the Lord completely overturned everything. Simon Peter, that had previously taken the responsibility for the unprofitable fishing, now pulls the net completely full: one hundred and fifty three fishes is the outcome, a figure which is the addition of the numeric values of Simon (76) and of ikhthys (=fish, 77). Quite significant! And, when, under the glorified Lord's protective gaze and with his authority, the Apostles exert, with Peter's primacy —explicit in the triple avowal of his love for the Lord— their own evangelizing mission, the miracle happens: “they fish men”. If out of their living environment, fish die, human beings also die if nobody brings them out of the darkness and of the asphyxia of an existence away from God and surrounded by absurdity, and take them to the light, the air and the warmth of life. Of Christ's life that He, himself, nourishes from the beach of his Glory, splendid figure of the Church sacramental life and, primarily, of the Eucharist. It is in the Eucharist the Lord gives us personally the bread and, with it, He also gives himself to us, as the presence of the fish suggests; fish, which for the first Christian community, was a symbol of Christ and, therefore a Christian symbol, too. Daily Readings / Lecturas Diarias Monday/Lunes April 11 de Abril Acts 6:8-15 Psalm 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30 John 6:22-29 Tuesday/ Martes April 12 de Abril Acts 7:51-8:1A Psalm 31:3CD-4, 6 & 7B & 7B & 8A, 17 & 21AB John 6:30-35 Wednesday/Miercoles April 13 de Abril Acts 8:1B-8 Psalm 66:1-3A, 4-5, 6-7A John 6:35-40 Thursday/Jueves Perspectivas de las Escrituras Hoy en día, el domingo 3 de Pascua, contemplamos otra aparición de Cristo resucitado, esta vez después de evangelista más impresionante capítulo de Joan XXI, toda ella llena de referencias sacramentales, totalmente vivo para la comunidad cristiana de esa primera generación, el mismo que recoge el testimonio evangélico de los mismos Apóstoles. Después de los acontecimientos de Pascua, los Apóstoles parecía volver a sus tareas habituales, como si hubieran olvidado el Maestro les había transformado en "pescadores de hombres". Un error Evangelista admite de buena gana cuando dice que -a pesar de haber probado su mejor- «no pescaron nada esa noche» (Jn 21, 3). Era la noche de los discípulos. Al mismo tiempo, la aparición, en la madrugada, del Señor completamente volcado todo. Simón Pedro, que había tomado previamente la responsabilidad de la pesca no rentable, ahora tira de la red completamente lleno: ciento cincuenta y tres peces es el resultado, una cifra que es la suma de los valores numéricos de Simon (76) y de ikhthys ( = peces, 77). Bastante significativo! Y, cuando, bajo la mirada protectora del Señor glorificado y con su autoridad, los Apóstoles ejercer, con -explicit primado de Pedro en la triple confesión de su amor por el Señor-su propia misión evangelizadora, el milagro sucede: "sean hombres de pescado". Si está fuera de su entorno de vida, los peces mueren, los seres humanos también mueren si nadie los saca de la oscuridad y de la asfixia de una existencia lejos de Dios y rodeado por el absurdo, y los llevan a la luz, el aire y el calor de vida. De la vida de Cristo, que Él mismo se nutre de la playa de su gloria, espléndida figura de la vida sacramental Iglesia y, sobre todo, de la Eucaristía. Es en la Eucaristía el Señor nos da personalmente el pan y, con ella, también se da a nosotros, ya que la presencia de los peces sugiere; pescado, que por primera comunidad cristiana, era un símbolo de Cristo y, por lo tanto, un símbolo cristiano, también. April 14 de Abril Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 66:8-9, 16-17, 20 John 6:44-51 Friday/Viernes April 15 de Abril Acts 9:1-20 Psalm 117:1BC, 2 John 6:52-59 Saturday/Sabado April 16 de Abril Acts 9:31-42 Psalms 116:12-17 John 6:60-69 5 ● POR FAVOR AYUDE A NUESTROS PATROCINADORES ● *PLEASE SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES THAT MAKE OUR BULLETIN POSSIBLE.* CRAIG CURRERI PACIFIC UNION INTERNATIONAL Your Trusted Real Estate Broker Serving the Real Estate needs of our Community! 707-477-5120 www.craigcurreri.com “Like a good neighbor STATE FARM is there” ® ROBIN AITKEN-BULLARD State Farm Insurance Agent Lic.#0E71616 8465 Old Redwood Hwy#500, Windsor, CA 95492 707-838-0500; Fax 707-838-9898; Res. 707-838-0300 DOLLY’S MANOR Care Facility for the Elderly License # 490111198 LAKEWOOD DENTAL Regina Pronstroller Serafica D.D.S. 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Caridad, Unidad, Fraternidad, Patriotismo “El brazo derecho fuerte de la Iglesia" -San Juan Pablo II Ask a Knight / call Bob Nickel @ 481-2267 - en español Leobardo Mendez @ 293-3908 The MADONNA SODALITY of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church invites all catholic women to join us in Spiritual activities, social functions and fund raising for the benefit of our church. For information call Caryl DeMerritt 707-433-8962 Serving Windsor Area Families Since 1875 Daniels Chapel of The Roses FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATORY Fun. Lic. FD 209 Cre. Lic. 92 HONORING ALL CATHOLIC PRACTICES Personalized Services *Se Habla Español CAMPOS HOUSE AMERICAN- MEXICAN RESTAURANT B R E A K F A S T –L U N C H –D I N N E R 8465 Old Redwood Hwy #510 Windsor, CA 95492 TO GO FOOD 707-836-4003 *SENIOR DISCOUNT * WE DO CATERING NOW HIRING! 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