17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, JULY 26TH, 2015 VISION Saint Francis of Assisi is a welcoming, intergenerational and multi-cultural Catholic community which embraces the teachings of Jesus Christ to foster Spiritual growth. MISSION The mission of Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is to develop a welcoming and dynamic parish. Through liturgical gatherings, faith formation, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, we confidently live out the Gospel message in service to the community and to the Diocese of Oakland. LA VISIÓN La parroquia de St. Francis es una comunidad católica acogedora, intergeneracional, y multicultural. Toma a pecho las enseñanzas de Jesucristo para promover el crecimiento espiritual. LA MISIÓN La misión de La Iglesia de St. Francis es de desarrollar una parroquia acogedora y dinámica. Por medio de las asambleas litúrgicas, la formación de la Fe, y las gracias del Espíritu Santo, nosotros con confianza vivimos el mensaje de Evangelio en servicio a la comunidad y a la Diócesis de Oakland. St. Ignatius of Loyola The Rev. Ismael Gutierrez Parochial Administrator Deacon/Diácono Charles Palomares Deacon/Diácono John Mazibrook Celebrating our 60th Anniversary ADDRESS/ DIRECCION 860 Oak Grove Road, Concord, CA 94518 Telephone (925) 682-5447 • Fax (925) 682-5491 OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA Monday (Lunes) to Friday (Viernes) 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM www.sfaconcord.org Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 26, 2015 The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season. • Psalm 145:15 • Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 26 de julio de 2015 A ti, Señor, sus ojos vuelven todos y tú los alimentas a su tiempo. — Salmo 145 (144):15 Weekly Mass Intentions SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass 5:30PM (English), 7:30PM (Portuguese) Sunday (Domingo) English 7:00AM; 10:00AM; 11:30AM; 5:30PM Spanish 8:00AM; 1:00PM; 7:00PM Daily Mass 8:30AM Mon—Sat (English) Tuesday, 7:00PM (Spanish) Reconciliation/Reconciliación Tuesday (Martes) 6:00PM to 7:00PM (Español) Saturdays (Sábados) 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Sacrament of the Sick/Unción de Enfermos Holy Anointing/Prayers and Pastoral Care for the Sick. Call/Llamar (925) 682-5447 Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración Eucarística Mondays (Lunes) 7:30-8:30PM in the Chapel/Capilla First Fridays and First Saturdays of each month DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS Monday to Friday, after the 8:30AM Mass. St. Vincent de Paul/San Vicente de Paul Monday– Fridays 9:30AM –11:30AM For those who need food or assistance/Para aquellos que necesiten comida o asistencia (925) 682-5811 St. Francis of Assisi School 866 Oak Grove Rd., Concord Phone:(925) 682-5414 FAX (925) 682-5480 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI SCHOOL CELEBRATES! 2015 is a year of celebrations for both our Parish and our School as we join in our 60th and 50th year history, respectively. If you want to be on our mailing list for other gatherings through the year, just send an email to [email protected]. Looking forward to a Year of Jubilee! Saturday, July 25th , 2015 5:30PM ( Vigil) + Fred Trevisani Sunday, July 26th, 2015— 17th Sunday in O.T. 7:00AM + Mary Kinsella + Ignacio Avila 8:00AM 10:00AM + Victor Francis Barton 11:30am + Rachel Nicole Lynch 1:00PM + Sra. Santos Gonzalez 5:30PM + Roy Jacinto 7:00PM Parishioners of St. Francis Monday, July 27th , 2015 8:30AM Special Intentions– Larry & Irene Ford Tuesday, July 28th, 2015 8:30AM + Robert Frisbie 7:00PM + Martin Rico Ochoa Wednesday, July 29th, 2015— 8:30am + Donald Parrott Thursday, July 30th, 2015– 8:30am + Angelo Maraccini Friday, July 31st, 2015 8:30AM + Angelo Mario Maraccini Saturday, August 1st, 2015 – 8:30am Special Intentions– Coules family 5:30PM (Vigil) + Robert Lacher Sunday, August 2nd, 2015 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00am + Frances L. Johnson 8:00 AM Parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi 10:00AM + Wil Sonsken 11:30AM + William Castro 1:00PM Intencion especial– Guerrero family 5:30PM Special Intention– Hannah & Ian Marable 7:00PM + Carmen Campos Spanish Masses are in Bold ******************************** The Parish is planning on celebrating our 60th Anniversary and we are looking for those people who began their ministries here at Most Precious Blood Church. If you and your group were part of the Parish of Most Precious Blood/St. Francis over these years and would like to be included in our celebrations, please call the Parish Office and leave your name, ministry and a contact to reach you. We are especially hoping to have a very special Sunday on the Feast of St. Francis (October 4th, 2015) at all our masses. More information will follow in the bulletin. Again thank you for your ministry here at our parish. YOUTH MINISTRY INFORMATION Registration for all Faith Formation, Religious Education, Sacrament Programs ( 1st Communions and Confirmation) for children and Adults are available at the Parish Office. We will also have registration for the Youth Groups. Registration are for both the English and Spanish Programs. Remember to sign up early so that your children will be registered before the programs begin. REGISTRATION FOR TEENS Sacrament of Confirmation for Teens If you are interested in becoming a full and active participant in the Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Confirmation, and if you have been baptized and have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion, and if you’ll be a sophomore, junior, or senior in High School in the Fall of 2015, stop by the Parish Office after July 15th and pick up an Information packet and Registration packet. Completed packets must be turned in anytime up to Wednesday, September 16th, 2015, when registrations close. ************************************** Teen Sacraments of First Rec. and First Communion for 7th – 12th Graders St. Francis of Assisi’s Teen Preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion is a comprehensive two-year program. To begin this two-year process, you need to have already been baptized, and be in the 7th - 12th grade in the Fall of 2015. If you have successfully passed our Teen Sacrament Year One Program, you are eligible for Year Two in the Teen Sacrament Program to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Registration packets are available in the Parish Office beginning July 15th. Completed packets must be turned in anytime up to Thursday, September 24th, 2015, when registrations close. Teen Mass and Teen Social 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at the 5:30 p.m. Mass Sunday, August 2nd– Teen Mass in Church at 5:30pm Teen Social to follow mass at Chuck E. Cheese until 9:00pm Bring money for dinner, and games! Sunday, August 16th– Teen mass in Church at 5:30pm Teen Social to follow at the movies. Meet in Baptistry after mass. Bring money for dinner and movies! ONFIRE– NorCal Jam at Discovery Kingdom Saturday, Sept 19th from 9am to 9pm Catholic Youth Day at Discovery Kingdom Celebrate with over 4000 youth and diocesan bishops! Music, speakers, food, rides and fun, fun fun!!! Tickets available at www.onfirenorcal.com Registrations: Registration Packets for Youth Ministry, Teen Confirmation, and Teen Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion are available in the Parish Office. Jr. High Youth Group– Program begins Oct. 7th High School Youth Group-Program begins Sep. 28th If you have questions, you can contact Youth Minister and Teen Sacrament Coordinator Kathy De Lemos at 682-5447 Ext 29, or at [email protected] Weekly Financial Information from the Church Sunday, July 18 &19 Online Giving July 20 TOTAL $10,020. $ 5,620. $15, 250. YTD SHORTFALL ($16,502) Remember that the Parish needs $15,250 per week just to meet Expenses. ********************************* HOLD THE DATE OPEN!! OUR INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH FROM 10:30AM WITH MASS UNTIL 6:00 PM. We will have delicious foods and entertainment from around the world for you and your families to enjoy with other members from the parish and the neighborhood. Raffle tickets will be available after our weekend masses. PARISH TRIP TO ITALY IN OCTOBER Join Fr. Ismael and Deacon Chuck on an inspirational trip to the hometown of our patron St. Francis . We will also visit important Sr. Francis locations in Italy such as Florence, Naples, Capri and Rome. As an added premium we will have a one day tour of major religious shrines in Paris, France capped by dinner in the Eiffel Tower. Call Deacon Chuck, (925) 939-0481 for more information. ***************************************** An invitation! Christmas in July! You are invited to give the gift of summer reading to your child by joining us at our First Annual Scholastic Book Fair at De La Salle Academy in Concord. It will be held weekdays - July 20 – 28, 2015 from 12 – 6 pm daily, with extended hours from 6 – 8 pm on July 22 and 27. All purchases will not only be a summer treat for your child, but will help build the library at our new school! We are located at 1380 Galaxy Way, Concord, 94520 and would love to have you join us! For more information, call 925.288.8200. ************************* VOLUNTEERS WANTED! We have just begun our registrations for the fall Religious Education and Faith Formation Programs here at SFA and are looking for new volunteers who would like to help in all our different programs. If you would like to volunteer to help as a substitute teacher, classroom aide or other please call the Parish Office and leave a phone number where we can reach you and which particular ministry you may be interested in helping with. ************************************** An Important Message from the Parish To all Parishioners and Visitors to St. Francis of Assisi Please do not throw coins in the Baptistery water since it is blessed holy water and therefore sacred. Due to the drought, we cannot drain and replace the water in the Baptistery. The coins foul the water, damage the pump equipment and stain the tiles. Thank you for your consideration and please help us to maintain our baptistery water as sacred as can be. FREE Thanksgiving Dinner 2015 Last year we held our 1st ever Free Thanksgiving Dinner for those who might be far away from loved ones or might have other reasons they would like to join the St Francis Community Dinner. We are happy to say it was a success and we would like to offer a FREE Thanksgiving Dinner again this year. We need volunteers who can assist us in organizing the event, fundraising, and preparing the dinner. If you would like to be a part of this wonderful event, please contact Janice Mazibrook at (510) 853-9458 or Lucy Herrmann at (925)465-4122. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL NOTICE. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL regrets that our food pantry can no longer accept random donations of used clothes, bedding, toys, etc. and suggest that you take clean, “gently used” clothing, etc. to any thrift store. *********************************** Food Pantry Activity in the Month of June : • An emergency supply of food was given to 161 households ( 674 individuals) in June. We had 10 first-time clients. • 62 FoodMaxx cards were given to eligible families. • Special Assistance (utility, rent, etc.) was provided for one (1) family. Most-Needed Food Items every Month: Spaghetti Sauce, Cheerios, Canned Peaches or Pears, Chicken Noodle or Vegetable Soup, Canned Tuna, Canned Corn, Saltine or Graham Crackers, Cooking Oil, Rice, Dried Pinto Beans (or any non-perishable items you wish to donate.) Special Needs: We are now collection school supplies for the children in need. Please help us collect back-packs, binders and paper, pencils/pens, etc. for this important project. We have a client who is in need of a car to get to work as a caregiver. Please call SVdP if you have a running vehicle to donate. Food Pantry Hours: 9:30am –11:30am, Monday through Friday. Please call 682 -5811 for information regarding donations or to volunteer. A message to all our parishioners from Fr. Raymond Zielezienski Since I have spent part of my ministry serving the people of St. Francis of Assisi in Concord, I would like to invite you to celebrate with me and the Community of St. Joan of Arc, my retirement from full time ministry in the Diocese of Oakland. Saturday, August 22, 2015 5:30PM Mass St. Joan of Arc Church 2601 San Ramon Valley Blvd San Ramon, Ca 94583 Reception follow Mass. “Blessings and love” LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Eliseo da de comer a cien hombres con veinte panes de cebada (2 Reyes 4:42-44). Salmo — Bendeciré al Señor eternamente (Salmo 145 [144]). Segunda lectura — Pablo exhorta a los efesios a que se muestren dignos de la vocación que han recibido; siendo comunidad unida, llena de fe y esperanza (Efesios 4:1-6). Evangelio —Jesús da de comer a un enorme gentío con cinco panes de cebada y dos pescados (Juan 6:1-15). Ministerio de San Vicente de Paúl • Abastecimiento de comida de emergencia fue proveída a 161 hogares, (674 Individuos) en Junio . Tuvimos 10 diez clientes que asistieron por primera vez. • 62 Tarjetas de Food Maxx fueron entregadas a familias. • Asistencia especial (renta y utilidades etc.) fue dada a la una (1) familia. Artículos más necesitados para este mes: Salsa para espagueti, Cheerios, duraznos enlatados o peras, sopa de fideos con pollo o de vegetales, atún enlatado, maíz enlatado, galletas saladas o dulces, aceite de cocina, arroz, frijoles secos, (cualquier otro artículo de comida que desee donar.) Necesidades especiales: Proyecto Escolar Ahora estamos colectando útiles escolares para los niños más necesitados. Por favor ayúdenos a recaudar de nuevo mochilas, carpetas y lápices/ bolígrafos, papel, etc. Para este importante proyecto Coche para ir a Trabajar: Tenemos un cliente que necesita un coche para ir a trabajar . Si tiene un vehículo en buen uso y desea donarlo favor de llamar a nuestra oficina de SVdP. Horario de Oficina: 9:30-11:30a.m, Lunes a Viernes. Favor de llamar al (925) 682-5811 para información referente a donaciones o ser voluntario. Gracias y que Dios las bendiga a todos por su apoyo constante a la despensa de comida de San Vicente de Paúl de San Francisco de Asís. ************************* Lamentamos que nuestra despensa alimentaria ya no pueda aceptar donaciones al azar de ropa usada, ropa de cama, juguetes, etc, sugerimos que lleve la ropa limpia, “usada”, a cualquier tienda de segunda mano. Grupo de Oración El grupo de oración le invita a sus reuniones los martes por la tarde. Iniciamos con la Santa Misa a las 7:00 de la tarde y continuamos con oración, alabanza y prédicas. Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos El grupo de jóvenes adultos de San Francisco de Asís, les hace la cordial invitación a todos los jóvenes a formar parte de los planes de Dios. Nuestras reuniones son todos los viernes de 7:30—9:30p.m en el salón Juan Pablo II. Ven diviértete y aprende. Para más información llamar a Narciso (925) 521-4039 Voluntarios para la Catequesis El ministerio de la catequesis está necesitando voluntarios/as responsables y comprometidos/das para asistir en los diferentes trabajos de este programa de enseñanza religiosa. La persona o personas interesadas en ofrecer sus dones, tiempo y talentos; también tiene que sentir el deseo de aprender más acerca de su fe católica, poder trabajar con niños entre las edades de 7 a 13 años, y gustarle colaborar en equipo. Tenemos también otros ministerios de catequesis en el cual puede trabajar con adolescentes mayores de 14 años y con adultos. Su horario de servicio y compromiso varía dependiendo del ministerio en el cual le gustaría ayudar: Catequesis en Español- Domingos de 9am a 12pm (para adultos y niños) de Agosto a Mayo. Catequesis en Ingles- Martes de 4pm a 6pm (niños) de Octubre a Mayo. Catequesis para grupo Juvenil- Domingos de 3pm-6:30pm ó Lunes o Miércoles de 7pm-9pm de Octubre a Junio. TODO VOLUNTARIO SERA REGISTRADO/A EN EL SISTEMA DE PROTECCION DE MENORES AMBIENTE SEGURO Y LEY MEGAN PARA PODER AYUDAR COMO VOLUNTARIO/A EN NUESTROS PROGRAMAS. Persona/s interesadas por favor llamar a Scarlett al 925-682-5447 ext. 24 para una cita. De ante mano muchas gracias. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Sal 106 (105):19-23; Mt 13:31-35 Martes: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Sal 103 (102):6-13; Mt 13:36-43 Miércoles: Ex 34:29-35; Sal 99 (98):5-7, 9; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 Jueves: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Sal 84 (83):3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Sal 81 (80):3-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Sábado: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 Domingo: Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Sal 78 (77):3-4, 23-25, 54; Ef 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35 BODAS COMUNITARIAS Nuestra parroquia ofrecerá nuevamente una celebración de Boda Comunitaria, el Sábado 7 de Noviembre del 2015. Esta celebración del Sacramento del Matrimonio, es para todas aquellas parejas que ya están casadas por el registro civil, o que viven juntos y deseen recibir la bendición de Dios en dicho sacramento. Requisitos para iniciar el proceso: • Contactar a la oficina parroquial, lo más pronto posible. • Traer la Fe de Bautismo del novio y la novia (copia reciente no más de 6 meses de antigüedad). Esta información la debe de solicitar en la parroquia donde fue bautizado (a). • Identificación con foto del novio y de la novia. • Certificado de matrimonio del registro civil. • 2 testigos con sus respectiva identificación (1 por cada contrayente que los conozcan desde hace mucho tiempo). Para más información, llamar al (925) 682-5447 Aviso Importante A nuestros feligreses y visitantes de la parroquia de San Francisco de Asís: Favor de no tirar monedas en la pila bautismal, recuerde que contiene agua bendita por lo tanto es sagrada. Debido a la sequía, no podemos drenar y remplazar el agua de la pila bautismal constantemente; y las monedas contaminan el agua, dañan el equipo de bomba hidráulica y manchan los azulejos. Gracias por su consideración y por favor ayúdenos a conservar el agua bendita lo más sagrada posible. PEREGRINACION A ITALIA En celebración del 60 aniversario parroquial, se hará una peregrinación a Asís, Italia; del 8– 19 de Octubre. Acompañe al Padre Ismael a nuestro Diacono Chuck Palomares en esta peregrinación de 12 días, se visitará las ciudades de Asís, Roma, Florencia y Paris. Para más información contactar al Diácono Chuck Palomares (925) 939-0481 o por correo electrónico al [email protected] Encuentros Matrimoniales El próximo será en Julio 31 y Agosto 1-2. Si desea asistir o necesita más información favor de llamar a Patricia y Alonso Amador al (510) 760-1782 o a Ana y Rey Gonzalez al (510)4323829. Inscripciones para el Catecismo Las inscripciones diferentes programas de catequesis de niños, jóvenes, y adultos en la oficina parroquial en horas de oficina (lunes a viernes de 9:00a.m—5:00pm). También lo podrá hacer el Domingo 2 de agosto, entre 9:00a.m—2:00p.m. Para más información contactar a la oficina parroquial al (925) 682-5447. Cena de Accion de Gracias El año pasado ofrecimos por primera vez al Cena de Acción de gracias para todas aquellas personas que están lejos de sus seres queridos o por alguna otra razón quieren compartir la cena comunitaria con nuestra parroquia. Con gusto les informamos que fue todo un éxito y nos gustaría ofrecer la Cena de Acción de Gracias nuevamente este año. Necesitamos voluntarios que puedan ayudarnos a organizar el evento. Si quisiera ser parte de este maravilloso evento, favor contactar a Lucy al (925) 465-4122. MUY PRONTO FESTIVAL PARROQUIAL DOMINGO 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE
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