St. Clare Parish 19606 Calla Way • Santa Clarita, CA 91351 REV. OLIN MAYFIELD, PASTOR Rev. Malcolm Ambrose, Associate April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter OF ONE HEART AND MIND Reading about the faith of the early Christian believers can be a real inspiration to those of us who have been Christians for a long time, as well as for those who are newly baptized. Can you imagine people of this world being “of one heart and mind” as was the first community of believers? Today’s First Letter of John seems to hold the key to how this can be accomplished. Keeping God’s commandments and loving all of God’s children seems to be the start of being “of one heart and mind.” We live in a world that stresses differences—differences among religions, among races, between genders, and among economic classes. Today we are summoned to focus on what we all share in common on this fragile planet of ours. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. UN SOLO CORAZÓN Y UNA SOLA ALMA Al leer sobre la fe de las primeras comunidades de creyentes puede ser fuente de gran inspiración para los que han sido cristianos por largo tiempo, como también para los que acaban de ser bautizados. ¿Te puedes imaginar a gente de hoy que “tiene un solo corazón y una sola alma” igual que la primera comunidad de creyentes? La primera carta de san Juan que leemos hoy es la clave que nos dice cómo podemos lograrlo. Si guardamos los mandamientos de Dios y si amamos a todos los hijos de Dios parece ser la base de poder tener un “un solo corazón y una sola alma”. Vivimos en un mundo que recalca las diferencias –ya sean entre religiones, razas, géneros y clases. Hoy se nos pide que nos enfoquemos en lo que tenemos en común en este frágil planeta que ocupamos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Mailing Address: 27341 Camp Plenty Rd. Santa Clarita, CA 91351-2645 Parish Office: (661) 252-3353 FAX # (661) 252-1539 Office Hours: Monday 1:30– 5:00pm Tues-Fri: 9am-12:30pm & 1:30-5:00pm CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Our Website: RECONCILIATION: Confessions: Saturdays, 9:30 am & 4:30 pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm & 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30, 9, 11 & 12:45pm Weekday Masses: MON. thru SAT. 9:00am Friday Evenings 7:30pm Holy Day Schedules will be announced. Page 2 SAINT CLARE PARISH April 12, 2015 Welcome to St. Clare Catholic Community Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us. How may we serve you? If you would like to have your child baptized, have your marriage blessed in the church, have a Eucharistic minister visit someone who is ill, or have general questions, please call the Parish Office at: (661)252-3353. We are open Monday from 1:30 to 5pm and Tuesday through Friday from 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 5pm. We look forward to serving you! PARISH OFFICE 661-252-3353 Secretary……………………………… Cathy Powers Business Manager……………………. Ray Broderick Bookkeeper……………………………Eileen Wittwer Finance Council……………………….Bob Denise 252-7432 Primary Religious Education (K-8th Grade) 252-6950 Director of Religious Education……Nancy Nazarian-Medina Secretary …………………………...Ana DeHoyos Spanish Religious Education……….Dora Baez Sunday Pre-School………………… Janet Weidner [email protected] Secondary Religious Education Confirmation…………………………....Tom Fishwick 298-8627 RCIA…………………………..........John Cooke (740) 275-1560 Little Rock Scripture Study…….Gary & Shelly Smith 252-4683 Youth Ministry 298-8627 Youth Minister……………………………….....Nancy Fishwick Jr. High Youth Ministry………………………… Mass Ministries Altar Servers…………………..…...Tracy Lewis (818) 625-1848 Eucharistic Ministers………….………..…..Ed Hoover 251-1548 Lectors…………………………………..Sarah Hamor 424-9488 [email protected] Music………………………………..Mark Nilan (818) 359-0299 Children’s Chior…………...……………Rocio Alonso 298-4215 Ushers……………………….….…….…Jess Gonzales 298-0714 Hospitality………………...………...Jeanette Killough 251-0563 Library……………………...………….Helen Rabjohn 250-4083 Engaged and Marriage Ministries Engaged Encounter…………Jerry & Bev Heyer (888) 267-3660 Wedding Hostess…………….……….Mary Broderick 298-7341 Marriage Encounter….………....Joe & Karen Greulich 286-9950 ………..………En Español: Rosie & Ramon Mercado 505-3251 Retrouvaile (Help For Troubled Marriages)……….800-470-2230 Natural Fam. Planning…Pablo & Veronica Gaeta (818) 994-2110 P Funerals Bereavement Ministry……… Dan & Cathy Andrews 251-5237 *Funerals must be scheduled through Parish Office…...252-3353 Baptisms Pre-Baptism Classes……………………..Parish Office 252-3353 Filipino Ministry Alfie Brimon……………………………………..(818) 645-1192 Couples For Christ……………………...……..Jun Lee 210-6062 Support Ministries/Services Armed Forces Prayer Ministry…………..….....Martine 298-0714 or Bev 252-3135 Battered Woman’s Hotline……………………………...259-4357 Sep., Divorced, Widowed Support Group…….…...Bob 255-1452 Visiting Madonna……………………..Maria Albanese 298-7394 Women’s Ministry…….………….…Rhonda Berlinger 259-6631 Catholic Social Teaching Detention Ministry………………....Aurora Montejano 252-4053 Social Justice Ministry……..…………Kathy Brown 251-4032 Lifeline (Pregnancy Hotline)…………………….…….942-2229 Mission Circle………………………….Claire Salleng 877-1618 Knights of Columbus Grand Knight…………….…………… John Springer 904-6523 Scouting Boy Scouts…….……………………….Tim Terpening 252-7245 Cub Scouts…………….…………………….John Vahl 803-5068 Comunidad Hispana Coordinator………………...……………….Dora Baez 252-3353 Spanish Quinceanera…………….…Araceli Castaneda 526-2461 Adoracion Nocturna……………….…….Alma Rivera 424-0937 Asociacion Guadalupana……….……...Librada Blanco 755-5178 Grupo de Oracion……………..…………….Jose Erazo 964-7801 Ministerio de Alabanza………….……..Antonio Lopez 250-4975 Platicas -bautismales….Sylvia y Jose Luis Villegas 818 802-0634 Ministros de Eucaristia……….…..Augustina Franquez 755-0919 Encuentro Matrimonial…….…...Pedro & Edith Espitia 250-9431 Lectores…………………………………..Aurora Ortiz 298-9059 RCIA ……………….Carmen or Alex 600-6364 or 600-4276 Ujieres…………………..………….Carmen Castañeda 251-6109 ARISH REGISTRATION forms are available in the front vestibule, side entrances of the church, and at OSPITAL/HOME, HOLY COMMUNION, AND SICK the parish office during regular office hours. In order for VISITS: For Holy Communion, please contact the our priests better serve you, especially at the time of parish office during office hours. A Priest or Eucharistic baptism, marriage, or a funeral, it is most helpful if you Minister will visit you and attend to your needs. In case are registered and participating in our parish community. of hospitalization, please inform the admissions office that you are Catholic, so that they will be able to notify ARRIAGE: The bride and/or groom must be us. In case of an emergency or death in the family, a registered and actively participating in the parish priest can be reached 24 hours a day. Call the parish for at least three months. Then, a six-month preparation office number anytime for an emergency pager number. program is required. Please call the office for further information. M H Second Sunday of Easter SAINT CLARE PARISH Page 3 PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Sharon Bender; Aurora Gaor; Mary Ann Griffin; Dora Grandolfo; Nancy Giacomi; Justin Stradley; Rosie Ambrose; Brian Grogan; Maura Tevere; Michael Tevere; Jim Reick; Josh Hoover; Nikita Puyat; Peggy Reick; Desmond Anderson; Shriley Fromberg; Mario Giacomi; Alex Aguino; Rose Sordetto; Juliana Serrano; Rene Espinoza; Ken Fuselier; Nicci Amendola; Chris Nard; Humberto Ambriz; Cecile Ceurvorst; Felix Villanueva; Ana Maria Zegarra; Corey Hurst; Dorothy Simon; Emily Hernandez; Alyssa Adams; Navarro Family; George Samolis; Daisy Cofsky; Stephanie Thompson; David Hartman; Angela Woodworth; Kevin Schallert; Judy Mc Cray; Jocelyn Barbara Amatong; Roger Blackwell; Evelyn Marsh; James Magnuson; Jorge Lara; Oscar Mariano; Marc Fields; Maria Gama; John Rissler; Doug Wilson; Kathleen O’Carroll; Bethany Kerr; Courtney Moe; Allen Gadaire; Emery Gadaire; Michael Brothers; Gabriel Evan Mowery; Laura Calderon; Caroline Tuohy-Guerry; Guillermo Mascorro; Denise Cockrell; Craig Cockrell; Kathy Schuster; David Sedillo; Joseph DeSario; Maria Lozada; Joseph Valdez; Glenda Yakel; Pedro Solorio; Carmel Brockman; Hector Loera; Pauline Varner; Nicole Adal; Mary Tersigni; Rick Malinowsky; Irene Santos; Benjamin Ramirez; Roy Stradley; Ken Wheeler; Michael Neal; John Springer; Mary Gaeta; Tim Patrick Callahan; Bernie Ballock; Beatriz Lizoala; Rebeca Martinez; Shirley Laurino; Ernest W. Calvary; Ron Powers; Dave Binkley; Jim Maclean; Bob Bonette; Carmine Falcone; Bob & Carol Spale; Ray Broderick; Fidel Bagulbagul; Alma Binkley; Ernie Ferrales; Lourdes Lozada; (Names appear on the sick list in the bulletin for three weeks unless we are informed otherwise. There is a “Pray for the Sick” list on the bulletin board outside the chapel. ) APRIL 13(Mon) 9:00 Hannah Hong Lukas Hong Dora Geldres Father of All Mankind INT INT RIP 14(Tues) 9:00 Barbara & Martin Hong Prudencio Donato Julieta Martinez Arturo Murga INT RIP RIP RIP 14(Wed) 9:00 Archibald & Crista Kaper Clare Lukas Eduardo Sarabia Jay Travers RIP RIP RIP RIP 15(Thurs) 9:00 Antonio Ignacio Felisberto Ilan Jim Stagg Leonarda Torrijos RIP RIP RIP RIP 15(Fri) RIP RIP RIP RIP 9:00 Cynthia Carpenter Manuel Gamboa Robert Sasal William & Kathleen Zimmerman 7:30pm 16(Sat) 9:00 For our loved ones to return to the faith Edward & Milly Palacios Felizardo Ilan John Hong Le Maria Mai Nguyen INT RIP RIP RIP BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE Anthony DeCuerpo Go Witness the Truth You are cordially invited to St. Clare Ministry Fair! Great things are happening in our parish community! Come celebrate! April 18 & 19 Good Food! Great Fellowship! Page 4 SAINT CLARE PARISH Each Sunday morning after the 7:30 and 9am Masses, join us in the plaza for coffee, juice, and goodies. This is a great way to meet your parish family and make new friends. We look forward to seeing you there! ST. CLARE’S SENIORS ROCK OUR YOUTH CENTER EACH TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AFTER THE 9AM MASS Our seniors adjourn to the “Youth Center” after 9am Mass where they play pool, dominos, knit/crochet, use the computer lab, have coffee and goodies, solve the world’s problems or just sit and visit with one another. Our “Knit Wits” and “Happy Hookers” meet on Tuesdays to make blankets and hats for several non-profit organizations that serve those in need. You don’t need an invitation. Just April 12, 2015 Altar Servers Needed! If you are at least 8 years of age, have received your First Communion and are interested in serving, please call: Tracy Lewis at (818) 625-1848 with any questions. There is an A.A. Men’s Stag group meeting on Thursday night at 6:30pm in the St. Clare Center. The meetings are taking place at the Camp Plenty entrance. (when you pull in the driveway off Camp Plenty, the St. Clare Room of the St. Clare Center is the first door on the right. ) Keep our own seminarians, John Nestico and Richard Lee in your prayers. show up and meet new friends! “God’s Time Will Come” Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Prayer Group Please come and join us as we pray for our loved ones conversions (and ours too) at the 3:00pm hour of Divine Mercy in the Chapel everyday (Monday through Sunday.) Bring your Rosary. Holy cards that explain how to say the Chaplet will be available. For questions please contact: Sheila Wheeler @251-1203 TRI-PARISH SEPARATED, DIVORCED, WIDOWED SOCIAL/SUPPORT GROUP You're invited to a tri-parish separated, divorced, widowed social/support group at the NEW Pastoral Center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 23045 Lyons Avenue, Thursday, April 23rd from 7:00-8:30 p.m. (Enter Arcadia from Lyons Avenue and park in the back parking lot.) We participate in social activities and have common goals of supporting and helping our fellow Christian in time of transition and need. Call Dottie 259-9448 or Bob 255-1452 for more information. Thank you Are you suffering because someone dear to you has stopped practicing the faith or has left the Church altogether? If so, St. Clare’s has a prayer group which meets in the Church every Friday at 7:30 pm. We begin with the celebration of the Mass and complete with devotions specifically for the intentions of bringing our loved ones back into the active participation of the faith. Please join us in lifting our voices in prayer. REMEMBER THE SOWER Every Tuesday at 7pm in the Church join us for music, prayer and praise. The Sower has joined us at St. Clare—check it out! FAITH FORMATION HE is Risen! Indeed HE is risen! During the Easter season, there are two opportunities to continue growing in your faith. One is to visit the Museum of the Bible in Santa Clarita, the other is to attend the next Faith Formation evening on April 21 in Renehan hall from 7:00-9:00 p.m. . The speaker is Joan Doyle and the topic is “Tips on Reconciliation and Letting Go of Grudges.” I hope to see you! Peggy Pigors Second Sunday of Easter SAINT CLARE And Then There Were Nun Page 5 ن Nun ( ,(نthe 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet (the equivalent of letter N in our Roman alphabet), is the first letter of the word Nasara : )ﻧﺼﺎرىNazarenes ,(the way Muslims have called Christians since the beginning of their invasion of the Christian world in the 7th century -- Christians under Muslim rule never called themselves this, since the intent of Muslims was to portray Christians as a contemptible and disobedient sect. It is the same name of the equivalent letter ()נin the Hebrew alphabet (also a Semitic language), and it reminds us of the words of Jeremiah, also crying for an exile of his people sent to Mesopotamia: Nun. The yoke of my iniquities hath watched: they are folded together in his hand, and put upon my neck: my strength is weakened: In their genocidal physical elimination of Christians from the Mesopotamian city of Mosul, Muslim terrorists marked each Christian-owned institution and building with this letter, for the extermination of holdouts and expropriation of their belongings: They mean it as a mark of shame, we must then wear it as a mark of hope: Yes, we are in the army of the *Resurrected Nazarene, the Master and Lord of the Universe, the Man who is God Almighty, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. You may kill our brethren and expel them, but we Christians will never go away. The information above was provided by: RORATE CAELI: INTERNATIONAL TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC WEB LOG CHRIST IS HERE Christ departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find him. For he departed, and behold, he is here. —St. Augustine What’s going on with CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY ????? CONFIRMATION Sunday, April 12th 1st year class 2:30 to 5pm in the Youth Hall Tuesday, April 14th Bible Study in the Youth Hall 7:30pm-9pm Wednesday, April 8th—Community Life (bring your friends) Spring Games in the Youth Hall 7:30pm to 9pm. YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS… ******After School, the Youth Center is open Monday through Thursday 2pm to 5pm****** Come on over and cool down, watch television or play a game of pool or foos ball. After school time or community life events — BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Our number is (661)298-8627 The Most Page 6 Holy Body and Blood of Christ SAINT SAINTCLARE CLAREPARISH PARISH April 12, Page 2015 5 Religious Education News Second Sunday of Easter – Sunday of Divine Mercy Gospel of John 20: 19-31 “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Jesus calls us to be a people who evangelize by sharing the Good News with those around us. During this Easter season, what are ways your family can bring Christ to others? Do your actions reflect that you are a disciple of Christ. IMPORTANT DATES AHEAD… Parent Meeting for families preparing to receive First Holy Communion. Tuesday, April 14th at 7PM in Renehan Hall. Light snacks will be served. Family First Holy Communion Retreat: Saturday, April 25th Check-in begins at 9:30AM in the church courtyard. Dismissal at noon. Registration for 2015-2016 classes will begin on April 30th. Make sure your family’s account is up-to-date in order to complete the registration packet. New families: You will need to bring your child/children baptism certificate and be registered at St. Clare’s Parish for priority enrollment. Call our office with any questions or concerns 661.252.6950 Email: [email protected] Summer Opportunities Coming Soon to Grow in Faith! Sacred Heart Girls Camp: For girls between the ages of 8-15 years old. Held on July 12-18 or July 26-August 1st in Big Bear Lake, CA. Website: St. Clare’s Vacation Bible School will take place the week of July 610th. Registration information will be available the first week of May. Priority enrollment is given to parish families but is open to all children in the Santa Clarita Valley. Questions: R.E. Office 252-6950. Special thanks to Gary and Shelly Smith, Monica Camacho and Isabel Mendoza for organizing the Good Friday Stations of the Cross and Hike. The parish families, RE students and Just Chillin’2 ministry members had a meaningful experience. The Second Sunday of Easter SAINT CLARE PARISH Page 7 TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En tiempos pasados, cuando la misa era en latín, no teníamos la oportunidad de escuchar en nuestro propio idioma las bellas palabras que Cristo pronunció durante la Última Cena y que el sacerdote repite durante la Consagración: “Esto es mi cuerpo”… “Esta es mi sangre”. Por tal razón los monaguillos sonaban unas campanitas indicando que algo importante estaba pasando. En ese momento los fieles levantábamos la cabeza para ver el pan convertido en cuerpo y el vino convertido en sangre. Lamentablemente el sacerdote nos daba la espalda y no podíamos ver lo que ocurría sobre el altar. Sin embargo, respondíamos con las palabras del apóstol Tomás: “Señor mío y Dios mío”. Estas palabras reconocen y adoran la presencia de Jesús en el pan y el vino. A este momento se le consideraba el más importante de la misa. No obstante, el Concilio Vaticano II vino a enseñarnos que este es el momento cumbre, junto con toda la Plegaria Eucarística, pues toda la misa es igualmente importante, excepto que durante la Plegaria Eucarística alcanzamos el punto más alto de la celebración. Por esa razón ya no hay campanita, pues ahora escuchamos todo en nuestro propio idioma, así como los discípulos las escucharon de Cristo, en su propio idioma. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. INSCRIPCIONES PARA CATEQUESIS SERAN Entre semana durante horas de oficina del ministerio hispano. Lunes 10am to 4:30pm Martes, Miercoles y Jueves— 1 to 7:30pm Viernes cerrado, y Sabado — 9am to 2pm Para mas informacion llamar (661) 645-2053 o (661) 252-3353 ext 209 Sacramentos de Adultos (RCIA) Para informes llamar a Carmen and Alex Zuniga (661) 600-6364 or (661) 600-4276 ADORACION NOCTURNA Te invitamos a que participes en la Adoración Nocturna. Tenemos nuestra reunión el primer Viernes del mes de 9:00pm — 10:00pm. Puedes iniciar regalándole a Jesús una hora de su tiempo. No has podido velar ni una hora conmigo? Jesús Sacramentado te espera! Para mayor información comunicarse con: Alma (661) 424-0837. Asociación Guadalupana ¿Te gustaría ser miembro de este gran ministerio?. Ven a venerar a nuestra Madre. La Virgen de Guadalupe que ella siempre intercede para nosotros. Nuestras reuniones son el primer Sábado de cada mes te esperamos. Para mas información: Adres Trinidad (661) 210-5913 O Librada Blanco (661) 755-5178 NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA ESTA CRECIENDO Y NECESITAMOS DE TU SERVICIO EN CUALQUIERA DE LOS SIGUIENTES MINISTERIOS QUE TENEMOS EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA. PARA MAS INFORMACION; LLAMAR A DORA BAEZ (661) 645-2053 O (661)252-3353 EXT 209 Te invitamos, a ser parte del ministerio de ujieres, y dar tu servicio al Señor y tu comunidad, nos reunimos el ultimo Martes de cada mes en el salón #3 de 7pm-9pm para mas informes llama a Carmen Castenada al: (661)251-6109 El Grupo de Oración Te invita todos los Lunes de 7-9pm. Alabar y bendecir al Señor. Con testimonios, predicación y Oración. Salmo 90: 1 “Señor tu has sido para nosotros un refugio a lo largo de los siglos.” Para mas información llamar a José Erazo (661)964-7801. Grupo de Alcohólicos Anónimos Mañana Es Hoy El alcohol es una droga que crea habito y dependencia, y nos arrastra a una autentica enfermedad, la enfermedad del alcoholismo, que es una enfermedad progresiva. Si crees tener problemas con tu manera de beber, quizás Alcohólicos Anónimos puede ayudarte. Ven te esperamos. 17812 Sierra Hwy unit C, Canyon Country 91387 Reuniones todos los días de Lunes a Domingos de: 8pm a 10pm y Domingos de 10am a 12 mediodía. Page 8 SAINT CLARE PARISH April 12, 2015 DID YOU KNOW? ¿Sabia Usted? The Archdiocese continues helping survivors of clergy abuse and their families As we start April, Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Archdiocese of Los Angles wants to reiterate that it remains committed to helping survivors of clergy sexual abuse and their families and find peace. If you believe you or someone you know is a victim of clergy abuse, please contact the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator at (213) 6377650. Suzanne Healy is available to help and support. La Arquidiócesis sigue apoyando los sobrevivientes y a sus familias victimas de abuso por miembros del clero Comenzando el mes de Abril, mes para la Prevención del Abuso Infantil, la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles desea reiterar el compromiso de seguir ayudando a los sobrevivientes y a sus familias, victimas de abuso sexual por miembros del clero a encontrar la sanción y la paz. Si usted cree que usted o alguien que conoce es victima de abuso por algún sacerdote, por favor contacte a la Coordinadora para la Asistencia de Victimas al (213) 637-7650. Suzanne Healy esta disponible para brindar ayuda. What a Beautiful Easter (thanks to you and our Nocturnal Adoration Group) If you had the opportunity to visit the Altar of Repose on Holy Thursday, you saw how beautifully Renehan Hall was transformed into a place of adoration following the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Renehan hall, the church and the parish hall (used for overflow Masses on Easter morning) were all decorated by our Nocturnal Adoration group. So - remember when you enjoy their Breakfast Your Way fundraisers, you are supporting the church “environment.” In addition to the flowers, they have purchased beautiful new Altar cloths for the Church as well. Thank you to Alma Rivera and her crew for making our place of worship more beautiful than ever! Alleluia Alleluia ¿Qué una hermosa Pascua (gracias a nuestro Grupo de Adoración Nocturna) Si tuvieron la oportunidad de visitar el Altar de reposo el Jueves Santo, que vio maravillosamente Renehan Hall se transformó en un lugar de adoración después de la Misa de la Cena del Señor. Renehan Hall, la iglesia y el salón parroquial (utilizado para desbordar las misas en la mañana de Pascua) fueron decoradas por nuestro Grupo de Adoración Nocturna. -Recuerdan Cuando disfrutan de los eventos para fondos de desayuno “Your Way”, están apoyando a la iglesia "ambiente". Además de las flores, han adquirido hermosos nuevos manteles de Altar para la iglesia también. Gracias a Alma Rivera y su equipo para la fabricación de nuestro lugar de culto más hermosa! Aleluya Aleluya Second Sunday of Easter SAINT CLARE PARISH Page 9 ARMED FORCES PRAYER MINISTRY Nicholas Amato Juan Anthony Arriaga Nick Barker Jedd Bautista Kane Bautista George E. Benson Gabrielle Bernal Dustin Hyde Bozer Jessica Brooks Ian Buxton Felix Chavarria Kyle Ciopryna Mark DeSimone Nicolas Diaz Blake Dunn Christopher Fields Carley S. Franz Paul C. Gonzales Jeremy Goyeau Jamal Guilliod Heather Michelle Hamilton Tyler Hawkins Amber Hickman Kevin Kassin Maria Kohler Jason Kominiak Jeremy Lamb Lash LaRue Job Lopez Juan Martinez Zachary McCalla Michael Angelo Muamo Christopher Nores Matthew Nores John A. Perez Jessica Peters Angel Provincia Paola Putnam Robert Ramirez Vincent L. Rampino Cole Reasonover Miguel Reyes Phillip Rodriguez, Jr. Jason Roman Miracle Roman James B Ryan Colt R. Salazar Gerardo San Jose, Jr. Giogia “Mikaela” San Jose Brittany Scott Joseph Serrano Brett Shields, Jr Robert Simons Robert Spale Daniel Thompson Justin Torres Dennis Ukkestad Jackie Ukkestad Rebecca Urbina Geovany Valdovinos Andre Wall Michael D. Wheeler Glenn Winsick Matthew R. Wolf William Yaworski From the Prayer of the Archdiocese for Military Services Almighty God and Father, look with love upon our men and women in uniform and protect them in their time of need. Give them health and stability and allow them to return to their loved ones whole and unshaken. Be with their families and sustain them in these uncertain times. Hear us as we present our prayers to You through Christ our Lord. Amen TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:32-35). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Psalm 118). Second Reading — The victory that conquers the world is our faith (1 John 5:1-6). Gospel — Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed (John 20:19-31). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — La communidad de los creyentes compartía todo con el mismo amor (Hechos 4:32-35). Salmo — La misericordia del Señor es eterna. Aleluya (Salmo 118 [117]). Segunda lectura — Si alguien cree que Jesús es el Enviado, ése ha nacido de Dios (1 Juan 5:1-6). Evangelio — Felices los que creen sin haber visto (Juan 20:19-31). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Hch 4:23-31; Sal 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Martes: Hch 4:32-37; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Miércoles: Hch 5:17-26; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Jueves: Hch 5:27-33; Sal 34 (33):2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Viernes: Hch 5:34-42; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Sábado: Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Domingo: Hch 3:13-15, 17-19; Sal 4:2, 4, 7-9; RAFAEL P. SUSTENTO, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 23206 Lyons Ave., Suite 208 Newhall, CA 91321 Santa Clarita Medical Center (Across from Our Lady of Perpetual Help) (661) 799-9828 Fax (661) 799-9823 Your "Awesome Town" Real Estate Team! Grace and Blessings on your Path! Fabienne McGeever Realtor/Notary Public Se Habla Español / Local Parishioner of Santa Clarita CalBRE# 01331264 661-803-2457 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] “Dream with your eyes open” A Referral From You Is The Highest Compliment I Can Receive! ANDREW BORON Most Insurance Accepted including Medi-Cal Like us on FACEBOOK as Rafael P. Sustento, DDS, Inc. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE LOAN PROFESSIONAL Real Estate Broker California Bureau of Real Estate [email protected] Direct: 661-291-2242 Mobile: 661-803-7100 Fax: 661-260-2979 CalBRE #01337996 - NMLS #349706 24018 Lyons Avenue - Newhall, CA 91321 Lic. #01212262 & NMLS #241911 PUSH Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ 28420 Haskell Canyon Road No Long-Term Contracts Santa Clarita, CA 91390 ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Best Image Dental General Dentistry & Orthodontics Ramil L. Asuncion, DDS Maria Theresa C. Asuncion, DDS (661) 513-9595 (661) 513-9119 Fax TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months [email protected] Evening and Weekend Appointments Available Most Insurance Accepted 519924 St Clare Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 CLUB PEST CONTROL • Residential 10% Discount • Commercial to • Restaurants Parishioners Got ’em? 1-661-299-2582 Club ’em! Parish Member (CLUB) Please Listen and let me know what you think Your ad Santa Clarita Family Dentistry Dr. Robert L. Pena 22930 Lyons Ave. Santa Clarita, CA 91321 (661) 222-7171 could be in this space! If you like them they are available for purchase My website is Email: [email protected] Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. We have a Priest onboard almost every weekly departure with Holland America Cruise Line. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 AV Party Rental, Inc. Everything for Your Party Pat & Roger Parr, Parishioners 23800 San Fernando Rd. • Newhall 519924 St Clare Church (B) 259-2151 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Transmission Service & Repair “The Old Reliable” CANYON COUNTRY Since 1960 661.252.7200 7 LOCATIONS $10.00 Discount to Parishioners License #484565 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 SPACE AVAILABLE CARLOS Carpet Cleaning Professional service using the power of a steam clean truck mounted machine. Domestic & Asian Vehicles Helping Families Like Yours in the Santa Clarita Valley for Over 30 Years REPAIR GUARANTEE For 36,000 Miles or 3 Years Se Habla To Advertise Here... Contact DAN DeMARTINI today at (800) 231-0805 [email protected] Welcome New Owner: John Wright Local Resident Carrying Español We offer: DEEP CLEANING ODOR REMOVAL UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $10 OFF $20 OFF On The Tradition (661) 251-6736 Any Oil & Filter Service 661-839-4505 Any Repair or Maintenance of $100 or More Call or Go Online For An Appointment 27260 Camp Plenty Rd. Canyon Country 91351 (2 blks from St. Clare) HEATING & Air Conditioning Parishioner Lic#967267 661-251-8756 FD #1163 COME VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL GARDEN FOR THE CATHOLIC FAITHFUL, OUR LADY OF LOURDES Eternal Valley Memorial Park Mortuary We take great pride in providing exceptional, personal care to make this difficult time reassuring and comforting. Hablamos Español 23287 N. SIERRA HIGHWAY NEWHALL, CA 91321 661-259-0800 MARIA SANDRA A. UMALI, M.D. Internal Medicine Cardiology and Gastroenterology Umali Medical Clinic 22621 Lyons Ave., Newhall, CA 91322 Telephone (661) 964-0597 Fax (661) 964-0598 By Appointment WATER HEATER Repair & Replacement Tank & Tankless 661.251.8756 Parishioner • Lic# 967267 DENTIST DR. CAROL E. VILLATE-MENDOZA (661) 27225 Camp Plenty Rd., Ste. #9 Canyon Country, CA 91351 251-4672 Parishioner ARNEL DE GUZMAN, DDS ELEANOR CHAN-DE GUZMAN, DDS Family Dentistry & Orthodontics Se Habla Español, Tagalog, Fookien 24148 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 (661) 888-4980 Phone (661) 370-0770 Fax [email protected] Parishioners Saint Margaret Sunday Missal l mpanion a n o s Per r Co Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be For further information, please call the Parish Office. Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • CRIPPEN’S SANTA CLARITA VALLEY BURIAL & CREMATION SERVICE (FD-1952) Independently Owned and Operated Means Financial Savings and Peace of Mind for Everyone. Funeral Directors: Lou Brousseau (fd-773) Robert Hansen (fd-1313) William Telford (fd-1163) Cindy Wells (fd-1984 CA Ins. Lic 0B77637) 11653 Sierra Highway Canyon Country, CA 91351 (661) 250-1435 519924 St Clare Church (A) Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 27674 Newhall Ranch Rd. #55 Valencia, CA 91355 661-294-9069 JOHN & VICTORIA MAGNANIMO FULL SERVICE DELI FRESH BAKED BREAD DAILY ON PREMISES LASAGNA, SAUSAGE, SALADS Local Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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