St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church 827 Sheldon Rd Channelview, Texas 77530 281-452-9865 Parish Office 281-452-2157 Fax Rev. Christopher Shackelford, Pastor Deacon Javier Gomez / Deacon Michael Muench Mass Schedule Bazaar Weekend Only! ¡Horario de Misa Fin de Semana del Bazar Solamente! Saturday/Sábado - October/Octubre 25, 2014 6 PM—Bilingual/Bilingüe Mass Sunday/Domingo - October/Octubre 26, 2014 8 AM – English/Ingles Mass 10 AM – Español/Spanish Mass Office will be CLOSED Monday, October 27, 2014 La Oficina estará CERRADA el Lunes, 27 de Octubre, 2014 There will be NO other Masses celebrated this weekend NO habrá ningún otra Misa celebrada este fin de semana Regular Sunday Mass Schedule will resume on Sunday, November 2, 2014 Horario Regular de Misa resumirá el domingo, 2 de Noviembre, 2014 7 days left until Bazaar We are still in need of canned sodas, 2 liter sodas, cascarones Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Give the Lord glory and honor (Psalm 96) My Dear Sisters and Brothers: We are only a week from our Parish Bazaar. I want to thank all of you who have already made generous donations and for all of those who have worked so hard to prepare for our Bazaar during the past few weeks. There is still a lot of work to be done. We still need all the help we can get this next Saturday morning doing all the last minute set-ups and preparations. Of course, as I have mentioned many times before, please bring all RAFFLE TICKETS (sold or unsold) to Parish Office as quickly as possible. I would like to remind everyone who picked up their pack of tickets that we do have your name and information as well as the numbered tickets you have received. Every family will be held responsible for returning all tickets (whether sold or unsold) back to the Parish Office by Wednesday , October 22 before Bazaar Sunday. This is a Texas Lottery Raffle law which must be followed. Today is Drop Off Sunday. Please bring all your donations today before or after any of the Masses, or you may bring them by the office no later than Wednesday. If you are baking cakes please bring those to by on Saturday morning 9AM to 12PM at the Family Life Center or they can be dropped off before Mass between 5PM-7PM Saturday evening. If you are going to deliver the cake on Sunday morning, please bring all cakes to the Family Life Center Kitchen by 10:00 AM. before the Bazaar begins. Please bring your plants, toys, candies and any other donations by the parish office no later than Wednesday. As a reminder, all receipts for the bazaar need to be turned into the office by October 31st or it will be considered a donation to the parish. Please note the change of mass schedule for Bazaar weekend only 6 pm Saturday mass will be bilingual, 8 am mass in English and 10 am mass in Spanish. There will be no other masses for this weekend. We will resume our regular Mass schedule the following Sunday November 2. Also as a reminder to everyone that there will be NO PARKING on the parish grounds next weekend for the Masses as the entire parking lot will be set up for the Bazaar. Please note our Silent Auction begins at 11:00 am and our wonderful Live Auction begins at 2:00 pm, and will conclude when the Live Auction ends around 4:00 pm. We have many wonderful items in both our Live and Silent Auctions, so don’t miss them. I also wanted to remind everyone that the Feast Day of All Saints will be on Sunday November 2nd this year, The book of the deceased has been placed in the Narthex for all members to put the names of their deceased loved ones in it. Also we are going to be decorating an altar in the Parish Hall on November 1st for the Feast Day of all Souls on November 2. This Altar will include pictures of all of our deceased loved ones who have passed, we ask that you bring a copy of pictures of deceased loved ones so that they can be put on our altar. It has been a tradition in our parish to collect food during the month of November. We will be collecting canned and dry-goods groceries for the less fortunate families of our community. As with our annual toy drive, all non-perishable food items can be placed on the altar as part of our sacrificial offerings. May God bless all of your generosity as you share with those less fortunate and with those who do not have food for their daily bread. Sincerely in Christ, Father Christopher READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Is 45: 1, 4 - 6; 1 Thes 1: 1 – 5b; Mt 22: 15 - 21 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 2:1 - 10; Lk 12: 13 - 21 Eph 2: 12 - 22; Lk 12: 35 - 38 Eph 3: 2 - 12; Lk 12: 39 - 48 Eph 3: 14 - 21; Lk 12: 49 - 53 Eph 4: 1 - 6; Lk 12: 54 - 59 Eph 4: 7 - 16; Lk 13: 1 - 9 Ex 22: 20 - 26; 1 Thes 1: 5c – 10; Mt 22: 34 - 40 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I have grasped the right hand of Cyrus to subdue the nations before him. (Is 45: 4 - 6) Psalm — Give the Lord glory and honor. (Psalm 96) Second Reading — Calling to mind faith, love , and hope. (Thes 1: 1 - 5b) Gospel — Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. (Mt 22: 15 - 21) THANKSGIVING OFFERING FOR October 11th & 12th, 2014 6:00 PM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Total $2,658.10 $4,591.57 $3,490.19 $1,203.37 $2,459.67 $14,402.90 Our Lady of Guadalupe Collection: DSF 2014—Goal: Paid: Deficit/Shortage: 18.46% 31.88% 24.23% 8.36% 17.08% 100.00% $2,690.10 $68,000.00 $53,777.74 $14,222.26 - 21% Communion Antiphon: Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, who hope in his merciful love, to rescue their souls from death, to keep them alive in famine. Entrance Antiphon: To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God; turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye; in the shadow of your wings protect me. Parish Office will be closed on October 27, 2014 the day after the Bazaar. Vigésimo Noveno Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario 19 de Octubre, 2014 Aclamen la gloria y el poder del Señor. (Salmo 95) Mis Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas: Estamos a sólo una semana de nuestro Bazar Parroquial. Quiero agradecer a todos los que ya han hecho donaciones generosas y para todos los que han trabajado tan duro para prepararnos para nuestro bazar durante las últimas semanas. Todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer. Todavía necesitamos toda la ayuda que podamos conseguir este próximo sábado por la mañana haciendo todo lo de ultimo momento como armar y preparar. Por supuesto, como ya he dicho muchas veces antes, por favor traigan todos los BOLETOS de la RIFA (vendido o no vendidos) a la Oficina Parroquial lo antes posible. Quisiera recordarles a todos que recogieron su paquete de boletos que tenemos su nombre y información, de a cuales boletos han recibido. Cada familia es responsable de devolver todos los boletos (vendidos o no vendidos) a la Oficina Parroquial antes del Miércoles 22 de octubre, antes del Bazar el próximo Domingo. Esta es una ley de la rifa de la Lotería de Texas que debe seguirse. Hoy es Domingo de Traer las Cosas para el Bazar por favor traiga sus donaciones hoy antes o después de cualquiera de las misas, o puede llevarlos a la oficina antes del miércoles. Si van a hornear pasteles por favor traigan los el sábado por la mañana de 9 am-12 pm al Centro de Vida Familiar o pueden ser dejados antes de la Misa entre 5pm -9pm sábado por la noche. Si usted va a traer el pastel el domingo por la mañana, por favor tráigalo para el Centro de Vida Familiar a la cocina a las 10am antes de que comience el Bazar. Favor de traer sus plantas, juguetes, dulces y otros donativos a la oficina parroquial antes del miércoles. Como recordatorio, todos los recibos para el bazar deben ser entregados a la oficina antes del 31 de octubre o serán considerados una donación a la parroquia. Por favor, tomen en cuenta el cambio de horario de misas el fin de semana del Bazar el sábado a las 6 pm será bilingüe, a las 8am misa en Inglés y de las 10am Misa en español. No habrá ningún otra misa este fin de semana. Vamos a reanudar nuestro horario regular de Misa el próximo domingo, 2 de noviembre. También como un recordatorio para todos que no habrá estacionamiento en el los terrenos de la parroquia el próximo fin de semana para las misas como todo estará preparado para el bazar. Por favor, tome nota de nuestra Subasta en Silencio que comienza a las 11 am y nuestro maravillosa Subasta en Vivo comienza a las 2 pm, y concluirá cuando la subasta en vivo termine alrededor de las 4 pm. Tenemos muchos artículos maravillosos en nuestras Subastas en Vivo y Silencio, así que no te los pierdas. También quería recordarles que el día de Fiesta de Todos los Santos será el domingo 2 de noviembre este año. El Libro de los Fallecidos se ha colocado en la Ante Sala de la Iglesia para que todos los miembros pongan los nombres de sus seres queridos fallecidos en el. También vamos a decorar un altar en el Salón Parroquial el 1 de noviembre para el día de Fiesta de los Difuntos el 2 de noviembre este altar incluirá fotografías de todos nuestros seres queridos fallecidos, les pedimos que traigan una copia de sus fotos de los seres queridos fallecidos, para que puedan ser puestos en nuestro altar. Ha sido una tradición en nuestra parroquia el recoger comida enlatada durante el mes de noviembre. Estaremos recaudando alimentos enlatados y mercería para las familias menos afortunadas de nuestra comunidad. Al igual que con nuestra campaña anual de juguetes, todos los alimentos no perecederos se pueden colocar en el altar como parte de nuestras ofrendas de sacrificio. Que Dios los bendiga a todos por su generosidad al compartir con los menos afortunados y con los que no tienen alimentos para el sustento diario. Sinceramente en Cristo, Padre Christopher OFRENDA DE DAR GRACIAS PARA Octubre 11 & 12, 2014 6:00 PM $2,658.10 18.46% 10:00 AM $4,591.57 31.88% 12:30 PM $3,490.19 24.23% 5:00 PM $1,203.37 8.36% 7:00 PM $2,459.67 17.08% Total $14,402.90 Colecta de la Virgen de Guadalupe : DSF 2014—Meta: Pagado: Déficit/Falta: 100.00% Primera Lectura — El Señor tomo de la mano a Ciro para someter ante el a las naciones. (Is 45:1, 4 - 6) Salmo— Aclamen a la gloria y el poder del Señor. (Salmo 95) Segunda Lectura — Recordamos la fe, la esperanza y el amor de ustedes. (Tesa 1: 1 - 5) Evangelio — Den al Cesar lo que es del Cesar y a Dios lo que es de Dios. (Mt 22: 15 - 21) $2,690.10 $68,000.00 $53,777.74 $14,222.26 -21% Antífona de Entrada: Yo te invoco porque tu me respondes, Dios mio; atiendeme y escucha mis palabras. Cuidame como a la niña de tus ojos y cubreme bajo la sombra de tus alas. Think Bazaar: Bring your empty egg shells, get your 2 liter cokes, 12 packs of cokes and bring them in, Bottled water. LECTURAS DE HOY LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Hoy : Is 45: 1, 4 - 6; 1 Thes 1: 1 – 5b; Mt 22: 15 - 21 Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Eph 2:1 - 10; Lk 12: 13 - 21 Eph 2: 12 - 22; Lk 12: 35 - 38 Eph 3: 2 - 12; Lk 12: 39 - 48 Eph 3: 14 - 21; Lk 12: 49 - 53 Eph 4: 1 - 6; Lk 12: 54 - 59 Eph 4: 7 - 16; Lk 13: 1 - 9 Ex 22: 20 - 26; 1 Thes 1: 5c – 10; Mt 22: 34 - 40 Antífona de la Comunión: Los ojos del Señor están puestos en sus hijos, en los que esperan en su misericordia, librarlos de la muerte y reanimarlos en tiempo de hambre. VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children Preventing child sexual abuse is the goal of the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Office. “Protecting God’s Children’s” is the program selected by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to educate clergy, staff, and volunteers who work with children and youth about child sexual abuse and the ways to create a safe environment for children. The 3-hour live session includes videos and facilitated discussions that focus on the prevention of abuse and the protection of children. Adults learn how to recognize the warning signs of sexual abuse and to respond appropriately. You will learn about steps that the faith community can take to create a safe environment for all God’s children and how to respond when adults behave in a way that raises concerns. Parents are welcome and encourage to attend. A “Protecting God’s Children” workshop will be held at St. Andrew on November 15, 2014 at 9:00am. All attendees must have a current Driver’s license (any state), State -issued Identification Card, Passport (any country), Mexico or Guatemala Consulate ID in order to attend a “Protecting God’s Children” Workshop. When pre-registering for the class, YOU MUST USE YOUR NAME and DATE OF BIRTH as it appears on your DL, ID, or Passport. Please pre-register online at For additional information you can contact Esveida Martinez at 281-452-9865 ext. 26. The Stewardship Committee Presents Leap of Faith Parish Fitness Free Monthly Educational Workshop St. Andrew Catholic Church You will also be eligible to win an Acer laptop (500 gb hard drive, DVD player, windows 7, 15.6" monitor and webcam) donated by parishioners and Stewardship Committee Members, Jose and Janie Jimenez. In order to be eligible to win the computer, you must attend all workshops. Join Beverly Harper, Parishioner and Attorney, and learn the basics about: • Powers of Attorney “While You’re Living but Not Yourself” • Directives to Physicians for Making Decisions When You Aren’t Able To... • Wills to Divide Your Estate After You Pass Parish Hall 7:15—8:15 pm MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK REUNIONES DE LA SEMANA Sunday/Domingo October/Octubre 19, 2014 2nd Collection– Propagation of Faith 8 AM—Faith Formation (Eng.) (Rms. 1-8 & FLC) 8 AM—KC # 15059 Meeting (Conf. Hall) 8:30 AM—Adult Faith Formation (Eng.) (Ch) 10:30 AM—Faith Formation (Sp.) (All Rooms) 10:30 AM—Formación de Fe Adultos (Esp.) (Ch) 3 PM—JCDA Mtg (Conf. Hall) 6 PM—Jr High Youth Time (RM. 6) 5 PM—Youth Mass (Ch) 6 PM—Rosary (Eng. Grotto) 6:30 PM—Youth Night (FLC) 6:30 PM—Rosario (Esp. Gruta) Monday/Lunes October/Octubre 20, 2014 6 PM—Rosary (Eng.) (Grotto) 6:30 PM—Rosario (Esp.) (Gruta) 7 PM—Defensa de Fe (Rm. 1) 7 PM—Soc. Com. Mtg (Rm. 8) 7 PM—Practica Baile Folclórico (P. Hall) Tuesday/Martes October/Octubre 21, 2014 8:30 AM —Mass (Chapel) 6 PM—General Bazaar Meeting (FLC) 6 PM—Rosary (Eng.) (Grotto) 6:30 PM—Rosario (Esp.) (Gruta) 7 PM—CCE Catechists/Aides In Service (Rms. 2 & 3) 7 PM—CDA Meeting (Conf. Hall) 7 PM—NO CCE Sacrament Prep (Rms. 1-8) 7 PM—Taller de Oración y Vida (Rm. 9) (JL) Wed./Miércoles October/Octubre 22, 2014 10 AM—LOM-Sp. - (MM) (Conf. Hall) 10 AM—Staff Meeting (Admin Conf. Rm.) 6 PM—Rosary (Eng. Grotto) 6 PM— Confessions (Ch) 6:30— PM—Rosario (Esp. Gruta) 7 PM—NO Youth Confirmation (FLC) 7 PM—NO Faith Form. Classes (grades 6, 7, 8) (CCE All Rms.) 7:30 PM—NO RCIA Faith Formation (Adults) (Conf. Hall) Thursday/Jueves October/Octubre 23, 2014 8:30 AM—Mass (Ch) 6 PM— LOM Help of Christians (Rm. 10) 6 PM—Rosary (Eng. Grotto) 6:30 PM—Rosario (Esp. Gruta) 7 PM—BSA Prayer & Recon. Service (Chapel) 7 PM—Choir Practice (Eng.) (Ch) Friday/Viernes October/Octubre 24, 2014 8:30 AM— Mass (Ch) 6 PM—JR LOM Mt Carmel. (Conf. Hall) 6 PM—Rosary (Eng. Grotto) 6:30 PM—Rosario (Esp. Gruta) 6:30 PM—JR LOM Rosa Mística (Rm. 9) 7 PM—Grupo de Oración (P. Hall & Rm. 10) 7 PM—Sp YAG (Chapel & Conf. Hall) Saturday/Sábado October/Octubre 25, 2014 2nd Collection– SVDP 8 AM—Bazaar Workday 8 AM—OLO Mt Carmel Mtg. (Conf. Hall) 12 PM—Sp. Baptisms (Ch) (JG) 1 PM—Sp. Music Trng. (Conf. Hall) (Pepe) 4 PM—NO RCIA for Children (Rms. 2 & 3) 4:30 PM—Confessions (Ch.) 6 PM—Mass Bilingual (Ch) 6 PM—Rosary (Eng. Grotto) 6:30 PM—Rosario (Esp. Gruta) Sunday/Domingo October/Octubre 26, 2014 2nd Collection– SVDP— BAZAAR TODAY 8 AM—NO Faith Formation (Eng.) (Rms. 1-8 & FLC) 8:30 AM—NO Adult Faith Formation (Eng.) (Ch) 10:30 AM—NO Faith Formation (Sp.) (All Rooms) 10:30 AM—NO Formación de Fe Adultos (Esp.) (Ch) 5 PM—NO Youth Mass (Ch) 6 PM—Rosary (Eng. Grotto) 6:30 PM—NO Youth Night (FLC) 6:30 PM—Rosario (Esp. Gruta) You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!” ¡Vas hacia Lugares Fantásticos! ¡Hoy es tu día! Tu montaña te espera, Así que... ¡Vete en tu camino!” LAST GENERAL MEETING ULTIMA JUNTA GENERAL Attention ALL BOOTH CHAIRPERSONS: Our LAST General Meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, October 21st in the Family Life Center. This meeting will be a COME AND GO, QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION. Please feel free to stop by any time between 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Atención TODOS LOS PRESIDENTES DE PUESTOS: Nuestra ULTIMA Junta General esta programada para este Martes, 21 de Octubre SESION DE PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS . Por favor siéntanse libres de venir entre las 7:00pm - 8:30pm. BAZAAR DAY PARKING Armenta’s and the ECC School Parking Lot next door will be available. No vehicles will be allowed on the church grounds after 9:00am. Please note the back parking lot of the ECC School next door is reserved for Handicap Parking ONLY. We also ask that bazaar patrons please respect the “No Parking” signs. Thank you. ESTACIONAMIENTO EL DIA DEL BAZAR Armenta’s y el Estacionamiento de la Escuela ECC en seguida estarán disponibles. Ningún automóvil será permitido en los terrenos de la iglesia después de las 9:00am. Por favor tomen en cuenta que estacionamiento de atrás de la Escuela en seguida será destinados SOLO PARA LOS DESCAPACITADOS. También se les pide a los clientes del bazar que por favor respeten los letreros de “No Estacionamiento”. Muchas gracias. SATURDAY 6:00PM MASS PARKING Parking for Mass on Saturday will be in the spaces in front of the CCE Building, the Rectory, the front spaces of the parish grounds and at the ECC School next door. Parking is NOT ALLOWED at Armenta’s. ESTACIONAMIENTO SABADO MISA DE 6:00PM Estacionamiento para la Misa de Sábado será en los lugares de en frente del Edificio de CCE, Casa del padre, los espacios en frente de la iglesia y en la Escuela ECC en seguida. NO SE PERMITIEA estacionarse en Armenta’s. FOOD BOOTHS Food booths, not including the BBQ Dinners, will open and begin selling at 9:00am on Bazaar Sunday. Finance will open at 9:00am to begin selling tickets. PUESTOS DE COMIDA Puestos de Comida, no incluyendo Platillo de BBQ, abrirán y venderán empezando a las 9:00am el domingo del Bazar. Finanzas abrirá a as 9:00am para empezar a vender boletos. Please pray for great weather next weekend and we hope to see all of you, next Sunday, October 26, 2014 at the St. Andrew Catholic Church 40th Annual Bazaar!!! Por favor recen por buen tiempo el fin de semana y esperamos verlos a todos aquí, ¡¡¡el próximo domingo 26 de Octubre, 2014 en Bazar Anual #40 de la Iglesia Católica San Andrés!!! “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.” “Te perderás las mejores cosas si mantiene tus ojos cerrados.” Please mark the following dates on your calendar: Reimbursement Request Deadline Thursday, October 30, 2014 Appreciation Dinner Saturday, November 15, 2014 @ 7:30 PM in FLC Por favor marquen sus calendarios las fechas siguientes: Fecha Limite para Rembolsos Jueves, 30 de Octubre, 2014 Cena de Agradecimiento Sábado, 15 de Noviembre, 2014 @ 7:30 PM en el FLC Please contact Raymond Hernandez with any questions at (713)906-6800 or email at [email protected] . Por favor contacte a Raymond Hernandez con cualquier pregunta al (713)906-6800 o email at [email protected] . St. Andrew Catholic Church Youth Ministry News / Noticias de Jóvenes Youth Office: 281-452-9865 x21 email: [email protected] Oct. 19 5 pm 6:30 pm Youth Mass Youth Night Church FLC Oct. 22 7pm - 8:30 pm High School Faith Formation FLC Oct. 26 11 am 6 pm BAZAAR DAY NO YOUTH NIGHT Oct. 29 7pm - 8:30 pm High School Faith Formation FLC Nov. 2 5 pm 6:30 pm Youth Mass Youth Night Church FLC Confirmation students make sure you sign up to help for our bazaar Service hours are needed for both students and parents this is your best opportunity to do them. Noticias de OEC Horas de Oficina de OEC Lunes — Jueves 1 p. m. a 4 p. m. Date Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 26 Time OEC News OEC Office hours Monday—Thursday 1 p.m. to 4 p. m. Activity Location YES! There are OEC Classes Si - Si hay clases de OEC Admin. Bldg. & FLC NO CCE Setting up for Bazaar NO HAY CLASES Preparando para el Bazaar NO CCE Setting up for Bazaar NO HAY CLASES Preparando las carpas para Bazar NO Classes today! ¡NO HAY CLASES HOY! BAZAAR !!!! Admin. Bldg. & FLC October is the month of the Rosary: 6:00 pm – English; 6:30 pm Spanish, join us every evening at the Grotto to pray the Rosary. Octubre es el mes del Rosario: 6:00 pm –Ingles; 6:30 pm Español, acompáñenos cada tarde para rezar el Rosario en la Gruta WISH LIST!!!! Help!! We need some supplies for the classrooms: Necesitamos donaciones de los siguientes artículos, por favor: 18 Boxes of Kleenex 18 Containers of disinfectant wipes 18 Paper towels 100 pencil-top erasers 150 Glue sticks 18 Air freshener spray Adult Faith Formation Classes Clases para Adultos de Formación de Fe: Sundays—Domingos English: 8:15 AM in Church Español: 10:45 AM en la Iglesia Study the US Adult Catholic Catechism is being offered especially for parents of children attending CCE, and for anyone else who may be interested in learning about the Catholic Catechism. You are all invited to please come share and enjoy the class!!! This class is FREE NO CHARGE!! Junior High Youth Time (Grades 6-8) Vengan a estudiar el Catecismo Católico para Adultos; se esta ofreciendo para los padres de niños asistiendo Catecismo o cualquier persona interesada en aprender del Catecismo Católico. ¡¡Todos son invitados a venir y disfrutar de la clase!! ¡¡Esta clase es GRATIS NO HAY COSTO!! Sunday October 19th 6:30-8:00 Sunday October 26th 10:00-6:00 Saturday November 8th 9:00-4:00 Sunday December 14th 6:30-8:00 Sunday January 18th 6:30-8:00 Saturday February 21st 9:00-9:00 Sunday Saturday March 15th April 18th 6:30-8:00 9:00-5:00 Bible Study Classes starting soon! Come one, come all to the little Catholic Church in Channelview! This will be a good time to find out what you really don’t know about your Creator and Savior, the King of Glory? Timeline Bible Study is coming to St. Andrew Church. Days and times to be determined, but tentative start is the first week of Advent. This is the start of the new Liturgical Year, and a great time to start your journey that you have been putting off; to learn more about your faith! St. Jerome said, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ”. Only you can start to change, to make a commitment to learn more about the love of God and his infinite mercy. The A.C.T.S. team invites everyone on this wonderful and exciting journey! A time set aside to offer our youth an afternoon of faith-filled fun and fellowship. Sunday April 26th 6:30-8:00 End Things: Heaven and Hell Bazaar (Volunteer to work at the Funnel cake booth) PEACEMAKERS(Stereotypes, Cliqus and Peer Pressure * The Saints and Mary (Christmas Party) *Dealing with Peer Pressure Archdiocesan Junior High Youth Rally *Role Models: Whom Should I look up to Extreme Challenge *The Holy Spirit and the Church Celebration -Year end Social Family Life Center Rentals LIMITED SUMMERTIME SPECIAL Intenciones de Misa Looking for a venue to hold a special event here in Channelview? Instead of throwing away thousands of dollars to a hall, why not put that money towards our Parish? Look no further, St. Andrew's Family Life Center is having a LIMITED TIME Summer rental special! Rentals include: 10 hour rental time on Fridays & Saturdays; seating up to 360 people reception style with dance floor; stage for a band or DJ; cleaning & storage of personal items after the event; a list of preferred vendors to hire (we've done the research for you); and so much more! With everything above included, half hall rentals start at $1500 and whole rentals start at $2500! Registered & Contributing Parishioners receive a 10% discount off this low competitive rate. The Parish Hall is also available to rent at a low price. Please contact Christina at 832-444-8537 or the Parish office at 281-452-9865 for more information. Reserve your rental now, before the special ends! October/Octubre 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Tuesday 21 8:30 AM Wednesday 22 7:00 PM Thursday 23 8:30 AM Sunday 19 People of St. Andrew Jesus Acevedo † Carlos I. Sena † Friday Saturday Abel Fajardo (Special Int.) Elen & Guilly Malicse (Special Int.) Florence Mick (Special Int.) 24 8:30 AM Muriel Rafael † 25 6:00 PM Charles Orton † / Mary Sue Orton Sunday 26 (Special Int.) 8:00 AM People of St. Andrew 10:00 AM Rosa Evonne Oviedo † 12:30 PM NO MASS 5:00 PM NO MASS 7:00 PM NO MASS “Acts Retreats for Women” Ladies of the parish, would you like to spend a weekend away from home, and be with Jesus? The following are schedules for future retreats with “ACTS”, which stands for Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. Pray about it, and for more information see Hazel Lintag at the parish office. November 13—16 —St. Justin Martyr — English November 13 —16 —St. Mary —League City — English November 13 —16 —St. Hyacinth —Deer Park —English October 30 — November 2 —Prince of Peace —Spanish November 20 —23 —St. John the Baptist —Alvin —Spanish
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