Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 Holy Ghost Catholic Church 1041 North Central Street ■ Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 Most Reverend Richard F. Stika, D.D. Bishop of Knoxville 865-584-3307 Reverend John R. Dowling Pastor 865-522-2205 Reverend Doctor John Arthur Orr MUSIC MINISTRY Charles Walden, Director, Organist William Lovelace, Director of Sunday 6PM Mass Choir Louise O. Wyman, Parish Composer Special Schola: Mary Weaver Associate Pastor Hispanic Ministry 865-522-2205 Deacon Michael Gouge, 865-966-9504 Deacon Gordon Lowery, 423-312-3185 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Sunday in English 8:00, 10:00, 11:30AM and 6:00PM Mass in Spanish 7:00PM Saturday in Latin 1:30PM Sunday Brigid Johnson, DRE Ruthenian Rite (Byzantine) 9:30AM Sunday in the original church, 1031 N Central St. 865-522-1508, [email protected]. Rectory and Mailing Address 111 Hinton Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 Phone: 865-522-2205 Fax: 865-525-6051 email: [email protected] web: PARISH OFFICE: Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 4:00PM Dotti Morris, Parish Secretary Catherine Cunningham, Business Manager email: [email protected] Jan Johnsson, Office Assistant MASSES MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:30 and 8:00AM SATURDAY 8:00AM and 7:00PM vigil in Spanish First Friday - Eucharistic Exposition, Holy Hour and Benediction 8:30-9:45AM at Holy Ghost Church LITURGY OF THE HOURS MondayFriday: Morning Prayer 6:00AM, Evening Prayer 5:30PM ROSARY - Each Saturday following the 8:00AM Mass for world peace and an end to abortion. CCD - Sunday 9:45AM-11:15AM at St. Joseph School. Adult Ed on same Sunday 10:00-11:00AM. Classes mid-Sept. to May RCIA - Sunday 7:15PM in the Church (downstairs) Sessions held mid-Sept. to May 2CHILD CARE: Use Cry Room at any Sunday Mass BAPTISM - Call the Church Office, 522-2205 CONFESSIONS - Saturday 5:00-6:00PM or by appointment (except Holy Saturday & Christmas Eve) MARRIAGE - Contact Church at least 4 months in advance. Engaged Encounter required. Holy Ghost Catholic Church Knoxville, Tennessee April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter May the souls of all our beloved faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Masses April 25 - May 3, 2015 Sat 4/25 JAO Sun 4/26 JAO JRD JRD JAO JRD Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat JAO JAO 7:00pm The Hispanic Community 8:00 First Communicants 10:00 †Frank Higgitt by Carole Willard 11:30 †Jeanne Emitt by Ingrid & Hal Emitt Jr. 1:30pm René Pieters 6:00pm People of Holy Ghost 6:30 8:00 †Catharine 6:30 8:00 6:30 8:00 Success of Home Campaign Wayne Traffas Victor Andres Felix Judy Bash by Carolyn Toal 6:30 8:00 †Catharine 6:30 8:00 Michael Lay Mary Ellen Eron 8:00 7:00 Crystal Maria Juarez Quinceanera The Hispanic Community Please phone the Rectory (522-2205), and speak with Dotti Morris to add names to the following: Ann Adkins .. Tracy Adkins .. Evelyne Auty .. Joan Bean .. Bob Boyd .. Marian Braatz .. Erin Brink .. Ruth Burch .. Sahara Burkey .. Hugo Canada .. Mary Pat Chandler .. Bishop David Choby .. Betty Collins .. Bob Collins .. Bobby, Joanna & Leon Cook .. Pat Davenport .. Sydnee Doherty .. Maria Dulin .. Warner Guy .. Sandra Hatcher .. Frankie Hicks .. Bob Holifield .. Sara Dugan Howell .. Lisa Hurtt .. Baron E Hyatt II .. Baron E Hyatt III .. Don Fiolkoski .. Brian Kibble .. Shelba Jean Fritz King ..Gladys Kirchner .. Linda Knauer .. Jack Kramer .. Nancy Lane .. Lester Lane .. Hazel Inez Leach .. Carol Lefevre .. Tycen Letsinger .. Patti Loveday .. Roger Marlow .. Robert Marshed .. Jennifer Masters .. Mary Elizabeth Matlock .. Marsha Moneymaker .. Ruthie Montgomery .. Victoria Ostermayr .. Carolyn Payne .. Fran Pelle .. Chris & Kim Petipren .. Mia Roberts .. Dawn Sands .. Msgr. George Schmidt .. Charles H. Sharp .. Jane Snidas .. Ann Swanson .. Courtney Toal .. Ingrid Tillery .. Shirley Todd .. Wayne Traffas .. Gen Vadeboncouer .. Carrie Vickers .. Christin & Kyle Webb .. Chuck Williams .. Grace Willard .. Claudia Wilson .. Jim Wright, Sr. Victoria Anne Ostermayr Daugherty by Mercer cousins Victoria Orr Daugherty by Mercer cousins “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Philippians 4:6,7 Christ Jesus.” Sun 5/3 JRD 8:00 Juvenile Detention Inmates by friends JRD 10:00 †Art Boyack Jr by Davenport family JAO 11:30 †Jeanne Emitt by family JAO 1:30pm The Confraternity of St Peter JRD/JAO 6:00pm Confirmandi † WE REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES SERVING AT HOME & OVERSEAS TSgt Robert Ayala U.S. Air Force USA PFC Nathan Babcock U.S. Army USA 2nd Lt. Miranda Bednar U.S. Army USA PO Christopher Corum U.S. Navy USA SA Kegan A Drysdale U.S. Navy USA USA S Sgt. Francis (Joseph) Dunn Jr. U.S. Marines Capt. C.B. Hancock U.S. Air Force USA 3rd CPO Karl Kolzow U.S. Navy Middle East Spec Joseph Nate Mankel U.S. Army Germany CMSgt Charles A. Morris U.S. Air Force Middle East S Sgt Thomas J Morris U.S. Air Force Retired TN National Guard Dr. Kenneth Nickle Capt. Kelly Padden U.S. Air Force USA Sgt. Edward Stamey U.S. Army USA 3rd CPO Brian Wallace U.S. Navy USA Indicates Deceased WELCOME VISITORS AND NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to Holy Ghost Church. If you are a new parishioner you are invited to stop by or telephone the Rectory Office to register and let us know how we may be of service to you. If you have not received weekly offering envelopes, please call the Church office 522-2205. FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP HOLY GHOST CHURCH FISCAL YEAR July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Stewardship figures for weekend of April 11 & 12 Offertory Parish Building Fund St. Joseph School Gym/Auditorium Votive Candles $9,291.71 3,846.00 895.00 92.60 Have you ever thought about becoming a Catholic or are you an adult Catholic who has never received the sacrament of confirmation? Adults who participate in RCIA learn about the Catholic faith as they continue to grow in their own spiritual life. Join us on Sunday at 7:15 PM, downstairs. Newcomers are always welcome. Call Elizabeth Bunker, 584-2513 or Dianne Levesque, 687 -1267 for more information. Offertory to date since July 1, 2014 - $358,321.21 - Thank you! We budget $12,500 per week for offertory giving. Deficit since July 1 $136,270.83 -2- PRIEST’S COLUMN M y dear Parishioners, Peace! There are fourteen (14) "In Brief" articles in the Catechism of the Catholic Church addressing the Seventh Commandment of the Decalogue, ‘You shall not steal.’ The following is a reflection on CCC 2455. Mother Church, when considering the Seventh Commandment, ‘You shall not steal’ considers all sorts of things, not just simple theft or robbery. What should and should not be bought or sold also falls under this Commandment of God. Among that which should not be bought or sold is the human being as if some mere piece of chattel, no better than any beast of burden. The buying and selling of human beings, as if merchandise, is forbidden by this Commandment. The involuntary servitude which is slavery, is contrary to human dignity. The Hebrew word ebed and the Greek word soma translate as a servant, bondage, bondman, slave. Scripture relates how Saint Paul was aware that slaves are not mere property which can be treated poorly, told masters to treat their slaves both justly and with kindness (cf. Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 4:1). That Saint Paul teaches slaves to obey their masters (cf. Romans 13:1-7) is not so much an endorsement of slavery as it is an acknowledgment of the fallen state of the world. Saints Gregory of Nyssa (330-395) in his Fourth Homily on Ecclesiastes and Saint John Chrysostom (347-407) in his Homily on Philmon, Homily on 1 Timothy 17.2, and Homily on John 28.2 both strongly denounced slavery. Pope Eugene IV, in his Papal Bull Sicut Dudum (1435) condemned the enslavement of the peoples in the new colonized Canary Islands, even as it rebuked those engaged in any slave trade. The Dominican Bishop Bartolome de Las Casas (1484-1566) defended the indigenous peoples of Latin America from slavery in his day. Pope Paul III in his Papal Bull Sublimis Deus likewise prohibited the enslavement of the recently baptized in 1537, even imposing a latae sententiae excommunication upon those who would enslave the natives or steal their possessions in the document Pastorale Officium. Pope Benedict XIV in his Papal Bull Immensa Pastorum Principis forbade the enslavement of indigenous peoples of the Americas and other countries on 22 December, 1741. Pope Gregory XVI, for his part, in the Papal Bull In Supremo of 1839 made his own the earlier condemnation of the enslavement of Indians or blacks or any other such person, forbidding clerics and laity alike from any presumption to defend such a terrible mercantile practice. The religious community knows as the Mercedarians were formed in the year 1219 for the purpose of ransoming Christians who were reduced to slavery upon being held captive and imprisoned by the Moorish Saracen followers of Mohamed,. All of this happened in the centuries before Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on 1 January, 1863. In our own day, the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World - Gaudium et spes, 27, 29 also condemns slavery as an infamous practice which dishonors the Creator. God bless you! Father John Arthur Orr “You have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me for your benefit.” A Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen. If you’re thinking this greeting comes a little late, since Easter Sunday was April 5 think again. As Catholic Christians, we celebrate the Easter season for seven weeks, until the fires of Pentecost once again inflame our hearts at the end of May. Indeed, how could we not continue to celebrate this event that has changed everything for us? It’s easy to slip into a cultural way of thinking about our great feasts. Many people have the Christmas tree taken down at the end of New Year’s Day, rather than waiting for Epiphany. Likewise, most of us have long ago put the Easter decorations away. But the Christian steward is aware of the beauty and meaning of the seasons in the liturgical calendar. The Easter season remains a special time for recommitment to the Lord. One word for this period is “mystagogia,” and those who were newly baptized at the Great Easter Vigil are especially familiar with this term. It literally means that we delve more deeply into the mystery of our faith. But exploring this mystery is not just an endeavor for new Christians. As we prepare for Pentecost, we prayerfully examine what the Resurrection means in our own lives. For Christian stewards, it’s a time to reevaluate how faith in the Risen Lord informs every aspect of our lives – how we labor, how we play, the way we pray, how we allocate our resources, where we spend our time, how we love, how we extend our compassion to others. If Christ is truly risen – an astounding and life-altering belief – then this Easter time brings immense joy and a continuing desire to know the Risen Lord. The Scripture readings of the season are especially helpful. We hear once again the stories of the appearances of Jesus to his friends; how often they failed, initially, to recognize him in his glory. The Acts of the Apostles tell us of the struggles and the excitement of the new community of believers. We spent forty days in the penitential season of Lent. Now, we are embarked on fifty days of joyous celebration. Let us experience this joy throughout the Easter season, so that when we celebrate Pentecost on May 24, we may truly find our hearts on fire with the Spirit. -- International Catholic Stewardship Council -3- HOME CAMPAIGN Last weekend marked the official start of the Home Campaign at our parish. If you didn’t get a chance to see the campaign video, you’re encouraged to visit the campaign website. This week you will be receiving a letter inviting you to consider participating in the campaign. The letter will include a specific amount you are being asked to prayerfully consider. Please review the campaign material, pray about your response, and continue to spread the positive message about this important effort! Also, many of you will soon be receiving a phone call from a campaign volunteer. This fellow parishioner will be setting an appointment to visit with you to answer your questions and help you complete your pledge form. Be sure to say thanks for his/her dedication and commitment to the Home Campaign. The campaign is focused on five primary areas: our parish’s needs the Pope Francis Charitable Trust Fund, Catholic Education Trust Fund, priest retirement, and our new cathedral. Continue to say the campaign prayer for Holy Ghost’s success and for your hardworking campaign volunteers who are giving of their time and hearts. More information is available at Lighthouse Catholic Media CD’s available on a variety of topics to help family and friends deepen their faith. Media displays are located at both north and south confessionals. Suggested donation $3. It's spring! The kids in detention will need shorts, sandals, & all the usual things. And, of course, those macho guys still wear jeans. You are so kind! Carolyn Toal [email protected] Join the summer fun at Knoxville Catholic High School! Summer camps are open to the community & provide a safe environment to explore new interests and improve skills. From robotics to football to cheerleading…KCHS is the place to be this summer. Reserve your child’s place to today! For more information or to register online, visit Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et spes: 503. What two things has God done for His chosen people? (Exodus 3:7; GS, 32) Revealed His mind to them and made a covenant with them on Sinai 504. How is the communitarian character developed and consummated? (GS, 32.2) In the work of Jesus Christ 505. In what did the very Word made flesh will to share? (GS, 32.2) In human fellowship 506. What three examples are given in support of the will of the Word made flesh to share in human fellowship? (GS, 32.2) He was present at the wedding of Cana, He visited the house of Zacchaeus, He ate with publicans and sinners 507. Who has revealed both the love of the Father and the sublime vocation of man? (GS, 32.2) Jesus Christ 508. In what three ways did Jesus Christ reveal both the love of the Father and the sublime vocation of man? (GS, 32.2)In terms of the most common of social realities, By making use of the speech of every day life, By making use of the imagery of everyday life 509. What did Jesus Christ do concerning the laws of His country? (GS, 32.2) Jesus obeyed the laws of His country 510. Concerning human ties, especially those of the family, what did Jesus do? (GS, 32.2) Jesus sanctified human ties 511. What is the source of social structures? (GS, 32.2) Human ties, especially those of the family 512. What sort of life did Jesus Christ live during His time on Earth in the Holy Land? (GS, 32.2) Jesus Christ lead the life proper to an artisan LADIES OF CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT You can help the Ladies of Charity continue to assist those in need by supporting their 7th Annual Golf Tourney. Sign up as a team, individual player, sponsor a hole, or donate a team or individual prize. May 1, 2015 at Egwani Farms Golf Course, $125 per player. Includes Mulligans, Four Person Teams - Select Shot (scramble format), Check-in/ Breakfast at 7:30 am., 8:30 am Shotgun Start, Breakfast, beverages, pizza, and Team and Individual prizes, Hole in one prize: Golf Trip to Pebble Beach. Teams, individuals, and sponsors welcome, For details contact: Joe Fuhr [email protected] or 865- 693 – 1810 Fellow parishioners: the members of the St. Vincent DePaul Society are asking for donations of the following items: Baby Formula: Similac Advanced, Similac Sensitive, Similac Soy, Similac Alimentum and Rice and Oatmeal Cereals. Baskets for your donations are located at the front and side doors of the church. We will deliver these items to the Ladies of Charity to help them in the continuation of their good work. God bless you for Orr, John Arthur. Pastoral Questions and Answers from the Second Vatican Council. Charleston, South Carolina: Createspace, 2015. Altar Servers Needed Anyone interested in serving Mass at Holy Ghost, please contact the church office, 5222205. Servers are especially needed at the 6:00pm Masses on Sundays. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY We have two Masses that need greeters. The 10:00 and the 6:00 both have vacancies. If you can volunteer for twenty minutes before Mass two months a year contact Linda Bolen at 524-7957. Thank you. Bus Drivers Needed Virtus Training - As the pastor of Holy Ghost, I strongly support the diocese’s Safe Environment practices for our parish. In addition to those volunteers and employees who must comply, I would like to see anyone in leadership and/or ministry in this parish also in compliance, whether or not technically you MUST comply. For a list of training sessions: to transport parishioners to and from the 10AM Mass. Must have a valid Tennessee drivers license. Contact the church office, 522-2205. -4- Párroco: Padre John R. Dowling Vicario: Padre Dr. John Arthur Orr Misa en español todos los sábados a las 7 pm Les damos la bienvenida a todos los que nos visitan por primera vez y los que nos visitan de otras ciudades, condados, estados y/o países. También a todos aquellos que se ingresan como nuevos miembros de nuestra Iglesia. Les recordamos que para ser miembros de la Iglesia deben registrarse como tal. Por favor comuníquense con algún miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto para más informes. Se les recuerda apagar todo aparato electrónico antes de entrar a la Iglesia. PADRES DE FAMILIA: Favor de no dejar que los niños corran entre los pasillos o las naves durante la misa; no andar sobre las bancas; no andar solos en el estacionamiento; no dejar que jueguen con los misales o libros de canto. Los Ujieres regresaran a todo niño que no vaya acompañado por un adulto si es que quieren bajar al sótano o al baño. Todo esto se les pide con el propósito de que la misa sea una experiencia agradable para todos y por la seguridad de sus hijos. Si tiene una necesidad específica, una misa de aniversario, acción de gracias o cualquier otro tipo de necesidad de esta índole, comuníquese con un miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Ellos le podrán dar los informes necesarios para su necesidad. Recuerde que todo tipo de misa requiere notificación anticipada. Gracias. Grupos: Caminando hacia la nueva Jerusalén – Este grupo se dedica a la alabanza y oración de Dios y reúne los domingos de 3:30-5:30 pm. Para más información llame a José Ramírez 828-448-2389 o Angelina Pedro 865-237-7487. Peregrinos del Señor – Este grupo se reúne los miércoles a las 8 pm y los domingos a las 4 pm a rezar el rosario. Llamar para obtener localidad actual. Comuníquese con Candelaria 865-388-9505, Benjamín 865-6927167, Tomas 865-643-5988 o Rigoberto 865-255-5137. Juan XXIII – Este grupo se reúne todos los martes a las 7 pm en el sótano de la Iglesia. Clases pre-bautismales: Segundo y cuarto sábados de enero, abril, julio y octubre. Se imparten después de misa comenzando a las 8 pm. Se requiere la presencia de los padres y los padrinos a menos que sean miembros de otra Iglesia Católica y esta les de la constancia de cumplimiento con las clases. Preguntas se pueden dirigir a Oswaldo Cárdenas o con un miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Actividades mensuales: Todos los sábados: Confesiones en español de 6pm -6:45 pm Bendición de imágenes y/o artículos – después de misa Primer sábado: Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento – después de misa Tercer sábado: Reunión de la Pastoral de Conjunto – después de misa Si le gustaría participar como miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto, por favor atienda a la próxima reunión y comuníqueselo a los miembros de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Cuarto sábado: Noche de la comunidad. Este espacio está reservado para eventos que conciernen a la comunidad hispana y para convivencias. Si Usted, su grupo o su negocio tienen algún evento que quisieran celebrar en la Iglesia y quiere invitar a la comunidad, este sería el mejor espacio. Comuníquese con algún miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto para más detalles. Festival Diocesano de Familias MARQUE SU CALENDARIO! El Sábado 6 de junio de 2015 acompañe a las familias de toda la diócesis a celebrar un "Festival de Familias" en la Parroquia St. John Neumann en Farragut. El festival está basado en el tema del Encuentro Mundial de las Familias de 2015 "El Amor es Nuestra Misión, La Familia Plenamente Viva". Venga y comparta esta experiencia de fe con toda la familia. Habrá talleres, actividades culturales, diversión de día de campo al aire libre y un conferencista invitado. Nuestro conferencista será el Padre Leo Patlinghug, fundador y director de Grace Before Meals (Oración antes de las Comidas), conductor del programa Savoring Our Faith (Saboreando nuestra Fe) en EWTN y co-conductor del programa de radio Entertaining Truth (Verdad Entretenida) en la estación Sirius XM. El festival es auspiciado por la Oficina de Prepración y Enriquecimiento Matrimonial y la Oficina del Apostolado Hispano. Pregnancy and Adoption Services, including postabortion counseling available24/7/365 by calling 1-877 -990-4673 Empowering and protecting the poor and vulnerable through: Columbus Home Children’s Services Housing for Special Populations Outreach to Those in Hardship Counseling & Education Information or help, go to for services and contact information in your community. RE News There will be no classes this week at St. Joseph. Please keep all of our young people making their First Communion in your prayers. They will be making their First Communion at the 8:00 Mass today! Congratulations to them and to their families! Youth Ministry Youth Ministry group meets on Wednesday April 29 in the parish hall at IC. We will be taking a “Prayer Walk” down to Market Square so bring $5 for ice cream on the way back! Parents are welcome to join us. SAVE THE DATE Diocesan Festival of Families Saturday, June 6, 2015 join families from across the diocese celebrate a Festival of Families at St. John Neumann parish in Farragut. The festival is sponsored by the Offices of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment and Hispanic Ministry. Details or visit calendar/ -5- Heart & Sole Fun Run Sunday May 17, 3 p.m. at Sacred Heart Cathedral. 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk - both events are walker friendly. Race day activities: 1:30 pm registration, 3p.m. race start, Post-race cookout & awards at the Sacred Heart pavilion. Register at: heartandsole. For more information, contact Race Director Kathy Wolski at [email protected]. SUNDAY 1st Sunday Parish Life Breakfast after all morning & the 1:30 pm Latin Masses 3rd Sunday Parish Life Breakfast after all morning Masses 7:15 p.m. RCIA – (meet after the 6 p.m. Mass) - JPII Room Call Elizabeth Bunker (584-2513). Mystagogia Schedule for RCIA – 2nd Sunday– Music Room MONDAY 7-9:00 p.m. Special Schola Practice 6-9:00 p.m. KOC 645 - 1st & 3rd Mondays 7-9:00 p.m. Opus Dei Women’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Monday TUESDAY 10:00a.m. Bible Study call Lorraine McWilliams at 922-2286. JPII Room 6:00 p.m. Parish Pastoral Council - 2nd Tuesday - JP II Room 7-9:00 p.m. Opus Dei Men’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Tuesday WEDNESDAY After school Junior Presidium - When school is in session. 6:00 p.m. Legion of Mary (adult group) - Fr. Henkel Hall, JP II Room 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal - St. Cecilia Room THURSDAY 10:00 a.m. Share the Word Scripture Study - Led by Lorraine McWilliams - JPII Room 7-8:30 p.m. Pope Benedict XVI Schola 7-9:00 p.m. Adult Education - Bible Timeline FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. Rosary for Life – Held every Friday in front of the Planned Parenthood Clinic on Cherry St., Knoxville. For information call Lorie Weeden, 546-7622 or 806-1425 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Bible Study - Oswaldo Cardenas SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. Rosary for Peace – Following 8 a.m. Mass. 3rd Saturday Hispanic Leadership Meeting (8 p.m. in Church) 4th Saturday Hispanic Community Night (8-9 p.m. in Church) SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY – MAY 3, 2015 Altar Servers 8:00 a.m. Ben Kreider, Jon Kreider 10:00 a.m. Clare Crowell, Christy Crowell, Robert Crowell, Richard Crowell 11:30 a.m. Alex Connolly, Luke Connolly 6:00 p.m. Jacob Frederick, Baylee Osbourne Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 8:00 a.m. Julie Raines 10:00 a.m. Anne Alley, Deb Quintois 11:30 a.m. Paul Puleo 6:00 p.m. Deacon Readers 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Tom Wolf Carol Pettit Bill Sullivan Amber Davis Greeters 8:00 a.m. Phyllis Eckstein, Jim Campbell, Brian O’Hearn 10:00 a.m. Drocella & Jean Mugorewere, Luke & Isabell Johnson 11:30 a.m. Frances & Jerry Armstrong, Carole Willard 6:00 p.m. Paul Douglass Officals for Spanish Mass Readers: Pastoral de Conjunto: Baptism Preparation: Juan XXIII Isabel Santiago Jose Luis Santiago Oswaldo Cardenas Jose Sandoval Save the Date: Friday, June 12, 2015! Please join us for the 29th Annual Shamrock Open Golf Tournament at Willow Creek Golf Club. There will be a morning and afternoon flight - register as soon as possible to save your place. $125 per person, includes golf shirt, lunch, beverages from the cart, trash, and goodie bag. Bring cash for "Pot of Gold" and "Take a Chance". Contact Megan Erpenbach at [email protected] or (865)560-0509 for more information or to learn about sponsorship opportunities. Human Resources Generalist – Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, Inc. CCETN is seeking a Human Resources Generalist. The position will report to the Director of Human Resources for the Diocese of Knoxville. Supports managers and employees by creating and delivering human resource programs and services that help CCETN achieve its mission and objectives. Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or other related field At least 3 years of Human Resources experience, Knowledge and application of employment law, Practicing Catholic who supports the teachings of the Catholic Church . Additional info and requirements, 865-524-9896 Send resume and cover letter to Jennifer Mills at [email protected] Knoxville Frassati Fellowship Your attention, please. Parishioners, we are in the preliminary phases of planning the renovations and restoration of the old Holy Ghost School building next door. In the interest of making this a Holy Ghost community project, we would like to invite anyone in this parish who is a licensed General Contractor in the state of Tennessee and would be interested in being considered for this project to please call Bob Montgomery at 865 687-2022 or Norm Zigrossi at 865 4143444 and make arrangements to submit license limits and qualifications in order to be included in the vetting process. The deadline for contacting us is May 15, 2015. A Young Adult Group Calling all young adults, ages 18 to 35 to join us every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm for a meeting of spiritual discussion or reflection followed by fellowship! We meet at The Chancery (805 S Northshore Rd) in the Monsignor Mankel Room. Many other events & activities are planned as well throughout the week. Please check our Facebook page and feel free to contact Jess Mearns with any questions - 865-206-6026. " -6-
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