All Souls Catholic Church, Sanford, FL CLERGY OF THE PARISH Fr. Gilbert Medina, Pastor Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Latin Mass Fr. Mark Christopher, Retired Rev. Mr. Marty Mueller, Deacon CHURCH SCHOOL CEMETERY 407.322.3795 407.322.1131 FAX Church Location 3280 W. 1st St. (SR #46) Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 8:30am (Spanish), 10:00am & 11:30am Historic Chapel Location 800 S. Oak Avenue Daily Mass 8:30am, Monday—Saturday Sunday 8:00am, 2:00pm (Latin Mass) Parish Office 301 W. 8th Street Hours: M-F, 8am to 4:30pm [email protected] 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 8, 2015 Sacraments The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Confessions ar e hear d each week on Satur day at the Chur ch (SR #46) fr om 3:45pm to 4:45pm or by calling the parish office to make an appointment with a priest. The Sacrament of Baptism: Call the parish office to learn the necessary requirements and make an appointment with Fr. Kenneth Metz to have your child baptized. Ask us about the requirements for Godparents. The Sacrament of Marriage: Getting mar r ied? Congr atulations! The pr ocess of being mar r ied in the Catholic Chur ch could take 6 months to a year to complete. Please contact Ann Cammarata at the parish office as soon as possible after your engagement if you would like to be married at All Souls Catholic Church. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. The Rite of Anointing tells us there is no need to wait until a person is at the point of death to receive the Sacrament. Did you know that the Sacrament may be repeated if the person becomes sick again? A person should be anointed before surgery when a dangerous illness is the reason for the intervention. Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: If you ar e unable to attend Mass, please call the par ish office so we may assist you in having a visit from one of our ministers or one of our priests. Catholic Funeral and Burial: Please call the par ish office or have the funer al home dir ector contact us to ar r ange the Funer al Mass and for more information about burial at All Souls Catholic Cemetery. Our Online Homilies: If you missed Mass over the weekend you may view the weekly homily by visiting: www.allsoulssanfor d.or g Like Us on Facebook! Flocknote: text Allsouls to 84576 Twitter @AllSoulsSanford All Souls Catholic Church 2 November 8, 2015 An important message from Fr. Medina... Un mensaje del Padre Medina October 28, 2015 My Dear Parishioners, As All Souls Catholic Church continues to grow in spirit and in relationship with each other and with Jesus Christ; we also continue to strive to be a more welcoming faith community which offers a beautiful worship experience for everyone – especially on Sundays. Beginning the weekend of the First Sunday of Advent (November 28th and 29th) our new Mass times will be as follows: Church: Chapel Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am Sunday 9:30am, 11am, 12:30 (Spanish) Latin Mass Sunday 2:00pm The changes in our Mass times are made to enable Father Ed McCarthy, Father Ken Metz and myself to better serve the needs of the entire community and ensure we are seen in rotation at all of our weekend Masses at both the Historic Chapel and the Church. Our Christmas Mass schedule and Holy Day Mass times will remain the same. For those of you who may be concerned about reserved Sunday Mass intentions for the remainder of 2015 and in 2016 at our former Mass times, be assured your intentions will be remain on our Mass calendar and will be moved as follows: 8:30am (Spanish) intentions will be moved to the 12:30 (Spanish) 10:00am Mass intentions will be moved to the 9:30am Mass. 11:30am Mass intentions will be moved to the 11:00am Mass. I acknowledge that change can be a challenge for some, but I am confident that the end result will be one of spiritual growth and renewal that will bear much fruit! I thank you in advance for your understanding. I hope and pray that these changes help all of us grow stronger as a community of faithful believers in Jesus Christ. In His Service, Hermanos y Hermanas, La Iglesia Católica All Souls continúa creciendo en espíritu y relación con cada uno y con Jesucristo; nosotros continuamos esforzándonos para ser una comunidad más acogedora en la fé ofreciendo experiencia bellas para todos en el culto–especialmente los domingos Comenzando el fin de semana del Primer Domingo de Adviento (noviembre 28 y 29) nuestro horario de misas serán como continúa: Iglesia (SR#46) Capilla Histórica Sábado Misa de Vigilia 5:00pm Domingo 8:00am Domingo 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30am (en español) Domingo (Latin) 2:00pm Los cambios en el horario de las Misas son para permitir al Padre Ed McCarthy, Padre Ken Metz y a mi mismo mejorar las necesidades de toda la comunidad y asegurar que seamos vistos en la rotación de todas las misas dominicales tanto en la Iglesia como en la Capilla Histórica. El horario de las Misas Navideñas y días Santos permanecerán igual. Para todos ustedes que les concierne las intenciones de las misas de 2015 y 2016 estas permanecerán en nuestro calendario de Misas y se reubicarán como sigue: Las intenciones de la misa dominical de 8:30 am en Espa ñol, serán reubicadas a la misa de 12:30 am Las intenciones de la misa dominical de 10:00am en Inglés, serán reubicadas a la misa de 9:30 am Las intenciones de la misa dominical de 11:30am en Inglés, serán reubicadas a la misa de 11:00am Reconozco que los cambios pueden ser un reto para algunos, pero tengo la confianza que al final el resultado será un crecimiento espiritual y renovador que va dar mucho fruto! Yo les doy las gracias de antemano por toda su comprensión. Espero y rezo que estos cambios nos ayuden a crecer más fuerte como comunidad de fieles creyentes en Jesucristo. En su servicio, Father Gilbert Medina, Pastor octubre 28,2015 Padre Gilbert Medina, Pastor "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury." Just two small coins, worth only a few cents--this was the greatest contribution of the day? Jesus explains that this widow's tiny sum was generous in a way that the larger amounts people gave were not. Others made noticeable, "impressive" donations to the Temple treasury, which in fact cost them nothing. These were simply "from their surplus wealth." But the poor widow "contributed all she had, her whole livelihood." She was truly generous, giving what cost her dearly. Her contribution was made out of love, not just out of obligation or for the sake of show. God has given us all different "livelihoods." Some of us have more money, more talents, more resources. Some of us have less. But of course we know that God's love for us is not based on this external data. He loves the rich and the poor alike. The question is whether this external data affects our love for God. Sometimes, those who are poor are more aware of God's providence and protection. Sometimes, they are bitter. As for those who are rich, it can be tempting to feel so comfortable and complacent that they don't recognize their need for God or his action in their lives. But Jesus' message challenges us all today to gratefully give back to God in thanks for whatever he has given us, be it small or great. We are called not to give from our surplus but to share from our very livelihood. That is to say, we are called to acknowledge that our livelihood itself, no matter the details, is a gift from God. Let us follow the wisdom of the widow who showed gratitude for what she had and was truly generous in spite of what she lacked. LPI, Inc. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 Make All Souls Your Parish Home... Often people attend Mass at All Souls for several years, but never register. Registering here is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community and to make a commitment to the life of All Souls Church. Being a registered parishioner makes the process much easier when it is time for infant baptism, school or religious education registration, weddings, when asked to be a baptismal or confirmation sponsor, and even funerals. A registered parishioner receives all parish mailings, too. Church law advises that territories or boundaries no longer limit parish registration. All Souls accepts anyone who wants to share in the life of the parish regardless of where they live. In order to register, you need to complete a which registration card. These may be found narthex of the church or chapel, the parish office during the week or online at our parish website: Why not sign up today? We love our new parishioners! Welcome New Members! Michael, Arianna, Andrew & Sofia McCoy Christopher, Nicole & Brexleigh Nowell Christian Gonzalez Arce and Angel Arce Jose and Fabian Soto, Grace Ortiz & Naliah Maldonado We are saving a seat just for you! First Reconciliation Sacramental Preparation Session IV will be held on Monday, November 16. Parents & Students are asked to gather in the Historic Chapel at 6:20pm so the class may begin promptly at 6:30pm. Please direct your questions to Ms Jenny Mansingh at 407.322.3795 The Catholic Moms Ministry invites all mothers of the parish to build friendships and find encouragement at our upcoming general meetings! Our next meeting is Monday, Nov. 9th, from 7-9pm in the Conference Room of the Parish Offices, 301 W. 8th Street. Our upcoming sessions will focus on "Making a Home for the Word", "Developing a Domestic Liturgy", and "Sharing the Word with Our Family". These sessions are a great way to prepare for and enter into Advent and Christmas with our families. Our upcoming social activities include a weekend family picnic and Christmas party. We would love to have you join us! Please contact Veronica Cusick at 407.222.3798 or [email protected] for more information. Come to the Lake Mary Heathrow Festival of the Arts November 14th and 15th in the Oval Park next to AAA in Heathrow. The Festival draws in over 40,000 people each year from the local community, and we'll be there serving our award-winning pulled pork sandwiches. Meetings 1st (Social) and 3rd (Business) Tuesdays 7pm, 2504 S Oak Ave, Sanford. Offertory Collection 11/1/2015 St. Vincent de Paul Seminarians Catholic Charities Church Mortgage Remaining Principle 7/1/14 to 6/30/15 Total Principal Paid: Debt Reduction Collection 11/1/2015 Mass Attendance 11/1/15 5:00 pm – 217 8:00 am – 126 8:30 am – 388 10:00 am – 546 11:30 am – 452 Total: 1,729 $ 14,696 975 708 7,285 $1,979,011 55,989 1,095 Forgot or lost your envelopes? ONLINE GIVING SOLVES THOSE LITTLE PROBLEMS! Register for online giving today! Men of the parish are invited to join use each Monday morning or each Saturday morning at 6:00am (a repeat of the Monday morning meeting) at the Knights of Columbus Meeting Hall, 2509 S. Oak Ave., Sanford. That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. Contact Scott Kinser: [email protected] for more information. All Souls Parish Office Staff Phone: 407.322.3795 - Fax: 407.322.1131 Secretary to Fr. Medina/Office Manager Ann Cammarata [email protected] Receptionist Angie Bryant [email protected] Hispanic Secretary Beatriz Perez De Koeneke [email protected] Faith Formation Director Jenny Mansingh [email protected] Youth Minister Michelle Murphy [email protected] Director of Music & Liturgy David McGhee [email protected] Web site: Associate Director of Music Nancy Pfingsten [email protected] Phone: 407.322.7003 Business Manager Mimi Costa [email protected] Facilities Mary Valente [email protected] Parish Membership: Complete the white registration card found in the church or chapel narthex, visit our office or website to register and receive an informational packet from our parish. Cemetery: Contact Mary Valente at the Parish Office. All Souls Cemetery Location: Corner of 25th St. & Hardy Ave. All Souls Catholic Church 4 November 8, 2015 Remembering our deceased diocesan priests All Souls Catholic School Excellence in Catholic Education 810 S. Oak Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771 Dr. Kathleen Kiley, Principal Mrs. Mary Moran, Asst. Principal Phone: 407.322.7090 ~ FAX: 407.321.7255 Visit our website: Twitter: @AllSoulsBears Facebook: All-Souls-CatholicSchool/1313778668788 Bishop Noonan celebrated Mass at the Historic Chapel this past Monday, which was hosted by the first grade of All Souls Catholic School. The first graders were dressed as the occupation of the saint they researched. Adorable! Drop and Shop! Support All Souls Catholic School! Drop your kids off for a fun time at ACE GYMNASTICS while you head out to start your Christmas shopping on Friday, December 4th, from 6 to 9pm for children in Grades K –5. Cost is $20 and includes pizza & beverages and 3 hours of a ‘flipping’ good time at ACE!. Space is limited so act fast! Reservations are first come, first served with full payment. Children will be supervised by fully experienced ACE Gymnastics staff along with 7th Grade ASCS student volunteers. ACE Gymnastics is located at 400 Gold Medal Ct., Longwood. Contact Tina Sturgis @ [email protected] or call 248.345.3980 to reserve your child’s spot today. Did you know that All Souls Catholic Church provides Online Giving—a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. Getting started is easy—just visit our website, and click our Give Online with WeShare link (bottom right of the home page). When you participate, your gift will be securely transferred directly into the parish bank account. And you won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays! And if you still want to place something in the offertory basket, just print out the “I GIVE ONLINE” donation slips found on the site and use that at offertory time. Should you have any problems registering for our online giving program, just call the parish office and we will be happy to assist you with setting up your online giving account. Online giving helps us, helps your budget and helps our faith community! Thank you for your donations to All Souls Catholic Church! Let us remember the truly remarkable priests who have impacted our lives and especially those deceased priests of the Diocese of Orlando. Let us pray during this month of November for the repose of the soul of: Father John Caulfield—November 3, 2013 Father Charles Anderson—November 9, 1994 Father Emile Gentile, T.O.R.—November 10, 2011 Father Paul Kamide—November 11, 2010 Father Ciarán James Fahey—November 15, 1995 Father Thomas Bergin—November 17, 2004 Father Kelly Cosgrove—November 19, 2001 Father George Moreau—November 22, 2000 Father Gerald Lutyens—November 29, 1974 Father William Killion—November 30, 1994 Prayer for our Deceased Priests O God, you raised your servants, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving them the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of your Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the sins of men in your own Holy Name. We beseech you to reward their faithfulness and to forget their faults, admitting them speedily into your holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of their labors. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Grupo de Oración: “Jesús, María y José” Cordialmente los invita: A compartir con nosotros un momento de oración y alabanza a Nuestro Dios. Todos los Lunes a las 7:15 pm en la Capilla. The Praying Group: “Jesús, María y José” invites you to their weekly gathering this Monday at 7:15 pm in the Social Hall. Christmas with the Basilica Choir, Friday, December 4, 2015 7:30pm Mary Queen of the Universe, Orlando. The annual celebration of Advent and Christmas music, featuring seasonal favorites for choir and orchestra. And don’t forget the sing-along! This is our most popular concert, so come early for the best seats. Tickets are $20. Children under 12 are complimentary. Purchase your tickets online at: Joy: An Irish Christmas December 19, 2015, 7:30pm at the Bob Carr Dr. Phillips Center, Orlando. Join Ireland's own Keith and Kristyn Getty, writers of modern hymns and carols, for their fourth annual tour of their Joy - An Irish Christmas program, a lively celebration of the birth of Christ! As seen on Public Television, the Gettys are joined by their band of virtuoso instrumentalists fusing Celtic, bluegrass, Americana, and classical music as well as cultural dance and the choral sounds of the holiday. Come sing along with Keith and Kristyn and their special guest friends on an evening that unites tradition and innovation in a vibrant celebration of the season! Tickets starting at $30.38 and may be purchased online at: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 Sunday, November 8~ 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 Monday, November 9 ~Dedication of the St. John Lateran Basilica Ezk 47:1-2, 8,-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9-11, 16-17; John 2:13-22 Tuesday, November 10 ~ Pope St. Leo the Great Wis 2:23—3:9; Luke 17:7-10 Wednesday, November 11 ~ St. Martin of Tours Wis 6:1-11; Luke 17:11-19 Thursday, November 12 ~ St. Josaphat Wis 7:22—8:1; Luke 17:20-25 Friday, November 13 ~ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Wis 13:109; Luke 17:26-37 Saturday, November 14 Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Luke 18:1-8 Sunday, November 15~ 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time Daniel 12:1-3; Hebrews 10:11-14, 18; Mark 13:24-32 Our Adoration Chapel—Won’t you please come spend an hour with Jesus in our Adoration Chapel? Open Monday through Friday from 9am to 9pm. You may bring your own prayers books, read the Bible, pray the Rosary or just sit, relax and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from simply being in the real presence of God. The Master is waiting for you. Contact Mary Butler at 407.321.0029 to schedule a regular visitation time as an “Adorer”. Please note: If you have never visited our Adoration Chapel before, contact the parish office at 407.322.3795 before your first visit for important information. In December 1531, in the course of four days, the Virgin Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to an Indian named Juan Diego. As a result of this meeting, and the miraculous image printed on the cloak of Juan Diego, nine million Native Americans embraced the Catholic Faith and America began its transformation to a Catholic hemisphere. “Our Lady of Guadalupe: the miracle and the message”, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus will air on Sunday, November 8 at 2:00pm on WFTV, Channel 9 Orlando. Please be sure to watch this wonderful story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ En diciembre 1531, en el transcurso de cuatro días, la Virgen María, bajo la advocación de Nuestra Señora de la Guadalupe, apareció a un indígena convertido de nombre Juan Diego. Como resultado de este encuentro, y la imagen milagrosa impresa en la Tilma de Juan Diego, nueve millones de nativos americanos acogieron la Fe Católica y América comenzó su transformación a un Hemisferio Católico. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: “El milagro y el mensaje” patrocinado por Knights of Columbus será transmitido este domingo, noviembre 8 a las 2:00pm en WFTV, canal 9 Orlando. Por favor asegúrese de ver esta maravillosa historia 8:30 am †Hugh Morgan 5:00 pm †Jenni Heneghan Saturday, November 7, 2015 Chapel Church Fr. Ken by his daughters Fr. Ed by Jack & Linda Holt Sunday, November 8, 2015 8:00 am Chapel Fr. Ken †Florence Gilmartin by Dr. Beverly Baird Boothe 8:30 am Church (Spanish) Fr. Medina †Johnny & †Provivencia German by their family 10:00 am Church Fr. Ken †Stephen Raso by his sister 11:30 am Church Fr. Ed People of the Parish by the Parishioners of All Souls 2:00 pm Chapel (Latin) Father Andrzej The Cid Family by Gladys Abinader Monday, November 9, 2015 8:30 am Chapel Fr. Ed †those who died in Service USMC by Charles “Fitz” Fitzgerald Tuesday, November 10, 2015 8:30 am Chapel Fr. Medina †Francis & †Ann Antonio by their family Wednesday, November 11, 2015 8:30 am Chapel Fr. Medina †Mr. & Mrs. Paul Westbrock by the Mueller Family Thursday, November 12, 2015 8:30 am Chapel Fr. Ed †Patricia King by George King Friday, November 13, 2015 8:30 am Chapel Fr. Ken †Patricia King by George King Saturday, November 14, 2015 8:30 am Chapel Fr. Ken †Albert Allen, Sr. by Peggy & Albert Katz 5:00 pm Church Fr. Ken Don LeFils, Sr., †Don LeFils, Jr by the LeFils Family Sunday, November 15, 2015 8:00 am Chapel Fr. Ed The People of the Parish by the Parishioners of All Souls 8:30 am Church (Spanish) Fr. Medina †Michael Nina by Mercedes Garcia 10:00 am Church Fr. Ed †Charles Riley by Vincenza Riley 11:30 am Church Fr. Medina Michael Vicencio by the Vicencio Family 2:00 pm Chapel (Latin) Father Andrzej †Melissa Carlson by the Thomas Family Sanctuary Candle During the month of November, our Sanctuary Candle in our Church burns in loving memory for Timothy Holt on the 30th anniversary of his passing; as requested by his parents, Jack & Linda Holt. May he rest in eternal peace. All Souls Catholic Church 6 The Society of St. Vincent de Paul... How you help us help others: We helped a man with a weekly bus pass so he could get to his new job. What may seem like a little thing is a big thing to some. Thank you for praying for Jason, the people we serve and our Vincentians. Food Pantry Need of the Week: Crackers. Last Week: 191 items were donated with a retail value of $475. Thanks Council of Catholic Women and parishioners! Angel Trees Return Soon! Look for this year’s Angel Trees beginning November 22. Select an Angel and provide joy to a deserving child. Vincentian Reflection: In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us: “I want you to observe this poor widow contributed more than all the others who donated to the treasury. They gave from their surplus wealth, but she gave from her want, all that she had to live on.” Ask yourself: “Am I only giving from my surplus wealth?” and then make a donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so those who are suffering will be able to know God’s love and care. SVDP Hotline for Assistance call: 407.330.4400 SVDP for Pick up of donations: 1-888-986-4483 Thrift Store Location: 216 N. Hwy 17-92, Suite #150 – Big Lots Plaza Hours: Mon. to Fri.: 10am to 7pm; Sat. 9am to 6pm *Closed Sunday* Annual Church Yard Sale! It’s almost time for our annual sale which will be held on Saturday, December 8th at the Church on SR#46 from 8am to 2:30pm. We are in need of your lightly used household items (no televisions with picture tubes, please). Please drop off your donations on Friday, December 7th at the Church anytime between 8am and 5pm. We are also in need of many volunteers to work help us set up and work the day of the sale. Please contact Sue Mohr with your questions and to volunteer: 407.415.1918. November 8, 2015 Our Council of Catholic Women... Please Join Us for the Annual Parish Thanksgiving Dinner, Sunday, November 22, Serving from 12:00 to 2:00pm, at the ASCC Social Hall. Tickets are just $10.00pp and may be purchased after our Masses or by calling Ronnie Capalino at 407.320.0885. Come and Celebrate Our Many Blessings! Ladies of the parish please consider joining “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Council of Catholic Women. For more information on our CCW please contact: Ronnie Capalino at [email protected] D.A.W.G. Youth Ministry... DAWG Youth Ministry—(High School Group) Meets every Wednesday evening in the Social Hall from 7pm to 8:45pm. Our evenings include food, fun, prayer and worship. All Teens of the parish are welcome! Donations for Kris Kringle Workshop needed! We are accepting donations at the parish office of items that children may purchase to give to family members, teachers and friends at Christmas. We also need small to medium sized gift bags, tissue paper, “Scotch” tape and gift tags. These items will be used for the annual “Breakfast with Santa & Kris Kringle Shop sponsored by our DAWG Youth Ministry. Contact Michelle Murphy 407.322.3795 with questions or if you would like more information. 32º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario CH - New Church on SR 46; CP - Historic Chapel on Oak Ave.); SH - Social Hall; WH - White House (9th/Myrtle); SL - Science Lab; CR - Parish Conference Room; Suite C - Parish Office Suite C, upstairs; TRC - Technical Research Center; CGR - Church Gathering Room; R - Rectory Mon., Nov. 9 That Man Is You! 6:00am (K of C Hall) Adult Bible Study, 9:30am & 6:30pm (Suite C) Catholic Mom’s Group, 7pm (CR) Spanish Prayer Group, 7:15pm (CP) Tues., Nov. 10 Spanish Choir Rehearsal, 6:00pm (CH) Faith Formation, 6:30pm (CP) Parish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm (CH) R.C.I.A., 7pm (SL) Wed., Nov. 11 Faith Formation, 6:30pm (CP) DAWG, 7pm (SH) Thurs., Nov. 12 Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, 6pm (CH) Sat., Nov. 14 That Man Is You (Repeat), 6am (K of C Hall) Prayer & Life Workshop Retreat, 8:30am (Suite C) Mon., Nov. 16 Adult Bible Study, 9:30am & 6:30pm (Suite C) Sacramental Prep. Session IV, 6:30pm (CP) SVDP Meeting, 7:00pm (K of C Hall) Spanish Prayer Group, 7:15pm (CR) El Evangelio de hoy brinda un homenaje a los pobres. Son ellos los que dan todo sin esperar nada a cambio cuando se necesita, pues su confianza en la providencia de Dios es única y verdadera. La viuda de hoy es el ejemplo, ya que es la única que da más allá de lo que le sobra. La donación, pues, debe ser generosa. Ahora bien, el reto para nosotros es no echar en la canasta dominical nada más de lo que nos sobra, pues esto es un engaño. Si somos cortos en dar a Dios en la donación dominical, es posible que hagamos lo mismo en otras cosas, tales como ayudar a quien lo necesita, visitar al enfermo o encarcelado, compartir lo que se tiene con los más pobres y, más importante aún, amar sin condiciones a la familia. ¿Cómo es tu donación dominical? ¿Das lo que te sobra, o planeas tu compromiso con tu parroquia? La bondad y la generosidad no son un símbolo, sino una realidad en y de cada persona. Lo que hacemos lo debemos hacer con convicción, tal como las viudas de la primera lectura y del Evangelio: "Ella se fue, hizo lo que el profeta le había dicho y comieron él, ella y el niño" (1 Re 17, 15). "Yo les aseguro que esa pobre viuda ha echado en la alcancía más que todos" (Mc 12, 43). Lo que está en el corazón, sale a flote: estas dos mujeres dan ejemplo de lo que se haya en su interior. La invitación para esta semana es dar ejemplo de generosidad con los que nos rodean. ¿Lo haremos? Pidamos al Señor que así sea . LPI, Inc.
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