November 29, 2015 - All Souls Catholic Church

All Souls Catholic Church, Sanford, FL
Fr. Gilbert Medina, Pastor
Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired
Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired
Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz,
Latin Mass
Fr. Mark Christopher,
Rev. Mr. Marty Mueller,
407.322.1131 FAX
Church Location
3280 W. 1st St. (SR #46)
Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 9:30am
Historic Chapel Location
800 S. Oak Avenue
Daily Mass 8:30am,
Sunday 8:00am,
2:00pm (Latin Mass)
Parish Office
301 W. 8th Street
Hours: M-F, 8am to 4:30pm
[email protected]
The First Sunday of Advent
November 29, 2015
All Souls Catholic Church 2
November 29, 2015
The First Sunday of Advent
"But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your
heads because your redemption is at hand." Jesus instructs his disciples to
take this posture of confidence in the midst of a terribly disturbing
situation. Describing his second coming, Jesus says that on seeing this event
unfold, "People will die of fright." And yet the disciples are supposed to be
pillars of strength. While others cower in fear, the Lord's followers are
somehow immune, with heads raised high. Why?
Well, presumably, because those who follow Christ--those who
earn the distinction of being disciples--have nothing to fear. On the
contrary, when they have to "stand before the Son of Man," it will be a
happy occasion. But here's the catch: "disciple" is more than an empty title.
If we want to be counted among this confident crew, there are a few things
for us to do. Today's Gospel spells out these tasks, which are all perfect
things to pursue during Advent.
First, we have to make sure that our "hearts do not become
drowsy." We are called to stay awake in a spiritual sense, not allowing
"carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life" to numb us. We
need to avoid whatever might reduce our ability to recognize and relate to
Jesus, because we don't want his appearance to catch us "by surprise like a
trap." Advent is an ideal time to examine our lives to determine what
activities, priorities, or pastimes might be putting our hearts to sleep.
Secondly, we need to pray. We need to ask Jesus himself for "the strength
to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of
Man." We can't do it alone. But with Christ's help, we can be true, fearless
LPI, Inc.
1er Domingo de Adviento
Hemos llegado al tiempo de Adviento y éste nos prepara para practicar el
ejercicio de abrir los sentidos a la realidad que nos rodea. Es un tiempo para
preguntarnos: ¿Qué realidad estamos viviendo? ¿Dónde debemos de
encarnar al Hijo de Dios en esta Navidad que se acerca? Tomar nota de lo
que se vive a nivel mundial, local y familiar es esencial para nuestra
preparación. Observar, juzgar y actuar para descubrir qué cosas positivas
del Reino hay que implementar en nuestra vida. Esto, por supuesto, choca
con las realidades comerciales de la Navidad, sus preparativos muchas
veces no son los que Dios tiene en su plan de salvación. "Pongan atención y
levanten la cabeza". Es prepararse en sentido positivo, no gastar tanta
energía en el consumismo sino estar prevenidos en las cosas que nos
acercan a Dios.
Comenzamos un nuevo año litúrgico, las próximas cuatro semanas están
llenas de expectación. ¿Pero qué es lo que se espera? ¿A quién se espera?
Para muchas personas quizá son las fiestas, las vacaciones, ver a la familia o
esperar un regalo muy especial. Todas esas cosas son buenas no nos
confundamos. Pero debemos de prepararnos para algo muy especial y se
inicia en este Primer Domingo de Adviento. El nacimiento del Salvador del
mundo. Detente, observa, calla, medita y centra tu vida en Jesús. San Pablo
nos ayuda a entender este tiempo tan especial con la siguiente frase. "Que
el Señor los llene y
los haga rebosar de
un amor mutuo y
demás" (1 Tes 3, 12).
¿Sería mucho pedir
crecer en el amor en
esta primera semana
de Adviento?
LPI, Inc.
All Souls Parish Office Staff
Phone: 407.322.3795 - Fax: 407.322.1131
Secretary to Fr. Medina/Office Manager
Ann Cammarata
[email protected]
Angie Bryant
[email protected]
Hispanic Secretary
Beatriz Perez De Koeneke
[email protected]
Faith Formation Director
Jenny Mansingh
[email protected]
Youth Minister
Michelle Murphy
[email protected]
Director of Music & Liturgy
David McGhee
[email protected]
Web site:
Associate Director of Music
Nancy Pfingsten
[email protected]
Phone: 407.322.7003
Business Manager
Mimi Costa
[email protected]
Mary Valente
[email protected]
Parish Membership: Complete the white registration card found in
the church or chapel narthex, visit our office or website to register
and receive an informational packet from our parish.
Cemetery: Contact Mary Valente at the Parish Office.
All Souls Cemetery Location: Corner of 25th St. & Hardy Ave.
Scheduled for March
5, 2016 at Fort Mellon
former principal of All
Souls Catholic School,
passed away on March
3, 2015 from a brain
raised from the event
will assist families who
are in need of tuition assistance. Thank you for your participation!
You may sign up online here:
The Council invites all Catholic men of the parish and their
families to be our guests at the next social meeting on
Tuesday Dec. 1 at 7pm to chat with the Knights about the
Order and what we do. We want your ideas on how the
Council may continue to be of service to God, parish and community .
Meetings 1st (Social) and 3rd (Business) Tuesdays 7pm, 2504 S Oak
Ave, Sanford.
The First Sunday of Advent
Make All Souls Your Parish Home...
Often people attend Mass at All Souls for several years,
but never register. Registering here is a declaration of
your desire to be part of a Catholic community and to
make a commitment to the life of All Souls Church. Being a registered
parishioner makes the process much easier when it is time for infant
baptism, school or religious education registration, weddings, when asked
to be a baptismal or confirmation sponsor, and even funerals. A registered
parishioner receives all parish mailings, too.
Church law advises that territories or boundaries no longer limit parish
registration. All Souls accepts anyone who wants to share in the life of the
parish regardless of where they live. In order to register, you need to
complete a which registration card. These may be found narthex of the
church or chapel, the parish office during the week or online at our parish
website: Why not sign up today? We love our
new parishioners!
This past week we celebrated one of the great sacraments of healing in our
Faith Formation program—the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Experiencing
God’s “Ocean of Mercy” for the first time were: Irma, Sherry, Diana, Sophia,
Kenneth, Sara, Hannah, Mikayla, Francisco, Wyatt, Evelyn, William, Evelyn,
Amanda, Gregory, Nathan, Jose, Saphora, Grace, Olivia, Rebeka, Bianca,
Marco, Davis, Ethan, Elianie, Adrianna, Gabriella, Germain, Gabriela, Ana,
Maria, Yareth, Kinsley, Blake, Adriana, Alden, David, Jimmy, Riley, Seth,
Isabella, John, Carson, Ian, Ayden, Julian, Massiel, Angel, Anna, Natalia,
Jacqueline , Ayden, Solei, America, Marissa, Kate, Abraham, Mason, Oscar,
Noemi, Jose Molina, Criselle, Rory, Catilin, Connor, Edwin, Arely, Isabella,
Isabella, Logan, Elizabeth, Leslie, Gabriella, Theron, Maria, Jatniel, Imelda,
Tristan, Gabriella, Cara, Jeremy, Hailey, Jonathan, Hunter, Viviana, Miguel,
Gabriel, Seth, Susana, Mirabella, Marissa, Seralyn, Graci, Hannah, Liliana,
Justin, Carlos, Luis, Conner, Lucas, Ava, Jayrhen, Veronika, and Viktoriya
Please attend our Communal Penance Service on Thursday, December 3
from 7pm to 9pm at the Church on SR#46 where you, too can bathe in the
forgiving Ocean of Mercy of our Lord. We will have several area priests
available for individual confession.
Please direct your questions about our Faith Formation program to Ms
Jenny Mansingh at 407.322.3795
Offertory collection amounts for Thanksgiving Day and last weekend
were not available due to advance bulletin deadlines set by our
bulletin Publisher. Thank you for your understanding.
Church Mortgage Remaining Principle
7/1/14 to 6/30/15 Total Principal Paid:
Forgot or lost your envelopes?
Register for online giving today!
Men of the parish are invited to join use each Monday morning or
each Saturday morning at 6:00am (a repeat of the Monday morning
meeting) at the Knights of Columbus Meeting Hall, 2509 S. Oak
Ave., Sanford. That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures
and temptations that men face, especially those relating to their
roles as husbands and fathers. Contact Scott Kinser:
[email protected] for more information.
All Souls Catholic School is looking for individuals who enjoys
Many of our parishioners have asked about being informed when a member
of our parish has a Funeral Service planned at All Souls. We have created a
subgroup of our Liturgy & Worship FlockNote service called, “Parish Funeral
Services”. If you are interested in receiving TEXT or EMAIL messages about
funeral services for a parishioner please call Ann Cammarata at the Parish
Office 407.322.3795 or email: [email protected] to be added
to this group. You will be notified when a service has been officially
scheduled. Please note, if you choose to receive text messages, standard
messaging rates may apply from your cell phone carrier.
working with young children for our After School Care Program.
The program runs form 3:00pm to 6:00pm and the hours are
flexible. This is an ideal position for someone considering a career
in education. Starting hourly rate is $8.25. If interested contact the
[email protected].
All Souls Catholic Church 4
November 29, 2015
Remembering our deceased diocesan priests
All Souls Catholic School
Excellence in Catholic Education
810 S. Oak Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771
Dr. Kathleen Kiley, Principal
Mrs. Mary Moran, Asst. Principal
Phone: 407.322.7090 ~ FAX: 407.321.7255
Visit our website:
Twitter: @AllSoulsBears
Facebook: All-Souls-CatholicSchool/1313778668788
Let us remember the truly remarkable priests
who have impacted our lives and especially
those deceased priests of the Diocese of
Let us pray during this month of December for
the repose of the soul of:
Father Francis Letourneau—December 2, 1997
Father Armand Gregoire—December 3, 1979
Father Con Shine—December 4, 1996
Father Stephen Phillips—December 5, 2008
Msgr. William Mullally—December 13, 1971
Father John Fiala—December 20, 1990
Father Walter Franczek—December 20, 1999
Father William O’Farrell—December 21, 1997
Father Vincent E. Smith—December 22, 1981
Father Gerry Granahan—December 22, 2010
Father Charles Moser, S.M.A.—December 29, 1999
Father Claude Laquerre—December 30, 1985
Prayer for our Deceased Priests
O God, you raised your servants, to the sacred priesthood of Jesus
Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving them the
sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and
Blood of your Son Jesus Christ down upon the altar, and to absolve the
sins of men in your own Holy Name.
We beseech you to reward their faithfulness and to forget their faults,
admitting them speedily into your holy Presence, there to enjoy forever
the recompense of their labors. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Grupo de Oración: “Jesús, María y José” Cordialmente los
invita: A compartir con nosotros un momento de oración y
alabanza a Nuestro Dios. Todos los Lunes a las 7:15 pm en la
Capilla. The Praying Group: “Jesús, María y José” invites you
to their weekly gathering this Monday at 7:15 pm in the
Social Hall.
Drop and Shop!
Support All Souls Catholic School! Drop your kids off for a fun time at
ACE GYMNASTICS while you head out to start your Christmas shopping
on Friday, December 4th, from 6 to 9pm for children in Grades K –5.
Cost is $20 and includes pizza & beverages and 3 hours of a ‘flipping’
good time at ACE!. Space is limited so act fast! Reservations are first
come, first served with full payment. Children will be supervised by fully
experienced ACE Gymnastics staff along with 7th Grade ASCS student
ACE Gymnastics is located at 400 Gold Medal Ct., Longwood. Contact
Tina Sturgis @ [email protected] or call 248.345.3980 to reserve your
child’s spot today.
As part of the Jubilee
Year of Mercy, the
Reconciliation will be
December 3, at 7:00pm
in the church. Consider
making a commitment
this Advent to reconcile with God and others while joining the Church
in praying for an abundance of the healing grace of God’s mercy
forgiveness and love. You can find out more information about this
beautiful sacrament here:
En este tiempo de Adviento, nuestra parroquia ofrecerá un servicio
de Reconciliación Comunal, con confesiones individuales el día jueves
3 de diciembre 7:00pm en la Iglesia ubicada en la av. SR #46. Si usted
ha sido reacio asistir al sacramento, ha estado fuera por algún tiempo
o simplemente ha tenido dificultad en asistir los sábados en la tarde a
confesarse, esta es una maravillosa oportunidad para volver a conectar
con Cristo en la Santa Cena y su Iglesia. Obtenga más información
The First Sunday of Advent
Sunday, November 29~ First Sunday of Advent
Jer 33:14-16; 1 Thes 3:12—4:2; Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
Monday, November 30 ~ St. Andrew
Romans 10:9-18;; Matthew 4:18-22
Tuesday, December 1
Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 10:21-24
Wednesday, December 2
Isaiah 25:6-10; Matthew 15:29-37
Thursday, December 3 ~ St. Francis Xavier
Isaiah 26:1-6; Matthew 7:21, 24-27
Friday, December 4 ~ St. John of Damascus
Isaiah 29:17-24; Matthew 9:27-32
Saturday, December 5
Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26; Matthew 9:35—10:1, 5-8
Sunday, December 6~ Second Sunday of Advent
Baruch 5:1-9; Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11; Luke 3:1-6
Our Adoration Chapel—Won’t you please come spend an hour
with Jesus in our Adoration Chapel? Open Monday
through Friday from 9am to 9pm. You may bring your own
prayers books, read the Bible, pray the Rosary or just sit,
relax and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from simply
being in the real presence of God. The Master is waiting for
you. Contact Mary Butler at 407.321.0029 to schedule a
regular visitation time as an “Adorer”. Please note: If
you have never visited our Adoration Chapel before, contact the parish
office at 407.322.3795 before your first visit for important information.
You will find some helpful tools
and to learn more about the
Sacrament of Reconciliation at our
Reconciliation webpage:
Saturday, November 28, 2015
8:30 am
†Jo-Ann Apone
by the Fuoco Family
5:00 pm
†William Heneghan, Sr.
by the Heneghan Family
Sunday, November 29, 2015
8:00 am
†Joan Stevens Vander Putten
by the Bayer Family
9:30 am
The People of the Parish
by the Parishioners of All Souls
11:00 am
Sanctity of Life
by the Knights of Columbus
12:30 pm
Church (Spanish)
†Omedia Rodriguez
by the Rodriguez Family
2:00 pm
Chapel (Latin)
†Sally Burns
by the Elijah Fire of Carmel Community
Monday, November 30, 2015
8:30 am
†Richard & †Lenora Powers
by the Parishioners of All Souls
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
8:30 am
†Lillian Rutherford
by the Lommerse Family
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
8:30 am
†Meredith Ruff
by Cathy Goretsky
Thursday, December 3, 2015
9:00 am
†William Anthony Recuber
by a friend
Friday, December 4, 2015
8:30 am
First Friday Remembrance Society
Saturday, December 5, 2015
8:30 am
†Herman Santis
by the Carmelitas Family
5:00 pm
†Jenni Heneghan
by the Palmer Family
Sunday, December 6, 2015
8:00 am
†Helen Jean Schmiedicke
by the Palmer Family
9:30 am
†Andie Kalisz
by the Kalisz Family
11:00 am
†Jose Remo
by the Olsen Family
12:30 pm
Church (Spanish)
†Guillermo Robles
by the Robles Family
2:00 pm
Chapel (Latin)
Special Intention
by Ellen M. Gonzalez
Sanctuary Candle
Our Sanctuary Light at the Church burns in loving memory of
Johnny and Providencia German, as requested by their
family. May they rest in eternal peace..
Communal Penance Service this coming
Thursday, from 7pm to 9pm, Church SR#46
All Souls Catholic Church 6
November 29, 2015
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul...
Attention High School Students!
Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at St. Vincent de Paul!
How you help us help others: A single mother says without
St. Vincent de Paul’s generosity, she would not be able to give
her children a proper Thanksgiving meal; instead they
probably would just have cereal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
This is how you help us make a difference!
Food Pantry Needs of the Week: Canned chicken, chicken noodle soup,
hearty soups and pasta sauce. We’re really empty at the Pantry and need
your help! Last Week: 81 items were donated with a retail value of $217.
Thanks! Angel Trees Are Back! Pick one today and bring Christmas joy!
Donate Your Vehicle By Year’s End: Turn your donation into the
resources we use to help our brothers and sisters in need. Call
800.322.8284 today!
SVDP Assistance Hotline call: 407.330.4400
SVDP for Pick up of donations: 1-888-986-4483
Thrift Store Location: 216 N. Hwy 17-92, Suite #150 – Big Lots Plaza
Hours: Mon. to Fri.: 10am to 7pm; Sat. 9am to 6pm *Closed Sunday*
JUNE 26—JULY 2, 2016
This trip is open to 2016 High
Deposits of $35 (non–
refundable) are due by end
of January 2016 for each participant. Contact Michelle Murphy, Youth
Minister [email protected] For more detailed information
about CHWC go to
Many All Souls Catholic families have participated in CHWC/DAWG for
many years! Don’t take my word for it, check with them! Bornstein,
Valente, Delpalazzo, Olsen, Drinkall, Frana, McGraw, and so many
Breakfast with Santa & Kris Kringle Shopping
Saturday, December 12th, in the All Souls Social Hall.
Breakfast Served from 9am-12:00pm: Pancakes, sausage,
juice, coffee, milk. Child’s Breakfast— $3 (ages 2-12),
Adult Breakfast— $5 (Children must be accompanied by
an adult.) Santa will be with us throughout the morning!
Don’t forget your camera to take pictures with Santa!
Craft area will be available with our teens for the little ones. Everything
will take place in the Social Hall. Parents can wait and have breakfast or
coffee while children shop for family and friends. Gifts will range in price
from .50 cents to $5. and will be wrapped and labeled for the children.
**We can except cash, checks and credit cards** **Please email or call
Michelle Murphy to let us know how many will be joining us for
Breakfast! 407.322.3795.**
CH - New Church on SR 46; CP - Historic Chapel on Oak Ave.);
SH - Social Hall; WH - White House (9th/Myrtle);
SL - Science Lab; CR - Parish Conference Room; Suite C - Parish Office Suite C,
upstairs; TRC - Technical Research Center;
CGR - Church Gathering Room; R - Rectory
Mon., Nov. 30
Adult Bible Study, 9:30am & 6:30pm (Suite C)
Christmas Play Rehearsal, 5:30pm (CP)
Spanish Prayer Group, 7:15pm (CP)
Tues., Dec. 1
Spanish Choir Rehearsal, 6:00pm (CH)
Parish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm (CH)
Faith Formation K-12, 6:30pm (CP)
RCIA, 7pm (SL)
K of C & CCW Mtg., 7pm (K of C Hall)
Wed., Dec. 2
Faith Formation, 6:30pm (CP), D.A.W.G., 7pm (SH)
Contemporary Choir Rehearsal, 6pm (CH)
Thurs., Dec. 3
Faith Formation Christmas Play Rehearsal, 5:30pm (CP)
Communal Advent Penance Service, 7pm (CH)
Fri., Dec. 4
Annual Parish Yard Sale, 12-5pm (CH)
Christmas (Dressed) Play Rehearsal, 5:30pm (CH)
Sat., Dec. 5
Annual Parish Yard Sale, 8-2pm
Christmas Play Rehearsal, 9:15am (CP)
Fathers & Mothers Praying, 6pm (CP & SH)
Donations for Kris
Kringle Workshop
We are accepting donations at the parish office of items that children
may purchase to give to family members, teachers and friends at
Christmas. We also need small to medium sized gift bags, tissue paper,
“Scotch” tape and gift tags. These items will be used for the annual
“Breakfast with Santa & Kris Kringle Shop on Saturday, December
12th, sponsored by our DAWG Youth Ministry.
Contact Michelle Murphy 407.322.3795 with questions or if you would
like more information.
Por medio de la presente le
hacemos una cordial invitación para
que nos acompañe a celebrar el
484 Aniversario de la “Aparición de
Santa María de Guadalupe “ en el
Tepeyac México, la cual tendrá
lugar el sábado 12 de diciembre de
2015 a las 6:30 pm en la Parroquia
All Souls ubicada en SR#46. Te
esperamos nos honre con su
presencia y de antemano el grupo
Guadalupano le da las gracias. Se
ofrecerá pan dulce y bebida
caliente al final de la misa, la
donación se es de un dollar.
The Guadalupe Prayer group of All
Souls extends a cordial invitation to all to join them in celebrating the
484th Anniversary of the “Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe “at
Tepeyac Mexico, on Saturday, December 12 at 6:30 pm at the Church
on SR#46 , sweet bread and hot beverage will be offered after Mass. A
$1 donation per person is suggested. We look forward to seeing you!