11712N.Hewes,Orange,CA92869 11712N.Hewes,Orange,CA92869 Phone:633 Phone:633--5800 5800FAX:633 FAX:633--8364 8364Website:http://www.lapurisima.net Website:http://www.lapurisima.netE-mail:[email protected] mail:[email protected] SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS STAFF/PERSONAL CLERGY/CLERO Rev. Bill Barman, Pastor/Párroco Rev. Randy Guillen, Parochial Vicar/Vicario Rev. Timothy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar/Vicario Deacon Anthony Bube Deacon Paul Amorino Deacon Tin Nguyen LA PURISIMA PARISH SCHOOL/ 714/633-5411 ESCUELA PARROQUIAL LA PURISIMA In Association with the Sisters of the Company of Mary / Associados con las Hermanas de la Compañía de María Annette Zaleski, Principal/Directora DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP (MUSIC & LITURGY) / DIRECTORA DE CULTO (MUSICA Y LITURGIA) Terrie Backes 714/633-5800 FAITH FORMATION/CATECISMO Areli Espinoza, Associate Director (Español) 714/633-5396 Ginny Feld, Associate Director (English) SACRAMENT OF PENANCE / CONFESION: Tuesdays / Martes 6:00 pm Saturdays / Sábados 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM / BAUTIZO: Members of the Parish only. Please come to the Parish Office to make arrangements 2 months in advance. Preparation class required before Baptism. Solo miembros de la Parroquia. Favor vaya a la Oficina de la Parroquia 2 meses antes de la fecha deseada a fijar fecha y obtener detalles. Tienen que atender dos clases antes del Bautizo. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY / BODAS: Members of the Parish only. Come to the parish office at least 6 months before setting date to complete a wedding application. Preparation sessions required. Miembros de la Parroquia solamente. Por favor vaya a la Oficina de la Parroquia, 6 meses antes para fijar fecha. Tienen que presentar documentos y atender clases. 714/633-5344 Sister Maitrinh Nguyen, Associate Director LHC (Vietnamese) 714/771-7864 CONFIRMATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY / CONFIRMACION Y MINISTERIO JUVENIL Amanda Turcotte, Youth Minister FUNERALS / FUNERALES: At the death of a loved one, please notify the Parish Office at your earliest convenience to arrange for the Funeral Liturgy. Llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia lo más pronto posible para hacer arreglos de la Santa Misa Fúnebre. 714/633-1894 ADULT FAITH FORMATION (RICA) / CATECISMO PARA ADULTOS Deacon Paul Amorino 714/633-5358 PARISH OFFICE/OFICINA PARROQUIAL 714/633-5800 Patti Sarnecki, Business Manager/Gerente de Negocios Alma Nieto, Office Manager/Oficina de la Parroquia PARISH OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA (Closed from 12 to 1:00 p.m. / Cerrado de 12 a 1:00 p.m.) Monday to Friday/Lunes a Viernes: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Saturday/Sábado: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday/Domingo: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm PARISH LITURGICAL SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS WEEKDAY EUCHARIST/MISA DIARIA Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes: 6:30 & 8:15 am (English) Tuesdays/Martes 6:30 am (English) 7:30 pm (Vietnamese) Thursdays/Jueves 6:30 am (English) 7:30 pm (Español) Saturdays/Sábados 8:15 am (English) SUNDAY EUCHARIST/MISA DEL DOMINGO Sunday Vigil 5:00 pm (English) & 6:30 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, & 7:00 pm (Español) 6:30 am, 10:00 am, & 5:00 pm (English) Holy Days/Dias T h a n kSantos: s t o o uAs r Aannounced/Anunciados dvertisers! Please support those listed in the back pages T h a n k s t o o u r A d v e r t i s e r s ! P l e a s e s u p p o r t t h o s e l i s t e d i n t h eo bf aocukr pbaugleles t oi nf . o. .u. r b u l l e t i n . . . . W E E K LY R E A D I N G S LECTORALDELDÍA SUNDAY,OCTOBER5,2014 5DEOCTUBREDEL2014 27DOMINGODELTIEMPOORDINARIO DOMINGODELRESPETOALAVIDA 27THSUNDAYINORDINARYTIME RESPECTLIFESUNDAY SUNDAY’SREADINGS LECTURASDEHOYDOMINGO Is5:1-7;Sal80(79):9,12-16,19-20;Fil4:6-9;Mt21:33-43 Is5:1-7;Ps80:9,12-16,19-20;Phil4:6-9;Mt21:33-43 LECTURASDELASEMANA READINGSFORTHEWEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Lunes: Martes: Mié rcoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sá bado: Domingo: Gal1:6-12;Ps111:1b-2,7-9,10c; Lk10:25-37 Gal1:13-24;Ps139:1b-3,13-15; Lk10:38-42 Gal2:1-2,7-14;Ps117:1bc,2;Lk11:1-4 Gal3:1-5;Lk1:69-75;Lk11:5-13 Gal3:7-14;Ps111:1b-6;Lk11:15-26 Gal3:22-29;Ps105:2-7;Lk11:27-28 Is25:6-10a;Ps23:1-6;Phil4:12-14,19-20; Mt22:1-14[1-10] Gá l1:6-12;Sal111(110):1b-2,7-9,10c; Lc10:25-37 Gá l1:13-24;Sal139(138):1b-3,13-15; Lc10:38-42 Gá l2:1-2,7-14;Sal117(116):1bc,2; Lc11:1-4 Gá l3:1-5;Lc1:69-75;Lc11:5-13 Gá l3:7-14;Sal111(110):1b-6;Lc11:15-26 Gá l3:22-29;Sal105(104):2-7;Lc11:27-28 Is25:6-10a;Sal23(22):1-6; Fil4:12-14,19-20;Mt22:1-14[1-10] COMMUNITYNEWS/AVISODELACOMUNIDAD BAPTIZEDINCHRIST/BAUTIZADOSENCRISTO AdamAngelRomero,KarolyneCaballero,BenjaminSergioContreras,JayleneMagaliFragoso,JesusLarios, GaelLezma,EvelynMoraCanseco,LeonardoDamianRenteria,JoshuaSalvadorRosendo, EstefaniaVazquezRomero,MelodyThereseKhong MARRIEDINCHRIST/MATRIMONIOSENCRISTO AngelCastroCastro&MelissaPaigeCastro WEDDINGBANNS/AMONESTACIONESDEMATRIMONIOS S B /S A : Jaime Holquin & Claudia Zavala Victor Hugo Vazquez & Silvia Rosete F B /P A : Alejandro Reyes Garcia & Ruth Gonzalez D A M A P P P S S D M ,21 A 21 M M A M 9:00 . . D 9 . . To report sexual abuse by clergy or church personnel please call 1(800) 364-3064 Para reportar el abuso sexual por parte del clero o personal de la iglesia, por favor llame 1(800)364-3064 MASSINTENTIONS TREASURESFROMOUR TRADITION The sacrament of penance has a long and dif icult history.TheChurchsometimesstruggleswithhowbestto be faithful to the image of an all-forgiving God. Once a verypublicritewithpubliclyvisibleparticipationonthe part of the penitent, it became in time a very private matter. By the fourteenth century, when a prayer of absolutionanda layingonofhands wasstill requiredin sacramental confession, theologians were saying that eventhatwastoomuchliturgy.Allthatwasrequiredwas confession itself, and the sacramental words Ego te absolvo,or“Iabsolveyou.” In1614theCouncilofFlorencetriedto leshoutthis bareskeleton,requiringthatifpossiblethepriestshould wearastole,thattheconfessionshouldbeinchurch,and that there be questions about the person’s state in life, occupation, and last confession. This is the irst time the Church recommended that the penitent and priest be separated byagrill, thereby eliminatingthe ritual laying onofhandsoncesocentraltothesacrament,substituting the priest’s raised right hand in blessing. This is the rite that remained in force until the sacrament became the subject of very stormy debates at the Second Vatican Council,leadingtoamajorreformin1974thatisstillonly partiallyreceived. —Rev.JamesField,Copyright©J.S.PaluchCo. DOMINGOMUNDIALDELASMISIONES ,O 18-19/D O 18 Wednesday,October8 Weekday 6:30AM +JulianaDalloDeGuzman 8:15AM +MichaelBodmer Thursday,October9 St.Denis,Bishop,&Companions,Martyrs; St.JohnLeonardi,Priest 6:30AM +MagdalenaW.Boyle 7:30PM +MariaElenaRivas Friday,October10 Weekday 6:30AM +BruceBeauchamp 8:15AM +HarryTerraneau Weekday Saturday,October11 8:15AM +ShirleyMarianBerg SundayVigil Twenty-EighthSundayInOrdinaryTime 5:00PM Pro-Populo 6:30PM +MariaMaiXuanTien OUR OFFERTORY NUESTRO OFERTORIO WORLDMISSIONSUNDAY S Sunday,October5 Twenty-SeventhSundayInOrdinaryTime 6:30AM InthanksgivingofManuelCarreon 8:00AM Pro-Populo 10:00AM +ManuelGrajeda 12:00PM +EmmanuelPinzó nPastrama 5:00PM +Ramó n&JuanaAstom Monday,October6 Weekday 6:30AM +FossFamily 8:15AM +DanielDidier Tuesday,October7 OurLadyoftheRosary 6:30AM +CharlesHill 7:30PM +HilarioMaiDHue On Sunday, October 19 we are all invited to celebrate WorldMissionSunday.Thisyearweareinvitedtoreach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngestCatholicChurch. El19deOctubreestamosinvitadosacelebrarelDomingo Mundial de las Misiones. Este añ o estamos invitados a extender nuestras manos y ayudar a construir la iglesia enMongolia,laIglesiaCató licamá sjovendelmundo. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 387Envelopes/Sobres: $7,373.00 LooseCash/DineroenEfectivo: $7,279.00 EFT/TransferenciasElectró nicas $2,113.00 Mail-ins/Enviadoporcorreo: $1,211.00 TotalOffertory/TotaldelOfertorio: $17,976.00 TOTALBUDGETED/ESPERAMOSRECIBIR: $21,500.00Deficit / Déficit $3,524.00 Thank you! ¡Gracias! 21st Annual Rosary Rally Saturday, October 11, 2014 La Purisima Catholic Church 8:00 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Living Rosary 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Solemn Mass 11:30 a.m. Luncheon Hosted by the Filipino Rosary Group, Orange County More information: Joe Arevalo 714/925-2397 Priscilla Melgar 714/742-7439 Malou Aguinaldo 714/532-3307 Mary Ann Cases 714/742-7439 O 5-11 M A W H Mentalillnessaffectseveryone.1in4Americanadultsand1 in5childrenwillexperiencementalillnessthisyear. The Diocese of Orange collaborated in March with SaddlebackChurchandtheNationalAssociationonMental Illness (NAMI-OC) in hosting the “Gathering on Mental HealthandtheChurch.”Inresponsetotheneedsofmanyof ourpeoplewhoarelivingwithmentalillness,BishopVann isannouncingthatDr.LouiseDunnwilldirecttheformation ofaMentalHealthAdvisoryboard.Dr.Dunniscurrentlythe program director of New Hope Crisis Counseling Hotline, underthedirectionofCatholicCharitiesofOrangeCounty. Dr. Dunn has worked with New Hope since 2002 when it wasaministryoftheCrystal Cathedral.ShehasaMaster’s DegreeinCounselorEducationandaDoctorateofMinistry in Spiritual Formation and is a certi ied Spiritual Director from Loyola Marymount University. New hope currently has 63 trained Crisis Hotline volunteers which staff the hotline 24/7. “The mental health advisory board is important because it is vital that the Church have an organized response to mental illness. The church is often the irstplacethatpeopleturnwhenamentalhealthcrisis arises, said Dr. Dunn. “A small dedicated group has been working since March and it is time to formalize and prioritizeourapproach.” PrayerBlanketMinistry Creative hands and caring hearts of La Purísima Prayer Blankets arelap-sized,hand-sewn blankets given to people that are facing difficultstrugglesintheirlife.Thevolunteers of our Prayer Blanket Ministry commit to prayer as they fulfill their part in the constructionoftheblanket. The Prayer Blanket Ministry meets Prayer Blanket esunministerioquehacemantas de regazo para aquellas personas de nuestra comunidad que está n sufriendo alguna enfermedad o pasando di icultades. Mientras hacen las mantas, nuestrosvoluntariosoranconstantemente. LasjuntasdelMinisterio de Prayer Blanket sonelsegundo sábado del mes enel Salón de Conferencias del Centro Comunitario Parroquialde9:00a.m.a12delmediodía. Community Center from 9:00 to 12 noon. You are ¡Teinvitamosaparticipar! everySecond Saturday of the month in the Conference Room of the Parish invited! PrayerblanketsandshawlsareavailableatourParishOffice.If you or someone you know is experiencing an illness or going through a difficult time, a blanket or shawl made with prayer andcaringcanprovideawonderfulcomforthug. Cada primer domingo del mes el Padre bendice las mantas durante la Misa de 10:00 a.m. Las mantas está n disponibles en la O icina Parroquial. Si usted o algú n conocido suyo está enfermo o pasando por un momento difı́cil, una manta o un chal bendito pueden darlealivio. Formoreinformation,call/Paraobtenerinformación,llamea: BrookeTeran(714)997-3697 LM quản nhiệm cộng đoàn Timothy Nguyễn (714) 633-5800 Website của giáo xứ: http://www.lapurisima.net Ban Thường Vụ: TIN TỨC CỘNG ÐOÀN Chủ Tịch: Ô. Cao Quốc Thắng (714) 249-8226 Phó Chủ Tịch Nội Vụ: Ô.Trần Trọng Đức (657) 231-6100 Phó Chủ Tịch Ngoại Vụ: Ô. Nguyễn Khắc Phú (714) 633-5246 Thư Ký: B. Bùi Mai Phượng (714) 553-4660 Thủ Quỹ: B. Lê Lan (714) 538-5161 Các Ban Ngành: Phụng Vụ: Ô. Lê Mừng Ô. Trần Trọng Đức Rửa Tội Trẻ Em: B. Bùi Mai Phượng B. Phạm Thu Huệ Thừa Tác Viên Thánh Thể: Ô. Phạm Văn Chính Thừa Tác Viên Lời Chúa: Ô. Lê Mừng Thiếu Nhi Cung Thánh: B. Vũ Thị Thu Thủy B. Nguyễn Thúy Hồng Ban Tang lễ: Ô. Phạm Văn Chính B. Bùi Mai Phượng Xướng Kinh: B. Nguyễn Thị Đĩnh Ô. Nguyễn Văn Bình Ca Đoàn Trầm Hương: Ô. Nguyễn Cao Sơn Ô. Trần Vinh Thái Ca Đoàn Thiếu Nhi Noela: Ô. Nguyễn Quang Chuẩn Trường Việt Ngữ VSL: Hiệu Trưởng Bà Lê Trần Loan Giới Trẻ: Anh Nguyễn Kiên Thiết Kế Kỹ Thuật: Ô. Nguyễn Huy Chương Ô. Nguyễn Đăng Thịnh Giáo Lý Trẻ Em: Sơ Mai Trinh Giáo Lý Dự Tòng: Sơ Lê Thị Lễ Hội Phụ Huynh: Bà Huỳnh Như Ý Xã Hội: Ô. Đào Nghi Ô. Nguyễn Ngọc Cường Nghi Thứ Đám Cưới: Bà Bùi Mai Phượng Trật Tự: Ô. Nguyễn Lui Anh Phạm Phước Hình Ảnh: Ô. Vũ Thanh Dũng Ô. Ngô Tùng Tiếp Tân B. Bùi Thị Loan Các Đoàn Thể: Bảo Vệ Thai Nhi: Bà Vũ Thị Mến BT & PT Ơn Thiên Triệu: Ô. Phạm Ngọc Hiển Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo: Bà Thái Thị Liên Canh Tân Đặc Sủng: Bà Mai Loan Cao Niên Công Giáo: Ô. Nguyễn Ngọc Cường Gia Đình Nazareth Ô. Bùi Châu Ô. Lê Văn Hiệp Sĩ Columbus Ô. Chu Công Ô. Hoàng Thiên Legio Mariae: Ô. Nguyễn Văn Bình Liên MinhThánh Tâm: Ô. Nguyễn Khắc Phú Phong Trào Cursillo: B. Phạm Thu Huệ Thăng Tiến Hôn Nhân: Ô. Nguyễn Huy Chương Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể: Anh Nguyễn Kiên Số 641 Ngày 5 tháng 10 năm 2014 Thân mời cộng đoàn dân Chúa tham dự hội chợ LP Jam trong ba ngày cuối tuần này. Mọi thâu nhận sẽ được giáo xứ dùng vào các công tác xã hội. Giáo hội Hoa Kỳ dành tháng 10 hàng năm để cầu cho Sự Sống (Respect Life). Trong tháng này, cộng đoàn sẽ đọc kinh Cầu cho Thai Nhi trước Thánh Lễ Chúa Nhật hàng tuần thay vì kinh Sứ Vụ người Bảo Quản. Ban Bảo Vệ Sự Sống cộng đoàn kính mời quý ông bà anh chị em Chúa dành chút thời giờ đến tham dự giờ cầu nguyện vào mỗi ngày thứ Tư hàng tuần, từ 7 đến 8 giờ tối, với ý nguyện xin mau sớm có một dự luật chấm dứt phá thai, cùng cầu nguyện theo ý Đức Giáo Hoàng. Cộng đoàn sẽ có chầu đầu tháng vào thứ Ba ngày 7 tháng 10. Kính mời cộng đoàn dân Chúa đến tham dự phiên chầu bắt đầu lúc 7 giờ tối. Cộng đoàn sẽ có phiên họp Ban Chấp Hành vào lúc 2 giờ trưa Chúa Nhật, ngày 13 tháng 10, tại Hội Trường giáo xứ (Parish Center). Kính mời Cha quản nhiệm và quí thành viên trong ban chấp hành đến tham dự. Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm sẽ không có phiên họp hàng tháng trong tháng 10, để quý gia trưởng tham dự Đại Hội La Vang Las Vegas kỳ 7 trong 3 ngày 17-19 tháng 10 năm 2014. Cộng đoàn hân hoan chào đón gia đình ông bà Bùi Minh và Loan vào trong gia đình giáo xứ La Purisima. Phụng vụ chư Thánh từ ngày 6 đến ngày 11 tháng10: • • • • • Thứ Hai 6 tháng 10: Thánh Bruno Thứ Hai 6 tháng 10: Chân phước Marie-Rose Durocher Thứ Ba 7 tháng 10: Đức Mẹ Mân Côi Thứ Năm 9 tháng 10: Thánh Denis Thứ Năm 9 tháng 10: Thánh John Leonardi Đóng Góp Trong Cuối Tuần Qua Chân thành cám ơn sự dâng cúng quảng đại của quý vị cho giáo xứ Chúa Nhật 09/28: $17,976.00 Lestonnac Free Clinic Guild’s Annual Membership Tea October 9, 2014 - from 12-2 P.M., R.S.V.P. Paula Baldini 714-724-4951 or [email protected] MARY’SSHELTERSUPPORTING TEENMOTHERSFOR20YEARS Mary’s Shelter invites you to its 20th AnniversaryCelebrationonSaturday, September 27th from 11 am to 1 pm. Join us for a Prayer Service with Bishop Kevin Vann and music by ReneeBondi,followedbyareception andlightlunch.Ourhomeswillthen beopenfortours.Helpuscelebratethehundredsofteen mothers who chose life for their children and found a place to live and loving care at Mary’s Shelter, thanks to our many supporters. Contact 714/730-0930 or [email protected] torsvpsowecanhavelunchreadyforyou. Ask Our Lady to help you. Ask her to entreat her Son to let you know what you should do. —Bl.MarieRoseDurocher Pide ayuda a Nuestra Señora. Pídele que suplique a su Hijo hacerte conocer lo que debes hacer. —BeataMarieRoseDurocher ♥ ♥ ShieldtheVulnerable Donotdelayreporting! CPS(714)940-1000andLocalAuthority911 DiocesanReportingLine*(800)364-3064 OrangeCountyElderAbuseHotline:800-451-5155 *ChildAbuseHotline/OrangeCounty(800)827-8724 ChildProtectionServices(CPS):(714)940-1000 ProtegealVulnerable ¡Notardesenreportar! CPS(714)940-1000AutoridadLocal911 LíneaDiocesana*(800)364-3064 Parroquia/Diócesis Comunidad Pastor/Administrador *Lı́neaCalientedeAbuso deMenores/Condadode Orange CoordinadordelMinisterio (800)827-8724 (800)364-3064 ServiciodeProtecció n deMenores(CPS):(714) 940-1000 LíneaCalienteCondadodeOrange/Abusode PersonasMayores:800-451-5155 Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. —P.T.Barnum El dinero es un terrible amo, pero un excelente sirviente. —P.T.Barnum WE PRAY FOR…/OREMOS POR... Please join us in lifting the following people up in prayer/ Únase a nuestras oraciones encomendando a las siguientes personas: An Invitation to Serve... Fr. Agustin Escobar, Karen Ludwig, Cheryl Skidmord, There is a great opportunity to serve our parish Grant Kovac, Lawrie Gallagher, Theodore Susanto, community by becoming a Sacristan, Lector, or Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister. Please prayerfullyconsiderservingourparishinoneofthese wonderfulLiturgicalministries. Daniel Philip Friend. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsabouttrainingorservingin anyoftheseministries,pleasecontact: TerrieBackes,DirectorofWorshipattheParishOffice: [email protected] EC Jansen, Alice Chua, KH Lee, Fr. Vincent McNally, To add the name of your loved one in this list, please call the Parish Office number. Please keep in mind, that names will be listed for 6 weeks only. Llame a la Oficina Parroquial si desea agregar el nombre de su familiar. Por favor recuerde que anunciaremos el nombre solo por 6 semanas. ATTENTIONALL CHILDREN! The children's choir is a fun and exciting ministry! We are looking for boys and girls ages 7 - 12 who want to learn to sing and serve in our parish masses and liturgical events. The Children's Choir is open to children from each of our three language communities!!!Thisisagreatopportunityfor kidsages7-12tolearnaboutmusic,andmost importantly serve God by singing! It is also a great way to have fun and meet new friends. If interested, please contact Terrie Backes at 714/633-5800. ¡ATENCIÓNNIÑOS! Estamosinvitandoalospequeñ osaserparte del Coro Infantil de la parroquia. El coro estará formado por niñ os y niñ as de 7 a 12 añ osdeedadquequieranaprenderacantary servir en nuestras Misas parroquiales y eventos litú rgicos. ¡El Coro Infantil es para todos los niñ os de la parroquia! Si está n interesados,porfavorllamenaTerrieBackes, DirectordeLiturgiaal714-633-5800¡Estaes una gran oportunidad para aprender acerca de la mú sica, y lo má s importante servir a Diosatravé sdelcanto! JOINTHECHOIR! AttentionSingers!It'sthattimeofyearagain.A newliturgicalseasonisfastapproachingandwe arelookingforreturningandnewsingersforthe Adult Choir. The choir is a great way to serve God, our parish family, and a wonderful opportunity to have fun and make new friends! This choir is open to anyone ages 18 and above who enjoys singing choral and contemporary musicforthe10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass andother specialLiturgicalevents. Please consider using your gift of voice to lead our worshipping community in song! If you are interested in joining the choir, please call Terrie Backes,DirectorofWorshipat:714/633-5800. SAFE ENVIRONMENT - TRAINING FOR ADULT VOLUNTEERS This is to inform everyone that there will be Basic Safe Environment Training for Adult Volunteers who haven’t yet completed their initial Safe Environment Training, on the following dates: Wednesday, January 21, 2015, and Wednesday, July 15, 2015. All trainings are scheduled from 10am-12:30pm and will be held in Room 1-F in the Pastoral Center. Please contact the Diocesan Safe Environment Office for information at 714/282-3069. Thank you for coming to The JAM at LP Please remember that there will be one Mass for the evening on Saturday, October 4 at 5:00 p.m. Church will be closed after Mass Gracias por venir al JAM at LP Por favor recuerden que el domingo no tendremos Santa Misa de 7:00 p.m. Después de Misa cerraremos la Iglesia. LaAmistadFamilyHealthCenter 353S.MainStreet,Orange,CA92868(714)771-8006 La Amistad Family Health Center provides primary care, prenatalanddentalservicesforlowincomefamiliesinCentral Orange County. Services are provided by appointment following inancialscreening. Nowacceptingnew,uninsuredpatients CentrodeSaludFamiliar LaAmistad 353S.MainStreet,Orange,CA92868(714)771-8006 El Centro de Salud Familiar La Amistad provee cuidado medico bá sico, prenatal y dental para familias de bajos recursos en Central Orange County. Los servicios son proporcionados por medio de citas despué s de pasar un aná lisisdesussalarios. Estamosaceptandospacientessinsegurodesalud LaPurísimaSchool AnnetteZaleski|Principal714/633-5411|www.lpcs.net OURCOMPANYOFMARYHERITAGE LaPurisima'sprincipal,Mrs.Zaleski,alsoservesontheEducationalProjectCommitteewiththeSistersoftheCompany ofMaryfortheProvidenceofthePaci ic,whichincludestheUnitedStates,ColombiaandPeru.Sherecentlytraveledto ColombiatorepresenttheCompanyofMarySchoolsintheUnitedStatesandtoworkwithaninternationalteamto strengthentheeducationalandevangelicalcommitmentfoundwithintheCompanyofMarySchoolsworldwide."As the irstadministratorsofLaPurisimaCatholicSchool,theSistershavegivenusastrongfoundationinforminglifelongCatholicsandstudentswhovalueacademicexcellence.ItisinspiringtoknowthattheCompanyofMarythrives throughout the world and continues to make a difference wherever they serve. It is an honor to be a part of the CompanyofMary,"statesMrs.Zaleski.Shewillcontinuetoserveonthiscommitteeforthreeyears,andiscommitted toimbueandfortifyLaPurisimaCatholicSchoolwiththeCompanyofMaryvaluesandtraditionsofexcellencebegan bytheSistersherealmost50yearsago. GOINGONRETREAT… Oneofthebeautifulopportunitiesthatgohand-in-handwithaCatholicschooleducationatLaPurisimaistheannual retreatwithyourclassmates.Pleaseprayforour8thgradersastheygoonretreatThursdaytogetherwith8thgraders fromtheCompanyofMaryschools.Thisisasacredtimeforprayer,re lection,growinginfaith,andfun. GIRLS’NIGHTOUTWITHPARENTS Thiseveningmeetingisespeciallydesignedfor4th,5thand6thgradegirls--accompaniedbytheirownparent(s)--and willfocusonfriendshipsandtheuniquegiftofraisingstrong,youngwomen.Thisexperiencewillbewellworthyour time.PleaseplanonattendingthisspecialeventonThursday,October23rd,from7:00p.m.to8:30p.m.intheschool hall. DENIM&DIAMONDSCAVALIERGALA Tickets($80/person)willsoonbeavailableforLa Purisima School's "Denim & Diamonds" Cavalier Gala tobeheldonSaturday,November15th,from5:30p.m.to10:00p.m. attheTustinCommunity Center. If you would like to become an event sponsor, please contact Karen Lombard at [email protected]. Those interested in volunteering or donating an item for the silent and live auctions, please contact Andrea Tjan at [email protected]. Thank you for your kind consideration! COMEINFORATOUR! It'snevertooearlytoresearchyourchildren'sschoolingoptions.IfyouareinterestedinaCatholicschooleducation foryourchild,pleasecalltoscheduleatouratLPnowthatclassesarebackinsession.Wewelcomevisitorsmostany timeduringtheyear.LaPurisimaoffersbothhalf-dayandfull-daypreschoolandfull-dayTransitionalKindergarten through8thgrade.TheschoolisfullyaccreditedbytheWesternAssociationofSchoolsandColleges(WASC)andthe Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA). The preschool also is fully licensed by the State of California. For moreinformation,call714-633-5411orvisitlpcs.net. ComeandbepartoftheLPFamily...You'llbegladyoudid! Certified Life Coaches Let me partner with you to find an easier way to manage life with children. Madelyn Clough (951) 314-4911 Vent your frustrations in a healthy way. Let’s work solutions to accomplish your goals. Jode Currier (714) 376-4519 Jo Ann Stoff (714) 721-5749 www.LifeCoachesOfOrange.com SPACE AVAILABLE Cosmetic, Implant and General Dentistry To Advertise Here... www.brookshiredental.com FRIEDA BROOKSHIRE, DDS, MS Contact VICTORIA QUINN today at (800) 231-0805 [email protected] (714) 838-3400 13420 Newport Ave., Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 Local Parishioner Most Insurances Accepted Financing Available Pilipino Po Tayo! Se Habla Español Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. 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Maple Ave. Orange, CA 92866 Low cost Funeral’s - Cremation - Advance Planning Deacon Robert Kelleher Ralph Shannon - Randy Bryan - Owners FD-1772 55+ MOBILE HOME PARK Walking Distance to Shopping & Entertainment • Excercise Room • Pool • Recreation Room • Crafts • Bible Study • Bingo • Pets OK AFFORDABLE SPACE RENT 714-538-1749 — SE HABLA ESPAÑOL — WWW .ORANGEVILLAGEMHP. COM Your ABOGADOS DE INMIGRACIÓN MANULKIN, TANNER & ASOCIADOS ad Hablamos Español could be in this space! 714-532-5700 3530 E. Chapman Ave., Orange, CA 92869 40% AUTO | HOME | LIFE | BUSINESS www.SFinsuranceServices.com DONALD A. HUNSBERGER Feligreses de la parroquia La Purisima GARY H. MANULKIN Certificado Especialista en Ley de Inmigración 10175 Slater Ave., Suite 111 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Teléfono: 714-963-8951 ATTORNEY AT LAW / LOCAL PARISHIONER Wills ◆ Trusts Business Planning Probate & Trust Adminstration carreo electrónico: [email protected] sitio web: www.manulkinlaw.com ( 714 ) 663- 8000 www.hunsbergerglaw.com 000793 La Purisima Church (A) Now Independently Owned [email protected] or call (949) 612-5206 SANDRA GARCIA SAVE up to Shannon - Bryan Mortuary New Phone # (714) 771-1000 Fastest Growing CELL: 714.856.9756 OFFICE: 714.771.3222 FAX: 714.771.1760 License # 0H63645 *Payment Options Available* Philip Catlett* • Catherine Beall** *Former O.C. Probate Court Examiner **Graduate of Holy Family Local Parishioners • Mater Dei & UCL • Saturday Appointments • 24 Hour Emergency Services • PPO Plans Accepted • Medical Accepted • Se Habla Español • Convenient Hours www.allqualityroofs.com Bilingue Inglés/Español www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Mark your Calendars! Pennies from Heaven drive October 25-26 Domingo Respeto a la Vida Marquen sus Calendarios Colecta Centavos del Cielo 25 y 26 de Octubre
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