Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish Cristo, el Buen Pastor 633 Porter Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330.755.4141) (330)755-1367 (fax) • (330)755-3633 (Español) A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments, share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community and throughout the world. 11th Ordinary Sunday June 14, 2015 ALL IS GRACE On Sundays in Ordinary Time, the Old Testament reading is selected for the light it sheds on the day’s Gospel. Today, Ezekiel sees God lifting up the lowly tree and making the withered tree bloom. So in the second paraable of today’s Gospel, Jesus encourages us by promising that, as fragile seeds grow into an abundant harvest, and the tiny mustard seed into a hearty plant, so God will grow the kingdom from small beginnings to an instrument of salvation for all. In the first parable, the land yields fruit “of its own accord” (Mark 4:28). Not only is the initiative God’s, but the parable teaches that the seed’s growth, though invisible at first, is actually unstoppable! To be sure, those who depend on the impressive or dramatic in order to be convinced or encouraged will be disappointed in the slow unfolding of the kingdom that Jesus announces. But for those who do accept the kingdom, all is grace, and that grace is certain. Though the second reading is not coordinated with either the first reading or Gospel on these Sundays, today’s is thematically appropriate. Saint Paul argues that our experience of God’s trustworthiness thus far should make us a people of undaunted courage and unshakeable faith. But at the same time Paul warns that faith should also make us aware of our responsibility to do good. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. OUR PARISH’S CHURCHES St. John the Baptist Church 159 Reed Ave. Hall: (330)755-0036 St. Joseph the Provider Church 633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316 St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima 394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4545 or (330)755-2245 All parish offices are located at 633 Porter Avenue. Campbell, OH 44405 330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633 Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Good Shepherd Campbell MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details) at St. Joseph the Provider Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm [with Confessions at 3:00pm] Sunday: 8:30am - 10:15am -12:00 Noon (Spanish) Weekdays Monday at 8:30am: Communion Service Tuesday - Friday at 8:30am: Mass at St. John the Baptist Holy Days: (See inside) 2• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO Un Mensaje del Pastor Next Saturday, June 20th, the Diocese of Youngstown will be ordaining one man to the priesthood: Deacon Dan Finnerty. We support him with our prayers. And, even if you do not know him, you are welcome to attend the Ordination. If you have never been to an Ordination, take advantage of the opportunity next Saturday morning. Next Sunday is Father’s Day. We ask God’s blessings upon them in a special way. Here are some words on the Priesthood from Pope Francis. He offered this reflection at the Chrism Mass in 2013: “This I ask you: be shepherds, with the ‘smell of the sheep’, make it real, as shepherds among your flock, fishers of men. True enough, the so-called crisis of priestly identity threatens us all and adds to the broader cultural crisis; but if we can resist its onslaught, we will be able to put out in the name of the Lord and cast our nets. It is not a bad thing that reality itself forces us to ‘put out into the deep’, where what we are by grace is clearly seen as pure grace, out into the deep of the contemporary world, where the only thing that counts is ‘unction’ – not function – and the nets which overflow with fish are those cast solely in the name of the One in whom we have put our trust: Jesus. “Dear lay faithful, be close to your priests with affection and with your prayers, that they may always be shepherds according to God’s heart.” El próximo Sábado, 20 de Junio, en la Diócesis de Youngstown será ordenado al sacerdocio el Diácono Dan Finnerty. Lo apoyamos con nuestras oraciones. Y, aunque usted no lo conozca esta invitado a asistir a su Ordenación. Si nunca has asistido a una Ordenación, tome ventaja de esta oportunidad. Próximo Domingo es el Día de los Padres. Pedimos de manera especial por las bendiciones de Dios sobre ellos. Unas palabras de reflexión que ofreció el Papa Francisco el 2013 en la Misa de Crisma acerca del Sacerdocio: “Esto os pido: sed pastores con ‘olor a oveja’, que eso se note; en vez de ser pastores en medio al propio rebaño, y pescadores de hombres. Es verdad que la así llamada crisis de identidad sacerdotal nos amenaza a todos y se suma a una crisis de civilización; pero si sabemos barrenar su ola, podremos meternos mar adentro en nombre del Señor y echar las redes. Es bueno que la realidad misma nos lleve a ir allí donde lo que somos por gracia se muestra claramente como pura gracia, en ese mar del mundo actual donde sólo vale la unción – y no la función – y resultan fecundas las redes echadas únicamente en el nombre de Aquél de quien nos hemos fiado: Jesús. “Queridos fieles, acompañad a vuestros sacerdotes con el afecto y la oración, para que sean siempre Pastores según el corazón de Dios.” Que Dios te bendiga, P. Conoboy God bless you, Fr. Conoboy Volunteers Needed With reduced Maintenance Staff, volunteers are needed to help maintain our grounds. If you are willing to help out please, call Fr. Conoboy 330.755.4141 11TH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME - JUNE 14, 2015 • 3 Memorial Flames at St. Joseph the Provider The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass. Saturday, June 13: Vigil for Sunday 9:00am Sst. Anthony Feast Day (Mass at St. Lucy) 4:00pm Cindy Santiago & Mary Lee Skaleris (Family) Dennis Barr (brother, Richard) May Ann Danilov (Kelby Nail) SUNDAY, 8:30am 10:15am Noon June 14: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Michael & Mary Kozak (Children) Adio Rispinto (Sally Falasca) Xavier Vega (Familia Vega) Victor Seguinot y Hector Torres (esposa y madre Aida) Weekday Masses at St. John the Baptist Monday, June 15: Weekday 8:30am Communion Service Tuesday, June 16: Weekday 8:30am Theresa Crino (Children) Anna Polkabla (Polkabla & Svagerko) Frank Dellick (M/M Jerry Jurcisin) Wednesday, June 17: Weekday 8:30am John Tesner (John, Jane & Tom Orlo) Robert Petruska (Joan DeLucia) Thursday, June 18: Weekday 8:30am Josephine & Frank Lombard (son, Christopher Lombard) Friday, June 19: Saint Romuald 8:30am Joseph Delsignore (James & Betty Sferra) Saturday, June 20: Vigil for Sunday 4:00pm Jeff Maruskin (mom, Joanne & brother, Bob) Joseph Snitzer (Carol, Tony & John Cannella) George Ostrowski (Bob Domanich Family) SUNDAY, June 21: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 8:30am For All Fathers 10:15am For All Fathers Noon Para todos los Padres St. Anthony: Ralph Centafonti Sr. (Family) Holy Family: Ray Maruskin (wife, Joanne & son Bob) Christ, the Good Shepherd: Leonard Sliwinski (Family) St. Elizabeth: Anna Polkabla (Polkabla Children) Divine Mercy: Jeff Maruskin (mom, Joanne & brother Bob) Youth of Christ the Good Shepherd Coming Events June 19 - 20 Project Grow - is a program for high school teens to engage in a weekend retreat at the Villa Maria Conference Center with a service component in the City of Youngstown. Cost $35.00 includes all meals, snacks, dorm room, programs, transportation to service work sites, and T-Shirts. If you would like to participate in any of these events call Jackie 330.755.4141 Vacation Bible School “International Spy Academy” Monday, July 6 - Friday 10 9am - 12 Noon Christ, the Good Shepherd at St. Joseph Campus Children Pre K - 6th grade Name__________________Phone ___________ Age of child or children _____________ Cost is $5.00 per child for supplies. Drop in collection basket and/or if anyone wishing to help call the parish office 330.755.4141 4 • CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH: Sunday, June 14: Flag Day 9:45am Holy Name Society meeting 10:30am Damas meeting 3:30-4pm St. John’s Men's Club meeting Tuesday, June 16: 6:30pm Pastoral Council meeting Wednesday, June 17: Food Sharing at St. John 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass Diocesan Infant Guild at St. Christine 10:00am Crochet Club Thursday, June 18: 5:30pm Prayer Group 6:30pm-8:00pm Music in the Park Phil Gonzalez Friday, June 19: Youth Group leaves for Project Grow Saturday, June 20: 10:00am Legion of Mary ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA PARROQUIA Domingo, 14 de Junio: Día de la Bandera 9:45am Reunión Sociedad Santo Nombre 10:30am Reunión de las Damas 3:30-4pm Reunión Club de Hombres St. John Martes, 16 de Junio: 6:30pm Reunión Consejo Pastoral Miércoles, 17 de Junio: Banco de Comida en St. John 10:00am Club de Crochet Jueves, 18 de Junio: 5:30pm Grupo de Oración 6:30-8pm Música en el Parque Phil Gonzalez Viernes, 19, de Junio: Grupo de Jovenes sale para Project Grow Sábado, 20 de Junio: 10:00am Legión de María Domingo, 21 de Junio: Día de los Padres Sunday, June 21: Fathers Day Change made for the Cultural Society meeting for St. John the Baptist new date Sunday, June 28th 11:30am Simply Slavic Cultural Heritage Festival Saturday, June 20 downtown Youngstown from Noon to Midnight. Celebrate the Slavic ethnicities present in the Mahoning Valley Don’t miss the heritage displays, Slavic foods for sale made by local churches, ethnic music and dancers, and Slavic items for sale. There is a small entrance fee to the Festival. Introducing a life changing plan for someone you may know ages 18-24 who is unemployed and disconnected from the working world! Café Augustine is a 4 month work readiness program with scholarships available. How We Work: Life Skills - The program utilizes the 21st Century Success Principles curriculum, developed by the New Orleans Jobs Initiative over a ten-year period, which addresses participants’ understanding of workplace culture and is tailored for African-American and inner city youth with little connection to the labor market. Culinary Training - Students are mentored by restaurant staff in five restaurant workstations (steward; floor service or wait staff; pantry chef; sous chef; and department chef: during Café Augustine’s lunch service, which serves the public daily. First Steps- Attend a Jobs Readiness Fair at Café Augustine inside Public Library in Youngstown on Tuesday, June 9 at 11:00am. This is a free presentation where you will meet successful graduated who can inspire you to turn your life around. Family members of potential students are welcome, as are pastors, social workers, and others who care. Our first class begins in 60 days, so stop in for an application. For more info Fr. Edward Brienz 330.744.8451 ext.277 11TH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME - JUNE 14, 2015 • 5 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has done in the body.” - 2 Corinthians 5:10 We are all accountable for the gifts God has given us on Earth – our time, talent and treasure. One day each of us will be asked by God what we did with those gifts. How will you respond? PARISH SACRIFICAL GIVING FOR 6/7 WEEKLY COLLECTION: $8,0844.00 ADDITIONAL: Children: $29.00 Utilities/Main: $206.00 Mission Sunday: $917.00 Second Collection: $317.00 Church at Home MASS ATTENDANCE FOR 6/7: 510 +PRAY WITH THE SCRIPTURES+ Readings for the week of June 14: TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I have lifted high the lowly tree (Ezequiel 17:22-24). Psalm — Lord, it is good to five thanks to you (Psalm 92). Second Reading — Whether we are at home or away, we aspire to please the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-10). Gospel — It is the smallest of all seeds, and becomes the largest of plants (Mark 4:26-34). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10; Psalm 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Matthew 5:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9; Psalm 146:2, 5-9a; Matthew 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11; Psalm 112:1bc-4, 9; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: 2 Corinthians 11:1-11; Psalm 111:1b-4, 7-8; Matthew 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30; Psalm 34:2-7; Matthew 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Psalm 34:8-13; Matthew 6:24-34 Sunday: Job 38:1, 8-11; Psalm 107:23-26, 28-31; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; Mark 4:35-41 Your prayers are requested for the health and well-being of the following parishioners: Scott Anderson Mary Bartholomew Bob Beck Nadine Bednarik Julia Beltz Jim Bigley Lori Bodnar Gizela Bogatek Pat Bozichovich Ted Braccolino Dorothy Buccieri Mary Bukofchan Kenneth Bukowski Danny Bullen Lefty Butchko Hannah Carnahan Melissa Carnahan Joseph & Ellen Cassata Patti Centofanti Ed Cook Nilda Cruz Gabriall Daves Edith Dellick Frances DelRae Ana Diaz Mary Dirienzo Mary Lou Dubaj Michael Esposito Ray Fabian Bernie Flowers Mark Furman William Galluppi Bob Gatti John Gerlick James Gotch Frances Gregor Iraklis Grillis Norma Gonzalez Lucy Hames John Hames John Hamley Janine Hooks Anne Hornak Ann Hudak Marcella Innocenzi Elizabeth Jean Kana Dick Kajut Mary Kominak Angelina Koval Kevina Koval Donny Kusky Joan Larriccia Dr. James Lazor Vern Libby John Lissi Rita Makatura Joe Makosky Hannah Marsh Kay Marshall Mary Mazzocca Joe Mazzocca, Sr. Jackie & Bruce McMillin Emillio Miconi Leo Miranda Joe Montella Barbara Montella Darren Patterson Morgan Marge Mraz John Orlo Tom Orlo Florence Patterson Dave Parsons Brian Pascarella Antionette Pennel Walter Perez Linda Perry Faith Perry Fr. Steve Popovich Andy Rauzan Thomas Repasky Dolly Rich John Richards Ann Rivalsky Carmen Rivera Tootsie Rivera Bibiano Rodriguez Paul Romeo Sylvia Rossodivita John Rozum Franklin Rudolphi Andrea Ruscitti Gina Sacco Jerry Sacco Luz Salcedo Deacon Enrique Santiago Carmen Santiago Linda Schulte Betty Schlosser Barbara Schlosser Wesley Scott Sr. Freddie Seitz Helen Seman Marina Serrano David Shaffer Denise Sharshan Jon Shabella Ruth Sierzega Mike Simboli Diane Stamos Steve Stamos Betty Ann Glass Smith Dorothy Stellmar Shirley Szilagy Dave Tabor Jim Tabor Chip Taylor Fr. Paul Tobin Mary Ann Trimboli Priscilla Turscak Mary Uhrain Ed Uhrain Blanche Vanca Diane Varady Crissi Vallus Eddie Vallus Suzanne Morales Vetter Helen Wacht Edward Wacht Billy Walter Dorothy Walter Eddie Walter Paul White, Sr. Linda Wright Fr. Joe Zamary Patty Zbell Fr. Howard Ziemba Rudy Zura Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes. 6• CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, CAMPBELL, OHIO Music Roosevelt Park Thursday’s 6:30—8:00pm August 6 - Jack Vasko June 18 - Phil Gonzalez August 13 - Rocky Monaco June 25 - Steve Frazzini August 20 - Del Sinchak July 2 - John Gabriele July 9 - John Grahovac July 16 - Rex Taneri July 23 - Jim Frank Combo July 30 - Frank Gallo August 27 - Kay Sefcik (Mahoning Valley Button Box Club) September 3 - John Grahovac September 10 - Frank Simone (D.J.-All Italian) September 17 Following June (Kenny Szenborn) September 24 End of Season Little Rock Band Country Gary & Debbie Parker Samantha Allanson Nicholas Bednarik Jonathan Carano Carrie Duraney Caitlynn Hall Kelly Lesnak Bryan Ortiz Alec Osman Marissa Pecchia Jalen Rich Robert Anthony Sanchez Teresa Marie Sanchez Miguel Angel Sanchez Alyssa Snitzer MCCTC Campbell Memorial Campbell Memorial Campbell Memorial Campbell Memorial MCCTC Struthers Campbell Memorial Campbell Memorial YSU YSU University of Akron ITT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Used Musical Instruments Needed Youngstown St. St. Joseph the Provider Catholic School is looking for any used musical instruments that you may have at home that you wish to donate to the school. Please give Fr. Michael Swierz a call at 330.259.0353. A letter for tax purposes can be sent to you, just give us the fair market value of the instrument with your mailing address. Special “Thank You” to St. Anthony for prayers answered Diane & Joe Caruso 11TH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME- JUNE 14, 2015 • 7 The Roman Catholic Churches of Campbell, Ohio Parish Staff Rev. Shawn Conoboy Pastor Rev. Paul Tobin Permanent Deacons: Ronald J. Bunofsky and John Rentas Ms. Marge O’Malley Mrs. Mary Gonzalez Mrs. Jackie Orozco Retired Dir. Religious Education Pastoral Minister Youth Minister Coordinator Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism: For newborns and little children, baptism is typically celebrated during or immediately following Mass on the weekends. Parents (and Godparents) must be registered in their parish and must attend a baptism preparation class. Call the parish office for more details on registering for the class and scheduling baptism. Eucharist (see Mass Schedule): Children who have completed their preparation usually receive First Communion in the second grade. Also, we bring Communion to the sick, the homebound, and the elderly in their homes when requested. Confirmation: Celebrated annually with the bishop for Catholics in the eighth grade (or older) who have completed the preparation program. [Adults receive the above three Sacraments by participating in the R.C.I.A. process—see below.] Reconciliation (Confession):(By appointment with a priest). Or individually on Saturdays at 3:00 p.m. at the church where the Saturday, Vigil Mass is scheduled. Communal celebrations are scheduled during Advent and Lent each year. Anointing of the Sick: Contact the office to arrange for a priest to visit those who are sick (at home or in the hospital) and who want to be anointed. Holy Orders: Contact a priest (or the Vocations Director of the Diocese) for information on becoming a priest or deacon. Matrimony (Marriage): Engaged couples must make arrangements with the parish six months in advance before a date is set. Couples must be registered in the parish, and must participate in the marriage preparation classes. Call the office for more details. Religious Education C.C.D.: To register your child for C.C.D. classes call Marge O’Malley at parish office (330) 755-4141. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults): We encourage adults or older children interested in converting to or learning more about the Catholic Faith to attend R.C.I.A. Call the parish office for details. The Roman Catholic Churches of Campbell, Ohio Personal de la Parroquia Rev. Shawn Conoboy Pastor Rev. Paul Tobin Sacerdote Retirado Diaconos Permanentes: Ronald J. Bunofsky y John Rentas Ms. Marge O’Malley Dir. de Educación Religiosa Mrs. Mary Gonzalez Ministro Pastoral Mrs. Jackie OrozcoCoordinador del Ministerio Juvenil Celebrando los Sacramentos Bautismo: Para recien nacidos y niños, bautismo es tipicamente celebrado durante o inmediatamente despues de la misa del fin de semana. Los padres y padrinos tienen que registrarse en sus parroquias y tienen que asistir las clases de preparación de bautismo. Favor llame la oficina de su parroquia para más detalles de como registrarse para las clases y separar la fecha del bautismo. Eucaristia (ver el horario de la misa): Los niños que han completado su preparación, usualmente reciben la Primera Comunión en Segundo grado. Tambien, llevamos la comunión a los enfermos y los ancianos que no pueden salir de su hogar , cuando sea pedida. Confirmación: Se celebra anualmente con el Obispo para niños de Octavo grado (o mayores) quienes han completado el programa de preparación. (Los adultos reciben los tres sacramentos arriba mencionados participando en el proceso de R.I.C.A.– vea a continuación). Reconciliación (Confesiones): Por cita o Individualmente los sabados a las 3:00 pm. en la Iglesia que tenga la misa del Sabado. Celebraciones comunales están programadas en el tiempo de Adviento y Cuaresma cada año. Unción de los Enfermos: Póngase en contacto con la oficina para hacer arreglos para que un sacerdote vaya a visitor a la persona que esta enferma (en la casa o el hospital) y quien desea ser ungido. Orden Sagradas: Contacte a un sacerdote (o el Dir. de Vocaciones de la Diocesis) para información de como llegar a ser un sacerdote o diacono. Matrimonio: Parejas comprometidas tienen que hacer arreglos con la parroquia 6 meses antes de la fecha escogida. Las parejas tienen que estar registradas en la parroquia, y tienen que participar de las clases de preparación de matrimorio. Favor llamar la oficina para más detalles. Educación Religiosa C.C.D.: Para registrar a su niño para las clases de CCD favor llamar a Marge O’Malley at (330)755-4141or (330) 755-3633. R.I.C.A. (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos): Invitamos a adultos o niños mayores interesados en aprender más acerca de nuestra fe Católica o recibir los sacramentos, favor llamar la oficina para más detalles. LONG TERM CARE in a Home-Like Surrounding Phillip Panno, LNHA Terri Guidici, DON 400 Sexton St. Struthers, OH Ph. (330) 755-1466 FAX (330) 755-1463 Wasko Funeral Home, Inc. 216 Coitsville Rd. Campbell, Ohio Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 330-747-5257 An ideal companion for personal prayer. “AN ADVENTURE IN SHOPPING” In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 FOR • HOME • FARM • SHOP • RECREATION 800-566-6150 • 875 Mahoning Ave., Exit 5 on 680 Flea Market Bargains Without the Fleas CLOSEOUT BARGAINS 330-746-2969 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA “The greatest difference between funeral homes are the people that work there.” Families First “La mayor diferencia entre las funerarias son las personas que trabajan alli.” Familias Primero Windsor House at Omni Skilled Nursing Care — Rehabilitation — Assisted Living Conveniently located off I-680 & Meridian Rd. 330-793-5648 MARK J. KOLMACIC Kirila Funeral Home, Inc. Dedicated to Caring Since 1952 ATTORNEY AT LAW Wills, Estates, Trusts, Family Law, Bankruptcy 26 Market Street, Suite 610 • Youngstown, Ohio 44053 330-746-6591 Gary Gulu - Owner, Parishioner ID No. 12329 1295 Crescent Street, Youngstown, OH 44502 Ph. 330 743 6510 Fax 330 743 6478 24-Hour Service (After Hours Call) 330 502 2800 (330) 921-5014 Cell (330) 750-1721 Res. (330) 750-1724 Fax Michael J. Kirila, Jr. Anthony J. Quahliero, Jr. Owner / Funeral Director Manager / Funeral Director 258 Poland Avenue • Struthers, Ohio 44471 (330) 750-1321 • RULLI BROS. MARKETS Quality Since 1917 CARMEN L. GARCIA Marketing Specialist Kirk & Raccoon Rds., Austintown (330) 799.3477 South Ave. & Maple (330) 726.0777 Attorney Benjamin Joltin Liz Lopez “Se Habla Español” 330-286-3459 [email protected] 106 South Broad Street, Canfield 330-757-8855 - Office 87 W. McKinley Way-Rt.224 Poland, Ohio 44514 Danridge’s Burgundi Manor Skilled Rehabilitation Services 31 Maranatha Drive Youngstown, Ohio 330-746-5157 Proudly located in the Lincoln Knolls Neighborhood Part of the Legacy Health Services Family Campbell Pharmacy (COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES) phone 330-782-8035 State I.D. #11658 fax 330-782-8098 1144 E. Midlothian Blvd. Youngstown, Ohio 44502-2839 135 Twelfth Street Campbell, OH 44405 Phone: (330) 755-5221 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ . 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 510115 Christ the Good Shepherd Parish *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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