12521 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas 75244 972-934-8388 - Fax 972-934-8965 www.stritaparish.net December 6, 2015 Second Sunday of Advent Cycle C JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY Pope Fancis has wrien: The Holy Year will open on 8 December 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Concep!on. This liturgical feast day recalls God’s ac!on from the very beginning of the history of mankind. A+er the sin of Adam and Eve, God did not wish to leave humanity alone in the throes of evil. And so he turned his gaze to Mary, holy and immaculate in love (cf. Eph 1:4), choosing her to be the mother of man’s Redeemer. When faced with the gravity of sin, God responds with the fullness of mercy. Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive. I will have the joy of opening the Holy Door (at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome) on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Concep!on. On that day, the Holy Door will become a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and ins!lls hope. Saturday Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Bilingual) and 5:30 p.m. Nursery: 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. for Sunday Masses Monday - Friday 6:25 a.m. 5:30 p.m. This Week: Monday, December 7th ʹ Memorial of St. Ambrose, +397, Bishop of Milan and Doctor of the Church who bap!zed St. Augus!ne; 5:30 Mass will be the Vigil Mass for tomorrow’s Holy Day of Obliga!on Tuesday, December 8th ʹ SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY; Holy Day of Obliga!on; see the special Mass schedule for the Holy Day Wednesday, December 9th ʹ Op!onal Memorial of St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, +16th Cent., Our Lady appeared to him at Tepeyac near Mexico City in 1531 Thursday, December 10th ʹ Bilingual Advent Reconcilia!on Service at 7:00pm Friday, December 11th ʹ Op!onal Memorial of St. Damasus I, +384, first pope to speak of Rome as “the Apostolic See” Saturday, December 12th ʹ Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe; this feast recalls the appari!ons of Mary at the hill of Tepeyac from 9Ͳ12 Dec. 1531 to the na!ve convert St. Juan Diego; see the schedule of special events in the church for this morning Saturday 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. (Vigil) Advent Confession Schedule At Next Weekend’s Masses: • Third Sunday of Advent (“Gaudete Sunday”) • Ligh!ng of Advent Wreath at all Masses • Second collec!on for Re!rement Fund for Religious • Blessing of the Child Jesus from family na!vity scenes at 12:30 p.m. • Mass FAITH Mass for St. Rita School Kindergarten and 6th Grade students and their families at 5:30 p.m. Mass Sunday Fr. Bob Communal Reconciliation Services Thursdays December 10th (Bilingual) & 17th 7:00 p.m. Holy Hour is cancelled for all Thursdays in December. Saturdays December 12th & 19th 9:00 a.m. Year of Mercy Advent Series Wednesday - December 16th “Catholics Come Home for Christmas” 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. December 6, 13 & 20 6:45 p.m. Ͳ Parish Dining Hall Regular Confession & Mass schedule Saturday, December 26th & Sunday, December 27th On April 15 of this year, Pope Francis promulgated the Year of Mercy, which will begin this Advent, December 8th Ͳ The Feast of the Immaculate Concep!on. We have therefore a great opportunity to prepare ourselves for Christmas, by reflec!ng together on the meaning of "mercy" in the Word of God and its importance to Chris!ans today, in the context of a widespread seculariza!on. May the Lord grant us, also through these talks, to live Advent joyfully! Fr. Luca Advent Mass Schedule Weekends LITURGY 2 St. Rita Catholic Community December 6, 2015 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION 12521 Inwood Road, Dallas TX 75244 Phone: 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 Fax: 972Ͳ934Ͳ8965 www.stritaparish.net Eucharist for the sick and shutͲins and requests for hospital visitors, please contact the Fr. Josh at 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388, ext. 6506. MATRIMONY: Register in the Parish and become a member of the Sunday worshipping community three months before contacting a priest or deacon. Then contact the priest or deacon at least eight months prior to the date of the wedding. BAPTISM: The Baptism Class in English will be held on December 13, 2015 in the Pastoral Center Lounge from 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 p.m. Babysitting will not be available. (Classes may be taken before the baby is born.) REQUIREMENTS: • Both Parents must attend the Baptism Class before the Baptism, Godparents are encouraged to do so. • Godparents are to be (1) fully initiated into the Catholic Church; baptized, received 1st Communion and Confirmation, (2) be at least 16 years old, (3) practicing the faith, and (4) if married Ͳ must be in accordance with the Catholic Church. Rev. Msgr. Bob Coerver, x6516 PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Luca Simbula, x6509 Rev. Joshua WhiNield, x6506 Deacon Charles Sylvester Deacon Moses Chung Deacon Bill Fobes Deacon Doug Breckenridge If our Priest cannot offer the Mass you have scheduled due to an emergency or other commitment, be assured that your Mass intention will be said elsewhere. Any questions, please call the Pastoral Center Office. Tues. Dec 8/Gen 3:9Ͳ20, Ps 98:1Ͳ4, Eph 1:3Ͳ12, Lk 1:26Ͳ38 6:25 a.m. Thomas Moser+ 8:00 a.m. Dick Terwilliger+ 12:10 p.m. Michele McCusker+ 5:30 p.m. Denis Morgan+ 7:00 p.m. Margarita D. Guerrero+ Wed. Dec 9/Isa 40:25Ͳ31, Ps 103:1Ͳ10,Mt 11:28Ͳ30 6:25 a.m. John Gepfert+ 5:30 p.m. Deceased members of Nugent Watson Family+ Thur. Dec 10/Isa 41:13Ͳ20, Ps 145:1Ͳ13, Mt 11:11Ͳ15 6:25 a.m. Alan Kunze+ 5:30 p.m. Marn Gallardo+ Fri. Dec 11/Isa 48:17Ͳ19, Ps 1:1Ͳ6, Mt 11:16Ͳ19 6:25 a.m. Mike Norris+ 5:30 p.m. Stan Curry+ Sat. Dec 12/Zech 2:14Ͳ17, Ju 13:18Ͳ19, Lk 1:26Ͳ38 8:00 a.m. Stephanie Wilson+ 5:30 p.m. Roland Cupaioli+ Sun. Dec 13/Zeph 3:14Ͳ18, Isa 12:2Ͳ6, Phil 4:4Ͳ7, Lk 3:10Ͳ18 7:30 a.m. People of the Parish 9:00 a.m. David Cramer+ 10:45 a.m. John & Ilda Poore+ 12:30 p.m. Ignacio Rodriguez+ 5:30 p.m. Robert James+ Principal ST. RITA SCHOOL ʹ 972Ͳ239Ͳ3203 Dr. Elena C. Hines Admissions A warm St. Rita welcome to all Visitors and Newcomers! Membership registration packets are available in the Church narthex, or you may call the parish office, 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 and request one by mail. Parish Administrator Deacon Denis Corbin, x6510 [email protected] Director of Safe Environment, Administrator of Sacramental Records & Coordinator of RCIA Ms. Susan Podkrash, x6514 [email protected] Special Assistant, Pastoral Services Mrs. Gena Maguire, x6523 [email protected] Business Manager Mrs. Helaine Blizzard, x6513 [email protected] Assistant Business Manager Mr. Steve BrockeP, x6512 [email protected] Registrar Mrs. Vilma Ricciardi, x6511 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Dr. Alfred Calabrese, x6518 [email protected] Administra!ve Assistant, Music Department Mrs. Mindy Hatzmann, x6555 [email protected] Coordinator of Children’s Faith Forma!on Mrs. Susan Sheetz, x6502 [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry Mrs. Maribel Waldon, x6507 [email protected] Adm. Assistant, Faith Forma!on Mrs. Holly Finegan, x6528 hfi[email protected] Facili!es Manager Mr. Steve Niles, FMP, x6581 [email protected] Facili!es Setup Supervisor Mr. Joe Bartush, x6505 [email protected] Facili!es Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Neil Lyle, x6533 [email protected] Director of Communica!on Mrs. Michelle Kocurek, x6504 [email protected] Director of Technology Mr. Andrew Peña, x6525 [email protected] Liaison for Spanish Speaking Parishioners Mrs. Margarita Rodríguez, x6515 [email protected] Recep!onist Mrs. Jeri Wray, x6501 [email protected] Sacristan Mrs. Margaret Saliba, x6520 [email protected] living intenon / deceased intenon intención en vida / intención por difuntos [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PASTORAL CENTER STAFF MASS INTENTIONS [email protected] [email protected] PERMANENT DEACONS An appointment needs to be made for your child to bap5zed. Please call the Pastoral Center Office at 972 934Ͳ8388, ext. 6514 to set a date. Baptisms are held most Sundays at 2:00 p. m. [email protected] Mon. Dec 7/Isa 35:1Ͳ10, Ps 85:9Ͳ14, Lk 5:17Ͳ26 6:25 a.m. Chrisne Majors+ 5:30 p.m. Ray Fox+ PASTOR 3 Mrs. Sonbol Mannas, x6544 [email protected] [email protected] For informa!on on our parish’s Safe Environment process, please contact Susan Podkrash at [email protected]. Second Sunday of Advent Cycle C Holy Day of Obligaon The Immaculate Concep(on of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass Schedule Monday, December 7th Tuesday, December 8th 5:30 p.m. (Vigil Mass) 6:25 a.m., 8:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m., 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual) The Parish Office will be closed Tuesday, December 8th. Our Lady of Guadalupe Saturday, December 12th Mañanitas Ͳ 6:00 a.m. (Spanish) Procession Ͳ 7:15 a.m. Mass Ͳ 8:00 a.m. (Bilingual) Breakfast Ͳ 9:00 a.m. in Parish Dining Hall Music Ministry YOUTH & HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY St. Rita ======== HIGH SCHOOL ======== 6:30 P.M. SUNDAY NIGHTS 8:00 P.M. ======= DINNER EVERY WEEK ======= PASTORAL CENTER 4 Instagram @stritayouth twitter St. Rita Catholic Community December 6, 2015 St. Rita Young Adults ADULT FORMATION Monthly Events St. Paulʹs Leers to Imperfect Christians: All young adults in their 20s and 30s are invited to join our group as we connect and grow in faith and fellowship! For detailed updates and reminders, connect with us! TwiPer: @StRitaYA Facebook: facebook.com/groups/stritaya Please contact [email protected]. The First and Second Epistles to the Corinthians Join us as we dive in to Paul’s lePers to the Chris!ans in Corinth. These lePers are inspired and !mely, and they will deepen your understanding of Scripture and of God’s involvement in your life and the life of the Church! This is a great opportunity! You have two opportunies to join this study! Either… 1st & 3rd Thursdays 6:15 a.m. Ͳ 7:15 p.m. In the Recep5on Area of the Pastoral Center Or… Sundays at 10:45 a.m.Ͷ Pastoral Lounge Wednesday Morning Bible Study Please join us for our next study Psalms: The School of Prayer by Jeff Cavins Contact Lawson TaiPe at [email protected] 972Ͳ690Ͳ3316 or cell 469Ͳ222Ͳ2660 Wednesdays at 9:15 a.m. in the Pastoral Center Lounge Questions? Eumabel Colberg 972-788-2843 Marriage PARISH MINISTRIES Reading the Tradition Study, learn, and share in the St. Rita Theology Guild St. Rita Stephen Ministry with Fr. Joshua Join us as we read together the essential texts of Church’s understanding of marriage. Beginning with the study of Scripture, we will move on to read and explore the writings of several Church fathers, Catholic and Protestant texts from the early modern period, and then texts from Vatican II as well as contemporary works. The goal is to familiarize ourselves with the actual writings which form the basis of the Church’s theology and practice. The Theology Guild meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of every month. Training Update – Session 5 Our Stephen Minister trainees explore how Chris!an caregivers have something that they can offer that other caregivers cannot provide Ͳ God’s uncondi!onal love. For more informaon about Stephen Ministry or next year’s class, contact: Jeannee Lynch, 214Ͳ207Ͳ3805, [email protected] Jim Doyle, 214Ͳ500Ͳ0947, [email protected] 7:00 p.m. in the St. Rita Dining Hall. For more informaon, contact Fr. Joshua at [email protected] New Bible Study “Exploring the Spirituality of the Gospels” Begins December 6, 2015 Sunday a+ernoons Ͷ 3:15 Ͳ 5:15 p.m. Pastoral Recep!on Area Come embark on a Biblical Spiritual journey as we explore each gospel to discover its "founda!onal spirit" as unveiled by Saints MaPhew, Mark, Luke and John. Our goal is to gain a deeper apprecia!on for God's wriPen Word and become transformed in Christ by their message. Video, facilitated discussion and life applica!on all add to this study as we experience Christ through the Scriptures. St. Rita Seniors’ St. Rita Senior Bingo will be held on Tuesday, December 15th in the Pastoral Center Lounge at 12 noon. If you like to play bingo, visit with friends and have lunch, come join us! All ages are welcome. You will enjoy yourself! You do not have to be a senior Ͳ just like to play bingo. Ques!onsͲFran Moorman 972Ͳ863Ͳ3847. For more informaon contact Kali Schnieders at truffl[email protected] Bishop Robert Barron’s THE MYSTERY OF GOD Pastoral Center Lounge Ͳ Saturday, December 12, 2015 8:30 a.m. Ͳ 10:30 a.m. Coffee & donuts with friendly conversa!on provided. The mission of St. Rita Business Network and Career Ministry is to foster a network of parishioners, acve in or rered from business, who mentor to others, share experse in their fields or industries, and acvely encourage daily applicaon of Chrisan values in the workplace. Yong Wan Chang (cell) (214) 793Ͳ3301 or [email protected] Who God Is and Why He Maers The Saint Rita Men’s Chrisan Leadership Group are studying the Mystery of God: Who God Is and Why He Maers. Our ministry provides an environment for men to build relaonships and discuss how our Catholic faith impacts our roles as husbands, fathers, and leaders in the community. St. Rita Business Network and Career Ministry Thursday mornings Ͳ Parish Dining Hall 5:45 a.m. ʹ 7:15 a.m. To find out more information regarding the program or the group, please contact Bill Dowd [email protected], (972) 467Ͳ8953 Ma Molash [email protected], (214) 704Ͳ7912 Good Samaritan Unable to attend Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist? The Good Samaritans will visit you in your home or nursing facility to enable you to receive this sacrament. Contact: Regina Bissey: 214Ͳ232Ͳ6320, [email protected] Or Elaine Mele: 214Ͳ357Ͳ5612, [email protected] 5 Second Sunday of Advent This week… Cycle C PARISH NEWS & EVENTS Hispanic Fellowship Ministry The Hispanic Fellowship Ministry is a group of volunteers that gather together the first Sunday of each month to prepare and sell Mexican food. Any profits throughout the year from the Hispanic Fellowship Sunday are saved for the Fes!vity of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Hispanic Fellowship Ministry is happy to invite everyone to celebrate this beau!ful fes!vity of Our Lady of Guadalupe next Saturday, December 12th. We will have the following acvies: • 6:00 a.m. Mañanitas (Spanish) • 7:15 a.m. Procession carrying the Altar of Our Lady of Guadalupe by the Knights of Columbus, our St Rita’s Matachines, and parishioners. • 8:00 a.m. Bilingual Mass • 9:00 a.m. Breakfast served in the Dining Hall. Representa!ves of the Hispanic Fellowship Ministry will be in the narthex a+er Mass today, or for more informa!on you can visit the parish website about Hispanic Fellowship Ministry. Please help support one of the very worthy charies below by taking an ornament and returning the gi cards by December 14th. Please aach the ornament to the gi card. Gis cards may be returned to the bin by the tree or to the Pastoral Center office during the week. Thank you for your support! Chari es: PRAYER St. Rita’s Christmas Decorating Fund No Eucharistic Holy Hour during the month of December. Christmas is a season for decorating our homes. That should include our Church home as well. In order to fittingly decorate our space, our Church requires hundreds of poinsettias, wreaths, trees and lights. Please consider remembering loved ones, sick friends, or special causes by contributing to the decorating of our Church for Christmas. A commemorative listing will be included in all of our Christmas programs. WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND Through prayer, we are united as a community of faith. Through prayer, we are comforted and we become stronger in our walk with God. Dianne Leminger, Catherine Conard, Patrice Conard, Beckett Grimett, Kahy Novotny, Pedro Cárdenas, Arturo Guerrero, Mary Lou Jones-Sumner, Pat Corey, BJ Fain, Angela Diego, George Caldwell, Bill Nolan, Luis Gabriel Herrera, Jack Shiner, Carrie Fisher, Charles Louw, Margaret Moser, Cristina Domínguez, Lucia Fisher, Dave Adams, Mary Hoffman, Mark Kulyk, Ignacio Koch, Barbara Hyna, Monda Garvey and Ellie Falgout. Please make checks payable to St. Rita Catholic Community and write “Decorating Fund” in the memo line. A contribution of $25 or more is suggested. You can also visit our website at www.stritaparish.net to contribute online. Name: ______________________________________ Please contact Michelle Kocurek, [email protected] or call 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 x6504, if you would like to be included in our list for prayer for the sick and homebound. Amount: ______________________ Please list below loved ones, sick friends, or a special cause you would like to have remembered in our Christmas programs by December 14, 2015. (Please indicate if *Living or +Deceased intentions.) - We Pray for our loved ones serving in the Armed Forces Protect them that you may be the joy of those who love your name. ~ Psalm 5:12b MAJOR Tase Bailey III LT Emily Boehm LT Matthew Boehm CAPT Sarah C. Compton LTJG Patrick F. Gargan, USN LT Christine B. Gargan, USN LT Michael Meyer _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ LT Eric Schortmann,USAF Capt. Jeff Schortmann, USAF CAPT Paul Sula USAF CMDR Frank Volpe Michael Roland CAPT Rusty Meyer LT Charles Waltrip, USMC _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ In Memoriam Edward Burns Everett II We pray for his soul and for all the faithful departed. Magi Tree 6 Did you know you can read and listen to St. Rita Homilies online? Go to www.stritaparish.net and click on the Homily Icon. St. Rita Catholic Community December 6, 2015 ST. RITA SCHOOL Bulletin Submissions Please email bulletin submissions to the Director of Communications, Michelle Kocurek at [email protected] and to Margarita Rodriguez at [email protected] 10 days in advance. th St. Rita Catholic School Spartan Spotlight th Announcements for the December 20 & 27 bulletins are due by Friday, December 11th. • The food and coat drive benefi!ng our sister school and parish, St. Mary of Carmel, was a huge success. Parents’ Club commiPee chairs Tessa Hambleton and Melissa Pridmore along with our student group known as SRO (St. Rita Outreach) coordinated the drive and adver!sed it to the St. Rita community. We appreciate the generosity of !me, talent and treasure displayed by all donors and volunteers. Our annual Book Fair was held November 14Ͳ20 in the school library. Thank you to Parents’ Club commiPee chairs Barb Louviere and Melonie Koeijmans and their team of volunteers who made this year’s book fair another fun and successful week and reminded our community that reading builds the imagina!on! Congratula!ons to our Varsity football team! On November 21, these 7th and 8th grade Spartans won the DPL Championship football game known as “The Catholic Bowl.” Announcements for the January 3rd bulletin are due by Friday, December 18th. We Welcome • Madeline Rose Younts Preston Christopher Younts Emma Jinhee Kim Who were baptized into Jesus Christ • Marriage Enrichment Program APen!on Married Couples: Do you want to spend some quality !me with your spouse, away from distrac!ons, and focus on enriching, rekindling and renewing your rela!onship? St. Rita is offering a Marriage Enrichment program, open to all married couples, including nonͲparishioners and nonͲCatholics. This program is especially recommended for couples married less than 6 years. This program is designed to foster further discovery into your rela!onship, and encourage growth that sparks the passion and romance. February 4, 11 & 18, 2016 7:00 Ͳ 9:00 p.m. Ͳ Sweeney Hall There is no cost for this program. Unfortunately, at this *me no childcare will be available for this program due to the limita*on of facili*es. Please contact Susan Podkrash, [email protected], or call 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388, to register for this program. Ques ons? Contact Phil Taken at [email protected], 214Ͳ520Ͳ4264. Follow us on Twitter @frbob @frjoshTX @stritadallas And on Facebook www.Facebook.com/stritadallas NEXT SUNDAY Ͳ December 13, 2015 Annual Collec$on for the Re$rement Fund for Religious NON-PARISH BASED ORGANIZATIONS “The listing of these events by a permitted NonͲParish Based Organization (NPBO) does not imply the endorsement by St. Rita Catholic Community, or knowledge of the activities of the said group.” Christmas Drive for Genesis Women's Shelter and Mosaic Family Services Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests offered their lives in service to others, o+en ministering for liPle, if any, pay. Their sacrifices over many decades now leave their religious communi!es without adequate savings for re!rement and health care. The Re!rement Fund for Religious Collec!on supports the dayͲtoͲday care of thousands of elderly religious and helps their communi!es develop longͲterm re!rement strategies. Please use the special envelope dated December 13 which is included in your November/December envelope packets. My name is Ann Gehan, and I am a junior at Ursuline Academy and a St. Rita parishioner. I am collec!ng toiletries and beauty products to donate to the clients of Genesis Women's Shelter and Mosaic Family Services, organiza!ons that provide safety for women and children fleeing domes!c violence and abuse. Please place dona!ons of products such as shampoo, condi!oner, lo!on, body wash, and makeup in the collec!on boxes located in the Narthex of the church. Full Size products work bePer than travel or sample size products. 7 Please contact me at [email protected] with any ques!ons. Thank you for your generosity! Segundo Domingo de Adviento Ciclo C LITURGY AÑO JUBILAR DE LA MISERCORDIA Adviento Misas de Fin de Semana El Papa Francisco escribió: Misa de Vigilia del Sábado: 5:30 p.m. Domingo: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (bilingüe) y 5:30 p.m. El Año Santo se abrirá el 8 diciembre de 2015, solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción. Esta Fiesta Litúrgica indica el modo de obrar de Dios desde los albores de nuestra historia. Después del pecado de Adán y Eva, Dios no quiso dejar la humanidad en soledad y a merced del mal. Por esto pensó y quiso a María santa e inmaculada en el amor (cfr Ef 1,4), para que fuese la Madre del Redentor del hombre. Ante la gravedad del pecado, Dios responde con la plenitud del perdón. La misericordia siempre será más grande que cualquier pecado y nadie podrá poner un límite al amor de Dios que perdona. En la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción tendré la alegría de abrir la Puerta Santa. En esta ocasión será una Puerta de la Misericordia, a través de la cual cualquiera que entre podrá experimentar el amor de Dios que consuela, que perdona y ofrece esperanza. Guardería: 9:00 a.m. hasta la Misa 12:30 p.m. lunes a viernes 6:25 a.m. y 5:30 p.m. sábado Esta Semana: Lunes, 7 de diciembreͶMemorial de San Ambrosio, +397, Obispo de 8:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (vigilia) Milán y Doctor de la Iglesia. Bau:zó a San Agus;n; la Misa de las 5:30 p.m. será la Misa de Vigilia para el día siguiente, Día de Obligación. Martes, 8 de diciembre: Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la san;sima Virgen María; Día Santo de Obligación. Vea el horario especial de las misas para el Día Santo. Miércoles, 9 de diciembreͶmemorial opcional de San Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzín, del siglo 16. Nuestra Señora se le apareció en el Tepeyac , cerca de la Ciudad de México en 1531. Jueves, diciembre 10ͶServicio de Reconciliación Bilingüe de Adviento a las 7 p.m. Viernes, 11 de diciembreͶMemorial Opcional de San Dámaso, +384, primer papa que se refirió a Roma como “La Santa Sede Apostólica. Sábado 12 de diciembre Ͳ Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe esta fiesta rememora las apariciones de María en el cerro del Tepeyac del 9 al 12 de diciembre de 1531 al na:vo conver:do San Juan Diego; vea el horario de eventos especiales en la iglesia para esa Mañana. Horario de Confesiones durante el Adviento Misas para el Próximo Fin de Semana: Misas del Próximo Fin de Semana • • • • • Tercer Domingo de Adviento (“Domingo de la Alegría”) Encendido de la Corona de Adviento en todas las Misas Segunda colecta para los fondos de re ro para religiosos Bendición de los Niñito Jesús de los nacimientos familiares en las Misa de las 12:30 Misa de la FE para los estudiantes de la Escuela de Santa Rita, del Kindergarten y sexto grado y sus familias en la Misa Dominical de las 5:30 Esta Semana Servicio de Reconciliación Comunitario JUEVES DICIEMBRE 10 (bilingüe) y 17 7:00 p.m. La Hora Santa se cancela todos los jueves en diciembre. SÁBADOS DICIEMBRE 12, y 19 9:00 a.m. MIERCOLES - DICIEMBRE 16 “Católicos Vengan a Casa esta Navidad” 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Ministerio de la Hermandad Hispana Horario Regular de Confesiones y Misas sábado, 26 de diciembre y domingo 27 de diciembre El Ministerio de la Hermandad Hispana es un grupo de voluntarios que se reúnen el primer domingo de cada mes a preparar y vender comida mexicana. Las ganancias que queden de los Domingos de la Hermandad Hispana se ahorran para las fes:vidades de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. El Ministerio de la Hermandad Hispana está muy feliz de invitar a todo mundo a celebrar esta hermosa fes:vidad de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el próximo sábado, 12 de diciembre. Tendremos las siguientes acvidades: • 6:00 a.m. Mañanitas • 7:15 a.m. Procesión cargando el anda de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, con • • la par cipación de los Caballeros de Colón, los Matachines de Santa Rita y todos los feligreses. 8:00 a.m. Misa Bilingüe. 9:00 a.m. Desayuno servido en el Salón de Comidas. Habrá representantes del Ministerio de la Hermandad Hispana en el vesCbulo de la iglesia después de la Misa de hoy. O para mayor información puede visitar en internet la red parroquial; también puede ver la información en el boleCn acerca del Ministerio de la Hermandad Hispana. Días de Precepto : 6:25 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (bilingüe) 8 Comunidad Católica Santa Rita 6 de diciembre de 2015 Bendición del Niño Dios CELEBRACIÓN DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE El P. Bob bendecirá los Niños Dios en la Misa de 12:30 p.m. Traiga su Niño Dios a bendecir el Tercer Domingo de Adviento, 13 de diciembre Campaña: ¡Llevemos al Niño Jesús a casa esta Navidad! Tradicional Pastorela y Posadas viernes 18 de diciembre - 6:30 p.m. - Sweeney Hall NOCHE PARA LA FAMILIA Todos están invitados a esta fiesta para prepararnos para la Navidad. MARTES 8 - FIESTA DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN Misa Bilingüe - 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Convivio MIÉRCOLES 9 “EL AÑO DE LA MISERICORDIA” 7:00 p.m. - Plática con la Hermana Beatriz, Convivio, Danza Estudio de la Santa Misa: el Misterio de nuestra Fe “Cómo vivir la Eucaristía que nos mandó celebrar el Señor” Todos los Domingos 10 a.m.- Sweeney Hall ȱ JUEVES 10 7:00 p.m. - SERVICIO PENITENCIAL BILINGÜE 8:00 p.m. - CONVIVIO ST. RITA SCHOOL Enfoque Espartano (Spartan Spotlight) VIERNES 11 7:00 p.m. - ROSARIO GUADALUPANO con el Coro Bilingüe, Convivio, Danza de Matachines • La recolección de comida y abrigos en beneficio de nuestra escuela hermana, Santa María del Carmelo, fue un gran éxito. Las directoras del comité del Club de Padres, Tessa Hambleton y Melissa Pridmore, junto con nuestro grupo de estudiantes conocido como SRQ (Alcance Comunitario de Santa Rita) coordinaron la recolecta y la anunciaron a la comunidad de Santa Rita. Agradecemos la generosidad y el empo, talento y tesoro mostrado por los donantes y los voluntarios. SÁBADO 12 6:00 a.m. - MAÑANITAS 7:15 a.m. - PROCESIÓN 8:00 a.m. - MISA BILINGUE 9:00 a.m. - ALMUERZO • Nuestra Feria del Libro anual, se llevó a cabo del 14 al 20 de noviembre en la librería de la escuela. Agradecemos a los directores del Club de Padres Louviere y Melonie Koeijmans y su equipo de voluntarios que hicieron este año de la feria del libro otro evento de una semana diver da y exitosa, recordaron a nuestra comunidad que ¡La lectura construye la imaginación! • Felicitaciones a nuestro equipo de fútbol de 7º y 8º grados. El 21 de noviembre estos Espartanos ganaron el Campeonato DPL de futbol, conocido como “El Tazón Católico” 9 PorfavoracompáñenosenelComedorParroquialenun almuerzo,gentilezadelMinisterioHispano Segundo Domingo de Adviento Ciclo C INFORMACIÓN SACRAMENTAL Comunión para los enfermos, los que no pueden salir de sus casas, y para visitas al hospital, por favor llame al Centro Pastoral al 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388, ext. 6515. MATRIMONIOS: Inscríbase en la Parroquia o hágase miembro de la comunidad donde alaba a Dios en la Misa dominical, tres meses antes de contactar al Sacerdote o Diácono. Una vez inscrito, contacte al Sacerdote, por lo menos ocho meses antes de la fecha de la boda. PLÁTICA PRE BAUTISMAL PARA PAPÁS: La siguiente clase en español es el domingo 6 de DICIEMBRE A LAS 2:00 P.M. en el Centro Pastoral. BAUTIZOS: Los Bau%zos en español son el Segundo Domingo de cada mes después de la Misa de 12:30 p.m. Favor de llamar al 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388, Ext. 6515, para información. Los próximos bau6zos son el • 20 de DICIEMBRE REQUISITOS: • Ambos padres deben asis%r a la plá%ca pre • bau%smal, se recomienda que los Padrinos también asistan Los Padrinos deben (1) estar completamente iniciados en la Iglesia Católica, es decir, haber recibido los PESCADORES Reflexión Bíblica sacramentos: Bau%smo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión; (2) tener al menos 16 años de edad, (3) ser prac%cantes de su fe Católica; y (4) si están casados, debe ser de acuerdo a la Iglesia Católica. Es necesario inscribirse para asis%r a la plá%ca para que su niño sea Bau%zado. Por favor llame al Centro Pastoral al 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388, Ext. 6515 para anotarse. FELIGRESES NUEVOS: Puede inscribirse al salir de Misa en la mesa de inscripción, o llame para recibir información sobre como inscribirse, o acuda a la Oficina Parroquial. MATACHINES DE SANTA RITA Oportunidad para nuevos miembros de todas edades Viernes de 7:00 a 8:30 p.m., en el Salón Comedor de la Parroquia ¡Yo quiero ser Pescador! La palabra que escucháis no es mía, sino del Padre, que me ha enviado. (Jn. 14, 24) Gilberto Salazar Ͳ 214Ͳ984Ͳ2880 Las prácticas son los viernes Sweeney Hall 7:00—9:00 p.m.
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