Saint Athanasius Church 160 N. Rengstorff Ave. Mountain View, California 94043 e-mail: [email protected] website: Office: (650) 961-8600 Fax: (650) 968-5633 December 27, 2015 PARISH OFFICE/ OFICINA PARROQUIAL: (650) 961-8600 HOURS: 9:00 am.-12:30 pm and 1:30-5:00 pm Tue- Friday. (Office is closed on Mondays/Cerrada los Lunes) PARISH STAFF/PERSONAL: Rev. Oscar D. Tabujara (Pastor/Párroco) Rev. Norman Segovia (In Residence) Rev. Dcn. Leonel Mancilla (Deacon/Diácono) Rosa Maria Mancilla (Pastoral Associate) OFICINA DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO 961-8600 Ext. 101 - E-mail: [email protected] Mike Cavera (Pastoral Associate) ADMINISTRATION /FACILITIES/LITURGY 961-8600 Ext. 108 - E-mail: [email protected] Tomás Nikkel (Director) OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION/CATECISMO 961-8600 Ext. 111 - mobile (650) 906-6865 E-mail: [email protected] Silvia Hoffman (Parish Secretary) 961-8600 Ext. 102 - E-mail: [email protected] Richard Racz E-mail: [email protected] (Maintenance) To reach a priest after office hours in an EMERGENCY situation, such as a death or the need for the Last Rites call: (408) 444-0257 Para hablarle a un sacerdote después de las horas de oficina en una situación de emergencia, ya sea de muerte o necesidad del sacramento de la uncion de los enfermos llamar al: (408) 444-0257 MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misas Vigil (Saturday): 5:30p.m. 7:30p.m. (English) (Español) Sunday (Domingo): 8:00a.m. (English) 9:30a.m. (Español) 11:15a.m (English) 1:00p.m. (Español) 5:30p.m. (English) Daily Masses/Misas Diarias: (solo en Inglés) Monday - Friday: 6:45a.m., 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays 6:30p.m. Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: 6:45a.m., 9:00a.m., 5:30p.m. 7:00p.m. (Español) BAPTISM / BAUTISMOS English Baptisms Call Parish Office Bautismo en Español Llame a la Oficina Hispana RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES Saturday/Sabado: 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. (English) 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. (Español o Inglés) OR anytime by appointment with a priest/También con cita MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO Couples wishing to celebrate marriage should contact the priest at least six months before the proposed wedding date. Las parejas que deseen celebrar el matrimonio deben contactar la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda deseada. CARE OF THE SICK / Ministerio a los Enfermos Please inform the Parish Office if you are seriously ill, hospitalized, or homebound. Por favor, informar a la Oficina Parroquial si está gravemente enfermo, hospitalizado, o sin poder salir de su casa. SAINT ATHANASIUS MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ! This year 2015 which is about to end, we had a beautiful celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe last December 11 & 12 followed by our Advent Penance Service and the 9 days of early advent Masses. First of all I would like to thank parishioners who were very generous to the Finance Council's and my appeal for an increase in our Sunday offertory. There has been a significant increase in our collection since that time. Please maintain your generous offering so that we can avoid a big deficit. I would also like to thank parishioners who gave Christmas gift offerings to St. Athanasius Parish over and above the Sunday offertory. Thank you so much. God cannot be outdone in generosity and surely He will give you the needed material and spiritual blessings for the New Year. Secondly I would like to thank also those who sent me Christmas cards and greetings, offered prayers and even sent gifts for Christmas and for my 40th ordination anniversary last December 22nd. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. I also thank God and you for your prayers for the continued healing of Fr. Norman Segovia who have been helping us since June. How blessed are we that we are still all here and very much alive to begin another new year. As we say goodbye to 2015 with the memories of the terrorist attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino and as we enter the New Year 2016, we have God's assurance at Christmas that we and our loved ones have received His greatest gift, the gift of His only Son Jesus. Reminding us that our Christmas work is not done here is a beautiful poem by Howard Thurman entitled The Work of Christmas: "When the star in the sky is gone, When the Kings and Princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flocks, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost; To heal the broken; To feed the hungry; To release the prisoner; To teach the nations; To bring Jesus to all; To make music in the heart. When all our Christmas celebrations are over, the work of Christmas is not over. With the same message Susan Russell wrote, "to resist the greatest 'put Christ into Christmas' only to leave him there - to receive with joy the gift of the Word-made-flesh on this Christmas Eve and then fail to live as the Body of Christ the other 364 days of the year....may we also be given the grace to bring the hope of Christmas alive in the year ahead...the courage to refuse to leave Christ not only during Christmas, but to follow in his footsteps by doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God...And may we be given the energy and imagination to ask 'what child is this?' of each and every member of God's beloved human family as we go out to do the work of Christmas." My New Year hope and prayer is that God will help us become truly a Christmas people and a People of Mercy as we join Pope Francis make this a Year of Mercy. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Fr. Oscar D. Tabujara, Pastor Next Weekend 2nd collection for PARISH MAINTENANCE Please help us keep our parish beautiful FIRST FRIDAY January 1st, 2016 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 9:30AM. Benediction at 6:45 PM Mass Intentions for the Week Sat (26) 9:00 Nenita De Guzman (S.I.) 5:30 Antonio Maggay Jr. (B) Sun (27) 8:00 Joseph Tung — † Guilherme Pereira — † 9:30 People of the Parish 11:15 Marina Zamudio — † Ademar Arevalo — † 5:30 Olga Calbimonte — † Luisa & Rufino Dasalla — † Mon (28) 6:45 Ricardo and Richard Ramilo — † Bernardo Estrada — † 9:00 Robert Comperini — † Tues (29) 6:45 Skylar Starr Villareal (B) 9:00 Tara Fernandez (B) Wed (30) 6:45 Luis R. Baltazar — † 9:00 Teofilo Asido — † Guillermo Sivila — † Thu (31) 6:45 Joseph Tung — † 9:00 Souls in Purgatory — † Fri (01) NO Mass at 6:45AM 9:00 Lourdu Bharathi — † Elena Ramirez — † †—Deceased; T—Thanksgiving; S.I.—Special Intention; B—Birthday; S– Sick Death Anniversary Remembrance - December 27 Alfredo De Hoyos John Alexander Sr Guillermo Sivila Armando Mendoza Paulino Bega Edna Adriano Victor A. Molinari Juliette Haddon Maria Gomez Luciano Montoya Irma Sliscovich Andres Sana Joseph Bianco Carnation Fontes Catherine Angeles Crispin Castaneda Hermogena Gicale Luciano Dingle Fr. John Cooper Jose Matos Florence Janda REST IN PEACE Remember to honor our advertisers listed in the back of the Sunday Bulletin. Remember to tell them you saw their Ad in St. Athanasius Bulletin! The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph “Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously, according to your means. For the Lord is one who always repays, and he will give back to you sevenfold” (Sirach) Weekly Stewardship Offerings / Ofertorio Semanal Collection total for December 19 and 20 is not available due to early bulletin deadline. The Parish Finance Committee asks you to remember St. Athanasius in your end of the tax year giving plans. There are Christmas donation envelops still out at the church exits today or simply drop your check in the collection this weekend. Thank you for supporting our Parish! SCRIPTURE READINGS 1Samuel 1: 20-22, 24-28 Psalm 84: 2-3, 5-6, 9-10 1 John 3: 1-2, 21-24 Luke 2: 41-52 Our Pastor Fr. Oscar and all of us who work in this parish wish you and your family a safe and a blessed New Year. May all your dreams become reality in 2016. FAMILY LIFE Family life is sacred, but it is not without trial. Perhaps this is the most important message we can glean from today’s readings. If Jesus, Mary, and Joseph can trip up sometimes—can disconnect—then we shouldn’t find it surprising when such things happen to us as well. And parents everywhere (children, too) can probably relate to—and take some solace in—the Gospel’s account of Mary and Joseph after Jesus explained why he stayed behind in the temple. They heard his words, Luke tells us, “But they did not understand what he said to them” (Luke 2:50). Amen! Nevertheless, Jesus does go back home with them, and continues to thrive under their care. December 27, 2015 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS AT THE CATHEDRAL February 6, 2016, 2pm - 4pm Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph Bishop Patrick J. McGrath would like to invite all couples celebrating their 5th (or less), 25th, 40th and 50th (or more) Wedding Anniversaries in 2016 to participate in the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass. A reception will follow after. Call Sylvia Blanch ( [email protected]) at 408-983-0128, for information. FAITH FORMATION NEWS CALENDAR REMINDER JOURNEY classes will resume on Sunday, January 10. The Faith Formation Ministry wishes a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL! TREASURE CHEST DONATIONS NEEDED For those who are unaware, participants in our JOURNEY Faith Formation Ministry this year have been receiving blue and pink "jewels" as participation rewards which they may use to purchase items in our "TREASURE CHEST" on the first Sunday of the month. We need your help to keep our Treasure Chest well-stocked with interesting and inspirational prizes! Please remember to pick up an item or two on your next shopping excursion and bring your donation to the Faith Formation Office in the school. Thank you for your support! REMINDER: JOURNEY TUITION PAYMENT DEADLINE For those families who have already paid their tuition account in full, THANK YOU. Thank you as well to those who have continued to faithfully make installments. Please remember that payment is expected in full by the end of the calendar year (12/31/15). Those families with outstanding balances will be receiving individual reminders very soon. Thank you for your support! FREE TAX PREPARATION AT ST. ATHANASIUS If you had an income of less than $52,000 in 2014, you qualify to have free tax preparation. All volunteers are IRS certified. SATURDAY MORNINGS, 9- 11:30AM At the Parish Hall From January 30 - April 9 (Complete Schedule to follow) No appointment Necessary. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. FAMILIES AT CHRISTMAS Thank you so much for your wonderful generosity. Gifts were distributed on Saturday December 19th. Wishing you all a New Year filled with blessings for you and your love ones. BOLETIN HISPANO FELIZ AÑO A TODOS ! Este año 2015, que está por terminar, tuvimos una hermosa celebración de la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el pasado 11 y 12 de diciembre seguido por nuestro Servicio de Penitencia de Adviento y las 9 días de misas de Adviento . En primer lugar le doy gracias a los feligreses que fueron muy generosos al llamamiento que hicimos junto con el comité de finanzas para aumentar nuestro ofertorio Dominical. Desde entonces las colectas han aumentado. Por favor mantengan su ofrenda generosa para que podamos evitar un gran déficit. También quiero agradecer a los feligreses que dieron ofrendas de regalo de Navidad a San Atanasio a parte del ofertorio del Domingo. Muchas gracias. Dios siempre es mas generoso que nosotros y seguramente nos dará las bendiciones espirituales y proveerá lo material para el Año Nuevo. En segundo lugar me gustaría dar las gracias también a los que me enviaron tarjetas de Navidad y ofrecieron oraciones y regalos no solo por ser Navidad sino también por mi 40 aniversario de ser sacerdote el pasado 22 de diciembre. Realmente aprecio su consideración. También doy las gracias a Dios y a ustedes por sus oraciones para la sanacion del Padre Norman Segovia que nos han estado ayudando desde junio. Cuanta bendición es la nuestra de todavía estar aquí vivos y listos para comenzar un nuevo año. Hoy decimos adiós al 2015 y recordamos los ataques terroristas en París y en San Bernardino y al entrar en el nuevo año 2016, tenemos la garantía de Dios en Navidad que nosotros y nuestros seres queridos hemos recibido Su mayor don, el don de su único Hijo Jesús. Quiero compartir un hermoso poema de Howard Thurman titulado La Obra de Navidad: "Cuando la estrella en el cielo se ha ido, Cuando los reyes y príncipes son el hogar, cuando los pastores están de vuelta con sus rebaños, el trabajo de la Navidad comienza: para encontrar el perdido; para sanar a los quebrantados; para alimentar a los hambrientos; para liberar los presos, para enseñar a las naciones, para llevar a Jesús a todos, para hacer música en el corazón." Al terminar nuestras celebraciones de Navidad, el trabajo de la Navidad no termina. Con el mismo mensaje Susan Russell escribió: "resistan la tentación más grande ... de 'poner a Cristo en la Navidad' sólo para dejarlo allí - para recibir con alegría el don de la Palabra hecha carne en esta víspera de Navidad y luego no vivir como el Cuerpo de Cristo, los otros 364 días del año .... Que tengamos la gracia de poder llevar la esperanza de la Navidad con vida en el año que viene ... el coraje de negarse a dejar a Cristo no sólo durante la Navidad , sino para seguir sus pasos para hacer justicia, amar la misericordia y caminar humildemente con nuestro Dios ... Y que podamos se nos conceda la energía y la imaginación para preguntar "¿qué es este niño? ' de cada uno de los miembros de la familia humana amada de Dios, y que salgamos a hacer el trabajo de la Navidad ". Mi Nueva esperanza y oración es que este año Dios va a ayudarnos a ser un verdadero pueblo de Navidad y de Misericordia uniéndonos al Papa Francisco en este año de la Misericordia. ¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! Rev. Oscar D. Tabujara, Pastor BAUTIZOS Los Bautizos para el mes de Enero serán el día 23 de Enero, la clase el día 13 del mismo. Si necesita bautizar, por favor llame a la oficina para la entrevista inicial (650) 961-8600 X101 MONAGUILLOS Necesitamos monaguillos para las tres misas, si su niño desea ayudar en el altar, déjenos saber, ellos se reúnen los Martes a las 5:00 PM. Gracias de antemano por hacer el esfuerzo de que sus hijos ayuden en el altar, sabemos que es un sacrificio tanto para los niños como para los padres. Que Dios les bendiga. NOTICIAS DEL PROGRAMA CATEQUETICO. VENTA DE GALLETAS. Este Domingo 20 de Diciembre. Lo recaudado es para que los Jovenes del Programa Catequetico puedan atender seminarios y retiros. PAGOS DE COLEGIATURA. Recuerde que la fecha ultima para pagar es el 31 de Diciembre. VACACIONES NAVIDEÑAS. Todas las clases tienen receso del 20 de Diciembre hasta el 3 de Enero 2016. FELIZ NAVIDAD Y AÑO NUEVO !! AGRADECIMIENTOS Este año ha sido de mucha bendición, la comunidad Hispana ha colaborado en todas las necesidades de la parroquia, Las celebraciones de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe fueron un éxito, los fieles de Nuestra Señora dijeron ¡presente!. Muchísimas gracias a los grupos “Juntos Como Hermanos”, “Hijos de Maria Santisima” y “Jovenes Para Cristo” que hicieron posible este evento y todos los Feligreses que hicieron sus donaciones; el piso y el pasillo de la entrada del salón mariano fue terminado gracias a el Señor Bernabé Murcia y familia; y el Señor Adrián Espinoza, las familias De la Cruz y Hernández, quienes ayudaron con la comida de la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe; Los señores Silvia y Jesus González, quienes ayudaron con los banderines de Navidad, y muchos, muchos mas voluntarios que seria imposible mencionarles a todos. Que Dios se los pague con Bendiciones y con creses. Que pasen una feliz Navidad y que el FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2016 !! Nuestro parroco Padre Oscar y todos los que laboramos en San Atanasio les deseamos a usted y su familia un venturoso año nuevo esperando haber sido objeto de apoyo espiritual y moral para ustedes y que nuestro señor les bendiga, haciendo realidad sus sueños. Agradecemos, también, a todos los que de una manera u otra hicieron sus contribuciones o ayudaron en las necesidades de nuestra parroquia, casa de ustedes. Mission Statement for St. Athanasius Parish --“St. Athanasius Church’s mission is to build disciples of Jesus Christ and assist them in responding to God’s call to love and to serve” Misión de la Parroquia de San Atanasio -- "La Misión de la Iglesia de San Atanasio es construir discípulos de Jesucristo y ayudarles a responder el llamado de Dios a amar y servir" JUNTOS COMO HERMANOS FAMILY PRAYER HOUR (Rosary, Adoration, Benediction) Lunes - 7:00 PM Tuesdays - 7:00 PM OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Mass Wednesdays 6:30 PM HIJOS DE MARIA STMA. Jueves - 7:00 PM GRUPO DE JOVENES Viernes a las 7 de la noche se reune el grupo de jovenes en el salon parroquial. Mayores de 18 años unicamente. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Parish volunteers serve the needy of our area through our Food Pantry and Emergency Assistance program. Volunteers are needed to staff the Food Pantry for an hour or two Tue. Wed. or Fri. Please call (650) 962-1000 and leave a message. PENINSULA INTERFAITH ACTION (PIA) PIA is a local, interfaith, non-profit, organization that empowers faith communities to work together to identify and take action to change unfair and unjust situations in our neighborhood/city. For more info., contact Phil Cosby at 650-906-9641. RESPECT LIFE / GABRIEL PROJECT Supports the sacredness of all human life through direct service to women in crisis pregnancies, education, advocacy and direct action on behalf of human life. Meets every first Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory. For more info. call Carmel Caligaris (650) 967-3807. ALTERNATIVES TO ABORTIONS REAL OPTIONS (650) 559-1550 298 San Antonio Rd. Suite 100, Mountain View, CA 94040 ST. ATHANASIUS BEREAVEMENT, COMFORT AND SUPPORT GROUP. Meets every 4th Friday of the month at the Rectory at 7PM. For details, please call (650) 961-8600 CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For burial information and pre-planning assistance, please call 888-715-2150. We help you meet eternal life with faith, hope, and love. . Baptism of Children Parents are invited to contact our parish Secretary to set up an appointment for an initial interview with one of our priests. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal preparation session prior to the Baptism. No Baptism date can be set until the interview with the priest. Children age 7 or above are required to participate in our Chil- dren’s Faith Formation program to prepare for this sacrament. Para bautizos en Español, lla- mar a Rosa Mancilla al (650) 961-8600 Ext. 101. Faith Formation for Children, Teens and Adults Our Faith Formation program seeks to empower our most important Catechists—our parents—to guide the faith formation of their children. We deepen our faith in Jesus through Scripture stories, reflection, prayer and seasonal celebrations in large and small groups. Formation sessions will be provided to the parents and students in Grades 1-5 on Sunday mornings during the school year. Our Middle and High School Youth Formation program features a variety of small and large group activities. For more information, please contact our Faith Formation Director, Tomás Nikkel, at (650) 961-8600, Ext. 111 (office) or 650-906-6865 (mobile). Sacrament Preparation for Children & Teens Preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (Grades 1-12) and for Confirmation (Grades 9-12) is a one-year process. All students must have completed at least one year of faith formation either here at St. Athanasius, or at another parish. All students and their parents are required to have an initial interview with our Faith Formation Director, Tomás Nikkel. Students are required to participate in a home-based small group and attend a monthly large-group gathering once a month over the course of the year. For more information, please contact our Faith Formation Director, Tomás Nikkel, at (650) 961-8600, Ext. 111 (office) or 650-906-6865 (mobile). Quinceañeras Este servicio se ofrece sólo a los feligreses registrados y activos que han recibido la primera comunión. Por favor, hacer arreglos 6 meses antes del evento. Por favor llame a Rosa Mancilla al (650) 961-8600 Ext. 101 para obtener más información. WELCOME TO ALL NEW PARISHIONERS! Bienvenidos -- Registrese! Please register by filling in the details below and dropping in the collection basket, or at the rectory. NAME (Nombre):_______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS (Direccion) ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE (Telefono) ____________________E-mail:_____________________________________________________ Envelopes (Sobres de contribucion):
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