St. Rita Roman Catholic Church 36-25 11th Street, Long Island City, New York 11106 November 9, 2014 www.STRitaLIC.OR RECTORY: 718-361-1884 (see extensions below) Fr. Jose Carlos ext. 14 Fr. Roberto ext. 15 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica BRAZILIAN APOSTOLATE 718-706-0216 Faith Formation, Helen ext. 13 Secretary, Madge ext. 10 Welcome to our Parish Pastoral Team Pastor Reverend Jose Carlos da Silva Parochial Vicar Reverend Roberto Cadavid Monsignor Austin P. Bennett, P.A. Permanent Deacon Fernando E. Luces Director of Faith Formation Helen Foster Parish Secretary Madge Di Pippo Directors of Music Ken St. Bernard —- Fernando Perez Weekend: MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday 8:00 A.M., Saturday Evening (Vigil) 5:00 P.M Sunday 7:30; 9:00; & 11:15 A.M. (English), 10:00A.M.(Spanish) 12:30 P.M. (Portuguese) Weekdays: 8:00 A.M. (English) In the San Damiano Chapel Wednesday & Thursday 7:00 P.M. (Spanish) Wednesdays: 7:30 P.M. (Portuguese) First Fridays: 8:00 P.M. (Portuguese) Holy Days: Vigil Mass at 7:00 P.M. (on the evening before, English), 8:00 A.M., 12:10 P.M. (English) & 7:00 P.M (Spanish). BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated monthly @ 1:30PM (except during Lent). The child’s Original Birth Certificate must be presented and the Godparents must be practicing Catholics & have received their own Sacraments. Godparents Class is on Tuesdays @ 7:00PM EL SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO Se celebra en español el tercer Sábado de cada mes a las 1:00P.M. Los padres deben comunicarse por teléfono con la Parroquia un mes antes de la fecha. Los padres deberán asistir a una clase de preparación, juntos con los padrinos (que necesitan ser adultos católicos que han recibido los sacramentos y si son casados, casados por la Iglesia). La clase de preparación se reúne cada tercer Miércoles del mes en salón 7 de la rectoría de abajo. No hay bautismos durante la cuaresma. MARRIAGE By appointment. The couple must make arrangements at least 6 months before the planned wedding. Recent copies of the couple’s Baptism Certificates (including Sacraments) must be presented. An internet-based introductory session for all Pre-Cana is available. The website address is SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Penance) Saturday’s in the Church from 3:30 to 4:30 P.M. or by appointment FAITH FORMATION / RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sunday School: 8:45 to 11:30 A.M. (Classes Resume Sept. 15) DEVOTIONS—NOVENA Miraculous Medal Novena prayers are recited after the 8:00A.M. Mass on Mondays. SICK CALLS In case of emergency, please call the Rectory anytime. If you would like the priest to bring Communion to the sick and shut-ins, please call the Rectory. OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. No office hours on Holy Days of Obligation HORAS DE OFICINA Lunes a Viernes 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Y 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. We ask that you please make an appointment ahead of time if you would like to speak with a priest. Handicapped accessible (side entrance upper Church only) EXPOSITION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Fridays: 8:00am — 9:00pm SAN DAMIANO CHAPEL PARISH SOCIETIES Grupo De Oracion Carismatico, todos los Martes a la 7:00 P.M. en La Capilla De San Damiano. Jornada Group: Every Saturday (Sabado) 2 — 4 PM Music Ministry meet Friday, night at 7:00 P.M. (Spanish Choir); Saturday at 1:00 P.M. (English Choir) Cursillistas: 3rd & 4th Domingo a las 9:00 A.M. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 Offerings RIP Sister Patricia Ann Turner 7:30AM Req by Friends at St. Rita’s 9:00AM 10:00AM Special Intentions of Roxana y Fernando Luces Req by Those who have entered into eternal rest 11:15AM RIP Bill & Helen Devaney Req by Denise Persichette 12:30 PM Brazilian & Family Apostolate NOV 10, MONDAY: 8:00AM RIP Michael Popowicz Req by Josephine Alfieri & Family NOV 11, TUESDAY: 8:00AM RIP Req by NOV 12, WEDNESDAY: 8:00AM RIP 7:00PM IN LOVING MEMORY OF: BREAD: The Bread is being offered in Loving Memory of Antonio & Frances Barbieri at the request of Pat & Paul Colella WINE: The Wine is being offered in Loving Memory of Paolantonia & Nicola Colella at the request of Pat & Paul Colella RIP Luz Maximina Fernandez SANC LAMP/CHAPEL: The Sanctuary Lamp Req by Josette St. Vil RIP Req by NOV 14, FRIDAY: 8:00AM RIP Req by NOV 15, SATURDAY: 8:00AM Spiritual blessings for Ivan Hernandez Req by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Short 5:00PM Bob Kruper, Diane, Philip Brevolel, Jorge Gonzales Edward Scharfenberger Sr. , Candido Vargas, CANDLES: The Candles is being offered in :Loving Memory of at the request of NOV 13, THURSDAY: 8:00AM RIP Henriquez Armand St. Vil (Espanol) Those who are sick: Req by Req by Hija Griselda Estevez 7:00PM Week-end of (11/2) $3,020.00 Deceased Members of Tondo & De Palma Families Req by Dora De Palma All those enrolled in the Purgatorial Society MASSES – SUNDAY, Nov 16 — Theresa Tamberino, Kathleen & Daniel Mc Inerney, Miguel Nieves, Passero & Lisi RESPONSE: — The waters of the river gladden the city of God, the holy dwelling of the Most High (Psalm 46). Please turn OFF your cell phone BEFORE Mass. is being offered in Loving Memory of request of at the SANC LAMP/UC: The Sanctuary lamp is being offered in at the request of SANC LAMP/LC: The Sanctuary Lamp is being offered in at the request of at the request of MASS BOOK—2015 / WILL OPEN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th IN THE RECTORY OFFICE FROM 9:30AM TO 12:NOON AND FROM 1:00PM TO 4:30PM ALL MASSES ARE PAYABLE AT THE TIME OF REQUEST. MASSES ARE $15.00 EACH FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. PLEASE MAKE YOUR LIST IN DATE ORDER, THIS MAKES THINGS FLOW SMOTHER AND FASTER. THANK YOU. ANNUAL GROCERY BINGO: Next Friday, November 14th at St. Francis of Assisi, 21 -18 46 Street, Astoria, NY Mark your calendar! All are welcome to come and enjoy an exciting evening of Bingo with fabulous prizes, raffles, food, drinks and fun for all. Doors open at 6:00pm Bingo starts at 7:30pm in Church basement located at the corner of 45th Street and 21st Avenue. FAITH FORMATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES ARE IN THE 10TH WEEK (Which means your child missed 2-1/2 MONTHS of classes) Dear Parents/Guardians: Attending Mass EVERY Sunday is our OBLIGATION as practicing/ active Catholics. We come together to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Archbishop of Dublin to present St. Agnes Lecture at the Seminary in Huntington. His Excellency Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of ?Dublin, will present the annual St. Agnes Lecture on Sunday, November 16th at 3:PM. At the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 440 West Neck Road, Huntington, NY. The title of Archbishop Martin’s talk is “The Church in Ireland and the Future.” An informal reception and evening prayer will follow the lecture. Admission is FREE; advance registration is recommended. Seminary Development Office, 631423-0483 ext 102 ALL STUDENTS are to report to the school gym at 8:40 a.m. Attendance will be taken and we will proceed to Mass as CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGE TO ROME a group. WITH PAPAL GENERAL AUDIENCE, REGISTRATION FOR 2014-2015: When you come to register, please bring your child’s Original Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate. Registration fee is $50.00 per child. Come to the Rectory Office and ask for Miss Helen. ALL children are to attend the 9:00am Mass in the lower Church. We will proceed to class after Mass. MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD SCHOOL, located at 32-52 37TH Street, Astoria, NY has spots available in our FREE half and full day UPK classes. A limited number of seats are also available in our nursery through 8th grade classrooms. Yellow bus service is available, and we are close to public transportation. Please call us at 718—278—4081 to make an appointment to tour the school. ST. MARGARET MARY HEAD START— 9-18 27th Avenue, (2nd Floor) Astoria, NY (BETWEEN 9 & 12 Sts.) 718—721—8065. FREE Preschool for children 3 and 4 years of age. Ask for Rita or Angela—8:30am to 3:30pm Monday to Friday. FAMILIES MUST LIVE WITHIN 10 BLOCKS OF ST. MARGARET MARY. Please bring your child with you at registration. AT REGISTRATION: YOU NEED THE FOLLOWING: Birth Certificate; Immunization Record; Health Insurance Card; Proof of Income for 2014; Parent’s I.D. Affidavit of residency form can be obtained in our office. HOMECOMING 2014 St. Agnes Academic H.S., College Point, NY, Saturday, November 22nd from 1—5pm. A reunion celebration for ALL years, especially anniversary years ending in 4 or 9. for more information, please call 718-353-6276 ext. 30 JUNE 8TH—JUNE 20TH 2015. The Shrines of Italy including Montecassino, Padre Pio, Assisi, Lanciano, Padua, Esposition and viewing of The Shroud of Turin & The Passion Play in Sordevelo, Italy. Nonstop air from JFK. For more information or a flyer please call Michael at 1—800—773—2660. ONE DAY GET-A-WAY BUS TOUR— Sunday, December 7th, An Amish Country Christmas Holiday Tour. For ALL ages, singles and families are most welcome. Early reservations a must! Call Barbara at 718—747—0941. PROFESSIONAL THERAPY—Family, Marriage and Individual Therapy. Provided by new York State licensed therapist, is available to our parish and 148 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has been conducted in the Diocese for the past 41 years for the convenience of parishioners. Services are provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or Diocese. Confidential information and appointments are available by calling Dr. Giuliani at 631—243—2503 or go to our website at: http:// GOD’S WILL Lord, if your people need me, I will not refuse the work. Your will be done. —St. Martin of Tours ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL — 2014 When we GIVE We SHARE the LIGHT OF FAITH. This year’s Annual Catholic Appeal Theme challenges us to be the light of the world by sharing our faith, commitment and generosity. This year, our theme is based on the recent encyclical by Pope Francis, Lumen Fidel: The Light of Faith. As stewards of God’s good gifts, we are called to bring the light of faith by means of our time, talent, and treasure as a blessing to the world around us. The 2014 ACA theme is: WHEN WE GIVE WE SHARE THE LIGHT OF FAITH. Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the light of the world.” The Annual Catholic Appeal supports the Diocese and its parishes in three ways: 1. Provides an enhanced source of funding in support of people through ministries, programs, and services throughout our community. 2. Offers parishioners a chance to directly provide for the work of the Church. 3. Grants each parish an annual opportunity to raise funds for local initiatives and projects. Please support this appeal for the good of our parish and Diocese. You will be rewarded by God, He sees all. QUINCEAÑERA Please call the Rectory Office at 718—361-1884 ext 14 for information or make an appointment, Monday through Friday, by the date of the Mass, the quinceanera should have received catechism and the following Sacraments: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Living God’s Word Living with self-inflicted limitations is no easy task, personally or ecclesial. On the other hand, the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ renews the Church and helps us to build his kingdom as best we can. ALL BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS THIRD SATURDAY /TRES SABADO BAPTISM SCHEDULE—ENGLISH TUESDAYCLASS/7:30PM SUNDAY CEREMONY 2:PM NOV 11, 2014 DEC 16, 2014 NOV 15, 2014 DEC 20, 2014 HORARIO de BAUTISMOS—ESPANOL MIERCOLES/CHARLA 7:00PM 1:PM 12 A NOV 2014 17 A DEC 2014 SABADO/BAUTISMO 15 A NOV 2014 20 A DEC 2014 Reflecting on God’s Word We are not all we would like to be. We know that only too well. The seven capital sins are not just fantasies. We readily embody them: anger and pride and greed and lust and gluttony and envy and laziness. Our spirits bear the mark of Cain. It’s also true that we often want others to be what we ourselves cannot be, and so we look to the Church, except that the Church is us, and if we are sinful, so too is the Church. Our history as a community of believers says it all too clearly. We waged war with the Crusades. We reveled in the power of ruling over civil states. We became intolerant during the Inquisition. We were a storehouse of wealth. And most recently we were too proud to admit the sexual abuses taking place in our midst. If we are the dwelling place of God, a temple made of living stones, then we are also in need of being swept clean just as Jesus once cleansed the temple in his day. We come to recognize that need. The good news is that the Church is being swept clean, in every age, because sin slips through in every age. And so the Church, that living temple, is constantly being made new, painful as it may be. It would be wonderful if the Church were all that the gospel professes. The fact that it is not may be disappointing, but God’s reign has not yet arrived—at least not fully. In the meantime, the Lord Jesus continues to cleanse us and renew us. And the marvel is that the river that flows from that temple of living stones is still bringing life to all it touches—in spite of our sinfulness. COMUNIDAD HISPANA 9 de noviembre de 2014 Dedicación de la Basílica de san Juan de Letrán PROGRAMA de EDUCACION RELIGIOSA TODOS los estudiantes deben reportarse al gimnasio de la escuela a las 8:40 a.m. se va a tomar asistencia. Vamos a procedar a la Misa como un grupo. SOCIEDAD DE DAMAS Y CABALLEROS: REUNION MENSUAL EL PRIMER DOMINGO DEL MES, DESPUÉS DE LA MISA HISPANA EN EL SALÓN MSGR BENNETT. TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS. CURSILLISTAS: SE REUNEN EL 2DO, 3RO Y 4TO DOMINGOS DEL MES DESPUES DE LA MISA HISPANA, “CRISTO CUENTA CONTIGO Y NOSOTROS CON EL”. GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICO: SE REUNE TODOS LOS MARTES A LAS 7:00 PM EN LA CAPILLA DE SAN DAMIANO. TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS. NUESTRA SEÑORA DE FATIMA: INVITA ASU REUNION EL TERCER DOMINGO DEL MES DESPUES DE LA MISA HISPANA PARA REZAR EL ROSARIO POR LA PAZ DEL MUNDO EN HONOR A NTA. SRA. DE FATIMA. CONTACTAR A CAROLINA CHINO. GRUPO GUADALUPANO: INVITAN A SU REUNION EL SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL MES. SALIMOS EN PROCESION DESPUES DE LA MISA HISPANA HASTA EL SALON #7 PARA REZAR EL ROSARIO DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE. TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS. FRANCISCA RAMIREZ Y PATRICIA HERNANDEZ. CENÁCULOS SE REUNEN EL CUARTO DOMINGO DEL MES, SALON #7, “FAMILIA QUE REZA UNIDA, PERMANECE UNIDA”. CONTACTAR A DIANA FERNANDEZ, PARA REZAR EL ROSARIO EN CASAS. El grupo de la Misericordia: Invita a participar de su reunión el segundo sábado del mes para cantar y rezar la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia por todos los enfermos y las intenciones del Santo Papa Francisco a las 3:00 de la tarde en la capilla de San Damiano, para información hablar con María Suero o Carla Perdomo. "Oh Sangre y Agua, que brotaste del Corazón de Jesús como una Fuente de Misericordia para nosotros, en Vos confío.” Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios No somos lo que quisiéramos ser. Eso lo sabemos muy bien. Los siete pecados capitales no son fantasías. Nosotros los personificamos bien: ira y soberbia, avaricia y lujuria, gula, envidia y pereza. Nuestro espíritu lleva consigo la marca de Caín. También es cierto que a menudo queremos que los demás sean como nosotros no podemos ser y por eso buscamos a la Iglesia como guía; pero la Iglesia somos nosotros y si nosotros somos pecadores también la Iglesia lo es. Nuestra historia como comunidad de creyentes lo dice todo y muy claramente. Libramos una guerra contra las Cruzadas. Nos rebelamos para alcanzar el poder gubernamental y civil. Nos volvimos intolerables durante la Inquisición. Fuimos un almacén de riquezas. Y más recientemente fuimos demasiado arrogantes para admitir los abusos sexuales que estaban ocurriendo en medio nuestro. Si somos el templo de Dios, un templo hecho de piedras vivas, entonces también necesitamos que se nos limpie igual que Jesús una vez limpió el templo de su época. Nosotros reconocemos esta necesidad. Lo bueno es que la Iglesia también se limpia en cada generación, porque el pecado se cuela en todas las épocas. Y así también la Iglesia, ese templo vivo, se va haciendo nueva constantemente, aunque el proceso sea doloroso. Sería maravilloso si la Iglesia fuera todo lo que profesa el Evangelio. El hecho de que no sea así, puede desilusionar, pero el reino de Dios no ha llegado todavía, no del todo. Mientras tanto el Señor Jesús continúa limpiándonos y renovándonos. Y lo maravilloso es que el río que fluye de ese templo de piedras vivas todavía da vida a todo lo que toca, a pesar de nuestro pecado. QUINCEAÑERA Favor de llamar a la oficina al 718-361-1884 ext 14 para mas información o para hacer una cita de lunes a viernes. Antes de la fecha de la misa, la quinceañera debe haver recibido catesismo y los siguientes sacramentos: Bautizo, Primera Comunion y Confirmacion. Quiero paz, quiero amor, quiero dulces por favor. Por favor apague su celular antes de entrar a Misa. INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Rita Church 36-25 11th Street L. I. C., N. Y. 11106 718—361—1884 (ext 10) CONTACT PERSON Madge or Father Jose Carlos SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher PRINTER Brother MFC-871-DW NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 6 Page One is the bulletin cover Page Two begins with Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Page Three begins Faith Formation Page Four begins with Annual Catholic Appeal Page Five begins with Comunidad Hispana Page Six is this cover sheet BULLETIN NUMBER: DATE OF PUBLICATION: (Sunday’s date) TRANSMISSION TIME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Only 350 copies. Thanks, 824850 November 9, 2014 Tuesday, Nov. 4, 3:00 pm
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