CHURCH OF SAINT BONIFACE 501 Main Street |Cold Spring, MN 56320 320.685.3280 | 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 26, 2015 Diocese of Saint Cloud: Saint John’s Abbey: Saint Benedict’s Monastery: Sherry Braegelmann Ashley Barker Sherry is our Pastoral Leader for Discipleship Formation. Her major area of responsibility includes the ongoing formation of our confirmed parishioners & helping adults become members of the Church. Phone: 604 E-mail: Ashley is our Pastoral Leader for Youth Ministries. Her major areas of responsibility include Elementary Faith Formation, Preparation for First Communion, Reconciliation, PEEPs & FoRCE. Phone: 606 E-mail: Sandee Kremers Sandee is our Pastoral Leader for Stewardship. Her major areas of responsibility include finances, development, fundraising, and property management. Phone: 602 E-mail: Ron Kron Ron is our Director of Maintenance. His major areas of responsibility include the physical upkeep of our complex and property. Phone: 700 Pastoral Leadership Team: Julie Ludwig Our Pastoral Leadership Team is complete. We have new phone extensions and some have new email addresses to better serve you. Julie is our Pastoral Leader for Liturgical Ministries. Her major responsibility include liturgy, music & liturgical environment. Phone: 603 E-mail: Father Matthew Luft OSB Father Matthew is our Pastor. His major areas of responsibility include celebrating the Sacraments and shepherding the parish & school community. Phone: 601 E-mail: Andrea Rieland/Heinen Br.Efrain Rosado, OSB Andrea is our Parish Administrative Assistant. Her major area of responsibilities include assisting parishioners, cemetery sales, & bulletin production. Phone: 600 E-mail: Brother Efrain is our Pastoral Leader for Latino Ministries. His major areas of responsibility include the formation of our Latino parishioners in Spanish as well as being a liaison between the Spanish and English speaking communities of the parish. Phone: 608 E-mail: Deacon Larry Sell Deacon Larry is our Pastoral Associate. His major area of responsibility include visiting the sick, Baptism & Marriage preparation, & he supervises the parish staff. Phone: 605 E-mail: Sr Sharon Waldoch, SSND Sister Sharon is our school principal. Her major area of responsibility is the administration of our parish school. Phone: 701 E-mail: BONI-FEST 2015 (Saint Boniface Parish Festival) Saturday, & Sunday August 15 & 16 Mark your calendars! Raffle books are available for pick-up in the narthex. New Cemetery Prices: The Cemetery Committee recommended a price increase for cemetery space at the May 2015 meeting. The Finance Council approved an increase at their June meeting. Effective August 15, 2015 the prices for the cemetery will be increased as follows: Lots: Parishioner: $350 Non-parishioner: $1000 Niches [cremated remains]: Parishioner: $850 Non-parishioner: $1100 Crypts: Parishioner: Top row: $2900 Middle rows: $3600 Bottom row: $3250 Non-parishioner: Top row: $3250 Middle rows:$4000 Bottom row: $3600 Please call the Parish Office for prices for plots for private mausoleums. Saint Boniface School Sister Sharon Waldoch, Area Coming Events SSND, Principal 685-3541 [email protected] Tuesday July 28, 2015 - Ask the Pharmacist. Discussion with pharmacists at St. Anthony Church at 5pm. We are accepting registrations in each grade, pre-K thru 6th, until we reach the maximum number. If you are interested in registering your children, please contact Denise or Sister Sharon at 685-3541. School office hours for June and August will be from 9:00 am—2:00 pm. The school office will be closed in July. Do not hesitate to contact Sister Sharon at 320-309-5565 at any time if you have questions or need assistance with school matters. Sunday August 3, 2015 - Seven Dolors Church Bazaar at 11 am Tuesday August 28, 2015 - Catholicism Study Series. Assumption Court at 8:30 am Saturday August 22, 2015 - Our Lady of the Lakes Magnificat seminar Holy Spirit, Overshadow Me from 8:00 am - 4:30pm at St. Agnes Parish in Walker, MN. Liturgical Ministries [email protected] Greeters: August 1/2 5:00 pm Judy Kearin, Ruth Kremer, Carol & Larry Sell, Judy Winter 8:30 am Jason & Janell Wesenberg, Al & Shirley Neu, Dee Ruegemer 10:30 am Eileen Van Sloun, Charles & Gayle Kinzer, Donna Zierden Gift bearers: August 1/2 Lectors: August 1/2 5:00 pm John & Dolores Maile Sandee Kremers 8:30 am Matt & Carol Bicknell Chris Wenner 10:30 am Greg & Ashlee Kiess Amy Fredin Servers: July 27-August 2 M-F. 8:00 am Jacob Koll, Bradey Blaschko Sat. 5:00 pm Coby Mergen, Ella Deiss Sun. 8:30 am Billy Buckner, Aaron Willenbring Sun. 10:30 am Zachary Harris, TBD Looking ahead: Boni Bluegrass rehearsals: Wednesdays, August 5 & 12 7:00-8:45pm Latino Ministries Br. Efrain Rosado, OSB It’s Time For Vacation Bible School. VBS is from 9am until noon Mon. - Fri. July 27 - 31. All children can be dropped off in the Narthex by 9am as our program begins at 9:15am each day. We have a great week planned for all experiencing what Jesus did when he was a kid in Nazareth! Prepare to have fun! Tribe Leaders & Shop Keepers: Please arrive no later than 8:45 am – earlier if preparation is required in your area. Please call Sherry: 685-3280 x604 or email [email protected] with any questions. [email protected] PALABRAS DEL MINISTRO HISPANO PALABRAS DEL MINISTRO HISPANO Dios provee, es una frase que surge del momento en que Abraham lleva a su único hijo al monte a ofrecer a Dios un sacrificio, el niño le pregunta de ¿ dónde sacaran el cordero para ofrecerlo en el altar?. Abraham le responde, Dios proveerá. Así como Abraham puso su fe en Dios, el profeta también cree que si le pedimos con fe Dios siempre asistirá en auxilio de los necesitados. El mismo Cristo cuando ve a la gran cantidad de gente que lo siguen, ora al Padre y multiplica pan y peces para cinco mil hombres y mujeres. Si tenemos esos ejemplos, ¿ porque, muchas veces nos desesperamos, perdemos muy rápido la fe, dudamos, nos desanimamos y damos todo por perdido? San Pablo estando en la cárcel, no perdió el tiempo, aunque decía que estaba preso; lo decía con un espíritu de esperanza, “estoy preso por Cristo y asumo con humildad y paciencia.” No se quedaba con que estaba privado de libertad, seguía evangelizando a tiempo y a destiempo. Los Apóstoles llenos del Espíritu Santo predicaban sin cesar, recorrieron muchos sitios enseñando, bautizando, confirmando y sobre todo confiando en la asistencia de Jesús. Cuando veamos una necesidad, oremos al Padre como lo hiso Jesús. En los momentos de hambre y sed, no perdamos la calma, porque Dios prove a los que luchan sin cansarse, a los que perseveran, a los que ponen el bien común, por encima de los individuales, a los que dejan casa, padre, madre, tierras por seguirlo en la vida sacerdotal, religiosa y se comprometen con el Evangelio. La Virgen María, como madre cuida siempre y nos mantiene unidos en la oración, recurramos a ella, para que interceda ante su hijo Jesucristo por nuestras necesidades, hoy y siempre. -PBRO. MG. OSWALDO RAMON ROCHE GERDEL. Liturgical Schedule Monday, July 27 Ex 32: 15-24, 30-34, Mt 13:31-35 (401) 7:25 am Morning Prayer 8:00 am Mass (+Hommerding & Krueger Family) This Week at Saint Boniface at a Glance Thursday, July 30 Red Cross Blood Drive 1pm—7 pm Friday, July 31 Grupo de Estudio de Biblia– 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Brother Efrain Rosado, OSB. Bring your own Bible. Tuesday, July 28 Ex 33: 7-11; 34:5B-9,28, Mt 13:36-43 (402) 7:25 am Morning Prayer 8:00 am Mass (+Lora Steil) Wednesday, July 29 Ex 34:29-35 (403) Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 (607) 7:25 am Morning Prayer 8:00 am Mass (+Pat Kearin & Julie Kearin Garceau) BONIFEST ANNOUNCEMENTS Homemade pies, desserts, & cabbage. Are needed for the Boni-Fest Chicken Dinner & Ice Cream Stand. Please bring cabbage by 9 am Saturday August 15, 2015. All your donations are greatly appreciated! Calling All Green Thumbs The plant stand will be selling donated plants again at this years Boni-Fest. As you are planning, splitting and saving your flowers and perennials, don't forget to support our parish festival. The co-chairs of the plant stand will be on hand Saturday August 15 to collect donated plants. Thursday, July 30 Ex 40:16-21, 34-38, Mt 13:47-53 (404) 7:25 am Morning Prayer 8:00 am Mass (+John & Frances Coleman) 8:35 am Reconciliation Friday, July 31 Boni-Fest Quilt Auction – August 16 The quilt auction is only 2 months away. We have received 20 already. We will be displaying them in the Narthex through-out the summer and also have them posted on the Saint Boniface web site. If you wish to donate a quilt for the auction, please call Ann Harren, 250-3039. Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37, Mt 13:54-58 (405) 7:25 am Morning Prayer 8:00 am Mass (+E.N. (Ruggie) Ruegemer) Saturday, August 1 Lv 25: 1, 8-17/Mt 14:1-12 (406) 5:00 pm Mass (+50th Wedding anniv. John & Dolores Maile) Sunday, August 2 Ex 16:2-4,12-15, Eph 4:17, 20-24, Jn 6:24-35 (113) 8:30 am Mass (+For all our parishioners) 10:30 am Mass (+MaryAnn Gerdin & Denise Plantenberg) 1:00 pm Latino Mass Attic & Antique– The Chairs of the Attic & Antique Booth— Mary & Mark Moraczewiski & Co-Chairs, Paula & Jim Conrad,— welcome & thank you for your donations. However, the following items we cannot accept and thank you for your cooperation: plastic food & beverage containers, cosmetics, makeup and perfumes, computers, exercising equipment, kitchen sinks, toilets, large furniture and items as such. If you bring tables and chairs: please bring these items Sunday morning by 8:00 am. If they do not sell by 3:00 pm, it is your responsibility to pick them up by 3:30pm on Sunday. Church of Saint Boniface Leadership Team Parish Office 685-3280 ž School Office 685-3541 ž Fax - 685-7792 ž THANK YOU FOR YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF SAINT BONIFACE PARISH Parish Offices are located at the southwest corner of the church complex, upper level. Saint Boniface Elementary School is located on the north side, lower level of the church complex. Pastor Rectory Trustee Trustee Latino Sacramental Minister Pastoral Associate School Principal Pastoral Leader for Stewardship Youth Ministry Liturgical Ministries Discipleship Formation Latino Ministries Parish Administrative Assistant School Administrative Assistant Principal Organist and Pianist Maintenance Parish Council Chair Finance Council Chair School Board Chair Fr. Matthew Luft, OSB 502 Main Street Ms. Kay Coapstick Mr. KC Marrin Msgr. Oswaldo Roche Deacon Larry Sell Sr. Sharon Waldoch, SSND 685-3280 ext. 601 685-8512 685-4520 685-8201 685-3280 ext. 608 685-3280 ext. 605 685-3541 ext. 701 Mrs. Sandee Kremers Ms. Ashley Barker Mrs. Julie Ludwig Mrs. Sherry Braegelmann Br. Efrain Rosado, OSB Ms. Andrea Rieland/Heinen Mrs. Denise Scepaniak Ms. Lisa Drontle Mr. Ron Kron Mr. Tom Chartier Mr. Steve Brecht Mr. Jason Wesenberg 685-3280 ext. 602 685-3280 ext. 606 685-3280 ext. 603 685-3280 ext. 604 685-3280 ext. 608 685-3280 ext. 600 685-3541 ext. 700 250-5846 685-3541 ext. 700 685-8294 685-7835 685-8488 Celebrating the Sacraments Baptism – Parents wishing to have their child baptized should call the Parish Office. First-time parents are required to attend Baptism preparation classes. All baptisms are scheduled during one of weekend Masses. Adults wishing to be baptized should call the Pastoral Leader for Discipleship formation. Reconciliation – The Sacrament is celebrated in the Marian Chapel at 4 p.m. each Saturday, every Thursday at 8am when school is in session, or by appointment with a priest. Eucharist – Please call the Parish Office to have communion brought to home-bound on Sunday after 8:30 a.m. Mass, and on First Fridays. Anointing of the Sick – Please inform the Parish Office of anyone in your household or hospital who would like a home visit or individual anointing. Matrimony – Couples planning a wedding at Saint Boniface should contact Deacon Larry in the Parish Office at least 6 months prior to the wedding to begin the preparation process. Please contact the Parish Administrative Assistant to secure the date and the Pastoral Leader for Liturgical Ministries to approve all aspects of the Liturgy before printing programs. Holy Orders – Parishioners are urged to pray for and encourage anyone who might feel called to be a priest, deacon or who might serve the Church in religious life. Please support these businesses who make our bulletin possible. Thank you. Cottage Court Senior Rental Apts. Patio-style private entry w/attached garage Call Mary - 685-3888 State Bank of Cold Spring Member FDIC 685-8655 Westwind Woodworkers, Inc. “Cabinets that say WOW” 685-4313 Knights of Columbus For Insurance needs call 252-7173 K.C. business call Chuck Kinzer, 685-8284 Catholic Order of Foresters St. Boniface Court #633 685-8788 LeAnn Johannes, agent - 267-4480 Christopher J Wenner MD, PA Family doctor on time i accessible i up-to-date 685.3020 ROCORI Senior Center Connecting seniors for lifelong learning. 685-4935 Northwind Consulting PC Support & Web Design 248-1116 Catholic United Financial Life Insurance Annuities IRA’s/ROTH IRA’s 320-685-8899 WealthCare Inc. Taxes, Accounting, Investment, Insurance 320‐685‐7070 KIESS OIL COMPANY Diesel Fuel - Gasoline - Fuel oil (320) 282-7912 The Wenner Company Hardware/ Plumbing/ Heating/ LP Gas Appliances 685-8673 Central MN Credit Union “United To Serve Members & Community” 208 3rd Ave So 320-685-4007 Cold Spring Record For all your printing needs West Hwy 23 [email protected] 685-8621 JACK’S COMPANIES Befriender Ministry Mrs. Betty Powers 685-8580 Mrs. Eileen Froehle 685-8378 Prayer Line Mrs. Renee Buerman 685-4335 DISCIPLESHIP FORMATION Propane-Fuel Oil-Gas/Diesel-Towing 320-453-6560 RICHMOND BODY SHOP LLC Used Car/ Truck Sale/Auto-body repair 597-3030 Sherry Braegelmann [email protected] 685-3280 ext 604 All are welcome to the following opportunities: 33 Days to Morning Glory: Consecration parish self retreat next mtg: Sun. August 23 9:30 in Adult FF Room. Catholicism Series: Tuesday August 18 & 25 at the Assumption Court Party Room 8:30-10:00am If you or someone you know: Is seeking full communion with the Catholic Church: Schedule an inquiry meeting to discuss the how and why questions and learn about the journey we take with you. Call Sherry if interested. Is going through a difficult time in life: A BeFriender is trained to listen to your story, journey with you, & keep confidentiality while showing compassion in the ministry of pastoral care. For more information call: Betty Powers 685-8580 or Eileen Froehle 685-8378 One-liner for the week: Don’t put a question mark where God put a period.
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