Page 1 November 1, 2015 MEN'S EMMAUS RETREAT Join us on a journey to a deeper relationship with Our Lord. Walk with Him on the Road to Emmaus. Date: November 13-15 Cost: $150 (scholarships available) Please contact: [email protected] or call Troy Gatcliffe (305) 951-4706 Tom Carrigan (305) 733-0195 George Wiltz (305) 308-6381 Vince Urrutia (305) 433-1750 Registration forms available from an Emmaus Brother outside all weekend masses or register online ALL SOULS NOVENA REMEMBRANCE CARDS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BOOKSTORE AND IN THE PARISH OFFICE. REMEMBER YOUR DEARLY DEPARTED WITH A SPIRITUAL BOUQUET OF MASSES BEGINNING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 AT THE 7:00 A.M. MASS Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SJN MEN’S CLUB INVITES YOU TO OUR THANKSGIVING FEAST WITH AUXILIARY BISHOP PETER BALDACCHINO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 – 6:30 P.M. Please come and meet Bishop Baldocchino and share an evening of fellowship. This holy man, when he was young, said he "wouldn't touch the priesthood with a 10-foot pole". Well I guess God had other ideas, as usual. Peter Baldacchino was ordained to the priesthood, May 25, 1996, appointed chaplain to His Holiness, with the title of Monsignor, 2009, named Auxiliary Bishop of Miami and Titular Bishop of Vatarba, Feb. 20, 2014 and ordained to the episcopacy, March 19, 2014, Cathedral of St. Mary, Miami. This holy man has a story to tell. Enjoy turkey and all of the trimmings. Thank you God for all our blessings. Reserve your ticket today - $20. RSVP TO [email protected] OR CALL 305-798-0493 NOVEMBER 1, 2015 - FEAST OF ALL SAINTS Page 2 November 1, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Mon., Nov. 2 - 7:00 a.m. All Souls Novena; 8:30 a.m. +Juan Torroella by Friends Tues., Nov 3 - 7:00 a.m. All Souls Novena; 8:30 a.m. +Vie Chinnon by Loving Family Wed., Nov. 4 - 7:00 a.m. All Souls Novena; 8:30 a.m. +John Spensley by Mary Alice Thurs. Nov. 5 - 7:00 a.m. All Souls Novena; 8:30 a.m. +Ray Castellanos by Garcliffe Family Fri., Nov. 6 – 7:00 a.m. All Souls Novena; 8:30 a.m. +Krisia Rhoden by Loving Parents Sat., Nov. 7 - 8:30 a.m. Community Mass; 5:00 p.m. +Roberto & Margarita Alayon by Loving Daughter & Family Sun., Nov. 8 - 7:30 a.m. +Spensley Family by Mary Alice Yoham; 9:00 a.m. Intentions of SJN Parish Family; 11:00 a.m. +Oscar Morales by Loving amily; 1:00 p.m. +Armando Avila by Loving Family Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SUNDAY READINGS: Get the most out of Sunday Mass! Today’s Readings: November 1 - Feast of All Saints: 1st Reading: Revelation 7:2-4,9-14; 2nd Reading: 1 John 3:1-3; Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12. Next Week’s Readings: November 8 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1st Reading: 1 Kings 17:10-16; 2nd Reading: Hebrews 9:24-28; Gospel: Mark 12:38-44. PARISH PASTORAL INSTITUTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 PAPAL ENCYCLICAL ON CARING FOR OUR HOME “LAUDATO SI” MSGR. PABLO A. NAVARRO PRAY FOR THE SICK ROOM AE 102-103 7:29 P.M. Nicolas Carpenter; Rosemary Clark; Grace Rodriguez; Violet Chang; Gina Fernandez; Chloe Settler; Teresa Fernandez; Natalie Mesa; Amelia Phang; Martha Harkins; Terry Harkins; Bob Johns; Denyse Dawson; Claire Pare Smith; Graham Mozealous; Tracy Gutierrez; Epifanio Rodriguez; Angela Ortiz; Dylan Almedo; Evelyn Sandoval; Gerry Vilas; Andy Cuevas; Maria Teresa Mendez; Frankie Viturello; Stephen Williams; Richard Schuler; Connie Palmer; Margarita Acevedo; Norrine Sweeney; Susan Arrington; Lena Callejas; Max Mercedes; Christine Michael; Stephan Michael; Jennifer Hew; Myrna Gallagher; Susan Loretta; Marie Andrieux; Luzzie Garcia; Aida Holzer; Elaine Blazys; Jacob Alvarez; Mercy Rodriguez; Brandon Torres Iglesias; Mark Zimmer; Maria Stevens; Olivia Kessler; Fred Metelnikow; Linda Dalrymple; Elfie Nuñez; Connie Zumbrum; Maria Teresa Morgan; Ever Dominic; Sevylla Del Mazo; Sean Kelley; Victor Sarria; Jesus De Armas; Robert Schmidt; Beatriz Contino; Joseph Sarria; Pete McCullagh; Efren Marquez; Bill Beauregard; Pearl Rivero; Paul Picquet, Sr; Elsa Maroon; Sebastian Jennot; Brian Broadwater. Christine Wilcosky; Gloria Moodie; Ricardo Vogel; Mike O’Connor; Robert Morgan; Adria Kennedy. We have heard much about this latest Encyclical of Pope Francis. Most of what we have heard and know about this encyclical come in “sound bites” from the secular media. Do I really know what this monumental document contains. As the Holy Father speaks to us of our intrinsic need to care for our common home, do we realize that nothing in this world is indifferent to us? The Holy Father does not only speak about our responsibility and care for the earth...but also of our responsibility for the quality of human life and the dignity of that life. We are called to a radical life in response to love of God and love of neighbor. LOOKING FOR A RICH, DEEP AND MEANINGFUL DEVOTIONAL LIFE? Join SJN CENTERING PRAYER GROUP every Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in SJN School MATH ROOM. For information: Beatriz 305-804 2635, Jose Manuel 305-297 -7045. Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10. NEW PARISHIONERS...ARE WELCOMED AT ST. JOHN’S. If you want to join our Parish Family, please attend one of our orientation meetings which are held one Sunday a month at 9:30 a.m., Rooms E&F. For dates please call the Parish Office or speak to someone at the Information Booth in the Loggia after Masses on Sundays. Everyone interested in joining is welcome to the meeting! We have coffee, donuts and juice for the little ones - and you will be out in time for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. CURRENT PARISHIONERS, please inform us of any name, address or phone changes; this will assist in keeping your records up to date. Thank You!! Page 3 November 1, 2015 PASTOR’S REFLECTION Feast of All Saints November 1, 2015 Dear Friends, We are all called to be saints. Being saints takes a great deal of courage, faith , trust and hope in the Lord. We pray that the Lord may strengthen us with wisdom so that we may continually open our hearts to listen to Him and to do His will...on our journey to the heavenly kingdom. *What particular form of holiness is the Lord calling me to my own life? Be assured of my prayers for you and for your dear ones. May the good Lord bless you with wisdom and peace. Please pray for me. In Christ, Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann WORLD PRIEST DAY For 11 years, Worldwide Marriage Encounter has proclaimed a World Priest Day to honor the men who have dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. It is an opportunity for Catholics to thank, affirm and share their love and support for all priests, diocesan as well as those in religious orders. World Priest Day will be celebrated each year on the last Sunday in October. Please join thousands of other Catholics in taking a day to especially recognize the priests who so faithfully serve us by providing the Sacraments, spiritual guidance, education and love as a daily gift. Take the time to reach out in a special and affirming way to acknowledge the priests who have been an important part of your life: your pastors and associate (past and present), the priest who witnessed your marriage, baptized your children, provided consolation during the loss of a loved one, to name a few. Msgr. Pablo A. Navarro NOCTURNAL ADORATION First Friday of the month! November 6 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament From Friday 8 p.m. to Saturday 8 a.m. Sign up after all masses this weekend. 'Soul of Christ, sanctify me!' DAILY MASS INTENTIONS ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR THE 7:00 & 8:30 A.M. MASSES. REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES WITH A MASS. CALL THE PARISH OFFICE TO SCHEDULE ONE!! ALSO THE NEW MASS BOOK FOR 2016 WILL BE AVAILABLE ON NOVEMBER 2 - SO STOP BY THE OFFICE TO SCHEDULE A MASS!! JOIN YOUR EMMAUS SISTERS AS WE CONTINUE OUR JOURNEY… On Saturday, November 21, we will be hosting a LIVING EMMAUS retreat at St. John Neumann (Rooms E & F) from 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. This is a half-day retreat offered to all women who've already attended an Emmaus weekend retreat. The theme for this year's retreat is: “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart” A $25 fee will be collected to cover expenses. A light breakfast and lunch are included. Registration is required. Stop by the registration table after all masses (October 31 – November 15) for more details. Email: [email protected] or call Ali Garcia 305-586-8410 if you have any questions. Page 4 November 1, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SAVE THE DATE St John Neumann 35th Anniversary Event Family Food Truck Feast Saturday, December 11 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. Come enjoy dinner on the lawn! Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 15 10:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. A College Preparatory School AP, Honors, Dual Enrollment Tracks Law Studies Academy • Biomedical Sciences Academy • Sports Administration Academy • International Business Academy• Arts Academy • Pax Christi Program for students with exceptionalities One-to-One iPad & Technology Curriculum • Smaller Class Sizes • Sports, Clubs, Honor Societies Step Up Scholarships welcome Date of Entrance Exam for prospective 2016-2017 students: December 5. Register at our Open House For more information contact: 305.388.6700 Ext. 1224 [email protected] 10300 SW 167th Ave., Miami, FL 33196 ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 AT 10:00 A.M. GOLDBLOOM CONVOCATION HALL FOR MORE INFORMATION: 305-628-6546 OR WWW.STU.EDU/STUOPENHOUSE VETERANS DAY EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church invites you to their mass honoring and remembering Veterans. The mass will take place on Saturday November 07, at 7:00 pm, at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 9200 SW 107th Avenue, Miami, Fl 33176. DO YOU NEED PRAYER FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILY, A FRIEND? DO YOU NEED TO BE PRAYED OVER? DO YOU NEED SOMEONE TO PRAY WITH? Come to the Upper Room every Wednesday of the month and we will do just that! Join us in Resurrection Hall, Rooms A&B at 7:30 p.m. DIVINE MERCY MEETS ON THE FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 4 at 7:30 p.m. in Room AE-201 “Jesus I Trust In You” Page 5 November 1, 2015 CHRISTMAS CHILDREN’S PAGEANT The Children’s Christmas Pageant is looking for its youngest actor, Baby Jesus. The baby can be boy or girl and anywhere from 2 to 4 months of age by December 20. Please contact Damis or Pete Gonzalez at 305-975-3295 or at [email protected], if you can help. BE AN ANGEL TO THE HOMELESS Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann SJN SCHOOL NEWS SJNS BOOK FAIR NOVEMBER 1 10:00 A.M.– 3:00 P.M. Come visit our Book Fair located in the school library for a wide selection of books from early childhood to High School as well as fun gifts. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ACADEMIC OLYMPICS 1ST PLACE SJNCS does it again! Congratulations to our 8th grade class who won 1st place overall in their division at the Christopher Columbus Academic Olympics. You continue to amaze us, and we could not be prouder of your accomplishments. Christmas can be made so much better for a homeless person through your generosity. The Homeless Ministry will distribute "Angels" on this weekend of October 31 and November 1 following all Masses. Please take one and bring back the item indicated on the Angel by November 7 and 8. Our bins will be located outside of the church before and after mass. Items may also be dropped off at the Religious Education office or Parish office. Through our efforts each homeless person will receive brand new sweatpants, new underwear, new socks, and a new blanket. Please note the size and item described on your angel. **We do not need t-shirts or sweatshirts because the Homeless Ministry will provide them with a special t-shirt funded through the Pennies from Heaven collection.** Forgot to pick up an angel? No problem…. we need size large the most. Thank you for your help. For more information, please call Amanda La Gra at 305-936-6281 or email at [email protected] . General Skills Sara Kristjansson, Vivian Caballero, Austin Bermudez, Ethan Trueba- GOLD Religion Nick Molina-GOLD; Isabella Garcia-BRONZE Speech Lily Jones- GOLD; Andy Ortiz- SILVER Math Michael Berry- GOLD History Danny Collazo- SILVER Math Michael Berry- GOLD History Danny Collazo- SILVER English Joey Rodriguez- GOLD Caitlyn Murphy-GOLD Page 6 November 1, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann NOTICIAS DEL APOSTOLADO APOSTOLADO HISPANO REFLEXIÓN DEL PÁRROCO FIESTA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS 1 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2015 RETIRO AGAPE XVII: Noviembre 13, 14 y 15; Costo $75.00; Edades: 14 a 17 años. Información: Glenda 305-962-7156; Andrea 305-498-7320; Jorge Jr. 305-962-7197. Queridos Amigos, Todos estamos llamados a ser santos. Para ser santo se necesita mucha fuerza, fe, confianza, y esperanza en el Señor. Le pedimos al Señor que nos fortifique con sabiduría para así mantener nuestros corazones abiertos para escucharlo a El y así poder siempre hacer Su voluntad...en camino a Su reino. ¿A que tipo de santidad me llama el Señor? Pasen unos minutos en oración de silencio. Pídanle a Dios que les demuestre formas de responder a Su Palabra y a Su Plan divino. Por favor oren por mi. Asegúrense que los tengo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos en mis oraciones diarias. En Cristo, Mons. Pabló A. Navarro SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN. El sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) se celebra los Sábados a las 4:00 p.m. EL SACRAMENTO NO SE CELEBRA ANTES DE LA MISA. ADORACION NOCTURNA AL SANTISIMO Primer viernes del mes, Noviembre 6, 2015 en la capilla. Adoración del Santísimo Desde las 8 p.m. del viernes, hasta las 8 a.m. del sábado. 'Alma de Cristo, Santifícame! MINISTERIO ENRIQUECIMIENTO MATRIMONIAL IGLESIA CATÓLICA ST. JOHN NEUMANN EL AMOR DE DIOS, ¡ENRIQUECE NUESTRO MATRIMONIO! Invita a todas las parejas a la reunión Mensual "Caminando Juntos Con Jesús” charla sera dada por el Padre Tomasz. Martes, 3 de Noviembre salónes E& F- 7:45 p.m. (puntual). Para mas información, favor de llamar a Franz & Claudia Iparraguirre al 786-294-1515 o Hector & Leslie Ramírez al 786-205-0032 o a través de este correo electrónico: [email protected] *Pueden traer algo para comer o beber para el compartir. Les recordamos que las reuniones de Enriquecimiento Matrimonial son exclusivamente para la pareja, y la presencia de menores no es permitida debido a los temas que se exponen. LA PARROQUIA DE SJN INVITA A LA COMUNIDAD A UNA MAÑANA DE ESPIRITUALIDAD Y REFLEXIÓN: DANDO GRACIAS A DIOS EN LAS PRUEBAS. Con Msgr. Pablo Navarro, Deacon Marco Fernandez. Invitados: Miguel Christy Arias. Participacion del grupo Alabanza: Hosanna. Salones 102/103, Sabado 21 de Noviembre de 8:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Para mas información llamar al 786-566-0856. “No se aflijan por nada, mas bien preséntenselo todo a Dios en oracion, pídanle y también denle gracias” Filipenses 4,6. LECTURAS DOMINICALES: 1 DE NOVIEMBRE: - TODOS LOS SANTOS: APOCALIPSIS 7:2-4,9-14; 1 JUAN 3:1-3; MATEO 5:1-12. NOVIEMBRE 8 - DOMINGO ORACION CONTEMPLATIVA Proxima reunión sera el martes 3 de noviembre a las 7:30 p.m. en el salon 32 DEL TIEMPO ORIDNARIO: 1 REYES 17: 10-16; HEBREOS 9:24-28; MARCOS 12:38-44. AE-103. METANOIA El dia 6 de Noviembre tendremos una LINEA DE ORACION EN ESPAÑOL Si estas conferencia sobre “Entrenamiento y Nutricion Deportiva” necesitado de oracion llama al 305-AL-SEÑOR las con el modelo, entrenador y actor Glauber Barcelo en el 24 horas del dia. El grupo de intercession orara por sus salon E a las 7:30 p.m. necesidades. Puedes recibir oracion de sanacion en la capilla los Domingos a la salida de la Misa. AE • 4:00 p.m. Confession • 5:00 p.m. Mass Msgr. Navarro pm EF Metanoia 7:30 p.m. E Centering Prayer 7:15pm SJNS Math Room AA/Alanon 8:30 p.m. SJNS 6th grade class • • AGAPE 7:30 p.m. RH; Angeles AE-202; Apostoles AE -201 5:00 p.m. Yamile Caldwell Elizabeth Gomez Jose & Maria Montesinos Margann Wilhelm John & Myrna O’Brien Donna & Greg Murphy Marie Stark Jose Pedro Fernandez Thomas & Rosario Carrigan 7:30 a.m. Pat Tierney Ron Samaroo Fran Wylder Maria Rosa More Paul Banaszak 9:00 a.m. Natalie & Virgil Campaneria Peter Glaria Jacqueline De Souza Robin De Souza Carolyn Gatcliffe Margaret Slama Adriana R. & Alex Lopez Ernest Triche 11:00 a.m. Ruben & Clarissa Moreno Robert & Rosie Vasconcelos Teresa & Jean Pierre Etcheverry Tony & Ana Perez Pablo Rivera Maria Elena & Gil Lopez Alejandro Losa Beatriz J. Dominguez Judith & Luis Pasos Azucena & Rolando Dagdag 1:00 p.m. Arturo & Naty La Puente Myrna Valle Johnny & Rosi Gazitua Rafaela Salvador Vicky Hall Carolina Alas Lorena Ponce Maria Luisa Perez Hector & Leslie Ramirez Tony & Mayra Rosales Aldo & Amelfis Wrves Lectors: 5:00 p.m. David Heck Bernie Worrell 7:30 a.m. Carmen Andrade Lizette O’Connor 9:00 a.m. Paul Bedard Minnie Lopez 11:00 a.m. Martha Garcia Robert Gonzalez 1:00 p.m. Roberto Alas Nelly Bollivar • N/A Men's 7:30 p.m. AE200 100 • Jesus en Oracion 7:30 p.m. AE- 7:30 p.m. AE101 • Lay Ministry AE-103 AE--201 • Men’s Emmaus 7:30 pm AE-200 7:30 p.m. AB • Sp. Bible Study 8:00 pm AE-100 • Middle School Youth Group 7:00 p.m. AE-200 • Separated & Divorced 7:30 p.m. AE-201 • RCIA 7:30 p.m. EF • Divine Mercy 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. AE-103 8:00 p.m. • Intercessory Prayer 7:30 p.m. p.m.AE-100 • Upper Room Prayer Grp. • Sp. Womens Emmaus 8:00 • • LEAF 7:00 p.m. On the Road Again 7:30p.m. AE-101 7:30 p.m. AE-101 • • Sp. Emmaus Discipleship Study A 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass Eucharistic Ministers: • • Confirmation Retreat 7:30 p.m. AE & RH Sp. Men’s Emmaus 7:30p.m. E Festival Choir 7 p.m. 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass •Confirmation Retreat RH- • 7:30 a.m. Mass Fr. Tomasz • 9:00 a.m. Mass Msgr. Navarro • 11:00 a.m. Mass Fr. Tomasz • 1:00 p.m. Mass Msgr. Navarro • Youth Group • AA 8:00 p.m. School Gr 8 • 7:55 a.m. Rosary • 8:30 a.m. Mass •Women’s Club Board 9:00 a.m. E •Cursillo 9:00 a.m. F • Baptism Prep Class 1:00 • 7:55 a.m. Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass 7:55 a.m. Rosary • • • • • • 7:55 a.m. Rosary • 8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible • 7:55 a.m. Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass • Bible Study 9:00 a.m. AE-100 • Enriquecimiento 7:30 p.m. EF • TOV 7:30 p.m. AE-102 • CHJ 7:30 p.m. AE-101 • Oracion Contemplativa • 7:55 a.m. Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. Mass • Bible Study 7:30 p.m. AE201 • TOV 10:00 a.m. AE-200 • Men’s Club 6:30 p.m .AB • Sp. Men’s Emmaus EF • Divina Misericordia Chapel 8 Sunday Saturday 6 Friday 5 Thursday 4 Wednesday 3 Tuesday Monday 2 EVENTS OF THE WEEK November 1, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann LITURGICAL MINISTERS - NOVEMBER 7 - 8 7 NOVEMBER 2 - 8 Page 7 Acolytes: 5:00 p.m. Felipe Jannarone Andres Blandino Luis Sebastian Lopez Vincent Sardinas 7:30 a.m. Isabella Garcia Sara Kristjansson Andrea Jinesta 9:00 a.m. Isabella Seiglie Brandon Yon Ashley Yon Sachary Janvier Allison Janvier Daniel Sotolongo 11:00 a.m. Catherine Lamey William Lamey Vivian Caballero Rayna Rodriguez Torres Sophia Nader 1:00 p.m. Karla Roman Jorge Escobar Nicholas Merjech Aliyah Lopez Alyssa Lopez Ushers Team A 5:00 p.m. Kenneth Hamel Jeff Klug Dennis De Pass/Carlos Blandino Douglas Andrew/Giovanna Kientz Jorge E. Hernandez 7:30 a.m. W. Sharkey Nussbaum Leroy Lightbourne/Armando Gutierrez 9:00 a.m. Douglas Dohre/David Hotchkiss Frank Rivero/Miko Bernardo Jaime Graells/Luis G. Acevedo Juan Formoso/Daniel Ferrer 11:00 a.m. Eduardo Mazzitelli Patricia Bush Angel Navarro/Alfredo Iglesias Patti Rodriguez Betty Steele/Lino Diaz Wesley Chery/Alejandro Aragon Vince Urrutia/Jorge Rodriguez 1:00 p.m. Maritza Taveras Mario Fournier Angel & Lidia Cintron Oscar Bejarano/Miriam Morataya Francisco & Nelly Velasquez Veronica Flores/Haydee McDougall/ Gabriel Grullon/Ondina Pol Jorge Hernandez/Angel Cardona Eric Corredera/Luis Reyes Carlos Anato/Eduardo Lishner Juan & Celia Chomon Coffee & Donuts: Team #3 7:30 a.m. Maritza Castano Lauren Castano/Cecil Garcia Margaret O’Brien/Linda Diaz Mafe Nussbaum 9:00 a.m. Kathy & Giorgio Moro Chickie Schmidt/Justo & Maria Ortiz Jesus Vega/Linda Sioli Dennis & Dianne Stommes Terry Medina/Monica Medina Alejandra Hernandez 11:00 a.m. Silvia Pernas Mayra Rosales Sixto/James Viteri Rebecca Rubin del Rio/Julian Valiente Suzy Perez-Gurri/Kevin L. Deeb Cristina Troncozo 1:00 p.m. Silvia Zambrano Sergio Rodriguez/Monica Zambrano Aura Liranzo/Rosario Hidalgo Wilson Hidalgo/Maria Ana Martinez Paula Acevo/Maria Alejandra Rodriguez
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