Page 1 March 15, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neu- SJN PARISH MISSION MARCH 16, 17, 18 SAVE THE DATE “The Treasures of Our Catholic Faith”. Presented by Fr. Bob Lombardo, CFR., Director of the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels, Chicago. 7:30 p.m. in English in the Main Sanctuary “Discover the Treasures of God’s Love” - is the theme of our SJN Children’s Mission with our awesome SJN Mission Team, children ages 5 – 12. Space is limited. Registration after Mass on March 7 and 8 MISIÓN PARROQUIAL MARZO 16, 17, 18 RESERVEN LA FECHA “Ay Señor Porque Sufro? "con el Diácono Henri González, Abogado, Profesor en el High School de Archbishop Coleman Carroll y Diácono permanente de la Parroquia de St. John Neumann. (En el Resurrection Hall en Español) “Descubran los Tesoros del Amor de Dios” - es el tema de la Misión para los Niños de SJN de 5- 12 años. Espacio limitado. Se pueden registrar después de Misa en Marzo 7 y 8. (En inglés en el edificio de Educación para Adultos). MARCH 15, 2015 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Page 2 March 15, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS OF THE WEEK Mon., March 16 - 7:00 a.m. +Josefina Lopez by Loving Family; 8:30 a.m. +Samuel & Rita Marinelli by Loving Daughter Tues., March 17 - 7:00 a.m. Happy Birthday Kathy Teunan; 8:30 a.m. +Angela Perez by Loving Family Wed., March 18 - 7:00 a.m. +Loyda Zogaib by Rojas Family; 8:30 a.m. +Gabriel & Ondina Alonso by Loving Family Thurs., March 19 - 7:00 a.m. +Josefina Mendez by Cuervo Family; 8:30 a.m. +Carmen Santander by Loving Family Friday, March 20 – 7:00 a.m. Michael Taylor by Harries Family; 8:30 a.m. +Al Castan by Liliana Castan Sat., March 21 - 8:30 a.m. Community Mass; 5:00 p.m. SJN Parish Family Sun., March 22 -7:30 a.m. Baptism Anniversary of Emily Chaffins; 9:00 a.m. +Sally Halsey by Celebration Choir; 11:00 a.m. +Rose Boylan by Boylan/McCullagh Family; 1:00 p.m. +Rosario Cruzalegui by Loving Daughter. Catholic Parish of St. John Neu- SUNDAY READINGS: Get the most out of Sunday Mass! Today’s Readings: March 15 - 4th Sunday of Lent: 1st Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23; 2nd Reading: Ephesians 2:4-10; Gospel: John 3:14-21. Next week’s Readings: March 22 - 5th Sunday of Lent: 1st Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34; 2nd Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9; Gospel: John 12:20-33. SPRINGTIME TEA AND PARLOR GAMES Wear your prettiest spring hat and your fanciest party manners for tea, sandwiches and games with The St. John Neumann Women’s Club. Monday, March 23, 7:30 p.m. Resurrection Hall, Rms A and B. Contact [email protected] for more information WORLD WIDE SILENT DAY OF PRAYER PRAY FOR THE SICK Matthew Mersman; Nicolas Carpenter; Rosemary Clark; Grace Rodriguez; Keysang Chin; Violet Chang; Gina Fernandez; Chloe Settler; Teresa Fernandez; Elizabeth Mastromarino; Natalie Mesa; Martha Harkins; Terry Harkins; Bob Johns; Bill Losa; Denyse Dawson; Claire Pare Smith; Graham Mozealous; Amelia PhangSang; Tracy Gutierrez; Marilyn March; Graciela Pushaw; Epifanio Rodriguez; Angela Ortiz; John James Berryarza; Phillip Wong; Matteo Gherardi; Dylan Almedo; Evelyn Sandoval; Adriane & Jose Rodriguez & Family; Gerry Vilas; Kathy Tomecko; Jared A. Rosenstein; Andy Cuevas; MariaTeresa Mendez; Stephen Michael; Frankie Viturello; Brianna DeFreites; Stephen Williams; Richard Schuler; Connie Palmer; Rick McLelland; Laura Boling; David Bowels; Yoli Gonzalez; Lucas Giovanni; Margarita Acevedo; Norrine Sweeney; Susan Arrington; Ethan Rodriguez; Lena Antich; Max Mercedes; Victor Cobian; Dolores Maksel; Lena Callejas; Christine Michaels; Kim Bankston; Isabella Buckham; Jennifer Hew; Connie Zumbrum; Myrna Gallagher; Susan Loretta; Maria Teresa Febles; Minnie Johns; Lucienne Barthe; Bertha Abreu; Rene Gomez Join SJN Centering Prayer Ministry Saturday, March 21, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., RH Rooms E & F As we embrace this Lenten journey, let us pray in silence, and allow the Spirit to bring you new life and go deeper into your personal relationship with God. Contact: [email protected] 305-934-0709; [email protected] 305-297-7045; MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Dinner and Card Tournament Tuesday, March 24 e-mail billfog2048 for particulars Limited Seating so hurry! NEW PARISHIONERS...ARE WELCOMED AT ST. JOHN’S. If you want to join our Parish Family, please attend one of our orientation meetings which are held one Sunday a month at 9:30 a.m., Rooms E&F. For dates please call the Parish Office or speak to someone at the Information Booth in the Loggia after Masses on Sundays. Everyone interested in joining is welcome to the meeting! We have coffee, donuts and juice for the little ones - and you will be out in time for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. CURRENT PARISHIONERS, please inform us of any name, address or phone changes; this will assist in keeping your records up to date. Thank You!! Page 3 March 15, 2015 PASTOR’S REFLECTION Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 Dear Friends, Lent is a time for “exiles” to return (as we heard in the first reading), a time of reconciliation, a time to accept the gift of divine love described in the second reading. *Am I estranged or exiled from anything or anyone that I love? *What is preventing me from returning? *How have I preferred darkness to light in my life? As you reflect on God’s Word, may He strengthen you with His peace. May the good Lord bless you and your dear family abundantly each day, particularly during this Lenten Season. Please pray for me. Catholic Parish of St. John Neu- THANK YOU! GRACIAS! MERCIPOUTET OU! THE FINAL REPORT IS IN! 463 of our wonderful St. John Neumann families contributed $270,802.00 to ABCD for 2014. This exceeded our goal by $14,667.00. This is incredible considering how many families contributed. I realize that this success is because of great sacrifice on the part of those that have been so generous. It is because of you that have gone above and beyond the call of duty in your generosity in responding to the Lord in the needs of everyone that ABCD assists; in the outreach to the poor and immigrant, the education of our children, and the education of our future priests, to name a few. Please know that I thank God for each of you every day and that every time I celebrate mass, you are remembered in my intentions. May God continue to bless you abundantly each day. In Christ, In Christ, Msgr. Pablo A. Navarro Monsignor Pablo A. Navarro Pastor CALL TO ACTION, CALL TO PRAYER WE ARE ONE! One in Faith, One in Hope! One in Charity! ONE IN THANKSGIVING for the generosity of our St. John Neumann Family in their commitment to ABCD 2015! Acevedo, Luis and Celida Alvarez, Leonella Degruttola, Ralph and Sally Etcheverry, Pierre and Teresa Goncalves, Joseph and Leslie Martinez, Octavio and Cristina Morgan, Richard and Patricia Orr, Rusela Pajon, Ernesto and Mary Ann Payne, Thomas Picquet, Paul and Mary Ann Rondon, Juan Sanchez, Jorge and Susan Trujillo, Miquel and Mayra To date for ABCD 2015 346 St. John Neumann families have pledged towards the parish goal of $256,135.00. As of March 6 we are $22,256.00 short of our goal. It is not too late to pledge. Please be as generous as you always are. You can pledge on-line at https:// or by picking up a pledge form SJN MEN’S EMMAUS SPRING RETREAT APRIL 17 – 19 THIS SPRING RENEW YOUR FAITH, RE-ENGERGIZE YOUR FAMILY! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! SIGN-UP TODAY! CALL OR EMAIL: TOM CARRIGAN (305) 733-0195; GEORGE WILTZ (305) 308-6381; VINCE URRUTIA (305) 433-1750 EMAIL: [email protected] RETREAT FEE: $125 / SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Page 4 March 15, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann ST JOHN NEUMANN - MARRIAGE COVENANT RETREAT 2015 "One weekend investment in your future" Friday, Saturday and Sunday - March 20, 21 & 22 “God has a plan for your marriage. He desires to see your love grow and bear fruit. The goal of a covenant marriage is not to merely enjoy each other’s company nor is it to simply endure to the end. The goal of a covenant marriage is to glorify God in your relationship and to exemplify Christ to the world." Join other couples as together we explore in depth what it is to live a covenant marriage through the struggles of everyday life. If you have done this retreat in the past maybe it's time to do it again as a refresher, your marriage deserves it! Last week to sign-up!! Daniel Stanley, 305-308-3420 (anytime) or Leonor Leon-Stanley, 305-794-0325 (after 5:00 p.m.) SAVE THE DATE: MAY 16 St. John Neumann Men’s Club Annual Tom Rhodes III Golf Tournament Attention: Last weekend to get your 20% discount!! Come out and play this beautiful waterfront Key Biscayne Crandon Golf Course and help raise money for a great cause, the distribution of Teddy Bears to children at various hospitals over the Christmas Holiday. This year marked the distribution of over 10,000 Teddy Bears over the last 15 years. Proceeds from the tournament go to support our Teddy Bear Christmas distribution. For information contact: Mike O’Connor 305-3455461; [email protected] • Early Bird Special; Sign up and pay your Golfer fee before March 15 & receive a $ 25.00 discount. Pay only $100.00 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 12TH ANNUAL HALF-BAKED FISH FRY FRIDAY, MARCH 20 FRIDAYS IN LENT ARE DAYS OF ABSTINENCE. LET US DO SOME OF THE COOKING FOR YOU Purchase Meal Tickets after all Masses Meals will be available for pickup on Friday, March 20 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. in Room F Menu: Asian Salmon, Rice, Cucumber Salad, Dessert $12.00 per meal Kids Fish Sticks, Mac & Cheese, Dessert $5.00 per meal Proceeds to support the charitable works of Msgr Bryan O Walsh Council 13369 in our Parish and community Contact Guido Álvarez (305) 221-2787 [email protected] Page 5 March 15, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neu- Page 6 March 15, 2015 Catholic Parish of St. John Neumann NOTICIAS DEL APOSTOLADO APOSTOLADO HISPANO REFLEXIÓN DEL PÁRROCO DOMINGO CUARTO EN LA CUARESMA 15 DE MARZO DEL 2015 CRÓNICAS 36:14-16,19-23; EFESIOS 2:4-10; JUAN 3:14-21. MARZO 22 - QUINTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA: JEREMIAS 31:31-34; HEBREOS 5:7-9; JUAN 12:20-33. Queridos Amigos, EMAUS MUJERES ST. JOHN NEUMANN, La Cuaresma es el tiempo propicio para que regresen los “exilados” (así como escuchamos en la primera lectura), una temporada de reconciliación, una temporada para aceptar el don del amor divino que describe la segunda lectura. • • • Estoy apartado o “exilado” de algo o alguien a quien amo? ¿Qué me previene el regresar? ¿He preferido la oscuridad a la claridad en mi vida? Pasen unos minutos en oración de silencio. Pídanle a Dios que les demuestre formas de responder a Su Palabra y a Su Plan divino. Por favor oren por mi. Asegúrense que los tengo a ustedes y a sus seres queridos en mis oraciones diarias, especialmente durante esta Cuaresma. En Cristo, te invitan a participar con tu comunidad la linda experiencia de visitar en familia el parque, Holy Land En Orlando, FL. Marzo 21 - precio por persona, $125.00 (19 años o mas) $105.00 (estudiantes 6-18 años) $90.00 (niños 3-5). Para mas información o reservación, comunícate con Nereida Babilonia, 305-989-4818 o Liliam Morales, 305-274-0453. ESCUELA DE EVANGELIZACION SJN les invita a participar de nuestro próximo TALLER IGLESIA que se llevara a cabo en nuestra parroquia Marzo 28. Para mas información favor de llamar a Zully 786-208-7718 o Dina 305-305-4765. DÍA MUNDIAL DE ORACIÓN EN SILENCIO En este tiempo de cuaresma oremos en silencio, y per- mitamos que el Espíritu Santo despierte y renueve nuestra vida interior y nos ayude a profundizar nuestra relación personal con Dios. SJN Ministerio Oración Centrante. Sábado, 21 de Marzo , de 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Resurrección Hall Salones E & F. Información: Beatriz Tel 305 804 2635, Jose Tel 305 297 7045 Mons. Pablo A. Navarro SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN. El sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesión) se celebra los Sábados a las 4:00 p.m. EL SACRAMENTO NO SE CELEBRA ANTES DE LA MISA. LECTURAS DOMINICALES: MARZO 15 CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA: 2 VIACRUCIS EN ESPAÑOL TODOS LOS VIERNES DURANTE LA CUARESMA A LAS 6:30 PM EN LA IGLESIA. NO DEJEN DE ASISTIR NUESTRA MISIÓN PARROQUIAL, MARZO 16, 17, 18, A LAS 7:30 PM EN RESURRECTION HALL. PRESENTADA POR EL DIACONO HENRI GONZALEZ. ST. JOHN NEUMANN FAMILIES!!!! Save the date!!! Wednesday, April 1, 7:30 p.m. Closing of Lent Family Service in Resurrection Hall YR=Youth Room PAV=Pavilion Eucharistic Ministers: pm RH ABCD Angeles de Agape 7:30 pm AE-202; School Math Room Catholic Parish of St. John Neu- LITURGICAL MINISTERS - MARCH 21 & 22 • AGAPE Prayer Group 7:30 •Homeless Core 7:30 pm F • Centering Prayer 7:15pm -102-103 • Mens Emmaus 7:30 pm AE200 • Convenio Matrimonial 7:30 pm AE 7:30 PARISH MISSION NO MEETINGS • English in MS at 7:30 pm • Spanish RH 7:30 pm PARISH MISSION PARISH MISSION NO MEETINGS NO MEETINGS • English in MS at • English in MS at 7:30 pm 7:30 pm • Spanish RH • Spanish RH 7:30 pm 7:30 pm • Children’s • Children’s Mission 7:30 pm Mission 7:30 pm AE AE pm AE-101 • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass 7:30 pm AE-100 • On the Road Again • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass • Sp. Womnen’s Emmaus • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 am Masses • 8:30 am Mass •E Kairos 7:30 pm • Silent Saturday EF • 7:30 am Mass Fr. Rivero • 9:00 am Mass AE-201 9:00 am Msgr. Navarro •Knights of Columbus Fish • Marriage Covenant 9:00 • 11:00 am Mass Fry EF am RH Fr. Peña •Marriage Covenant 7:30 •Serafines 9:00 am AE-200 • 1:00 pm Mass pm RH •Citizenship 9:00 am AEFr. Rivero 102 • Youth Grp. • Confessions 4:00 pm 6:45pm AE & RHChapel & Priest E&F MS=Main Sanctuary Sacristy RH=Resurrection Hall • AA 8:00 pm AE=Adult Education • 5:00 pm Mass Building School Gr 8 Msgr. Navarro Sch=SJN School March 15, 2015 • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:55 am Rosary • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass • 7:00 & 8:30 am Mass 22 Sunday 21 18 Tuesday Monday 16 EVENTS OF THE WEEK Wednesday 17 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Saturday MARCH 16 - 22 Page 7 5:00 p.m. Nicole Attong Elena Suarez Kathy Weissinger John & Myrna O’Brien Carlos & Julia Herdocia Yamile Caldwell Catherine Chang Evangelina Alonso Marie Stark Jorge & Susan Sanchez 7:30 a.m. Pete Gonzalez Pat Tierney Carmen Andrade Ron Samaroo Maureen Lewars 9:00 a.m. Annie & David Seiglie Maureen Samaroo Alex & Adriana R. Lopez Ceci Paz Linda & Frank Sioli Jacqueline De Souza Robin De Souza 11:00 a.m. Jorge Rolo Rita S. Lopez Beatriz J. Dominguez Susan DeCerce Maria Teresa Saenz Hilda A. Nolan Margarita & Oscar Varona Maria & Juan Hernandez Alejandro Losa Nellie & Bill Brothers Lori Farag Teresita & Paul Walkington Lourdes Matamoros 1:00 p.m. Luis & Martiza Muñoz Ricardo Alvarez Maria Luisa Perez Roberto Martinez-Rubio Lorena Ponce Marina Rogers Martha & Cesar Roman Rafaela Salvador Roberto & Carolina Alas Jimmy & Jackie Guillen Antonio & Liliam Morales Lectors: 5:00 p.m. Dolores Sendler Michael Carrier 7:30 a.m. Mary Kay Gaffney Ethel Dunne 9:00 a.m. David De Paz Martha Garcia 11:00 a.m. Robert Gonzalez Troy Gatcliffe 1:00 p.m. Arturo La Puente Jose Romulton Acolytes: 5:00 pm Alex Tercilla Javier Fraga Christopher Fraga Daniel Herdocia Anna Repp Mia Sanchez 7:30 a.m. Carson Willis Jonathan Suarez Calen Willis Michael Planas 9:00 a.m. Alexandra Espino Peter Fumero Connor Serig Mairead Gatcliffe 11:00 a.m. Mathieu Gomez Jose Fonseca Alejandro Fonseca Matthew Hernandez Sofia Martinez Jillian Rodriguez 1:00 p.m. Daniel Vioctoria Maria Rodriguez Karla Roman Alexei Viñas Ushers Team B 5:00 p.m. Flip Trembley John Kane Alex Sardinas Vance Salter/James Salter Mario Bosi/Joseph Goncalves 7:30 a.m. W. Sharkey Nussbaum Ronald Samaroo 9:00 a.m. Nick Chang Nelson Pay John Sullivan/Julio Lopez Tyrone Brown/Sue Farwell Simon Amofah/Terry Figueroa Leo Francis Anthony & Sarah Amofah 11:00 a.m. Ruben Garcia H. Julian Sosa Jorge Molina/Eddy Del Rio Angie Drescher/Luis Guzman Rene Lopez/Thomas Visney Jose Bendezu/Roberto Estades Hernando Sabogal/Emilio Diaz 1:00 p.m. Jose Lopez Oscar Castro Maria Taveras/Abdiel Ponce de Leon Armando Martinez/Rosariuo Reyes Carlos Anato/Graciela Vigo Melba Gomez/Guillermina Gomez Antonio & Liliam Morales Maritza Taveras/Jose Lopez Luis & Sandra Arroyo Manuel & Gabriela Ixtlahuac Carlos Anato/Joceline Sosa Coffee & Donuts Team #2 7:30 a.m. De De Coleman Mafe Nussbaum/Margaret O’Brien Cecil Garcia Lauren & Martiza Castano 9:00 a.m. Gillian Chen Duncan Chen/Seanne Chen Melissa & Jairo Barosela Eyda, David & Nicholas Calzadilla Diego Paz 11:00 a.m. Susie de Cerce Sarita & Gerry Pecknold Mary Moore/Ana de Aguiar Jose & Marta Calzadilla Carlos & Carmen Mendez Vivian Caballero 1:00 p.m. Luz Sepulveda & Ever Duran Monica Zambrano/Oswaldo Moya Maria & Marvin Sanchez
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