1229 Vermont Street Lawrence, Kansas 66044 (785) 843-0109 May 17, 2015 The Ascension of the Lord So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs. { Mk 16:19-20 } Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday 4:30pm; Sunday 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 1:00pm (Spanish Mass), 5:00pm. Website: www.saint‐johns.net Weekday Mass Schedule: Monday‐Friday 7:30am; Saturday 8:00am. Reconcilia on: Wednesday 11:00am‐1:00pm, 7:00‐8:00pm; Saturday 3:00‐4:00pm. BREAD Offer to Prayerful Consideration By Fr. Jeff Ernst, OFM, Cap. As you all know, a planning study is now underway that will help us determine whether St. John Parish should pursue phase 2 of a three‐phase building expansion project, phase 1 of which was completed in 2013. [The school is included when I use the term “parish,” since the school is one of our most significant ministries to our church community and the Lawrence/Douglas County community.] The decision to move on this planning study was made a er approximately two years of discussion with the parish pastoral council, the finance council, and a “long‐range planning commi ee,” all three of which were established by Fr. Mike in 2013. While the pastoral council gave overall guidance to the ques on of a phase 2 expansion, the long‐range planning commi ee was tasked specifically with research and study on the ques on of con nued building expansion. The commi ee’s seven members met several mes through the fall and winter months of 2013–14 in prayerful discernment for guidance. Pros and cons regarding phase 2 were listed and each were thoroughly discussed and then brought to prayer. All the while, the commi ee took seriously the responsibility of the parish to be a wise steward of its own resources and spiritual life. In the end, the commi ee recommended that Fr. Mike pursue the idea of construc ng a full size gym with parish office space and large event space on a level under the gym. It was at this me that the transi on of pastors took place and, once the dust se led from that change, the long‐range planning commi ee’s recommenda on was considered by the pastoral and finance councils. With their counsel and with sugges ons from our business manager Cris Denning and our director of stewardship and development Samantha Romero, what I refer to as “the building commi ee” came together. At its mee ng last January, that commi ee of seven members decided to send out a request for proposals from 10 different campaign development firms. Commi ee members read through the proposals and, at its next mee ng in March, narrowed prospec ve bidders to three. At its mee ng in April, the commi ee interviewed those three and chose the Steier Group. The majority of the bidders had great references and plans, but Steier seemed the best fit for St. John Parish. Now the task is underway to consult with all of our parishioners – all of us together – who are the stewards of St. John the Evangelist Parish. As you respond to ques onnaires, surveys, and interviews, please give prayerful considera on to the ques ons before you and to your own thoughts and reac ons. We truly need prayerful guidance for this since all of us want the best outcome for our parish. All of our parish councils and commi ees are unanimous in the need for the infrastructure that this proposed building plan would provide. Financially, the cost to the parish is much. At the same me, would the proposed building project be, or not be, worth that investment to advance the effec veness and reach of our parish mission and ministries? I entrust that ques on to your collec ve wisdom and considera on. ‐ Fr. Jeff St. John Planning Study Parish Council Elections We are conduc ng a comprehensive survey of the en re St. John the Evangelist Community to help gauge support for the following projects: Dear St. John Parish family, we have come upon that me for a parish pastoral council membership change. Three members will be rota ng off of the council and will be replaced by three new members. I would like to ask you to nominate someone you feel would serve this ministry well. • Construc on of a full‐size gymnasium • Crea on of parish office space • Crea on of parish mee ng and event space I would like to thank everyone who has already par cipated in the study. Your thoughts are extremely valuable to us during this planning process! Everyone that has not responded is encouraged to do so. Your input will help us make an informed decision regarding our long‐range plans for St. John. We are hopeful to have all surveys completed by Wednesday, June 2. You may return your survey to the office or place it in the Offertory basket at any of the Masses. You may also complete the survey online by going to www.steiergroup.com and selec ng “Client Login” on the upper right corner of the landing page. Then, click on “St. John the Evangelist” and enter the password “Lawrence”. Thanks! ‐ Fr. Jeff Page 2 • www.Saint-Johns.net The purpose of the pastoral council is to advise the pastor as to the needs of the parish in the areas of spiritual growth, evangeliza on, and social concerns, in light of our parish mission statement, which appears in the bulle n and parish website. The council also provides advice on prac cal ma ers such as property and maintenance. Once a year, the council also meets with a representa ve from the various parish commi ees and ministries. The council meets on the evening of the third Tuesday of the month, with the excep on of one month during the summer. If you know someone who would be a good candidate for the pastoral parish council, please call the parish office or send an email to me with the name of the person. I will then contact that person and, without iden fying you, will ask that person if they would be willing to serve on the council. Once we have nomina ons, we will ask all of you vote for your choice by ballot. Thanks! ‐ Fr. Jeff St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas St. John Council Members St. John the Evangelist Parish Mission Statement 2014 Pastoral Council St. John the Evangelist, a Catholic Capuchin Franciscan Parish, welcomes all who are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ and proclaims His Gospel through prayer, worship, His Word, the sacraments, and each other. Joe Snyder Members, inspired by the Holy Spirit through faith forma on and spiritual renewal, witness to the Gospel in lives of jus ce and charity, build up families and children through educa on, hospitality and fellowship, and serve those in need with compassion and commitment. Sean Smith Friary Open House As part of the Year of Consecrated Life, we Capuchin Friars will be hos ng an open house on Sunday, May 31st from 2:00 – 8:00 pm, at St. Conrad Friary, 745 Tennessee Street (northwest corner of 8th and Tennessee). All are invited to a end! Your visit will include a tour of the first and second floors of the friary, including the chapel. We also will have snacks and refreshments. Hope to see you! ‐ Fr. Jeff 2nd Collection This Weekend The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is collec ng funds for disaster relief in Nepal and surrounding regions following the April 25th earthquake that le thousands dead and displaced tens of thousands more. During this weekend’s Masses we will be taking up a second collec on for the people of Nepal recovering from the earthquake. Wes Smith (785) 550‐6421 [email protected] Chairperson (785) 856‐6540 [email protected] Vice‐chairperson (785) 312‐4485 [email protected] Secretary Dcn. Leo Bistak Nancy Albrecht Ligia Galarza Nancy Jones Tony Kempf Frank Lemus Richard Ramos (785) 865‐3888 (785) 393‐5806 (785) 749‐3677 (785) 838‐9800 (816) 589‐5091 (785) 691‐8769 (785) 760‐4491 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Queen of Peace Prayer Group Meets every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in St. John’s Church. The Queen of Peace Prayer Group is commi ed to responding to the Blessed Mother’s call at Medjugorje to pray from the heart to bring about her plan for peace in the world. The hour includes the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Everyone welcome. Women Saints WomenSaints Prayer and Reflec on Group We seek to deepen our walk with God and nurture each other through prayer, medita on, journaling and reflec on on the lives and wri ngs of the saints. We meet the first and third Tuesday at 7pm. Our next mee ng is May 19 in the St. Bosco room. No home study and if you have ques ons, please contact Debi Bradley at (517) 474‐5076 or Beth Fox at (785) 840‐5561. Attention Women Singers Threshold Choir is a na onal women's organiza on with a local chapter of women from several faiths here in Lawrence. We provide ease and comfort through singing to those on the threshold of living and dying. We seek to provide a calm, focused presence with gentle voices to various local senior homes and hospices. To join our simple prac ce sessions, contact Jean Drumm at (785) 841‐6067 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Sunday, June 14, 2:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City If you are celebra ng your 50th Wedding Anniversary in the year 2015 and would like to take part in the Archdiocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebra on, please call the Marriage & Family Life Office of the Archdiocese at (913) 721‐1579 ext.149 and leave your name, address, phone number and wedding date as soon as possible. The Archdiocesan Marriage & Family Life Office will send each couple a formal invita on from Archbishop Naumann. Page 3 • www.Saint-Johns.net St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas Prayer List The “Prayer List” includes the most recent informa on that the Simon Parish Center has about a parishioner and/or their family member. Contact the Simon Parish Center to request someone for the “Prayer List” and be sure to update the Parish Center monthly regarding their condi on or the name will be removed. Frank Acinger David Bell Christine Bial Deacon Leo Bistak Bre Emery Donald Erker Sco Fox Edna Holmes, mother of Lois Mersmann Janie Holt Jack Hope Pete Louis James Mary James Charlo e Julianne Johnson, granddaughter of Fred and Lois Mersmann Peter Masters, nephew of Susan Tabor Dan Menke, son of Steve & Barb Menke Mildred Mi leton Richard Ramirez, Jr. Mark Salomon Michael Schurer, son of Mick Schurer Gerald Simon Susan Tabor Delores Tharp Johnny Thatcher, brother of Dee Jerome Ruth Theising Fiesta Prizes Needed Do you have any li le toys, books, kits, knick‐ knacks, or other items you can donate to the prize table at the Fiesta children’s games? If so, please contact Nora Murphy: (785) 331‐0421 [email protected] Ministers: May 23-24 Masses: May 18-24 Lectors Monday 7:30am .......................................... Leona Klein† Saturday 4:30pm ................. L1: B Augusto; L2: A Sellet Sunday 7am ............. L1: T Dowd Kelne; L2: M Delaney 8:30am........................ L1: A Hill; L2: K Kohnke 10:30am............. L1: C Bial; L2: L Leroux‐Smith 5pm .............. L1: M Williams; L2: T Edgecomb Cantors Saturday 4:30pm .............................................. A Mauler Sunday 7am ............................................... M Steichen 8:30am ................................................... T Noll Eucharistic Ministers Saturday 4:30pm .............. D Guth, K Guth, L Heiserman ...........................A Hewi , B Johnson, J Koster Sunday 7am .......... B Osborne, L Wustefeld, B Harmon 8:30am............... K Ostrander, Y Ruder, L Sco .................. M Springer, M Steichen, J Dvorske ................................................ E Grob‐Creasey 10:30am............ D&J&T Gunselman, J Mercier .................................. C Nieto‐Boor, J&N O er 5pm ...............................N&B Volz, L&J Weeks .............................. D Wulf‐Walter, N Albrecht Altar Servers Saturday 4:30pm ......................... P Price, E Grob‐French Sunday 7am ......................................... N Hope, J Hope 8:30am ............................. C Peltier, A Walters 10:30am ......... E Bellerive, M Green, F Kramer 5pm ................................. B Diers, K Oneslager Tuesday 7:30am ................. Charles & Elaine McMurray† Wednesday 7:30am ........................................ Margaret O † Thursday 7:30am .................................. Melania Thomas† Friday 7:30am ................................ Elmer Joel Orgeta† Saturday 8am ............................ Ervin & MaryAnn Huslig† 4:30pm ....................................... Darryl Steffen† Sunday 7:00am ......................................... Keith Garcia† 8:30am ................................. Bernice Sickinger† 10:30am ....................................... Mildred Brill† 1:00pm (Spanish) ................ For St. John Parish 5:00pm ............................................Thomas Lee Weekly Giving Our fiscal year is July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Informa on below reflects dona ons received July 1, 2014 through May 10, 2015 Budgeted weekly amount .......... $30,576.93 Average weekly amount ............. $26,938.36 Budgeted YTD ........................ $1,375,961.85 Actual YTD .............................. $1,212,225.89 Net Shortage ............................. $163,735.96 Reserving Space Meals for the Friars Parishioners, if you would like to reserve a loca on on the St. John Church for an event or mee ng, you must contact Ellen Sickinger: (785) 843‐0109 esickinger@saint‐johns.net The Capuchins are looking for volunteers who can cook meals for the six friars in Lawrence. If interested, please contact Veronica Hamer in the parish office at (785) 843‐0109. Bring meals to the Simon Parish Center at St. John by 4:30pm. Fr. Jeff will take the dinner home to the friary. Dates available are: June 3, June 10, June 17 and June 24 To inquire about space in St. John School, contact Linda Alexander: (785) 843‐9511 alexander@saint‐johns.net Knights of Columbus News The next Knights of Columbus Mee ng will be Thursday, June 11. Social and dinner, provided by the Knights, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Mee ng begins at 7:30 p.m. Loca on is St. Bosco Room within the St. John School. Our council mee ngs are held the 2nd Thursday of each month. Anybody interested in becoming a Knight should contact Grand Knight Duane Boor: (785) 856‐7157. Knights Host the Rosary at St. John On the first Friday of each month, the Knights of Columbus host a rosary in St. John Church at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to a end! Page 4 • www.Saint-Johns.net St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas Congratulations to all students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. John! ETHAN ANDERSON BRISA ANDRADE JACKSON ARMSTRONG JOHN DAVID BASKA LANE BRUNGARDT JOHN BURRICHTER SKY CAREY MARLEE COLEMAN EMILY COOPER MICHAELA CORDOVA WILLIAM DAMRON ASHLYNN DEKAT ANNA DEWITT LINCOLN EDGECOMB RILEIGH EDWARDS JOSEPH LOATS DAVIS REED RAEGAN FINKELDEI JOSE MIGUEL MARTINEZ GABRIEL ROBBINS CONNOR GABRIELSON CAVAN MCCABE OLIVIA ROTHROCK MATTHEW GEORGIE JAZLYNN MORALES ANDREW SEVERN ELISE GRAVES CHRISTOPHER NAU MARK SMITH GEORGE GRIEB CLARA NAZARETH NOLAN SMITH EMMA GROB-FRENCH HEITOR NAZARETH SKYLAR STEICHEN WESLEY HARKIN SOPHIA OSTLUND BRANDON THIMMESCH ALDEN HUNT OLIVIA PERCICH CHRISTIAN UHRICH TORRI KEMPF REED PFEIFER ANDREW WALLEN EMILY KRUSE ANTHONY RAMOS OLIVIA WALLEN ABIGAIL LAFEVER ONNA RAUSCH SAMANTHA WILLIAMS JOCELYN LILIENKAMP AARON REED JORDAN ZABALA And congratulations to all of our 2015 Easter Season First Communicants! FRANCIS ALEXANDER LEIGHAM ALEXANDER CALLAWAY ALLEN MEAA ALLEN ANTHONY ANDRADE BRODY ANTES DAVID ANTONIK EVELYN BAILON PABLO BERNAL RONEY BERNAL AACIA BURNETTE JASON CAMARENA LUCAS CAST CAYMAN COOK ANNE CROSS LEZZY CRUZ YAHIR CRUZ KATELYN DAUGHERTY OLIVIA DENNIS KENNETH DIAZ ADRIAN DICKEY FABISN DORADO RENEE DVORSKE FADI ELIYA ELMER GARCIA FAUSTA GARCIA NICHOLAS GOOS BRAEDYN GRASSIE LYDIA HARTWICK OLIVIA HAZLETT SAVANNA HOLLOWAY DILLON JENICKE HANNAH JENICKE EVELYN JONES BLAISE KATSBULAS-VAUGHN JACOB KRAMER ANDREW LANG BETSY LOATS SYLVIA LONDON ADRIANA MARQUEZ EDUARDO MARTINEZ ARI MATTES ESTEFANIA MAYORGA LIZBET MAYORGA-CARLOS CHRISTIAN MCSORLEY ZOE MILBURN JADAH NUDSON EDUARDO OLVERA LUIS ANGEL ORTEGA JULIETTA OTTER NATHAN PELTIER ASHLEY PEREZ-GONZALEZ HAZEL POWERS TRISTAN PRIER RANSLAY RENTERIA CHRISTIAN RIOS ELMER RIOS EMILY RIOS SADIE ROMERO JENNA ROSSILLON GENEVA SABATINI ALEJANDRO SANCHEZ ISAAC SANCHEZ JAQUELINE SANTOS PEREZ SARAY JESSICA SAYLER GILLIAN SELLET KIRA SHEPARD TY SILVERS JUSTIN SOUNG AUDREY STOCK SAYER TAGGART KAYLIE THORNE SEBASTIAN VILLA ALVARO YEMBA LAURA WAEGELEIN KIRSTEN WARD AIDAN WONDRACK ANNE WOOLVERTON ELLA ZYSK St. John School St. John Parish Recycling Program The Latest News Oops! Did you leave the light on? Try thinking about electricity like you think about water. Would you leave all of the faucets running full blast when you le the house? No! When you leave the lights on, it's like leaving on the faucet of electricity ‐ sending it all down the drain! Be a good steward of our resources. Turn off the lights when you leave the room! Energy conserva on saves energy and money! Donation of School Supplies Students may donate their used school supplies to the Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist on the last day of school. We will have dona on boxes available for the students. The sisters send the supplies to missionaries around the world including countries in Africa and Pine Ridge, North Dakota. Many of the children who receive these supplies do not have basic school supplies. For informa on about St. John Catholic School, contact Mrs. Pat Newton, Principal, (785) 843‐9511 or newton@saint‐johns.net. St. John School serves students in preschool through eighth grade. Contact Mrs. Newton for enrollment informa on. Page 5 • www.Saint-Johns.net Pope Benedict was nicknamed "The Green Pope". Why? Well, here's one example. During the 2007 World Day of Peace Message, he explained: “The protec on of the environment, and the safeguarding of resources and of the climate, oblige all leaders to act jointly, respec ng the law and promo ng solidarity with the weakest regions of the world.” The Earth Care Commi ee is here to help! Email your ques ons or comments to Kris at [email protected]. St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas Avisos en Español Rosario Cada Lunes: 8:00 p.m. Por nuestras necesidades y por las de quien amamos. Ven, te espero, cada lunes en la iglesia. Platicas Pre-Bautismales Pla cas para bau zar son cada 1er Sábado del mes. Hora: 6:00pm a 9:00pm, En la escuela parroquial. No traer niños. Reciclage Trae tus latas de aluminio y ayuda a tu parróquia, por un mundo más limpio, déjalas por favor por atrás de la oficina. Para María Mota. Musica—Musica—Musica ¿Te gusta cantar? ¿Tocas algún instrumento musical, o te gustaría aprender? Ven a prac car con nosotros, comunícate al (785) 218‐1511. Levántate Católico Escuche 24 horas cada día la Radio Católica por medio de Internet. Entre en el portal de “Levántate Católico” y pulse donde dice “en vivo”. Este programa es un proyecto de la Parroquia de Our Lady of Unity del barrio Argen ne en KCK. Recientemente el Sr. Arzobispo bendijo las instalaciones de la radio y dio su apoyo y felicitaciones invitando a los hispanos de la Arquidiócesis a conectarse. Maria J. Mota | Animadora | (785) 218‐1511 17 de Mayo de 2015 La Ascensión del Señor ¿Sabías que tenemos tres relatos de la Ascensión del Señor? Hay dos en Lucas y uno en Marcos. Mateo y Juan no mencionan este acontecimiento. Los tres relatos coinciden poco. Por lo tanto concluimos que esta falta de coincidencia es muy sencilla: los Evangelistas no están dando datos cronológicos de la vida del Señor, sino que ellos están escenificando una profesión de fe. Y esto es lo importante. Si recordamos bien, durante la Cuaresma y la Pascua Jesús vivió acontecimientos importantes que en su ascensión se resumen. Los datos son simbólicos. Arriba es el lugar donde está Dios. Abajo es el lugar de las nieblas. La nube es la presencia de la divinidad. Los hombres ves dos de blanco asemejan los personajes de Moisés y Elías en la Transfiguración, así como los que anuncian la Resurrección en el sepulcro vacío. ¿Lo recuerdas? La Escritura lo dice: "Subió al cielo y está sentado a la derecha de Dios" (Marcos 16, 19). Somos enviados a la misión, y Lucas le brinda un aire de urgencia al principio del Libro de Hechos: "Mientras miraban fijamente al cielo, viéndolo alejarse, se les presentaron dos hombres ves dos de blanco, que les dijeron: 'Galileos, ¿qué hacen allí parados, mirando al cielo?' " (Hechos 1, 11). Por "cielo" entendemos todo lo que pertenece a Dios. Por lo tanto, mirar hacia el cielo y buscamos su presencia. Físicamente Jesús no se encuentra entre nosotros. Existe tal como lo recitamos en el credo: sentado a la derecha del Padre. Pero el misterio es que nunca nos deja solos, sino que cumple su promesa de estar siempre con nosotros hasta el final de los empos. ¿Crees esto? ¡Somos evangelizadores! 1ST CONFERENCIA ANUAL DIOCESANA DE JOVENES HISPANOS ADULTOS La Fe Se Puede Alimentar Hermano, a veces te sientes triste o con necesidad de Dios, ven yo te puedo acompañar a orar, nos podemos ver en la Iglesia o en la oficina. Estoy para ayudarte. Oro por todos, bendiciones María Mota. CHOSEN BY LOVE Fecha: Viernes Mayo 29th, 2015 Hora: 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Comunion Para Enfermos Enfermos en el hospital o en casa que necesiten recibir la comunión y no puedan asis r a la iglesia comunicarse con Lilly Romero al (785) 393 ‐3224 o con Carlos Otero al (785) 331‐5947 Proyecto Raquel & Jose Este programa es de apoyo y sanación para toda persona que sufre trastornos emocionales y de fe a causa del aborto, la muerte de un ser querido, violencia domés ca, enfermedad, etc... Para mayor información llame a las personas de contacto arriba mencionadas o a la Hna. María Orozco, asesora del programa, al (913) 281‐6644. Para las parroquias de Johnson County: los lunes de 7:00‐9:00 pm en la Iglesia de Holy Cross (Overland Park, KS, contacto: Ludys (913) 748‐ 1836). Para las parroquias de Wyando e County: los martes de 7:00‐9:00pm en las oficinas del Ministerio Hispano (2215 Parallel Ave., KCK, contacto Ismelda Marroquín (913) 244‐7145). Page 6 • www.Saint-Johns.net Lugar: El Centro Católico – 20 West 9th Street, Kansas City, MO 64105. Costo: $25 por persona o $40 por pareja en pre‐venta y $30 por persona o $45 por pareja en la entrada del evento. Incluye comidas y refrescos. Quienes pueden par cipar? Jóvenes Hispanos Adultos, 19 a 33 años, pueden registrarse online o en la parroquia. Contacto: Edith Montes – [email protected] o 816.482.6906 / 816. 714.2350 Website: h p://ministerio.diocese‐kcsj.org/ link: jóvenes hispanos. La Santa Misa será celebrada a las 7:00 pm por el Padre Jorge Andrés Moreno en el Centro Católico – Capilla Nuestra Señora de Éfeso. St. John the Evangelist • Lawrence, Kansas
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