Primera edición The Inaugural COLOMBIA CHILE GRI PERU 2015 BOGOTÁ H o t e l B o g o t á P l a z a 11-12 NOVIEMBRE 11 - 12 N O V E M B E R Connecting senior real estate executives globally Conec tando líderes del sec tor inmobiliario a nivel global Networking para altos ejecutivos Senior level networking Construye nuevas relaciones de negocio Build meaningful & valuable relationships Debates informales donde todos participan Candid and open discussions Debate sobre las oportunidades en la región Discuss about new opportunities in the region D escubre m ás i nform aci ón e n el interio r... Fi nd out m ore i nsi de... PRESENTACIÓN • ADVANCE BROCHURE COLOMBIA • CHILE • PERU GRI 2015 BIENVENIDO WELCOME La positiva situación macroeconómica, demográfica y política, además de las expectativas de mejora infraestructural, crean el ambiente ideal para el desarrollo de la industria inmobiliaria en Colombia, Chile y Peru. The positive macroeconomic, demographic and political situation, as well as the enormous infrastructure improvement expectations, create an attractive outlook for the Real Estate industry in Colombia, Chile and Peru. GRI reunirá a inversionistas institucionales y fondos que buscan nuevas oportunidades en el país y a importantes socios locales, que debatirán, en un ambiente informal, sobre los principales temas de la actualidad inmobiliaria. GRI’s exclusive and intimate meetings allow institutional investors, funds and the most senior local players to explore and discuss new opportunities in Colombian, Chilean and Peruvian real estate. GRI NO ES UNA CONFERENCIA NOT YOUR TYPICAL CONFERENCE Encontrar las oportunidades y los socios adecuados puede ser difícil, caro y llevar mucho tiempo. Por eso para los líderes del sector los foros GRI son tan valiosos. Finding the right partners and investments can be difficult, expensive and time consuming. And that’s why senior decisionmakers find GRI meetings so useful. Los debates son a puerta cerrada y te permiten interactuar directamente con todas las personas de la sala, identificar rápidamente los socios adecuados, construir relaciones de alto valor y continuar conversaciones después de cada sesión. GRI’s closed-door discussions enable you to engage and interact with everyone in the room. Quickly find the right partners for your business, build high value relationships, and continue the conversation afterwards. KEN MUNKACY Senior Managing Director GID INTERNATIONAL GROUP “I’m thrilled that GRI will be in Colombia soon. I have participated in numerous GRI meetings in Latin America and also in 7 other countries ---its closed-doors discussions with senior executives enables me to get current market information and identify potential investment opportunities.” “Estoy encantado de que GRI haya llegado a Colombia. He participado en numerosos GRI en Latinoamérica y en otros 7 países – sus debates a puerta cerrada únicamente con altos líderes me permiten conseguir información actual sobre el mercado e identificar posibles oportunidades de inversión.” DEBATES DISCUSSIONS 11-12 NOVEMBER BOGOTÁ COLOMBIA - Ahora mismo, ¿el mercado más atractivo para invertir de Latinoamérica? COLOMBIA – Right now, the most attractive investment market in Latin America? FINANCIACIÓN – ¿Se abren cada vez más las puertas a la financiación alternativa? LENDING – Is alternative financing becoming more mainstream? RESIDENCIAL – ¿Lujo? ¿Social? Jóvenes Profesionales. ¿Qué sectores se beneficiarán de las tendencias estructurales? RESIDENTIAL – Luxury? Affordable? Young professionals? Which sectors will benefit most from structural trends? COMERCIAL & RETAIL – Declive en Bogotá, ¿Boom en las ciudades secundarias? COMMERCIAL & RETAIL – Decline in Bogota, boom in secondary cities? INDUSTRIAL & LOGÍSTICA – Infraestructura: ¿Una promesa fantasma o un impulso real al sector? INDUSTRIAL & LOGISTICS – Infrastructure: a phantom promise or real impulse for the sector? VEHÍCULOS DE INVERSIÓN – ¿Cómo conseguir una óptima eficacia fiscal…de manera legal?! INVESTMENT VEHICLES – How to achieve optimal fiscal efficiency… legally?! BIG PICTURE - ¿Hay vida más allá de Santiago? BIG PICTURE - Is there life beyond Santiago? FINANCIACIÓN - Restricción del crédito, ¿qué opciones de financiación se generarán? LENDING - What other options will come up in the face of the new lending restrictions? RESIDENCIAL - ¿Rumbo al fin del estancamiento y despegue del mercado? RESIDENTIAL - End of the stagnation and market taking off? BIG PICTURE Interesante de cara al futuro pero, ¿qué oportunidades ofrece a corto plazo? BIG PICTURE Interesting for the future but, what opportunities offers in a short term? FINANCIACIÓN - ¿Ha llegado el momento de los fondos de inversión? LENDING - Has the time for the investment funds arrived? RESIDENCIAL - Alta demanda vs Carencia de financiamiento, ¿se cubrirán las necesidades del mercado? RESIDENTIAL - High demand vs lack of finance, will the needs of the market be met? JOINT VENTURES – ¿Traerán los inversores algo más que capital? JOINT VENTURES – What else do they bring apart from capital? HOTELES – ¿Cómo evaluar el riesgo del inversor en un mercado regional diverso? HOTELS – How to evaluate investor risk in a diverse regional market? NEXT MARKETS - ¿Es Argentina un mercado a tener en cuenta para el futuro? NEXT MARKETS Emerging sectors and locations; is Argentina next? COLOMBIA CHILE PERU ALL F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N & P R O G R A M U P DAT E S , V I S I T: OFICINAS – ¿Se está conviertiendo en un mercado saturado? OFFICES – Is it becoming a saturated market? OFICINAS SANTIAGO - ¿Es oro todo lo que reluce...? OFFICES SANTIAGO - Is all that glitters gold...? w w w. g l o b a l r e a l e s t a t e . o r g /Colombia2015 11-12 NOVEMBER BOGOTÁ KEYNOTE SPEAKER SAM ZELL Chairman EQUITY INTERNATIONAL Sam Zell is the Chairman of two private investment firms, Equity International and Equity Group Investments. His holdings span industries and continents, and include interests in finance, energy, transportation, communications, healthcare and RE. Zell is recognized as a founding father of the U.S. public RE industry after creating three of the largest RE investment trusts (REITs) in history. He has also has been highly active in bringing Equity International’s companies to the public markets. Zell maintains substantial interests in, and is the Chairman of, four other public companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange: Equity Residential; Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc.; Covanta Holding Corporation; and Anixter International Inc. MIEMBROS INCLUYEN: MEMBERS INCLUDE: PABLO J. SALA MD, Andean Region JAMESTOWN LATIN AMERICA CRISTIAN ARMAS MOREL Director Corporativo EMPRESAS ARMAS TOM HENEGHAN CEO EQUITY INTERNATIONAL ANDRÉS ALVARADO Managing Partner ABACUS REAL ESTATE S.A.S. DAVID ROTH Managing Director THE BLACKSTONE GROUP JUAN FELIPE YARCE VILLA Country Manager Colombia GRUPO LAR ANTHONY JAMES DIBIASE Principal - CA International CA VENTURES, LLC ALFREDO RIZO Chief Executive Officer, Terranum Corporate Properties TERRANUM GROUP ALEJANDRO LUNA VP LATAM GLL REAL ESTATE PARTNERS GMBH TOMÁS URIBE Managing Partner JAGUAR CAPITAL 100+ 14+ 15+ 17 SENIOR LEVEL REAL ESTATE LEADERS HOURS OF QUALITY NETWORKING INTERACTIVE DISCUSSIONS YEARS TRACK RECORD REGISTRATION FORM COLOMBIA GRI 2015 Bogotá, 11-12 November DELEGATE GROUP* per person DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIR* Cochair - Early Rate (Before 31 July) US$ 2,375 US$ 2,275 US$ 1,875 Advance Saver (Before 04 Sept) US$ 2,375 US$ 2,275 US$ 2,175 Early Bird Rate (Before 02 Oct) US$ 2,675 US$ 2,475 US$ 2,675 Standard Rate (After 02 Oct) US$ 2,975 US$ 2,775 US$ 2,975 Dinner Rate US$ 120 (per person) Dinner is open to registered co-chairs and delegates. Fee for payment methods other than credit card*(No fee applicable for credit card payments) US$100 Fee for onsite payment (credit card or cash only)*: US$175 * Refer to registration notes on the second page. ref: ab n PAYMENT DETAILS DETALLES DE PAGO A receipt will be returned. Se enviará un recibo del pago. PLEASE TICK qTRANSFER (+US$100) qCHEQUE (+US$100) qCREDIT/DEBIT CARD (please fill in mandatory fields*) *CARD NUMBER NÚMERO DE TARJETA *NAME ON CARD NOMBRE (EN LA TARJETA) *EXPIRY FECHA DE VENCIMIENTO *(1) CSC/CVV CÓDIGO DE SEGURIDAD *SIGNATURE FIRMA STREET ADDRESS DIRECCIÓN DIRECCIÓN DE FACTURACIÓN DE LA TARJETA, en caso de que la dirección sea diferente a la anterior (importante) CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS, if different from above (important, please provide) *CITY CIUDAD STATE/COUNTY/PROVINCE ESTADO *POSTCODE CÓDIGO POSTAL (1)THE CSC IS THE FINAL THREE DIGIT NUMBER PRINTED ON THE REVERSE OF YOUR CARD ALONG THE SIGNATURE STRIP. FOR AMERICAN EXPRESS CARDS, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOUR DIGIT CVV LOCATED ABOVE THE CARD NUMBER. (1)CSC SON LOS 3 ÚLTIMOS DÍGITOS IMPRESOS AL DORSO DE LA TARJETA PRÓXIMO A SU FIRMA. PARA LAS TARJETAS AMERICAN EXPRESS, POR FAVOR INCLUYA LOS 4 DÍGITOS LOCALIZADOS SOBRE EL NÚMERO DE TARJETA. With due sensitivity the GRI may film or photograph this event for printed & electronic marketing purposes. By attending the event you are giving consent to be filmed or photographed. No individually identifiable images will be used where requested. GRI se reserva el derecho de filmar o fotografiar este evento con fines de marketing (impresos y electrónicos). Al asistir al evento está dando su consentimiento para ser fotografiado o filmado. Las fotos individuales no serán utilizadas si así lo solicita. REGISTRATION FORM MR/MRS/DR (III/JR/...) NAME NOMBRE SURNAME(S) APELIDO(S) NICKNAME APODO POSITION/JOB TITLE POSICIÓN DIRECT TEL TEL DIRECTO EMAIL COMPANY EMPRESA ASSISTANT ASISTENTE ASSISTANT TEL TEL ASISTENTE ASSISTANT EMAIL ADDRESS DIRECCIÓN CITY CIUDAD POSTCODE CÓDIGO POSTAL STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTY PROVINCIA/ESTADO COUNTRY PAÍS DIVISION’S WEB ADDRESS (EX: WWW.COMPANY.EXT/DIVISION...) PÁGINA WEB REGISTRATION OPTIONS • OPCIONES DE INSCRIPCIÓN 1. Scan and email the completed form to: Envíenos el formulario cumplimentado y escaneado a: [email protected] For inquiries about Registration: Para consultas relacionadas con la inscripción: 2. Fax completed form to: Envíe el formulario vía fax: +44 20 7388 8740 Tel: +44 20 7121 5062 We don’t authorise any third party websites to process registrations on our behalf. No se aceptaran los registros procesados en nuestro nombre por terceras partes. HERE’S WHAT PARTICIPANTS SAID ABOUT OUR RECENT MEXICO GRI... Did you achieve your main objective? Are you likely to attend this GRI event again? DID YOU ACHIEVE YOUR MAIN OBJECTIVE? IN WHICH CRE SECTORS ARE YOU ACTIVE? 0% NO 13% MAYBE / NOT SURE YET 87% YES RESIDENTIAL / MIXED USE LOGISTICS / INDUSTRIAL OFFICES RETAIL / SHOPPING HOTELS / TOURSIM 56% 42% 33% 38% 67% e you likely to attend this GRI event ain? ARE YOU LIKELY TO ATTEND THIS GRI EVENT AGAIN? 0% NO IN WHICH OTHER LOCATIONS IN LATIN AMERICA MIGHT YOU FIND A SIMILAR GRI EVENT USEFUL? 17% MAYBE In which CRE sectors are you active? COLOMBIA In which other locations in Latin America BRASIL* 35% DEFINITELY PERU CHILE USA GUATEMALA ANDEAN REGION 48% 31% 21% 15% 7% 3% 1% 48% PROBABLY FORMAS DE PARTICIPAR • ATTENDING GRI COPRESIDIR UNA SESIÓN which otherEslocations in Latin exclusivo para altosAmerica cargos de fondos de inversión, promotoras y entidades financieras que confirman por adelantado, copresidir una sesión en GRI Colombia es la manera de asistir disfrutando de una gran visibilidad, un coste reducido y otros beneficios. CO-CHAIRING A DISCUSSION Available exclusively to senior-level investors, developers and lenders that confirm their participation in advance, chairing a discussion at the Colombia GRI is a way of attending while enjoying greater visibility, reduced rates and other benefits. There are no prepared speeches or presentations, the role of a co-chair is not to talk, but to encourage everybody to share, discuss, connect and be involved. ASISTIR COMO DELEGADO AT TENDING AS A DELEGATE Asistir como delegado a GRI Colombia es totalmente diferente a otros eventos. No hay ponentes ni paneles, sólo conversaciones en grupos reducidos donde todo el mundo participa por igual. Attending Colombia GRI as a delegate is quite different to attending other events. There are no speakers and no panelists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. DANIEL MORANTE - Director, Andean Region Tel: +44 20 7121 5091 • Email: [email protected] PATROCINIO SPONSORING GRI es el foro para altos cargos de fondos de inversión, entidades financieras y desarrolladoras, donde se reunen a puerta cerrada y se hacen los verdaderos negocios. Patrocinar un foro GRI es una forma directa y efectiva de llegar a quienes toman las principales decisiones en las empresas. Take the optimal opportunity to strengthen your position in the real estate market and promote your business to senior level decision-makers across the globe. The GRI has a limited number of commercial packages available and our sponsorship team will be happy to tailor a package to ensure you maximise your return on investment. SPONSORSHIP TEAM Tel: +44 20 7121 5082/5083/5084 • Email: [email protected] W W W. G LO B A L R E A L E S TAT E . O R G
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