2a Edición The 2nd Annual ESPAÑA GRI2015 MADRID 20-21 MAYO MADRID 20-21 MAY Donde se reúnen los líderes nacionales e internacionales del sector inmobiliario Where Spanish and global real estate leaders connect Networking de alto nivel World-class networking Construye nuevas relaciones de alto valor Build meaningful & valuable relationships Debates informales donde todos participan Candid and open discussions Haz nuevas relaciones en un ambiente ameno y distendido Connect with others in a natural way D esc u b re má s i nf o rma ció n e n e l inte rio r... Fi n d o u t mo re ins ide... ADVANCE BROCHURE E S PA Ñ A G R I 2 015 BIENVENIDO • WELCOME ¿Esta cambiando el mercado de oportunista a institucional? From opportunistic to institutional already? Los días 20 y 21 de Mayo, más de 200 líderes locales e internacionales activos en el mercado inmobiliario español, se darán cita en el segundo evento GRI España 2015. On 20-21 May, 200 local and international decision makers in Spanish Real Estate will reconnect with each other and with new entrants. ¿Ha evolucionado el mercado desde una perspectiva completamente oportunista a un perfil institucional más enfocado al largo plazo? Hay algunos signos de ello. Debate, opina, descubre qué piensan los demás, planea nuevas oportunidades y conoce nuevos socios en el GRI España 2015. Has the market evolved from a purely opportunistic and value-add towards a longer term instiutional market? It’s looking that way. Debate this, gauge the market sentiment, find out what others are thinking, plan exit opportunities and find partners at España GRI. We look forward to welcoming you to this elite club. ¡Estamos encantados de darte la bienvenida! Diego Sáez Director - Iberia & Latin America Global Real Estate Institute (GRI) 18 CON UNA TRAYECTORIA DE 18 AÑOS EN EL SECTOR YEARS GRI TRACK RECORD José Monteiro Director - Iberia & Latin America Global Real Estate Institute (GRI) 200+ ALTOS CARGOS DEL SECTOR INMOBILIARIO SENIOR LEVEL REAL ESTATE LEADERS Ad vis or y B oard Mem be r s I n c lude : 20 SESIONES EN QUE PARTICIPAR INTERACTIVE DISCUSSIONS 14+ HORAS DE NETWORKING HOURS OF NETWORKING TIME E s p añ a G R I M e m b e r s I n c l u d e : Dr. Sebastian-Dominik Jais Principal Apollo Global Management UK Rafael Avilés Country Partner Ares Management Ltd Germany Alfredo Laffitte Head of Portfolio Sales RE Banco Sabadell Spain Hunt Doering Principal Baupost Group International UK Gregg Gilbert Head of Iberia Benson Elliot UK Diego San Jose Principal Blackstone UK Brian Betel Managing Director Cerberus Spain Vanessa Gelado Managing Director Drago Capital Cristina García Peri Managing Director Hispania Miguel Pereda CEO Grupo Lar Jean-Romain Lhomme Principal, Europe Co-Head Colony Capital France Alban Miller Mackay Director Deutsche Bank UK Jose Maria Cava Martinez Managing Director Fortress UK Ramon Camina-Mendizabal Managing Director Goldman Sachs UK Fabian Godbersen Partner & Head of Europe Grove International Partners Spain Chris Zlatarev Director H.I.G Bayside Capital UK Wouter Mijnen GM Spain & Portugal ING Real Estate Southern Europe Spain Jean-Charles Viard Head of Asset Mgmt Europe Ivanhoé Cambridge Europe France Ronald Lafever Managing Director Kennedy Wilson Spain Aref H. Lahham Founding Partner & Managing Director Orion Capital Managers UK Jocelyn de Verdelon Head of France Pramerica Real Estate Investors France Juan Barba Managing Director Meridia Capital Pedro Abella Director Stam Europe Javier Beltrán Managing Director Iberia The Carlton Group Stéphane Jalbert Managing Director PSP Investments Canada Zsolt Kohalmi Head of European Acquisitions Starwood UK Michael Abel Principal TPG Capital UK Jose Espinoza Managing Director, Spain Tristan Capital Partners UK PAR A MÁS IN FO R MACIO N VISITANOS E N: W W W.G LOBALRE ALESTATE .ORG/ESPANA2015 Todo el material de este folleto está sujeto a la posibilidad de cambio sin previo aviso. THE GRI EXPERIENCE GRI FORMATO DE DEBATE • GRI DISCUSSION FORMAT Las reuniones de GRI tienen como base grupos de debate informales donde todos participan los cuales ocurren simultáneamente y cubren los principales tópicos del mercado inmobiliario. Cada sesión tiene un moderador y una selección de co-Chairs (copresidentes) que tienen la oportunidad de participar como los demás en la sala. El formato permite que los líderes de la industria compartan y aprendan de la manera más natural y espontánea posible. There are no speakers and panels. Instead, GRI meetings use interactive, informal discussion groups to connect senior players. Each discussion contains a Moderating Chair, and a selection of Co-Chairs who participate no more, no less than anyone else in the room. PARTICIPA COMO COPRESIDENTE DE SESION • BECOME A DISCUSSION CO-CHAIR Para copresidir una sesión no hay nada que preparar. Simplemente acudir y participar en la conversación ya que el formato de GRI es único. Las principales ventajas de copresidir incluyen: Mayor visibilidad - foto y perfíl profesional incluidos en todo el material online y publicitario, un precio reducido y una invitación a la cena ejecutiva.* Available selectively to senior industry leaders that confirm their participation early in the meeting’s production phase, Co-Chairing a discussion at a GRI is a way of attending while enjoying greater visibility and reduced rates. There is no preparation needed, simply show up and join in the discussion. Par t i c i p ante s d e l G R I • Wh o at te n d s t h e GRI? Occupation Seniority CHAIRMAN | CEOs | C XOs 18% I N V E S TO R S41% M A N AG I N G D I R E C TO R S 31% D E V E LO P E R S 23% R E A L E S TAT E H E A D S 25% L E N D E R S 19% D I R E C TO R S 19% A DV I S O R S8% O T H E R7% O T H E R9% B A S E D O N T H E PA S T 3 Y E A R S AT TA N D A N C E O F G R I E V E N T S . * C e n a i n c l u í d a p a r a l o s c o p r e s i d e n t e s q u e s e r e g i s t r e n a n t e s d e l 3 0 d e e n e r o. AGENDA DE DEBATES • DISCUSSION AGENDA OUTLINE CAPITAL & DEUDA • EQUITY & DEBT SECTORES • SECTORS MERCADOS • MARKETS ESTRATEGIAS • STRATEGIES Inversión Inmobiliaria RE Investment Oficinas Offices Barcelona Core Condiciones de Préstamos Bancarios Bank Lending Conditions Retail Madrid Oportunistas Opportunistic Tasación y Valoración Valuation & Pricing Hoteles Hospitality Ciudades Secundarias y Terciarias Tier 2 & 3 Cities Value Added Prestamistas Alternativos Alternative Lenders Residencial y Usos Mixtos Residential & Mixed Use Zonas Costeras Coastal Markets SOCIMIs Inversión Institucional Institutional Investment Logística Logistics & Warehousing Portugal Relación Promotor y Financiero Developer-Lender Relationship “GRI es una oportunidad única para que los principales players realicen negocios. No hay escenarios, ni paneles, ni presentaciones – solo pequeños grupos de debate donde se realizan los verdaderos contactos.” DAVID BRUSH CIO MERLIN PROPERTIES “GRI events provide an opportunity for the top tier of the real estate community to do more and better business. There’s no stage, no presentations – just small group discussions where real connections are made.“ F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N & P R O G R A M U P DAT E S , V I S I T: W W W.G L O B A L R E A L E S TAT E .O R G / E S PA N A 2015 All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. FORMULARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN REGISTRATION FORM ESPAÑA GRI 2015 REGÍSTRATE ONLINE REGISTER ONLINE w w w. g l o b a l r e a l e s t a t e . o r g / E s p a n a 2 015 MR/MRS/DR NAME NOMBRE SURNAME(S) APELLIDO(S) OTRAS FORMAS DE REGISTRO • ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO REGISTER Email Scan & email this form to: [email protected] Fax Tear out & fax this form to: +44 20 7388 8740 Tel Call & talk to us on: +44 20 7121 5060 ESPAÑA GRI 2015 Madrid, 20-21 May (III/JR/...) NICKNAME APODO COCHAIR - EARLY RATE Before 30 Jan • Antes del 30 de enero ADVANCE SAVER Before 27 Feb • Antes del 27 febrero POSITION/JOB TITLE POSICIÓN EARLY BIRD RATE Before 17 Apr • Antes del 17 de abril DIRECT TEL TEL DIRECTO STANDARD RATE After 17 Apr • Después del 17 de abril DELEGATE GROUP per person* DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIR* 2.075 € (+21% VAT) 1.975 € (+21% VAT) 1.875 € (+21% VAT) 2.075 € (+21% VAT) 1.975 € (+21% VAT) 2.075 € (+21%VAT) 2.425 € (+21% VAT) 2.325 € (+21% VAT) 2.425 € (+21%VAT) 2.725 € (+21% VAT) 2.525 € (+21% VAT) 2.725 € (+21% VAT) Dinner included!** ** The networking dinner is included in the event registration fee only for Discussion Co-chairs who register by 30th January 2015. EMAIL DINNER RATE 100 €** (per person) NUMBER OF DINNER TICKETS: 1 2 (with spouse) SPOUSES NAME:_______________________________ COMPANY EMPRESA TOTAL COST OF DINNER TICKETS:_________________ ASSISTANT ASISTENTE ASSISTANT TEL TEL ASISTENTE Fee for payment methods other than credit card*:Tasa adicional para pago diferente a tarjeta de crédito*: No fee applicable for credit card payments 75 € Fee for onsite payment (credit card or cash only)*: Tasa de pago en el día del evento (sólo tarjetas de crédito o efectivo)*: 125 € * Refer to registration notes on opposite page. ASSISTANT EMAIL ref: ab n PAYMENT DETAILS DETALLES DE PAGO A receipt will be returned. Se enviará un recibo del pago. ADDRESS DIRECCIÓN PLEASE TICK q TRANSFER CITY CIUDAD STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTY PROVINCIA/ESTADO POSTCODE CÓDIGO POSTAL COUNTRY PAÍS (If Spain, provide VAT number/NIF) DIVISION’S WEB ADDRESS (EX: WWW.COMPANY.EXT/DIVISION...) PÁGINA WEB (+75 €) q CHEQUE (+75 €) q CREDIT/DEBIT CARD (please fill in mandatory fields*) *CARD NUMBER NÚMERO DE TARJETA *NAME ON CARD NOMBRE (EN LA TARJETA) *EXPIRY FECHA DE VENCIMIENTO *(1) CSC/CVV CÓDIGO DE SEGURIDAD *SIGNATURE FIRMA q q q Where did you hear about this event? Email from GRI Email from Other* Brochure q q q Internet* Magazine/Newspaper* Colleague/Friends* q INVESTOR INVERSOR q PENSION (Investor) FONDO DE PENSIONES (Inversor) q PROPERTY COMPANY (Developer) PROMOTORA q INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY EMPRESA DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS q LENDER ENTIDADES DE CRÉDITO q HOTEL (Company) EMPRESA HOTELERA q INVESTMENT BANK BANCO DE INVERSIÓN q CORPORATE (User) CORPORACIÓN q AGENT (Surveyor) AGENTE q ADVISOR (Accountant/Tax) ASESORES (Contabilidad/Fiscal) STREET ADDRESS DIRECCIÓN *Please specify source: _______________________ q LAWYER ABOGADO q A&E (Architect/Engineer) ARQUITECTOS/INGENIEROS q TITLE (COMPANY) q GOVERNMENT (Officials) GOBIERNO q ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EMPRESA DE DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO q ACADEMIC (Think Tank) ACADEMICO q MEDIA q TRADE (Group/Exhibit/Conference Organiser) COMERCIO (Grupos/Exposiciones/Organizador de Conferencias) q OTHER OTROS_________________ Terms & Conditions Cancellation and transfer to colleagues must be in writing. Transfer to colleagues is possible at any time. 90% refund will apply if cancellation notice is received in writing by 6 weeks before the event. DIRECCIÓN DE FACTURACIÓN DE LA TARJETA, en caso de que la dirección sea diferente a la anterior (importante) CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS, if different from above (important, please provide) *CITY CIUDAD STATE/COUNTY/PROVINCE ESTADO *POSTCODE CÓDIGO POSTAL (1)THE CSC IS THE FINAL THREE DIGIT NUMBER PRINTED ON THE REVERSE OF YOUR CARD ALONG THE SIGNATURE STRIP. FOR AMERICAN EXPRESS CARDS, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOUR DIGIT CVV LOCATED ABOVE THE CARD NUMBER. (1)CSC SON LOS 3 ÚLTIMOS DÍGITOS IMPRESOS AL DORSO DE LA TARJETA PRÓXIMO A SU FIRMA. PARA LAS TARJETAS AMERICAN EXPRESS, POR FAVOR INCLUYA LOS 4 DÍGITOS LOCALIZADOS SOBRE EL NÚMERO DE TARJETA. With due sensitivity the GRI may film or photograph this event for printed & electronic marketing purposes. By attending the event you are giving consent to be filmed or photographed. No individually identifiable images will be used where requested GRI se reserva el derecho de filmar o fotografiar este evento con fines de marketing (impresos y electrónicos). Al asistir al evento está dando su consentimiento para ser fotografiado o filmado. Las fotos individuales no serán utilizadas si así lo solicita. We regret no refunds are possible for cancellations received thereafter. For further registration notes please visit our website: www.globalrealestate.org/Espana2015 Inquiries & Further Information UK Tel: +44 20 7121 5060 UK Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 [email protected] www.globalrealestate.org Main: 511 Avenue of the Americas - Suite 4100 New York NY 10011 • USA. Europe/Asia: 10 Melton Street, London, NW1 2EB • UK.
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