St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s Church 115 Broadway • Haverstraw, New York 10927 Rectory 429-2196 • Religious Education Office 429-8824 Rev. Thomas F. Madden, Pastor • Rev. Jose Cruz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Jorge Estela • Deacon Eugene Hamilton Dir. of Religious Education, Mrs. Milagros Cobb Secretary, Matilde Aurelia Lopez SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays at 5:00PM • Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 AM (Spanish), 12:45 and 5:00 PM HOLY DAYS Schedule to be published in Bulletin prior to Holy Days WEEKDAYS Monday & Thursday: 7:30 AM • Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM Saturdays 8AM Weekday Masses in Spanish Monday & Thursday: 7:30 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 3:45 to 4:45 PM and by appointment SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM BY Appointment. An instruction class for parents is required. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please arrange at least six months in advance.0483 St. Peter’s FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT NOVEMBER 29, 2015 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! I DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO 29 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2015 ¡Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor! ¡Bendito el reino que llega, el reino de nuestro padre David! Marcos 11, 9.10 Mark 11:9, 10 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22, 2015 . 28-SATURDAY 5:00 Angie, Kevin & Richard Purcell 29-SUNDAY 8:00 Altagracia Marrero 9:30 Stephen “Steve” Michella 11:15 James Woods 12:45(Sp) Enrique Henriquez y Roberto Figueroa 5:00 Charles Byrnes 30-MONDAY 7:30 Santa Chilaca Lerman 7:30 (Sp) Juan Fernandez y Antonio Fernandez 1-TUESDAY 7:30 Anthony V. Gizzi 9:00 Arturo Averhoff 2-WEDNESDAY 7:30 Pauline Costenzi 9:00 Joseph Holdampf 3- THURSDAY 9:00 David O’Brian 7:30(Sp) Evaristo Andres Gonzalez, Clara Tecuanhucy y Manuel Gonzalez 4- FRIDAY 7:30 Maire Denise Staude-Jean 9:00 Stanley Fit, Sr. 7:30(Sp) Difuntos del Mes 5- SATURDAY 8:00 Jose Miguel Veras 5:00 Mary Algozzino 6-SUNDAY 8:00 Luis & Juanita Del Pilar 9:30 Joseph Iacobellis 11:15 James & Elizabeth Hamilton 12:45(Sp) Margarita Garcia y Adela Santiago 5:00 St. Peter and St. Mary Parish Family TUESDAY ADORATION Come and spend some quiet time apart with the Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament. Tuesdays are set aside as special days of quiet prayer at St. Peter’s, with the Blessed Sacrament exposed from after the 9:00AM Mass until Night Prayer and Benediction at 7:45PM WELCOME TO ST. PETER’S PARISH We invite those who are newly arrived to register as a member of our parish by filling out the form below. Please place it in the collection, mail it or bring it to our rectory office. NAME ______________________TELEPHONE_________ ADDRESS___________________ CITY_____________________ZIP CODE____________ Collection Last Week… Collection totals are not printed because this bulletin had to go to press before they were available. Thank you for your loving and faithful support of St. Peter and St. Mary Church. – Fr. Madden PLEASE PRAY FOR HEALING AND PEACE For the following: Ramon Bare, William Bare, Angel Beltran, Claire Bicknell, Georgina Cancel , Ed Daly, Jeanette Debinski, John Fiore, Christopher Grayhan, Frank Koval, Ana Laboriel, Francis Lopez, Terry Marcoux, Isabella Munoz, Dale O’Dell, Jr., Lou Olori, Christine Onderdonk, Wbaldo Perez, Victor Polanco, Antonia Quevedo, Shawndell Rodriguez, Soilo Santiago, Robert Scandell, William Swartout, Arlin Vasquez, Josine Young BREAKFAST WITH SANTA SUNDAY DECEMBER 6 8:30AM – 11:30AM SCHOOL GYMNASIUM ADULTS and CHILDREN $10 SENIORS - $6.00 There is Bingo every Monday at 7:00PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall, West Broad Street, Haverstraw. ADORACION EUCARISTICA Los martes son días especiales para la oración y la adoración en nuestra parroquia. Después de la Misa de las 9:00AM los martes se expone el Santísimo Sacramento para la oración en silencio, la oración de la noche y la bendición a las 7:45PM. RENACER –GRUPO DE ALCOHOLICOS ANONIMOS SE REUNE TODOS LOS LUNES Y LOS SABADOS EN LA ESCUELA A LAS 8PM. BIENVENIDOS A LA PARROQUIA DE SAN PEDRO Invitamos a todos aquellos recién llegados a registrarse como miembros de nuestra parroquia, llenando el formulario que aparece más abajo. Por favor deposítelo en la colecta, envíelo por correo o tráigalo a la oficina de la rectoría. NOMBRE___________________TELEFONO________ DIRECCION_________________ CIUDAD__________CODIGO POSTAL__________ PARISH MASS BOOK Our parish Mass book for 2016 will open at 9:00AM this Thursday, December 3rd, in the rectory. Intentions may be entered for the first half of the year, i.e. from January 1st through June 30th. Having a Mass offered for a beloved deceased person, for the needs of a living person or in thanksgiving for some favor or blessing or for other intentions is a practice that goes back centuries. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS The Religious Education Program is open from 9:30AM to 2:00PM Monday thru Thursday and Monday thru Wednesday nights 6:00PM – 8:30PM. Please call 429-8824 for more information. We had our first Confirmation meetings in English and Spanish for parents and the candidate in October and November. An important packet was given out with dated information which is due by January 11th. If you did not attend the meeting, you will have to make a separate appointment to meet Mrs. Cobb with her child after class or on a Tuesday night. No packet will be given to a student. All candidates for Confirmation were given their Saint report in class. This report is due on December 7th, 2015. There was a First Communion for parents in English in October. If you did not attend this meeting, you need to go to the office to pick up an important packet that is due January 5th, 2016. There also was a First Communion meeting in Spanish this past Tuesday. Thank you for your support with our baked sale this weekend. We will be closed next week during the Thanksgiving Holidays from November 25th to the 29th, as well as our office. We will reopen on Monday, November 30th. Please continue praying for our students. We all need to pray for each other. LIBRO DE MISAS DE LA PARROQUIA Nuestro libro de la misa para el año 2016 estará disponible este jueves, 3 de diciembre a las 9:00 am en la rectoría. Podrán pedir intenciones la primera mitad del año, enero al 30 de junio. Ofrecer misas por los difuntos, y por los vivos, ya sea por nuestras necesidades, o en acción de gracias por una bendición o favor recibido; es una práctica que existe en la Iglesia por muchos siglos. PROGRAMA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA El Programa de Catecismo estará abierto los lunes a miércoles de 9:30AM hasta las 2:00PM, los lunes hasta jueves de 9:30AM hasta las 2:00PM y de noche lunes hasta miércoles de 6PM hasta las 8:30PM. Por favor llame al 429 -8824 para más información. Tuvimos nuestra primera reunión de confirmación en inglés y español en Octubre y Noviembre para los padres y el candidato. Un paquete importante fue dado que tiene que ser entregado antes o el día debo que es el11 de enero. Si usted no asistió a la reunión, tiene que hacer una separado cita con la Sra. Milagros después de clase o en una noche de martes. Su hijo tiene que también asistir la cita. Todos los candidatos de confirmación recibieron su informe de Santo en clase. Este informe es debo el 7 de diciembre de 2015. Hubo una reunión para los padres en Ingles, en Octubre y una reunión en español el martes pasado. Si usted no asistió a esta reunión, necesitas ir a la oficina a recoger un paquete de información que es importante. El paquete es debido antes o el 5 de enero. Gracias por su apoyo con nuestra venta de pasteles este fin de semana. Estaremos cerrados la próxima semana durante las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias del 25 de noviembre hasta el 29, también nuestra oficina estará cerrada. Abriremos otra vez el lunes, 30 de noviembre. Por favor sigan orando por nuestros estudiantes. Necesitamos orar por nuestros vecinos. PEACE AND JOY CONCERT AND RAFFLE Last year our Peace and Joy Concert was totally new. It featured presentations from the music ministries of our parish. The performances were Spirit-filled and excellent. That very night a new tradition was begun in St. Peter and St. Mary Parish: a true parish Peace and Joy Concert. This year our concert will take place on Friday, December 4th. Following the concert our celebration will continue in the school gym with refreshments and our concert raffle. Please mark the date on your calendars. GOD’S TYM FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEENS God’s TYM our parish group for teens in high school (grades 9 through 12) meets each Sunday. It begins with Mass at 5PM followed by dinner and a meeting. All high school teens are welcome!! FOOD PANTRY This Sunday, November 29th, is the last Sunday of the month of November which is Loaves and Fishes Sunday for us at St. Peter’s Church when our parish Food Pantry seeks help in providing food for those in our community who are hungry. There is a box in the rear of church to receive donations. Thank you for your generous support. ST. PETER SCHOOL REUNION SAVE THE DATE! JULY 23, 2016 St. Peter School, Haverstraw, NY is having a REUNION on Saturday, July 23, 2016, from 10:30am to 6:30pm at Kruckers in Pomona, NY. The cost is $60.00 per person. any student, who attended or graduated from St. Peter School, is welcome. Come and have a great time. reconnect with friends and classmates. For information and reservations, contact Michele Mackey – 845-9472363, Diane Bronico 845-429-0836, Nancy Bola 845942-0507, or Renee Garrison Savoia 914-629-5368. FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION This year December 8th, the date for Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the patronal feast of the United States of America, will be a week from this Tuesday. We celebrate it as a holy day of obligation because it is our nation’s patronal feast day. Masses will be offered in English at 7:30AM; 9:00AM; 6:00PM; in Spanish at 7:30PM. The Catholic Daughters, Court Joan of Arc #604 will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday December 1, 2015 at 7:00PM at the Knights of Columbus Hall. CONCIERTO DE PAZ Y ALEGRIA Y RIFA El año pasado nuestro Concierto de Paz y Alegría era totalmente nuevo. El concierto ofreció presentaciones de los ministerios musicales de nuestra iglesia. Las presentaciones eran excelentes y llenas del Espíritu. Esa misma noche se comenzó una nueva tradición en nuestra parroquia: una verdadera tradición parroquial. Este ano nuestro concierto se presenta el viernes, 4 de diciembre. Después del concierto nuestra celebración continuara en el gimnasio de la escuela con un refrigerio y nuestra rifa del tiempo de Navidad. Favor de marcar la fecha en su calendario. GOD’S TYM PARA ADOLESCENTES DE ESCUELA SECUNDARIA GOD’S TYM es nuestro grupo parroquial de adolescentes en la escuela secundaria (grados 9 a 12) se reúne cada Domingo. Comienza con la celebración de la Eucaristía a las 5 PM seguido con una cena y una reunión. Todos los adolescentes de escuela secundaria están bienvenidos!! DESPENSA DE ALIMENTOS Este domingo, día 29º de noviembre, es el último Domingo del mes de noviembre, el cual es Domingo de Panes y Peces para nosotros aquí en la Iglesia San Pedro, que es cuando nuestra Despensa de Alimentos, busca ayuda para proveer alimentos para aquellos en nuestra comunidad que pasan hambre. Hay una caja en el vestíbulo de la iglesia para recibir sus donaciones. Gracias por su apoyo generoso. ST. PETER SCHOOL REUNION GUARDAR LA FECHA! 23 de JULIO del 2016 La Escuela San Pedro en Haverstraw, NY tendrá una reunión el sábado, 23 de julio del 2016, desde las 10:30am a 6:30pm en Kruckers en Pomona, NY. El costo es de $60.00 por persona. Cualquier estudiante, que asistió o se graduó de la Escuela de San Pedro, es bienvenido. Venga y disfrute de un buen tiempo. Tendrá la oportunidad de conectarse nuevamente con sus amigos y compañeros. Para más información y para hacer su reservación, comunicase con Michele Mackey 845-947-2363, 845-429-0836 Diane Bronico, Nancy Bola 845-942-0507 o 914-629-5368 Renee Garrison Savoia. FIESTA DE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCION Este ano 8 de diciembre, la fecha de la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción de María, la fiesta patronal de los Estados Unidos de América, caerá el martes de la semana próxima. Aunque cae un martes lo celebramos como un día de obligación porque es nuestra fiesta patronal. Celebraremos Misas en Ingles a las 7:30AM; 9:00AM; 6:00PM; en Español a las 7:30PM. 483 St. Peter’s Church Edward C. Finn Funeral Home, Inc. Established 1960 • Family Owned & Operated Full At Need & Pre-need Services 43 East Main Street, Stony Point • (845) 786-2400 Tri-State Gladly Accepts ALL Schultz Pharmacy Free Local Delivery Local Insurance Plans CVS/Caremark Cards Hudson Health / Affinity Plan 150 W. Railroad Ave Garnerville, NY 845-429-5075 Your Neighborhood Dentist 15 North Liberty Dr., Stony Point, NY 10980 T: 845-786-5813 [email protected] (845) 786-0208 163 W. Railroad Ave., Garnerville, NY 10923 [email protected] SEEMA NARANG, D.D.S. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Pump & Electric Motor Pool & Hot Tub Pump Repair Fully Equipped Machine Shop Electric Motors • Pumps • Fans Sales • Repairs • Installations New Patients Welcome MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED When Quality Makes The Difference! Dave’s Auto Body • Complete Auto Body Repairs • Work With All Insurance Companies • Statisfaction Guaranteed Est. 1973 • Fully Lic. & Insured 104 W. Railroad Ave., Garnerville, NY 845-947-3333 • Dave Bertolino - Parshioner The Guy Mobile Repair 23 Cosgrove Ave. West Haverstraw, NY 10993 845-429-2576 Diesel, European, Asian, Domestic Auto/Truck Repair Hours: M-F 8 am-6pm; Sat.8am-5pm Parishioner P.O. Box 563 • Stony Point, NY 10980 ECOLOGICAL SITE DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE & SEWER SYSTEMS • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AEROBIC WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Office: 845-429-0497 • Fax: 845-429-0483 HAVERSTRAW Molino Jewelers For All Your Jewelry Needs TRANSIT Buses For All Occasions Customized Wedding Bands, Bridal Jewelry, Appraisals, Laser Engraving, Laser Soldering, Special Orders, Custom Design, Watch Repair & Battery Change School Charter Trips 324 Rt. 202, Pomona, NY (845) 429-3407 (845) 362-7500 Fax: 845-362-7501 200 Riverside Ave., Haverstraw Rockland’s Newest Funeral Facility Alphonso E. Brown III, Manager/Funeral Director Aminata A. Brown, Owner/Administrator FUNERAL HOME Traditional Funerals • Affordable Cremations International Shipments Family Owned and Catholic Operated Pre-planning • Ample Parking 201 N. Rte 9W • Congers, NY 10920 483 St. Peter, Haverstraw, NY (I) FX (845) 425-1911 • (845) 589-0997 Email:[email protected] John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 • (Formerly Nelson Metals) DAVID METALS Copper • Brass • Aluminum • Insulations Stainless Steel • High Temp. Alloys Converters • Cast Iron • Steel • Etc. NEW LOCATION! $ CASH $ 40 Samsondale Ave. West Haverstraw, NY HAVERSTRAW SPECIAL OFFER 10% OFF a Water Audit COUNCIL #581 ABBEY ICE & SPRING WATER ABBEY ECOWATER SYSTEMS Spring Valley, NY • (845) 356-1700 Proudly serving Rockland since 1959 Thank You For Buying Locally 845-429-7772 SCRAP METAL RECYCLERS Like Us On Facebook At: Nelson-David Metals 914.686.3700 We have all heard of an energy audit, where you see how to save money by making small changes, we do the same thing with your water! Bottled Spring Water • Water Cooler Service • Ice Melters Water Softeners • Water Filters • Bottle-less Water Coolers KNIGHTS’ OF COLUMBUS Miller Drug Store 56 W. Broad St. Serving For Over 100 Years Haverstraw “New Members Welcome” 429-5850 10 Broadway Haverstraw, NY 429-2400 •ABOGADOS• Alba Garcia Exclusive Agent Allstate Insurance Company Se Habla Español 73 Broadway, Haverstraw, NY 10927 Phone: 845-786-5600 24-Hour Customer Service Fax 845-786-5602 CONSULTA GRATUITA: No cobramos Auto Home Life Business ningún cargo hasta que ganamos el caso. [email protected] Si no puede venir a visitarnos, nosotros podemos ir donde usted. Worby Groner Edelman, LLP 11 Martine Ave, White Plains, NY 10606 • (914) 686-3700 FOUR STAR TRANSMISSION COMPLETE TRANSMISSION & DIFFERENTIAL REPAIRS Check Engine Light Specialist ALL GENERAL REPAIRS Foreign & Domestic 845-786-2200 Fax: 845-786-2503 5 WASHBURN LN. STONY POINT BAXTER’S PHARMACY (845) 947-2000 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Full Line Greeting Cards Russell Stover Candies Free Delivery (845) 429-1303 23 Samsondale Shopping Center West Haverstraw, NY MARIAN SHRINE SABOR LATINO Bar & Restaurant Available For Parties & Celebrations Pupusas Available 11am-4pm • Closed Tuesdays 845-429-2333 58 W. Broad St.•Haverstraw, NY 845-947-2200 ext 7 J. Nelson Hood, Jr. REPAIR GENERAL PRACTICE FOR ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS AUTO REPAIR 95 Ramapo Road Garnerville, NY 10923 26 New Main St. Dr. Sandra Fefer-Sadler, MD Haverstraw, NY 10927 845-786-0000 • Fax 866-520-3592 Family Owned Since 1966 169 WEST RAILROAD AVE GARNERVILLE, NY 10923 Wheel Alignment • Suspension New Tires Steering • Brakes • Tune Ups Oil Change Service • All Major Brand Tires Complete Auto Repairs Fax: (845) 429-6411 E-mail: [email protected] HOOD, HOOD & HOOD 217 Route 9W Haverstraw, NY 10927 Luke’s Auto Body, Inc. 24 Hour Towing Heavy Collision Repairs Insurance Estimates • Glass Work Pinstriping • Frame Straightening (845) 429-2002 22 Maple Ave., Haverstraw Greg Zurla Auto Body Foreign & Domestic Free Pick-up & Delivery Greg Zurla, Owner 845-947-3596 (845) 429-6400 ALL TYPES OF CAR & TRUCK REPAIR Su Doctora Latina Primera Visita Gratis Sin Obligaciones GWA TIRE AND AUTO CENTER Attorney at Law CENTER INC. Sandra Sadler Pediatrics BOOKSTORE 174 Filors Lane Stony Point, NY 10980 Vinny Lobo, Owner D-N-V 10% OFF Prescriptions for Senior Citizens 845-268-7656 Direct Repair Shop For Major Ins. Co. 160 North Route 9 West Congers, NY 10920 PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. 845-429-2000 [email protected] Gary Raffa, Owner George M. Holt Funeral Home, Inc. PRE-FUNDED FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS •FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED ~ SERVING THE PARISH OF ST. PETER’S WITH DIGNITY SINCE 1854 ~ ENTIERROS TRADICIONALES • SIRVIENDOLES CON DIGNIDAD DESDE 1854 • PROPICDAD DE UNA FAMILIA MONUMENT SALES 429-2159 50 NEW MAIN STREET, HAVERSTRAW, NY 10927 483 St. Peter, Haverstraw, NY (B) FX VENTAS DE MONUMENTO John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 •
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