FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT - November 29, 2015 ✞ Mass Schedule ✞ Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm (Bilingual) SJE Welcome to the Parish of Saint John the Evangelist & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Office Hours at SJE Rectory: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 148 Hamilton Avenue White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 949-0439 914-948-5909 Parish Email: [email protected] OLMC: 92 South Lexington Avenue White Plains, NY 10606 Parish Email: [email protected] Father Thomas Kallumady, Pastor Father Rubenus Cammayo, Parochial Vicar Father Chellan Joseph, Chaplain - White Plains Hospital ~ Office Staff ~ Andrea Caridi, Cesar Ceballos, JoAnn Douglass David Graf - Music Director ~ Parish Cemetery ~ Mount Calvary Cemetery - (914) 949-0671 - Mr. Daniel Murray, Director 575 Hillside Avenue, White Plains, NY 10603 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Saint John the Evangelist Manuel Mendoza Phone: 914-437-5144 Classes Sunday 9:15-10:45 am followed by Family Mass at 11:00 am Our Lady of Mount Carmel Andrew Morzello Email: [email protected] Phone: 914-948-6834, option 2 Classes Sunday 10:00-11:30 am Family Mass at 9:00 am CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:30 to 5:15 pm OLMC 6:00 to 6:45 pm SJE Mondays 11:30 to 12:00 pm OLMC Anytime by appointment at SJE rectory MARRIAGES At least six months notice BAPTISMS 3rd Sunday of the month - after 9:00 am Mass OLMC 4th Sunday of the month - 10:15 am (English) SJE, Mass to follow - after 12:30 pm Mass (Spanish) SJE Baptism instruction (3rd Tuesday of the month) is required for parents and godparents. Parents should register in advance to make arrangements. NEW TO THE PARISH? We invite you to register with the parish by filling out the envelopes found in the church, or by calling the rectory office at 914-949-0439 Sunday: 8:00 am SJE 9:00 am OLMC 11:00 am SJE 12:30 pm (Spanish) SJE 5:00 pm OLMC Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC First Friday: 12:10 pm SJE Saturday: 12:10 pm SJE Holyday Vigil: 5:30 pm OLMC 7:00 pm (Bilingual) SJE Holyday: 7:30 am, 6:30 pm SJE 12:10 pm, 5:30 pm OLMC Mass for the Hearing Impaired: 4th Sunday of each month at 2:00 pm OLMC (not in July & Aug.) Italian Mass: Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday & Christmas Day at 10:30 am OLMC DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Monday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC St. Anthony Mary Claret & St. Anthony Padua Tuesday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC Five Wounds of Our Lord & St. Gaspar Bertoni Friday after 12:10 pm Mass OLMC First Friday - Mass 12:10 pm SJE Adoration after Mass until 5:30 pm SJE Mass 12:10 pm OLMC Followed by Holy Hour OLMC Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday after 12:10 pm Mass SJE Pro-Life Rosary Saturday at 5:00 pm OLMC OLMC Family Thanksgiving Celebration Many thanks to everyone who made this year’s Thanksgiving celebration such a success. Special thanks to all those who worked together in organizing to bless so many people with a wonderful and enjoyable evening. Thank you! We are grateful for all the parishioners and local businesses who have donated to this event. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to the winners of the raffle: 1st Prize $500 - A. Fragnito 2nd Prize $200 - Laura Costabile BINGO - is held Monday nights at 7:20 pm in the Church hall at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. All are welcome! Advent Happiness is a sure sign that God is at work in someone’s life. Sometimes we look for happiness in the wrong places, thinking that we can find true joy without God. Advent reminds us that real happiness is not a matter of getting brightly wrapped gifts or eating festive holiday meals or even being with family and friends. True joy comes in knowing that all that is good in our lives - including holiday celebrations - comes as a gift from God. The Advent wreath helps us focus on the Coming of Christ. Many families say prayers connected with lighting of the Advent candles every day; others once a week, perhaps during a Saturday evening or Sunday meal. Church Support Thank you very much for your continued love & support for the parish. We are especially grateful to those who “make up” for their Sundays away from the parish. Offering Collection 11-22-15 SJE $ 6775 SJE CCHD $ 2316 OLMC $ 3,484 OLMC CCHD $ 782 OLMC Family Thanksgiving Celebration $ 7,112 Rest in Peace - Please pray for the souls of Jeanette De Lace & Janice deRamon who died this past week. Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish Clara Raspiller, Maria Puig, Nick Modugno, Mariela Arias de Restrepo, Alvaro Zuñiga Ramos, Isaura Rodriguez, Bernardo Salazar. 2016 Mass Books are open (SJE & OLMC) You need to come into SJE rectory Tues.-Fri., 9am-5pm to book your masses. We cannot take requests over the phone. New Haitian Mass Sundays at OLMC - starting Sunday December 6th, there will be a 6:30 pm Haitian Mass every Sunday at OLMC. All are welcome. Support Our Advertisers - we encourage you to read over the back cover of our bulletin. The advertisers deserve our consideration should we be in need of their goods or services. Please thank them for their support. Sanctuary Lamp - the Sanctuary candle indicates the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Please call the rectory if you wish to reserve the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one. The circular shape of the wreath reminds us of God’s infinite love for us. For a similar reason we use evergreens to decorate the wreath to remind us of the new life God’s love brings us all throughout the year. The light of the candles reminds us of the light Jesus brought into the world by his coming and continually brings into our hearts. E-Giving - We encourage you also to make your donations electronically. Those interested, may contact the parish office. Mass Times - is a ministry to traveling Catholics. To find a Roman Catholic Church and its Mass schedule, visit Monthly Food Collection - Thank you! On behalf the OLMC Parish Life Committee, we would like to thank all the parishioners who donated such wonderful food items this past month to our Thanksgiving food collection. A special thank you to John Gambelli for donating turkeys and trimmings. We were able to make up 17 Thanksgiving Day baskets for those who otherwise might not have been able to celebrate such a family oriented holiday. The rest of the food was delivered to a local food pantry for the needy. New Parish Council - Those who are interested to serve as members may write a letter of interest by email or in writing by December 8 to Father Thomas who will interview and select a nice group of dedicated men and women who can serve our community. Join Our SJE-OLMC Choir!!! NOW is a good time to join our St. John's - Our Lady of Mount Carmel choir. The Parish Choir (adults and high school singers) is now singing regularly for the Sunday 11:00 a.m. Mass at St. John's, and also for Christmas and Holy Week liturgies. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings in the St. John's school building (located right next to the St. John's rectory) at 7:15 pm. No musical experience or prior training is expected. We need all voices, and we need you! For further information, please contact music director David Graf at [email protected], or leave him a message with the church office at (914) 949-0439, extension 221. You might find this to be a wonderful musical and spiritual experience - come give it a try! Parish Open Gym at SJE - every Friday starting Nov. 27th 6-8pm for 6th –8th grade boys & girls. The cost is $5.00 per player per night. Parents are welcome to watch the fun. Open gym supervised by Jim Amodio. Call 949-3922 for more info. Advanced Basketball Clinic at SJE Top basketball trainer, Aldo Redendo with 25 years experience coaching over 200 college players & 50 Division 1 players in the tri state area will conduct advanced clinics. Every Wednesday & Thursday starting Dec. 2nd.: 6:30-7:30 pm - 1st Session 7:30-8:30 pm - 2nd Session 6th-10th grade boys & girls. $50.00 per session per student. Limit 12 per class. Must register for the advanced clinic by 12/1/15. Call 949-3922. SJE & OLMC GIVING TREES As the Christmas season approaches, many of us will be busy buying special gifts for our loved ones. Again this year we hope many of you will consider extending your love to an unknown person who might not receive a gift on Christmas. There are two Giving Trees on display. Each tree has ornaments labeled with a special request. Those wishing to participate are asked to pick an ornament and honor the request by buying the suggested gift. Please attach the ornament to the unwrapped package. You may return it to the trees at either church no later than Sunday December 14th. What a beautiful lesson this can be for our children when trying to make them understand that it is “better to give than to receive.” Thank you in advance for your generosity. Youth Group Christmas Wreath Fundraiser There will be a Christmas Wreath Sale after all the Masses at both churches next weekend, Saturday Dec. 5th & Sunday Dec. 6th. This is a fundraiser for the Youth Group. $20 per wreath. There will be a Special Christmas Kickoff on Sun. Dec. 6th after the 5:00 pm Mass at OLMC where the Youth Group will sing Christmas Carols and sell hot chocolate and other treats. Come join the Youth Group in song and support our teenagers. RCIA - (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is an initiation program that prepares individuals for full sacramental initiation into the Catholic faith (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist). If you are interested in more information about this, please contact Father Thomas Kallumady at 949-0439. Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) - Thank you for your contributions to the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)! Your generous gifts will help CCHD end poverty in the United States through better education, improved housing, and economic development. Through CCHD and its beneficiaries, we demonstrate Catholic social teaching and carry out Jesus’ mission to “bring glad tidings to the poor . . . to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” (Lk 4:18). 1er Domingo de Adviento CELEBRACION DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE prodigiosas “Habrá señales en el sol, en la luna y en las estrellas entonces verán al Hijo del Hombre en una nube...” La liturgia de Adviento, preparatoria de la Navidad, nos lleve constantemente de la primera venida de Cristo a su segunda venida en gloria (Parusía). “Yo haré nacer del tronco de David un vástago santo, que ejercerá la justicia y el derecho en la tierra”. Es sólo una frase tomada de la primera lectura del profeta Jeremías. Y en estas breves palabras, que forman una oración nos habla de la venida histórica de Cristo y nos habla de su segunda venida. Esta frase nos habla de “un vástago santo, proveniente del tronco de David”. Nos está hablando de Jesús descendiente de David que nacerá y será santo. La otra parte de la frase nos habla de cuando ese descendiente de David venga a ejercer “la justicia y el derecho en la tierra”. Y esto sucederá al fin de los tiempos cuando venga a establecer su reinado definitivo sobre la humanidad. La salvación de la humanidad la obtuvo Cristo durante su vida en la tierra, más específicamente con su pasión, muerte y resurrección. Pero esa salvación se realizará sólo en aquéllos que aprovechen los méritos de Cristo, al responder con su sí a la voluntad divina. Y esa salvación se realizará plenamente sólo al fin de los tiempos cuando, como nos dice el evangelio de hoy “verán venir al Hijo del hombre en una nube, con gran poder y majestad”. En la navidad celebramos la venida de Cristo en la historia, cuando comenzó su reinado. Por esa razón la navidad es época de alegría y regocijo. Pero esa primera venida de Cristo -como un niño, el niño Jesús nacido en Belén de Judános recuerda que su reino comenzó hace 2012 años, que ese reino se va instaurando en cada corazón que cumple la voluntad divina, y que ese reino se realizará plenamente cuando El mismo vuelva en la parusía y ponga todas las cosas en su lugar. Les Invitamos a participar de los festejos en honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe que tendremos en la Parroquia San Juan Evangelista. Este Viernes 11 de diciembre en el auditorio, a partir de las 8 p.m. Tendremos el Santo Rosario, cantos a la Virgen, bailes folclóricos, etc. y las Mañanitas a la Virgen serán a la media noche. Por favor traigan toda clase de antojitos para compartir con los demás. El Sabado 12 de diciembre se celebrará la Misa para la Virgen de Guadalupe. Vengan con sus familiares y amigos a festejar a nuestra Madre. Le Confirmaremos la hora de la Misa mas adelante. Palabras de la Virgen a Juan Diego: “Por favor presta atención a esto, ojalá que quede muy grabado en tu corazón, Hijo mío el más querido: No es nada lo que te espantó, te afligió, que no se altere tu rostro, tu corazón. Por favor no temas esta enfermedad, ni en ningún modo a enfermedad otra alguna o dolor entristecedor. ¿Acaso no estoy yo aquí, yo que tengo el honor de ser tu madre? ¿Acaso no estás bajo mi sombra, bajo mi amparo? ¿Acaso no soy yo la fuente de tu alegría? ¿Que no estás en mi regazo, en el cruce de mis brazos? ¿Por ventura aun tienes necesidad de cosa otra alguna? MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 28 - DECEMBER 06 ~ Saint John the Evangelist Church & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church ~ Saturday, 11/28 12:10 pm SJE 5:30 pm Vigil OLMC 7:00 pm Vigil SJE In Thanksgiving to the Child Jesus of Prague Rosa Appollonio A. Smajlaj Sunday, 11/29 - First Sunday of Advent 8:00 am SJE Vane C. Golden 9:00 am OLMC Eugene Marra Sr. 11:00 am SJE Linda Bilesky (23rd Anniversary) 12:30 pm SJE A. Smajlaj 5:00 pm OLMC Tramontelli & Volpacchio Families MUSIC FOR SUNDAY # 21 (M) # 738 (H) # 139 (H) # 20 (M) M = missal, H = Hymnal Monday, 11/30 - Saint Andrew, Apostle 7:30 am SJE A. Smajlaj 12:10 pm OLMC Eduardo Cura Tuesday, 12/01 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC A. Smajlaj Rosita Mateo Wednesday, 12/02 7:30 am SJE 12:10 pm OLMC A. Smajlaj Rosita Mateo Thursday, 12/03 - Saint Francis Xavier Priest 7:30 am SJE A. Smajlaj 12:10 pm OLMC Melquiades & Resurrección Santos Friday, 12/04 - Saint John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church 7:30 am SJE Emily Vuktilaj 12:10 pm SJE Joseph McCarthy (35th Anniversary) 12:10 pm OLMC Virginia & Carmen Brieva Saturday, 12/05 12:10 pm SJE 5:30 pm Vigil OLMC 7:00 pm Vigil SJE Our Lady of Fatima Joseph Ricciardella & Gina Mazzone Vuktilaj Family Sunday, 12/06 - Second Sunday of Advent 8:00 am SJE John Fletcher 9:00 am OLMC Orazio Giambona 11:00 am SJE Amalia & Mario Difilippo 12:30 pm SJE Legion of Mary living and deceased members 5:00 pm OLMC Maddalena & Salvatore Ciliberti Sanctuary Lamp OLMC: Carmella Scavone Sanctuary Lamp SJE: Melquiades & Resurrección Santos If you booked a Mass intention for your family member and would like to bring up the gifts, please inform an usher before Mass.
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