Year 9 Spanish Sets 1-2 Independent Learning Tasks Booklet 3 Vocabulary revision Task 1 60 minutes Next lesson you will complete a vocabulary test (you will be given the Spanish and you will be expected to write the English meanings). To help you revise, we have uploaded the vocabulary to Quizlet where you can play games to help you learn. To access it follow these instructions: a) Go to the Quizlet Home Page. b) In the search box type “LON17” c) Select the ‘Year 9 Spanish ILT Booklet 3 Vocabulary revision- Mi futuro’ word list. d) Select from the options of: Flashcards, Learn, Speller, Test, Scatter and Space Race (you choose which method(s) you prefer) Please remember that this is a learning task and so nothing needs to be handed in/written down. Your test in lesson will be the evidence of your learning. Model text analysis Task 2 60 minutes Your teacher will provide you with the model text to glue across a double page in your 1. Circle all words/phrases/sentences you understand. 2. Highlight all unfamiliar words/phrases. 3. Focus on the highlighted words/phrases and annotate your text to build up the overall meaning. We will analyse the text in full together next lesson so be ready to make your contributions. Year 9 Spanish Sets 1-2 Independent Learning Tasks Booklet 3 Task 3 45 minutes Speaking Assessment Preparation- Part 1 You must prepare a written response to each of the questions below (these will be marked by your teacher). 1. ¿Qué tipo de persona eres? 2. ¿Cuáles asignaturas te interesan al instituto y cuáles no te interesan? ¿Por qué? 3. ¿Qué harás en el futuro? 4. ¿Qué te gustaría ser en el futuro y por qué? 5. ¿Qué hacen tus padres? 6. ¿Tienes un trabajo? 7. ¿Tus padres te dan dinero y tienes que ganarlo? ¿Cuánto dinero te dan? 8. ¿Has ayudado en casa esta semana? 9. ¿Cuáles asignaturas estudiarás el año próximo? ¿Por qué las elegiste? 10. ¿Te gustaría ir a la universidad en el futuro? ¿Por qué?/ ¿Por qué no? Task 4 45 Speaking Assessment Preparation- Part 2 minutes You must practise your response to each of the questions aboveyou may have 15 key words on the day of the assessment. In your assessment you will be asked 7 of the questions (but you will not know in advance which 7 you will be asked) Success criteria: Pronunciation/accent: Remember to access tools such as Text-to-Speech. Interaction and fluency: Aim to avoid hesitating too much and remember to vary your intonation. Content: The more you extend your responses with extra details and connectives the more marks you are likely to be awarded. Range of language: Avoid using the same adjectives more than once
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