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8:12 PM
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Tema 1 • Tu día escolar
for Capítulo 1B
To achieve the goals of the Standards,
students will:
1.1 Interpersonal
• Talk: about places, activities, and pastimes; about
making comparisons and how long people have been
doing things; using the verbs saber and conocer
1.2 Interpretive
• Read and interpret information about: Antonio Berni
and Celia Cruz; sports and a sports club; school in
Mexico, Spain, U.S.; San Miguel de Allende
• Read, watch, listen to, and compare information about
activities and pastimes
• Read and listen using saber and conocer
• Read and interpret information about salsa, ballet, and
a dance school
1.3 Presentational
• Present information: about going places and favorite
activities and pastimes; using saber, conocer
• Write about and compare people’s activities and how
long they’ve been doing things
2.1 Practices and Perspectives
• Describe soccer’s cultural importance
• Talk or write about: activities and favorite sports; a
dance school program
• Compare differences between schools in Mexico,
Spain, and the U.S.
2.2 Products and Perspectives
• Talk or write about: soccer, other sports and activities,
and a sports club program; Botero and Celia Cruz;
different kinds of dance
Antonio Berni (1905–1981) nació en Rosario,
Argentina, y fue uno de los artistas más
importantes de Argentina y de América
Latina. A veces Berni pintó (painted) cuadros
con temas populares como éste que muestra
(shows) el equipo de fútbol del barrio. Este
cuadro es un buen ejemplo del estilo realista
de Berni y vemos cómo pintó a cada uno de
los jugadores como individuo.
3.1 Cross-curricular
• Discuss varied activities and dances; important artists:
Botero; Web pages, presentations
3.2 Target Culture
• Talk or write about: a sports club program; different
kinds of dance; school in Mexico, Spain, U.S.; places;
the history of San Miguel de Allende
• ¿Qué importancia tiene el fútbol en
la cultura latinoamericana? ¿Qué
actividades extracurriculares tienen
importancia en tu comunidad? ¿Por qué?
4.1 Language
• Make comparisons; use nouns and verbs including
saber and conocer
Club Atlético Nuevo Chicago (1937),
Antonio Berni
4.2 Culture
• Compare: activities, sports, and sports clubs of Latin
America and the U.S.; Botero’s work to that of U.S.
artists; schools in Mexico, Spain, and the U.S.
5.1 Beyond the School
cuarenta y cuatro
Tema 1 • Tu día escolar
Universal Access
• Identify special activities in the community and places
that would offer salsa classes
Personalizing the Theme
Advanced Learners
Ask students to name extracurricular activities
offered at your school. In which activities do
they participate? What commitment does
membership involve? Ask students to share
pictures of themselves participating in afterschool activities.
Have students do research on the tradition
behind bullfighting and on the changes that
have started to occur in recent years in
bullfighting. Have them prepare a short report.
8:13 PM
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Chapter Opener
¿Qué haces
después de
las clases?
Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 12–17,
20 (maps)
Suggestions: Have students list popular
activities at your school. Which activities
that are currently not offered at your
school would they like to see offered?
Point out to students that they will review
how to talk about who and what they
know. Ask students to give you an
example of something that they know how
to do well, and then an example of
someone they don’t know. Remind
students that in Spanish they will use a
different verb for each of these situations.
Point out that in the Videohistoria, a group
of friends discuss their extracurricular
activities. Ask students to think about how
involvement in extracurricular activities
might influence the friendships they form.
Chapter Objectives
• Talk about extracurricular activities
• Compare people and things
• Say what people know or what they know
how to do
• Say with whom or what people are familiar
• Ask and tell how long something has been
going on
• Understand cultural perspectives on
extracurricular activities
A primera vista: Después de las clases
GramActiva Videos: making comparisons;
the verbs saber and conocer
1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 4.2
As you learn to talk about what you and your friends
do after school, you will make connections to these
countries and places:
Resources: Fine Art Transparencies; Fine Art
Transparencies Teacher’s Guide
Suggestions: To help students determine
which sports are considered to be the most
important, talk about attendance at
sporting events. Ask students to consider
activities besides sports in their answers.
Answers will vary.
República Dominicana
Puerto Rico
Teaching with Photos
Una escuela para toreros
en España
• Resources: Fine Art Transparencies; Fine Art
Transparencies Teacher’s Guide
For: Online Atlas
Web Code: jde-0002
cuarenta y cinco
Capítulo 1B
Enriching Your Teaching
Planning for Instruction
Ask the sponsor of your school newspaper for
copies of the paper from previous years. Keep
them in the classroom to refer to as students
discuss extracurricular activities. Use the scores
and results to compare how the students in the
paper did in relation to how the students
involved in the activity this year are doing.
Teacher Express CD-ROM or Resource Book
– Teaching resources
– Lesson Planner
– Chapter Resource Checklist
– School-to-Home Connection Letter
Suggestions: Point out that the Fondo
cultural states that the painting by Antonio
Berni is a reflection of the culture and the
people of that time period. Ask students
what the photo of the girls in a
bullfighting class says about present-day
Spain. Why do they think the girls are
taking this class? Do students know of
extracurricular activities that give people
an understanding of their heritages?