ADMINISTRATION - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

Facts & Figures
ȹȹ Elected Members
ȹȹ Secretary
·· Francisco González Rodriguez
President, BBVA Foundation
Presidente, Fundación BBVA
·· Margarita Blázquez Herranz
Deputy Director General for Networks and Cooperative
Research Centres, National Institute of Health Carlos III
Subdirectora General de Redes y Centros de Investigación
Cooperativa, Instituto de Salud Carlos III
ȹȹ Honorary President
ȹȹ Appointed Members
·· Luis de Guindos Jurado
Minister of Economy and Competitiveness
Ministro de Economía y Competitividad
·· Rubén Moreno Palanques
Secretary General for Health and Consumer Affairs
Secretario General de Sanidad y Consumo
ȹȹ President
·· Marina Villegas Gracia
Director General for Scientific and Technical Research
Directora General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
·· Carmen Vela Olmo
Secretary of State for Research, Development and
Secretaria de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e
ȹȹ Vice-President
·· Antonio Luis Andreu Périz
Director General of the Institute of Health Carlos III
Director del Instituto de Salud Carlos III
·· Isidro Fainé Casas
President, Caixa d ’ Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona
Presidente, Caixa d ’ Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona
·· Ignacio Polanco Moreno
Honorary Chairman, Group PRISA
Presidente de Honor, Grupo PRISA
·· Pío Díaz de Tuesta Vázquez
Director, Caja Madrid Foundation
Director, Fundación Caja Madrid
ȹȹ Legal Advisor
·· Fernando Arenas Escribano
Chief State’s Attorney, Ministry of Health, Social Services
and Equality
Abogado del Estado Jefe en el Ministerio de Sanidad,
Servicios Sociales e Igualdad
·· Cristina Ysasi-Ysasmendi Pemán
Director of the Department of National Affairs of the
Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government
Directora del Departamento de Asuntos Nacionales del
Gabinete de la Presidencia del Gobierno
·· Margarita Blázquez Herranz
Deputy Director General for Networks and Cooperative
Research Centres, National Institute of Health Carlos III
Subdirectora General de Redes y Centros de Investigación
Cooperativa, Instituto de Salud Carlos III
·· Isabel Ansa Erice
Director General of Health, Health Council of the
Government of Navarre
Directora General de Salud de la Consejería de Salud del
Gobierno de Navarra
·· Javier Paz Esquete
Deputy Director General for Research, Academic Affairs
and Innovation, Galician Health Service ( SERGAS )
Subdirector General de Investigación, Docencia e
Innovación, SERGAS
·· César Pascual Fernández
Managing Director, Valdecilla University Hospital
Director Gerente del Hospital Universitario de Valdecilla
·· Luis Rosel Onde
Managing Director, Aragon Institute of Health Sciences
Director Gerente del Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la
* In accordance with the Spanish Transparency Legislation ( Spanish Royal Decree 451/2012, of March 5 ), the following information is hereby provided :
- At the close of the financial year, the accumulated remuneration received by the Top Management of the Foundation – the CNIO’s Director plus
the Managing Director – has amounted to a total of 254,944 Euros. This amount was received as base salary, seniority, small bonuses and variable
component salary.
- Members of the CNIO Board of Trustees are not remunerated.