Attendance List – EU-CELAC Business Summit First Name Last Name Job Position Company Ismael ABEL Manager European Projects IVACE - Foro Adrs España Sira ABENOZA Lecturer ESADE Carlos ABIJAODI Diretor Confedera Nacional da Industria - CNI Marc Antoine ACRA Chairman Quisqueya Binational Economic Council Francesca ADURNO International Trade Manager Diageo Francisco AGGUIRRE Teresita AISHEMBERG GIOVANNINI General Secretary CEO Uruguayan Exporters' Association Daniel ALANO International Analyst CNI Victoria ALAVA Ministerial Advisor Ministry of International Trade Isabel ALBORNOZ Overseas Trade Relations Coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Trade Ministry of Foreign Trade of Ecuador Karen ALBUQUERQUE Communication Specialist Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock - CNA Patricia ALFAYATE Deputy Director Fundación Euroamérica Stuart ALFORD Mariá ALMEIDA ARANHA Senior Policy and Trade Advisor Digonnet & Kutas Consulting Adam ALMIRALL Account Executive Edelman Alejandro ALVAREZ Representative for Europe Inter-American Development Bank Jose Antonio ALVAREZ RUIZ Board of Directors Grupo Isastur Fernando ALVEAR General Manager Confederation for Production and Commerce Marta ANDREONI Trainee European Commission Miguel ARAQUE Roberto ARDON Executive Director CACIF Enrique ARESTI GUTIERREZ DG GROW.E.3 - Administrator European Commission Carolina Salome ARIAS BRAVO Javier ARIAS MARIN BBVA's head representative to the E.U. BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) Juan Jose ARTEAGA MOREL Executive Vicepresident Banco Del Progreso/Vicini Eduardo ATALA Asesor De La Presidencia Consejo Hondureño De La Empresa Privada Laura ATIENZA ELAN Project Manager European Commission Diego AULESTIA Minister of International Trade Ministry of International Trade Keva BAIN Director of Trade Ministry of Financial Services Paolo BALDAN Senior Advisor Mercosur IPR SME Helpdesk Lilla Sarolta BALOGH Business Development Manager Hungarian National Trading House Alicia BARCENA Executive Secretary UN ECLAC Vladimir BÄRTL Deputy Minister Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Ana Sofía BAUMBERG Programme Manager EU-LAC Foundation Marc BAUTIL Consul of Belgium Netmasters SA Nicolas BEGA-KAZBEG Consultant Carilink Corp PeterAlberto BEHRENS Director Edelman Rafael BEJARANO GOPA President´s Security Office. Mission of the Republic of Ecuador to the EU First Name Last Name Job Position Company Germán BEJARANO Adjunto al Presidente Abengoa Fernando BEJERANO Project Coordinator Aesa CharlesEtienne BÉLANGER Director Osmar BENITEZ Presidente Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana Héctor BENÍTEZ LÓPEZ Delegate in Brussels - Cámara de España Roberto BETANCOURT Undersecretary of Trade Negotiations and Regional Integration Ministry of International Trade Agnieszka BIELECKA trainee European Commission Elżbieta BIEŃKOWSKA Rafael BLANCO Adrian BLANCO Jean-Michel BLANQUER Alexandra BOEHNE "Member of the European Commission responsible for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs " Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada President (CONEP) Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade and Head of Department Investment (ICEX) "Presidente del Instituto de las Américas, Instituto de las Américas; ESSEC Business Director general del ESSEC Business School School " "Director European Policy, EU Financial DIHK e. V. (Association of German Instruments, EU Foreign Trade Chambers of Commerce and Industry) Promotion" Valentina BONACCORSO Alfredo BONET International Director Spain Chamber of Commerce Remedios BORDIU EU Adviser Asturex Noel BOU Director de Servicios a las Pymes Dominic BOUCSEIN Trade Advisor Fabien BOURLON Researcher and Project Director Sofia BOURNOU Adviser International Relations Department Businesseurope Anthony BRADSHAW Chief Operating Officer Caribbean Export Development Agency Maria Manuel Branco Founding Partner Avisa Partners Gaetan BUCHER Director Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP) Alvaro CACERES HEAD COMMUNICATION Foreign Investment Committee Of Chile Daniel CALLEJA Director General DG GROW Blas CAMACHO ZANCADA President ARCA Consortium Noemi CANO VIÑAS Video crew GOPA KAOS FILMS Fernando CAPELLAN President & CEO "Grupo M Industries, S.A." Ximena CARAZA Director PROMEXICO Adama CARR Event Coordinator GOPA Com. Carmen CARUCCIO Trade & Regulatory Affairs Policy Adviser CEFS (Comité européen des Fabricants de Sucre) Valerio CARUSO Note Takers GOPA Vicente CARUZ President EUROCHILE Juan David CASTAÑO ALZATE Vicepresident Of Company Services Camara De Comercio De Bogota Nevio CASTELLANOS President and General Manager Tropical Fresh SA de CV Marta CASTILLO GONZÁLEZ First Secretary Embassy of Cuba Embassy of Cuba Jakub CEBULA Member of Cabinet Bieńkowska European Commission Organisation internationale du tourisme social (OITS) Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República Dominicana "Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de España" GOPA Ministerio de Industria y Comercio de la Republica Dominicana Mercosur IPR SME Helpdesk EUROCHAMBRES Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia First Name Last Name Job Position Company Luis CHACON Vice president ALDS Paolo CHILOSI Business Team Leader Quisqueya Binational Economic Council Edison CHOCO Vladimir CID-BOURIÉ H2020 CDTI - SOST (Spanish Office for Science & Technology) Mario CIMOLI Director DPPM UN ECLAC Renee CLAVERIE Counsellor French Permanent Representation Maria Monica CONDE BARRAGAN International Business Director Camara De Comercio De Bogota Sergio E. CONTRERAS Vicechairman COMCE Ignacio CORLAZZOLI Operations Lead Specialist Inter-American Development Bank Rafael CORREA President of Ecuador (CELAC ProTempore Chair) Anne Dominique CORREA Dother of President Rafael Correa Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador Lorenzo COSTANTINO Partner IDP European Consultants Luis CUERVO SPOTTORNO DG GROW repesentative for Latin America & the Caribbean European Commission - DG GROW Santiago de Chile Cyrielle CUIRASSIER Guadeloupe region Office in Brussels Régional council of Guadeloupe Island Rui CUNHA Partner Rui Faria da Cunha François D'ADESKY César DARGAM ESPAILLAT Dagmar DE ALVAREZ President APEDE Rodolphe DE BORCHGRAVE Director Arcadia International Luis DE CARLOS President Fundacion Iberoamericana Empresarial Gonzalo DE CASTRO Senior Executive CAF development bank of Latin America Gustavo DE HOSTOS Tresurer Eurocamara of the Dominican Republic Hermance DE LA BASTIDE International Trade Manager pernod ricard Lorella DE LA CRUZ IGLESIAS Deputy Head of Unit (C3-Trade Rel. with Latin Am) European Commission Cristina DE LA MAZA International Manager CARSA-Grupo Innovalia Jesús Mª DE LA MAZA President Grupo Innovalia Campos DE MOYA President Asociacion de Industrias y Comercio Pedro DE SAMPAIO NUNES Head of EUREKA Secretariat EUREKA Secretariat Sebastien DEBLIRE Export Sales Codipro Sophie D'HAEMER Project Manager Brussels Invest & Export Isabella DI VENOSA Secretary Roman DIATKA Head of Unit - Sectorial Policies Fernando DIAZ LOPEZ Scientific Researcher European Commission Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO Juan DIAZ-GRANADOS Chief Executive Officer Camara de Comercio de Guayaquil Maria DIECK Manuel DIEZ PRESIDENT DIESCO Edgar DOMINGUEZ Henning DROEGE Director International Affairs ASAZGUA Thierry DU PRE WERSON Managing Director SPACEBEL SA Special Counsellor for Investments and Trade Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores para Asuntos Económicos y Encargado de Negociaciones Comerciales Embassy of Haiti in Brussels Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República Dominicana First Name Last Name Job Position Company EveliinPierre DUMFRIES Director CAReKINE B.V. Susana DUQUE ROQUERO Executive Dir for Intl Cooperation Projects PROMEXICO Michl EBNER President Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano/Bozen Layla EL KHADRAOUI International Aid/ Cooperation Officer European Commission Wilfred ELRINGTON Juan ERNESTO VP Small Business Development Proyects Federacion Nacional de Comerciantes FENALCO Thomas Christian ERNHEDE Director Biquini AB Juan Manuel ESCALANTE Director for Europe and North America Rafael ESCAMILLA Head of European Programmes Ministry of International Trade Spanish Association for Regional Development Agencies Román ESCOLANO Vice-President European Investment Bank Antonio ESTRANY Y GENDRE President MEBF Mercosur European-Union Business Forum - Argentine Section Manuel ESTRELLA President Estrella Group Fabio FABBI EU official European Commission Stacey FEATHERSTONE Consultant Community Public Affairs Natalia FEDERIGHI Head of Government Affairs and Institutional Relations Yara International Wilfrido FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ DE SOTO FERRERO WALDNER President Eurochamber of Paraguay Director for Europe CAF-Development Bank of Latin America Former EU Commissioner President EULAC EU-LAC Foundation Alex FIGUEIREDO Chief Operating Officer - Europe Apex-Brasil Ingrid FIGUEROA SANTAMARIA Directora Ejecutiva CENPROMYPE Aline FLORES PAVON Presidente Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada Jaime FOLGUERA Partner URIA MENENDEZ Garry FORDE Senior Market Adviser-Latin America Enterprise Ireland Monika FORRÓ EU Policy Officer HCCI Paolo FRANCHETTI CEO Studio Franchetti Allyson FRANCIS Services Specialist Joy FRANCIS Team Lead -Trade David FRAUTSCHY Manager Latin American Affairs Telefónica Fernando FRUTUOSO DE MELO Director General DG DEVCO Fabián GARCÍA Second secretary Caroline GARCIA Antonio GARCÍA DEL RIEGO Director European Corporate Affairs Banco Santander Eduardo GARCIA MORENO Director of Corporate responsibility and Institutional Services REPSOL Architect Airprotek "Chief Programme, Planning and Operations Division" IT regional manager ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Embassy of Mexico in Belgium "Director, International Corporate Affairs" IBERDROLA Guillermo Benita Sergio GARCIA SALVAREZZA GARCIABUCHACA GARZA Jose GASSET LORING Veronica Raul The Caribbean Export Development Company Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers' Association Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility GOPA First Name Last Name Job Position Company Marie-José GAUTHIER Policy Officer French Guiana Regional Council Amb. Rigoberto GAUTO Viceminister for Economic Affairs and Integration Ministry of Foreign Affairs Surge GEORGE Executive Director Antigua and Barbuda Chamber of Commerce Katelyne GHEMAR Gersley S GIJSBERTHA Policy advisor Ministry of Economic Development of Curacao Norma GOICOCHEA ESTENOZ Ambassador of Cuba Embassy of Cuba Daniel GOMEZ President SOLBEN Evangelina GOMEZ DURAÑONA Executive Director Consorcio Ecuatoriano para la Responsabilidad social CERES Ignacio GONZALEZ Counsellor Embassy of Uruguay Luis Concepcion GONZALEZ ARIAS Chief of the Cabinet Paraguayan Industrial Union (UIP) Francisco N. GONZALEZ DIAZ CEO PROMEXICO Jesus Gonzalez Mateos Secretary General COTANCE CEO Gordon Power TECNALIA Gustavo Paul GONZALEZQUIJANO GORDON Maika GOROSTIDI Institutional Relations / ELAN Network Manager William GRANADINO President Dennys GRANIZO Maria Elena GRANJA Piergiorgio GRAZIOTTI Programmes manager European Commission Cain GRECH Manager Malta Enterprise Anna GROCHOWSKA Economist European Commission Christophe GUICHARD Policy officer European Commission Hugo Guiliani Reanud GUILLONNET "Manager, Venture Programme" EU-LAC Foundation Gerardo GUTIÉRREZ CANDIANI President Consejo Coordinador Empresarial Christophe GUYOT Video crew GOPA KAOS FILMS Elisa GUZMAN ALONSO Corina HEBESTREIT Secretary General Euromines Brit HECHT EU Affairs Manager BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria) Brita HEMME Policy Officer "European Commission, DG GROWTH" Didier HERBERT Director European Commission Silvija HERCEG Blue Book Trainee European Commission Maria Leonor HERNANDEZ Expert Junior AdA Consulting SPRL Manuel HERNÁNDEZ GUILLÉN HERRERA President of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba Presidente Catherine HICKEY Associate Director Caribbean Council Louis HINZEN Manager Economic Affairs FoodDrinkEurope Josef HOFER Regional Director North-/Latin America Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Maria HOLOPAINEN Programme Manager VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd Orlando PROESA National Secretary of Communication (SECOM) Protocol of the Presidency Office European Commission Trade Chamber of Cuba CONCAMIN First Name Last Name Job Position Company Attila HORVATH Director Transdanubio Innovaciones Spa Martin HRIVIK Secretary General Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Xavier HUAYAMAVE Second Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ecuador Dorla HUMES Tomasz HUSAK Head of Cabinet Bieńkowska European Commission Véronique HYEULLE Senior Expert European Commission Ben IDSTRÖM Managing Director Industrial News Service - INS Oy/Ab Ana Teresa IGARZA General Director Zona Especial de Desarrollo Mariel Lorena IGLESIAS Head of feasibility & FEED Tractable Engineering GDFSUEZ Ingrid IRLES Policy Officer Centre Balears Europa Dilek ISTAR ATES Project Manager TUSIAD-Turkish Industry & Business Association Jennifer JACQUEMART Jimmy JAMAR Malik JEDDI Video crew GOPA KAOS FILMS Maria Luisa JIMENEZ Mexican Embassy Mexican Embassy and Mission to the EU Daniel H. JORDAN President BeLCoL - Belgium/Luxembourg - Colombia Chamber of Commerce Jean-Paul JOULIA Guillermo JULIAN Member of the Board of Directors Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP) Rene Jean JUMEAU Tim KADEN Director Sales Citrosuco Isabelle KAWKA Trainee European Commission Liisi KIRSCHENBERG Project Manager Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Jurriaan KLOEK Tech transfer officer Green ID Michal KLUCKA attache Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU Tamás KOCSONDI EU representant HCCI Walter KOREN Director General "ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber" Yanina KOWSZYK Expert Fundación EULAC Katharina KRELL Partner Greenovate! Zbigniew KULIK CEO Solar-Energy S.A. María Claudia LACOUTURE President ProColombia Elektra LAGOS Directeur AdA consultig Elektra LAGOSKOETSENRUIJTER Directeur AdA Consulting SPRL Sebastien LAHAIE Director SudAmeris Bank Miguel LAMA President Corporacion Zona Franca Santiago Camila LARREA Joellen LARYEA PR and Communications Linas LASIAUSKAS [email protected] Sigfrido LEE Presidente The Caribbean Export Development Company Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association CENPROMYPE Susana LEGRA DURAN Counselor Embassy of Cuba Gustavo LEITE Ministro de Industria y Comercio del Paraguay Presidencia de la Republica del Paraguay First Name Last Name Job Position Company Stefaan LENAERTS Project manager Brussels Invest & Export Maria Fernanda LEON Executive Director PROCOSMETICOS Alexandre LEPOULTEL VP Business Development Engie Laurent LERNOUX Gerant Lernoux Laurent Karim Antonio LESINA Vice President International External Affairs AT&T Faustino LEYBA advisor to the President Presidency Dominican Republic Henrique LIAN Executive Director Instituto Ethos Patrice LIAUZU Adviser eib Jean Lucien LIGONDE Vice-Chairman QBEC-Haiti Quisqueya Binational Economic Council (QBEC) Nina LIMPF project assistant GOPACOM Marc LITVINE Senior expert-DEVCOG2 European Commission Pelayo LLARENA Vice President CACIF CACIF Jose Antonio LLORENTE PRESIDENT LLORENTE&CUENCA Helene LLOYD General Director TMI Consultancy Caio LOBO Business Analyst Apex-Brasil Brussels-Europe Félix LOSADA Marketing and Institutional Relations Director DELOITTE Giancarlo LOZANO Abogado CMS Hasche Sigle David LUENGO Director and Head of Indra Brussels Office Indra Florian LUETTICKEN Programme Manager European Commission Andrea MACCANICO Deputy Director Bruxelles Office Italian Trade Agency Susanne MADDERS Senior International Cooperation Advisor EUREKA Secretariat Monica MALDONADO SABANDO Directora Ejecutiva CEIPA Domenico MANENTE Project Assistant IHF asbl Enrique Santiago MANTILLA President Cámara de Exportadores de la República Argentina Emma MARCEGAGLIA President BusinessEurope Rafael MARCHESINI Executive Director Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES Aline MARSICANO FIGUEIREDO Inst. Affairs Coordinator Instituto Ethos Carlos MARTI GARDEN CEO Marti Petroluem Group Cristina MARTI SORIA Bluebook trainee European Commission Sergio MARTIN International Trade Advisor Ade Internationalization Agency Mar MARTIN Acting Coordinator Cantabria Regional Office Ricardo MARTINELLI LINARES Director "Importadora Ricamar, S.A." Andrea MARTINEZ CEO MakingSense Alexandra MARTINS Gerald MASON "Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs" Tate & Lyle Sugars Wendy MASSUH Editor of Economics Granasa Luis Fernando William Alexander MATEO BLAZQUEZ assistant European commision MCDONALD Chairman / President Barbados Private Sector Association Edward MCGREGOR Note Takers GOPA First Name Last Name Job Position Company Mark MCGUINESS CEO Consejo Empresarial de America LatinaMexico Christopher MCNAIR Manager Competitiveness and Export Promotion Caribbean Export Development Agency Noelia Ivonne MEJIA PROMEXICO Embassy of Mexico and Mission to the EU Michalis MELADENIOS Obed MELO SÁNCHEZ Adviser Ignacio A. MENDEZ FERNANDEZ Viceminister Silvia MENICUCCI Specialist Moisés MERIDA DONIS Counsellor Embassy of Guatemala Anthony METRAL Project Manager CENTRALP Alexis MEYER CEO Latam Bridge André MEYER Policy Coordination European Commission Tania MICO EU Policy Officer Government of Extremadura Neven MIMICA Federica MOGHERINI Andrea MOGNI Alfonso MOJICA PROMEXICO Representative Embassy of Mexico and Mission to the EU Alfonso MOJICA NAVARRO Director PROMEXICO César MONTALVO Coordinator Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador Davide MONTANARI Trainee in the company Cooperation Bancaire pour l'Europe Temistocles MONTAS "Minister of Economy, Planification and Development of the Dominican Republic (next CELAC Pro-Tempore Chair) " Liliana MONTEIRO Coordinadora de Cooperación Carlos MORA Andrea MORA Administrator PROCOSMETICOS Alexander MORA Minister Mission of Costa Rica to the EU American Express Meetings & Events INCYDE Ministerio de Industria y Comercio de la Republica Dominicana Brazilian National Confederation of Industries (Confederação Nacional da Indústria - CNI) Member of the European Commission responsible for International Cooperation and Development High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and VicePresident of the European Commission EU Senior Financial Expert/ Business Senior Financial Expert developer CENPROMYPE Avanzada Presidencia Pablo MORALES Pilar MORAN Coordinator for EU and International projects Consultant Taiana MORA-RAMIS President Camara Holandesa de Comercio de Republica Dominicana Patricia MORENO Director Yexpand Luis Alberto MORENO President IADB Milton MORRISON Executive Vice President ADIE Marie MUSEUX Intern spiritsEUROPE Amisi MWENETOMBWE General Manager CARILINK CORP Marlene MYRIE PORTER Manager/Director Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) Henk NAARENDORP President Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken Andrés NARANJO Third Secretary Mission of the Republic of Ecuador to the EU Alexander NATZ Secretary general EUCOPE Dr. Alejandra NAVARRO DE CHALUPA Consultant Austrian Business Agency Constanza NEGRI Manager Brazilian National Confederation of Industries (Confederação Nacional da Indústria - CNI) Juan Felipe NEIRA Research Fellow for Latin America Energy Charter Secretariat Chamber of Commerce of Seville Inter-American Development Bank First Name Last Name Job Position Company Paulo NEVES Presidente IPDAL Jonathan NGUYEN Public Affairs Manager UNIFE Jack NIAMA Program Manager CBI - Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries Esther NIGUEROL Project Assistant PBLH International Consulting Marie Louise NORTON-MURRAY President European Business Chamber in Trinidad and Tobago (EUROCHAMTT) Addy NUÑEZ BELTRE CEO Clicly Luis OLIVARESPFLUCKER Director MINCETUR - Commercial Office in Belgium Escipion OLIVEIRA Deputy Executive Director Caribbean Export Development Agency Alinne OLIVEIRA Head of International Relations Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock - CNA Fabrizio OPERTTI Trade and Investment Unit Chief Inter-American Development Bank Daniel ORTEGA Director CELAC Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ecuador Leon Otto OTTMÜLLER Junior Policy Adviser European Family Businesses Alejandro PALACIOS-TOVAR Executive Director CONTTIGO consulting & services Jaroslav PANTŮČEK CEO UniControls a.s. Jose Manuel PARCEIRO Project Manager PBLH International Consulting JuanCristobal PAREDES Managing Director TA-Energíaa Ltda. ERIKA PAREDEST Andrea PAROLA Managing Director EU Strategy Siobhan PATERSON Trade Policy Manager - Americas & Caribbean Scotch Whisky Association Alejandro PATINO Trade Attaché-Special Envoy Mission of Costa Rica to the EU Christoforos PAVLAKIS CEO Global sustain Rafael PAZ Executive VicePresident Kamil PECZAK Gelsomina PEDALINO Project Manager Aesa Richard PEKALA Chairman Rip factory Carolina PELAEZ Minister Counselor Mission of Colombia to the European Union Esteban PELAYO VILLAREJO Iratxe PENA Luisa PENA International Development / ELAN Project Manager General Director Felipe PENA V Advisor International Affairs Presidency Dominican Republic Sonia PEREIRA Minister Plenipotentiary Mission of Colombia to the European Union Carlos PEREZ Director PROMEXICO Martin PEREZ President José Luis PÉREZ LOZANA Assistant Sebastián PERNET Co-Founder and Treasurer Dante PESCE Executive Director VINCULAR Center at Catholic University of Valparaiso JeanPhilippe PEUZIAT Head of Public Affairs Unit UNIFE Olivier PHILIPPART Video crew GOPA KAOS FILMS Danielle PICCOLO Communication Officer EUBrasil Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP) EBS TECNALIA Fundacion Euroamerica Confederacion Nacional de Instituciones Empresariales Privadas - CONFIEP "Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servicios y Navegación de España" Youth For Public Transport (Y4PT) First Name Last Name Job Position Company Mariana PICO Advisor Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador Phidias PILIDES President Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry Florence PINOT Professor researcher Institut des ameriques Pedro PINTO LEITE Jorge PIZARRO CRISTI Executive Vice President Erik PLAISIER Sr Programme Manager Latin America Ingo PLÖGER President of the Business Council of Latin America CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries / CEAL - Consejo de Empresarios de America Latinal Manuela POERIO PITERÀ Project Manager ENCO - Engineering and Consulting Alexandre POLACK Enrico PONZONE Head of European Affairs EUBrasil Mariusz POTOCKI Director Solar-Energy S.A. Juan PRAT Y COLL Senior Counselor ATREVIA Diego PRIETO Gino PROANO Alejandro PUERTA GONZÁLEZ Vicepresident Priscila QUAINI Analyst Global Risk Insights Maria Aminta QUIRCE LACAYO General Director - Banca Mujer National Bank of Costa Rica Francisco QUIROGA Director Villacero Jana RADOVA Trainee European Commission Stevie RAES Meeting Planner American Express Meetings & Events Haydee RAINIERI Vice President of Hospitality Grupo Puntacana Ana Bolena RAMÍREZ President Vale! Interkulturelle kommunication Andres RAMIREZ GASTON International tax manager Ernst & Young Jonathan Ivan RAMIREZ GUTIERREZ RAMOS GONZALEZ Director & Founder Green ID Minister "Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce" Welmer European Commission Foreign Investment Committee of Chile National Secretary of Communication (SECOM) AEDIP Spanish Project Management Association Tracey RAMSUBAGH Second Secretary Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago Julien RAVALAIS Chief of Staff Business France Simone RAVANELLI Assistant Policy Officer European Commission Angel REBOLLO PIRIZ Director ATREVIA Marco RECALDE Emily REES Head of EU Affairs Apex-Brasil Magda REMBIESA Business Development Manager - EU & Goverment Affairs COMARCH Rocco RENALDI Secretary General IFBA Isabel RIAÑO Director Image 7 Brussels Felipe RIBADENEIRA CEO Ecuadorian Exporters Federation (FEDEXPOR) Renato RIVADENEIRA Angel RIVERA Lourdes Jose Isaias RODRIGUES CASTELLANOS RODRIGUEZ GARCIACARO President´s Security Office. Protocol of the Presidency Office Senior Executive Vice President Banco Santander Loan Officer European Organisation Vice President Llorente&Cuenca First Name Last Name Job Position Company Mercedes RODRIGUEZ SARRO Administrator European Parliament Maria ROJAS Note Takers GOPA Jatzel ROMAN General Director WAO Miguel ROMERO Luis ROQUE Presidente Luís ROQUE Vice-President AEC - ASS. EMpresarial de Cantanhede CEC/CCIC - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Centro Region Portugal Michael ROSCHMANN VP Siemens AG Aiva ROZENBERGA Press Secretary to the Prime Minister Cabinet of Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia Martin RUEDA Mirte RUESEN Programme Manager Latin America CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries / Carlos RUIZ Director of Financial Affairs Cepyme Antonio RUIZ CEO TASO Executive Manager CNI Jose SAAVEDRA ROSAR SALGUERO Xavier SANTILLAN Executive Director for Ecuador Inter-American Development Bank Luisa SANTOS Director International Relations Department Businesseurope Lorena SAUS CEO Sistemas Genómicos S.L Elisabetta SAVINO Project Manager ENCO - Engineering and Consulting Kamil SAYTKULOV "Director Government Affairs, Public Policy and Patient Advocacy" GlaxoSmithKline Oscar Vicente SCAVONE RIVAS Ministro Asesor Presidencia de la Republica del Paraguay Daniel SCHADE Doctoral Researcher London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Elena SCHAEIDT Corporate Development Director / ELAN Project Coordinator TECNALIA Luigi SCHIRINZI Administrative Coordination Assistant European Commission Griet SCHOUTENS Henrik SCHRAMM RASMUSSEN Senior Adviser Confederation of Danish Industry Hans SCHULZ Vice President Private Sector Inter-American Development Bank Alvaro SCHWEINFURTH Deputy Manager CEOE - Spanish Confederation of Enterprises Security PM Straujuma Security President Correa Security PM Straujuma Mariana SERRANO Second Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ecuador Fernando SIGCHOS JIMÉNEZ Policy & Communication Assistant European Builders Confederation Lígia SILVA Business Analyst Apex-Brasil Julio SILVA Sub Gerente de CBC CAINCO Julio Cesar SILVA BUSTOS Vicepresidente Confederacion Colombiana de Camaras de Comercio Claire SKENTELBERY Secretary General European Biotechnology Network Paulo SOARES Diplomat Mission of Brazil to the European Union Luz SOSA Adviser "Ministry of Economy, Government of Chile" Soraya Security President Correa First Name Last Name Jessica STAMPA Evita STANGA C V Hope Job Position Company Secretary European Commission STRACHAN Minister Ministry of Financial Services Laimdota STRAUJUMA Prime Minister of Latvia Gundars STRAUTMANIS President of the Council Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Jorge SUBIRANA Gerente de Economia y Finanzas CAINCO Oliver SUDE Deputy director EUCOPE Frederic SWALUS Joao TABORDA External Relations Director Embraer Nicolas TARBES Sales Engineer CENTRALP Elcidineia TELES ALVES CASTRO Coordinator of Assembly Maria TÉNYINÉ STARK Director for International Affairs Viviana TINOCO MONGE "Minister of Economy, Industry and Commerce of Costa Rica " Mission of Costa Rica to the European Union Ryan TITLEY Communications Manager ERRIN Abadia TOMAS President IADIC International Fernando TORIJA Head of Division European Investment Bank Giorgio TREVISI President FEDEUROPA María Gabriela TROYA Deputy Chief of Mission Mission of the Republic of Ecuador to the EU Rafael TRUJILLO Katia TRUSICH Vice-Minister of Economy of Chile "Ministry of Economy, Government of Chile" Armando URTECHO Presidente Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada Javier VACA Third Secretary MFA Mission of the Republic of Ecuador to the EU Jorge VALDEZ Carmen VALERO Press Officer EU-LAC Foundation Valerio VALLA CEO Studio Valla Claudio VALLEJO Director LaTam KREAB Kathleen VAN DAMME Video crew GOPACOM Jeroen VAN DER ZALM Owner Consultancy Jeroen van der Zalm Marlène VAN DIJK General Director SELAH Claudia VAN DIJK CEO SELAH Kim VAN HUYCK Meeting Planner American Express Meetings & Events Dirk VANTYGHEM Director International Affairs EUROCHAMBRES Romeo VARGA Senior adviser Regional Development Agency Mura Daniel VARGAS Rita VARGAS Mexican Embassy Mexican Embassy and Mission to the EU Gianluca VEDOVA Managing Director Aesa Daniel VELASCO Gerente General CAINCO Jesus VELAZQUEZ Mexican Embassy Mexican Embassy and Mission to the EU Susana VELIZ Commercial Representative PROCHILE Carmen Gisela VERGARA Secretary General SIECA Jean-Yves VERGNAUD Consultant Latam Bridge American Express Meetings & Events CEAL - Consejo de Empresarios de America Latinal Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Avanzada Presidencia First Name Last Name Job Position Company Dylan VERNON Avelino VICENTELO Coordinator LabSac Polimi Juan VICINI Member of the Board of Directors Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP) Nuria VILANOVA President ATREVIA Mishel VILLAROEL Gloria VILOGNÉ Second secretary Mission of the Republic of Ecuador to the EU William WARREN SMITH President Caribbean Development Bank Isabelle WEILER Trade and Industry Manager Euratex Johannes A. WITSENBOER President Eurocamara de Comercio de la Republica Dominicana Kristina WITTKOPP Head of Unit ZDH Maxime WOITRIN Luis Fidel YAÑEZ Business Development Manager - Latin America & Caribbean "Officer in charge, Office of the Secretary of the Commission" JorgeAlberto YARTE-SADA Chairman Mexico - Portugal Bilateral Business Committee Wallonia Export & Investment Agency AWEX ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean "COMCE - Consejo Empresarial Mexicano De Comercio Exterior, Inversión Y Tecnología, A.C." Juan Carlos ZAPATA Executive Director FUNDESA Javier ZEPEDA Executive Director Cámara de Industria de Guatemala Federico ZORZAN Regional Policy Officer for the Americas European External Action Service
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