St. Paul the Apostle RC Church

St. Paul the Apostle
R.C. Church
98-16, 55th Avenue, Corona, New York - 11368
Ph: 718-271-1100 Fax: 718-760-3496 email: [email protected]
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Staff
are welcomed to our parish. We ask that
you register at the rectory. We also ask
that you notify us when leaving.
Pastor: Rev. Darrell Da Costa
Deacon Fernando Orozco
Parish Secretary: Silvia Velásquez
R.C.I.A: Clemente Urena – Spanish
Kathy Garry - English
Religious Education: Ana Baratau
PARROQUIA: Bienvenidos los que
vienen a nuestra parroquia. Les pedimos
que se registren en la rectoría y también
que nos avisen cuando se mudan de
Present Birth Certificate and make
arrangement with the parish priests on
Wednesdays for Baptism in English and
BAUTIZOS: Vengan para registrarse,
los Miércoles en Inglés y Español.
Traigan el certificado de nacimiento del
Parish Office
Oficina Parroquial
Office Hours
Horario De Oficina
Monday – Friday Lunes - Viernes
9:00 - 5:00pm
10:00 - 1:00pm
Sundays Domingos
9:00 - 2:00pm
All other times by appointment
Food Pantry
Third Saturday
8 am to 9 am
5:00 pm
Saturday - English
8am & 10am Sunday - English
11:45am Domingo – Español
4:00 pm Third Sunday - Nigerian
7:30 am Monday to Friday - English
6:00 pm Miercoles – Español
4 – 4:45 pm Saturdays
or by appointment
8 – 9 am Monday to Friday
Exposition and Benediction
6:30 pm Friday - St.Therese Novena
7:00 pm First Saturdays –
Divino Niño Mass
Couples should contact a priest six
months before wedding date. Deben
hablar con el Sacerdote por lo menos
seis meses antes de la fecha.
EMERGENCY or ongoing Pastoral Care to the critically ill and
homebound, please call anytime.
EMERGENCIA Cuidado Pastoral para los enfermos graves o los que no
puedan salir de sus casas, llamen a la rectoria a cualquier hora.
Religious Ed News
Sacramental preparation and Religious
Education: Children and youths on
Sundays of the School year from 9 to
10am. Inquire at the rectory about the
same information for adults
Niños y jóvenes los domingos del año
Escolar de 9 a 10am. Pregúntese en la
rectoría de la misma información para
▪Youth Ministry
▪El Coro Español
▪English Choir
▪Altar Servers
▪Senior Center
▪Knights of Columbus
▪Food Pantry
▪Ministers of Communion
▪English Charismatic Prayer Group ▪Grupo Carismatico Hispano ▪Legion of Mary
▪Social Action Ministry ▪Bereavement Group
▪Ministers of Hospitality
▪ Ministerio de la Divina Misericordia ▪ ▪Scout Troops
Memorial Opportunities
Mass Intention/ Bread & wine/ Altar Flowers/ Altar Candles/ Sanctuary Lamp
Tree of Life in parish center
Leaf 1 star
Leaf 2 stars
Leaf 3 stars
Small Rock
Large Rock
Today’s Gospel story of John and his disciples seeing
and following Jesus sounds so simple and casual, it’s easy
to miss the significant acts of faith that are made.
John points to Jesus: “Look,” he says, “there is the
Lamb of God.” John’s faith in Jesus is evident, so evident
that John’s disciples immediately leave his side to follow
this Jesus. The two disciples make their own act of faith.
They follow Jesus, spend time with him, and are quick to
spread the good news of their discovery: “We have found
the Messiah.”
It is easy to forget that the expectations of
generations, the hopes of many ages of faithful people
were being fulfilled in these simple acts of faith. The
Lamb of God, the Messiah, foretold by the prophets, had
finally come. Nearly everyone among the Jewish people
was watching for the Messiah back then; who in our own
society watches for signs of the presence of the Messiah
today? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
In Preparation for World Meeting of Families—
September 2015
The School of Evangelization of the Diocese of Brooklyn
is sponsoring an Evangelization Congress for Parish
Joy of Encountering Christ:
Immaculate Conception Center, 7200 Douglaston Pkwy,
Douglaston, NY
Saturday, January 31, 2015
9:00AM—Opening Prayer and Keynote Address
Fr. Allan Figueroa Deck, S.J.
11:30AM—Mass of the New Evangelization—
Bishop Paul Sanchez
Workshops and Lunch
Fee: $15.00 per person
To register:
The Conversion of St. Paul – January 25th
In one week, on January 25th, we will make special
mention of our patron St. Paul at the Sunday Masses.
January 25th is Sunday, the Lord’s day, and also the Feast
of the Conversion of St. Paul which is one of the feast
days of our parish. We will be show a movie in the
parish center and have refreshments on sale. Also, dvd’s
of our 50th Anniversary celebration in October will be
sold for $10. Please save the date on your calendar and
help to support our church. Let us celebrate the Lord’s
Day and ask St. Paul for his help to be good disciples in
the New Year.
Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality Needed
Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality needed for Sunday
10AM Mass - men, women. If interested please contact
Hulan Jack at: [email protected]
Pledges for Parish Center Repairs
Your contributions to this special project is very
important. To date parishioners have donated
$44,701.92. Everyone’s contribution is important to
raise the funds needed. Let us work together to fix our
floor and sidewalk. Pledge slips may be picked up at the
doors of the church or at the rectory. Thank you for being
part of keeping our parish alive and well.
At the church doors is a list of our current donors.
Prayer and Life Workshop
The community of St. Paul’s Church is invited to
participate in a Prayer and Life Workshop. This is a 15week program that helps you learn and grow in the art of
prayer, in this workshop we learn to enter into a personal
relationship with the Lord through different prayer
methods. By means of a woven pattern of meditations on
the Word, intensive prayer, community reflection and
silencing exercises, the participants of the workshop learn
to overcome, step by step, their inner anguishes and
anxieties, fears and sadness and slowly become filled
with a peace never before imagined.
For more information call Karem Vasconez at 929-2718786 or come to our first introductory meeting on:
Date: Monday, February 9, 2015
Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Place: St. Paul’s Parish Center—Room C
Pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life
Join the Vocation Office for our next Holy Hour on
Friday, January 23 at Most Precious Blood Parish (32-23
36th St; Long Island City, NY 11106), at 8:00 PM with
Fr. James Rodriguez. Confessions and Praise & Worship
will begin at 7:30 PM. Refreshments at 9:00 PM.
For more information, contact the Vocation Office at 718827-2454 or log onto:
Martin Luther King Day – January 19, 2015
Following the example of Dr. Martin Luther King, let us
pray and work for a society that is free from prejudice,
injustice and violence. Let us pray for our country and the
world community to respect and cherish the God-given
dignity and rights of all people.
Knights of Columbus Movie
Our Knights of Columbus are presenting the movie “A
Walk Through the Liturgy” by John Michael Talbot on
Sunday, February 1, 2015 from 2:00 to 5:00pm in our
Parish Center.
JANUARY 18, 2015
January 17
+Audrey McAdams—1st Anniversary
Birthday Blessings on Micky DePool
January 18
People of the Parish
+Nora Rose McMorrow
+Odette Hipolite—Birthday Remembrance
+Guillermo & Ricardo Mercado—6to Aniv.
+Sofía & Oscar Calambas
+Brenny Varela—1er Aniversario
+Victorina Juarez—2nd Aniversario
+José Baco—13 Aniversario
+Eufemia Correa—Aniversario
+Víctor Espaillat—17 días
+Andrew Ramírez—7 meses
+Cira Ventura—9 Aniversario
+Pedro Julio Ureña – 26 Aniversario
+Ana Rosa Hernández – 36 Aniversario
Para Altagracia Celida Polanco
En Acción de Gracias al Sagrado Corazón
de Jesús – Intención de Luz Frías
En Acción de Gracias a la Viren de la
Altagracia—de Evangelista Vargas
En Acción de Gracias por Cumpleaños de
Darleni Pichardo—14 aňos de edad
January 19
+Louis & Louise Mazzocchi-B’day Remb
+Guislaine Jospitre—B’day Remembrance
Birthday Blessings on Iliara Guillen Nunez
-6 years old
January 20
Personal Intentions
January 21
Birthday Blessings on Cristan Gutierrez—
14 years old
Personal Intentions
January 22
+Narcin and Paul Chamblin-B’day Remb.
January 23
Personal Intentions
El relato del Evangelio de
hoy en el que Juan y
sus discípulos ven y
siguen a Jesús, suena
tan sencillo e
informal, que
fácilmente pasan
desapercibidos los
importantes actos de
fe que ocurren. Juan
señala a Jesús: “Miren”, les dice,
“este es el Cordero de Dios”. La fe
de Juan en Jesús es evidente, tan
evidente que los discípulos de Juan
inmediatamente se van de su lado y
siguen a Jesús. Los dos discípulos a
su vez hacen un acto de fe. Ellos
siguen a Jesús, pasan tiempo con él,
y no demoran en compartir la buena
nueva de su descubrimiento: “Hemos
encontrado al Mesías”.
Es fácil olvidar que las
expectativas de generaciones, las
esperanzas de muchos siglos de fieles
se estaban cumpliendo en estos
sencillos actos de fe. El Cordero de
Dios, el Mesías, anunciado por los
profetas, finalmente había llegado.
Prácticamente todo el mundo en el
pueblo judío estaba a la búsqueda del
Mesías en esa época; ¿quién de
nuestra sociedad busca señales de la
presencia del Mesías hoy día?
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
La Conversión de San Pablo
25 de Enero
En una semana, el 25 de enero,
vamos a hacer una mención especial
a nuestro patrón San Pablo en las
Misas dominicales. El 25 de Enero es
Domingo, día del Señor y también es
la fiesta de la Conversión de San
Pablo, uno de los días de fiesta de
nuestra parroquia. Estaremos
mostrando una película en el centro
parroquial y tendremos refrescos para
la venta. También tendremos a la
venta los dvds de nuestra celebración
del 50 aniversario en octubre por $10.
Por favor, guarde la fecha en su
calendario y ayudemos apoyando a
nuestra iglesia. Celebremos el Día del
Señor y pedir ayuda a San Pablo para
ser buenos discípulos este aňo.
Promesas para la Reparación del
Centro Parroquial
Sus contribuciones a este proyecto
especial es muy importante. Hemos
recibido un total de $44,701.92 en
donaciones de nuestros feligreses a la
fecha. Trabajemos juntos para
arreglar nuestro piso y nuestra aceras
que tanto necesitamos. Las Tarjetas
de promesas están en la entrada de la
iglesia o se pueden recoger en la
rectoría. Gracias por formar parte y
por mantener nuestra parroquia.
Nuestra lista de donantes estaá a
la entrada de la Iglesia.
San Pablo el Apóstol los invita muy
cordialmente al concierto de música
cristiana con Angelito Villalona el
próximo viernes, 27 de febrero en el
salón parroquial a las 8:00pm.
Los tiquetes estarán disponibles a la
salida de la Iglesia después de la misa
de 11:45am y en la rectoría.
La donación es de $10.00 y el cupo
es limitado.
Te Esperamos!
Día de Martin Luther King, Jr.
- 19 de enero 2015
Siguiendo el ejemplo del Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., oremos y
trabajemos por una sociedad que este
libre del prejuicio, la injusticia y la
Oremos por nuestro país y la
comunidad internacional para que
respeten y atesoren la dignidad y los
derechos dados por Dios de todas las
Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish
Campbell Morrison, Frances Conlon,
Yolanda Ripoll, Maria Altagracia Checo,
Theresa Addai, Juana Migdalia Diaz,
Isabel Hernandez and Celia Kalambay