ST. ANNE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY BASILIAN FATHERS ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA ANA PADRES BASILIANOS ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE GALVESTON-HOUSTON We, the Catholic Community of St. Anne, aspire to follow the example of Jesus Christ. We foster holiness by encouraging each other on our journey of faith. We seek the kingdom of God as a Eucharistic community. We witness the presence of the living Christ by our profound hospitality, respect and love for all. Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de Santa Ana, anhelamos seguir el ejemplo de Jesucristo. Engendramos la santidad alentándonos mutuamente en nuestro caminar de fe. Pretendemos como comunidad Eucarística buscar el Reino de Dios. Revelamos a Cristo vivo a través de una bienvenida calurosa, con respeto y con amor a todos. XXXIII SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME XXXIII DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Again today we hear the insistence on the active vigilance and bold risk required of those who await the Lord. Matthew has so consistently urged believers to outdo themselves that we should not be surprised when the servant who takes the greatest risk reaps the greatest reward. Have we Christians failed to proclaim the word for fear of risk, for lack of imagination and of initiative in the face of the world’s needs? We must not miss our rendezvous with history because of an excess of that caution that has too long confined us. Hoy escuchamos la insistencia en la vigilancia activa y audaz riesgo requerido de los que esperan al Señor. San Mateo constantemente ha incitado a los creyentes a superarse a sí mismos y a no sorprenderse cuando el siervo que toma el mayor riesgo recoge la mayor recompensa. ¿Hemos nosotros cristianos fallado a proclamar la palabra por temor a los riesgos, y falta de imaginación y de la iniciativa ante las necesidades del mundo? No nos debemos perder nuestra cita con la historia debido a un exceso de esa prudencia que nos ha limitado por mucho tiempo. ST. ANNE CHURCH LA IGLESIA DE SANTA ANA 2140 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3276 Church office hours: 9 AM-noon, 1-5 PM Ministerio Hispano: Lun., Miér., Vier, 1-5 PM; Mar., Juev., 9-12, 1-5 ST. ANNE SCHOOL LA ESCUELA DE SANTA ANA 2120 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3279 For more information para mayor información: St. Anne Catholic Community PASTORAL MESSAGE La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana MENSAJE PASTORAL Passions or feelings are emotions or impulses of the senses that make us act or not act according to what was felt or imagined as good or bad. In fact, it makes no difference. The response is what makes something good or bad. Ex. The hatred of sin is valid since it leads to defend the things of God. Passions are part of the human psyche. They must be guided by reason. Feelings and emotions can be exploited by virtue or perverted by vice, which is the habit of wrongdoing. The person should not be taken only by the desire, but should be regulated by reason. Habits are customs incurred by the repetition of actions that lead us to act in a certain way. When these habits are good, they become virtues; when they are bad, they are called vices. We must fight against bad habits, we must tackle the causes. Vices can reduce guilt when they confuse the mind, but the responsibility remains of having acquired them. Las pasiones o sentimientos son emociones o impulsos de la sensibilidad que inclinan a obrar o a no obrar en virtud de lo sentido o imaginado como bueno o como malo. En si son indiferentes, la respuesta es la que hace que algo sea bueno o malo. Ej. El odio al pecado es válido ya que lleva a defender las cosas de Dios Las pasiones son parte del psique humano. Deben de estar guiadas por la razón. Los sentimientos y las emociones pueden ser aprovechados por las virtudes o pervertidos por los vicios, que es el hábito de obrar mal. La persona no se debe dejar llevar únicamente por la voluntad, debe de estar regulada por la razón. Los hábitos son costumbres contraídas por la repetición de actos que nos llevan a actuar de una manera determinada. Cuando estos hábitos son buenos se convierten en virtudes, cuando son malos se conocen como vicios. Hay que luchar contra los hábitos malos, hay que combatir las causas. Los vicios pueden disminuir la culpa cuando ofuscan la mente, pero sigue existiendo la responsabilidad de haberlos adquirido. STEWARDSHIP LA ADMINISTRACIÓN CRISTIANA To sign up for online giving, please go to the Faith Direct website: . Our parish number is TX629. Para inscribirse a donar en línea, favor de ver al sitio de Faith Direct: . Nuestro código es TX629. November 1 & 2 / 2 de noviembre Year-to-Date / Este Año Number of Envelopes / No. de sobres 634 Number of Loose Checks / No. de cheques sueltos 123 Collection November 1-2 / Colecta del 2 de noviembre $ 47,277 $ 968,794 November 1-2 Budget / Presupuesto del 2de noviembre $ 59,000 $ 972,000 Over/Under Budget / Más de/menos del presupuesto $ (11,723) (3,206) Next weekend: Campaign for Human Development Collection El próximo domingo: Colecta de la Campaña para el Desarrollo Humano November 15 & 16, 2014 16 de noviembre de 2014 IN THE PARISH EN LA PARROQUIA THANK YOU John McCarthy and the family of Roy Mendoza, would like to thank everyone who so generously helped with Roy Mendoza’s Rosary, Celebration of Life Mass, and Reception following. We are so grateful for everyone’s participation during our most difficult time of sorrow. GUILD ADVENT DAY OF PRAYER All around us, it’s beginning to have the fragrance of the holidays....with the aroma of cinnamon, pumpkin spice and baked goods of every kind. This year the Altar Society, along with its hand sewn items and delicious baked goods in time for Thanksgiving, is adding a touch of Vintage with a Raffle for a settee of beauty and elegance of yesterday, which was generously donated by Matthew Hahn of Artique Furniture Restorations and Emilio's Upholstery. Join us at our Fall Bake Sale and Boutique next weekend after each Mass to pick from a variety of favorites and to find out who wins the raffle of the settee. Monies raised go towards St. Anne’s sacristy needs-wine, vestments, Eucharistic vessels, etc. We appreciate all the support we have received in the past. Check This Out… All the women in the parish are invited to join us on Monday, December 1, in the Parish Hall, St. Christopher Room. The day will end with noon Mass followed by lunch. Our speaker is Fr. Ron Schwenzer. To make a reservation, please send an email to Barbara Bishop at [email protected]. The cost for lunch is $10.00 and payable at the door. We hope you can join us for a wonderful beginning to this glorious season! INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN ALTAR SERVER AT ST. ANNE? Children of St. Anne parish who are currently in 5th grade or above are eligible to become altar servers. They must have received their First Holy Communion and have parental permission to enroll in this ministry. Serving at the altar for young people affords an outstanding opportunity to grow in their religious formation and to be models of service for all of our parishioners. For more information, contact: [email protected] or at ext. 4283 at the parish. Next weekend is our special collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). Started in 1970 by the US Catholic bishops as their domestic anti-poverty effort, this program provides opportunities to learn about poverty, stand in solidarity with those affected by it, and reflect on our own responsibility before the great need of others. Established charitable services were not creating the changes in order to get people out of poverty, so the bishops worked to address the underlying policies & systems that perpetuate poverty, in addition to direct service programs. CCHD funds development programs that help poor/marginalized people join together to make decisions, seek solutions to local problems & find ways to improve their neighborhoods, helping to create new businesses and jobs. DSF 2014 This year’s DSF campaign is winding down, and we are still far behind our goal. Of our 5000 + families, only 728 have pledged toward DSF this year. If each family would give $5 or $10, we could meet our goal. There is a DSF envelope in today’s bulletin. Please fill it out and send in your offering today to help us meet our goal. If you didn’t receive an envelope today, please contact the church office, or you may donate online at Thank you! FSD 2014 La campaña de este año de FSD está terminando, y estamos muy bajo de la meta. De nuestras 5000 + familias, sólo 728 han comprometido al FSD este año. Si cada familia contribuyera $5 o $10, pudiéramos alcanzar la meta. Hay un sobre de FSD en su boletín hoy. Favor llenarlo y mandar su ofrenda hoy para ayudarnos alcanzar a nuestra meta. Si no recibió un sobre hoy, favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial, o puede donar en línea al ¡Gracias! St. Anne Parish Goal / Meta Parroquial de Sta. Ana $ 353,000 Total Amount Pledged / Cantidad Comprometida 341,993 Pledged Under Goal / Comprometido menos de la meta $ (11,007) DSF 2014 Pledge payments / Pagos del DSF 2014 $ 300,010 Paid Under Goal / Pagado menos de la meta $ (30,465) Percent Paid / Porciento Pagado 91.37% PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: POR FAVOR ALIENTE NUESTRO PATROCINADOR DE LA SEMANA: Amazing Place Daytime memory care center for adults with mild to moderate dementia (713) 552’0420 3735 Drexel For more parish news, go to St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana IN FOCUS ENFOQUE Family Life Saint Anne Youth Ministry has begun a new monthly event, as a growth from Life Teen, called Family Life. Family Life will take place every first Sunday of the Month. It begins with the Life Teen Mass at 5:00 PM in the church, followed by dinner in St. Basil Hall and separate faith formation sessions for the whole family until 8:00 PM. Adults, high school (Life Teen), middle school (Deep), and a game/movie room for younger kids. We strongly encourage all parish families to come check it out! Our upcoming Family Life is on December 7. Soup Sale Our Confirmation students will be selling our homemade, frozen soups after all Masses on Saturday & Sunday, November 29 & 30. All proceeds will go to a Catholic family living in poverty in Bangladesh, known well by one of our catechists. BACKGROUND David just qualified to attend the local university in Dhaka, Bangladesh. However, although the tuition cost is only $2,000/year for a four-year program, his family cannot afford it. David’s father died last year of cancer, and his mother is trying to raise him and his brother. Being Catholic and a woman, it is not easy for her to find work and care for her children in a predominantly Muslim country. David's grandfather works at Subway in Washington D.C., and makes just enough money to pay his living expenses, pay for his wife's treatments (she is in failing health), and send the little that is left to Bangladesh in support of his family there. David's grandmother, due to her ill health and lack of English, does not work. The youth of Saint Anne will be selling soups and accepting donations to support this family, and in particular, David’s college expenses. We also welcome your prayers. READINGS FOR THIS WEEK LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Monday Lunes Ezekiel 34: 11-12, 15-17 Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 Ap 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Lc 18:35-43 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 28 Tuesday Martes Rv 3:1-6,14-22; Lk 19:1-10 Ap 3:1-6,14-22; Lc 19:1-10 Wednesday Miércoles Rv 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 Ap 4:1-11; Lc 19:11-28 Matthew 25: 31-46 Thursday Jueves Rv 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 Ap 5:1-10; Lc 19:41-44 Friday Viernes Rv 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 Ap 10:8-11; Lc 19:45-48 Saturday Sábado Ezequiel 34: 11-12, 15-17 Rv 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 Ap 11:4-12; Lc 20:27-40 1 Corintios 15: 20-26, 28 LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO DOMINGO Mateo 25: 31-46 November 15 & 16, 2014 16 de noviembre de 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS AM Masses Babysitting Nursery Madrigal Ticket Sales Church Plaza 9:00 am BOW for RCIA & CCE Dismissal during Mass 9:00 am CCE Classes-PK-1st Grade Various Locations 10:00 am New Members’ Meeting St. Joseph Room 10:15 am CCE Classes Grades 2-5 Various Locations 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 2:00 pm RICA Casita Salón Sur de Conferencia 2-5 pm Ensayo de la Pastorela Gimnasio 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 6:00 pm New Members’ Meeting St. Joseph Room SAYA Bible Study St. Anthony Room 6:30 am Men’s Sunrise Prayer Group St. Christopher Room 5:30 pm Serafines y Padres Salones de Música / St. Anthony 5:45 pm T’ai Chi St. John Bosco Room 7:00 pm FTCM Class Semester 1 St. Christopher Room EDGE Middle School CCE St. John Bosco Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room 7:30 pm Readers’ Theatre St. Elizabeth Room 9:00 am Tuesday Weavers Casita Conference Room North 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:00 pm St. Monica Moms’ Meeting St. Teresa Room 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal St. David Music Room SAYA Women’s Retreat St. John Bosco Room Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. Joseph CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS 9:30 am- Moms & Tots Playgroup Nurseries 6-8:30 pm Youth Choir Practice St. Basil Hall SAYA Officers’ Meeting St. Joseph Room 7:00 pm Lectio Divina Bride’s Room HS Confirmation Class Various Locations Prayer Sponsor Meeting St. Teresa Room 7:30 pm Misa Templo 8 am-6 pm Book Fair / Feria de Libros St. Basil Hall/Salón San Basilio 10:15 am Moms’ Spiritual Discussion St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm RCIA St. Christopher/St. Teresa Room Curso de la Biblia Salón St. John Bosco 8 am-6 pm Book Fair / Feria de Libros St. Basil Hall/Salón San Basilio 6-8:30 pm Lector Meet & Greet St. Teresa Room 6:30-8 pm Curso-Ministros de la Eucaristía Salón St. Anthony 10-6:30 Confirmation Service Retreat Parish Center 5:00 pm Altar Society Bake Sale St. Joseph Room St. Monica Moms’ Advent Sale Parish Center Lobby 5:30 pm Grupo Guadalupano Salón St. John Bosco RCIA Full Communion During Mass; reception follows 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous St. Christopher Room AM Masses Babysitting Nursery Altar Society Bake Sale St. Joseph Room St. Monica Moms’ Advent Sale 9:00 am CCE Classes-PK-1st Grade Various Locations 9:00 am BOW for RCIA & CCE Dismissal during Mass 10:15 am CCE Classes Grades 2-5 Various Locations Parish Center 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 12 noon SAYA Meet, Greet & Eat St. Teresa Room 2:00 pm RICA Casita Salón Sur de Conferencia 2-5 pm Ensayo de la Pastorela Gimnasio 2:30 pm Cursillistas—Ultreya Salón St. Anthony 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 6:30 am Men’s Sunrise Prayer Group St. Christopher Room 8 am-6 pm Book Fair / Feria de Libros St. Basil Hall/Salón San Basilio 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines Templo 5:45 pm T’ai Chi St. John Bosco Room 7:00 pm FTCM Class Semester 1 St. Christopher Room 7:30 pm Readers’ Theatre St. Elizabeth Room 8 –11 am Book Fair / Feria de Libros St. Basil Hall/Salón San Basilio 9:00 am Tuesday Weavers Casita Conference Room North 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal St. David Music Room Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. Joseph To view the entire monthly calendar, go to, then click on “St. Anne Calendar.” St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM BAUTISMOS UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Parents are required to take a class. To register for this mandatory class please contact Lupita Franco (713) 526-2936; [email protected] . If you are a registered member of St. Anne and have taken a baptism class in the past three years, contact Gwen to schedule a baptism date. The next available baptism classes are Feb 7; March 28; May 30. Para miembros inscritos, se requiere asistir a un curso de preparación. Se recomienda tomar las clases desde el segundo trimestre de embarazo. Favor de llamar a La Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Primer viernes del mes en la misa de 7:30 PM o cuando se solicite llamando a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano, ext. 4277. BAPTISMS AT ST. ANNE BAUTISMOS EN STA. ANA Congratulations to the following infants, who were welcomed into our faith community this month through the sacrament of baptism: Felicidades a los siguientes bebés que les fue dada la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad de fe este mes a través del sacramento del bautismo: Evaline Augusta Bialas Parents / Padres: Robert & Lea Bialas Kennedy Flowers Chavarria Parents / Padres: Adrian & Mary Chavarria Francesca Marie Duncan Parents / Padres: Brian & Michelle Duncan Spencer Wade Goss Parents / Padres: Barry & Sydney Goss Bianca Cristina James Parents / Padres: Donovan & Maria James Isabella Joan Mansueto Parents / Padres: Marc & Sammie Mansueto Cameron Nwosu Parents / Padres: Ndubuisi & Shirley Nwosu ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Tuesday of the month after 5:30 PM Mass, or call the church office. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK FAVOR DE REZAR POR LOS ENFERMOS Our ill family and friends written in our Book of Prayers. Nuestros familiares y amistades enfermos inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SOULS OF: FAVOR DE REZAR POR LAS ALMAS DE: Oscar Rodriguez Griman; our deceased family and friends written in the Book of Prayers. Oscar Rodriguez Griman; nuestros familiares y amistades difuntos que están inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones. RECONCILIATION CONFESIONES Monday and Friday: 11:30-11:50 AM; Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM. Los sábados a las 4:15 PM THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE EL SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO The sacrament of marriage at St. Anne Church is reserved for Catholics who are registered, attending, supporting members of St. Anne Parish and live in the parish boundaries. Those not living in the boundaries must be registered, attending, and supporting the parish for at least six months. Call the church office. El sacramento del matrimonio en la Iglesia Santa Ana está reservado para Católicos que están inscritos como miembros, asistiendo, apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia y que viven dentro del área de la parroquia. Personas que no viven dentro del área deben de estar inscritos, asistiendo y apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia por un mínimo de seis meses antes de iniciar el proceso. Llame a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. REGISTRATIONS INSCRIPCIONES If you are new to the parish, we would like for you to be a registered member of St. Anne Church. The next membership meeting is this Sunday, November 16, after 9 AM or 5 PM Mass, in the St. Joseph Room in the Parish Center. People 18+ should register on their own. Students away at college or university should register there. You must be a registered member in order to be married in this church, to obtain a letter to be a sponsor for a sacrament or to have your child baptized or enrolled in CCE. Toda persona solicitando los sacramentos necesita ser miembro inscrito. La siguiente reunión de inscripción como miembro es el domingo 14 de diciembre, después de la misa de 12:45 en el salón St. Joseph del centro parroquial. Debe de ser miembro inscrito para recibir el sacramento de matrimonio en Sta. Ana, para bautizar a su hijo o para que su hijo asista a las clases de Educación Religiosa. Todo joven de 18 años y mayor debe de inscribirse individualmente. November 15 & 16, 2014 16 de noviembre de 2014 ST. ANNE SCHOOL NEWS Join us for the St. Anne Catholic School Book Fair This Thursday, November 20 kicks off our Book Fair. The students have been gearing up for the Book Fair this week with the All For Books Coin Drive. Each day, students were assigned to bring in pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters to purchase books with the monies raised. Scholastic, the host of the Book Fair, matches the money that is collected with a donation of books. The school has chosen the CCSC as the beneficiary of the new books. This coming Thursday, the Book Fair will be open from 3:00-6:00 for Books and NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA SANTA ANA Bites. This great kick-off, sponsored by the PTO, allows everyone to browse and shop while enjoying some tasty treats and snacks. The Book Fair is open November 20, 21, and 24 until 6:00 PM. All are welcome to purchase books for gifts, personal use or to donate to a classroom or St. Anne Catholic School Library. The Book Fair will close following the Grandparents’ Day Liturgy on Tuesday, November 25. Vengan a la Feria de Libros de la Escuela Católica de Sta. Ana Este jueves 20 de noviembre empieza la Feria de Libros. Los estudiantes han estado alistándose para la Feria de Libros esta semana con la Colecta de Monedas de Todo para los Libros. Cada día, los estudiantes fueron asignados a llevar en monedas de un centavo, cinco, diez y veinticinco centavos para comprar libros con el dinero recaudado. Scholastic, el anfitrión de la Feria de Libros, iguala el dinero colectado con una donación de libros. La escuela ha elegido a CCSC como el beneficiario de los nuevos libros. Este jueves, la Feria de Libros estará abierta de 3:00-6:00 PM. para Books and Bites. Este gran comienzo, patrocinado por el PTO, deja que todos miren y compren mientras disfrutan de deliciosos bocadillos y aperitivos. La Feria de Libros de Sta. Ana está abierta el 20, 21 y 24 de noviembre hasta las 6:00 PM. Todos son bienvenidos a comprar libros para regalar, para su uso personal o para donar a un salón de clase o a la Biblioteca de la Escuela Católica de Sta. Ana. La Feria de Libros cerrará después de la Liturgia del Día de los Abuelos el martes 25 de noviembre. CHOIR NEWS NOTICIAS DE CHOIR On Friday December 5 from 6 to 10 PM, in St. Basil Hall, a Holiday Madrigal Feast will be hosted by the Choirs of St. Anne, assisted by merrymakers. At 6PM, doors open and all guests may begin to bid on the items in the Silent Auction. This includes an assortment of gift baskets for boys, girls, dogs, cats, etc. There are also wine baskets as well as a paella pan with and starter kit (fresh fish not included). A one-year membership at an upscale gym will help work off the paella after the holidays, or you may cook it for a full week at a house for ten on Lake Placid in the Adirondacks surrounded by ski slopes. Other items include jewelry and certificates to many events and restaurants in Houston. Wassail and hearty libations will be available to sustain you. At 7 PM the choir, in Elizabethan costumes along with the Lady of the Feast and her Steward will usher in Holiday Feast as would have happened in the Great Hall of an old English castle. A sung Table Prayer will immediately precede the feast catered by D’Amico’s topped off with some sweets baked by the choir. There is more: a few lively selections played by the Handbell Choir, a concert of English madrigal carols sung by the Choir, and a couple of elegant dances presented by talented folk of the choir and their friends. To conclude, there will be a festive sing-a-long of holiday favorites. This is a fine opportunity for adults to get into the holiday spirit and support the music ministry of the parish. Each weekend, the choirs animate the worship of the parish. On this night, we use the same gifts to entertain you and ourselves! The cost is $100 per person (same as it was ten years ago). St. Basil Hall, set with stage and tables, has very limited seating. Don’t delay. Tickets are available each weekend until the event or until sold out. In addition, they may be purchased at anytime through the website: or by calling the parish music office at (713) 525-4232. St. Anne Catholic Community STAFF DIRECTORY MASSES MISAS Sunday / Domingo 7:30 AM • 9 AM • 11 AM • 5 PM Español: 12:45 PM y 7 PM Weekdays / Entre semana Monday—Friday 7:00 AM • 12 noon Español: Miércoles: 7:30 PM y Viernes Primero: 7:30 PM Saturday / Sábado 8:15 AM • 5:30 PM (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days / Días de Obligación See bulletin; Vea el boletín INTENTIONS INTENCIONES November 15-22, 2014 Sat/Sáb 5:30 Int. All Parishioners Sun/Dom 7:30 Alfred (Butch) Pratka 9:00 Glen Curtis Hutchison 11:00 Faithful Departed 12:45 Ricardo Reyes , Rita Merino 5:00 María Figueroa 7:00 Rosita Mantilla Mon/Lun 7:00 Int. Eloyda Thawley 12:00 Angie Jansen Tue/Mar 7:00 C.J. Kehoe 12:00 Layden Family Wed/Miér 7:00 Mark Chapman Powell 12:00 Clara & Anthony Chiodo 7:30 Julio Chirinos , María Georgina García Thurs/Jue 7:00 Edward Joseph Hodge + 12:00 Chinh Le Fri/Vier 7:00 Int. Fabian Garcia 12:00 Int. Karina & Andrés Inzunza Sat/Sáb 8:15 Int. Fred & Eloyda Thawley 5:30 Patricia Foley = deceased/ difunto Int. = Intentions of / Intenciones de La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana DIRECTORIO DEL PERSONAL Church Office (713) 526-3276 Fax (713) 525-4365 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH STAFF Fr. Alvin A. Sinasac, C.S.B., Pastor Fr. Jay F. Walsh, C.S.B. Fr. René Espejel, C.S.B. Deacon Jean-Paul Budinger LAY PASTORAL STAFF DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MUSIC DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS ED COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY MINISTRY TO SENIORS PASTORAL ASSISTANT / MARRIAGE PREP SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Jim Ross x4232 Matthew McCue x4211 Cary Ann Nunn x4234 Isabel Van Strien x4273 Monica Aquila x4223 Betty Boatman, [email protected] Joan O’Leary x4254 Mary Singleton x4291 MINISTERIO HISPANO (713) 525-4390 Fax (713) 525-4359 VICARIO PARROQUIAL Padre René Espejel, C.S.B. COORD. DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Sylvia Salinas x4247 FORMACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Sylvia Salinas x4247 COORDINADORA DE MÚSICA SECRETARIA Beatrice García x4248 Patricia Herrera x4277 OFFICE STAFF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTANT Paulette Golden x4239 Jerry Aucoin x4297 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Kimberly Riffle x4253 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Madison Woods-Bernardine x4272 PARISH SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST WEBMASTER Gwen Rossel x4256 Brenda Esparza Isabel Saucedo [email protected] SUPERVISOR OF OPERATIONS Colin Robinson x4269 RELIGIOUS ED RECEPTIONIST Lupita Franco x4235 ST. ANNE SCHOOL 2120 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77098 (713) 526-3279 Fax (713) 526-8025 Email: [email protected] PRINCIPAL Kathleen A. Barnosky ST. ANNE SCHOOL FOUNDATION (713) 525-4301 Fax (832) 553-1008 Email: [email protected] DIRECTOR Sharon Current x4301 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY IN GWEN ROSSEL’S OFFICE OR BY EMAIL TO: [email protected]. Favor de entregar anuncios para este boletín a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano antes de mediodía el lunes. November 15 & 16, 2014 16 de noviembre de 2014 FAITH FORMATION CHILDREN November CCE Class Dates: November 16, November 23 (Sacred & Safe) Contact: Isabel van Strien / (713) 525-4273 / [email protected] YOUTH Confirmation Pray-ers We still need adults of our parish who would be willing to join us in prayer for our confirmation students. You will receive the name of a candidate that you are sponsoring and the commitment is to pray for one them by name every day this year. You will also have the opportunity throughout the year to hear of specific prayer requests or needs of your candidate and have the chance to pray together as a group, although this is optional. We have learned that in order for the Faith to take a firm and lasting root in the hearts of our young people, WE NEED PRAYER. Please email Monica if you are interested - [email protected] Contact: Monica Aquila / [email protected] / (713)525-4223 / / stanne.lifeteen.1 ADULT RICA (Rite Imitation of Christian Adults) will be bring six individuals into Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church on Saturday, November 22 at the 5:30 PM Mass. Please pray for these individuals as they prepare to become members of Catholic Church: John Jason Aigner, Andrea Bahry, Robert Crow, Kemberlee Kaye, David Metz, and Shannon Wellins. RCIA (Rite Imitation of Christian Adults) new session will begin in January 2015. This session is for adults over the age of 18 who want to join the Roman Catholic Church. The person seeking to come into the Church may be someone who was baptized in another Christian Faith or someone who has not been baptized. For more information please contact Cary Ann Nunn, Director of Religious Education at 713 525 4234 [email protected] Adult Confirmation Sessions will begin in January 2015. These sessions are for practicing Roman Catholics who have received their sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist but has not received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This is a six-week course which will meet on Tuesday evenings. Please call Cary Ann Nunn at the Religious Education Office, (713) 525-4234, to set up the registration interview. Sponsors for Adult Confirmation needed to walk with adults who want to complete their sacraments of initiation. Requirements to be a sponsor: to be a Catholic in good standing, have received all of the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist; if married, must be by the Roman Catholic Church. To apply for this ministry please contact the Religious Education Office. For Adult Faith Formation/RCIA, Contact: Cary Ann Nunn / [email protected] or 713 525 4234
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